Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1865, p. 2

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andi allew hbait A <psien putl.lmeu i tis province te oi01b191111) it a numben ofla gonfleuicn ttjlei the Lever Provimicea te ecouapIetelyg antsd set *la i ahevieva pnsOeettLs eua ue But vt,ear b i Is ba smalien idtha uhede oplser-f alnilb avr 1858. sudotitatItand abea oueted i ffere t ume stuc. Butnttis uq'deny f-ct lee ibatsit lias noerteaken o deep itold onits peeple, sud certain fW le ltai l bon ievor been male a _questionulu; te (bis ime etthlie-pls. (Ilear, heatr> Tisertore, the people bavre net pntounced an opinionti tuon il And[I moan te gay tlt,lat Iti.epce meundensioed iL was go. ing te ceai Me mlUct n e thain the presenti trut oh govonume-ut, they vemld net b. lu lized te sîpreve and te sccept iL as readily as itou. gentleomen mcî'în te thiîîk. 1 hold tai, lithoiton. geniititlîlemen îmcupyth ie t'te Tressur.> banches vare mnesincère ime titeir vie-vs of the- b-ienli'teu ii Irons tbis memsuro tey vlsouîd alîcu ltme qmues- tion te go to t he people for ite tll eoit- asidmntion lit)11841 tise ptopie-er titis Couliri itîaieîd reslmotsilgmveruimierL, and IL ,vamîdeclaucd 10tite-iithat lley seoulil have a cemtîollig voitre in tite uffairs i t tiie coumlry - tha, nou 4rnriaut chanîge, inuftact, shmitd taitke place vitumîmî tîteir liavimg-ashm pperttiiity ef 1rormoii- tiponi it. Amti ye-L lion. ge-ntlemeimiîu m cîisclaîithLie riglît etftippeaml is tu- rotopii, sud arr)ttae Le theuistîsves an arîtotît of visdoîs t i lipose o hit m1e- touai etthouim andil( mpeolmeert tiiaprovinceIave not Lhe capatici ih mtd-ratmaid im e samîimior tLite * mgtttmiu cf iti qme-aiîtî.Tliey iielmde from temeitit iot-trighm unt promouuvtmg suid opinion ; ;&Ad i-t iitot ingular luit il ls the pef-plme oehlite-province -et CCîmusds alto te-t tru- mi-Jiii tis way ?tle mtint se il, the Limaer .-rvitmc&-m. Ne-w Bruns-wick. fmr lustance, dia-uvgi il iuse, simd jgoes tu Lime-peupmle. And wviy mtould Ne-v DB, uslmîsick (In ilit ich î i iie-d tu Catis- dia le %itv iotld te ienpofm Ne-w Biitmick ete ited as îîmre able aud Indsre ecntaile out ttitler-.t;tmtimsg&ad pro ,m>it ingm tetlligenst oîîpialmi tit ttc peuple mt tif raa;le (liea, ltear) 'i-iena- Itie ut C.aaa, 1 sp1reliteîsl, arc jitat as capahe tfcouprueimdittg a meilleure- ot titis imuportantce asc the pemmîle eh Ne-a Brusick. and tlmey etgi4 tl b a ve ttc os ne tppmrtmiity mdi pro4.omumliig wýon iL (i-lor, île-r-j Tt'ie l'mmramePre. iment ih lie mtumcil lus" sitlm.l ima aolu-alie fee-inmg hmîd Wnisetwtteen bîtît sections tfthLie. province te s;uelt adegra-e, tient Lie gmvrtttuîetitl 4W.1d ieislmtiomît n te e-ottryt bal iiimomt coneli a meiel at'utmd. -Non'. vis mtht-te suci a feeinrg ati imilat>' exisi it; tsetwe-'îmthe.-peoplie-tif Oie iffm-renmt pro' vii e %Vi as cie-thtie - .ct ?tiai honsorabmle gemmletttmiet ofFu'e-mtic-tratction rniest lieu omable geftliieri' ef Bn i-h tiextractionm upemm theItamor mml tinir l mi-csith ramy le-l- itmg e ofstlliiy wltatueer ?leid v t notj tibe-eL as trientds ? Ttc>' -ommaiered that the-y1 . sid pectiliar iitersta te serve-, anmd smei conside-rvd tai sme imamia largerpopulisiioîs tisuthm-y, anmua imcitpopulation isd net a liiflie-t r,,pre>oimttit on tLime- loor et tits loitîc, simd w tS'.mmgitt uchainge in order te give Lite-ntmlieu represeniatiaîî te vhic t lie>' merle enlihied. rite Pre-iueîit nf tihe Cotie-i CI imita thitiie baus acco!mp- 1 ihhei a great vaýr e mig itsimsg forr ice pet).' pleuti Uîper C ttad's is.t ri..lrevt.4eiioi.q on te fi Imr of 'ariile-mt. No-, I bm-g te Jolnisfitt t- itil t iiunminlâit int. 1I sa-trti titat lnstimstd omt itaviîlig gaituelffor tise Utper1 Prîtuinco tisat boui, t lias itrrave-d tliriy1 adiîltiouml voLes agsinmit 1Upper Ci-Ad.i lie inakeis tJ1Ier C4tnada ma4taumtiaut tit i-lie in uat, ibut viti tlhirly adalitinsital voîelut e-ntend tagaitsmil<1ear, liear.> WVe gshah psy thes inetpropotions, il% it tilat me- ptîlbelonst.tse)imit;oe revenmue trime-e -couu-try'. Let uns se if 1 nîn mige-mar lu Ibis vîev-leL unSseovitether dietene-e inen vite citîpoe te gmvernneuis in the L.over Prnlsces fi nuL enteî'tsiî the uane opiion. Ion. 1Mr. 1TiiieY tuide hits re- pvlta",alrmu r...pv.,mi-vtueh h hlisr enthe tslb 7th Nmvcliie lot: - . go ïlose ltihe einte*t 'setvOeippsties lu tb.é(Janadoan Legisulaturt! ibtt l evetsu-the filve Pi lces Edvarl Islandm itomutrm by teir une coilml.urn vietory omn s-latver1 aide te> Chsme. utilhave-te ganseo enutire Iy lit thuî e ir tt liamida. Supomse tiat Up per CAiaua iiiiîid attaumipt te- carry oui csetases fuiou erotiui tggtaiilizt'eielt ilui tite Westcoulai imie, witli'er eigiht>' ive roi irexpintri ives ua. mstte-sulIy oppoie te ixty-flvoehtelLoer Caimîi d Lidte o- 1 sevon et the Losvmri Provices, arlose lu- teresis vei m tidetli.l 1?Ce-nîalnly not, -sud as ite idiîm tteimpl it Ms. il. MACKENZI-%Vit alastisaI titemie gentlemn t itasert tîtat ttcy tr ltmtkitîg ouI fur te lterosathmiadymîn - fage et Usatil , are prmvimg tnaitor 'otte irisaI ropoamil in tem, arc diug as vrmg -n tîs itir cemtutry, sue- are iling taitt fer te salie ut tieir msmuatimtizeni.- 1I0N. Ji rTîy. GEN. FAMTER -AIlov tue te m ike a reiniirk. ÀA littho wite mgo fh iatio m.te ogesthemýafi quoted Iront a speech etflou.IMr. Tille>'. ilut sbl a-bLt geuttientin auppîtsed tho case, tisaI on omuievh l -a>' jpper Canaudas. ittuated ity scîhigh ntives. voîtimi tndcauor te btalu thue pastuing of soie maue . a tisaI uud bs conducive te lion exclusive aggrandize. usent. Ilu that avent," stild ion. Mr.a Tille>', addressiug himmelite lubs -popie babyw, viththlie viev of meeting ibat by. pethelicul côase, "yeu vili bavoe- Lixt i>. flue nembtns frein Lovon Canada sud te firty sevon trent b-low, te tiitle lu resuis- issg aity attetupt et lte klni". On taI accout teLio. metuben ton Northt On-- tarieoai*s mtated tatieusilaoppo ei te Ibis aebutîvo of ]Vertion. - le protons a logis. latueenlon ; but of coasse Mvit sa logis4 lative union thore vould bc tiesante ratio1 ot rcpre*entalion. aud bis oppouitîen, on Chus pantlculaun grcsaud, ought te appl>' te te oeesystert'mlî ssa thLb.oter. 1 Mil' GAMIRIN -1- Witt vivs yen a1 preetiesî Ilustration ef boy titisinia>' affect eun intereat. I iva pari ofthuasoe;or engisi b-have beu ailpart of 11< liait ts i eludd init:thatiiu vemais bde IdenticL wlli ba uttted agaleest 0, #sud w, yull hot be ible te îceusplish à work of that kind. (Ficer, hear.) In conslderiug a question cf thits nature- ln consldering a change of the -Constituton-I presuei ever.V man eught te have the- Interesalaof- the whols at hein, sand net the lnterest* merely of indiviiual prts-tbateavery man from the Lover Provinces wh seeki tii union should desire It, net because It la golng te advantage te Lewer ProinceS morely, but because Itlsl goiug te idran. toge Canada as wreil. The argument %beuld bc, thit Il la te be fer the whele.ltusheuld not bo ait argument that $2.75 la the sum thit aill b. pald by the Lever Provinces under te arrangement. witen lb.! *Te pokying now $3.20 a head te the publie revenue. Arguments of that kind should not bc uned te sbowtitt an advantigfl 15 gsinied hy one portion of the PrOPsed Confederation at the expena.eof anther,; for ezamplo, that tbheamibady obt5iflcd b! the Lower Provinces item the Fedenel Government vil hoc no greal. titat it wil muet ailtteir expenditurms.asd bave themn $34,000 te gainera. (Heur, hesr.) Nov, 1 asik, are v. contributig te titat in tbe paind proportion that a-e are cretributtng te the subgidy te Lnwer Canada-sud u that hanorable gentieban who ,bu as ltn the advocacy etflJpper Canadian Iàterets se pecuiarity under his owis goutrol, ict- ing for the interests of Upper Canada wiseti ho consente te an arrangement et tliia kind ? (,clar, hear.)' The President of the Couricil bas used Ibis tangua;. ,ewilh rLfrence Co the miatter. eys-'tl flot a qiestion mmiintereat, àr titere cit- aiercliml mdvatgc un iL is an effort te emiatllmh îewem iren- BritlaItNortht .Ane-ica'" That is thse honorable &,enfle- tiiîam'ssmtteeît ilutfer my ownpart, 1 thluk t would becIetter te gelI eut of the debt wlib now hurdeus un, - te reduce the erîmemaesthe p per nf-t~o -te ligmtmen thc taxation vo are laboring under-than Le endenvor to establisit an empire such os my htonorable ficnd tite President et the Council speaka nt. It wmGuld becniuch botter lor us te endeuvor to redisce our expenditure, and live wittin Oumr mneangm, titan te attein t to e -4ablih s'* iiew emm1imetie cause, unlo e m a ans by iliai Lhitt ve are g-ung te establisb our ini- depemîdence, vo are aire.dy, as aubjects ef the Brti-it ('reovu, ahanera lu ail the glories of Uic Britlis nation. (Hlear, hea.) liho honl. gcntleman alao sid and this was alle argument ho addrepaud-te tho ilouse s areason vhy hie frienda from Upper Canada should uite with him iu suplpurting thies cheme-NVe complaiuod, th -t immeunse aunme wero tiiten fron thte public chest sud pplieil te the local pur. î)os-"s, in Lover Canana, lrem viicit v.e o Uppler Canada derired ne advantagc. Now 1 avs'. haàve vt ever ceeu su attempt masde Imy los-er Canada te obtain eo great a sub- Simiy ase$1715,00(p aycarin perpetuity ? And % cýth .at ta what tc hon. gegltlcna, by titis acheme, actually ceucodos toemî, apart trotute gr.'alcr expeuditure v. vili bave te pay in conr.ectign with thiendininia. trittion eo' he goutilaffairasoethlie hole Comfederaioo. Let us sec hattbmcven- te-eu addîtionat reprem.eitativese ofetUp- per Coinazda are ote <iin,will colt us. 1 niake iL that for each representetivo va viii have t bey only $16.397 rer annum 1 tuaLke that eut iii tbis wtt>. The ceutri- buuit bt the Loter ProvincSâte the Gemerai Gmverntnt iç .$1,929,272. The contribuion ef Lover Canada in 2,208.085. The comtrml.ution nf.Upper Canada la 4,416 072. I sut Pspok-ng nov ef the contri- butions that -'n Le meet the expeudture ef te Federai Goverstmemtt. The contriýu- ion ni Upper canada im is tas in exces eo Loi oer Provinces. $2,486.800 ; ies- re- o nw oer Csaada, $2,208.Ã"$7; sud in excems of bmtl, $2ÃŽ8,765, visich, divided by 17, wiii give$1,97 aathe costof eacb emdtional t ember ova areC ettinîg. llt>S. J. i.MWQÂ4 [ehear. (Contitnsed nazi veek.) Nt tfid is ib tis Days Te Shoeamakai-Jaaaa Bain. Flever Seed-C. Rolerte. Sprnugand Ssmnuer Goomi-Laves sud Povell.tj Faînil>'Groceies-Loves k Powell- Spring Imoportations-R. &'J. Cauapbeil. Roudy> Madie Clothiug de Fit-st clas Greceries, &c., do Naw Gonda-Tt. Me-Millan, k CO. Tveeds, Clothot, Deubls, kc-T. H. Me- Miliso. k Ce. _____________________________________ i .- i Tua Raumex. -Tise assemblage ai tue £ O riI~ ZdSUO7 OJ rite- YTILUU~I LJISTUJSseIC. 1- cuer s youug soidior for stteutptig te libeaaI 5600 et bis iuspriaoned coinnidea, l eaSasalf yho lasu ppas ýdimisdoe3air foactni a ori suad Shudil ezprepsies cf cou tenanoe. -Sitq. to hts conscisese; ballied suld eballeuged se ine a second, ovse SIs vievat are afier ail thse insinuaemi errerse-p perted'bhl tisohighet a cîoriies in, tise olà coutry 11 We tear tisai itIse loweet depLt a lever eau 5earc. tus reacbed I If tIsis dbediug 1ev, aiîhbtated bireatit sud vb'rsperieg hnasbleueas," vo bave eaton dirt; suroly va migbt bave tosu spared trois tiesa ate and caîumuy conveysd in tbe paiagrap i vsiIswe have extracemi frein a meent Yankee Jecumi -et uery eu- liste îbeir sympathies lu ber (aven, Mci. Huis sang mTeuîiug ou lb. olfi camp .gnod t'... Besetiful B)reauseIl -sud '<WisiCe a' theso aer kinsier," sd ud a wsrntiy applaudod iltIshe concluion of euch gong. Mr*. Humiboa a' pleasing, cdean, vcice, snd sang us Becutitul DreainerO charsuingîs'. 1"Wha'ia' i heo aer kit- ruer," vms reudered. by ber vitIs iucb vivaciiy; Mnà. Garvin sang aveîiy, as usual j ber voice, bovever, appeirefi te. b. "The physiel sirngilà cf Canada i4 peerI> paralllid y tIsaiof su empty ogg* aboli, if it coites te a çoniestwvitI thiis ceaute>. %V. baveenugit bleak, vorih- leu. territer> vîthonttoiaiclaleIts bealeeký sud tainuase&vaitps, sud vilduernessos, its singoulul dlito, sud repellaut scenery5 net leusmi ils sqteaid populatiien. 0cr nome are pnlueef blue eough, heavon knews, lun vinter voatbinlu ev Tork, vitheni bau. iog ihem bltea ci by beiev sero ieps, sud riseumayed froat-gofis la Montrait. "Qed made Seetiaud" tinsidly suggeated a kiîîed tou et Edimborgis te Dr. Jehusou, aiten oue et bis tirades ag&inat Sceicis. meut 'Ye,' S,vwu lte respense, *,and Qed maide Setebiten te elil.it" Dieu %nade bell, tir 1 W. do ntat ittsipt tiie ap: plicsiien -and vs do ios wsuî Canada 1" --(Ynkee piper.) À pil ibis, Irai>, sud îboet glldiug I sud cruel te adusiulstor it te s patient, ÏisaI bau, te pleasure thse ceusponder of Lb. dose, ouced an Alten Bill caliefi eut, at greai expes., a bcd> et Veine- tbers, sc:ed as Yankee detective fer Aise- ries, tovsrde chies -on bac border; refond. efi $30.000 fon daruages net le-liotafi by us, uer thro' auy fault of ours; Iaudofi taaided circulation. Bot iLtas neot doue ducuumi a lueuti oVD uittOo i#là lU 151U 1atUI Tht@ Ut-su se-vohave ecu cw peltd Leplay he 'rs w' e t * no -ý.mn ibut perbape tw u h mto b noie et "anueak," and haaegotelolSiecked 1: vas&butIereI oie for curnounesa. And vWho ve uSis to bIaise? leàith In"c ihaud ' Ihat bas Igot arueugat us ? or la luth.e-m.eil oye" turned Wasbigtouvsrd?1 Aid yei, vo in una visa, as a people, desonse ibis dogmesa lion ;neitiser la tise pictuesdrivu et ne or et our countîry' irutita. We arc net car- tain>' defie-lent lu plucli, vs taintain îthe reverse. We aie loyal, lav-abidiug, bos- -piable-sud true-boariefi; sud if thseid- er daya of vager b>' batlIe, atîli surviveel, "tora le nousetf ua 10 usesuornbasa" who veulE one- prove it agaiuat ail corners, a toulrassce. Witeico tben tIse Yankee #ute? Rau. ve edoervoo tietfCoite tbe' ofet Isevit oye, or cf tise cvii bond alladd ot betere ? [t se-tise sooner the oeo is cut off, sud thlbesr pluckefi eut, tbe botter, LotL fnor L ouer, sud or reputatîou. Te Cprmepoudeiais. We baa o mront fer leur Iengîhy efflu- sion, bginonig..- Wiitisa Tepaneoia cratck vnlgs.njeiuea Whoutheirum4li.penco i Itoa- But'giss ah lu ru>ty. l'nt a rwufnid e aseaer, Tee lengihy. Thtesubjeel sot verth Ibe pains. Sprng Kgouts. Our setohauta lu Whitby are mort Posiporneel Mertgage Salc-R.E 11. ItIssu ustia ative in tbeir inaottin Marine Asauranco-JeisisBlow. Ibi s 55550im Comaeneing saî Mea. T ty. aihs u'."ue-s16azc0 nov guAu Court ef Reisin-Hector Beaton. tboney te Lan-J. K. Gordon. Noie-Note Lst--S. Shiliz. iVhitby Senior Ce, Grammar Sobul- Semmer Terni -R. W. Clark, M. D. Card-U. B. Camepbell. Reoved -Hateit à Bro. Itoves, Tinvare, &c-Hatcb & Bre. Mis Camrrille Select Schoe-Esster terni. Panted - Great Musical Covtie-L C0. Evovtt, à Cu. Important te Farmrs-Âudrew Cee. )N*LY $150 CENTS A'YEAR WtîitbY, Tlirsay, April 20, 186. Cockburn, M. A. principal cf Upper- Canuada Ceilege, lectuesea bafete this In. stitule on Fîldal eveuiu'g neît, Subjfot-- ITlte lava eof National IeveleopemouL." rTe weli kuno 'ability ocf th* leptorer, aud tii. intenesatsttichiug tethe, rabject b. ba soseicted sheuld s"tr& veirg audience. Titis wa are sorry t' laprn, esea the winter course.oe, lectutisi AurWJobaision lPrexîmette àt. Audrev Johuateus, vite l in*Irte cf bis office cf vice.Presi deuthobes, pri5i dent ofthe United Sktleonc the -iueées ef Mr.n. Lic u vs svrn iteoffice s4a Il 'clcck on ýt1h Sta., ChWd Justlee Mhas. adsainistened the oath of -oeUees, Beertiary MoCaioch snd Âtty.",, 8jtWe aud cîhers wve.preaset. Héism sdt .$The daiMs. are mine, 1I vlllperforas IheýU, im inuG l d.", reeiued la>ytha lissu bu nemimmes- sud al cf tise nevesi styl, sud patient. At mesars Yaruold &ces, (bin. Win. Lting's) use receipta cf Dew geonds for thse prosaut asunhava buta exceedingly large.-otpnsing euerthiug lunlte grocar>' lice nssd siteif iad beauhardware. ThIs Mosars. Camspbell are is pesesslcu et an imisense stock ef euequtSing iis lie dry gonds lie, suitable for sprnansd sommier vosn, sud Ihoin deahingi lulte grocer>' lice have buta mach extetadsd. 0f lte establismettof Meaue Loves Povaatl, littl. lareqosred t e b. saE, lIe>' an &Q veil kuowe în bosicu for iheir seruptalcas ltegril>' aste, requins, ut or bauds, ne cousteuduticu vbateven. TIse>' expose a splendid dispia>'.- Mn. Broom las.llleg, eut sud glvlug Mes. Hamiltonu ho.have secrafdl thain parcisases fer tise Sommer trae au uulimulted stock. AndEn ne u"as with Mr. Hsmilton, v uttune M" an,du seqoilelete vIit bis 'Sindl>' disposition ad gond basineoos abits, Sut vîiivie bina-a Mn. Qochnane, veamv exos.dlugly gIsE' te &tite, bua tded msucis to tise attractions et tise Pople'& sbep cash store, sud lte -geoda et bis establisment MzL Peuca.Ua'@ ÂUCerNseuSucs. We are:plessd to be able Ï0, state tisat nt.' bave reuud, full toises sud voicc- soet ucih pover sud compter. bMn. Dunatord added mclitetise eveuiug'5auîneainmeut. Hid "mPeter Fitzdunder" wueadmirable, sud ubeno vau ch s temptîigfiaver shoot hie ti acon sud Greeus" tIsai tbsmrebe, sang1tie morseue longed tw hean hiais Proteseon Wood vas qîite mstbouse,and gave te " Real Wau Werk" sud cIllercouic songs vitis bis usai brillisncy sud discrimi- nation. Mesura. Freem an d Post, et ecoled Il tTbe dangbter cf tise Raeteul" sud scie te bsiplendid pîeca&uof mole ou tIse vieli2 sudplane, v'ils greil akill. sud judmigiene- Mms.Welcb tee, vIte playedi tstof tise Muecoreilrusteosnibe piano, addeti ber tait ebàrete thtoenu euîer,aluuonltmutsipleasingi>. -Nor sbould tise baooonsrealtetion of Mtmer Bon gougit, ef lb. troubl-es et "tIsefat sni "Who au e-lbeau te Lmils1on ltat -ever4Movî iAnd"UIWenleu la eltt au e in ail le àfad;n;a,# 1'. wnl.ha Aiteh;* maoe&tus 1ef-itvmng Apnil IZiL 1896. TIse Grand Jurera ef our Severeigu Lady tiso Queeu upen Ibein catIs bsg louve te rusSe thse tolieviug presauttuent. That lu accordatne vit thlIe duties Ina- posed ou tissu baviug viaiteth Ie Ceuuty Jail, sud taving iuapocted sud exantinefi thé s)îaniments sud ce *lle, tisa> ver.Ihappy teî soesuther in a stage ut cîesulineuasnsd eo crediimble te tIse jailer, Mn. Sprovle. Tise tresînsent of thea pritoues also as. certalned (ro Iibsir ove staleuaeittruade lu enuertoeenquiris. pot t tetuby the Grand ,Terors, vau very saiisfaetery, sud Ibeir Issaltis>'appenutes, the cire sudi attention cf thse 3.11 Physicisu. Tise internat division of tIse recasansd celle, sud eyen titeir exieruai vaîlseof tIsa jail arelibte epinion cf <ho Grnd tirera vrte mfoUciotat for the sate keapiug et pris. cnet-s,! iberetor'e tise Grand Jorera canuol ai preent roeerusufamy iIheratimtns. Ail cf vIsicIt là nopecttolly aîsbmhîled, a uau'iq«Aw- f (rsud jury Recru -Wbitby Apnil I2tb, 1865. IL otan, 71ayc se as. Johit Napi., ros, Net galît>'. b. .sdted'Irons beorib »tti5Uw Thse Wo. laa atv me thiog bat W" sc pel- Ptesident Davis yet holà, oit, sud ta. praia fr tepefornaue, nd Ise luel pnocIsuattons te thse Coutedeéscy. mers individuall snd 'cellectivel'; sud h TI elsiji hesbtuee u is in îhiapltit-wsvit And set vitisau' datad Danvilîs, April 5 :-64Tbe (Jouterai- inclination tacrcnticlas,ý Wberi ladies, sud lu-Ciief (coud it oeuessry te miSa sue-b gsutleteu coite forward gnetiîioUsly ta usoeense cf is trecpe as teo ucoverth Ie aCUSoseMsudenlertain aise peilio1 ..î> e~pitml. hi weuld bc ums*la tcneal tise tutsticet e-iilsu t lier petfer. ïwaiitifreomthie oceupaticu cffoct- empi. manies, veulmi be bothS ungeneros sud au- 'tii b>' tIsýe emy. hî 15 equsl>unviso gracions. And va aisal uci do il. sud unverth>' etus te .11ev car oeil sun glas lu ftlter, sud cor efforts te becoeo flestI et LIeela.rolazeti nuder revemsa. hbevv e almi tous tIse> ra>' Se. For tan> ' mouhse the ait-&" mteprJae *e" MW esPcs if.,#t lugangeisd fiuaarmy cf tise Coufedenaey, - aider tLe coisitundf a sleader- vIse.pro. Feul faIt tIsebad-bth u espe acero'd-,- sente inspire-a quaulconfidence in ise Titat aven>'arie feeing ot #&*turc res.red. m s peuple, bas, beengei> Titat aewtiliSoe clitaetfpeut lUn" ldt '.Id ,l.i5 en51 f- kcspic Amd aioW 'lu's vt gladee erudllsi' cnstat wmith ovr'their capital, sud hé' break- .!maeufereed tý ferego -more tit oeeop- Could ne teo!' qof attrle h o bsnietor ated? pertunity fer premlitrg auteçrules." C valîîittiHe vn or liit ilst h rek'd ) hîIabok cf theevicti-l tIhe lace 01î l s Niw tom%, April 15.-Tbe Herald's vrite, Q1eGldsbcno eorrespoudentsasi .Sbenn&saa Ai tIsaoesomeut jasi suditlig 6ecuel aiatrIfe. ea>' cotetuenceti its sdvance ci the menu Tiso ihîgouit6ea isaon"ciaisledo Inusîl- lug et tise Sthit atbmcoismus, nuder 'Wh«orutdalde s r c- ttl i-uor :Howtrd, gmocoit, sud SchofialE. Dornug I romu eiestse ts'(a eu nadmet, e ejoiugs cisclte capitsetofRieS A uan tsa bat ru v11 ip5tt<t' Ii, moud 8b.rum w vs calefi eut by bis AtthIlum, ysatgilathe50 sue g yuy a W trops, udaddreasod a fev vords to theme Tbtn tl a t u w5-515 is Mlabeur n valn uî, o h'u tefried Hisimoufi iati ahthoil, o stc bUrî,beau omplared, and Iae va. 9yiug la dis. et hail*idd vriteu -me vse kueva but, am~. hRe nid Grnt vrele hlm haovas Sonud tis ecil.-' pursulug Le, sud beoisoped ho (Shsermans) w 'duld prous Johnson, visicit, asiltSherman Mechanica' Hall, on Tharday oveuing lut vas, we are ploaseti te-be abIe te sti, vony, large and bigisî> respecutable. Tii. spaciuahal-vas veil threnged, suai.> seat beiug veli fiiIad useierai cf tis a eruo. utx Living t e coi t emselueè vi ti standing recel. ,Thé t irtilusaut vas as w- aîîicipatod, qit. i treat. Tite sengs cf Mca. Heughtslingi Mr%. LJ.V.ESs, jr., sud Mis, Gaeruino doiigisiet il iivisr hourd thous; *bile the Cemioalhles f Ut. Dunsforulsud Pretessor Woed,,Sept lte audiene lun a centinual reur of lattghîer. And vison added te tise, vo Iinde the excellent made, cf Musais, Frsumuan sd Peut, on thse viellu sud planeo% antd vs have s programmntustaiIbislasi no,-Unen At tIse Mechanica' Istitut, te aalisty tise mons fasîldeus. The officers of tise litaie vIse prcviied h deerue te vantait soe kuevlodgemenls cf ail vise sbared ln tise deligisiful enjeyment ef thteuoalnng's enter. isinitmnt. Thes beautifal ballade oft "Rock me te sîeep mter," and Ilîbaleen Ma. vcurueeu" vwers retedered b, Mca. Hougit. ii. wvus sfeeling and pathos vs bave seidea er neucr 'beard snrpssed. TIsey 've sang wyuL exquisits taste sud judg ment. grn. fougbialiuR bu s svetly Tise followiug la the conclusion of the, .Nortlscee va. Agricutural Asèranea Company. -This was au actien brought te rocover som it.eglt bundrpd' dsllars un der e polelofetinsorauce effctod by tb. plalutifi upen a-barnand stecltin uthe, Township cf Beachit hb ers consmed b> Orne in thse mcnth cf October lut, undor oiroenmiac ehbloue littIe dockbt <bt itvas tise vers cf susinadia>. Thse, 'dsfoisnte are vIsai là known asa Mu tuai tpaseue Cbopaýni eal#liubedl sole. il for finr slu, andi reisted this Suit eu. îli'ely epoâ thé grosind ef frïusf sud IbIs. sweariug ou the part cf'tbe plaIntflà Ibo ciaimide êfoi' bis les«. Proethé cvi donce effketl appeas sltaI a *eek b.. fera tIse fre plaiutie pcssessed a&bout oe one houdred bushola of vbéat, sud oe huudred and ivett>buaisaIof. ba.d.> be. aides soithay, straw, sud impleitents cr busbandry aIl stoed lu tise promises bnr- ned. The Shuriff baviog au ezocution &Salutsi hm fer debt' seisod tIses.hilgo sud pîacd. tbtisn uthse cesody of oeeof hit.baiits, vho net bolug vory vatebtul, Nortltotte on the Wodnesdsy previcus te tho Orne atelitill remitoed lt st an sd barley-potiîg scccrdiug te bis dens sisiemeni mlxi> bushels cf thse wlsan sd iventy efthtie barîoy under the siraw, but as ne traceof theobcarred romains of these vsu discovered after theofOre atitougis an inspection vas amade for ltat purpose, ibis vas naîhen doubiful. Afler ihe fire vbich oecnnred ou tb. followlitg Sonday migisi Nenîheette cîaluued freinthse om. pany compentsation for the vboeo quantiîy ofet Iansd barîoy ptssesed by hum ai thse lune cf tIse seieure by thse Shernil aud a large amount steve the valse pîaeed 'upen ths tilga actuall> lest by ifs evu viînuse.' Thi e ce cuplefi the greaten part of the day. anfi-afier cloied thse Judge cbarged stroatgly iu faveur efthtIe defend- ants, fer vhein the Jury atter a iengtbly deliberation fend their verdict, Mr. R. J. Wilson sud John Billings fer plaintil, 1fr. Iloaton Cateon sud Mr. Cornisb, for defeudania. T555MMuN?. casred iu Washlngtoit "lust ighl, sd thse grief cf aIl geod Iueo lsAapparent ser>.l .wisere a e bodanmis.-of the ?Fosîdeit. Ne flago, mre bolsted lu ibis oit>i bis mernief outil , hesate cf Ibo Preidoe vwu knowi, hon tIsey vçne MIl plsed The people appe perfectl> horrifled, and thte utiteat rage ta undeubtadi! fsit tettards all knevu secstiouIiii saud rebel NEW ADVERTIBZMENS. MÙ)NIEY 1O LOAN. ~ONEY t tendum on Miortasgqs se@tity At a LUMo4erute nue otlnter"Lt 'ApisyI mm t . Barniater, Wlatby. Or Le Av-Au!GORDOS. Marchiant, Micsse. 1 miss OARROLIL'S Tht fellouing lIcos #aro cempessd (nom au aunaI ctf a Sermon preacheti by TES amy. 199. OAYLUT. "Taka lice.! brotitreit, vIt alnqummre ye uns@ lest y. tumrdor seule wlttmm Christ Mlatht diad te ave."1 Wimat a deptîs te these e w ords imfore us?1 ,,fow Iovoiy tii. seutinients thora Y Ho te theurtlits husouîbodisd posa ocr us lu ia le lut stilîneas et pnayer. eTiboy eft de o s»eo mnegieetedy By tiueiaeartlesa Who lseîd iitudaîco' Bult Wheottru from the riqhtt patit dejected, Fer Ihoîr pîcasures pertoîittug te vioce. Breibren takbeed lest tbysyilgp Bic turne! te scéounu c ou erti And mais saineo'e cbaeieslystaylng, Ourse the heur 'vlzth listh gîvon tent <-rth Lest y. séatie? sced vhlith thoe reaiplnt glittil ho esîîsod brokouisssnted te roant ri l i, hlu de pifrmou lunrepiugf K "nset ra lleavoimty ltta. Rallier lunsyea tne maîc4dlctionr May litstei tb'elr hootetLimeegrate Bat thtk c'c-r etfte 'st crneltixlon. 01 Lb. Blésd'ei ette *1e dd ail te iiffl. And livo sthat tora mny o o ltel Foi soya Chri<L lis the page ofthie Bible, CoeUalye thisi situn tleme. flonribie Dotugs a u ba Biaie ASSASSINATION AND DEATE 0F PRZSIDENT LINCOLII11i ASSASSINATION 0F SEMTEARY SEWARD AND RISSON 1Ii1 Mar SohQpl1. WI!L I ASSEMBLE ON WEDN&JSDA- Y, APIE 26tN, 1865. N.., - lIW.CLARK BI. D. %NIalttuy, Ataril te'19. Ecca? MR. sR ECAMPB3ELL e mC;oýremuid sus tions Boom aItluis I I ' Ofleusii)rock St,.vawmil tbe tiîhîmkfîîl for rntsigalizil e t fMore-hois aiiio uttiar chicota lueb lm ti1 te ise iuoamt bidmier. Partielscon trelitie-1ir Jrimpert 'ýo tas ide-pend ou Wotug i-vrth tuf it aundIlueinriglitchmanuge lmumuk, ~ ~ m mtu enavery 4lueLzeur ud Agenit. Whithys, Apm-iil igth 1105. 10 GREBAT. MUSIC A LCON y 4AENTION TO BE ILELU) AT OPF.NING ON NEW ADVERTI8ZXENTI. W AN TED!, A '2EoTr iAMTETO CvuAS'C' d ayn A p > t t l " l i e R a aI o te l 'W is' t i; Y i v"t IMORTANT TO FARMERSd. SUPER- P IISPIIATE 0F LIME A 'i ficîdsssd gar- ao cp.Psentad $rd Docember, 158. s ma#ures cno7mm fein u tevnty days eall," suïd grasuly doinas"@& the yioîd. Land* ior" isualeel by long eUlîIusIMeU are Moda predUe- 0lu nyitie orf thia Su8r-isepmeie. Ilt " vapbp l ao th e so i t t oese st is tnee s il t sr@ talp!omu t b cuti>'dpplugf. 'ILllaetasttplant <ced, aLd vison-i lfa uaed t lI lamcontliue& te lis provoeu obyeîîr, sud tu roqutre a lomaquasst te producs tule suce mnont tb rosults. Au tise grain cif vegétatles or fruit preducod araehf ougiuolr eîmI1 W boen uaed ou ib'stures, tisa fsî o od vhaea-Il la pplied u ptfereu. e. Tiemilk et cuva tisaI foed -poàts itI grte'le lamuch i nIcer, sud v.1i ytald limi se cases lfty par cent, more buiLer. It ulves vlioat Sajfrmff#u, toll, 0lltiut le nti lable te lodgc iseore nlpcuiisg, predaua largo«ibond sud phisump Ikornel ; sud la raiely aSéete by eltiér mru# or endçMi. Bye, banc>', or oatsarsc eqnslly boefttutd, IL givstCern sud Peas a durS preu colce sud: vigoroitalgrovtlt, snd causes thons le ripen at scauitka 44#dopa mce. ht quickenthlIe roîh if f'p'uri ofosa'u,an sd tLi s ew e o0f Mc ah' murrtîbje. Thé asme la truc wJtssr~ Bisets, sud ethen lIeut Cropps. - IL bce-s mvay tise maggetit from nt tsois, suif bas ;rodueed ayield se higit as SÃ"Ocnuabela per se-rau To Tobaicce the Phosphate gîves a .vigcrocs.ýf grovtlu, a large vclh developed lest, ond pie< tect% L tfois thsevents, Il Improves tIse mquaiIy oet hLie Fruit cf r.~o~ VInies andl Frittrce»; *sIâo of Sîravberrdos sud Chler Ifli2ultuva1fruit*, tle ffacta upei Moirera sud upon Latiàs aurpaSaitt e f uny oibcr lertilizer. hI *aa astarded thse Aipromserr ti« Cinoinuamre ant the ]Proyluelal Exbsv - btilcu in. Kangatcu iça Septembero' 1863, ai aiaPlteoa l9 Septemberr Tlîo Proprîaet matensapenioutIl y le its- manufacture, anîd buo santes tise Publile tlist lime> nia> roly 4pcn île quailtui bolng maintitun- ed, PRIllE $W0por tounbîrcse bu e Ibo. eascii. Lui»tiUaoput up lu One Dollar itiekeges 1cr retail. Au>' dealer or consaumer wiamhite-fer lurtlier' information sailI plumwe ddreLtsletLr tole ither ANDILEW L'OR, Oir B. L. SNOW. For otale b>' Gîliansd Brother, Onluawa IL. Yoenug, owmanvillio; Charles Robuirts Wbitisy,10 Mortgage Sate* WILD BE SOtDAT ' ANIS CLO'IING ON IP,8,19f~£U'~LJ Wiasgeoi, April 14.-Presideni Lin- coin and vite, witi t oIso friedi, titis oven. iisg visitod Ford'& Theatre for tb. purposo cf vitnuaing tise performance efthIe "Aise. rican Cousin," [t vas mueotanced lu tise papiers usai Geoi. Grant vouîd aise te preseut, but ibat gentleman teck thte laIe train et caris ton New Jetse.. Thete etre vas deuaeiy coedt:d, aud everybody seetued dolited 4vit thle, aliène. Duning thc tiiird aci , sud abilo titerc vas s terapcirsry pause for oeeoe Its açlt-rs toentuer, a abarps report ef a pitol as board, vich îerey attractemi attention, buit auggeatad uoîhsng seuloca, uniliaan ruahed leutthe front ot the Preeeuî's box, vaving*a long dagger in bis rnhit band, and euclaising '-Sic gem- per tyrannis," aud intmediately lespeil freinteitouxvisicis vas in the aoeond lie-t le tbe stage beseatitansd ran arrois te the opposite- aide, makimg is i escrape aîeid tise bevildemmeut cf thse audience trous thei rear e! thse theatre sud uxseuting a hou-se lied. 1 The acrivasuuofe Mrs. Lincoln irai din clesed tite tact te thse audie-nce lit the Pniaideul isad been 5501, vite-n ait rote lu hbein feet, ruabiug tovardas the stage, iauoy euclaîusiug, "R1ang bina, bang hil" Tii. ouciten»teu o f the vhldeat pos- subie description, sud et course îterc vais su abruipt teriumaion oethtIsibatrical performance. Tisers vas a rouait teards ibe Pros!-. denî'a box, vison cries ver-e hourd ot s"Stand bacS sud fia. hiru air," "bas auy oes stimulantsa?0' sud oi s aliatîteamial tien IL vas touîd ibhat thse Lresideut had Leen sbot îbrongiiîL.ê.,aiuvs and tacS et the tempotal boue, £nd thavisente ot thse braie vas ecaieg out.Ile *wu re, moved te a primae bouse opposite the theâtrs, sud thte Surgeon Goneral eft h. Army sud other Surgeons seul eto ti- tir-id te bis condition. On au eustuiumîioe efthte Privais hol' blod vas diacevered ce tIse back of tIse cusiied rocking-chair ou vhichlttisa Preident b ed i b i siuing ; aiseo o h t e g u À c mu n iugle'-bareiled pockei piatel vas teunfi ou tise'earpaL. À militer> guard vas plaed ilu front et tise pivate reeidet)ce te vbhieb tise Preif dent Isad -be ou ouyed.' An imenîse e-ovE vas in Iront et i4l, ldeepîs' su;icma te lea ils.cenduien cf ils. Pfeuidenti It hat isoen anuncemi t4tt thse "vogiud veis morfil, but ail boped&etbarvise. TIse aisack te thse CeLtpuunity a ten. rible. Ai midnigiit lbe Cabinet, vith Mosans. Suminer, Betfal euE Vranivortb, Jssdgea Cantas, Governor Ogloat>', Geo. Miiga, ,Cel, Ha>' 'ud a tevptnscual giindaus t surgeon General Barues sud bis immésdiate àa. sistantsii more &round. Tho Président vas lua altteoetsyncopes tli nsoîtleane sd bresttiig silev7. TIse blood eeied fneom the wvenE-aIIts. bicS of bis bead.-- TIse sungeons uaod-euery possible effort cf méedical shuli, bot ail bhie.wvasgele. %Var Departmnu, 14-10 p.m.-Te Mij. Osu. Dix-The Proaldent continues insensible sud iuking, Becneiary Bavard romains vitbeut change. Fceolenick Sewanii'à shuli 15 fnacioned iitve places, beaidea a-susevrecal ln Lb. baE. The attendant la att! - bliv es but bopelos.Maj. Bevarti<s vouda ans net dingercu.'- It la nov esceneef' witis resacuabis iUurq nrd b-muimora o e « gaeavecn Faqar hJcil ,- cItlseGvnihlpct marslu- thac omtttiy' o! Ontfinri yîmeta <r; e r ita liaiti U Isut o eue, I 0 ir, c; the usceutt : ar ; nd G org Protor' ite Village t 1ütovrtî's, lëtlre, ef ibis third part toe. prori i m', I :tlie stedsi'iil t illo- iaser -Tve, eonceleuuA, ht ths mati TÇ-,WN4HIP OF' MARAi' CVONTAf IN'G 04VEAt HJNDREJ) AOR MORE 02 LLU. ' The Sa'o te take place ous XQuday April l7th, A. D. 1865 19 TEE UAl» D VILLAGE 0F BEAVERTON At 12 o'clock, necis,. -TERMS CASH-. Fr "frtienpartc-lane; app'letisahe nder alatse. - - H. E. 0'DELL. Boiv'enton, Agent ton Mentgagee.. Dited April, L2, 186.5.- - 14 Thou abovs sale la ioniser postpeued u l - Thuraday, lSth ofKMay, S5 At lt saine he.ur sud place». LOII Are '*~ Whi çeryep RLa 1?IJ NEW f -bu va! 0 Miss Carroli suetthlie ne-spein Côe I huQuss-Au luquest vms helulon Weduaidsy, u 12thilet., ou th* body et Frée sWildssin, ef tise Towvip renmt te T Select Sohool1 IE FASTEÃŽI TEIIt! OF 1188 CARI- 'I'nlia et, Arl buaot24th. WEDNESDVY. 24th MVAY, WITII A GRANS1) CONCERIT 800 1*0 1.000 @!NOER85é eî'a !lt'h uii 'rovimmce-, D-lero loqiiitel oti, ilî tem- u eeu Ii tOmoermrIse 1 ,ueig e iu'loyeç1 nieum lIL e.-tpe-mle-IitLe veco, àvîuttrieisà lis illtereît localîtiteO regardumg tise mtîter, andm tttsetiit, as loir ailemible, -visI tctisber ef mtimgera utiglut ba u tposîdbl oi tiron thie vant- Cmti cilii', towimae, 41dmîm nmu î Weî rg ti ue>' hma ~eei!i~-mlCimimmtim '4îe e-at i etit Couler- n-ue italia ine-ver> viuy sti4ftttry, <jlia> citm itîsmlndLu mueid tise Coniventionitos-i.thte 241h oft M&an the Li, Lopreecdîuig dmy%ý. Tîte ot' je-etaiiinreelaLlu c.iiimg tuCouivetstiour arTe uuiatily to scnrc the gre-at advomntossoisât * vul-h siacnt-cm te social Intercourue thîts b r o u g l ia u n t o( t v e i t a rig e r a - f o i n a l P a r t . lit tue ennîstlitry, loit swabeohu a inono generui Iliteret oeut Lite-iguijetet C nih ait les-u, sud. té umîord îuamsy eî lita good people mof Canadat or.- oppmrtîîmity ofcf elobntitmg lier Mjesty'a biti oe>' fi tu mp-t diigittuil tiuî etive sud ussutul tîmuanoir. M ua-us has isce n ese to *hi'b he conaaeittan iunmet, Vu-s loua places hbave iteeui xureskts, teadvocaeete omhm'plaise prom., ioted intiiiicaq'inz acomnetidmîble epirit or ikmliriit n, pleîoilng tLior bes ellcie Lu> Pr,- mole ýta c luLoreet Land anUcoesa of Lise undcrtek- bit wis-rer lu!igist noiitiglît iseat te hoîli it. 4ttter s cureital o,.sdermîiluifthtése dvan- 1 1 j nd Jury rýWe the fallowing 1 1ti M- I 'Warâmm

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