Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1865, p. 4

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:..'.-,'-. I - L~ y: GlROVESTEEN& Vo-, PlIAKNO FOR rt, 199 BftOADWA4Y, G NEW YORK. pinE ttfton of zii.Pule ad tihe vide, la invteod b our New SW@l 7 P-ia.no-Fortes!1 Whlclî for ,oluue and purity are ur.rlvm1. led by any -bit herto cfféed in tuls market. Tbey contain a&U the modern imprcveloeflls FrRENOIL GRAND AC!TION, Some HARP PEDAL, ___ MRON FRAIIW OYERSTRZING .%nd esch instrument hein madeu under the ptiaonst uuperl on cf %VW boi hRbd ~acltl *zperienoe cf *ver 80 yeare in hthrmanufatcture, in Warrated ixivory particular "GROVE STEEN PIANO-FORTE," Rtecil.d tic higheat aw4rà f mcit etor %Il othr at the 0.lebrated Where were ezhibiced lnstruments mcm lie best rnakurs of London, Parifi, Germas. - ay Plilladalph;A, Iallimor, lBoston and N<ew Yrk, and ,lso at theu 4mr twnInhiuefor 5 suc="«.yaa «old & Silver. 1ledalg - V~rom bcLh of whieh con be scin et or Dly the Intrcductionl oflimprovenientli o I i' aa ast1 more pcrfvcet 1I'(ANO.FORtTE! And by înanufacturiig largely, with ra1 .'trbotlI'Veaali systean, are elnauled to effor I iee lnstruuîent'i at a price which wilI Ne. 1, Seven Octive, round cornera 1'totowod plain me. $275. No. S, Seven octave, roiin'l cornera, Xrsewoed heavy mouWl-ing, $300. N.3, S$eu Octave, roundîlcorners, ktaewod Louis XIV style, $325. -7MS ýîet Cash, in Otrrent Yunda. Descriptive ecircuLarasentfree. 36ly NEW-COODS Watches &Jewclry. l". or ler to e vl lu àt ok, al Qods w l 1 ho selfi ntgu'aîtly IREDUCED PRICES! -t3iLVI4R 1WAIKIIl 'Ili do ei.1to ral. 11 Watehinxkuur and Jewelez, Blrook Street. -AUT I0NBUSIN-ESS. ERASTUS KFJSTER4 Ii.njdAcîlomeer, Valuaibor -and H-. rEfA TLY REDTED R-~~~ OER Carriage ~tr a good seond-hauîd Cutters very ('heap- rtCLEARINIJ SAýLE &MILTO N &00 IIAVING RESOLVED UPUN A STILL FIJRTIIER REDUCI IONI IN TRE PRICES -ý0F THEIR, SEXTENSIVE STO c K! OF General 'Dry Goods, WILL GIVE GREAT -BARGAiNS. FOR, C ASHR In order to make a THO0ROUGU CLE ARANCI prepaatory tc Stock-ta.king, lu Plaids, French Xeriapoe andPopigletoS W bite, Scarlet & Iancy FamoéI Blankets, Stripod Bhflg, Prints, PamelIl'irta, REs, Capo Nfeck Tient Bosveo, Shirt Collas, Bnq.sf, Kosiy = an qjo SeI*kins, BaverCots BIack s"d Fauoy DoSikins, Tweeds. IL r lTI TlT T1TV T),*T 0fi (WQ ~i ar c th <onty of Ottarin. ateauleo oaa nî0tlera t iCilashladancedl on -IN GREAT -V RIETY ic oîw»eniigned for aie. Umzlitxica.- Alex. sedell, andl B. 01 ilenchoe, À-netiouae.nt, Torontoe; J. . Gorrlat, - brurglt, Wlstby,; 8. M. TlîouLatu and T. J. 1 l&lilf, I ie. Albiert; J. W. Gambla, Emq S A IL ...,uv~ A ~ IL~ l~ery J.e.WlulIeld BiIif~sudBa!.AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F (Jdois takeu, sud termen aaekuown et this lirookile, Mreh si, 1804. l.~READYMADE CLOTHIN( BrooklUn »rug Store.ATIAF'RQE E'IALER ln Drnspatent tJoieinu 1 and 2, Tiils Buildings, Whitby, !in. 10, 1865. in)Plte, 011, Dye tum f g euI.f -ry,ho &c'. (foru 4CWde MedUGa llways onISGd,- R.et a,. QPELL HimvÀ iüst nmmenced to WelOff the balsnoeo(4beir, nê. Ter am- 1p Q$i LDurd1 $1~Y ae'tffl Selfing Off the baane f Ir~XfSWSvc >of. FALL. AND WINTER-,DRY Q(*OY, - 'eray22 5 ,AT COST PRICES FORCASI ConsistigoWn cea -ol P laids, white and seaxletV Flan. nels, Blaaiketsa, lnnlS hirt4.atâand NCap,N l Ï Brcs atinetts, 13laiikets, Buffalo Robes, Grain Bai, Re du ced i n 'Pri RE DY AD COT4IO.-A Fresli' Lot regularly' c plgstock of Family oN oth Groeeries, Crocekery, Hardware, ~ " ~ 0 BOOTS; SH BQESr SALT,. &o. OPPOSITE BIACK'S lic Prices to suit the times, for Cash and ready pay olly.. ROSEm MATHEWON, RATOLIFFE&Go Faînîly Groceran Brook lin, Jaoînary 30, 1865.-'4 Whitby, February 7, 1865. SELLING FGet Barg RIHE subseribers having resolved for the peetto discontirup 'T1the Credit Business, ftom this date theirTrs wiIl be Cash, except to paries who have Paid their last accounts 'n >full' anîd have opened a.ccounts for the preseut year. Goods purchascd .U V B this ýmonth, will be sold at And notes taken for accomits and purchases, payable next Oct. Ail their, large Stock, consstrgI of Re d -Y ade Clol DRYGOOSGROCEIIIES, GOERIES9 &( IhUWRWARE, 'AIUN, NAILS, Class, Il sizes, Pai nts 1 js W St &c., will be ofered nt very rnuch RE DUCED PRICES, with, the and ingn gantful oi pa ee object of ad enginw nt cfRnîeaedTei th friendsý and patrosGRA 1 eIo i by 1Ist M arch oext. CASHU,, until their Winter Stock is dispoî e- ~~~They are disposingo hm rWne 0> Having givert notice sotnetârne-agu, that we requirod payment of GOODS at greatly REDUCED PRICE: il accounts and notes due, ard past d=c, and as many have giyen inake way for large Spring Importations. Po attention to eaid notice-, at less than eost. Shawls and M1anties leusthain orig~inal prices, Cloakingr at 20 :rA S wu, E tERTiý MN EY !«U Coittoîx Goodi at greatly reduced iprice. -at anyi price and i great variety ; aIlmi ~ emust look tû those thlat are indebted to us for it, aud'their fr pri. accounts will b4~ placed fur collection witholit further <'» nGîocrestle ,W - YA1* »OL D i-&e 00. eqs Sugars, CoflfeeCurrans a Whitby, January .1, 1865. i Sahnon .Trout. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, 1) _________________________________________ ÂppesPotato, IHams, Bacon. Also th, of Liquors, Ooal Oil, &c, &c. Ail of Fa~iiiy Grocery sold cheapr csh > ~ - -Whitby, Feb. 14, 1865. l'i. 'i I - Gr'eatCean 'Uhe subïcril>er luis remuoved Wo Is _ A 1. 'y (O. LDFS OLP STAND.) .Drndtis ,Street, where his oo&tton1.>rsr and th'e'ýp*ibliét vl fiud a large and ex ýr (ut Stock of ROCERIES, PROVIS ONS, nj1Ã"iepi LIQU ORS, from whieh te make a sélection. VIZ kThe Edinbazg Re!ieiv ýq 'eIf stocked lisins, Spirits of ;h, White FiQh, Dry and Green heir usual stock which. will be H.G At im Printing Estublilbim Brook Street, XVI, I2ERMS 81:60 PER A] ADVERTISEN.EM A LL Adverttiwftio.r txai, asd uh-irg'(d nt tho rate of lino, fSït ingîrtion, a.nd 2 .r.nit, Pei Iàtbàooqueli nslîtun. Special clintraott made with odi tlié yoar or cth orwi me. Ordurete discontinlue ad, BANK 0r NONTI -*,ida Ccn C WhiLbCor., * bu ul îu.l orS' tlw l 'e~ Ko-roue, ter ili, Ittor ýrne North Brltis Reyietie BAIN., Egck~ g e dRi nbnr... . '7.0 ~2EFor anr ona ltb. For ait coucâfile Revws .0 u For uyîwuthe Rviw. .0 -Foer ail ooîand ne Revew - 7»10 ' forr Didakwooda nashaa.wo i0 'a -Eu 'd l' r Biokws d, ........ 10W p Fr Iilaokwood ad aîte of the I1~h t~ Y Review .... ..... ...0 " E À C For Illackwuod and h e lCor Ru. view................ 15.00 i iluhiir il,. frllbe nhProvinces wiall reit it addiuîonlu thon. pria.. wtoay fiîw dieaU rpw' o eR WI 'cover the Il. S. 'ualage. The wora will ha priiud Co gitlyiiflpiovodqui.- '1 llîal'pcpr.msied white iîcarly l JAmerloai( Paricd., 'cîbeveu at ý1--Cola r ilvauiecd lit halaor red.aad iestais-- aa't vary gulirally bolh-wa obali reoncble tlêgvu fallhrtil cnpiaa <XahtLe ..meitir-coîisliiîed inthe origi, aln dittin. liane, aur prisent pal.,. wlll bu e r fo n scheap, fur the saniount of inauerfarnIMhduda liceseofaly ctiilecompetiîgper&Jirial a lu is comaq mr -nu e r T"Cémpàred witlte i o f th. oriafusil udlitioa,- which nt the, Praurnt prauielum on 9o0Cwemmdlij a col$0 ar. ourprira, ($15> arc dil )r i e tutlie Bi iîioh Publi*hers ar e'ly sbeaiaud copyight luGl-$l couuig naias 1eslime(aP )n ,îe oal nev adipld weoaboltail etreiyjatIely ont job, se es sauieuheruadla.; publie,. R T S, ~ L rin elaest, ofîlia,, Per*Idcoa lu Ao,êri=e@i-u. data ia rallier încremaaadidmlnished by lb. ari. d#j"ýothauour(!iU ar, andii.thougasurom;. id ý,Vine Merchaut !eitrdwhejdio, ihayuusy »ii cnilor. C.1191whJllb.y 'ira written. buo r.eand 1Iiff h adviaga by th. puopl. of tiaiscomuty, orevury ceua and Party, - THE FOUR RtEVIEWi FOR 1863. A few copie@ cf lIaabovu reanion baud, and wil ho sold at 1for whol. ti, or $2 ha oany OU. ba in s Ve alao ubaiah th., âlIIS FÂIMiF4R'GUIDE. BHnrySio4tphana. of Ednhuagli, amS ibelautJ. P, Nuri;,oYala Collage. 2 VOIs. Royal Octavei Ioi Iuaa suitd,.umurous E#iîýviie. PRWE $1 Ifor lthe two vôlumesa-by Malt, pou palit ! - LEONÂRDSCOTT & 00., (J 'X SYo. 38 Wralker ,Street, ffe',nr-. Boots &Shoes MiATTHIEW COLLINS Pte inforîn Mm e nmoe ri .thotaï 1liat Li Ifl BEretnuvoil to hl1 i z.w ami,,on, llrol Ktrfoot, (2 doorts froentiei. c Ltry ýOtliee1 sert !teoMrlornom place of lW«,încaý3 BOOTS & IlQ In irroat varietî ti oîiela o- teordur. .paIri Y EL L Girb call1 A 'asligle trial will coovlnce j.Whoro tiie rigbt a Ort cf býnrgîlu ich Bout st i1avou rs, and 8îolin intear elle h. ~ S ,rrnined to give ARGAINS for N w sthieti sed qf. F0R Stock eof DRY STO TES. i.Ladies Furs mnt 25 perceit T 0~ uu o xooarneentsb p e.r cen t d is't; 3io et- riok trct, jidb ug doo roue Dress Goods gtl Cieiitfareuh CIt. C Tn ohe -x I obbifyn PIis o1 6 gSaie. SOfo's 7Urkne "1 -'-'p. -j' ?OWELL. iROBEUlT J. Wl B %IMISTElt & ATroEu ~I-ul*iciturinChlin-ur3'. &

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