OCftli, Scytes, Porku, Sickis&0e- ilaieh Brothers. Cetiey or ail klds.-Hath rotirs BicaursIon ta igSra Faeits. tntblvent Natce.-Mlgoimm MLtain. Chancery notice.-,-St. I . uls. Errer of Touili. -Eclgar Treeiaiee. Love and maîrmmony. -Uri. M. LemoaIJ. ,& card tatse snffering.-Jà ». L., Datl er. More valetable than gotd. -Dr. J. Bryar.. To a ies.-Dr. J.-. iryen. Prociamation. -N. %Y. Brown. Jcmisone Genuine Irish Whitsky.-T. a Momilitin & Co. ONLY si 53 CELUIS A. YEAR Whitby, Thurs-lay, Jîîy 27, 1865. Editorial Qorrespondenco. "Ottawa l¶ouse&' -Cuibing'e Isnd, Portland, Saîarday JuIy 22'1863. lUnt!. îey ar rivai t artriaud, tb dy, 1 was unabie w end off 1 attcer, end 1 fear, th&%, thie wili eut reacli th$.office ln urne forte next CRouoici. 1 wite on It arA n'dfour miten from t city, regular communication wîih which la onlyita sort irtervais,, wice a day, by one litile steamer ; and ini wurrow heing &uit day-and no steamer raniing-l fuer thtt my despatch msy flot teave Portland'beibre Mondal. So that we wilI haire ta conteit ourselves wit tite comforting old saying, titat 64 what catit lie ured mut bh endur ed." 1 ied Io 11endittt" comiun liers or going sozncwiere elise, for le order t0ae joy te fuit betiefit of Oceta blatinitilis ttemusary tego out.:ds telituy >of Pol t. land. Thus you ied me, ait yoit eigiît have foaed Mr. D'Arcy McGee txo ypars *go-on CL'HSi'5 SA% If you want to findd h on te ap, you ea au lkut Treniuiîuo'd mtp of teCourîîy of Ontario, for t hif ésspect youuwAI ne readaly ied iihere au en ithe uap of the wortd. Norerihel ase it ijae a ng little worid vititin ituielf, and one witere people live com(orîsà bl--at Iceat daring the sumn mer uentte -ihat Il by à smali payment. of four dollars, per day, in Utncie S-unue's curren.-Trhaî's te iowest fi, gure un or about Portland. Wf lt cobiing's Island lu the ierri%îuty of Cushiîu o, crtM* prises an aea of 300 acres, including Wood, pasture, and arabie iad-fes, rock$s, and mariles. 1 usi'do lu uta Sasfîce, howrever, tassîMitat Àtherie are peither feus Dur mates ; ibere are sous rocka-and titiy are aine- 1 eau hon. estly tell yoiu. Titere are "isou." and te Sheiif s eti wouiid le no More Io titesilu pi of.. siv A"e titan. Ornera Touts, Timm Vould hi, tu out Eç5riWi '> Cîà pain Itobei Wigsiore-.lBut 1 mussi stop fiisdigresring. h te iscamed for Cashinig's lisiaîd, ini a word, tlitIilco. taills 100 acres of woodi, anD4 200 acres or cleared land. Thte Island hi viaieied vi bave been inlîabîted more titan 100 yeara aga, and lit-e, or somewlsere de, il le sud$, Capialil Kidd buried lists reasure. At *Il events there ia trut in j this-tat, au adjacent t»aawlbas bacc dug up tirough. out ils limite by adventurers in search of -te great piraîe'n hidden booîy. -ltiere have heen iee or four fatmilied living oùt it, a.e" the. emr_<f "uc lueatpeab give &aunquai chance At fishicig-aed botear listing f1crver heard or dreaupu DÉ itanlterè la on every spot of titis Igiand coat..-.macltcrcl, cou, lobsters, sea percit, &c. ; And YOu lave Oty te ihrow out your lne, and haul ben ln. l a a 'boer Ibis very afjernoisGja«e be 1 d oée Wbus Isîter, I eattghî a lrge basket fut, wilh a Peruikle for bà it. Thesperlwieu ane le myriadecm te îoela Wber You, Rob i yen bavae nly Ie crash tlbctà wiib lte licl of your boot as YOD waat dieu., These sea.purct are as large asu te largsat basa, and average fropi: one W 3 1». le welght. laBut.e rinulpal i t.retioe on tsleand le the ' Wie-t tel aliDtai It iaon.e oflthe bset farnlsld tedlsin l i 1.appoit 'menîs--inside aed otlde, 1 do bot la '1h. aid Ire, aud paslîg lu sid ent Lli- harber, u b. sen-aiid te a duslt Oin t s es of fîy mites, 1-to toM, rPS the dome, whieh ls ralsgd 25 f above tebuilding, messires 1 l diauetcr, le aifdp9Ji., ýOà Md peteul vithin, bas tlsrge Wido.«, Mid a rabilcd gattsv usrresà dn lî yueeA grarier fprosct 01,ses a te 10Ibo bouedleg boripeso'. veydleJibi trotu tiis domos anegbti vas béer before gr.uified vtit. It inofetsIeif well worih coming ail te way to0 se.;j audl'I veî. tare to 1 ri. t t ' sly baVA iiii Ktount Blac, azd the' iefiy ranges ef Swiîaeriand, wvite.visin -mavr bailtada grandir proapect, .- 4'bi.i.ety asu grundeurars bienîla the ses. Atud te coin à rhyming lige- Thse fair luis or Coshlite eiîtfi@W5 .Mare stori Fposste k'glving lte di. meensions of a hontai 1Wee vec aucit an oiTeno. agaiesi ail te rMes o fI< cs Poition Oommited? Bel i amn at ua bolet sbilt liîerally And acttally. Titere are, licideq drawieg rOoeu,' palor, 'and epîcioas dltting route, onee itemdred'ai;y comfortabie hedroome, a1i fergtis4ine aL 90A-.qRdffy respects in a botter style -ttan evet 4e à sIn Ibouse vs.' Adja. cent there le a second 'bîiiding'9626 tree shtrlà bigh, Her. s t. 11 biowling alicyl rantaiîg photo,>s ~el lengît o9frtke bidig-4d. Pà ioed- off-onc (rom lite otiter for utse ladies and gentlement freqnentieg t, "Ottawa," liesides oiter separale convéaicaces on lte groond flour. Je the second story. thon. 'are billiard rouie wel sipplisd vitit tables and every otiter requisite at each 'end, and it the centre a magnifiaient baih roote, weii ligitied witit five iplendid' chandeliers. ls capacity cuit.lie jadgod 'of viten six. leen scesof qudrubes have beso formcd, and< danced at ons lime Oni te foor. Tte third sîory in laid of mift*soaat lied. roumi, viticit Iregret te aéy are op lu) titis périod of te seasos ionoccpic<l. Afier tite basinens seaaon.-wbicb only luts front June 1tte sud of Septemer-. titese magnitlcietbî jireteisearec cosed .p during te reniainder et the yscr. Tite City et Porilbsu s t ootitis splerndid iBay viic it atoety iss vide at its mouth, and colestites-,tg4grsst c14 Wel ?avoreui itar of ePortland. Tltere are no teu' tbac 365 islandl, amati aud large, u'mbraccd wiv it i .u ts bsan isiand for every day in lte yesc; bat it M01101,quhe crn9p tc, ' I on ça-Lecp year. Titersare,' prbsa- e-Objects in. atimated unature eqhali as fault during te ycar of thte t wcnîy.nsint or Plsluray. 'Itbere are, iwo lt/bt bouSý4es lte entrasses of the itarbor, on@s revolvig, and tie ether siftonoery. These are n t.eextfrei point of Cape Efhtt~* a quar. ter or mie, of viiet t &e ase an wrecklrd. Wl>. diaaeîrouuî_ #pot le tvltiiii elgitu f me. Aaeiterligbt.ito»ssignearly opponilttis bole,, [West.'s, e t lb poinît of thte lreskwater, blestt e ['onîland, -about a misîs rosà tIe cîty. Tte itaritor sacrus yuL slipping of every kind, aud îlu le iterally &at@ ivatt fiait of every desciption. Thc barlior la daed.' cd ty ttane forts .feced cit aý tone, and casuuted, ced vitiit hm s iese .sdsrgo . ieg stiliasverepaire 4urltîg -tItc bat "four 'cars. Thte sorki have ki< aobffued, and ter. is sot»4ue ebuteoter uliir compietion u0 orgioWll ijîtsudsdg ili b. carnied oui.. Fort $-Georges,,$ thtsprin. cipal one, isan litmeuse oet*gon, cacit 1id a cf viicit as mias afrtitre. modatieq are cretela importance eoftthe pin barber FrtiA'nd le nalurai advatae& imprevemenua desigo vitiots arIval. -At sud eep6eiialiy off te for batiug ar ,t t Itiiet1IforgetUseui of 14ubets'e:7wn Tue firet resiara ml e u ritl rou tite deat, I j ioned ln As tite anier as"0 cît Wb ho suoasu.r mofre' ' y*0i, irrj. I bad bat a pasaleg, -tad onelljcd look et titat, oftcmonuitNdanucp, ely tell -the Of the lty ofet eri.lae aauamy.but lîttI. le itis letters nol itaving l'ad til.. l do "4,moseitai jet. ,Atea dIstane, ced trout vitasvie passg troute rail. var stationi 10 lite-bcrf-it buaasont of o!d coeutry 1l0,t. Bu)à I vilI Dot ncv anticipaâ t@al I axp to te blah.gt dessrib. more, eicborstey.afîe à deis vlait l to bit eilyvtcit perpese samkiug eh Mondcy. 1 itatia veefut lime la gauing bers l chie I loft tome. ueo iigitta Ont Cars traveling 0ove tclong journiey o 630 miles, çoe.pletely proutcsied me. _Tite tee nigitti1Ineyer alept a vintaltoagh LI therei@ l t!e nt sreiy my parleilar ulsere tut-rs er.ttceu. lu t is t he t Mdes ot deicrbiug ac coont-y ttrotugt.vbiri Yeu pesa vbiie lboting titroagi thue window of a relîroati car-,, fiyng ou tIe cinga o! tims",-is imply sar.~ eMy cas thte alteupt vecld b. just as ressoc able as bti of a certain scientifia gectlé. manuo ethte gt-od i.qva cf Whtîy wto oncae underc otetemaite te valet'rnUap btill. Wbaî I priecipally saavuecamiles open miles et rails, and miles opent miles utf rail tonces, acatiie .pased me h7 in sueit provoklng bute i taI, lite tite yutang augger vito vas sastetib7bis muster- ilSaibo, bave veon cotunte IcIl.tem piga ?'t sud w vilsufrsproacblengly reptiedi 11 Yes, massa, ait eept ene, an' tite friet about no deblile bitmacf cac'î ceuni. iim" - 1coud Dot eintt e evcr.cnducg railse-,mr till1Itairede teteexamines tt teuica of uhose viticit sigitu iave bien see doublé ai. moat of île stations. Tb* e d Tronte aithdia"y jein fit' erdrr, the rond aid track. good, uts running muet regelas, t.eserrants otite aompany aourleots and oituigiutg te a de grse-ai histiI ond. Aid colemîbstant îtr, my parsoal aitlaings -ovieg non doabi eabtcfiyeb illiealt, anddstacti le' so long a jourpiets agidsynei b. if compeilîc t pefor soscit a juurn"7 -Iy any cter meens eft'locomotion? As veil tiint et trîinle ttctntot Maitomeul I etereiitg 1mal yotenlattcr trlio, and &rail osyseit ortotjier tecilites t1c 'ie short moes oetIboettip. I May eMy tat 1 vas by no a eces eh&rmeti vit titi passaeoser die gmet Victoria Bridge. 1Id u 8«--h on theils.ouwttadand lnteul it appes.sd, te me bu aa dark b. aiete se-.it'te be,îi.c svseage eon mi retire. NM oua lvuxo.. -.Beore tie uetelg -or perlaat, ce anersaud it le utc intaentin ofMn. Camerente visit --bis tonstiiuuetts l le isridiég, aud aldiei*t aisea busla sea illiho it al. icmpie. sblte gîiv bis ay euiusise publmciep tion, ho viii b., nous île leua gladly eeiceted or arIyrSived. As 'bis stay muetueoessaIiy'bctery iimiued ta 1l se Dt b. elle ce romain anolon g it goy otite diditreet towcities as bot ts.andi bis fricide vilid"aru, ced" iay. maay net perbep ea r.eesdtaltbil ,b t blîtis obi et rgret vl 1 hte-e perseecione, as bis vie*& openo aIl matuers litai1 tuencgage agttn rt tbe approachlngag eso amar so issîl uide.atood by bis (rienda lier.tas te reqiire nso f arber exploitstion.- detrcynd 1 tbt liberW fe, vise h >uiderlg ltse ls oure opea Pli uaId" letvO it -I,t 1 lb. hArýor,hit ste feelîiieagis its hm s l wia 1l eru gote t.la"s 4p" emai eofe tte outy -'Oougill and ttc ale o e c uty 'debuetfi us e b abece tev oitreuiâlydislegeus s tlu.: feorci frstm tbes gfaaol Iti-&Ai t1 Party oetered L.ts rs~îosfor gd' jouremeetit vaou tgbt liie tseuii coahd utot complets ha, buembau ftyîr- day olgbu;-tcfeauce oomultsb. thtis repert ai vers 0nuit it wüseppo id la aulg"pe position te repori qgm. vas bcing vasteul endlmoeey apent te ne neetnl.ýporposé, and lit vasln titis Vieva Un. Parry vws carefal te explaits, and tu xîve ise tor thee-Pbîha basinese te.egot ready titthe utcrluîiu vers offereti. Usâ~ tisa adjooramei t enreplace ttc Wardeu su ouli net bave incnrred Usprît. sent censure, te Otreuuutanuebing as stated. ,Oittte day foiag beveer te finance commilu.ee reportiod, aid tite Wcrden made tse starti g ssrtion îtau *8,800of -ietyfends vers la he ba1nds a te Tris rrvien it vau tnova uhast agot ildallar w* lithé.strasi', c fnr- matina requlsite toi proceeti viti theitcon-' sideraîieottereport wvas eîulfort but lte Wardec eho possesed, and eaght to -bavO-ititis ietqruuloa 0'coitd net, er voulut nut do so. To relilve tint from tite tsuailiatiitg positiontnle viticithte ca s e plae'ud, bis fiect i Mr. Mjirsitmuved as adjournctt until te afiernoon, a prow'1 ceeditig viicit every incuberet tt.eouna9 feit ens su aaairmeicssan atîmpi go stifit discussion, ty croediang mb ta fév eshort boira ttaen remaieiag otil -theéClose aet tte cet --sitter titt tesqîeatfe day ai leasu, gibtIMtr. Perny's ameéaduscu le adj tere uotil tise 2th, vwu arried at' once. To ne one vas titat adjourusuent a gzrea rrelief, or te'biare f teeter comforittan the Wcrdsn biaelf ; for le the ten minueoceipieullintis retabable speech, te made. sa nmany and suah it s fiaI budetna, dýplayed cat emetait ignorance of tbit:ceuy finances, atd at' lengtsuitided miue suitumate coofusiona -viici aH entrcatice for a fall'or even foibssr explantsi cooud oct mo-as&tut ecise te Wonder cf bis friande, aid compassion of bis eppegeita.A iretting speit vaseeuessury, ced te ceocit.-nut Mr. Ferry '0 ad kitsiexsor seveta humble aid'ëdet fuihevers" vite atfortunctelyfor the ennuti are ottin a aujoriyund cotisecthycoidnot contro tlbe.oulr -vera -obilgt i tut te tite aecacsity, and axis-ad 10lte..War- den titis Indulgenîce. ,Pearltiptlis a'oIo- gist czau novireUtdaudb oy ibis îtâter ieabiity t10 giv1e ttie necessaa Information tben sougitt fe;,' "titrowe te re&poielbilty orth lx' mtiutn tm c t.sil The "afaU*' vith seferesse os th ie sels cf ttché tnnssaescrsleus nfortu, ecbely si -rby t efficia i f n i ttose vitit itii> ve bave jast 4uh, As aiieged, lte Wirulet a ýié.lst Octi session wue iuoed lto I tolt lest possibi.levaig for tIc intî et tiete oeiy$6000 ýo ic dei prvi fo(r ina111-ivNo. 128 for nimproverneat of roada," cend b.adiaei beiang oëfersul 96for "titeaschit e dcchined. At tshe ceediaig Janei session, tc vu éaiin initrectied t.si saci iet fthtata noer th(e i4tineed deficisnitc n the coaniy rieeat eJane soies-$3,200. Issaed bovever of peu- hpg anu t. sarleetoly essoogitte miést tiisaie h. actiydiirpeeed or ddbeut *beilures Il uot a vsry bappy one, vien Ilà reseubered ubalite Ceunty cof Nid. ~1axle fa manieipclity vbi9 in ut1860- £b*ind oUps, ud btciaed aa petlal cfParl tiset b ceohfdeli" is dclii, btis.f ilb veiul mors,. thita vice, 00, 1h.be ofetoet Cou t-o ~l'lis deb#ntersa i ta rate' et laleresu eomlte. t te1j tev hw mait mors, favorable itiould iioes at'hsJCuiaty ot -s - loig wdd titis muaite vs pus by ýtt0 vaiple it 111e etsois-pa oiiteaur. , svts--in vietia tsWardee'e vritar- bitta t lite bbapaut of a glasshouas if 'viser toi fo ttroviang atones. Tzes Acsccc P'zcr.Nsu for tbt elîdren atîun<ang tsediffereat suitools, vas belu ns -Thoadayhtluts he*beaitîfel piece of weods knoen asLynde*s groav ut t ide tii' Town. Thte dal cru ailDltait ooeld b. dired, a trigtt sky asud a cool, freit bres., asudasote large proesion of: ultîls people-some five ituadraul la guMber-deedInle ildcY a!tire, gay witit banners aud liequels of loyert, teft ttc Henry et.achool groade,marsballed by tite difféent temebers and beadecl hy a. 6nd of uuslce, no pleasanler. aity ne'- walle vas raîter long bat ampe provision for amusent avlieg iteefunugde in tite- sae ofmodea, iateial for gases,' uc., lte spot once. reacitet noce felt tireti, andi tite maerimeet qulckiy began. Navet' we f ventura e, osajybaie titi oltItries rang tu more joos laugli, or' luoketi dovn epon gaeer sport titan was tiera. t¶tat vititY bais and balle,cati swings, titi dancinsg ce tsgrfan , tse roI!over lte turf dean d te bait, tsé 'race tînoqgithlie coud,IL lte btiidme's bol~i, bide-and wcoe amoag te bustes,acd ianîmcralle langitter pro. votiig incidentsaraiiegftrom sit handti tindreti sports, teecye etpareais grec t as ligititheir eti.tasimble, and titein boneî as ligitI as teir chflclnenç, anti mny a jivenite wca aisc autIshe reaeet couaiccance acd jsunty "vY ortite ualy ocea did tIc'-&boutditsaiy ati bts laugituer eeff, aid tet cas cuie t e litille baskets and' tlb. big bsests, tite hampere ced the demijoîns uvIicht île titongbtfutamutrons otthe teensseliberallye faiibed,i e opeceti, andtihie choiceà de.ias i tere etâtcutawsy verse preati ,.ut te the vondsnteýg gis anti waiertngt motuhaofthlie youaigsuers. The choIe cf. lofir *0as vcearrassgad and itappit mutee anm *Ill long fina a vr cOrcaýr i Many a ystntbful sêoroy, anti te a grcir spot le tbal of Mnuaen eider oea anoag 11ose Who venu pressai ta enjoy il. Weuteoticeti, ibat a couipeet Uourmw imivinSaoucaes n <ove vers cheacld duriag tite aftercoit of the 4ay; hy itooîd ontail have best, ad tbacign.ady 0erruae' 'imsin ei cômmeunuiy-ati c ie-beo lloweti a pcassait'es, aid c saouthfel -of f resta air 7. At titis ssema',,vitea ,tere lsla lte balai aise t ig neither lnconvettieaice or Ion ceelti alteati snet a preceeding, aid tb f toon Itbose retlasai (rom toit vceid lie preclouis. l'h.exanspîesesellawenty of cil commeadatiou, and viii v. trust, b. srevrsaliy observed' atntiter season.. Ovwng lq. ime difliy, 7vicis vdid net eadiutà nd and ,i.eit'm tteit t e rb. e: getbed wbaiaver h May. bave .ite' thé priseseintsaded to te givea te ibe sueceege- Fi ed ovsintIsudiffoent exateeaue United States. - TE à UlfN" II-GOVERNOR --0É - ~ SOUTH, IAROLINA. Nzv Yoaxr, luJne 2.i-Tite 1'imes Washington special gasys, te Sentit Caro. .~lia diegtio, taded ity Gov..Ferry,,lied an iinterview vitit lte Presidect t 4 o'- cloale, tbiis Wadnesdây, 'p. nm., viia re- sulted b lite mutual satisfactioni of al par. lies, lu appears lité deiegation aiaBug gested at varions lova meetingstbrougitont A4t Stus, and-tcembehrs- tehallbeen seleoted andvere, on ithoirw vay b iIsity - beors tlâ cees lt'ai Gov. Frrïy litadi ent appointad,'Provisioiaà Gevernor outheti Stâte,. _oy. F erry firalt eard of- hIe op. pointuent ehoa hé bcdl gel sevenby miles trous houeme* tte courseofethe inter- Iew or tiisp., m., Goy, Ferry sssared tte Presideebtteat Southt Carallea vonîild b representeul by ber Congresemen lanlte mont cf Decesb.r eext, and deabîhs by lte irsi day efthtie Session. That titi State wvoluladopi lite aamedanint to the Cousttut ion, ahoisting siavery ; titlte Parieat ae m ili b., aio.ifhed, >tiat tite Freideail ehectot is-wii hereatter te elected by diuert vote af tite People, andi It geerai thé $tete lava cr111 unfu;te t titi spirit andl foru ofthoits of lte Northt. eri &tete#, andîo t.e federal -consulution. - Gev. Perry ii'ed a -proclamation ibis evening, vitiet vill go forvard .ty speciat niemecegertu ore moraiag, cahtîng e 8igle Convention, 10 nient onte Iid ]Xondoy of Septeniher, for tite frjartui<u ef a noir Constitutions, andI for îLeconsi oaggeoted. Provisional Governer Penny maden a naînarialhe, speechtaat Grienvitn, S. C., ta lthe 3rd it, betutre tie kîaew of bis ippeintanî. Jus tison snay 1le iaferred fronm the following egprassiets: Mn. Chitemn f viii besfrankly-eay uat 1 taire ofien saiti deng the peau fouir rears, tittbuere vua3 not a mati in the Unitedl States vito more ticeply regreutei tecesaieti cf ttc seuihere Statcesthaa1 idt atithe iigineicg or the revoîutistn, andt there isnot ccvle intie Soutteri Stsates ay- one Who feelà , mure hitîerly ttc humi liation ccd digredation ot seoiisg babkinto, the Union titan1Ido. SuItl, Ilunow titat ive sitll lie more proaperoats eni, 4ihappy in te Uions, than ont of ut. Hle cao saiti Jeft. Datis vas net apurcially 10 hicue for the faiinre if lthe roitelliîti, tat tht3 people tireti otf lgbiing itadaleulleti rou titi field thai Johitttn ted 70,000 mien on thu mut ter rells ot bis mrmy, but uuîily 14,000 ita' ils rassi, nticuid, Cutigrea. teu Mr- Ob&ainun la gr aiy go litame, for titeir ex 1émpiiona, ait beteei thlie agies uteizhteeu anti toty (ive, ebouiti have licen furceu into the army ausdI tpItîscere, ILnuatcred coi whntiter it ves tictutr, bavyna, preacit ser, poiiiaia, edtisor or scitoolt îcter as an ale bodieti osmatn# hi.ihasvaebacc ownî te lthe rmy, but statnfg'- 1n 557thte thme 'lmai clases ert meri eo wene main:y -instrumental i la lnng t eir counîtry lutto Itis mu.d revointion viee ail exempteti by Couîgrese froin figtiintr. T1aiede 1thit politiciesis, editore anti pnîuctîra, titis v as cou foie. Ttc manceho gala op a' lgt sitboutd utlvayptakc a atare et ut. Me cao Maid, Preslient Liccolu'edeatit viautu lose tu lte South, taitehowva awhig, anti ,emocrat eho btas'itîsaves a nti Who' yoteul fan Brecken ridge Iin 1860, ihenofutre Mmv 'Yens, Juty 2Oub-The t INO&W W hisonSpecllbane t u¶ing tï Secretary 'MeCci c atluicurs thc&t s hiputeet4 of arma,- ammuaii'i, Une>' uni tors acd grey edot uay ttlie nia de hercafter tut anti wfit ubSiate of tuse.0 sejThir ba at $4,«oOG rieuailiiig of ts iapt sanies of th..730 lban.-- Thoe lovolrsscin's t etnts to roduce the "rY te 100,000 if not 50,00. Atrices front ttc Indien -ëcoatty are -O th b~ tls* reruerptu,1, morning ait 'Zo'cskt lue lcme aiof - at' Mainsta L~~ 'of revet Brigadier-. Genai uloL -À. Dodd, aed an officer aid tahT oronmtis twenty-fqeà , tmen ofthlie IfititVeteraln rahdTru Ruserves, 'j1'liy7 ure ta talle -an gunbt 'l'seun lte bel at Portbeaa'Ilisroe, jik te gemard taule Pctch antaonuoi Viit thn iriy dhyls rations. W.. ta heÃtit Mudd Mntdand O'Langitlin,,wope cr0 seateceui ta imprisoînîet for lite. tant îtwls îhey >e 7 mdav~yuch dnpressed la spiritji 2rai eecibe.Ih vienlie er4aorte iatîteyvere t 6mto, oi aiai~ ~fquarterg. Spattgler wacrue-prittio Prqiou ta strtig,102 Conservaliv aiterad, îthozi, trevOlt 10itauiigaccorditi el te saisI that te iadsoue.ideas of *at suai h,îdv Siate's prison vas.1 çoxà idw MaCeiloc i 19 d ri. ditu'not5oee lelta nt a 'reliait the le o-ieb> nJuLt sowi ngon .a divisiolis." wIhere tt eyî0u.ere & g0.T tArsenasl a sample ufthtit guards, et the exception o f a emal l wliseet lte sqaadoo ,O e ft mtomuiiueIoned stroitger ltait1 ofticers. o elt uta 4 ISîà à à 18t. n that tte mmc men et thei 8tit Volînlteet' Býearre Coupslurnbeau e s u were wluthdrawe n n eîodey» l, d o.day. h ut. ne Gi bs e prison la deseriedunrl.butif' Thé Scmfold romaine uaîoaoitnitlte Laidl foi, Bir] yard, acd t'a- bodies a f thome execnîcdMr cofel bave net yâ. bhé , remove.Knlqe o Philadilpiia, Juiy 22.--Ea ,riy this Pcbo for Bris!c mamning eafOre deeîroed -thte atoddy tub lEsuri Greaveulut of H. S. Ileery & Co. Their boîa la 15,<son of titeCi 000 1 iccîred for- $6,000. (George OlesIbill rr be. r S wool spitiner, lest $12,000.' i' M.rG Now Yok.-At Dujeo'cloele bbis nel, for Faimoi nuortiing thei grei iron eied occam fri-,ate arhelicg5for Dinderbarg vas gsocasee<fully lactC1el Rtsutid o INot lesa titan 16,000 peuple vitneaed the(aborf .' spectacle. No accilertwbate%.er occured.-Liambthi; Barc lu, vas fonnd vten site vas inthe te -# de 1M --.- -Ibat site drov unîy 14îeetafi, ii eeît ll. Sir George Gite ehipe, and 9 feetd4ncbe frarlad rft i t fr Nt muat eesliaitwrjAaucbple. iirniaty Oxford; Sir Il tongitabout the figure Mr, Webli_ Jcut . 1n4tt l'orS. c airued on. Ttc jý]gitdirlirg, or titundcrit 0 ' for S ouiterd ; ram int titjedrId, and vititin dix mà ntis o Safod site vilI i - i 4dy lu mets tibr Ifb Icote tand esCpt. droal per tour, watd id defiaucte- titiworld i :ii i ifur Westr arall. Her armainzt iii 1cà ïtsist of four ufou r o ism 15ich Ilodmets, uad froin,12 tu10-14 dven oroft-e inct Daitigren gens. Thot Duistderitnrg la diame poaaione te emnbodinient of tce ideuti af the futteous emangthmitli uhipititller, Webb., Uer plan idoriginal and tiovel; ,1Site vilI b. ut 'Iloa:ting 'forti- ficetiori,lier a.sseuittt leic l f050 ieing (Freim tit- pierced for 21 guns. Ttc aides ara ibren intelligence setl itliick'ne, antd imon clad four asud aà viicit ba& et hîtif inctes. Ttecrnie ls nolet siued te, recUived even f the boy, btt lait e bow of the sbip itsoif. arcnsmi 1NEW Yoitz, JuIy 21.-The steamer committued npa ti Zadiac" brings SaYâranhit date&a e tiand titis, more 201h meft. every sign of de . Th»e Savannat th ersd'Oratngeiturg, moi revoluing f3 ,corresîîondenî asiity!s, tit iîe s la et i m. h I ý@ h motyt intg -lit sei Gea- Harrtillstet by a reheif commando thei pôsi. - Whio itad never : lic ChaurlestonaCourier, -ofrtt[thot, -izing icfleenaeq gays ttc ifiStitN. "Y. Votanteee,,- Dnryc'the i misionary Zouaves, removed- te Miorris Islancd forlied res-idvd for 1,e'Iimig parutlun teie:*4urijenofut the ciîyhie vahne havre cxibited; a atutitous' sjfrut e..nemain vas, ut thi ibeir reniortl.- retitrsinig to tii Gîtera i Oiftunre sent' an order dctand. 'neuter eicrgyl ing te cubeora c tcegineni, boýl ibé- arrivalin iii au 5 Colonel rtiuueul t give thet ulup. He vas, quickly disaoeý placet!entier arreat, and tite colouirs de- Insives, mnd u, mantid of thoe""cu oitfficer uncoeiuaîîd 'self uboure. Bt ii too,'refuà ed, tut on Gen. Estit cx- vbieh lten o plaitiifitg at t ii conduu wvoid ta uutiîîy, Itti bands oft vilthettcColonelm wountd sitoitly- bu dis- Vllnr so ohetiende ot rure', lte pruimised u acteiver aey dangepr fi the 001c1h11.ts. itedelivery vus matide, toweer, hi ha vin t'e iL fcasfed- .outy -the stafrà and ofbisgocn ce, rablier curaretati been delivercai. Tt vas bicnrd and seizs 1a dgtermirtei'to tilsarm thte wtole regi. tva Missiontrie meu.Oîtrh'up. iare lizaîght forwardNtI î n. o en & gen :eteâr4éd wIht g tpe aîud, -ae:aiter, tderons inttstior Satititrineti tipon the'i 'ti~nOus tooPs,Anti feased, andit w orders gliven t4)fin.eueo thni~t eLie any led lo,strip bt, reMistowo e as olit0reti. Tithe 7,.n« eîre al s eeihg Alit-.fa-tjer opposhiita-ue cifas bis oea bouse, quiebi, staccëd titir am uui u td'Thenatives tut aider guar Pr I uiter hbir te ex- open his body, 1pile titeir erime. tt ar ig Ns. «~sJuly 25- --TbituNorthi Car- frgmnt til baro-qnd, an etolhi$ e ha 'day morntg i bund ifor litlmre witb of meeting -as- nait180 .-i'&iasrged isoldlrst, beIonýglancd si itb'liiW toV the IItding r~counsn4;-15 ta lte Grâe.u wati à lflil, 'T A ,rtllerv : Une,- toi thet - Ortsii tft.Jt ..a i 20t.-Ti ce sny *ho 1vsean au. Oei peeson ia the Te*eup .iwo yeat ei#y in bsviug suet a perchas. &king it as ommoudiffl, iceuilsc renit asposible, anded ciscs, 1glve viita frestand. umst;,on 0for -Publiea ti, 2'm Igi be ry thetesautsiip Peruvian cèle' 'or the telegip1fic des-, ag.the arrivai oflthe eeel. ils îir>icop et ofLondon 13th ii. ,Thé ='i,, lser. coîitain relaies ta-the y". On teevening -ofthe _uth -ad been reienteS tlthe new wboru 184 are libspalq and ive.i.The Liberats 'iad lesot, ho stauteu t, fte Timea, von 24 fro. thtèfr opponienta, in of six-" eqeai 1 twyelver 1If tis wnay ha tal en as se vto;e, Lord Palmerston new RouseetofCeaimons. before, tut il is. probable iaining elections may haver lrabue., Among-tose ru. crvo teniâmes of mi...D kenhead; Mr. fBright and d, for, Bîiblngtatn; Ma Bridgewalsr; , Sir Forlon o>1; M r,'Lowe foË4r CaIne ý. I anad Mr. W. FI. Gladitotie sncellur Of lthe Exeltequer), r 3., Pakington, for Droit. a.- Baring. and Mr.- S. Oar, uit ; Geerai Pe'el 'aîtd Mrï ýr Hiunîindon; ardhî' M, r ythe; Mir. Thto&. Hughes 1om l3rowti nt Oxford,i'for rot L. lkthtschild, -.for 'Loti. 8 13 a rn,4, fo.r Marlborugith uy, for Morpetit; Lord A iwurk y Mr. Cardll, for to;uradetliPalimer - 'for ;uouhstnpî4ot ; -Mr, Layard, ;Sir, Stalford Norteote, Mr. Wuitkin, for Stoclcpork; v4ienor 'and -Mr- J. Stuart- ,itser Iegovieraent nitnuuataîl ae of reverses( abersi mvsîtly holding -,ebor. 11, havim, been -defeateul- iliu tluNew Zoonland reaesci n s tas airer itced fraie ,Ncw Zealanul. A uMost 1etr bits bren deliierately e' une utheta isionanies, taler, it coid blood udîlu lliberili ar, and vitit ai Ibo circuistitgCtsof resenlbai. bon couimittedi, imuréo-,ver, ýloua triie cfsaevtsge nativeu< rien itrou4ht ider civil. 9' liat by thtc rcry fBock of ,himsîf, auong vituh(mi ho ryears. antd vitin eiglt of .Tie ti niufuate gentle- h- begidhtin, of lest Marc inebhrge, 1i1' empcy i tOme, SleGracs. On hs oil adhooaiar the.caplain Oeul the disposition ofthtie- ýrbd bita nutl tistrust tite. ut the site blinul confidence î mcav Britsh tofficers jeto thte Sopoys pi'eyenied 31r. bslie$intz tbatlie, could h. ini rtro>2 hie dîscipleil.lefore ad tint leeve the schooner cord tne usélites camef on wd boah t'necrev candth is. auntact< Wsi rfused'îo licie l tie-mur-