Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1865, p. 2

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-I -_-__-_-___1___________________!__M Krn Avetiuna Mi Day, Pleêuag4vlufsrl oaletysFair. 'Wbtby saut nitbthl oriseFait. Plle* .k aas1-%ot Voet ellayuoo-Tovrmlp. Vie-K. O'Doneva. *Mag op bwue-j55. Breem. 'xW t 0500- Dvy geedma r nerta. Tioqragiservant Waaîed. Eu*8à- aeuanle'Insttut*. ottage te Lâet-Jacob Bryau. Froît pfffl éc.-Geo. Leslie. Tira Armstrong Sîove-Ptonted 1 105-War. Brysui. Dlirtioar Oourts--County of Ontario. B'eb. ONLY 8150 CENTS-A YEAR Tie Queuen's ithdr. Wmr 1uajst, the Quese'. Birti day, iu Wirb, titi yean ciii ire ebrated citi mioretien usuel eclt. Aprogramm eltit ii lb. paoelhss lu due timeýq W*-Malte ibis Sunncausen utos., fl4Yankee 18mil" adverttasdto taire place In Bewmancille te wiehcn ome cntiing people may bc liouer te whom haoer in du. W-nte iimuer pleasure, -tise uns mimones vote cf îhauîho tendored by the. - Boud of Agriculture ot Uppen Canada, ai Sis rsceaut meeting te John A. Doiiaidàon, à Sq.,tithe Emigration Agenrt, Tronte. Tb.y bave aise, we are gratîfied '1o Per, civa engaged Mrt. Dofisîdoon, at a salt-ry ai $200, te @sert bimueif in the promotion ma Flax culture, ilu chai b.iras akenu se promiinent an interest. Thre proceediegs oftthre Boa.dsitbecrnh e ceedem e u: for the. manner in wbiehthbey rettrr te Mr. MacGae, gice 4"h ouer t- trireer bouý,r due" in tire cia ofe Mr. Douialdion. Oshawa [>lsggred. On Teday, &tier thre neca of tire taIt of Rtcirmend had beau reeisred. tire Yau. -tes people resîdiugi n Oshawa coiebratod thre aat by a couepicueus public disptsy. Thay mrciied tirougi the streats in pro. ««tonu beadeil iy a baud et muie, and «Csompasrled by thre emtiueu peau e o aalco.en.Tiey siieuted and speiified sitar tb. true apnaad eagle Yankee tarion, sud generailly beld a nef ouâ jubiles In - caimueihuirs-cotui4 tig meiiorduet cas ,the ptevailiug faatue. To tire scandai .&Wdidlgraee of-tha village tire man wh. -threugir au aeaifdent itippenu taIre ils see. aadd haprocession 1 Tbii.mars, Kr. Birbe, la mu officer lua àveluateer opand sulapplied ta ir sentta thie *Mot.1ha didgo tote ufront lu tbe 'ITa"ke demroustnatint. and -out notice ot the fiet may ho e sp.frrlunsbewinz ahere *'Ur. Blarkeil a te hofourni sbeuid the.occa- sineu arli. A t ac seguardu belourging 10 the crowd made ibeir appearance ln tWbitiry, dasbed thrugii tie streets witb smoking livéry boises, anrd uirougir the forbouaraocofethlie loyal laty-abidiug jeo- Pi.eoftheb.town oeiapeil s dcckiig in tire .I'La sitire tmdeservedta tbchosent ta thre lockiup. Tie 'bad sed ocu by sach men as Abrab#SeFareweli sud Chester Draper is bagiurj ta show itsett. Msy iu neyer 'taire root lu tire county ut Onitario. -TOM RB vnsor-Wbicb takes place ai tire Mecbauicê' Irrilltute next Tirurad'sy. Aprl l3tà, sirocit cerlsmrsly beia denidA' -suoees. Tire uanaging committe de seérve muci credit fer thét excellent pro- graimme-preseuted, snd îhr'ir iairors- cii mradoubt he ne*aried ciii a croscded bouts. Aeroug tire.tsiir part, ce no. te Dir ame of Mus. Hoegbtaling, a lady vibc. charmas both et voiee sud pou-son uit. Irseted se0mccii atteution ai a similar artertulne et au bcirmisîe a red- oine ,fveuinge aune@ at Oshrawa. Our old triend 'Wood, et Waacrrk nolerlety. in aise te b. on band, aud 'ill no docbt be au tuuny NT UJELEAf-Ceenolmraofetibis Town, bas r.ut eacll mec. Donald- - .wt-ares cuar ti. taligataa rb7Loao.-We ove s" spoiogy toteme jgam ofI bo iosreyucop ili put, tiepc in,& aù"antiy geedIuor to«moet it,' f. h. eco .PP.tranostI P arllrrt ata of 'rmord of tbeir sarriajas. The i~o n otbi cea tue Iaaiaetrt IThe Itou whe -remete çÇtuaPro., TEite U aa eutLTgas AND rtEE NON, NaR. 'eatt. At tira meetiug af ihe Board ef Agriotul turc, ieid at London, on Wedy et luit ceai, the. pu-uscie didsclioie mmrOat- tempîta place Mr'. MeGes adiisratiOnl of the Departuenaof AIgriculture in a vroug lgit. Tire charges agalut thue honorable gentulean uare tiatjais net 'a ilpractical farmalu" -sud tiat he permitted emmenicatious cith ir iiBaureau 10 raunain unasaoeri. Tire nensere tir the firdt cirarge lu tao glantng te raquire a solitary Wend otfmeions notice te relciation. Il may be usetul tirai mirrtsterse otatu s mocît mec be o oguida tire piough U as etias te triertihe ler et tate ; but itlalunoet ail practiellyuneceasary. W. need net to argue uhe qtueton. -The charge oet mat lentren le cenneupeudauce le quite unde- gsi-ced on the. part ef Mn. McGee. ItL i citiroir toundation. Tho&@e cobavie ceirespoudeuve, citih.héBureau hnowtiett liron s lene mimister more attentive te bis dtitse itntiraI respect tise Mn. ?4IGee- Litre thre ieaà of utordepsi-imentîoruthtie Gorrernmemnt, rinu persna attention bas, irn aIlil lrelîiooti, isen 50 emachrengrosseti vimir mie Conten-triott question aute cause seemium« neglect, on ii part, et miner luatuers. Ail tie departsuant4et liahegem-- ercnmcenu are, clireoul excepti4n, chartke- abI, in tins ri-airet. se occupieti have liey bec itir tireurne grand ides&oet Cdnteder-' ationr. Bu ne renissuesu to.duty eau ire clisigedt u Mn. Mc(,ee. t '-$ lite Secro-_ tary, Mr. IRetîon'à deati, leftI, lutire cay ot atientier cornespentisuce, a vacaucy Dot eauily sepplieil. No eue eau poperîy Ssy - tirai ibsis i reason vrby Mr. MuGuta mcit irehomatie ciargeabi i ii uthe dors. lictiiesftheeie Bureau, sud ce are ftiily snsned -àoLtlhstanding tbnspetty sîtemupt eft hose cire attendedth ie Londou meeting ---riaitirhe pulic cl bolti Mr. MeGte iriameleras et the charges madie against Vlexlermtali enuatriti. CiresIon DnapPr -eut redoubuablo Town Lieitet-iiae usiurned tram Queirc ; an-i, ce are lieaned otiti aie te inu- fores or rouiers, itt umcci leuspi-ospect et ebtaiuig possesision oethle careootres et James Rue., & Co., iran ho auticipat- et. Bu e i relaotutire eran îe altoc hier- self te be deonet re y ruci trifliniutglaldi. meutes as Riglîtsandt Wroutg. Ine baa mmnd sud s roW anbece staepiuig te conai- der or Like iunre nnecuuh auj auch coascien- Liesacnuplem as tirose prescribed biy tire gotlden nuit'. Chester Draper, îs Chrester Draper, sud it coulti talcs a long seanci tbmcogiouît iissuachlary apire.ta 5usd iis teltoc. fils ccpidtiuy, ce sm-e tlt ià net aec boudeticitir sierpy seoking te obtairu possession efthlie vrtebouic, eo §tooping rip tieret&neadîothe Harbor.- Whiiîy harbnorbts-ad anti fairt sl, lu neraificteut Là limil Mn. Drepereu ambi- tion. -His acqueutauce. aolusly sent tirsî bis aext more wîli ie te Jay clai. tg thea properties boutiing tselBay ; sud tirai tirs.et itr. Gardon, Un. "Watson, Ufr. Smaithr andirti. Thev, .0peciael1y ai tractiis oye. Andt hose cire mec the mran cîl agu-se wcut etirICirsur's aya is as roaariabir', as it is a sespicieus anti ckafty ene e udt ttenetore aIl tire mote daugenecu lu troas cire' coia*entier its eil influence. Tireeors, Meuers. Gordon aud otiers e lep as irip oye et yeen ocu atterthtie pneperuies ciicb yen innocerstly belir-ce te re in yottr beteanti inctul poesien. It Chresuer ehîsirre '- theeucr et tire garernuu," ussisieti by that cick. -Snrrluusiy cousideneti, Chester Draperila a dangenous disîcrbin lttinse omuniîy. lu arrieucg aetiris epresemituoeietyfire eemrmenceti iy aîtacirieg tire elti Roudn Hai-bot Comrpany. -Tinougi lhe pi-sasire paiti for ebting anti eisreptoaenling tier liofon, the publie. lie sacceetiedinl de- privinX ibeteutftheir pnopenty ; obtaintug possession oet tirt propeu-ty himmeit by tire meat disionoraite mneau; nd mot -cou- teni citb ibis, ho bas tImposatibeavy- irurteneu pon ibm tocu, -cuargad toila to the Corporation sîpon atone sud gracci bnougit lu trom the Lake te repair the noati etfciici be cnrigirîeetusy obtaicati the. Possession sud tire profits, 'anti hoecen lieues tire fruti ly eeicusgtg ledeptiv tamilies of uheir pivat. properuy,aàcceUMUs. lateti iy years et teil anti indesîry. Lot peeple euly loci baek a ihori year or -tv a tu tiree lnge andd eluIg PI tîf. b4cwl4g- demagogse ebon ire deuouced theb od' Company as monopolisand sudblhie rab- brs,ciahn hi.-cianged irat iiy bail robb.dthe tirte. pluntienedthte eocaîy, sud cireaead tire goverumieut, sud>regard the position ciiich bua ariftrl iy1prtisy and tieceptiori have nov placaut uin c-lIt tirer do tis ns ay vihe.r the languag. wbib ei eose la ufficienty ctlaeraaiory df iis coeduct or not? - Tas Woear us cong., ER*TGa n toi t mner puertlnars, te aur adv.rllsiug entamasuste a in mtotion, Aiticugi r tied lu tii ionoyal t. sihetactory oppoite bal lus dvertlscd. paper bi&sesunoticates. la DI ery daSulesploneairloi It *,CITY POINT, Aprii .3,1 a. m.-To E Stasrlo,, crtas-y of Wer :-Oeiir Weitzel tunegrapis as foliess -: W.e i Richmondnt au8.15 thie motnirtg. J cap- turoti mauy gens. Thre enemsy leftt ir grest baste. The cityîy leetrlire in, erre place. I1a= maiing ovr-ry effotrt 1 te iti out. The people receuve us wchu othasi- asaie oxpnrurules cf jey. G'nenil lOtant erarteti early tris uroruiug 'cititire army tocard tire Dauvitte roati te cit t ofLpees retreating armny if possible. Prosident Lincoln iras gene teotire front,.' (,Sigued,) &&T. S. BOWEIL-i, ,,A. A. G. "iTe E. M. Staton, Sec. cf Wr1, 'l'ie luroe ofetexcitemenît ubrouginocu tho Nortirat tire nevuet thre fait ut tic Coiitodoratc capital ila esemenbet as ecuiju ing asil Yankee exhibition, ualt baie yoet taien place- Theno are munir apeculatisu sasle recoustnactieu sund uà., ar biug biugirite an eut;; but %bey are neuiing moneo han upeesîsiona, seO far. -New Yeatr, Apnil 3.-Tire Coumwr- tial'.s Washrington special sys, int:elligenice tecêivetifr-m eutbdquartere etofct forces cerrntsre cassonance -tliaMite usnec ins eut ppxoiu. Important porsitions h.d ireeni ten hicir premissd te place the city et eut mnrcy.fit la raid tiret a great battie romnainema e efougtbin uVin- ginis, sud tia.t Genea-al lemiras tiiili e ereaum of maaiiug s formidable rsiatauce, but it is belev4i tire car las nbutauthally endeti, sud tirai iumarsity antIintithei eetery to abandon thi.e cutest. Tire HtRaW a ~sinIgton apciai usj Ilu *su exf that tie pî'audeat,, i;mm#&- ately epou; the eva=aCuatiof Blebmroui, dl im ae nec 1proclamatian ofa a,*seel The lceraWi'a erm-epondcnt 'îfrota Fefroi, Spain s thle 13tb uit., gay* taiý tire Contedîraft m Binevrai ei* stil tien.. Sbe vas bu-tug repat-eti, and t wus balîeved hati aecretly receiveti men ant ir ar muli6oa.t A &mailiand scift schooner calied Ledi asFnuy, suppessedta t ie a tendon, bat came lu and comusunicated Viti tIre Stone cali. Tht Niagana sud Sacramento cene lying ucar cateiing tire pirate. Of thi.e vairy fighl on Fnldey, tire, Ttaa pecial says ...1 At eue o'eioci P. mn. Smith'i brigade ai Croes' division, eting on antui racrk, wcasomnt vest ef Dcncidnile Courtboe, stppoteuthy Oregg, Dadas eand Pitl Eo' brigade, tire latter fscirgsgc-t and eevarnag a place' rieur Stoiney Creek cirere ilane sread comae togesirer, knecu as Pire. Fenie, elti by tihe, eue,.y, and weici e trieti te take the day -i betone sud taileti. Stagg's Michigan brl. gede cas lu position on Grsvelty bmanoir, anti a portion etf(libi's brigade vasii- ne- serve. At six p. em. the eueery ettacieti Smth coniderable force but cucessfulhy. An irour iater Major Rabbies o a ~isa' irigade cuile holding thre brIdge ever Stoey (lu-ok citir a battalion of tire Necw Jer-sey lot vas atteelteti sud da'bven locly haci t le rbriga&de. At tis junctmro tire oeerymoveti ibr-e.coîsumus acrestire creek at tiree points, andi as once, withl supenirnuumben', vas anabledti t Blak aus'brigade after s uiubborn flghî ii mana ai once chansgea thEfir repeetiv position tb meet the ebange eleffairs. The figirI centaiuetiuntil about 5 oclel p. m. at ebicilà ime iitheeecy baa cet off Devin wcmI Pitz.gugir'ssuda Stgg's Blgdeý\and fcoreed tirem be in tut eireslerýdi>ni. ilu tq the Boydtteicaf plank rond, *,littl1e oai bY nirnsfroua DnuacddiuTtr<basa, aud au wcotbitipertion cf tire commandi during tie eveîrlng moveti ta tlt ipJac. (3ibba brigade for àlong time hed tst ,lion sud mad.'eceufu chargeiu,a ,bieb the P.uîepylania, drove the earemys1 sttong line of infantry ad cstavum4about 100 'men. I)crrsng LIlsecarge ëeveWr isutdre fthtie, Co"nfederarom tbrec do"i tireir armeu suuitempt.d ta ruahi nIe eut Ues; uufortrînatéiy thr. movémttr neat geneam-ly obuerve in Su aon ta prevent a volley being opened i lto ibem enad Ibla catiseti a heahiou loag'enougii for, Ireir offcears tu cver--them vuli re if tire rear. ýAt 5 clociGbbs bad i a.bsofr ýi intctE brelseil about thre bedy, preseuted bumussîf at tihe $lippiug office, Blugapore rnd sad thatha iisd loft £watoe a fort- night before iu a large three. uated scho Dort citi 550 olier passeugers. Qu Io ýih ft1be th, ho waid, at ithe satrace. týtesu.aiia bas'ely thirty miles frQm Singaport,,ise-wessel, 50108 M 4peoi S dssied egalst t01e JLiîebthOUOÇ RÇI;4n I *the *dtior oft f titby Olaemide. Fal ef Rtuled. Rlchmaoud-hire futue. istorleal- Ii montl-wiolbasbravely surd lrtoioatiy, Vittstoed a fout Yeom attaci againut lie bordes et thre North bras allmu. Tiere t- i'atanoa of the Coeuederates vasu tsbbetn t e ilust. And Lae's krmy, it appears mancied ont et tireity i tact ;-resdy ta occcpy a uev battie gtoud, tartihtr- meved trau RichmnfoItm ater comme' uleation Viti tirs Northr, sud for til rea-' sou, as caîl t a ferdîug boîter meaus et supply and communication ta tire deteniere, l684 sxpoaed tu, deteats wcrtire adean. tage of overchiemiug uembets, gurboats, supplie& and munitions et c-ar, bitiierte pessemsed iy the. Northr, gave tire Fedenats. Lae's liues ef communication contacted, and iris armies consolidated in thire rion cf a country cher. the Federaîs, <avay freer tieir gun-boatsanaid supplies by vater,) ciliihave te encounttr them througir hundreds et miles et hostile terri- tory, romain yet te ire- couquereti. At- thougii Petersurg ani Richmndntbave beer, taken the South is not subdued, non ira tire spirit et Soutieru cbicalry heen bmrker,. Eeidently the flu et Richmondi cas articipahed by te Ceufedenates. Qen. Lee hsti ieen for moeurs uiakiig prepanes forr -evceceatien et the City, snd pertectiug iris plans fot future action ai bis ocuà lulîure. A aient unme wiii prove citis ruat eueceesa& At pre9eont speculaulon, at thiidistance, andticluoly'- tihe Noeaaide et tire tory is neleis. 77rat sidaeofthie stery cc give lt in tefoi. iociuig tcl9grapiic despatcheî -of course ait treer NertIrenrtisources. srfsiuoumy,cher-aoîer -vitl, bave :rge#enoegh ta gîte bis Dame rJ clU be moit happy to asiver hum - Testa Trueiy -W PHIERRJLL ' TItiMe Edutorof thee »lltby Oeksl, SIR. -î 7E The. demouitratien- ,licitA d teved énibt.ý Blusm along ithe whQle Iitia, sud by tIhe Lige tui was everi a heavy fie bhail bee.. pea.. ed witb artillery, accompagied by Laid' aud Woodrof'a gone. The euemyoiiarged several times,:&ud wetareptlaed witlt g051 alauglster. Ospt.. Hart sa"nof aibis vegi_ mente, thre lot United 8tiMpa, daubmng. ofF. Ng't iaving giron tii.oe,, bel- fellotved,, sud fouud General Merritt, Colonel KêMtbii of Sberdldea suad otiiers at the heail oft he reglmeuis. The. enemy_feit book bsatiy belote ths troope4, aud did ouet agmin attempt to force eut lino' Tii.resmît of Friday'u fightiug, the ZY:ttes*coetmpon. dontutsyo, va-w. swuug thée loft srotund tiree, mi les nortir of the Boydtew pani rosd, leaviug letvJeent an Sd IIIOBouthalde railroad but a ting1. lino of breasworks' tbrowu up stucs Wednetdà%y night. We capturird about a tbousand prisouers aud our own loms fot overr 2,000 in the -sggre.. gate. The. enemy have uf'red mrrcb more beavily aud their forces were becoming de- nroralised very rspidty, aud 1in the evening could nlot b. induced -te maie anoîber charge on ithe fiftb corps front,- altbougb tbey had fougbî denprtrately in the day. LATEST. Latest accounts cenfirer thte news as bc- iug Mrost enrfaçrable teutthe South. Goa.. Lee's army st iRichrmond suffered a seVere defeat hbrougir tbe force et overw4elering nurubers. ILii said te bu retreatiug le two celurnus îeward, Dariville. Befere retre-itg bc destroptd ailt the forte at Petersbutgh and Richmond landthe i.Cou. frederate est vemi n lt uJames Rh'ùr, besides a large amount et oubtlcopropeily1 te prevent ilt, flling ie tith.bauds ef the enemyI. Wbut ile ifrt Irasbuen taircu possession ot by thre. Federals. Président tLineoln la aaid te bc lu Richmond, domi. ciled in the. bouse litely occupied by Pre. sideut Davis. The uqerber et pri.4ouers captnred by tire Federaîs is vsrioealy, esiatiotd-at frein 13,000 to _20,000. RIe BZCZLLEvCUT the Govgsxxoa Gtsit. AI,. bas been pleased to uriae thre folit appOinterents, vis: Thomas .John Yorkc, - squire, Mý, Associai. Coroner, (?oihiyi et WelltIu;ton. Alexander James McMaster, Esquire,ý Y. D., Asseciste Corroner, United (ouchies of Yorn Aud Pe'el. Charles Ta*t Scotti, Equire, Aunteiate Cortierrr,, Uaied Couties et Huron and Biruce. David Smasrt, et Port HIope, Esquire, Attorney at Law, te bc a Notwry Pébile in Uppyer Canadai. Edward Taylor -Ltartnel1, of l'Ori2inal,1 Esq uire, Barriater at Law, tl e a sNotary Public in UJpper Canada. Danil'iSboif, oft McGulivray. Es.qrire, te ho a Notiry ?c')lic in-Upper uad,. Duncan C. Macdouett, of Wbitby, Ers- qrrire, te b. a Netary Public in Upper Canada. William l'errance iiays, of Goderici, Eêquire, Aitorm.Ry at Law, -ta b. a Notary Public lnu Vpper Cauada. ' John Edward Farewell, cf Oshawa, E's- uie, i3arristc t awyacto bc a Xotary ?cb1l1c lu Upper Canada. Hl$ ExxpaLusr vthe Gisrrtaroui Grisct. ai, baî also been pieased tu granlt a Li. ceuse te Wiliam lenry lieli, ëf Anlbr,t bcrg, Euita4ý 3, NM., toeng estlphlm te practicer byuLj ue'go 0 taildw4ifeq lu HO;V âke 3u t M1111,11D1 Bill 1t Ttrtnk yon It wclit thre tot ieep biinlt, rùrkyon i, w,11 -, ire sots ep ight, wkrrburti ore a.,nt te et su tiiht lly drininte a rt Il:, bar thrtrgrs À 1:'l rettlirr('udt qsizte Rloe i t-loi e iow tdi3 uur t aRera ait t1-i)ilt,, ourntatrurr e- ýptra onu R tiik Whlrn iae:rnrrr-i Wtzto irl u tihe trtet, Wjitla Ulej'r:n 1et, t i ý Itd n-irut 1 luthuriîr arlu-ir-. t t'> mthtfou rup, 1 d. - As you de uet halti joursuit toponsible, (anti vety cime vous are ilu. 10 da'n,) for the croîcirets of yea 'o-rs pondonts, J venturre te place the foiiocing betore yecr readera, semechat undiges$teti as te metiroi, icIte my faucy, pnelhy ac-e cormte in ithe Main. We all mec that Mu-. Disraeliiaiseeoe tia abtaut debaters in elti St. Stepien'm ; (nov superce.deti by Mr. Bstry's spieuditi uev edifice.) Jn a ecetut debate on lhe à$Deenceu et Canada," the iben. geutle. mu ,paeaded one or twe axpressionsu ebicir afford reo m'for'cenuide rat ien. e asks citatl; lih position of tire coisniem and depeuslencies cf lIer Mejesty tocards Great iritaiu ? Four years ago. cien theo gm-st mruggle in lire States commenceti, tiers cas vety ittIe lu commen beuceen theus. The lie tiat boundti teuste thé moirer country vau alereet oe o etmre tormslity; but asks tire oraton, ciat liu nov eccuured ? You have a pocertel Fedenstion I citir the elonent et nation aliiy sinengly evinceti lu It. Tiey ceuni thein pipulatilits iy millions I ant ilutus net citheet reasen tiraitiray do net feel iesa of tire amhition chicir chanactarises nec emtnunities tien tiie Unitedi States, aud tirat biey may ireceine, ce May say, -tire Russasoe the nec e-tIi. Thre ciîly Sier- idRn once obsemvedu tirat wchoe cocîti net talle sens., ire apoke metaphur, Courut lbe population by mrilionsI Well doue, Dizny. Wtty, feur Millions aIl telti, inrelu- ding flisy Newferrudlaud sud sarrcy 11111e P. E, Islandi, l isohetotal ot tirevirole- 1nd tris im diguified inter couutint hy nmil- siensIl Tirenualas, ton bis diviriîug rot.- Yeu bave a pocertul Fuideratien i Oh, my propheîic seul, bu tint le a tirrmper ; anti yet DYitzy lenet teailame. A neuclus tor n suutimateily pocerturi ceutederation lieue cas ; but it ires momesstamily preveti te ho but a tope et saitt. .»'A ipiag 1ear Ile maritime rascale, sey 1'. Tltoy have teeleti cs et U. anti L. Canada te the hep et oci- bent; led Dienuseui irmecîta a delesion; nmised Yankee noteî as te au- notationt, anti ex1sossd ur iirîmity et 1 purpose sud non thntwoniiryuos-r tn tire jiies nt Golticin Smsith and iris disciples 1 Faitir I shoulil like te liclelo Ieir-liâby cstastreplucs-- e.ndemnlieus te a perpetu. ail Lnut-féer t trous irih el tapes, abari's teeti anti met!live il, tlii Iiey repenleti. The supply ofthtsee daintiela inexanrt- hIbe toeuireir rociny, tugigy ceasta. 'l'ie v stiecitufinttt n msurh irttiif 1 bati my ciii. Wbaî cili rhev say lu Buglanti if ce ire beaurn, aah-cd iWeitAugton au Wauon- heu. Whnt wcl tirey eniy at the tietocîlon et thceiIse Nosrclten t h sil, as il bs orenu s uluelcceme kutisci borniems? Wiat c au tirey snîy but tiati re aieO as usînirie as wster. Gu-cat Britain nesolvedta tsuppont us club aIt iber strongtir, hingeti very us- turaliy, upori tire upposeti tact -timt tine colonies tif Ncrth Armnes unequivocaliy -clair; ci frerinZ ortntntechmeut, tae tîlo connectin itb tire paennt etate;-Ith îet h.ie lthtithule repente and ruinais ciricir have borin cincaîred eti ms e ut tlenatin- nes coe re uoly rinturtii, anduti i ee cero reselveti te usaiutatuil untiiicm r heuiti bave emulmite t bat pai-entmrsate lu ber great emire;, eceme, lu tact, fiendty rivales&as cou as taitfut sulie4. A-ad noms, hacing gare tirorugir thn maint part cf thre marifnnt lperformance tire maritimers tirme off, juelas tire rinrg le about raire efxo Tire marielge le acddeniy anti abrmrpuiy bu-eken otffI1liut ce are nmou lit teuit. We cere m-cmiy to fruifili tire con -pact,irid fulflli il1I 'aotrit, Mn. Edtur,i &til~ci y; ayeeeltiromnizirbe'oauu- We are yet CeLecles, in a colai condition; tirtee-rurîirs et us Setire im- portance, snd leel the. vitaiity efthtie step ciicb cas te bave burin ten. Anti shah tire flisy one. teettiprerentlire comesrr- tien?7 No. Lot Great Britain tu-ual iheue menitimers as colsuuiaîe. let tere ire ne rolicence as te counding teelings-'*eren as the. union tffthem Uppet aud Lover Provin cem vasen Imperiai sel , Sa lot a similar ediot teselu tire lueeeanr fult hiu"tiret tiru tantastie veto) is net te bo a bintirace Lot ilu ioreuled ti th iey sa lenter lins> Board of Agriculture. Futret Parade et Negre TreeUSpetiq ue moud. MEETINGQ AT LONDON ON WEDNES.-- - DAY. re rSRtm d8mttMec2- À meeting of tise Board of Agriculture Thiq annucement lu the. MOruing Pa' wets heid et L'ndorn eir Weduosriay. Tire pets, tiret tee ceaupaules et, nere troopu flon. Mr,. (ihristie, vice -pr'esideîtt. Oecupied coulti paradeon lu ie atternnn, atlrscttitia tIre citair.-Tbet followiug mumbere cerù g teat murtitude ert' laies, miîitaty mn preset-tire Éou. Measrt. Ale xeuder. 1 -ýa el Burnhan andtiRrtan, D)r. Richmsond, Mr. eim~ es hlieunrenges R' L. Donison, Mn. «.. C.yken'.as pree. nd fi ce 'okytatensy, telîne te n velo dont efthtie Agrieuittirsl Aseiatien, Dr. ieOcorystdat tnsth be Beatty andi Mn.. -. O.'Pmpsn cire cas 8eeeteme.-Tbe Istreets in the vcimity olected President for lire eneuing yesr, amnd cors aise crocded ciii dakies. tise Hon. Ma'. ChuistieVice-PreoitàeuL.Mn. At irait-peutfout otelock the batallien, J. A. Doualticon appesred belote tire Boarti coueposeti cf thre, campantes otcwhite con- anti gaeesome iutereetiug tacts relative Ce vaiescents, trous thseIsespital camps Wind- tire prospects efthtie flax during the onsu- ou- and Jackson sn-w opaiso e ing suasen sud tire inticements for ils goepoe, ndtsce olpeni tedfml- culture. Mr- Denaidsou's remarIs es ro poysi, co-vlnert o ii Iistened Int-sttenliveIy, andi mach Iuterosi tary service., uuar4ed docu Main Street, mauitesteti in the information hie suppîleni neder tie ct'musand et Major Cirauiii'ss. On hie retitemont, a vote tlharks tise Board A brase baud procoodedtheti batilietu, vas unsniusously accurded i m. -playing "l xi." anti ollier patriotih aira, Tise CoAarrerrAcciinvitet tise attentiin 01 The sidecalles cere liied wctb spectatol'5. tise Beard te tire laie report issueti by tise Tutrtre rip Gecernor Street, lie coluu Minister et Agricrliltrîre, lu wirich serîme re-c marks, refiectiug upon lie Board, wote rrcreti teatii. square. As tiey entereti magie. Tire chairin, in cm . iig- tire square tires as ai rush triulail qear. en thq passages iraving neference te the ters tocards tire gate anti avenue leadrug Board, demurred. teatthe stalcmiits4 cou- thenetog, eeeryiredy reemimu; muent upei tained lu it, alleging tire t he cause rof thý satiafyin' tire prempting ofet cunsity mit Wanttefcomuinicatien betwcen the Beard tire unriiest poseuible moment, Tii. beys, andi tireBureau resulteti freon the tact thiai c gre tewol fai sa rlc ne one cisc tmstiyet eceupied Iltie cilice ot ieeregýadnd tielicea nrmi rle Minister et Agricsr1inrecasu a prmcticaî iecei sdyei d ver-y furiousiy, sud fariner anti et ai traruge circmmmstinc, ategletier tire sceito presenteti cas quit. noute nltise gentlecmen ss'iroccrrpie t litipo- remarliblahn id aimoîtliudictous. 'l'ie sillon lied ocerires-n prescrnt at thuemnntîal column filrd etc rgtimu-iai exibuitions cf tiseurseciatien, exeept lte tricil tnwardr tire Capital, tire cindonrîr et I-ton. Mr. Vankenîginet rîhicîr cere filie ieth li ladies. Attertht(- tien. Mn. AneFxAyustn statedtiit tire treiiji4 ere negetee1were nevewmnrl iy Boarti tnroi enery means tu carry eut thse snigcmtiotl cf tise tion. NMt. %'[cee mil tire 'votai olicets, andtihlieuput tirrougi thte exhibi .tion lmet vent, but cisen n-ota cas iianiitfarme. tise arnerielmfenîts scgge.sttud iîy Itirnu coi-e Thre crowti cus :50 gtcal thuut sury tee nt~>eeled. , the dm-l, hsut titosit cit Ber. B.-ATTYqttmteti tuai Mr. IMeGc tmnd did, îien'raify ecîreurreti in lire opinion maite tise saie rcmusrke isiti, referccete tilmt tsiethîs cocul be Imimiirt te lurîndle a tise Board cf lcte, uile notiinc r ait nom-e ciia otm uti ieprdrlutt 5tî,titt. 'llat lbody had cîrlitatet a cen- bill a glinontmp. In abhotu tîntîtail iteur nectian %stth ie Bmreair, but tirvir lettere n! etten~~~~~ ~~~~ rttîieisiioi lamrsi' i e rlin sect i geir il nrielit tmre'q' arut ,%F DtitinN tî-rte th failton hethe baînalion mnrehed eut cf tire western ernpl-n'rs etoftise tinrLnti. wir. sircflic the rIfttp sîri-- t1uisrc nnmd returim'-d te tueur denth fcfMr. fititten. ss-rre nenp ltfreinqirîiýer3. Tireiboys lave tîemaîn mini n-cnt oftpnatticn e. eie î griciirtire, dm-tir. ot properly attendiug te thc durticru ntftte Titis trt-out cas tater pi-ennuire. f depart ment. -1iT'l'ie tir'-mit.sese ltiim t-cris-te lion. Mir. Am..nX,%NicR titglthai it ptril-s-ai rtr ttr starltlorIn cmiii iîveuit wrr neir atlemtnir te nike tire tarreers tunituîot a otn hchivet ni Upp)er ('aunielicetiit tlic Bui.ircl I - SUIo, arnldier cit i s e ta n-cnt' rctinZ et-ainsIt nînîr sisé.Ir-e. un tot tire pr- popte ciietpdta tesc lirnitlit theotl-e bitllîerore thlîni oitcit-.t4sirtiinc-i uit tht. Corps d'Alfriu, rd tiy;:id bring i~ r) olit-er. wue orI -n C rn:: t- i tifir'uilhaAt sheru-nt paîraîde Si'i'r4lit01 (Ut 0 tle %MiliS r jt usgn ie nns-'rýi -i soirldibcrîliformeri aird wco rél'lie mi rer thmtonireppent. aui -1thirtntîis /1î- ic lkdîctiLtii-m'- fin lin tps; t theor itti Itmlthre Iiniildinsgii tsvulîr-tnim- rlti ilinni fc- 1 tns inteurlenit'r (lie next, exhribition. Tiv pwaleofJf btion rC. ltm nretrirnnn- Col.i.rtniiei,, ho bi ran lored J ii!1in rthiiiesqiure yetcitc-ulcî ater- n ie- frein Tocronto, tok tise chanir. tt00t1)tttlc,,d thliînncîrt, idofirîr-eci-izýts ta À report tnt tho ins 'ntnittecrn miîîei-l 1tire spont, -ki t-crri ct t nghimnise of i ntire sit-gerin oftMr. J.lti s.A. Dntmîid tlrn isie slir. Thse teiriugnrf tise son. ta rnninierthlis bcject ortflnx culture nogeoiiendumvrnn etetlttt in Caînadan ss'm ne]n. Ifh n-rrrmcnrItl tise ~iieottr qmî- isywntt iri p!Itcltcre et 500 es-pies tsfma prrnmitphet irtntu-mtc1i tho niurniun ewet iiaiz itr inur cherils' te lis- igiit'rt Ir M. fcnilnthe iulo rn i rtie à' Initelier cils tiirîs'ceptietcg fainrk tn b, wenlgl ire ddoîme t'it ta oerai, sitîdis-re, piitrlichcrtIbis' Mn. Dixen. et Lertns. Eng chiloe lthliort-t cf urc wrme exr-cutr-d lanithi Irh relating te fl-ex culture, ctidcitir irroaînttrss and pncciiut. Ai a ne- l-uativi-senItis enggemsent tsfIm. DB-n ' conruiuicntof timeir pu-entr1ineîs in tnrominir nleeqn ileettt in piromotion tif tiO etrct the firit iittaint et colcolritoopi lin tir ni 'à Qîi-nrv rof $900 forthuis -t-r. Citnlt'd+-rticy. t-le suggcte, ntu nde Bt' Rinmstvsu ton m5iodtut ctorlladiesn Mn.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~o It'i,îrrl eaie t>uirpninfnfficltmiur tise prrîpriesy ut prnt-tng the o1i-te f ALricnnîîurp. ile cich t tr- thetilonuis imin nt îpritu bignuer. tain slmteiuencq tare mante in reftonttnre ta lte reietiren existtintrhnnlwsrn tishe Horni Futance alltî tue tJaatiued States. ant il l-inrrennr et Agritrgillrne, sshichit st rilttn'nrla ri tcroate lire îiprîeqefl thri - A munr recs-ived Inn tiurciiy fr-s-m i 'arer tîtese rlaion , go r il tuhlie -Bs-ia I nt rlîftuen cirrepeudeut mitwssirirgurtil tgririitcre lisnn enend have heen, antisdue: W, rel veerv mute rtejoen'd au are srîcham ns elis- 'nî'ri(tnîlv iniurnitm teeour r ni-ctvietii-es, mig' ait nîrnilook for- azni'îr r'rl infr ;tsa net e plce crnj te pence titr(*ug tire triumph oet cr tise montter inn a prnps-.tligitI. a remitteeC rs o' e trclatlalfirsb cnni;tinz oet the clnnirman, vus-c ciirrnvi. ae> e' c ît aiuiaifit i r flte Ilem. Mn. Ale-xanerr an(]tihtePrenriet tuteutil; se s ix Mentis irheuce, titi- Association lbc Appeinteti for tise pnîrpose ireuir oJtire expulsiniruoftuhen Irclt and- etp'epiig in. air-ensaerte tise ~mt-MmXiiisn tfreinM-le. Tirere il3 but. r Îteutaisrusetin, tqmeorttelite Berd ento f1cgjîug arires ecie. W sel ne. cegt the, anmt nnetivït, v - er t Wtnti t Franets. te puieeseMc-nmlt, non -Tise reseinutters ca rrict.m etp-iîsîerir cnutrr. bineirlnvur ceeiir, vaisrie tsriI), fr 'ir au ta.", 0cr u-aders may arep1t tire Vt. Jne-sepis Hall, et O1hassa, s',empéineutru itteit tai a dttltittiun o et tir etti- aI a pleut-tuin!r match, cas nhéeopteti, wîis mnts ofthle guf.nuupcm- ty au ashirug. tire Ihanis outhteuc iard, - 1.1 'en-in taeuct e hinevei o bte tie éel- A letter cnes nume-ieti from n r. Jaies ilu;oethtie cirnle country, antiit iras ,Yotitn.cun plicing nt the ti'is;nAnut -thie partlicular significticoe, t tubs jurucîrire etf Bard theo foliowiug nsuuey anti articles, te affai rs -The nece receiveri by tire (lily -et 1l4-given as prine tor pîoirghing, te ri cia lcterge e ien ulr moe peted for at or neartAtndon derrn-,tise 4no ostisovta h me Prvn1 a xi il..-lîss .y; &t.Ilumi- : apoleou le trot umerttetfthre tact, if Texas. fànd' Fronr théeNeW York Werld. Tisias le ectually cary nearly tire sae rirea.citir Franco ;is mots thau7b1alt -e4 largoerigain as ailtirhe Middtle Statos, inu ding Marylputi,- Pelawere sud Ohio ; rd tulle but utile sieort ftho combinoti area ot ail the .- ehrtes belveen ludiana and Kansas, boti inclusive, Its natcîal neseurces, partioularty as a grazing mid grain predccing COutry, -are incalculable ; il possessetinl 1860 a gneat. or excess oftmlse population -tbarn any f otatos but Michigani, Wisconsin andi Cali-' ternis; aid its rate et incroale, belceen 1850 ano 1860, was ne tees tien eore hu- dred and eigisty-tour pet cout. agaiust oea icudreti antioeepet cent, lu se great sud grewirrg a State a-s Illnois. Witb îhhe eud4jrn andi termidable influx into sucir a -ld4 rogloir, oft hnussnds et desparatito mn. ruined in fortuna anti hardeid to civil itt4te, it le eureiy ptal? tirat tire utuurrî offerte et the ropublie wcul ire soiousiy taxedta te estoreo ur autire-rity ever a e gien w'iicii, for ilinilitaty purp'sos, le substantUautytri remote ais iliniCrinea trous Emrtatrd and Franrce. Thtis is tire morts certaîintitrit Texas ae o f tall theset-itemisntrehrelliçru, reuits upon tise extendi-i froitiet of a ferei,u powet, never ami trienmtly tri ursetees mss te maie it improbabnlu that a reireilion lu Texas siroul itifrtidmeanus t of iniunica. tiug tbrough itî Ports seiti thetie01er world, sud nec amiimîirid hsy a nenviy rganmzer Impetial auulirity, rehick htis nsaîîy toc- sorts for tognsrdinc, uts cit disîrust, andi foe for concilitincîi g 0r good ciii or con. triisuting te niin ricces. - Tireretluriu Fil andi probable, r, t teout. possible, efttt MeXican empire, wiîir a robeltioui arrd revolutionary Texas, make irdeed arr oienrr in eut respective positiorn wiich.nilnrits mueh urore serieus censidmiration tlr;tr it has receiye&- UporI tire uliMan-te issues of n prolongeti cenfliet withirhtiretmbelion lu Texas, even theughir horulit lveaminec coufliat citit tise Empire et ýInirrmii, itl is nul ne- ct'ssrrY -te s9Pe 'ulau ~no t itleirgtr :ne mre cu mil au rlinposed tho quesion noc eut trîiitri ability te cop. witil auy fresir difficuitiesr mmd - comirîtieticns wci -Muay ineice urine. Biut - it- le -entiuetly- rncessmrry, ratiemaiamsnd prudent, tint ste 8ireultiloo. tliinvCry distinct proibili. lies tuliy ilu the t-mue,- andi wien ce de te, it le prerty eier rthet womil fti lld our- selIves caileti upîcîrte dismis the piensamu illusion that thiti àcolus ot thti car anti lus burdns rri. rabout lu ho forîriviîtrlifted froin thte nauterrat lite." Au Eruglsia (1'rc for Drsurkenitess. - Tuer. le n tamaris prNcription lu use lu 'Etiglanti, for tite cure of druxtkeunees, by -t wscici iousami-irieare emiltIntebave been s. sisîed lu reeuvr'rimîg t lernselves. Tii . - ceipt cae nto ie ruiriery tirougi tise eff ectis of Johnr Vine finit, ceommantder efthtIe Gi-est Eastern eteammîip, lHe md failen imue suci ihrbituai i1iiruuknese tIrat big MuosutCruesut effcrtt te reclalim imselt pro»' ved iiiiavailiim,. Aut enth she seugiru ibe adi-ice ofan enlinerît physiien, cite, gnre limiim a Prescription ciiieb lie toiloeretifaiti. (uliy for seven niontru nmd ah lits-ened et hanc turne, aliost ai! dLaire fer liquor,,ai- thon-n: ire irmiti been fer tuauy years led e-a1îrve b7 a ruent tebasinr usppe.ile. Thre neceipt, -4itieh ho aterqcardâ publisiiedi, mnd by %ehicji 8omnry alier drurtiarde bave beemu sssý'ite<d Icireferm, s, as tehlowiru Sul. 1nhatnof et l ive gi-ainte; magnesia. ton ucrnître; peppernr water, elecuri drac'tetr&; spirit et uutr'g. oeedracheui twscea day. l'lrm. preparriorîsactbans tenic and timuant sud rse partinrniy stppnrma uliaplace of Ibo neeustemed tiquer, anti pteeonts tuai aiso- ltet lilysicai cuti uorai 'peoslratiou ,tiat tottocs a teudden breakCiug oif, froein iee et shtimutinrtt iks. Tire St. L1ouis ,hein-es, iesKrittÜrer,. cire a short time aBince . s pitdaway frein St. Louis, lias heen found iniiCis go. lIer gumrdi an wiehed her te laie tire veil in tire Urgutine Counvent,- but -she geew4Qd tairai maltera. ie cM, et outresbrune, SVtrly tiroilgi Tire ruggestion was spproved et and tire rrepiidw'auel0cthle Amuerican, Faij. - adopt6it Tirn an cas theire ct e a man ebo la It 'Wee moven liaItirhe Presideut Viec- Preerdeul, Prof. Buêhuiauei loen-. Mr. in lie urrnyu but cas coeiibiting - iti Chrristie, anti Mr. Rvkert ire -a çmmittee atiouier ci-boeseides art the. Fa,",l and en- te revise tise prix. lst. A Stnelors aagailed in thre isoebainèsg.- -Sico loit a ,matie tiraI thepubiiic bc *invrted to p44tess cbilt.-8 ijtle girl- Thle oSeseb à ti'i. letter'l¶ t the eecetarr iin tlgepns4cetl ber lto om is~ et-aî è BUDE...BEAJLL... tire ofe the. bride', mutienon the2 -by thea Hec: G. A. Ra ,s tire Hec. Mr- Staudorii, (une bIiid )R .i. .Bud,-ge, etf W -- 4 'Y - B oa l, etf ( ob ai GAMBLE-..SMITH... tihe eft hie bride's fathet, ou Wedae 16b urto., by hie -eRo-. Mr. Peut Atbert Edvatd Gamble, et Scn" -te Miss Mary Auna Smnith dsugt Geurge Smith, et tire teccf' MEEK-MEEK-AtOshw fresday, tire lOt i lra.,r by the Tirornton Mu-- Thoemas Mcclv Elizabethir Meok,bouir of, Wbiuby. DIED. SÙITR-Ât Wirithy,-on tie2 h*181t Lacitia, youngest daught William Smnithr, ageti9 years ail NIEW- ADVERTISEII OhaaiceryL j- Mi I POLLOCK v-s. IA Ie~Mrni t- FUnt- rI ttcfcntnIVucg ilcbui 1tIe Fi AUCTUC 13y tilo t, unltMu-tr i-tisUnF r TOWN 0"F XVW 28th day of April, A. M il;Titi: <JOUNT"Y 0F ONT Acniiitres 111 re rn- . inîi. " ti Nii-nti liliiitt 'h oftItiil.trrri-ti ati vilinre-' 1tt are abiet fmtty ti-c'Cn-iv 5 intîtiFrarecit' Cii' -r-zt'teîi un i The coridirioun s ltci-r UL di ettftlietuILc t~me-y ho tircln",er Pue t ;ni li i-th'tins for enIyîmII- .tEînu 1lfe Ipolini"fîriot n itntmr, eni- ou i,-im tn tr nsh titi im trs- I ni '!,fd . utni e r pitr flm tIuIti ntitc(i ') bcIa tt Tilti sit lCuir ts,Tuiiri- Dr- tiri-l 1>mted tliîi, frst dsy f Api% 1S5 G E 1 U I. -D A JAMES MeL1-,NNAN,

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