Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1865, p. 3

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Ifattbew Te.fj 1r -c1gduM8TANirE8 ÂTTENlDINQ Ela DEATE. PEUtONAIAN» SPRU4G- B[?OReVTIONS llarrlb's acceunt that C ol. Baker ent Lt.. Cotbo ns1UU m UU e -,U àedSi Col. Congers and Lient. Baker, of bia de. teetivel, wiîlm Lient. Doogherty aud his é ct vryOùreaching Garreî'a farm n 4 A large assortment of, Tweeds, ,Pint', Co- were Ltl by a don of darretthaltbel vere t EN . 1 tes,,bs .Iws l ,in the.barn. Thîs wu at Ive a M. n ;<qtî,£VRfus,~'l1i,1ibbpus, .4 di 1sl Weduesday. Proceeding to the barn, tient~ t, aw R t, Bot an Sb s, eb l Bakr w set frwad, nd çAilld upon ta âs B oî ad1 oelSéh l BoothI te coe 00u give up hl& Ërma and Bôoks, Stationery.G oeis &c 14 urrender, aud théit yotung Garret *ould go lno t hbaeut J3ebtb zk i4l e out of bore ; eu îbave betraYýed me." 4im1 i t uR I A foloquy t4en enued, t he folfe- [5~~ lewing la the substance- Lieut. Bker-" *Yen muet giv tp ycur A LARGE' 8To.QK,, 9H5'EPi.- srnLBind surrendler. We bave w tait. YOP a prisofl@r, iii treat yeu au a prisener. W. viii gi-jeu fi,, minutes te surreud- or, or w:l1 hurnthe. barund viotdeBOOTS & sEI E , Yeu vaýttt ? THE LARGÈSCI & CHIRAPEST STOCK IlqTQWN. 1t'u;cions hcd been given te Lt. i3ak- er. nt Ite diclne.the charucîer f tUce S t ii - y Wh'uee npurcut. ho oI AE IBooksI ne v Lieu%. llolir-"4We wnut j e in-WWUW ~ W ôte te .ae bis unaebr" e rnay Grotceries a large stock always on-hand, .1 bthat 1am Iote i taken by my friends.",14lbg. -of good (urranrts for 81 00. Good After corne furtiier collequy ef Ibiesert Booth, geeuring cenviiicd that hp Walin TJeas nt 80 .etsg the0 colis ef Fuderal soldieru, said: QV me a chance fer my life.. 1arn a cripplo M.il. COCHIUA N E wiîth ee eg. NVithdraw jour imon a hua. V'b, y. drami yards f ront the bârn,.ud 1 wiii coma htbMay 3. $65. 1 cmt aud iglt you"NE ADVERTISEMENTS. lieeut lisier--"o We Iid net cerne hs.ra NEW ADV]eRTISFÇ1XENT, NW te flght, but tu ttlçq yeu prisener, luy down ______ yeur armeanadui urrender' I EXKTENMiV e A,.1Or' îoi-,Utme bave ime tu coOsletB.' UNUESZRVED SALE BT OSUL rUIUE A conversationinluthe ban> tbpetanutimli osgt) URI RE and larreldti vtoteck paee, which wavioS )1f t lu er b h aryotige 0about j IT I BGGY$. Who are yuti? 1 coaid have l1ckodul il IO rii'ii Il I hait s dozeai of jour men wvii> v wm-wrmm Culkting. 1ciotld bhve' uhtî ov îwo or îhree 0F Y AIA LE tnebut I dot't..vamt tute ili ayuml. LimŽt. imeor~î i'Imti ivoup our tarmes -anîd surreuîder- We haer m-mme ht-ne to tute HOUSESOLD FURNITURE, ilior l--" 1 wi;i ueymr murtm.der. 1 i mi lRSS mever ho e ti.em li te.c" Litut. Baker-" iIf ymu dni)tlt do an mmmm ATTL '1 S4 . tnediaiçIly wu cii c-e t ret tu i harn T .. L , 41,mS* i E ElcP 4 Bomh1Wlmylimave lboys, Iri-loIt a sîretelmer for me."' Carri.ages, Wagons, Sloighe, Afier tii a conversation toi plaeo h- fane .Cart#, Ilows, Har- (wee o hoth and llîrrmoti, duin;g wic t~th au B.V ooth was a emril Cm> s, 1"jo away fît(Enmie~t rows, Buflalo Robos, 1 don't want aîîioicg Cýt-ae do iii yiu."&c, c,&. Ilred then carne Cmu ibm>duor î,mîd iýohiimd- te bc ]et out. lieut. IBaker »id, «Illamd outl jour arma." îlmrroid re'îlit'l bI avoe riTIII'm.mltt1ik KIt ilt' iF N-S riwc'r- Lieui.Baker-êîYez, vmmu har&ol moi car* riea a canbine wbeu ymu camorne i-mm; ju 17 Tl muet 1band it eut." M . b À1 A 1 N CT EISQ.. flal-JIebas nu ai-aï; ihm'y mr" ait ' ' inqt;upon ny ;ori! u a gentle-manmilins i- ' -~ r,îîo -mitmlm pt-m Ari»e,. nil tbat arc litre i>mlutume m.', m mi---m rf.m- » leu i aEur nCpt-uaChed thc dooir, M lmmmn Iluz ro. î hrotmt eut hie libanda olaie wui !il 'F() 'V N ( )F W il 1"I;Yl froue tha door, tied and plmied in charge àf 0 guard. Co-l. Ceug-r %" eul tiiifilti f(enlier -N part y wuîh hieoth vie$ vaisî,amtd lu' jr--Cc'-ml cà-tu theautimîr aide if tht bmîrm. 1 ut-i o T ES A ,IiAW dh 8 out a wimîim of tîmy ateiîllttmi il; 'itiliil a j ' ~ 0 m' mcî.î t i feyr îwitee the bia2itmg hey liglited o p tt insicle of the barn. Biot vooj-i.,oeed ieauîag on a crutehwli ctieh tco lmneew moîd' ý ioublmtme teite'l t Cettlmmge tî.-m unemim and *!th a carbineielu is hbands camn'e . j!mttml t-1 tr) i ei red, i' tt ~m mhm te vards tue aide wlterete ire hbe tîtkmn- Imtmifmmt~mmee.m'e- mtm mi, dted, paumemI. ekemi at the Cre amment, Ilmtî m imlmý.-- m iimRtm - y 1 m * atid then star-ted towards the dotîr. %Vlieumtt-ilîmnmmImim t"mm- tii - t'-i- im .Stt:i; u ; clf -t about the middlecf thme barnulie wi tip; '1)0 tiCtt',i rîl -itmîrgem-i Cîmiosel Conir a nd Lieut. Baker ut ouîpe &..&i., &c- i4 tetremlthe haro and brought Boothtiiout. 1110t,4981 CATTLE, &c. After ldeniifcatien loy order of tite r de. prtntie tebody .. 1rvateyintere.in ( Him muid vm;homithGe t-m td im'fît the ototbiag whlcb vas upon it. tot-cime ' ;î mmi 1utîortemI i ti mmnCoci--"I ytîîg Now York, Apil ý8-Tlto )irrald4a cor 1 iiiV UUnt" att-ilmil ii mimioe i-ou hncml reseadeîît eaym--l'he çmrtey with 1ith IDevn al Cait, 16 i nmidtit e m citît immc ,Y>t:e IiflOlb.'; thc intch timtCmiv, min -Ce.;- lfwteed a long while; chat Boetth tol i. Lmt. mmteifer, tirmi 'earg cmîtdoneitm tle;tri Dougherty ho Lad a bead dravo mï hM, sud Begummanmd Lcîmmtm; two it- bould shoot him il b. chose-, tbet Both flOUSE OL» FUIINITURE. ceuld scethese cutilde uwibie tue>'cotld net m)ne Au no~tîiemt IhIictiiitn Iiemîmm; ont $Lot lie lm nscidet thai vhetn the ire vais ligie. Unawvitg romm1 '.I1 tii 4wth ta mtt'.> t,iiik a d, Booth ceuld hac eeu, aud thea> Lieut. vmîii2t umri ; Cetmtro T 'ru tiýl r Timimît-; Iloing Rmoimi ulitv. tBomok Cea chl'tmm et ýPoxigicerty orderemi Brgeat orbett te ire. Dam-.;t'm.rlttmi, Femdcri. : mmFIN ti whiph ha did threugh oeeoftthe Ureyvtees. 'ii- &.itm'.ttmOîlà igi rîiae cmittiiif 01 ,Booth wvasarmed ivi th twa six iarieled and 1iimiiott d Bedlimg 'l'mmiî4 'i' U lneWimi- liiidt 'tand; ('mmeco; ine4îeî Iurmiture; on.eovceubrreled revolveme. Whemm the I'imni, tDru viig R1tumci mieKîtoiieî Stoeve harty etustedtu tereturn iii tiebody ,Han- &rocery s au-i tit>m e mi; Cttleg m rit, Ittitter 'iurm ; ;andithe tlouiîuud ltmmellmneous roid refuod te valk; a relie vas fuetimed te artieimi equuite inside and omoide 'ni a tarire bis necit andthe tice7tr ynd te theia udile of iim.mtietod. acavalry main; as sortitas a berse ceulmi boc procured ho-vWu mounued. TERPIS Or %ALE. ALxz ix RgTtMaw mmOeî.iqE,-Tie Timaes soae, in tefèrenace o, ailway Acci- dehts $Commrunication betweoa tleepaean- genssuad ithe guard l% a mere matter of a tope.' Jost se, acil if a fatal accident for eamea more Mette-o r ope, ira sheuld - cee haire the reqecito inventione on all the To those 6iectotlie lihe voeoef S $1,000,00~0 fer fatfe ta aseseding te --or debt, andi likel>', on that scepat, to lover the, price oet emr seçprliîes h tmay be e i mter of-,nrpism ibat ear six iper doute-, wbich went pretty viii dowa ia th# ighties -- seane time agem- rose &gain. titi, oit the 27th cit,, they 'stoed a t 92 te 9M.-Tbep caimp mave of t is vote anid anot5er dobsee ou fer' t1fihaions, vhevénpon ehey ehold have md pped, but lnsteaê of tbtttbey eoutiamed te, ri&',,t tchjp 07on ube 6uh instant with businu doë onthatanti suceeedieg deys BjtW<4Y1RQUHÂRTM A the fi4- br1d Héome., lxbridgo, on the 28th fett, b>'a Re,. W. Oleland, George Brown, tfrjà» *tTaqubsrt, wido wboth of $cott~. WALUft-URRIB-Qflh- Ueo Otih five limouths credit Ott oppruved josolit '. Fivu [per cuit of fo~r ca1e. N4?T.-Tii, iusâtruetictixof' tlge roprietor arc tu ,'eil uvrytIîng wiîhotcthelw e . tee roserve weu~ sale of Ilouseletd Yuruiiiot q e)cotce nt 10 u'clog5k, ta. m. Cattie, &o.,î 8 IWO OettIock Ili-theo attCri<>op, Whitby, Mtay 8, 8f.1 MR. ARKLAt4D'8 8i&miURDYXÂ*' thy 1865f WI1l tiot. PIO )tt tdy, Dto telqmi>v recu11eitrçàby lire; end atthe mme W3ItLR T?A B L ES sayea fro~m 1the are wvu Leo*ffotod at e kA 9, ION 13, YARNOIi, ESQ. TO SEIL DY PUBLIC AUCTIO N AT ilIIIml'C. BY'RON - SE. WIIITBYÇ 0 N SAT'IRDAT. MAY 13th, 1865, itm w' Cumn m l I>iim>im i î ti> ti- w>mmi h-mm i., imO-m h mOim~t-- (' i ls ~- i giit ii miii Hmii i îi' I Ummt-itil ini 01 i i.mti, Warmin mtmi. itt~,krt, 4m., "'it-t t41 id Fmiobu ti.re, ft~llM$mîF itAi.Ï.. gi imm i mmmi ude>' Siiim 1*m' It'q CC i 12 -'ml'kt : -iripro. LOSTB t si- i g m u 'ct ifmdrmatI'm n , mn 'tad ) t.me îl e mover', wtimi .îmmtitmbly 'i WMr. ti ONT ARIO Ft AX IYILLI I F iT-C mI l?%iilM IF .FAIiMKRS9 îlîuu I liae 0iirelmeliaI stalilînrm-t o tle ait af'aeire of FL"as rom A. t iRTeOTJ et00.,maui i blie erel iýo éY 'Çuit fer urge ou thie fmenmni'i.te put tsln argîva hàcuidtle xspm idttaiirive ih.afuir îil.il; sitilmi the ee«hae t ai fevureide it wilfie a mueno-jri ftîbut- eriop. SAMUEL 1111-L, I'ropi ietîer, Whtthy, Arori 2:, l1mil. 16 4OAcres t Lmii1 , mure or lle, eÇ~licu., 40TowilshipetiitWittv mrth - AppI>' te oON Avril 26,865, 16 Land~ For Sale Tih. foliTgIelttg t bLte&, wtt: tbu ie'IiI 1ev for caid1- or naisfiir ulatiiuu ounti-ir is. Lot 1, tit1 Cun. mtitin, 20 Açes.- Lt5.7th " Kiemr, 9$f00 i$6 i -' 005,~ ¶%u» Wli 7, rdit enimie L.ot-# 17, rot o 200 >'4 41 hÉ s~rbt b~ 'w dtu- his (C. LD{DE'S TANP'.) DflutdasýStre3tWhore his cUtoiir rtnd- the publie, willr t<4w hrge, and excellent Stock of GBROCERIES, .PROVISIONS, and choice p'ue LIQUORS, froin iihich to i14ak-e pasciection. Cail and examinhle is prices they silh 11 f i ! c ompeaiiun. rmers'oi i t4, n in xhngand goOdÉ tBld at LOWS CMeif PJUICL ~y'- ~mt' r he ne(m tore wiilî the bigi window8. whiabv, ay-~ 8~ .New Sprig Gods, New Dress Ooo dsq New $Shawls, New Hats 1o"t 1féwFlo* COTTON GOQXDS -Atùt great lleduiclion in -price., HAMILT-ý-OW *Cou 199.I and 2, Till's Block. IFLOWER SED$.I Trhe subscribers ci received, contans al the u the beei FRANCE'A' of Montreal, inludipg-- Asters al kinuis, UB LOWE &i-WEL ~re #p reçeiptý of their new stock of SPRING &SUEMMiER GOO W hicëh is t-Irge a"nd well selected. COTTQNGOOD$ M14dîi beIow. Iaàt Fallts prices. NiW ADVERTISI~N.Li~m. Real IEstatel tho TOWN 0F l? I1BY WILD {ANI)S, 4AAp SATURDATY, ËAY 2 7th, 1,à 'lO oPYF R $t E 'l A ,~ PULC AUICT-IeNW, cery departinent is well stocked with geiieral en o 'e'm>i î> ,mi.j î' cent ,I. t, ,n ill!L cr feu r Vamh mi P>mim ttret-til ilmt .ti et tfront-. roti ,,i . m". onuOlïl0ïent dermi-P u ndqlq S trt-'. laite 12 fpm t oh n, t prbcit imt iii ojtdo-limm-ii' <>1 tthe 'iiwof if Vtliiy Lot 2. (' O ii e-et 'im t I m ttrtmmm jm>Iiich6t <mi Io 'mrilet or mmi,w'î! Ilit UttieimîmlM . IL. il ltmmilmi' floureuil (miittre. Lot 31. Ht11lirêelo 13-tlfoi-t (e -etlni i'rr<m.t< -$tircmt. mmmm- !tmio t t' *twm"m oimtt ui' ti ti> je i . mm mi i' r, tîto North; uow siilt te ot(le, m m IMr. YeZiMin ue ,,etir- ýc Clitent. 'Lot 4. (lu i rme i'm.. t, iV mmt--a teet troW' tivmmwen tir. P1r. < cutLal'erer, umid Mr. MMl Naw lickuf Ilrhiiltlum.- I.oti 2 3, semi'i4,-'oim c «li 9", Vi1) Theprperyii el iiit-'gttiiir au e in'tlml<m>mi. Tho prémmnt salc iuffr'c in me;Ort- itv tcquiirlig tuie v'ety <,m oc f mlemitî; eeo uttrecl vîeptilicio.mptmtlýr4ifi ;l 11 £mmmu'm' cf Whltbyî - tERMS 0F 8ALT: #~? FMLY CRO'CERUES, F-IELiDl-ÂAND GABJDEN SEEDS, IN- GREAT VAR[ETY. LOES#cPOWELL: NEW GOODS 1-INiEW GOODSI! l GEAP G OOD'S - - AT in eq e ti ntiii t,'omiiirt> ,-iimtatlnorifeeipe-r -Cmlii t iii ii>el - tm'i:. ! ie pierdhohut. te eopaie wilttkepceionî tigrI1mm10 At thrit- vei ottm fl«i t- !Y.ii r t ilt toom ili g fni-l mc tiiid,- tr>- ' i treen c.tnoinily em.eleud. euet eclmîloi.,,), > îimlr'm f V %;ut- ;-mi eX'itt lm *mim -le pi pi mii il] ri 'l'ie ýubsüribe1's -beg to arîlnouncýe the arm- val of their Spriùg Importations, which'in extent, 'vartctye finish,ï N anc elegance pf- iïn psjut~i'iithis-marlket and as sý 'for 'cÉeDpneA1.,kh'erdefy oipetitiop. ---Their»'iQoton doods of eyre4e are imropseIýy ceaperth ian olsewher-e n town, Good, 33-incli Gr-ad White- Cotto ns from 11icts. lld iD1à esfrinm 12 2itjm.I 1 ---- l4cts. îMkmml Alei~Ielo ~ndare offered &Doeskins Mtnü uttres Priées. it allowedon Bankl MS ~mEU~'UWU~ rt-sm 2 '~~ - seed 1- Dretimi 0 IOOY.U the s aseel. _ DETÂILM)NAIRATIVE '0P TIE Y WAD~YS M[ZIN b~4 ~VVTISfltiS qi - Th( 'o. mmoàa -1 -- IL _é »-616 ' < *tý _ý- à , ý, 1 " ., The Cwro- 1 4 E W T 1 -------------

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