iMiONEy TO LENI)!- 4e ASSURANCE COMPANY MARINE DEPARTMENT. tillco griturrti m i ieýka. for liii spaoiru voag-. utl tet ruýtnu i't wr utY J-tr 'utrU a n W litl)," lu2iI6-7 ORMflIERi & BAKEIS T IIF mlescri4lrtuviilietu' enuvle acerrelof the . Grot'cr & flnker Machine«.. forr u ieCoti çs of t Jutant>, ' ilc1etrrd iria llau, ttthstt urriýuutiiroelinî rI dSu'ýwtrtîMa- Chine, ednIaptruuleir toegeialutuor Bhoema.kers, Taflors, Dress- makers and Familles. 'eiou illit tire ?Nuo. D. ;tnrfctly4iy nuipo'- lto 1 fr il kurrie cf T'ruruurriî it ÃŽk er r>qr. lApH ili luit iou. ititlver'esttir ruaurae Meci e tnr'hrore ti1A Ciunad!alir,1Qnldatu itsmpe Iti oli otrnitiin, amtrrttrucait'ea orrmoli ito Icrnrua tint roîuý'inktrwi"igc un'f is tiE very re edil. i'erooniural Vt'io IIt icih etiil tf1iey ire tildu trio nrteulic'utir ol t o I m0tut' c u da 1j itidru of wurk. Tire ioaritrw'uI.tIjoprfni roqaco-t til icpaties dtmrit'ug #'tSeIe lteliriin, tri eau ênnl exiiîo ,the (trruvi'r & ktîk-rrMahneltu. befirre pîrulnainguuawieri', as ilîey WMitliei tieem cniîurhbcof uile' autranlagos, brtiî a4 tocflity [tnIIjîuiciis tuif tuth iunrtitery, k nil i 0 l j thof ti uteir. Ttnie «roter & lie'r stti vi, ir id eîutlesicumalilîte«. are - itiil a1 t tw iwiv rruprLce, wa tii the presilerge tif-aechlatginatuer triai. Those iieuchirn" .areciii! warr.%tted, tmn.l lime ptllil e 4Ile(te trê îlot ittir Wi krolaewelori emore, Brook Street, Wlithy Jos. F. Rainer, Pianuo-Forte Manufacture r WARDRgioons, WJJITOiY, C. W. ~~TITIl EEl'era",hleoundsa lut -~ ~ .na.otrct0fPaioForces, inPil à )rimeî4taI CACe, tram8 t 4mï05/f 7aund 7moctavies, uainfae- tt mot ulltlnguisttiAhedt", be nsonr. tese!by streiugthâ nti ptrty of Toue ViU bem on thre urostu remsoertbl, termes, and war- parto/fâseounryspr mptde 1 . e Att Eirvuiiltixiltioît e l iniLondon. ffi 24Mto 2 Septourber, 18C, the Aroet pria. was xÃirdted toiJýoepir F. Raner for tire siperot ¶81187ib of his 'runouFortes, wtiel were test. îdbi egard to liuch, TlIr a w qee o1 f bu 9"aD l>if,8U1t5/ lus eüdhdo twp extra prizes for the snperorpouig oflt Instruent. H. r tiotook the . vt priao. atthc rvnls at In O85and 1859. Thoe ianios of Jos. . Iainer were placcd un f l b ihet e1saned a diýplonute awar&d thetrn. Xr- Raner'sm ne 'Là veli kuownteo thre twmdla *u bloas q a ino -ema turr,asud stgies no firtir commndetbon a itthut *itioh bis ilnstrumoenti* $0jeuy oarnosi. W ~Ili ordplog. please tate tire nombor o Piano want.4. r, JOS. F. tAINER. IsuJ'. liavng becomne t1be proprio. lt of Wleabove, w»li av. t carried ome nnder lte dn. ~MRanr.Foreimati Colored .Cobourgs, Alpacas, plain and fancy Winecys, AIlwool 'Plaide, Fronch blorinocs and Poplinottes. .White, Scailiet & fanley Flia oiels Blankets, Striped Shirtings, Plrints, Flannel Shirts, Hlats, Caps, Nock Tics, Scarves, Shirt Collars, Braces, Hosiery and Gloves. Sealnskins, Beaver ýCloths, Selack and Fancy Daockins, Tweeds. MILILINE RY 'GOOI)S1 IN GREAT VAPZIETY. SIIAWLS. AND MANTLES!l AN IMMENSE -STOCK 0F READY-MADE CLOTHINO AT HALF PRICE. 1 and 2ý1 Till's Buildings, Whitby, Jan. 10, 1865. 1 Great CLEARINGI SLE o--- R.e 'J.CA MPBE L L Have just commenced fo Seli Off te balance of thieir EaUl & Winter Stock At and under COST PRICE FOR CASE.- GreatBagisaeOerg In Frenchu Meinoes, AIpacas, obourgs, Winceys, Balmnoral Skîring ShwlsManles Ladies' urs ire Stone, Rock Mart in? and Mlink; Scarlet, White andFancy Flannel6; Blankets, Sheet- ing, Linens, Printa. grey and White Cottons, .&e. e Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Canadian Tweeds. Gentsý PuF an Cloth Ca ps, Under Flaunels and Wool Plaids. Gentst Fancy, 'Flannel Shirts, Tics, Scarfs, Brarces, Glovies, and alarge stock 'of S EfL TL NG O0PIEHALLS CAJiIIGE WOIIKS rJ'HE subseribers having resolved for the present to discontinue jthe Credit Business, fromn this date their Terms will be Cash, except to parties who hlave paid their lust accounts ine fuil andL have opened accounits for the-prsent year. Goods pur-chased thsmontlo, will be sold at And notes taken for accounts and purchases, payable next Oct. All their large Stock, consisting of D*RY GOODS, GLIOCE RIES, HlA.RDWARE, MBON, NAILS, Glass, ail sizes, Paints & Ois, &Cwill bc olTred at vcry much RET)VCED I'RICES, with the object of Selio~ail by lst Mareli oext. -o- flavîng givenfl tlntict? soflltitfe ago. lithue we requîired payment of ail1( ncutil dîotes dii.andi pit (Ile, aas itnaîîy have given lit) atentioni to saitl noiticet, Wemust look to thosc' Ii;tt artej luitr' o us for it, and their accourts îvill hoi placed4 for collection witlout further delay. YARNOLD &.Co. ýVlîtIy, January 1, 186.. Cutters! Cutters Cail at once, aiîd examine the LARGE ASSORTMENT, AT M.'DOOA' Carriage Faci ory, Urock Strect- WVhitby. Famity Grocery 'U'he subseriber iui.s remnovC( to his NEW STORE, (C. LYNDE'S OLD STAND.) Dundais Streef, wlvhere lus ciistonieî-s anîd th-, public will fiii'1 a lar.,e anti e-xcellcîît Stock of GIOCERIES, PROVISIONS, anid choice puxe LIQUOLIS, froiu which to niake a selection. CHNGLÀSS, CIIOUKiER1Y,&c. &C. Cati ani examine his prices ? tiîev are such as defy &Il competitioui. Farmers' produce taken in exe-haDge, and1 goods sold at LOWEST CASIH PRICES. gý0Renurnb r the nem 8t0re unth lte big windwav. H. H. Crosby. Whitby, December 7, 1864. 48 ATT E T K N! NEW- FTTRNITTIRE STOR E, OSHAWA MANUFACTURE.I JAS. KI"RKLAND' 163 ing$t.West, Toronton A large. vairiety of Carrnages on lind. TIhe proprîetýrs of this fj~ stabishmnt, possess 11cil ut îcq for man UfZtcturingy Carriagf3s that cnable them to defy compititionl, 'Chrinpisyeo finuish. Cland 8cLe for your8f'lve8.3 COMMOERCIAL MEN, Will find excellenit tnd convenicnt accommodation. Wîthin a Few Yards of theo]Publice Hall. Private Parlors Great CLEIIING SALE HAMYILTON,& Co. H1AVING RESOLVE[) UPON A SIILL FIJRTIliEII REDUIJCIiON! IN TuE JPLiICTS 0F TIIEIE. z~EXTENSIVE STOC K! OF General Dry Goocis, WILL -GIVE GREAT BARGAIXS FOR 'CA S 11, In order to iuake a THIZOI-Gi11(CLEARANCE preparatory to Stock -takng, in BEST ' IHPOTEEN, In Jars, cheap lt JOHN FARQUIARSON, Dundî.j Street. Cool Oil of Superior -Quality, At lowest selling price, by the Gallon, JIOHN FARQUFIAISON, Whitby, ,Turue 1, 1864. Dundas Street GREAIT REIIUCTION 'iv Ctos, Prints, Ooburg Olth C' A ~TT 1i'< 1W 1I1fl1?~ AT TUE. Stone Tannery, Port Whitby ROWE'S STONE STORE. Port 1whIithy, Oot. 28.1863>. Brookliu Drug Store. 90 M-x pawmo5 D FALER in Drugs, Patent Melicineï-) Pints, 011e, Dye Stnffâ, Confection. ery, &o. Mmore 4 Caille Medid u aiwavs on &and WIIITBY MECHANIOS' INSTITUTE 1 L ECl FURES tn l ri .rcl i in the liai J.the ti stitute, duriîig thre Fponon 1884-?.r Rcv. Gos. Bell. M.>A R. MeGce. Eocq.. 13. A. Rer, . Mlariig,* G. R. IL. C(N-kirurn Es. Dr. 'ruckr. '9 Pritripel U. C. ë. EJ.Parewell, 1utq.,u L13.Re. Prcsemr.r Mrray, Rer. <i. Cochron, J. D. Edigar, liinq ,4u rDno fle nt'ct wiliehogiron ffthre timeansd su , o foretir i.ecturre. A TMntrr~ ic rket, (priajrion, cnstitateq tlt. ne'rrrsit liter er of' I ie. 11 titteo frur tiga yelîr ciriiinrOet rIst, 18110, nr! irtitios hlm to t5eue 5of' tire Ilirr-r v tirutpru u AjOu lu urimisir, tugetlicurr wil nule lrrly oilli to tir(orron buue A l,ýctiîre 'r ki-tt. (iricii 75 couts,) ent'ils V-( 'uner uan mis, liurdr <uuiy, toeuadmiission tui tio Courr s tt ruio ntissumoy 1,1 oltaiirror otiu ttfl of lire Officer. oftlitrir'ute. 40 11OMT t'FFICE, IVIIITBY. lA Liuý ra uiutuir uat lins officelrîthtir G IlING FAST. (Gl>lNG WEST. in ni a.a.101>u. lu. 4 niin mP, ni. NI i'T'jlN' MN AILS. Porrt Pirrv. S ru. a. in . li le. 8 30 a. m. Asluruii rut.8 41 lireurliaritr. 8 45a. li. 01Cilce virrirfronru7 'U si. rm., t0117 »4 p. tir. D. SMITHi BROWN & PATTERSOXS' A, oicultural Woi'ks! AT TIR 01,1) IITIlY FOU SJRY, BROCtK ST., WIIITBY. MAirriircrtrosuîu lculr?,it broukiirleof AGRICULTURAL IEPLEMENT8, TllRESlINI MACHINES- -Combined Reaperg andl Mower, Fauur dierent kitîedf of Two-horse Wheel Cultivators STRAXV ANI) FEED ÇUTE1 GIANT GRA IN CRUiIIIERS,-1ý Steel Plows and, Steel Points, M-FANNING MILLS, SEEM AND TURNI? D.tZILL, ltpt ria 11. 'îr ,~Maehineïr, rpnirod mit hort . Ecerthi-.ix in the tbcAhi-e brîtiinems attenidet tO wW ie t cto4v. uni!nd i rcmoranhIcternis. TERRAPiN PrEsTAURANT, 89 Kisig 'S, ntEat J '13 reccivtA, per Expresst, ut tao ebor0 ~aaItmna tp"lod d, It or PRAIR~ IE 1 N..QUA1L, SxIPIK. Plootir t'tridrces, iii Dnek4 and VQ»n SIIELL ANDU CAN OYVSTFPRSI 89 CAIMtLE & A~MoCONKEY. TO0WN POR P nteR y FOR -SALE, On -Easy Ternis of Payment TIIAT vnule frdtuge on the Eat tide of Btock uStreet, ext4rndlnig froîn ,1t3illnn'a NewBrirrk Blocik, Souttli to Dumiat Street, là ,uow oiffered l'or sale, on nmot lavorable termes orjrymnt. Tfle property wM lbe dividud ne, Lot No. 1.-24 feot frontnge on Blrook Street sird 98 ftet, on Diindas Street, et pregent oceu- Jot Wo 2-19 fout frontairo ou Brook Street, Sad i etdeep, ut proeett occripled by IL18. 1 go .uD3LIif(lD01 -ON E Eorh~ Broc -Ste Uet WitX Y TERISIl 50 PER AMRUI ÂDVERTIBEKENTS! ÀALL AÂdveftlsoflit4Bmeuured lieneupar il, and charged ntUitbbrte o etsI > due, first 1Ineelton, anti 2 j.ns* par lin., eà el "ueSent Insertion. Specirl contracta mnade with ativertisers bh thi e r or.oterwIie- 1rd(r) a odisoutlaue eadvertiiiflta Muf bol in tn. 017. O? ONTgEAL, wnirrBY BRA!Itil. I.L. DEAN, JrauagCl' CANmERON J& 7EACDONULIL, RlM1TER A-ND ATTORNEYSu-A DLAnW.S"le Ãtcuto the Banketf Montres .1 ite Cnrportiiti of the Conuty f neotbri boArem, ., &C., WttbC. W. M. O CAeu0~t ~.C. l. J. MNIwoWZl ply ut jj()intc<1e c(th,, flrtn, Court ÉUtua, GEORGE il. D.RTN(ELL, - bRR1S1lER, A1710ItIEY, COIVeA: B cor, &c., &-it.jOâce ByTAI1-81t whitby ANGIJSMO AtI0(n. W. A IAPS() Toronto, July 2», l",1. JOHN V. HAM, IR-, 9 El~OF 'THE (7IOWN AI ' ýewand i 3erk of th,-, Contnty Court e4)ptfOthe Royal Ilotel. 9. ig. CoCITR&NE9 A~.n W<la ter lu(han.r iAtOryatLi, Ofic-l iLrlow, $ Nov Building, Dieu G. H. D-ARTJiELL- D18pU<y REQAM TE E ROBREUT J. *ILsoNq. A&T1I81N£V ATL .B AlIîSTER-ÂT-LÂW AND 8( ,i ,cr. Ch. GOrs-*li, A TTORN-EY AT LAW, I3OLIC M haMCouvevtncr e,P-0 Spowo;ll'e; Store, Whitby. C. W- 1 ( K LLU k &LAg~OIl OKA~5~ G. 1 Ibs. best mus. SUGA R fo r 251b&. RIOE; $1. Raisins, .7j per lb. Good Yà IN Would.inform the publie that tic basla malopeneda anew R E .ADu-m ADE C LOT HICI Sor i the sb 1op lately occupied by LEWIS HOU Gerrie's Bdldings opposfite the-Post-efmce,- 0f their owa nmanufacture. that muat be soid.f TIIEY HAVE J'UST OPENEO.A NEW vrGROOEEY, WITH THE BEST AN1D HEA.PEST. To be fo Callan Whithy, DEINND AS STRE ET;, Where he bas on band a superior setection ries, Crockeryi and Gla,8sware, le Couuty, and at unh eud of prices, i P,& (;rT FoR HIDFà q ùm nz-7=:CIIAIGES NO HI1GUER THAN THE OTHER HÃ"TELS IN WHITBY. JACOB ]3RYANq Liquors of ail kinds Of the biest quality, at a very '0w figruî'.. IIAMS. BACON, 1I>OT1ATOS.. FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS; Anid Feed (f Ailinds. at JOIEN FARQUII-ASROI1S, 'Ncw Groccry andi Proçiruion Store, Dundns-st. -25 , 9.1 ,ý 'L