- --- .- ~ -. * -,. - -, I ~ * ~ I oesayosterday eveaing Jousi> CrosI valte'. bous*, la as uataonadd as It sec W.sched lte farci, sud questlti th# Éient nid yeoman. fie vasveryc communicati ve, sud evidenîly aspectel t aur questions isti sente antnendi> parpo Thus put cn. i guard, lte spIiliOf 1200 fauit>.matieMai viglantInlabis goses haIt; anti vo ccnld cul>. gatiier tt >.eang gentlemuans iatibeen ltera moine td- bu ai loftivery cari>. Ibis mrning.-sl tliertddenly or ual, vs ceeldti nes tain. CUitnies toit saîilleti ai fandinq ti lie sln*.li*r vas gane. If io tai been0 Katilitrmer, ho voalti hardi>. bave deps èd witaut seeing Flore. I pandered a liejatsd, bat came te no conclusion. My er. uhit vasa tpleisitit co, Picragr ehtertul ant i aecae;, aie anti ber sie vire chanmiug, franir, amuaing couapani- as troc froni alfectoti shynesa as roint ft ansd turvard manner vitici is theean pepular andftiaublo affection eftote The. citltin e esplesant anti velil itaveti; titeir mother kinti anti bespilal ClaYes ns agneeabie a cempanion as e tlan>. vieetanpliuntiexcursions: le haut car conversatien on &Il sebjects; g' land gay, that tit iinýt partaite et a polil flaveur; and 1 caver lott a tieadls b- mono neluctautttaà n vhen an editi saumons va-ueti me uat I tati everst- My leave ai Neville Grange, 1 centsi siept mare soundly ai home;-,but, thit expectoti sitb teansaîd tncmblîing,ths gt neyer again appsared ai thte viaduc enieredthetishaîînteti citmber. Next May., I ran up ,ta Londau, te theatris anti exhibitions, anti min> tb tis>. dissipation. On tLe marniug bel niy rtura, 1 enteredth ie muniso"at- icI Acatici>. J tati lou>kr't aisa dnu.e cf 11108t teprei.ed anti test abwesd picîn tlvue, tatugiig just aboie île. lins,la es lug portrait caughtoyni>. cI staug Ilgainst au eltiori> gentleman, wheeg( foot vas unhappil>. uoxt ta me; hius curses nioreti me inamysit, andiI go agaai tihe picture viti tanre seut-pos M'otn. Atove the dollar et a cavslryu terni, one aleeteventeý-t-courea1 tiie arminla h-restetion e tcsatiduai fine ba>. changer, looketi out igit isit l>.es lhe face 1 tati accu ou tise vindu, SIovilIe Grauge. But unetu asahînelt b painted t.This tastunesacre tic %an but tisa>. vrs calmin attre, savei the upper lup senne talucari aiigil , viti ths expression ot haitituai pniti The samse yas gekiao nomine ; but expression vas ao langer that ahici hall borne on tem iccibie nigit. Th tie>. vare Yuli of tort-r ahîcit overspr tic viola cmulîltuandu;n; wu, ttc>. bu forts vitt a glance ut scsjrniui fine.' pÃŽlîlure vas tualt fsoîdior on tise las bfore baili 1h bore ne oaer titist IlAn Ofilcer," and the catalogue gave uosefetan arist jussi ticcet. Ilied clloite îlaiutiit> otte figure;, litperchance a tancy tsetch isy one Waiseusti e portrait fStiSm Guy Ncvit 1 coaltiOnet tell. I visîteti Chetter on ni>. vs>. acm,1 log busiiness lt lie editer et a ceu papen. On raeruing l t station, I sanie hait an ur te wat, sud I aIro tep anti dova thc plttfonn. A train si UP frein Liverpoom, sandiout ut il floe- striai ot passiengars..n tyaung lady leftitadiîug hl tise carniage, ahenco tumfsation bad gotue la qucat cf titeir1 age. As ais tennati ber face tcaaris I neoeguisusi FIra Novilmle. Sic* «w me', anti clentanti trei ,violeuti>.. I was greatl>. sarpniseti, advacedtialespeak te ber, Sic gtve ber baud mechanicahl>y.lanti - set-oe te aven w>. greetiag, but le vain. Ilea onnes l thalit I1uaI eih ldsh, Neville Pl' I asl<ad. Ilnuidens froc:eIthaniie uat yenen inhaLi (Wét. but acre te rture leatce nrhtolu Are loi: paying a visit 10 Cheuster, on go on elluwetro 9" My questions seemedtiat trouble Fi extroniel>.. lut 1 bat not lime fer suri tir conjecture. A figure vs.. comm1g Warta lie, vîti a lange portmanteau inlu baud sud a carpet.bag lu ticaliter. vWu sMy.tara te tremble, anti, if unitat-1 gravel>. at Montiemmer. do Coe t, ic,"i saii uanavwar te 10oit, .he jait te us itoti. -I vas a1 lacadîti ycuagater aha',I 1quarrelleti w bsn futiber g ounltai accouai I1 ev It1 hkopéleu a sc Iuitbtise conue etS un t4p Midthitsudanti ters, if yen viii. -Ilh douen.at>.f4ocis"rhlcg,'bat neyer '- thlag itt aleultie>s gentimasabl tonrlusef, or sà vestraa-vepr fer-sita. bave loviti ben sigi#êhe vwu a ciilti-; bau lovoti me for naialy five yesrs.l Éiera prissed bis arS. - fier face vas t id frein ueo, anci Iýer'eyéà t- bolce op halo bis, fHe vent onu;. - 1' met ber a&-ain lut batunen, aI g inu lubei' eauhome. We<usabould! V havi eaaéirted Oar -maréage but- fan - I ba l eu>.venlaniti t-aelber, et ni, for tisarae e osuuy-uabout wvitekt myppton, mand wfûld ha~ve reéognised luatatJly bhis by sce me b>. day. f ia i uh;ts lisuccession ha4 i elimbeil *&Il and spokenr vib Fot r uogi - sl rà t tat wlndns whieuhou oer oser metferrer, mine et s opy, sud yoars of a spetre." ý- -Il Thon il vas no viitant tram anotiter venld 1sa lhat i iht? it vas -yen 1 vas Guy. Nevinl'. hos." N4w" v'tIun'~t this Dav, Moue>. te Lian -H. J. Mactieli. Picîograph Giieuy - W. TI. Dougali. Matnimntnll -8. B. Lambert. Hfum>. Up-Wh'sue Fisg. Wliby Races-Thes. Huston. Speclal Noice- Modey te Loas-James K. Gardon. Boots anti Shoee -James Bain.' Ta Shceutaies-Jas. Baia. scotch Boa!. -Wmn. Brya. nore Two Pianos for Sale -J. V. Ham. dey. ýver. - ýrae ONLY 81 50 CENTS A YEAR tical '- _____-_ oase ThIiIthy, , May 25, 1865. ayed aPi %nly MR PRRYS IMPORTAN<T AUCTION SAL£ agit o r ows LOTS, F'uNs APOiiq lfZI 'boat ETv,-keple tneO'clock on ror Satui.day nert. To the intendiug mercb. - at, the mscbanic aud bu-atin a aoretIl- brie mÃted capital, a butter oppgrteaiîy nover etorc oIed (or esuiblishiag a liusinesls, and a oyal goo4 abtantial business tî,atm, ia îhriv- r th' iag tova -the foreinost thiving L'ount y ba&"ton in Upper Canada. Wliers aven the e , nme of Wbltty is lcnown, it is pleas;ng Io 'outy kuow that the character cdounr gond lawit, iusiy and is enterpl-isiîîg iîîdustriouaî luabitants aaed carry witb them t.leir oovo recommandation uni ad provo a tare pass.ntonît t the favor of ,i th gocd opinion and public gîod fautb. 1hb of a town proerty offened for Sale ty Mn. Per. D7 ry, et thei sale unden notice; i s iù the veny baoe heart f-sud hoat business part oft the Me ; town. 0f the termna and lund., we may that oniy say, as wo did upon a former occa- as sion, that they were 6eleeled by Mr Perry ~- hinseif m. eligible investments. His pur. theche n selection ut thein were oniy lin, made upoît acarefu' examnisjion of uhir nead value,-and purciîuers fr(m hihlm may rely okued apon procorng trom i hm lands seieced The wiii mach hetier cure tibm they couid thant, select for tbemslve-evea vere tbey- thte aslhe did we believe, pay large bonses 41o before baud for examîaing the pîeperty. vws The landu la Mars, especiallite as luell isba kcilî, are very ralcable. C ovciiwar ie*iT wWtIi, uIL A Co-citr.- ba.Miss Ieggy Hhllary, abue very sw',,et waly iad sîngtag, as an amateur, so dcligbîîd Whit îlle ~ audiences ai on couettru sud amateur camo vocal celebratiors in Whitby, p)roposes, ise 'd 4 anderstad, te give a grand concert, upon va ber oaal aceAmt, in tuis toan anme tva ber weeks bince., Due notice ait fcourse, lagg me, p b giveà ,, aud tie programme doiy sdventis cd. Smo.e ber lut pleabnug appe" a i bled Whitby, Miss- Hillary bas devoteti mach bat dime lasequlxing musical instrdtticl frein me te first Ftofesaora l'a Newv'York, and éther places, aud-bas been a principal "tanart bore, la sanie dtbe granudest mtaîcal celebe- qood tient beid la Torento. That , Wkiîhy siver. audience vill show their admiration of ber A ay. menîti as a vocalist ve entertain n doabt. ýoîng por, as bier great poet *and couatryman, lora Meure, woald baie it- prise "The girl thai gave tii sou&e g 0- Wbat gold c6uad neyer bey."' -Col- lut 8onday eveaing a meeting wus beld, Utsabseiptions made, snd committees sp- the peiated ta promoe the vsys aud means et that building s Caîbolie Chenet ia Whiby.- ýda Bey. F'atber Shes,and Wîv. Fatiter 5lcaliy n'Ou wene pressa-tii. former occupied tite ban chair. Rsvd. Mr. Shea geuurosiy nadir. * re- 1de. lista vete signed ion subitutiiaI scbscip- sud dions by msny presant. lurcuwO %£RAîî.wÂYSîxt. Mn W. C.- od, Nana, the. Station master on ftic grand Trank, at Whitby, lu tiie inventer uofa nov b5d and improved railway signa-l. aud- la pply. sudinfo a patent, vo uader*taîîd, for bis inventioîn. LUkesm-itgreztt ie#nioithe sud Ovenuthe platforiniat the extraîaity of vhicb tuer the signai latnp la placeil oi-4 spiral s$ain%. i. 1sure u in iprove 2a p!t inlau c st aI NTscms u Thue Voinutter Uc-utîo*à . Wa bave mach gratificatiinlecitrenic- Jizg tie complets s&Ume*$ cf tisefiit R1-- union of Volontaire ta tbis tovu. 'Tie cuitera aho sîleadet i ,andthebavariaI>. anti excellence et the 'perfeoumance, have nover beau surpasseti b>. ,aiy'-milsr enter. talumîntinlaWititby.- Captain Daà rtnell's Company nia>.y wl isprend et the tavour shean 1teIlium, andttiuein brother Valua- teers, anttifethlIe van teeliutgc ot ;nîereet aivays takeo nlutbem b>. lte people et Wititby- Withita goiug seriatinr, titroagis the programme vo niay mention that the Wtby braisebaud (ever viîinx te enlivea anti asuiet ouîr Canstilan volualeers) 'imayoti tve uvirlurie,sud, le the muinnen in vah*tit titi>.'were executesi, gava token of iha at- tention anti cari beatoved inluthe teacuint- et them talenueti leader, Mn. Fneeman, vito also alttisa reembans ot hie (amui>., fa- î'oaied tie sudîeqce aiticth otecture te thte 16Caiipt n! 1Bagdati." Mn. Dansford, abuse co3rrect car, fine voine, aud irenetI) goad dIsie vil alvunys rnîtier tii a ta' vuerîl-ne eiu"en va i mure u.tn usuel goudotirie ansd ve nia>. mttion in Iuri' Seter bia exeutiout cf "X tshu. oogb lthe ia-e'suad the' -'IBroîtVont Stein" as ameîtgsr bis muet I;ceusîful effmnîni. Seve- mal Glus, (uc-v andi uîd,) vitre ereiively anti correctl>. rcudered, 1». U'suuns. PoIe, Cltark, Mecleta, fttord andt Captalut Dartur Il. lut i anue ettlt'm Mnis. Dant. neIl asa tous s pleasitir af er. ThICy were cli liidly a;leI-.Oue ot thei great teatures oettIi, eun a tise perfourmîarnc.et t,' i- %petpuuri, alto foruued s hauid uudi'rbhe ltuiitraitip uti'Captaint .oIune. (li -t thl,)auui'-h liv Sureartt Cienç, fiat) 'rivaîc e - -.uiuu,)Mn Iluufu , <uitr,) n. aeenu.(piano>,) Privare âe , ui. (il .uuîs. >arn- i i aIe I"raz-tr, (triangle.) Ttc,-v-. a i)-a plsuded, anti acre grctcd vitt lnucli rap turnus OtOt vs. Jinvariue uiofthis- irtere- mentai piezes, î-ocal charues yc-re unira- dueeth u effect. A ver>. rhlfiheut but excellett or al -uîfth* hat- in clemer1> playr'd lu>.prvie lPale, vuai t..-t admineti. Ban di-ci-itedi>. tic char ut tic t vpitisig as Mr. i-'ro.'d I oufil ut('-,oure. -lieue fumrrc inle ii fin-un. Agil -à mti waiit ir h icnie lti Ver 18611, but lti nmiute t,)nuilia Coîuîucil ioe or brtînra tise.final daY et cous!d liairecomn nirs yu em t or<utthse sunm'r N'--r'-mh-r ufXL. Carnieti. as said Fu-I ad ni tibecu piurpi)ated for -. 'iJalai-i mmrt tis thi8 coutunil da e chioipurpere. On tiîl auaofut4tice- utww Ad- rnu ntil .Saîurtiay, tte 3rd day ut port, tii' cammiliétrute sud rppetntiI tra- Ilunrýiiext. va:à ruu'red;;tîli viihi eucmn.'M.grese agtJ]uuttaîned eavu'inu eiî n j 1u. - Bios-uve isl nimiralîle bath m stiti-etor snividlviTu~u 'iepîîue tr siMr u it uies- ao> f A ewiuietn astncu itit-rnm tLelerfrauî .11r. Paul, .4.Lcas, uDepuiy conusnalies lu in ierepmrloîre k ipver et DIavid Brava, Ilieisiring. effcriig t tîluaie "lcriff'of flite Cunty of Ottaasu. aL lugs ta iuiassu si du'ighî lis teanrenu-tehe enpeneliuo a lot oîvntd by hilmansunît ATimerts, . E., 15th Macv., '64. %Ve i'le tobp avori wth ianymarc outhle pr-usuel A;rrculur Is-nouds. rOttlC *Mn.le. LSb w 'Va tpi- bte faurut vu t-nu> mir ai m nis senhe landti iaed t heolsî(in Dean Sir, 1-Iusetioeebarrai o! Coe's opîuortnîlttes et Iuu'nng i. cili(romnt Ir. wmrdenu. Aie-ieumnîica ipa-'uo F l ati ssmritupon une- Il% atieae uic'ab isu-aIt isai (icl it lh ex* lion ftu- iIl. I. 'avaria, ra4iegitei cilritrd tnite-ur 'ed et ît c-pi-t i'fMrs. 1 i slvoprosidttd at île 1 effe t s alut ovncd by bti. nscauera tisa Pissphate vwuappliedlinn. viq)l ffýw-it bn tu-uttate rc ad jt '. A restilution vas primiopa stin iii t t-die-J60 isashelstif -crm. It vas ripa ar.ut) uie o tisl'Iytîiiteirs-, ~ c'ntintpanîie5hutaïI meule al coavncr- fui>lhtu d;tye cenier, snd tiseenrs n-c plcegae te uuiîlaee. la he,'telacif ani-h t euts -rt ui(ml î fort ,nin R cuit li9Ieter filleul. Ttc citer lau plac gae ttir%*,,igauc- "j bem- f imeroisl - i I>. icheurpe'atioliue, 1a lUit ent- l-ded 45 buhels sehi:.uuu omîr dame" veaiti est>. thtIsn t ti-c cuit tic>.Excelleaet' h s oenrnOuuirsect- titre w's ten a i l field.[huitt.tc a sioeetia lach o-f intPretali 'in c.le r iiîg lte dcluver> et stite aud g4necl fir J ibiotîn in lutJly, . litit ticatrayeiparnt mu-vemctt rul, Iiri ii ut sng el)t*t-siMuntht'escen c reratio(h. 1.11o0is l'A1u iti i )p cuutIilst ftisé acre willi PboeïptlatL- upopsition tail nuby tte fuir sax lu Eng- tr o<le liro ut f 01 3touhw i s avti proJuceai'.5 iuîl.Th là lis1 aittlan of (tuai gqavlcl vus ne- ('ori rec(eiva4 the jtt'lai oetunr uA lasel sud eloeabeno. 0ur Syauag ladies bortei t eivesi tisrouýýthe u-barbon tuie dtî,citrl triîeiiu eieu ted it'on ar-e quit. vlIliag ta tiâtae, valit orfdiisvwiîceau 'hi- pmov.d. lu inte >.emrn t iiui-nos uensfwy udti od: vîit ourguseldier atirie"_; bat alen avite thé atc sfiivit stateStai Mno Itoci t 1 1 ît~i rrbun.a~h ave bcep UP iepese ta give thei thisn yuiîiy asdud aelnce, Ivsd'*ct.Tersltîr 'î d"ufn! on ~ itacçDuniuit Illeo1114 rQs. yutunnt ici adidition te ibuir sailes, tise>.turc pi uis eoiicp>.od.lt I"tU5 1 dt st u cs: i clii' ktindt ltir ases, luns a>. ay ic iIf iuspidi> eee.c ttr.-.Jtui<,ztIfu i!iv tulavatd i mgit sure!>. isad tem te ieven. 1 Mr. Rovo in meving te aluvve neiiýiti ils_ --0-0- . We tope ounatilur occaionitaeeoy- beped tIet tceueiI vouîd îýtr---i lieuli 11ui iulnetit ta London. vie~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ a u IeIotes-eetso h e-lto e Yestcrda -, ti uy vas htruirtiilutt anai CI£achange frtebtter. - i uumtîsrsJ Ilaud ut î'xlŽihemat tiluoui iIo nus Ai the conclusion et tIse concert, ttc plq as thnre vas tai altenipt si e h b r> u- A saioftu t le tt i e eîu nnee ties for ta loere c ignin> et tise Ciancil, .neiicccmeust ta 1"h4be tko Tutfautr>. nliied iet tii saud cf thesIl Aq-i.nu ataetptisg tiaiIe m showemnitl'it ank*o o trver. Tue veiconie intel- semtly" sund cleancdth ie hbai 5 Iui'ih! ot sent te His Exerliane>. lu Couneil s-aspect- tij;eueî apnead lmue vilullirethrougi t litcii>.5 iii banches as, na doubî, itfai-or the oc- ing its riiZbt 1ta1tise rst ke'siî itut-e adturing rte day te spuot aligne tise oil> cetncie, i> cîi i enr . tmeute sItee enet truc. Probl>.snc uticb wnis-aid t buso- vg tsl as toncgti neeuu'eQ.sdiule n uattempu neyer hat te-easadebv an.1 ciosdtsieve tuwnusn bu h fore4a res. reema's u rde baî1lp-retin or pensons upon su>. municipa bodyi> nd.oé*hk4 uljn aoto playeti quadrille, polka, gallup sud anus iu 1 fur te lever 111einithetestimation the rscpuis, &il dtiplyjti sau inteueselnluse li ntdicatons'l rapii #accecioln, sud thc mcm>. mise ut,- lie. Au alliavitbsfbenmade b>. ~aJhhtpIii uje tiattnne daae.- maSter dan"e prococtieti nnstaîted Camipll, ln contradictirn te Certain wutf spuinlitre bcd of ohtil [ataicolant.s until one, tva, three, wa; vo't say aIict meute caeol ise I metunial. -No tubd srteues""&aithtecl .tepnentisut et the lit btura initieniorning, vtice u r epti eIiiasî o i spot aucun *ise aigusrr. dtaeitsa tej ttcd tenep of leïta ho miatdiflu his efllýtti, t ifa t7iorthenuStrtee, natjuiuiug tise bcd ail preceedet intevards tigl l>. 11citehi, kucaletige," tnutti lssiandioig et an 0AtIsettereunîig inmthtériver (rate aitla the visele autertainmeuit. iî vas mate tor tIsa parfos <j loang lhe cii>.. Aireath le sangaue tare conf-. tédiî+eis) outhélieus <letl;'Mn.Rowe deuil>. pnedictilitg tliet vithiaa seutt der- 'l'hc Whitby [nflînlry Comupa>. puaded Msait t ho tii net Mive ties'eaoutiee, il b nt ai ron eri 'ver'ban-kms. aI 5c auner>, t eevne. ~,ani ith îu>.intention tu provo tiat Mn. Camp-'l'Ttc village est Dclauaro biS boeu fil a pri ues eltevcn gasu na ie ll Po juiret imbieI tbut il Ws asfuct t îîi sis tti xcemat i roua a stîuiar cause eoulti t tcolmthatadea't t e d ri f Ml Iduning tieps-st fea diys, andti le pooile t.Inuitumun Sceel, alsore prueiscl>.1 atnouâ onva apnot4 et ie ta GcifNfr.am heai ou esttttownsip see the bnlgietc*lfuture lu tise nanke wore .openeul. afeti dajoe i red, Notite snt eythe onrdoer pr dto tse cîais-bisr-sm4tt'e.n and thre arat>.ccers -iven fer ttche lo tek tciiratc ie eçnzel aptible.-Ptotyn3,. - Qu9 Tu e O*Ph ompa>niy thou vere tonnetmed Io ty the leat oet i, té .as ngl'ectitug iîig ' ------- as s cenipany iha oclusirsiglit la front, duil>. He, Mr. Rua, saisi ho Ovas credi.',i ubi xtîila and mtas'clee pat lu slow ansd huick it thîe. hifonmbdtht t biie' af lavtt ib1atd, been - ceiprespoudaul et thc Mentroal Gazeile Major IWallaces acting as Ittslti-ting Fild sent cmii thle ib overntaent, therefT -ntacocmiigtcPulcEhiiin Oficer, çrhn vien ltaeCenepany. vas teieý-t tiat tlia oukéclifor, iil oWun- pro- tne ll i ~t.11; Iusted-adde.cseti tht ai leceplimoula. teuifios,- shlnspasa the nisoratintf il- "i1thW.thbilhe -ps!ace srna vtbiilti- r>. ternis, -.ltating d'aItfiel'tnrnirciing- menaI>., and 'have a eep>. etit fint te Ili g nrlirsrI t~uldt~svttcr uspechally ini quicle lime vas as gonîl aas Excellne n c ouno~cil. - - 'din, or rat eausf-huint eies, mCr- mai' tchall ecca on lte troun. Cmies Ater 'as noefaniuieens>.. a md i ' C l9î buai. luis, as 1wim, fur fr-oumcomplote% were tlitn given for Me>or _alaePselii."~Se ntintte l, ajur&j niaq a ?y e~ ii thte Whitby Rides, andth le u ontryloreu, -- -presesitaiele se0senteas Tuestiay. 'jsldî jte inat'cito te im rtneuryi- Ieev - - -' t;aesre- speC4blus, nifU the« Érinto.e in eh -mgitan - hod tsiearueti-tien' nocivati - - à Atkovug Te wn*b ftp C4eseuteil tOuiegt l - Jis long oxpecteti aud well earuet ig;t-~- dolr, '-'.-SeTr.v txrfy 20h 1865. -oîhe day'fme o a - -- -Tbar?, g oeeiIsltasuu-tuh t' oMrnap"ension -evim'e4 tmrc tbat A v'0Fvoy .NsAerg- At aJiî*euing ne preeario#t5laie bc f je - the Whilby Tu tanIn>. Company. helul lait îh irsueiet aiIuï-> - MuoluiaYýevemaing, it vas-mve '.erzeant, et cf i*bidne raz oi-, vvaune snW 'U Ri Maiesi blokson-.Ptho maaies 1 The performnce cousisted of al lte Ba. thems, bywiq tunes and.palme alred sot ,yoi, lIt,a fact, a repetitionof i tihe rebearsalw It vas nearlyhlf.psut five o'clock before the. programmie,,va îhrouib, ieving scareiy hait au onW write tiii basty accoqalt in Cie for ii, speciaf train vhuýh Ieavea at osix. Mr. L. 0. Everett and -Dr.-Everett vane the pria. cipai direojora, htr. Eopkins directed the oi a1which wus veryal peided over by Mr., rJAwsof. Tihe viole, lna aword, was a grand 8ucceis, and evrytbing passd oBr wiîb the gfrea(ist (ai. 1 wiii I bad time to say more anld do the Eterett Coin- pany à A dtheir -clauses the foul jastice tii.7 sqo.wsl menit. I May,vwithYnnr permission, do su in another,*letfer viien timb -viwil nt press so bard opon yoar busl . o rresponden., United Status. ý il noen gene agrand P ens is 0o - - great1 drea titrea Town Ceuncîl. MOiNDAY EVIEaNt, 22d May, '65. The Couacoil mut ibis eveaiag pursuant ta adjounsmnent. Ris WOrahijý the Mayer la tise chair. Ail tlui athen msui4e pre. sent axcepi Mr.Tu. T- - - *Tue feliuaing repor4rte cpnesactet in 0f thtestanding commutte on, pntiug; ut the standing cemuaitleonsn'els anti inîprevetuents ; oet ihe standing commit- tee oit finance anti assesîîcat. vcssrTING. Tiie report, et the Printing Committee necommende t ta the Townarkionin i- strnctuîd ta neceive tenders jha thé -qu1suai tari tor prianting fer the presaItyear, tenders te te ratneii'd ap te Saturdayj SntJ June fsext. Rc'pont adoptti. suftt Nwà în MvsIItEXUSe Titis report sbeved tisat lhe auotnut ex- pendetioit street15, iucludiag purchie et atone, tneaising, anti sprosdiag tise semae unan lte rnatas $608, sud necommendeti Piti te tal[lowing apprupriatielss te madie it additio u aicheamantt sh-catiy expead' ed, viz :-BrorucnStneet, fer building a bridge near the hanter, repaîinu culverls. sitie valis, &c., $204. Duatias Street, veau ut Brock, includiig nepaîr ut' sic valise, $199'. Dundis Street east ut Brunis, $240 Baie Line, $180. North Wsnd, for thte imprevemeut ut etrePîs, acd sidri vslisseon tissu î hîe valks un Brocis sud Dundasu trepts, $60. ContIn atdI ttmr duo., $60. Senti Wand, fojb do.,' $6.- Total appropriatioun ton ttc year,$16. A clause recoin meiuiuth le neunval out signs, sigu pestaq, autt crossings erocteti oui or asenie ii' aide val.-e vas sîruck- nutitn cumruitîec u t du'wliole Tise report s% asi-udetl vas then sdn1ted. irî%ne)xASir,%«35It'iCT, Tise report- uft4l his coemtîerectum - Meutd-l aym.-I tfte foloaing aeesitutis, wtiet ver,; adaptid .-- Cievatî & 1Ca fir Asiece'uîtlL-c & $.*>01, T.i.,,>t- (.-ird. late u-ilef rueisile, for e-rvines rt-a- tIi-ed, $5.75. flic repuintt also, îated liai tise naumttee noulti not uaemuend pay.. ment ot ant aceount out-W110 sejtifor by t B. G",S. focnr-c tn xîtyncesinnarinl tesuin,.,thus ectui ol htrueas tihéuneui proprimed inlu I864 ton tisa rîrairs utft14 sciaul Loase, lhad he o net-clrnni- t hi .ard. 1'iiq clausev- as sien arîrpteul. Tisa refont fuirtisteaîed tiat ilie cofumit- tee tatI urder c-sederatiou ttc cummtiueI- noun et ttc Board ut R. C. S. S. Tnuseteiru. lu neturroce uleas toniinufthntcCiergy Rur salre itselt laie, a court et revision, andi that the Reéve be chainman et saii court. U1r. White moyeu ltai tbe appeals -of' Mrtu. Magelire, Wm. Dousetiitasd Thcs. 0.I Sinytit ha dismisoi, -tat îb0 Asss-- --ment 11>11 bu altered bb>. tiing froni the uoa reaidetit Asesament Roll 40 acres oi lot 14, in tise 9h concession, and-asessing the seme ta Robent Ligittea, by takiug frtsm the non.nesideut raIl 401 acres et lot 10, in the 9îb coucessiaut, sund sssessîng ht te John- McGiliivray, h, y cbaaelag the as- sessaient of 70 acres ut- lots 7 and in glt rd concession, (rani Robent Richardson ta ThesosGordon, by asessing,2 Ssnofetlot 16 là , 3rditconcession te George EUnglauti sud deductng the sanie (nom John Eeighis assessmatut by 'reduëicig'the assesament et Jà coit Stalten's resi propent>. tu $4.000, by asiug the assient out s dog freni against eaciofethtie fulleviag pensons, vit: Patricke Monan, John Gleeson, Samnuel Webb, Rowlandi Browa, John Rleniiens> and Wmn Watson. Cannieti. On motion uf Mr. White, the court cf revision stands adjosirneti euh1 the 3rd day of Junnext. Ou motion oft Mr. Height, secouded by Mn. B;tilerd, the Iteeve lu rcquired to poil. lion Ris Eiccelleecy tlon lluveruor-Geiitral iii nifercuice ti tise sureeyitu.r tf lots 7 sil Oti m 01liin, teReevelais i 1ructet Iol order the Treusurer to puy the fillovit,- auinounts, viz: To John Parlker, eý,70 rlr IluurYing a mac tilled ~u the a nilway ; 10J. A. CauspbL-îl, $26,26 for prntiar andi r.d. vcnîingal , lu Scîtuol @-etion Nu. 2, $.125; l. Unsion &eIeuol section No. 4, $9.29, te Scîlon No. 0 laai, $1246; Iu Sctuol section Nu. 4 wt-s:,, $5.95; lu Schoul etto Nu. 14. $290 ; te Semail section No. 9, 93 cents ; te scîttul section N'o. 12, 81 25 ; teing <oitn eild ut tesliotil tturs for the >car 1864, and ta luaurtali *aîilî,-2160; for tise cuppori ut Ma"- Mr. %White moyes t<ltibc ItItev c hansd t> htsrciiy tutturized ilute isescb ereps an teMay Iec-m adeisslile iii)thecause or COue rd. titis corpo-ration, sud ton tis <t ltunpo'tt- teînir.r Jto taise legtil ad-hieu. Cur- 1 Mn. Wizori moresitit te f*sua ut $300 hi... appropritted frîîm the fundri ut tiiicor 1 poitilut u ecntuftheIse neeraI varis ut i tit towntship fur the irapruveuicut ut roada 1 ad bnidg't in lte'saune, andI thattcCou Ci!1trunctn'sî thîe different asi,4 - itrtîtrized tri rxp!nd ttcerime urttlnrepont The Grand Provincial Mustcal Con- venîsoil 44 accont .ofttti grand 0usi'.al de- nianstratlon 'ahlà - o~k -place o ody -Teesday sud Wedinetiday, 22, anti 23 mu9t.,- and thec Queea's birtit tiy, oft titigrand musical convention hoid tia Bowanville lu thés givon ia thé special correspondace oft he L&zdcr. We give itas prinîod lu thai leadiagsand roliable journal. F'IRST DÂY. Meaday, May 22nd. * The trains lnem thc esisud west Ibis moraiaig brougut liera aumberâ of ladies .aud gentlemen engaget te ai51 at - the grand musical convention. Numbers of vebicies are aisa snniviag fron Oshawa, Whitiy, Orono, Newcastle, Tyrone, Ennis. killea, andi ail other places luinhei m- mediate ueighborhood, fihleti vith tbe tair- est of fair singens, escurteti by many gel- at sud gay lookiug companiens. Ail Bowmsrviile ppears ta be dressed out la holiday attire, and te go la ton a genenai- jubiic.. 'he taverne sud bouses ut enter- taitîtîcal are ail open ar.d doing a lhniving hutinets, sudd IlDakin'a Ace,' apppars 10 be as litile reganded as if there neyer vvas surit a tieg as a Siafeiman for ils cham-, Pion in 11,14, to.dsy, euterprisiag Ville of Beaux sud Belles. Bow-mn-ville, uin a Word.i, file the milshe of the Evett Company, grand sud stuuaiang. To hear and admire this grand music vas the oliject of ynur eornespondeet's mission hiera, asud aeeîîrdingiy lica aicuî4ed ai lte Townu Hiik la tlie turpacînu i It was ,!:-a.-y eleveu u'cloceî 'natre ail 'tîta %rVrîcu e to recompleteti for thc accuivtnri(îlin of t th e theiu sin<.crà .- -ShOrtly befurathat hour between 130 sud 140, milgcn, acre properiy se tc.d, a-eord iîîq lu thein respective classes, on a raiged plaiîlrm, in the tpa-ciou, Tuavi Hall -a t!0îttcîient and iofty huildibg 62 x 45 feet. Thei-e were tstas paced for 200 singer.- lBuI cousidenhng that, ant/len sirercr nI ivere ta take part in the rehenrmaitie numbcr preoent, as stst.ed, vas quite large. The rchearsai oeeupied npaards oetwIo tours. Mnr. L, 0. FEvereit conducied the first part et the exercises, atiet coeaisted of thea stilemsi-"Giory tii Cod oit higli Il Trut iii th-- Lord ;" 'jais le J aht aed a Canadim ins,;hcîn, boginitaiîg wtt tte wvorde - ~ '-T , l' it ii it ( 4t--rtes - The ex.'rciscs l in ce scond# part wère candttcted by De. Hverett, and embratccd thse a'siieeîs sud ivmnq- "SînP, Olaîîgi ter of Zrou,i' IlThé Lfnrd's Icrayere .t l>rsie the Lord, ail ye natione,I Ye stall seit ume and ied tme.'- sud caeuluded tviti tise Natiial Anthea. [t t u tino en tise lot ut your corespondanît tohâve aven hiîhetîulistertedta luéhact rand sandthrillirtg meieiy. 'fanon, trahie, site, sud buss, harmonioucly hlestded and stÂtened, nati et elliuîg n soiemu igrardeur ii .4!ýred aon.ç1 Ant i lire was a diCtuciem ,- utiersece iu the uouie iLal told o iiîr ' -(-Iilt lu thse expreâcion ot thse words, aîi Weile si arnd ct'icie cin' lu tedru.ulr-ir ofut htmue ithin it i lup Pc tlissi - and 1 cectaiuuly tn'SgtAdelieveti su, ou hear.u.;, us 1uid, to-day, upards ot 130 coluiviel oice Uruited il utnîoniprallo .tIra. Simpson prasided e(ffieneuty aI tia harmouniutm, In ttc tîfternooa, tth etuniesra as, comaxeacs'ulshordly bint-ore pr "irkt&tee bain,,sipwlirdw of Çour hîili 4ri- em tro n ailparts ot tiu c enutry tien prcet iT. lhe Programme on -this occaion was, utc adi lknoýeî ivmns ôfIt . une atri'- t t >se,' "Ma-' èGuido,' ELintia," .tSautios." tCoyln,'t' Çtr onaîln,y list. Ambrà oet' snd iOOid Hendreti, lu te finîti part, Aun'i 9tte, second-part tiiose cf',< Dpuytrdti,e - Pal' meer,' l "ar," " aiayhy," &PA.i "Nanaita," " Bilina." anid coucindeti viîth tbe National Anthe I'. if the sithem' 1 1 sigbt, I nia>.bel abl h-i.t sutuc uinisitf- cf anme et ynnn ne&easitb>.infenminet tiem, ato the musical teachers, L- 0C. Evuret &Ce., are. The, company censisîs ot L -C. E., 'anti bis"- twb brotisens. Dr. REveretil sud B. Rl. Everaît, sud ot Mn. e D, Ta- lai, anîd Mr. J. E. Hopkià s. -Mn. IHop-- ingia<sts as secrotar>. as vil as -partorming, bis part et the duties as teaclten, snd yau>' oa, veny vahi imagine teameunat fwnk tua ail tau 1 biastars upon -aoccaion lilnî the present. Mn. L. .C. Everaît is thte leader sud principal c'oaductor. The Me sars. Ecerett sud Mr. Tetin are Vin., ginians , Mr. Elopkiaa is a Marylaader. AiU are practisati unaicat teaebersetfthe tigtesî unden, s'uad are, iu addition, cultiva ted geutio.mea. The secret eftWthingneal aucces luorganizing lange vocg*lassemisies - consiâsaof lte uadevîatiiag unifnnmity <'t titîir mode et instruction. Each nader- stands tie syste fthttcotiterse thorougiti>. tiat the classes ot ail may bu brcngiit te getber troa s>.distance, asdudnad&rthe direction et any eue -eft Iem exencisati aittout a discordant note, aud viîi as miuet precision seit fttc> bati tned but tIhe tngle clam tee ta ld'otor. TUe OrlAYhi OtAIN. The érection ofthes grand opwganiestnw tomnieîed. BRoteinanviflIe t-.îd i~tg sounding noteis fur the lir,3t lime Ibi.4 nioce. 'nil. It is s magniiceai Vlinti instrumgent. taviug eigbt stope, sud vaîl adaptiti ton' tlle occasion. w a ul yM.Ls t yoîîr cil>., une ot wiîtse ongans, yen ia>. reuniser, carried off thc prcrmiu at thse Proeincial exhibition iscld lu Torntu lu 1862 lu tutnal fur aonsale, 1i tînden- lu arien ta show tise exîcut 50 atict pi'epar;tiouîc are beiîîg modeo for thc recel,. dooit ltre, h1tncy intuni you tint ttc ladies OfItltle Prebytenia n eugrûgatien have isiucd d (vitniieunet annlihnciug tes mt-tiuge foi liantica» aticîîiug the eoutveti- lion. tri bu teplt adjituiog lte grounts, eus thsi Queeî'a Birthda>., frei 1htu 2, anti 5 tu 7 uîclocis. Tse. ladies utite-Wudlcyan Matodmut cliur a-it-nve tolloveti nuit, and annulîtcce tes foi. thcîoublie froru 12 te -2 sud -5 te ltslt.paeit 7. Ticetsei tu lei 6.014 25 Cetitï." 15 nul tiîtlietsiio adran- tage ut Ilue occasion te- lurnen"su tuta puennuy fanrltegood ot telebuncli ? t; coin putdtol, ilî esaigile tuathelite ut trade,"l lndire uce have Ilita cher-chas aeathist th.. litt-rt, luintheir uvu peelal bttaierteligit. The adiuanyun alîl admut,hruieutnue side --the taverne cuuniot ticcenîl>. gain mb lte eliurnni busitiîu At Ilul uternoonîts rlcltsntllite largest ut~lit cisitguset menut tugethisanaro pr'ýetcrt. T17t18-xf'rcest.s-crs aIl îli hwcouid tie desired oui tie part ofthtie conuctors, ansd th4?in upl Ihave ontly waord; etap tîttuse snd udmiÃŽraîiotî tu <rile ni a!II secj and tear cutuîîecîed ait thtie ititlieii tont- velitîitud vi;I r serve myseif fton a-tan nov, ttc tera day,vton yen stnîil bear - cucomiurma, on sharp Citicimas, as it mey tappcu toll aIt .Lveryti- iugnanu, aveu the wethec, as 1 arita this evte ,gis figir luromuise for tise sîcceis thtie gr.ngad mtisiý.sl conventon BuW5hTLM M>2-1, 186.5. A gioninaso daby sud the veatten, as ual'usi itsiîhly liie, Ou tlt> natal-du"Y oe oun good ud tavrndQuseen, Crevtlu apon crowdu'isretg,-lstel3 aiville trmail direqtjýip h siuî train .~fumtis aat asuneriaaupd,- man> ef the po4ïoi-e'erisaviîtg ta -content ite'n. selye' tsuit.g ý' rnui», ud b!ing nît- tisem.selve4andti tclu>y~o iCugtn Art Un 51an ;~afnof u e linlue sud lîredesînriatîs iseeli poliri iiin titan-g lite noad uiî*nlu the toteti frsi ail direci'iljits,ud le stugit- tiurer î tat olle us finly et a In" te su- caîîîîtfor wîrethe>.'eaui al coins froin. Titis bias ees th c caa ail-the tpcnîuig Tie nicl~ttt petnisi' t rat, Sovever,- aiset ca¶ltulbie t glinon te day brougitilu ucis an addition te the sanm ef peep)le ' s tecomplotai>. ocîdo ali ex. pecîsîlon. Tho acciunudstionsarae, not.î voeei - omril 410 Ma" 1 aimed laI wnestie si arams of 1 pai et- fine, evid, çra"i ,RU bisain Ant il acresa bat du ecc. ~cat eni Jeif Davis sud0., C« Cia>.,-are nov cçlose Mînre. Tite 1réappears ami dambittat_ general Kinby Smith, hms beau killet in a quarrel iîb onu cf- bisoaa noficors. -There appears te havre 'tao more figbig li -Wasuingtun, ?Là y 2-SeetrSo. erd-visitedth ie Stte Departmesnt ta-du>. -le nnýes'ni'ujuen> hîs offcislt iaionce. Tutu luttera ftmndti upon ,Bothmsbody' viii enstitute the mis i linu,; portion <if the tcatiînoîy i>4 the ennsphltny itria"..- Louisuj, My22f --a ctrti a sot sud( kilIcdjf, Shiibyviîîc, Ibis mena- ing. bye negro sald ier -or'ptia <e cornpany. .Mn. NfCGath à act t tW vio1ùieiitl ujecteul te tise acîutiincy'byt5 uîcgno, truepi of h h- United bStates cf ttc ntdszvaui.,ansd l-isahi.Altercation lis 81î0oetifig tuuig placa. - TheliaNisbvilIa Unionsys i--Tse nibel GOci. lleu;.liui lbas tuneul er ll hie mon, sfe- 700 in rîuruber, vith thoir am ansd ismaite tmhe UnitediSSates. Tis eun Eunopeaa News. Tiiere l it1 tlee froua En'gIandI. sssproba.ble that itélligerent nigits ta thc que ihie Oputtederaîe States, ha abat the Nort 55> i s'rébelliotr, yl shorl>.ba recalad. -1Tisacifaci eh<Ihiîll iiia teex- claije sncb vessels s dia Speseiac4l '4ensandotde fren Bnit ports. Tien, lu a; numoar ualtishe furmer vissel cf var liai teun isandeti-e>.en b>. ber Captain tle the Spanisit Goverament. -Ti. Etmantis s catîdal;i la whict Lent-irenogh»,na andti iia Lard Oitanèollor acre unplesaaily imixe ep- hua meut»; fuIl.diapasati af b>. te lIeuse 0t-Lords ravokcing the pension graeteI n -.la Ths ~ie Atlantic citethewahI te6rend>. for latimg luabout - SLîANOCit.-Th e Buocitnille Recorsl SatIes ttc PeierbonouJh Retn'eto-4 ont for raisoý'ôti. Thlora is net le Upper Canada- a more l.oyal papen titan the Peerbanoug4 Revpiesc, ad va cas sy tîheicmore. nîssil- Iy as the prioprt-etuea soret ii.9pçctaar bave ceei te have .cancctious editorially etr uttemaisa vith il. Vai wis e,eri7papen in Canada vacre uts trie frnt lte Iiniet dis- loyali>. as la eur Peterborough. conlomapor- ary.-fsgmiUton~.pcao. 11ev varui>- thi iputation-i.s repelleti! 11evw dieigraielu t'he çiue cf ad.rocariis autuexltien i. fait te tel h How Ina la - pjui>ljoasîIniailn Must thoe tc-oOr two, jouiis in luUpper Canada s<ule vich con.- tinno -t', ulsuïecte lte trie e liiget cfthe - publie b>. thei vile tressa.l-nt- stnNes Yes Pai~s cs the-. trahîsrs, -Whutby Ucttli offl1antnurtl,tLeci Bfj Hephasil. <j;' '>14,- in0114 o thlt-tY Q," ,ie Sindy mr iitlîn .., ý . dta hd ta theturmbied Maliagonieaiuud' 0Lircii.q 111hic15 exiite&- hore on îast -Friday.'-'lie displayed evV.- donccc; of'" itdisi,4tiOn anti telieléness' sulvral dsye - prcyiotýIly - ati ýonrýj 1 ' ý' im