Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1865, p. 3

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N FW 'A 1iIVR P -II i New Spring Goods, )New Drass Ooods, New Shawis, New Manties, New Hats&# Bonnets, New Flowers & Plumes, NEW MILLINERI COTTO-N GOOD- -SI At a grea-it Itedulcliinin pruce. FAMILY GROCEIESQ. 'f -HAMILTON & 1o and 2, Tîil's Block. IX~PORTA NT A L E AICTON cou 116 M 1,1,I.,EI1'S 1H ýi L i N A. TORS Thu btut llnug flui inii -u. for smale h> '.ANIlFS I iluIR E (lRA pE W 1N 14 Reéal Estate, 1gl>us;$2;î0,0:F., ruFiuîn 0.m. lic I 4irt-c1ass Business Stands in L the jTOWN 0 P W 11IliTBY9 Wl ljl) LAND)S, FA lilS, iATr-DAY9 MAT 27th, 1865- TO t>FYEI FOR $AlE, TA PUBLIC -AUCTION, 'The foiowitis~r lrolourty itustt-is lisit hm vsry astrorh I)OKint.-umsputsi Tt OWN tt . onLMe ocmntni rork asnd! l)sndas j straut-, intt 2't-ft front, out ir-ek.#&t. and 97 fet decp oit »ssndas t teet, tb s Jane I2 teet vide, nt pretteut lu the oeeu- pation orf M. l. i i, usîdeait cii uitisu neltal of $2101 TILIP lotilx vel knowu atha "t>idgs tore" property,-Iinsct- IV opposite ttolnisisseag patishliliinit itWuMI Lsluug Ksq., and, witbotit ques- tion luthe B ST huaineso locatiotillu tho >row1n of WbiL>y. Lot ~ On ltnock $fret, 10 feet froutt, adl- jiuung o tti" <Northlt b.t x'uiv iii Tooeputlf)M of Mn. . ILlIbisa flott asfeté!od or. ]Lot ;j, On Brou-k Street, 18 fiat fu- nt on Brook itreot, sii aoitunLaedbetve<-n ilobs', un Lb. South, and -M@0er. RthnStove andi Hardwaro store, on tho Nolrtb -,nov Iilb.e >oel-<apjoofo )A. Yeoman flibeau,conmmtti-on mon- Lot 4. On Brook Street, su vaant lo!, 22 front, htweanM. Burna'n Sia. 1qoc Bioo1k o! BiokBldn Loti, 2faç, and -4. aie eh 97 fulet dOuJ,Lu sne-il fot vide. T6&eroperty Iosgo 0 vansd publielykuovru gAiieddrr goy apeolsi commuedation of It Tieprst »ae fforda ciu oportuiniy for soqulrîîgMo verT lsà !buainea tsid everolfarodtopuibiaoomipatitlon, lu the Town crWitly. iilaptba TERM 01M SA LE: Ou.-tuunth ft t io b. ý"s4ae mouey eutep, baaneoterasalsta»isoe at onteý altnTe lu nn. equsli aniudbsi ntsluit, ooomeuelng lat Msnroh, I sl, wilh lnter« t aitLo rate ofeilx pan cent onu upsd princiale. ~~t Sge'Shoul pm.baeldeeie ep h puirolma. mois.>'Inu hoit of Lb. aboya <li,, a 'edactUosor' ten er ent amI viih. made (nous the pitrebese. S»-he sas viii take p &os on the grotiud p"y sea o. '<lo* P.I' nlNB, At C'e l-:s.ily 7 r114 tors,. JA PERHAiJGNI JAMES HM GERRIE'S Farrn for Sale. T IlJF sout.iis nil l ot -rNo. 32 in tise bol I<5-n. othte 'l<wnoliip 01 2$ott. éutaining lo Aures. Forn (<sils-r pîsrtl%,uîars aisply (if b>' letter ire t)ai J>at <k Sa ole« 14. Land For Sale J.. t ainndauJ it otbdr, WibJiîg to pumelisea E A R, 1 f ?R PE RYTY, Building Lot's. Tisalis ' iissugist ni 14nu% 'sul ,b.eo01ilov, for C"IltUr etun fairisinvslntiou onU Lme, s' ]Li1, fti. C-n. Mansd, 9à0oren.. Lot 15I, 7th -- Mluivn, 2Mu & WX la, 7tiî--Ts>orotio 10u0 Wli7, Srd do 100 Lot 7, 7th lisslusout 200)' Lot 11, 7th Il tatunisige, 200 le xX ig, 5ma Rech, 100 el s 1114i4, Btb" Wnllj, 60 Lti, tti Veraem t Lot 17, front "Sainterville, Lot 22, do do 8< 7, 10h -~ So et ll,100 - L'ot 0, m : 'uo a Lot 6, tIi do "00 ' Uot 8, 121h dm "u 00 ' Lot l, iti -h do "00 Lotis, itb ' do 2(004 N EU 27atd" WbiLbyt à50i Sevansi vtautleballi. in ota fo uir J.siil endi priva. repidens iu J¶e ToWnso!1Lliid- Appilii, Whitby, Km -eé, lus. Wib ROOT SUDt SOWERR AND Irnportaut to'the 'Puùblile o'- (If you go to the riglît place, is tho place to buy your ~ILRO(ERIES, LIQUOI189 PROVISIONS, CROCKIIRLq TrRY TrHE STrQRE 0F BilUflhl iD In Gibbs's Block, whe,'e will be (inind, ini addition to evejrytliiaîg Ales, Porter, Brandy, Cîn, Rum, Whisoky, Cord jais, *oc, .,69&ç, I>artie <lcsir(Jus of getting a gond, and unadéiIteraied arti cle will iiîd it to tlieir advantage, to bu y'at this Oshawa E stabilli- mvnt. Breminer land- .Urquharf, ivili flot only Iseep the very best, but they are deterniaect to seli at prices tliat cannot fail to give si-atisfaction. Supierior Wines &-Brandies, &Ir.,-for iledicinal I>urposes. Thle Groccry Depau'tmneist wili be fouud. as usualI, coniplete in everything and at prîces to suit. the tiflWs. à i t receîvc(I a freshj supply of that Zý&rSUPERI0R 80 AND 90 CENT TEk- Rcnmcrnbeîr the Place, IIREMNER Oshawva,, April 10, 186.5. &URQtTitiÂW, GIBBS'BLOCK. M OVED . ELQWER S~S R. IAT ~The subscriber'colksçction--of the above, just receivedcontains ail the novelties of 'the segson, iniported from lIAS AfOVED TO the beit seed grq%#M sini Brock St. No.4, FRANCE AND C'ERMANY, W IEREthahimes a ili beharrW nnido>[ ta ler tisis date by- iyivMr. Riley, the, cdcbrated Ifôrticnlturigt H ~itoh & Bro.of Montreal,'incudiîl-" Who viii kesfmt 'ndtlyo:Jsuda er IAasreal kunds1 &aIle, ailklids, t>ianthftâi al kinde, sueln IGlobe AmarnthfI, do, Caiceblariuel', dlo, lberià', do. I I~I '.. jCalliopai4a', do, Marigolds', do. C atnationp' do.ý varmti o, satbtàtion. Cookiog Stiovs, 01 Vallons 0tyIc, aaitniblea oisaer for Town: or Country, Aie la fv prix. 8tovtjaensite- able for largo Tannera, Rotas, u&c. e TERIS CASHEC : Cottoea Eeg., mâi "appet, Bi-aee rougl. andi cls ou, . wt.,, aisd ai kînsia FARMg1,'PiOI tc Takan oieubaiua. Eawetrtuighs Pu1r UP AND WLkRMiTED.,- SLioty tten4ed to and all work war- ratdby a IATCII& -M()., i'etuuîîas, CIO. in ojV'UhUS'do. CRO Whitby, April 1C. 186i.- lias re-'openedth occupied by DONOVÂN of his 14te ?getory1 And ~ NEW 4DVERTI ËEMjgNr, LOýWIIS K & PO WEÀLL A re in receilpt of' theïr new stock of SPRING & ,STJIIRGOODS Which Ilu large and WeiIleflèéd, GCOTTON GQQDS Muech below lastI!all'u priceo. 'lThe Qro-1 cery departinent is wel gitoekedwith geiteral- &Z AMLY:NOEuIS FIELi) AND GARDEN, SEEDS, IN GREAT VAUUEFY.' LOWIOS *POWELLW NEW-GOODS! NEW GOODS! C~IP GOODS$ Ti R. *EcEILLANê&Oo.'s. 019BAT. Io BE ÉIi1# AND CLORN(; Oef WUT A GRAND qO0NOEiRT -or- 800 -O1.00 N 0GEOi Pofni ln Canaeda, Jnéiul the- presont Joar. a thrag. days Cnvention cf ail tih. avallabla sIng-; ers lb tihe ProvIn0. . bfors doginitely ýdtcid- log tu enw aii-Itbe erpisés, hawavo, tiiey deenied expedilut ta conter wiln fIonda I dIfferent lo.5it1et regarding the înaursi soortan, 5m for aniîlVflNé, what number 1cf flnffrsmlgfht b. dlepabiasi on iroi tihe vart- cas olias otowÎu,, iad village% lyiare i<boy hod oondnqtal lmes. ho resuit or thse Cîferý ecce haine lai Ove?>a' atiowoy hy have de rmneateonar&tya sbstbe lut*oxe.*, entha and to h 1d nCwantion nip tbe 24tii of May> lid ýhe t#U pi'uddinl dayg. TlidÇb.- jeotead nedt hin allt* the Convenioln are mainl1v to ascure the groat aâvantage awa ,wonlaarlise trOmtha oial IntercOIIrae thuis brongbt about haLv,:. it tngers - trainail partq. of thecoufntry, lu awakenlng a more genarli interest on tihe nbject of Churci mou, mund to afford may of the good people uf <CanssJa iiii~ opportunIt>' 6f celobrzîtlngi lier Masjesty'a bliti day lnaà müsnt elîlttal instruetite andi naclut nîiu-iî,n. K-b bas bieau saisi astawhoro thd Conyentlon ahonisi inot. ' Yrloui phic..have beau ug ,t1iàad voeattehfo! li plac. pro4 =Svitiig-ào nbabla upirlt of, c irall'ty 1la p1ldgt nIg-thgr bWk d ffrLta 6pro mate th. eontstandsi ances aoftheunderrak-; Ing w lerever IL inight 00- tbouffii bout to bol' It. Alter a careful oonid ,rat<mn tthle iuivan- tagesi snd dlsadvrutaes of.eh locality iiînud theaComnpany has- aledciln 1von of &#W- manville, s beantifal tuwsipluaantly situatesi on Lhe Grand Tr nus;Bailwey, about 40> miles eut of Totonîo, tLini.tiibetàï tâfraa! try àigd-> oua for Lb. o-mfortablu aecammoatiou of ai audiencoo! oer six thiousaild perane. Sot laeu than 800 La 1,000 ais egars ara expetesi t4 ba préent, asîd an invitatioitl6 beaby cordial- 1>' axtendesi ta ail, ndy'rmadoesof Music ln everfrt nof the ýroviiioato attend the Cln., von oh&Ù4cule t)is ran plxig sdnécrt; to a gvaî attva ý,i d-be 240j. PdriÙer partldalare *111 b* aannotnnceçl as an- fangoinnts prWogr& Ail lettors of enclulry uncarnlug Lthe înataé nhould be addceasad, poÏt palsi> ta J. E. 11()P' KI'ýNOpEaq., Seoratary' ta Company, Wliîtbyy V.. W. L. Ù., VIERETT d(10J. Wiiîby, prilIl, 8O115 -U -07 10 t e T1'he subsÉcribers heg tq atinounce the' arnr- val of' their, Spring importaiorna, *1bieh il e4tent, vaSfityt finish, anc elegance of desig4ii, m-pam atlything lu this market4 and as for, cheapnes-they de!y"cumpetition. Their Cttti U 1ooàD8f every lIùie are i-Mmnftly cheapei«-tan eewherýe la town. Good 31-incli Gtreyt and White COooifromI4 e1$s, Good yard wide Priits fron 12ict& d Good Delanes from L [IR.ut, . CAM~PI3ELL XÂ7I1<~opene notneion Boom at hie j. Cf. lu rook At.,ôuld be tiunkfdl tfo nsigntmente of UKroindlse aad othor affeUt haI Wod to Lb. hlghest bldder. Parties en pumtins thoi propent). 'a us mnay dapend on ,ottlng & oth of » and Lterlght change uok, lLaTarma v.ry- codirate. É . CKBEL Anet'ouaer and Agent, Whithy, April llth 1815. 185 Good Ladies and Geita Hlata éxceedngly cheap, sud lo1nnetg ývZ forý nothing, Titeir Stock of Spring and u Ummer cn Twoods,-CIotmp, #* oeskins, -TOWI Are supeb p4 are ffered et about Umanttamri% Prce4.t t> 1 A prPwmiUm of 3 per cent allowe on Qfl k Note& $ilver taken at pal'. TERMS ,STRICTLV , CASH& AN,.l 1Whitbj', Àp4l 1, l 1 Î "e <f -~ ----------------------- )fr- z lit

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