Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1865, p. 2

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seéepî auchlocal leglalrs stta ashe>' jay o! thé vorld's buitor>', lus fiée coun- chébuse le i, nu. - (eair, hér1 1 Sud try sncb U asCnada, amoag a people *ho thé Fnance Minister, i-0 speïkiitg of thé uedérstaud vhat are Iheir rigis sud liber. costrlcî'on o! the local legiblsato-és, s&y. iés, a gavegemeut psvparéd tea ct lén5go lng: "l vas kaovuni'at ail evuts je théemnouttaiouMl a miuuer-a goveriment Lover Canadla section of - the, province, ready te tyrîanüi nise u éasume;he part %ha% thet woold bei Legiia!iveCancil as a! au oîîgarchy. (Réaàr, hua.) But vei asnaLgslatile Assmbly,"' ceustitu. thiis Gavernieoulla prparéd t., ict thas. ting thora a s'ry-expeslv michiuciy o! Thé>' tetI théir fallovéra thîl thé! aie st govérnmeat for the loual administration. 1their pérIt emceité shni àl s 1 do Dot sudestad thal "bis l thé viov le, thatt hoy are net at, liberty' ta change -Upper Casadians talaio! Ibis malter.. If a single vord ofi, and ut thé>' dosao théy vo amr rel ta bavé a Local Léegislature, vilI defeat thé vhoîé prejet. Thit, boy. we vaut t to Sué Msluérpeusive lu a &Svei,-is not the vay lit whieb bée. gonflé» character as possible-asvint ta cn. mou lu thé Laver Provinces dési vitb usineS it smueh as possible vith a view Ibis question. _Hon. Mr.i. lëYe, lu Nova taeéconomy, ie ordér te thé publie, bardes Scotia, oui>' tva or thrée deys ago, made beiug lemoéed te thé loweui practical thé déclaration thit uf thé péopie's repre- point. [ERosi.] o-l;îng tbis question seetatives chocse ta mter thé. résolosions, thé bét attention le My pover, désireus thé>wr'svi t liberty' te do se. (Roîar, Iîf posible afgi' sîg seomhing aecomplish béer.) Ad jet vé in Canada are gravély 'éd b>' vhich thé sémblaue e! a causé for told that vo ire uat te hé iihovcd la ex- faction may ho doue saa> with, I wouîd ercisé iii>'judgmont or te prossouneé se> bave béeviîling te support thia scemé opinion upon il. [Ilear, hua.] I regard had 1 séén that thé Gorérumeut iti farmng thé acheme iself as baving héén got up it hîd su oye te thé tino intereste, o! théehastil>', for- h besratpon isfaceo thé eli- coutry', sud net an éye te thé erésting of dénue o! baste sud ofe compromnise. In. s number et législatures, and thé cariying deed, it ts s complote pièce et patchwork, oe a! veriés mont «epnsive and bar. sud as ve are ail avare, it le s pièce a! dénsome lu théir charactr-work vbich patchwork in vbich w-e are net te hé nt Wittlbhofe but litile value as a commercial liberty' ta change thé patchés in an>' ré- unertalcing, sud et ver>' itîle valué fer spect se as te matée ut look baller ta thé militai>' purpesés, but whichi, nu doubt, éyé ci mare éndurleg te thosé vhe vilI - absctuiely neessxar>' for brngiag us have te wéar if. [blar, béai, and laugb ie contact wlîh thé peopleofo thé Laver ter.] On thé subject of thé Législative Provineés. It sectma te me that it woutd Conucil, it does striké mé that thé laugu hé mach bélier bied this Iteérceloniel age is, net sncb as ta contré> thé idea ihat -Railwa>' bée bult vithaut formiug fise lion. Méareaf th'xs eniïe have &nid il union etaitaI. (0,îpos;tion chérs.] Hfad ought Ioecouvé>'. Thé 141h section moead vée gene on building thé railva>' vithoat thus : - a uine, il vould havé bée léosai Thé firsi slectina ef thé vuémbérs af expanisivé In ils chéracisrin tu; ve vauld thé Législative Ceuncil &hal hé made, ex- gaie more by îh, sud voe veuld bavé ,épt s regards Prince Edvard Island, had thé contrat ef our affaire, vithoot re. thé législative cucils aof thé viii. being swampéd, se fer as Uppér Canada is eus provinces. conceruep. (Hear, héar.] As il is, vé Yen vili observe thé langaag--"$Frnm ahaîl gel ne mire bondeit front il,- com. thé leghlltivé ceuncils e! thé varieus pro mércial>', than if It bad hen bulît vih vincé." That is, fratu the legisiatisf,. eut a uniion o!fhi provincélt. ceundils nov in exIstence. "Bo [sr" thé Mit. WALLBRIDG-We shentld bavé classé gees on te «as>', jas s suscieut num.. hobd thé railva>', vithout hringing lu those ber hé found quîlifiéd sud wiling ta earve ; vho mi>' limit our westerni extension. sncb némbers saol héappointed b>' thé lat. M. C. CAMEION-! do nol knoutv9creva at thé recommeedatiou of the Gen. vhat vili hé doué and'âr thée ev arrangé eral Execuivé Goverument, upon thé ne- Meént. îlut tuader the- nid arranigeaint vua ete ttérspcielclgvr vers ta havé paid five téelîtli oI thleé(ott, menut$.", Hoorahlé gentlemen éay that aud thé chargé upen ans -nnv yl hé ai mcmi,. upan thé notinstion, se fais least double tisat sam. Saie tht in vhai Canada in concerneédet thé present Gev- ever wsv this malter ie looked ai, it Witi I mnt 1pîeiuntéthatinluthé nature et hé seeau btai heré bas béenedesigni for thingp, thé heu, gentlemen vho are at thé purpose et adrantagingUpper Canada, présent adminisiru; our affaire soli- w-ose peple are te ind thé mêmens b>' cipate thai thé>' vil, hé thé centrellérs et vhieh aIl this extravagane is te hé carried otdsiy o an it I leti on. le thé formation of tisbisshmé ilthoui deiny, ore g stth é ent, bas bée n t>' _duittéd ihat compromise& ae geing thomsetées ion omtinaté thé.. bavé bée made. Thé Liver Provinîces sl'.Ir bttéobeie hécas bayéhav vhih ae e 'a14accoxdancé Ie peint aI tact, vould ii b u scb ie lis vith out ove In Upper Canada, r.uid it han operation, bfcauso here thésé unomina. bée thonglît ver>' désirable tit thé>' tione atk l".1&oets h should bc brnttht ie union aud, i nsra- an e tate lilidé, I Smutb n xis th cible. consolidated. WelI, provisionte bas bée made fer thé eesoali- tece, and thal when thé Fédéral Gaeérta- dation o! thèse lias-s; but observe menS ceamés iota é315*ée(l, théepréent bey religiousl>' théelava o! Lover Ca- Onverumeni vilI cesse oeinsta4li. 1 -nda ara guardéél fre. inierférençé. Théeistée thitt se soon as thé Imperil Act 33rd subséectien gires ta thé Genenal flué passeé, théré voald hé an end te thé pré, erument thse pevér cf *renéleg xutiform sentarrangemenCtts, sud that thé local légis, ltr adteGénéral Léglltues. oold ai ran-or thé l&ava relative tu prop e-lty b ru int %aec a h a mmd civit iighls bu Upper Canîria, Nevaic oug.hne etnc erumnthé ofm Séchaà, New Btanmwick, - Nmwtound1land, Umoent. eThé ItmetGoee nt Ad ud Prince Bélvard Island, aud rettélringUntd aaavadcésteei. n uimrthe procédure et mit or San>'oetthehé oy ban voold ibisfniinaiens sethé courts le thèse provinces; bai an>' haine éLegislative Couneil toe plueé, friat this for this purposé saolihavé ne ferré or Qoveréimeet te thé Exécutive Qoveremegi authenit>' in a&>' province iutil sasctioed one,-vaCppfee 4otieu? (IMay bcane l bythé légisature theréof." Seo thai ile eued 'va,' ihse aselaîinof t>'e consi raht>' ne such lav w-lit hé hindiug util îth n.But thé>' noum le"bave descended bas thé sanction o! thé Local Législaturetavrémi til.Frîtncbe of the provincee partia.ly îffeéîèd îthere ve> mIdtls Frlsanéthi b>. Suci being the guaaded terns et thé sa>' that a meather qbo ia absent froini tii résolution, vhy il it net -made applicaleéCouneil for tue sessions sahllisacae bis te Lover Canuda as w-cl as te thée ther &s.Thiî s very'amatipèeo!tsl provinces i Nothieg couid lie doué e-an 1regard' it %aseasa very nouat pece specting ils peculiar I:xvs vithoui thé con-, o! dotait, bacamtseh cause of a mémbeet sent oet lis Local lépgislature, sud it is absence tus>'bhé iciénesa, sud it us>' be quite possible te ny mind, thît theré are thé case that sa membér vould hé iel oute Ilaa hich it vould hé denaeosdariug thé ptilod of taro ttiegs of Par. ta ail parts of thé adfed ratîntoassons hanentsud v*elI -immédiatél>' aftérwards. laie. But thé>' émphsticatly déclaré in ANr Ray. bIHI(BBýI- that cmsaie these resolutieus thi theré shal héné might bu exed, intorférence vith thé IoasoftLowei Ca Anathéer Reoy.M tBERR-Or hé coUi ..A.a. Setht -bile il is 'npmposéd te bé re-appoiuted. tava of ibis partienlar section o! the cane- It1 is thé seai o! the amto--of thé ceunit try-I do netudérataud. And haviug l insectiret>'; théne as 84va spésléC félings ot Ibis lied, sud snaniféstlng théetàO'nv e ies the é rt Sw1 of i Do trongly ix thé>' dé la ibis dlcuuténtprovittee. Tltéée ua~y at much1 it appéirettîeeths4 In ogOi t. it M bitis ; but it éhés,'et ast>' feta'W 'rant union, we do net go i io il wt-the pro- cire ie thé compilation o! b tea custén per éléménts.,We gor, int fwith pIe. il shéw'milltith>' baie not studhed est meula ofet sife sud disseusiotr, raiher titan' reaeîutioa ujîli s deairé taheIL4it a Pi et union and sirecgth. [HEeur, béar.) 1é insu. Thoné s, il a sid:-'l "Tt That il Io e b. gretted; 'for if a change L»ees Govéemetan sd Légisaturs of! ès le te hé ,madrisffectinzthé destinies o! thé provineé@sailhéW qomstruted in but peopléetftibisceunir>', it la lamentablle' tanner as the éxotlinghsle av o! ofem a that we do notitadndpmtiois enugh inch province ahaiIpïiedY 1 Tdo n, améng thé represtatiis' e!thé people u déritae& rom'Ibis wbetheé' i nlaitom "te éwlllng te give sud take, se thât ve t"u rnt<q s4 Légite mes>' ave sncb s union mas yul ha heefi. béofoeeré ea s .. notô tal cii te the whle, sudditot ona havdénaoms $arvisioé-fer the i4oc&1m4lhobvamet te tlé wbole, héa" One -portion 'Of helt. Léislsture, or udethor ve are $to5a ottéti>' e.>', "We, b aie peculiar inatita thé action upon thé sebjet of Péderatiq lieu w-b e edate mot entrut te thée m ef the lmpbriliGowrnmp"J. o *ctié et Yeu, getlteménl, Who are It e 6tUited one sbouit suppoe uýbt tO. birt ý wibh us,'> Hsvlug given ibis whaie mat- mtér the Imtpérial <Govétmnes$ basPl tei thé béut atiention 1J.-rould, viîh thé uouanced. Perbspé sk,1,h .'Mt¶eatl moit esinst datré tbta n>'malt qsul& 1fr Sp'er, v hay r< have tb conte ta a jas onlnson,4 hbavé îhiug &bout. t. ,It gasa>' t ,assin not beeablahI te saIi>' myel that théré a, thése rulio"a" **edl *a W-li à» e mothIe elemeuiset fùn iler théribsMet lbout Ouimé n aîat,*e'>sper o! safét>' and streegth in ibis scemé; Legglituré ill bel *5I thtitbécrOare Dottheélémntaof thedi&. and thal téy w9-$IV. uteésermet of ibis country frotuthéeH -' vlalqhus cjing,&e j« » votald déstra>' oui union, instéid of is hé- 'wuCua log cémentéd Jby bis méauré. I am htyMoz evnx my1 therofuré oppooed te the ihe, besué Waby ody van, a' 1 bélêeve that poitIésIl>, coésmroW~ly, sud flé Cooutile t smétiegbt o'alock, ou déeasarily, as, <h'matuét'of- wnouiy or o! Xondsy eayéulug lut' ai% Wouhip thé sectloo41al bniÇl t ylot )> ose, tlttîe Mayor ilbn theCAir.< Ail the membeis of service te iscosatr>, l-ba te n- eprésent. trar' villificilt on il a voit sud *lasting ininré. (Cheers.) NwAdvertisemlnts ibis Day, Boots and Shos -Jas. Bain, To Shoéiakrs- do- Spiing Importations -M. il. Cuchrana Cheap Coitos- do School Booka- do Pamily Bvérea~H . Crosby Court of Revsion-Town ot Whitby, Unresérved Auction Sale -Wm. Laing, Lngt. -A Subscriher,- Extensive Auctlon Sale-l. Fairbank%, jr. Ocntavio Bantt-D. Fisher. Auclion Sàa-E. Arkland. Scotch Bovs-Wm. Bryan. ONLY $1,50 CENTS Â YEAB WhItMy. Tltarslay, May 4, 1865. :>»Thé importance wbich the raiepaers of thé towu géneralty vwit atîach te thé procéedingi Kt the liait meeting of the Town Counimuet hé aur excuse for thé lén4th te which tbe7 are exténdod, ta tht exclusion of ether maittér. Tus Wusrrrr VoLLtrx-rrent. Our towns- mnen and fiieni'k, cousposiixg i.aptaici %Val- rac'% Volînteer Rifle d<,ompany, nrrie home front ile front l>y thé train on Friday tvenitng last. Notwithstartding thé heavy rain vlich tison prevêléed thene wa'é a large concourséet people présent te givc then i welcounegreeting. Ciptait llsrtnelé Tnfloti Company, heacled by thé wVlitby Biaud, ture nciot in force and éscort.ccd te l'ilieto the lewn amîdst 1ltud cheerin g tlsreu the É&treeti. The 1neit day -thé Company tras paridê 1through the town by their cos:mmading; ofllccr, sud a more sol<iriv, fine looking lot ai' men could net bc destred ta e hé see ranywheré. They were alvrays such, but 1drilling and so1diericg 1 havé certai hlui protred man>' or thons. Thé>' are ait, te s min, sale and sousnd rit home again, injooi heaith, and fine spirits, wé are glsd t sas',and read>' at thé firAt caîl of duty tc shoulder arms-and smrcs te the front, MondLy lesît, inithé preseceof a larg nutnbor e! ladies sud gentlemen. and mai~ of thé UtOat influiential lnhabitant. 4of t6 tewn, ground tris bruienfor laying thi tu.indatin e f **AilSaints'(Epittcopaj a ChareCh. in Whitby. Refv Mr. caà erai t. flrst sud, ansd In dong aien treateti the Divine blessing upon thé goi irai-. lir. John Ilant Piry, Judgi Burnh:n, Sherià Reynolda, 1Mr. Brown (mayvor.) CnpWtai Dartnéli, asitc; at' Mri.Péri>'&r. Reynolds, lirz.,Caiéj and »M Ham, W-ho w-ès re résen e parssi téeise theïr share of mothil décents in éontrlbuting -ta thé sasit r éent. The dey, asio'cold, vas fine si e bat'; s»d if the w-eai ér prva94 à prognostic 0f évents, the veoither $- 1,1[iaoraié siyfor bréaàking ground Il e ý bi.> th~e 9updatien of *Al Saints'Churcb' in tuhe Town of Wjihy. on anotîter oc k aiuand as thé building progress w-a shahtaléean opportenity tê de%,crib thé architectural ébatacter of thé buii in détaitlaluthéeasésutite w.maoi l fort ont' reidethttjtlato:eGotbi égtrueture-,-im thé fluse old (oIleaubst#A tial style w-bIb ail the additions o! biurs ses and archetd vindovs, 44 X '78 ee the ébancel tabe 20 X480, theé héightc the aidéeille 18 féel, and thé ape 046 fcet. The spire la désiignéd t )% riacltbhéight o!Zf 10éet .Theéceai id thé building la éatiwnatéd at $7,00, exclu )t sie o! thé value o! the at14--vhielé b il the ovu.ni thé buidin lm be IPhekwt u tn fand -the ce hbavée a otia.bélr4lsDem Stréét pavél sd9s 1ot sldevilkisiéi do"aveu-bal! thé expéatwhé be brné b>' ihe,,proEéit>'boider , he ptition stforth thé gréat Lujur>' ta 'bidi front the piseel staté of the é potio e h stréel rafonud to-liv. B> c. ommuniaion, l-'tnature o! a pétition, wuas ace céivd fret Mr. R. E. Pér>, aslo~g liberty te coustruci a draid. Perniougranteél. The Concil resnméd in coinitltée- (Mfr. Camron iu the char,) thé considéra tien et the pétition for oeulug thé aidé'; huée béivéén lois 22 sud 23, le the lst, concession. Thé comwliiteé roe md[ répoited a b>' liv foandéél upon thé réport, aud upan motion thé Councel vent Intel -committée thèreei- Mi. Gihéon le thé Chair. Dr. Gon aggesîed , that thé by-lav - élteté embiacé- thît freont and sftér ils passisgé au> atrééts, laid éleva, as sach vithia the corporation sheulél ceuihéb feuceél lu, uer obstincteél, sud abat thésé now Closéd shonld hé opeéd vithie a lii:nted t1=and théS oshesilu ianohe potion o! privité pa rties shenld bc opeted te by thé ZOth o!f<letobér, Héo consîdéérd %thé faies w-a>' te deal wiih artl'thé nat"pyérs alitée vas seepen att thé stréets af-thé tovu mitheul d7iinatlosâ 3. Captain Rowe coutil nos agréé so go thé Dactor's leugth. Thére ver#, hé said, sret& laid ont ie thé touatt vt oulél né- Inver hé requiréél for pabli-ase. ,Thé Corpor.1 atianlhed qasise eneugh se dé, in krépiutr las irepsir thé streets îeqniréd for actnal usé. ie For thé streUl, w-hlch t-mg eud, thé *Corporation w-ère mcouatila ta thé publié t for keepiug thé.â in repai4 and If i maris ry co an herse gel killld lreogh thé imper- Idfeet stateof o!ach streas the corporation e voalél hé beld l able br datns.res. Thé lerote that hécvnîrI uta ifavor ai' adopieg iw-a to open# ad k ,èip pen thé metat neceasa>'for thé i,é e!ofthé corporation sud none athér. te corporation shouhd be ho créful set ta, fathér more chîldien, tissu thé> vea&alée tesupport. O r. Gaes, red -thé désirabitiey . of -mliowing eaIl éstarage thai cnd h a. haut, 'ithie tmhé rporadon, for. cava, sud fd diba; b>' peaamtnhéatreéta sd alloving to cova oulyI>ter"tilarge upon thé. ibère to voalél tisé e ndifficulty about damages, or a lekèepbng sncb sireéts in repair. People wouJd t*é care et that., le oui>' n askéd tisai, a, fer people sheulél net hé f0mvOed vitis tht soeépossesson e! snob ia téet7awhiteéapqalyw-éll catitled' vers idepiel of, the priemagé. Hé w-sus- e d eq*aljsassbe dun oeîé l i. - le Cmaiun Ro«ini staaeed thé Casesor 11)iieu&-feq$ ùs# Ho Upkiés,z sud étbéi5 'Y '*ho4WI asas l ii ton -lotsi hi a- w-ere falendéd io hée ft up in bostalaby )d .t.retas, daabaifil vould hbéjussithat ;0 th"Tebqii4 b. Ï- enstpole4 te open tisosa a, 5liéett*; or yt6ther -privaté indlviduala Id ahoiM hoéuéspelléd t.ma"e sîrees Y lirough Ibeïr Prlt'*ameénsidae thé r os, a«d g<en s d m ci uksof theéLtvan1 e orfbasathé, i ptainRéwe1 vasquité w4gto wlthdnmw tprésent by'iav ' e b c ¶r g e n t ié- oe4,o j*ïprý4ý woold bl iêtse, for the hg cotito tuéttmptépéuiitg op thé strees )C. cou learplated hy Dr. -Gun. r, Mr. Ferry -&Idl ibait striscléMOInré .bc gardemg w-bat tibé Doécrceaiempîstéél tbatlthe -origial routéo!, pérpert> a.1hould ha prsstecWedus véll a cava. le Their propont>' vas assessed »d thé>'bad ta opalthe asevery>'esiuto thtevil Teauvy i and théir propeit>' céxtalely Spelf more taxs, - ban thée cvs or the i ges ruaig aI large. Thée 0 ect Of o! openlég eatela, hé oonetés vuwasnOt té «l ard pasturage for seMéO 'a éS ovS ai ta géése,sMd vore bis théecasaovuéisvwoal ef éénlaai>' bhav»littie lafiereatinuthéir pro- lu. erty Tbepur" sud abject 10"weréy ey irdl - stl.l o vhaz Dr. (lanu'i rgw 1 eut vould hemé. Ini use came o! thé Aunes oerm tif itSIItlW eostem pldWetreets' -véser ffw p nethibédf thé property' venu re Ing ceh il. eut 'l i+ vould ha fap'qriq aseê ena»tisaIWbai cou, b>' adopting théeflocior's suggestion thé>'001 eehdb.perpeltlÃœng a greviaus isjuttle cu thé ovueti o! tust proprty. AndI Ot vAý Dt 611-«5 captaluRow-e, W. vasuiaviilthe cameoe!the "àdn s- r- su~ets o! thé love as hast beau opéned foi a number of yéars, bé couteuded abuld hé képt open. e.&fse o eafurthér remarés from:Mrli. >~w, 1f'r. Powell, sud 1fr. Canaevon, sud (ýptaie avwe, -w-ho lnsisted thés thé q stion before tbem wslbe opéniug o! tte aide lina betvoéu lais 22 aud 23 iu thé Éoti concession-Captaiu Bave, ou thé aggestion of Dr. Gnau, coesentéd .- ebat ùe conmmitteevsé.report progross sud dot~ les4t taait igale. - And thé report Captal iw -gie ststd tha with respect. zo thé cotmnuimcaioea teceiveé fie. Mr. Jasmes Jobéion, eue -of thc Troistéas o! thé sépàarassheol cIalming a portion o! thé Ctergy Resrvel'and, thît lbe commit- tes on" Finance sud Asséésméet vers piéventédi tteliug te thé natter,,lé coeqece o! betng engagéd ilu usking arrangements fer Banté accommo&atien. Aise -that 00 > communcation ,frein thé Sécrétai>' o( thé eHoard a! Grimmar achool Trustées vas laid aven iuasmnch ne thé committieé vas ual prépareél, just then ta report upen t. But for bis (Captii Rove'llowu part, hoeéver, hé w-as net prépareél ta récemnenél thé grantbng o! e>'Y fanthér son te thé appropriations airésél>' made. Dr. Oison while ou thé subjéci ef sobools, meutionéé a déie berétofore expie" uét hlm an'thé part et Young Mr. Werdér. tu allew --the vacant graund botvééu thé gramniar sud commun saboula te bc saéd as a scheol PIS> grounri, pj,rvhdod thé tove psid thé taxes. lu viéw- et thé likelshonél o! thosé grounds Seing énolosed. he snoved that thé Mayoi hé lusiructéél te counmuicaté vith 1Mr. Wérdene t'hé aubject and ascértain conditions' opon which a léséevontl hé grarîtéél. Thé snggéstlon aftis Doctor w-as acquiesce& .- TAXES. Cilptin Itove cslled attention te. thé matier etf1Mr. Daituell'a over taxation iu order that the coancil migbt dispose o! thé malter. _Mr. Peni>' introduceél Ibis by-lavw, sud ou motion, secouddlb>' Captait% Rove, thé conucil w-et jute committée thereon, Dr. Gunu in thé chair. It répeats the aId h>-naws, 52 and 93. Probibis thé rasening i large o! boissmirés, gèl:diege, buhîs, eteérs, cett, svine, sheep, géesé or tre>'s. Ovuers fiable for &It damages vhethér foncési latvtul or net. Animals trospasuing * ubject ta 6e .lmpennded. Clausen 5, sets forth feu af- poéndkéépér, 6 and 7, poadiceeperte eappointt appraidérs te ippvataé damages dx., sud bovineprcesél iu caseo! sale. î8., Foin et Réturus et poqedceéper» ta ho mande anueslly. 9. How avérpîns se be'paid ta Town Tre.arer b) peuedtéeeper. 10. Liahilit>' e! pound. kééper te ovér oetanuimal for neg-lars. Il. "Uutifes"-to hé 4& feét high spaces hétweéu lover haIfteta héDnt more 1thmn four luches. 12. Penalty for iiloviug piohihitéélanimais ta runeta large tram $1 te $5-Oue bali! te cempîsinaul sud hait te Tovn Tîcasurér. Cava parutitiéd sehéie -recommenérsuder tbis clause. 13 11ev latter penalty necoverabla Least clansé matées it the duyuth heCosal oipndl moving this by-tsv Mn. Ferry paid s nariteci tn bui tae Mr. lisedonélt toi a sinihar hy-lmw lirt-educe.d b>'hi. vwhén n iémaber o! thé tývn couecit, îsating dtat sitbeugb lain luthe day, - hé nov désireél te do Me.. MACélenehl thé justice taesaay shét bis [Mri. Madonele] geest b>' law"! 1 îtheuglid iléled il thé unire, b>' liaself, 1 bc adntittédl, sud othors a, wnejait w-b aws r44cmred. And tssa if at thé néxt Januar>' el«eiitMr. Msq4ouéil camé trurvJard w-h'Ïi a iilar by-tav hé, [Mr. Ferry,]ould ivote. ton Sm. M.Péri>' aiseosateél w-ilé thé !oregeing by-llvw-as4 under diac !senuss t fcourse for the ad!ltionul dutiai reqiairéélOf tht Chié! Constable hé shonil bave encreasi Mr. Péoelasitéél vithar a b>'.liw for ihat purpose vas cencesir>'. Dr. Gunu éomplained that tisé disgiace- tfui exhibition et eckglgbtilng took placi inthe tové, sud th altbf' Chié! Constable b.d nagWéted bis dut>' in net hnlngieg tht ovuér teO puaistet. Il toolé place mi peciallé 40ï, upo ad rida> 1sf,,* dayeabeo -ait -othérs thét Christtiaha ehboul.d semeénce. Thé question o etrmuneratîce vas thét alloweél to stand ovér. A rasolatior' Sanboriisog thé prieiing o! 50 copies cf the by-taw- fot distribution passel. Àvery , prolizi qesésatn, sswhieb omepé4the 4é1n»,[Mi, ~Powell] same 2- .IM Il bail a right to couvéy îhroégll thé waters w au>' uavy matiériais ither for thé,. ce salves or for thé usé o! thé corporation fréee Di tait-a mile ésch aide at théenaouth w of the barbor béing thé himit, ;hat îtoîl p vawui>', ,propxerly chargeabte upon véssels ci sud partis coing froma 4istànce - Who tuide use o! thé barber. Hé alas tateda that sucbtvas thé construction placed! upen a -it by-thé .14 compguy-, wbo bad neyer a attenxpted téa charge toîl upon private If individuala within thé barber; sud- ta u show boy far Ibis vas carried ho instanced i thé case af a pathmSuter of thé township ii e! Wbitby Who appealed te thé govéru. I D!ébî aiulusrbélôg% cbsrgéd tlt Up 1 t *rSvél at thé gate-thé same béieg for the nueof thé corporation; sud that Mi'. * incés, vho a asinuthe admnistration at thé timo9 decided that it should hé stlaved toau,.fru f toll. 'fij, "niural boundarie*" o! the barber vas thé nuit- point lu 1Mr, Draper'&,a Mr. Ferry sud Captain Rawo explaed [bey that vbit Mr. fDraper called thé "nuatural baubdiriest ,uight hé récléoued, trom thé lite John Woluh's storel byý hi, as, vol a ront nny thér peint which hé cheoso tn describé as thé ",làw-oral boundar i "; but thit if pithin the limé boundaries wheu it came se thé building et a bridge boy dilferént thé construction would héc.i Thon thé, ratépéyers ofthé e wbooe charger! toîl hy 1Mr. Draper veuld bave te foot thé bill, Iu rép>' s e . Gunn, *ho s411ldeairédÀ further information,. nota "the légal9 question," daptain floeé statéd that inu bis opinion Mr. Draper's demandé; véré contrar> te léw ; sud >that ibère vas bésidles thé équitable 'ques- tion mo bhé considered 'That thé corporaticn owued1 the. vholé rond ; that thé>' véré obiigéd byi law ta keep the w-hale rond throtaghout is eléiog b uarly throé mifleso withliu thé corporation, lu repair; that thé sanie roadýw vasevast béncfiçtOtethé présent harhmr compan>', sud tu thé présent ro ad1 Company' hoth ; that 'part of thé eaodvas uspd b>' thé harbor cempanY fon-ts ewu purpasés aud profits, sud thît vbatevér thé question er Mr. Draper's strict "àlegal" rmghts Muay hé, thé dut>' cf thé cofunnil was te itmi9t upen the équitable rigbts nt thé corporation b>' cempelting 1Mr. Draper te psy for thé portion et thé- rend used b>' bim at thé mouîb ai' thé barber, or other- visé keépil i open for public ué, and that -hé, (Captaits Bove,) for eue watt rend>' sud wil.ing te béat Mr. Draper'e .--légal" clama nuib is head, sud te stand up for thé righls et thé peoýie. Captain ttawe oeil condmnpd vbat, hé cbsracterised thé présumoptien of a mnembér ef thé couneil te gét o.p and ai; for reluiras fremu t'se Town Oterlé, as vas doué at thé préviens meeting, véil knoving as that mémbér did at thé tinie, that it w-as out oi' thé power ai' thé dénié te suppl>' thé inteortatien sougbt ftur su d that it wuas atogéthér ecisidé sud beyoud bis legitinate duties. Mr. <libsen varml 'répliéd, stîting that if thé question -wbicb hé then asked badl bée thén answered- the diicuqi(>n going ou would -e ave rlen. Hé, (Mr. Gibson,) askeq- thé questieon bécaute '"a rnumuber of! 0ppion thé streta" spolie ta hlmn on théubjéet Mfr. Ferry,, lu scalhing teins, repliod. 1Héi askéd wheae faciît, it vas that thé information aîked *for b, Mr. Gibion at thé lust meeting vas n6t supplied ? Was ,it not thé gentleman's ove fauit (Mi. G's] jvhaÉ moyeu the réslution for thé purpoe, suad Who afterwat&, whén làii réso lution' vas put iute[propét' sua e %0:is ta afford hlm, iit>àn s lotexet *ay +41Shâthé vsuté< wiîbd'rev .that,,résolution? Mr. . Gibson Y vante't aan abuH eL hing; thé absurdit>', va 80rrc ad s eto gréé lima what hé d w-sntéed, aud that doue e h e refasedte. taire ut., Thé information v4ieb Mr. Gibsoît preténdéd hé çtéqbred! via& vimp>' * préténce and nothsng morp.9 As- te thé cbî~o~00 Mr. Draper, impertinent senodŽinselting te'méueiés of thé cossucil d- neit ws, hé, (Mr. Pérri, considércd ut .béheatb the. dlgnity o! thé concil ta )rnotice il at ahl. Il vas owevsv qiie timé, inubis opinion, thit thée péoýplé,a! thé hén irbme ie>' hastthose o! th tpa - Tho Aîsunil~' S 5ýï showtoek place- t -accerIdingltO Anneunatititt, In thé VillageTh e!Gréenwocd, on WV'dnfesday lird M ay>' 011 inst. We are iidctéd te> aur Town con-th temporary for the fellaw-ing prize ELat. a 13'od-1 êt Mr. Beaty, Marichan i, 2nd o!f 0. Taylor. e< W - -Saudie or Cairlg- It C. Daves; Bnd o J Jonéti re rGetiral Purpoes-18]. Mnroe; 2nd.lr Ingrat Chapman ;,8et S., WiiWn. - -w TvYest aid <Colts tev Génefàl Pur- thé: poess t W. Beaul 2nd W, Joncsi:- goc Dratilt -It Simon -fleatv c- UiIélB. 5 on gny> garden the pai colIent résutta, eaper wittéérsI jéarg 1 hé watdwssnot g!vauted sud ail thts Ïdi.' CUM io pi.eveétd. zatain Bowe replied regrottifiZ the ritbdraval or Mr Gibson'5 motion thus preveutlug is being on record in the concil. Dr GnannCcaudred ail the discussion whicb Wa t4slea place uunecéls3arfl ail h. îrDtéd wuéau 00aderatapdiflgo! the malteér, and regrttud ,the Io". of,,MrDraper's lettet', bat supposad bu (oit warm on thé, natter., Mr Cameron testified to Mr Carrol" briug ing lu gtavel dùriugt th. liie- which Mr Draper stated none b6d hein brought fmbt th iàrbor 4ând !-er fortbeFd5icuion the. *omxmitteon motion of.DrGun, rose, Thus disposing ,oi Kr Drapées lettor as cofltueptouily ts ifit, bad bae nthrown u der 'the -abe, On emotiop of Mr.- iny? eoddb Mfr. Say, the - cogitl dj<ourd for <one weekiat eo,0 mies pst 12il ocloc4. Attcttéfl sales The valuéble towfl lots and farta lands of X. Perrq, to bÃ"edred atatiction on 23rd gay pugbt ta *ttract attention. The auction sale o! valoable household farni(ute and efrects belanging ta Mr. Yari uol1d takres place ou Ssturday, the 1gth mUt., X'WQqueit 'attention to, the contents of. the advertisemeut in other columns. Toz AuoTxonISALeof Mr. Lning'es pien- dld cattlp- and honsebould affects takes place on igtb mîst. The cattie, for their clasi dve uuîùàrpassed, and, according to compet ent judges, are repnted thé best in'tbe pro., vince. The bousehold turniture is very val- nble. Mt7 uLmrssale <notwithstand ing thé i l 4tI ale plaàea as d etidd on sater. day Gth insi. The property-saved f rotn the firé, and the Billiatrd tables will be put up, as wél a"the vailablq ,tok of Mr. Arliatid. Viz INi OsnAwÂw. The Commercial hotel O&haIýa, ownéd by Mfr. Arkl*nid, wu asbrn. éd down on Monday rtlolit. Thé fli, wé aie intormed, oriAinated lu thé steve pipé extending from the bar te an upper reoin. Theé.sheds and oot.bnildincs and stock wére &aied, am *eeé lo a good portion of the housebould turni'.ure, inindlnmg imé twe bil lrdtables. Thé lots is heavy. Thlere werée insurancés 1f)r 81,000 on furniture $300 on stock, and thé prémisés wére insur. éd for $2000, in &the Royal, We-sto;n (man. chester aed London) aud British Amuérican iteach and seagog-spr4ng pair. Ths-each uand Scugo g Agricoltural S80, clety held their Spring fair at Epsom o& Tuesday last, thé 25th mast. The foloWing is a. list o! the ýsuox3Ée conipetitora Bloosi Stàllion-lt B nam n FOI. <Sherry Cobblrj Draorhi Stalon-lot Hézzlewocd snd Hodgson, Rbn~o. Stalliou généeral porposé-loi7Thomu Payon i (Sir Colin.) 2nd Ingrahain Chp.. man, (F'armer's.frieud.) Stailion Saddie or Carriage--lst C. Daves, <Y. Grey lesgle,) 2nd Clark Crani. dell, (Y. G. Golden ]Pippin). 2 year old Stalion Goal. purpQseg....4. jes. Johnson, <Flying Dutcbman.) , 3yar old Stislion Draght-o1î,i Dobson, (Y.'G. Reéng-e.) Span aif team horse-lat Andre, Scottj 2nd Christopher and Frances El. lot. Span cartlage tgorses -li Dr. Jos ,gnd Mases Vernon. S.dle o ose-lit Thomas-,Patton; 2nd W.. Boultonl.. Dratight Mare -lot RobtFranklin; 2nél Joseph McWatt. Mare général1 purposes--tt ichard Hoidershaw; 2ud Alex. lîrowni. Agéd Bull -lot Alez. Brown; Thoms 2 ycar aId bul1-.lit W i. Motatt; 2d W.. Taté. 'Yearling bll-lit John Caa"s. Milch cow-lst John Shier; 2nd *i Taté. Fat oz' or 6ter -1t A.& C. Bogara.< Fat cow or hefer-tt . D on. gara. îarw~n Woodn hrrGsý_2cdWm. Bolton. *L.and Rler-Jas"JohnBàiley. 6 Bush. Scotch or Pife -What-lat W., ,0. Bryant; 2nd John Wilkinson. 6 Bush. club wheat-lst Atex. Lééki 0 Bush. 4 ôr é- mnwed llailey-list John Wilkinson.i 2nd Alei esésk. 6 Bush. amai white Ost-tît John Vecritnni nd Jus, Johnson. » 6 Bush. sinalFeas-lat .Wmé~ 0. Bry. 3aut; 2ad John Einniist. 1 Bush. Timothy Seed - lot il~. Fi.di 5l1fs swédlaih turnip téd 'lot Harrisnd Eaight; Ind 'rhumas Béattie 2lba catre sed-Ist Harrison ilaigi 3 Rush. potates (cul)-ig. W. peu. hall ;211d John liooný.'- z 3 Bush. potatoeé (an>' variety-it Wm. Pt7-mtall; 2nd Elward ¶Valkér. Horseàs--Wrn.* Scott, Picléeting i Ira n Chapinan, UIjxbridgé;e heste Carde Breokin. Cattle & tmpleménts -Charles 'k Crtwright. Jas. Piles, ÂAhtàturn; Ns Haziewood; B. Whitby. grain &x S'ed +-Henry l3ickle, Brookln, rGéorge Brabatoil, Brock Robt. lirsal w--e-us---- ténorvgras Cauîer n'smmî, t erry&c kneré das ttroéd yl ire, ittesay é 2ud huosi. W', havÈe, nt hîcod wthéa thrn'a y nst.Wu ave nothé ad loete ohre t se ns.ac o h poe QtMIDTvIMs-For the Ladfi.-A Tes- -Pari>' withenut aitdal is litée a ténitc with- eut s haudîsi. Words vithout deeds are litée thé hastés vithout thé se-da, Fes-toies vithout gracie e ilée a cdock without a face. A lard irithout-hawsin1 litée a ent vithaut ber clava. I-feLité isoni cesinl in itée a céihar wihant béer. A master ,'iithout-a cane is like s rider 'vitbout thé reIn. Pdaniite igéthout méassin litée a herse witbout bsbeara. AÀ macniithaul a vire in lihée a farté viîhontsknlé Qari v ithoat fghtieg in litée thisder ai, ori lut ér net Whobas Thé afnuexed. etesrs tésti!yiîig ns e 10tht qoalit>' o Cpe's SnPerPhosphasé ss A manumr e uis, potatocfi, dxc. C. ohéris, Seédmman, hms bée appeiut. cd agentie Whibisy. Leler trom Selby Lee, Warden 8héf- P ecepnbér 23. 18«1. upc

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