z -~-----'-----* ~ -c- -g-.~-.---~~- -~ ~j -, ..--~ - -~ - - NEW ADYEUTISEMENTS. J POWELLI à Are in receipt of their neiv stock of UMMER GOS Which is large and well selected. GOODS The- Gro.1 Muecli b.elow last Fall's prices. çery 4epartrnent is well- stocked. with general #Z* FAMILY CROCERUES, H.4Me JIS ACONCIIEESE, 4'c. -~ 0~- FIEILD AND GARDEN SEEDSi IN GREAT VAR[ET Y.' FLOWERSEEDS. The subscribet"s collectic rVceîyed, contains ail the 1o1l0 e o - ~the beatsedgr FRANCEAN-D By Mr. Rtiley, the celebrE cof Montreali5 indludingr- .Asters, ail kinds, Globe Amarantha', do Petuilîas', do. SWhitby, April 19.,1865. V'ir Balsams, al L -,Marig olds'~ Conolvulns' -Pire Imc e' c y cai tti n"el ai 9 iIedb lth tri iL5.mde liv- b'~~~~~o P- î l~eii'f~-9. itild pîIi!eiini ABSTRACT 0F. TREASJRÊR'S AÂCCOTTNT. Tne Tr-e«surer in accpunt with th4e Crp-pration, of tbe TOWNSHIP,- OU PICK#.-ERJN.G, ire Fias r-e-open ed thie (arriage Factor-y latety occu;pied by DONQVANý WALKEY & Co., -ýSeCénd door south of bis, late Factors, and optosite the Town HIâI1, Whitby, where he is prepared tu~ EXECUTE ALL ORD.ERS HIE MAY BE FAVORED WITHq., Whitby, April 4, 1866. 131 SUMMER BOOTS. .Just opened a complete assortaient of Ladies', Misses, Girls, aud Childvens', Boots for Summer wear. Everythinig that ià 118w lu the li ne, 'Will be found at the Old Red Store; at prices that wiIl astonish bnyers 1WOeEMEMBER TERMS STRi CTLY CASH. Ondly one. Price. James Bain. To Shoem akers. 0Ont- bundred eides of superior Spanish Sole Leuther to hand, Number one quality. New - tyles of Lasts to band Machine Thiread, Zinc and Iron N4ifý and'ail sorts of Shoeî Findnxgs, at.theý OLD RED ýSTORE. Whitby, April 12t 1866 BAIN. TO MAKE READY FOR~ Ciqttns, Pririta, Siriped Shirtings Denims, ,rwecîds, Coboti'gs, &ýc., ca ,CreatIy Red uod 'P rices, A L41RGE STOCK OF à % «m. tý-Umm- % «WJthy iP. 0. Ç-autito ne: 1I purh,ii ri t totatixth t WI'IcLiow- 11iit nit' 111111iiiid, întioîîli ieva roeaev n ralin for the mi. (luo ilnidIt hy mu ln furor of John Arm- t5trollit hr $11, duatiýl lth of Iaroli, '18,wdu :Iynldu 12 motti-t nfter dtet. Atnther imle )y int0 fl râfo'wter Jniln r'>we railbur4er, fur £1 18 7, 'îîîted 3 *lot of borcbi, lSG,5, aUdtpcy. bilu 12 moutlîs ciiter duie. 1Brock, April 11, 18ui. ARCIIIBALD Joffle. Durham, -and Davou Bul# Wanted. WANTED. Twoy oung Boucl, notta ex, ceed Iwo> yeure st ofi0, dite Darimn a 6110 Devo,î. Any îîetocnf rii botà or a thse ta disp.ose jc orre-.poud wie llsti.Prooi deiint otie hlura-and ltn itîeach Agrieultît. rot Sovicet>', (statlugç prias *a.,) t'> ACleIy ~fete1î, 138h 1583. HECTOR li4W, INSOLVENT ACT 0OP186. .1, Vi th.ter of Jo>hn Allen,.1 iiiIolrcit T % Orcdioraofotthe [umolvent are nouifiod t Citat lie hu unîd-à un Asictntunît <.hi* e.mtate U1-t-i ffots, ititder Clio nt>vuiAu%, ta> me1, the tmîdairsî,unedioAîigitoti, nit d hey aire requit- edt tuiiaaIime- wImi tI w'> itlit!lu Crom1 tis ilte, wih tIe ladtm, cpecIivi. tihé e4 curiry lîey Ilîud, liuilt, alti I Chu value of Ic aîîd 1 enta,,itîtr tCin foot; tll wâolu ittcA%-' t..iatider 'otli, waitit the e'onolicrO u support or P-ieli cila.. Dttîd ut anolîîgtou, ttChir4d i>'of Aprii A.Dt . %Vltbyv, April 10, 1853. JOHN SHIARPI Aesigiiesi 14. TÂVEIN STANDl POR BLEr INA elkniiona 1iirn Stitud fornaeriy termeg. For particulari &J~. «JAS. VROOKiaîf. Vrootnaatou, April ioth 1398i. . 144 WHISKERS 1 WHISKERB! rvyowant Wfiiskers pr bMoustocles I.7.,,Oîr GrnUdn, :ompnnd *III fboe thi to row 10:9 the seneothomt face or chin, )rhit ou hll helottdi iii: Weck,. Price, 81.00- 8 pookagea for $-. 00. Seitt iy moU îuîti'whsre olotsoly isogilcd, Oaa rellt of prie. 14 . rô~138 llôoIVn N. Y OChancery. Sale,- F N pn-puan e aDocoesand Fin,1 Ord.f POLLOCK v8. HANNÂEll And WIl heh.approbationî of G007e Iheur>' bis'rCîîail, tà qnirô, Mastur of thte (buirt as WhtaICy, Ci,. tollitwlaîgdeleleSrPropiar- hcos DR. To Cash, balance nu Ià nd froin last audit,..... balance taxes for 16...... Taxe. for 1864....................... Maîticapalitiei' Fund,.......... ...... Sohool Rates,........................ Non Reident Taxes, .............. Commnisuion on Count>' Rates...... Defalcation on Comînt>' Raies..... Shop and Tavcro .icenses,........... Magistrates Fines, &c.,............... B>' balance, ..................................... $781' 3881 6752 641 290 281 129 7 510 17 608 $10324 89 CR. B3> Cahappropriations 01).R@adaaend Bridges. d i Conpt> at . .... . . di Municipalitica' Fonad................. i( Sebool Ratesi ........................ Non.Resident Schôol Taxes,........... " Appropriationsl 80 poor,............... MiaceI Iaaeou expenu ................. " Balarieé te Townihip Offilcoe.......... $2814 '1à 6 640 290 63 350 340 761 $10324 891 We, the undersigîied Auditors for the Township of Pickering, d hereby certifyta h above is a correct abstract of the Treasurer's account, as compared with vouchers produced. ADAM FULLARTON, .JNO. M. MACNAB, J ÜUDI7ORS. Important to the Publice y LQWES *& POWELL, AT (If -you go tt) the T. . MIYILLAN &Co.'s'o, GROCERIE l'he suscr ber bg 1()allnulice i learrn. aiîc eIcgaîît: oft-design, surpauss, ttîything ini this îmarket, and as for cleîpess-tlwy defy cornpetitioîi. Their ('ottoi Goods ofà 1 cvcry line are irnutnely cheaper thati elsewhere. in towîî. Good 33-ineb Grey anîd White Cottons from llcts. TRY Good yard wide irints fuom 121ets. Go»ij Relanes froui 121ct&s Good Ladies and <3eats IlaLs oxce4iqçgy chcap, andi Bonnets for nothirîg. Their Stock of Spring aund Sumrner i weeds, Cioths, &, Doeskins, Are superb, and are offered at about -Manufacturera' Prices. In (Gibbs's Bloc k, whei A pr.'wimn <iF 3 per cent allowed on Bank eotes. Silwcr taken at par. T99MS STRICYLY- CASH. ~Y W ! - un - -- 4%- MUT Te MMoMuian, G. O.w aaU*Iau right place,) is the place- to buy your 'S, PROVISIONS, THEsTORE 0F' ýre ivili be found, i iq dditîo o .yrytbing in the Grocery ulne,- isabeS 186~. Ales, Port r rndy, i SP INGIM ORT TIO S, Parties desirous of getting a goQd, and unadulterated article' Wholesale and Retail. mn.Bînnrad, ua',by 4! this Oshawa Est.ablish- wil flt Y'17keep te ey-I'est, ---o butthe aredet~rmied o sel a prices tha <nnot fail to give- ~R ~ ~ ç L BEILJL. stist'action. __ j,, CAMP- BEL 'eganno>unce "ht they hiregretlyextendedtheir pre nssbU P I7OI /V1 6 rfapmidhaenevrbased the0 bukof~ ineoto oiil ~ICuST M ~8tue. i aODSIOltCÂ8 'W &b; &c,,, rêefor Medicinal Pùrposes. TI Cheapet ~oed , pi sthe. LarZeatStock in the. Countyufunrie. They wnddrect specimi , to^tut thoir DRESS GOODS 4 tcua e o d, t!,î usunlcrrlt i 1argia leai' f Chales and Do1e a idotq. ,c a, lp at 2W#-. 'r T r Poplis, Kiser & Goire, 7snnen& Cot&es sul oft e os ue. k.Ç *. REA -Yà MADE QU9T a O.Osh >a, Âpril 10, 1865. In gensI' and Boys' Coata, Panta, And Ve4S a1 de Uip on the .pre- -----------------------------------------------. mises. The Teiing Department îs under the supertendAUc f- M uol --M ! 4 Cuttre ap4 aj 1;"rie.mà de tp rder pre warrsnted. Tbpy baveo oped g AH ~LIN 8 3PO~~~PÀASSPORT;,aGENft, GROCERY & PROYISJON-STfORE, M-ID AdjoimDng, where will be foiind a c1hoice seefionto of IR ToTobacoos, roke M-.. 1 - ý a ..a - 1-~ Fie And 10W-ES -& SPRING & ,rhe season, VQ, c r 'ickdriiii A pril s, 1366. -1 wer i 'ipote fomFou n d, rL eceIlu i l.ge o oi. ibtt ate Ilrtiuitu îist',rîoRICHARD LEO:<AR&ID. (11uhawa April MI1 1865;L4; kinds, DPilnthus, ail h-inris, Farm-ForSl do. Ibrf',do. rS l do.' Carnationp', do. %UT of Lot N,). 4,il, ie4t mcsln vîor-I Tus toentcore of w itl tiîti "tît atifftle'01 flic) V latt - of Aiidiuy, atnd ubett six enile4 fr-in the 9cotty Toer. oi Whitby. lo ttt v SEEDSIMAN. (,r Iq Itter prepalii,- Wrc>3EL= I YEAR ENDINO 3I1st DECENMERI 18.64à - COTTON 51fr..', NEWY GOOI)S! IIab-A Menu% NEW GOODS!!O ARA D. 1865 I~ood I t JAMES,