'I -Mie lUI Il I -- *u I M buhen auailonby the. The lad bupofliftîiuel 'fN W ADVERTISEMFjNTS, Uppar Canda &wu the c artylng Of -a voie Mting a peaBlilu of £100 per annum lIo Li.Ridout, ithe wldow of iii;l aie cahr. K.j Il meadp, a toïkhiolder lu the. )a, Moi. lleare id su d l I i.pbAynt R 2sC R Y dependilig upoti the géa for tizoir living;N T R b.'perslond iliebu ll brlng lthe question bfor. lthe Court of Chancery,- A.Mostabocklng muîile of a Montrent iipnllemulit Briishah Commua la reporsd& ne wua acting as Collecltofr utCaItmas &ad ladite departmotit, eud blia*ng arrestl-v l l x iý T 1 ] ' trltbout warrant, vas abtby bin after. M iarda1 The deceused bas mo!h relatives TRE snbbsoriber would reiipectftiily informn bis old friends and thrrhe nu ej ustomers, that he hia$ again started business in the above The Enuperor of Mxico bu lsstied -Tie nte a C R E T R , poit h os' lu mnanifeste ilu regard ta populair edticatlou. eiîth ODC R E ST Eopotehe obo Ilu , Ileviba h Mxcas'I.b. put on a D footing witb the mosi ifayored nations in, tii rsec pad uretb epeah ae i deZ e D ndas Street, Wh itby, cbassespanctheud dusirele allit ibdve botter adivatages. He leites- religions Where he intends 'keepingr on band, everything required for educatlon Iithe iiipla, declariog tat 1the Family use in the G(rocery liue. ' Be respectfully invites au - govrumunt doua net wiab ta inierfure with iearly caau Ùnd a fair triae religions maltera. Accounus rom Bermuda on the 23)îh uit. report liaI lypboid fover vwu qrevaiting1 Cte A I O B T E anu llarminst extent. Morethan forty cases C S A D F R B T E > were reported ila the parlottus Of Sitnid Ilamiltou alune, and soule of tii.. vere The the highest Cash Price ptid for good Tub and Roll Butter; proving fatal. also, Cash paid for E~GGS. Aýpnâ.r.jeiisoçl, laudiord of Maoken- Élit Bignj,,!i rockvî1lhu asdrowned ini E7 M R N C E S O A E teSt. Lawrence, on Wednesday lsut,ute-B T M R C N HE S FO SA . - a place called ý-olleys Go;," about four - o toilles up the. river fromn the town. Be a Wua attemptIng t o stuuggie vhiskey iutto~J. the. States Ironi Camda, vien biis boat Bs onadCr el:ias01hn;asbs ail lu __ vamped sud vswu os;. etCran oiiMa wasotbn, lbs Fmy ou A maisnli Cincinatlt on Sunday ight, for sale. G jj 3arley, Oats, Peas, &c., bouight as usual. flndiug bis bedroom .1tua arm for coin- a c C X 4 3K fortable sleep, got ou the. bouaetop. X . I C . 3 J E . Whist sleep h. rolled over the edge ot Whiîby, July 12, 1865 th ii. oond feu ounithepavemeut, beiug ISL E T A TO 84 lustantly killied by the fait. jamps Gordon Iienne,the editor of the NOL E T ÂT F 16 - The Quuiec Chroniiolu laya; bMr %V lNèw Yorkî Herald, aiutnh commencement- of the vue beuvkeen the North aud Southi, rJIl£ (reditorà l of4he utîiçoiitiied a, nillîf Kirwîn, -sa veil Inovu Io the Canadian vulT el-er1 M.Dd taour(l do.~net ltte î,w Ofie u .Wi ailu11 âportlng commuîity, arrived luntowu the Waealte oM.eý5ofrn uav.(rew)(ýitl,*>t fjijv i h daybefre eaîrda vib furten . caïe ibe cause of aecession for ithe modest nuit> uf.ùrou. n luadav lIai vt -Yapibosa-fto-ad Il ud nIil Fum of £5010O. M r. Davis refused ih'e flilu>. of Jîuly. A. DIl 16', liti tira ot'clac han a- offer of bis services ad<j etatene oo tttie 1<* l sipt i s îi ii I- r île aii i el U5gm carefully soleatîed by bieninluthe . VV cae anIl "rnest patriot- sud Ilunin"A*ioiiietu wçîî itli t i..riz iîmkiea Tbey kilt pip by iestninluChicago. A Ma 1n.iirIlîle iCoveAc!t grealtro aitce, viti five inueis. books A teriieiîiwaîl ut tvhppne Wiiii. sliiJl>, A. D., 18M' ot tie pige wbich are quarreling iiii erii la cidnnttappnedcAIlEýTo\N DIE, p anbiwsd tls h erea eatly in thie aouth of Fiance. A yourg Reidiiiei ilIltle 'l'O u airW llthy ilta he giube uaw, lifdtiteplongera imCout, aer eztricaiing himself froin the <QiiLty f tOntaértio again intô acalditîg -wter. B, the ma- ruina. catiy uing bis tootb pick,as ibongh :JuIAM icito frlie>IoSt-lu 24 chine flfty -poreilles are kilied, scalded, h lie d just ditiedi A porter sait! bu hlm, scraped, cktaned, aplit and bang in rosa . We have just discorered you vlet " e Il OR.'S-E VA NT1ED. !eady for saling vii un asu mur. ws u i to ' lIniierul1" wa thie ru - ply; iltalie care oftihe îrowfiers hall, for r a< ie llz . l: 14 fin I i iiri.e. aiifl Tboe iulltary auuhoritieti ai Wabington theu legs of my îrunk are iu liai," A ini i iîai tcunp. , fier frçtin i ivei, and bavai cuncluded ta deiver the todies uf titeuuet.iiîîc -4 yeatru Id it] ienci sbu>. thuuÇxcnteil auassinsto heir friends for. Myo, SdM. plgu,(lvs~>ipt n iih tîiCri'ila burial. Thbe diiiterment will take place Ni . Spriggiua' desiru to instruci ils son,) wiiittuy Jîiy '4, 1"4.%. S Iutediately. Tihe remainder of the con. il my son, do you know- tual chickroj victed coulapirators leave for Albanyul. colne onut eggs ? Ah, do ihcy, faîh. ~ , Zteniiary îo-night,,.cir 1" aald Spriggins, junior; I îbuugbî . The. Counly Ceuncîl of Simion have eg aeoIo hc<n'~. pasted! au niliquor bylaw iy à vote o( 20 te 5. The by-law viii bu subittei DI ED toa the different, muiîclpalitiea for ibrir WEBSTER-At t'xhridge on Wed ne'*a.nc r S l - approvai or rejeciion on the aetonl day of day btheTtita. Jamesi W. Wbier Uctober nexI. &hol Teaelu-step son of Nil. Cald <unbisvayb iue ovasdilhoviî, Urbridge, agtd 20 years Il- À herse teaier, mnbs-a a h oanoulu ard 8 days. TN pruuuc tir 4 .deccc. ad a final ardeu %epiowhile on a teambitt hrt'w ____for_______________ I ok et, .ikotli ullae ina cetîiti ctuse ai va w asuguardiuîg- but. and mailing ýVitCATIICAILT EVS. FINI a s J apera te leap forvard, tbrew imself Fdîll Wbeat... $1 5 to $1 10c. uWiilie Soi sud theimain bto te river. Botb vere Siig.... $ U1 11 T O drovued. îîurîy...........ne010o 110 f Lg .Younpgmnu bout 2 elars of! aie Oatn .... .. .....40cms. t "aued josePh ecnigan vas drovneqd lu Peas . ..noaitdenrnul LEVI FAIRBAÂNKS, TuIE OUNGE1 Ibo river Siieed, about lv> mlles abiwe ithe Butter, ..t. . u(]euîîeriiîd uti village of IHespeter, on, Seîurday, lat inst. A îlt')cs o.tl . &lesiiid n.h Ammaroig, the detecive, bW<jd a>îaîos . ZOa oI( >WNN 0F VHITBY escape u Port 11uron euud Soi-tiîa whure lie ............. $0 erto waes ecogaiited sud sssaulted iy a moi. Ifla-i at wbarf.. .$~1 20 W î appr ol tiar îrCl CaGr.IDAlTsi 'Vhll Laokvorihy'î Butland suablies, iii Bacon .....I... s 1aet UIOrel, vere burned to the gronnd;- early Wool...... t. FRIDAY, the 91st Day of tily, 18 65 ui Monday- mcrung.- sie.cutiosîi is fait lu Paris as to the NEW A.DVERTISEMENTS. ' < <~A.. destination o! the let frîgain d rus_________________Tite Silitt e»t Quairter of Luiimiiîler Tu il irelui u ithe i k ll t'oa- l(le transporte whicb the, French GoveromEri' SHEEP STOLEN or Strayed. ,, t' i6fi L..rdrd i auioiMe t Chebounrg -9'à illu iîQl ou % i d ? 1114 Whou a ,Tonnesaee girl is alyil kisaed - Betiiy, butcher, Best pisces lu tuuvn for hu ush frvuasudsay: "petlia arIcl nt the tlter of JOBN CUMMINQ. oÃthhe nuxit, vruuid ansverweil for tour and f .8b frwn -ad ays pottht ltue lte fUzbridge, Coutity cf Ihulurto, s u stores, &C. **bîvt back, lir, wer. yen shole it trebti.11" Irent. 1 iApply te Jeaiuy says, I' d lile te 11t55 'ns lyly Al RflE Jreîiiture cf the Inoolvent are- Ua*ijled .IEIs BLACK, ttiitme.uu t lIt ho tas umade au apiiiguent f 'hipeus- Albilu l 1 Elegat lesateaccoding Jea taleauîdaffaa ttte ii boae me, to'me WhltlyJune 28,185., Bllga, l hsig plong ebake Jodab uîdIugued s wi~aud ibey arc e B L Billngsis ee*I#ý pljg trbacer, nd tired lu lurnlsh me, wvltJs Iv no&ithefrontO S M spiting ilu a dorg'&, t. dte, Wth thleir clatni, ppe tue ____'th e irilî ey luld Ifsuu,) ad an e! Friendabip vith %D, sntugllng a-i- "nt; u nou the tact The viola Ac0s1 Uned, mor4 or lusa, Iii < lisuces vitih non*,$' la as goed a mollo for attetadudet osîl, i, lthe votcheralun rup- 'twtalpo Jat itbula y omeneas for natiens. port of oute uls. »aIUof MCo1tubusTenu ne<ioerahe. Whiteo the itreat lephaul Htaunial vas a bi&e~%rkhaS1!4.,(I MES. WOON, visng ut.ssash M.'arIiûdan ancien% c ol- oty o! York, hJ910bîi825 sh cred lady who bad pever asen an elepialt, -Ati o 18 bel hlm bnthélbroat and tîiroviug op berH - bande le adirahion, sxclsimed, 'i Bresa de Lord, wha ibings îbey do gui up in diu W iIB Q iA1 4 wan " - Tii. old lady teck hlm for a new -IB TO 0 fi ) -Yankeinvuntio 1 FEA~ A-- 1 I,.i r ~~Tii.epidemio is d ,ilng aI st. Petera- buigli, but the. plagn ue a broken outI lIE subseruber "a& tdb l*iilug îs * -among ith.e at[. Ia tii proinces of Mos. L- route belv'ea WIb tiadOshaswa# rw- uinot W108 dalIv, fÙ wýbtl eev, Wolgods. and .Novgôrod. "Ibo Iun "t 10o %b1'SI là t,16 AWaà hus, elven feu long - aud ilten Pares and IIIt5*r palti ' footut igmrt.ecè l iied-by lth e liizugGtt*iIBo.Iý4 i NEW kYERTIEMI~NI'S TO 100» Ný^E ADTE T EME NTS The'Oc rnaM1aiV rmstr0 t -A lrNG rtaa f lots Iait. 20, 21 alld 22, ii cE1, oncesslon of WMtîy. x lv j~' enus tîberai. For furtlier ptirt!culiu ANN1AEYORNEB SALES 1JîÂNILLAi_ -S MM Rglb cnavllbe Io, . 0 u m RW'itI thje, Largest, test, -and Cheapest oz 1 ea bcle val., HENRY CHRILES, JoeE2 qe P-t Ferry. COMMERCI-ALHTL BROCIK STREET, WJIJTBY.. T. i. 1yeMiJ4JJL~ & Jo ~ Liurs, (rockery, Gla'sswa.re, Bpoots and hT-îud lg tuiionttlir vv w' r? T iTShoes, Clothiug, &c, &o.,in thte Couny.lu wic r tig wiliahave been vuit id rnov cue vaicut by bain, sud eau tIaccommode Hysons, G'unpowder, Black, Coloureci and lJn-colourecl Japan nguag w tî ueitlalnti n, caaîwayuî Teas, rm4 cents, to the very best at 85, dents per pound ; co blind. ulsd ad- ndatni aPure Brandie%, Wines, iGin, Rum, Todd.y, OId Rye, and Domes- Oilers, Obargesoextromply înoderuîîa, Ti"he suhgrbr >gt noi h ulc i hsy;Feeh Tea Sets, handled, (44 pieces,) at $2 75;____________ tlllit 1.IICV ha comrneîicPd-and Wil conl- Large Size Tumbuers, at 75 cents. pet dozen ; Ladies' Boots from M N YT LA titi, (li-TR R ER ,to offer the 65cîlts Mens0 Cobourgs, at $1 00O- Mens' whole suits of MO- YT LA Tweed, from $6 60 iTobaccos, SQas anis isutFrs 4NEY t o ilýMortgaýe seritysit-- wholc of tlwir presenll stock ai. Cost, for Ground Cofee, Sugut'rs,IRisins, 'Jurrants, Rice, Starch, B3lue, - Apply to JAMES K. GORDON Cashoi Produce only. flt%(oinS, Pails, Wahors Brushes, Matahes, and ail kinds of - Ort Ccrj-e, Whiîby-ï Spices, Fresh and Pure.O ~ADAM GORDoN, . It is needless to quote prices, the well- Mecat anletr "lbey AIS0 offvcî' the lai gest and best selected ,kiuown reputation Of the 1Çh~onaSoe, nOhwa h stock ofCh petnth Prvne MONEY., T îlE tindersigne u uaany quaaluhy of mee lui li>aui et a loir rate ofintureuit upouFatrii roc risLiUO s c in sShaitflot 1w Iost, by the Manilla Branch. Property in tiue Coity of Ontario, wera tu(', Ternis strictly Cash, or Produce, and Qne price only1 1H. J. MACDONELL. ln the cou nty, ai. prices defying COrnpCtitioO. THOMAS MULCAIIYt îîî,uýsî~ltC or 1u T. H. McMIIan,&Co.Manih1lî, June, 1865. T UN S a A LARGE Stock o! luonie-made Trunkut A ~guod sud stroug e .C-H EAP FOR CASR r 10 Also uny ennui good Stock ai' Bridies, Whips, &C, tNEWV HARWAIREi S'ITi1REFarm' for,$aie; * ITUATED veumthi e mules of Whiîby lii riI ivitgqoflcriN b>- bld. Instituation for arqtfng a TFIOROÙir t î'lItAcTTlB .; cWo~, ~ iglict e rt oti il w% of of2ueLu mi CALBSNS 1 (_II d-utlAT I)U.ON are superior lt any ('outim-ciiti College in Bi- MuWU4 1 Brook tueW htby j. 1111à hl i ikt êîlxô' f -h eti&k Atist-ia. Tie Branchesî tatught comprise ereryttîing necessary for the Book Keep- Iane "< WNSHIP O.P WHITB Y; su ad Businies M a i; tlî icy lui d - 'T h e s u b s c r ib e r s a r e n o w r e c e iv in g a n w F rf rh rp ri u ai a P Y( r - ad c MNNiFQREiGN lýEXClJ NGIý COMhISICIAL LAW, Ny.tcks.f POW.a MILING, i'TA MBO ArlN11, COMMlIRIIAL -A anM~TCsd earefully selected tok f enral Dow.nit IMANUF A<'TURN RAIROADINO RTFt RIor,--r tkC if COMMSSION, N .SE i lu I&c,, l &c,'J. M ,IlEZNW>Dl, THE CTITALA I v v nE AI~ ~S, . L Whitby Jun28,18 a. TEA1 ULBE.SINESSBTYPAIRTNfENT Glass, ~'armng ihmnt ccaic' la I the moat ccuuipietc arraungement of ts kuud. beiug tornuicsl wulhiro BANKS, a Tools, House Furuishing,- and House Building Hardware, &c.u &c 5 & ...(ADY MEýRCIfAýNVS ENIPORiITI, aud au EXCil.jNlGEtJFhCE, whtinlt are open evcry day - - e---- Maututeeîre every deaclptlen uf un for the~ trnsaction etflBusinecss. e uncirwiohat-d -aaciepncne£"Sddles, Harness, opllarot Thsdu-jarîment is iuuulnidr the charge ofa-ahTwo i idyas feprec as a Pricticai Nttiîtut laf-Classes i TELEGRÂPHINQ every day--iii PHONO- GRAIPHY, fueni-wookly. i V Ior Moi.thly CtR&, Ci.usp iMenu of Wsuitt!Zc, &~. iies: t. a w 70galap) MIJSG RO VE & w R1G RT, _ ! 4 TOKONTO"C. W..- TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., &c., Ir oaJppris. tliilr fiendii, and thle publitut tilt h baie oen.::d buesin - premises opite tbqunnrlî>.Hotel, e kw te exacutte ail o ers viii uwuaiclîutlaay tiybu1 C a s h fo avord, *!tu proinptittade, aui te Auppjy quis Have purclîased, their 'stock for cash,_ai. the Cben o o xectegua:îldsn ?uof1f. 50 very~~~wi lowest rates, and they are dtermiuet o seil at prices thatutuc. L OW,£$ *c POW E-LL. il compare favorably irith any other establishinent ô- 'E, Inteniding purchase-rs: of-Hardw%,are will RE ~ ~ $UMME lu, Chilîdreos', Ladks'w I Rbbn~ fress.. 0-aizi' a nd N and--Gr n à ~ e hl ast FalIIspricea, and aloitf mai- Iy ho w. 0ll s , ma tilt- on% Ir 1 .