Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1865, p. 3

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COIITI i AO . lieI~pseoal suaa of the 2nd says -.Thali a large Ebweh ai therley. umber- or Indtiana' bave been hieeing___________________________ The. following correspondenco vasun. roçind Juletsburg 4evrai days, but',tii. avoidably crowdod out unîi tiq lIsue.- garrîslon fi ton. small ta, attack thm They r4 attackeîl the fort, antd burned the telegrapi Couneil inaiter on our colutuns, muet serve , cottainintg a large amouni of corn, hayr s !Ct e s 1 MajKir apology-ints ii, -as well- as for and provision@. The station, consisting otlier shortîoouings, a recurrence. of which of seral buildings,-was reduced tô allsen, AT adaconsiderable amousi of telegraph ". wiii do our besita avoid liereafter.. supplies wero destroyeti. An entire train concetiand tea meeting vas ield invas capured veut of Fort Laramie il «r «îREFI" the. Tewn hall Atherley, ou Tbursday l2tb 'a veek one man vas killeti. The telle G REA LY . :D I E R uit., for the. purpos of raisleeg funds ta graph belng down. Ilhe particulfrs of the. liquidais ithe debti on iii. Epiocopal chur h. atacit on the-fort ai Julesburg arc fnot yel AT H1enry fevell, Esq., was ealled t 1ta i i.he nooo. chair-tbe duties of wbich he discbarged A Waslîiuerînn correspondent of tiie ta tlhe onte. satisfaction of ail preseni. New York Tribune give tbese fart.s con-- ht wus not sa voîl aitentled sas as antiol. cerning tb. murdeî' of a clerk by a woman : D patelle neveruiieless, lu mY Dp'inion the 91The Treasury Building vas the scene of, V e*~ aeraieimr hnte x oa.Me ots eeia hcoxamitte. have na Muclit cause for regret, a deliberate inurder ibis aftetnoo h. o -NV A pecied, considering the ninbrr of such gave bier naine ta the police.Jo~m Janes. vntetaniments beld iin thili neigbborbood ville, Wl,., waited in the hall for a Bank aluriiug he. pireseni violer. Aintost every Bure~au cierk named Blurroughîs, sud on bis a r ge F c o y weeli: there vassometlîig of tbe kind until appearance at the expiraion of hie hours the pubîto have become com;'letely nick of wotk 1 acrosted itint, reproaclbed hlm antd tirç il of-the numerous cailîs made on furintuly, drew ari rvolver, riud fred at hum Soinie "'md sccond-haîd ÇCutter's veî' Çeap tbert for charitable, andi lîe:tevuleeur- t Iircwith ao deliberate itrval of aint. poses. Your respecîed tnwueman John Ile was ehot tbroughi andti irough, atâ~_________ _______________________________ -11cmi Perîy, 'l. I iîdurettiiid, bhile aitit diéet i uo'fw minutes. If vas the oli hie se.l îerlt,5nt the 'coemllitee, tstore aofwrorî", de"qertîi,#a1.1l rsteril,-'7 itrourt Mr, lReveil, he latidsuîtnq ein (f wrath. She came e nc ifore a y il lr v e<.du lV tenl dollars te li applieî towartis the -re. airo for bier revenge aud justice. was put lie 0 moval of thu dei ou tlitir citurehi, &c-. offt eprrariiv, anti wo' afterwardi put off' aud aise îiromfigeea exert hirinueif amortirat permatienîlv by is marrying nuolher lik fritndt l o4nitî ore.. The ladies wom[îîu S t arne on agnin anti sîuareet T 1 d 7 who forutil t.he coumiîtteo, deti'rve gretbler llieeouuîse i il te pi3tol.I) Mi Ei, .5 U credît lor the ,mariner lu 'ebiIt hey carri,'d N'iilîîwi the despateh ihat lias outîur airaugentî'nts &c. Tel'ulbe. apper'id in alile î'Ameiricou and CîtuaditniVI.RY FINE, AT ilu r th tiibet description. Tlîiir nuuies iournfleto he) it flecî uhaitti' paseleri are as folilws :-, Nrýi. arei. Mre. Law', ordelihd b'eeut,îrî"reel. as letihat theo Mrs. IiîwMiî, WinVt C. MeMtlletu, Mrs symrtenh lln tilr fdore,so flint ibose flurtet. Mie. E. ,'weît, Mes. Wtt.li. udesironte of ontpriîîg thE United I tatea areN o 1, n t hCr e , lofv, ftet lktn .Mi .is Thort: Mrc. if illtidertbo ucenty of obtatitng po n heio r er Thrs lT, ontu, teurr crtivent doe C e R O B E R T S, tbley fitot dtlt'eliiir unr ea îliev diecîtit' For thi'Cetfi': o" f suitors wlto mayFAlL "GI EI. ragt4t~î atientîiug si iilar lueîIn, tiave lrîiqct'îentter in tîhe Diiio tacots gi i nItofice (ti î1îîiî a nuîiit'r COtrt. wî' luavcoin led tIle il nouîîtit of_________________________ e' the laig(ttoît'nttir 1file cipfers' 1,"thoI1il' 14 .îtans, un&d 'irVs in te body uf lt iti ou- ýthîeIr prv.ï ct'Vnue 2727.b"iîra hHluti pr gatro gitat eîii,'.cthîi l itOO t"".~'IVilettlhficîs li' lif, a ttt'ndji forN A H AIiEf feelingiti ttî tittl,t tail ihe n oeit l'n t Oeprerp'red iii'iirehttd th(yh. secte liee. $ti' s vit, 1trWAI wiîfltii ieys con. tt i.m'îi tîue l i ii oO tu Ta n itiI' toi-tTO îu, KSR edi uceci in rrî e 'rlw e icsitl p crtIbtt' rîgrautevus j On i'ti'erifit.t îctitî"t or cla i f' Cerk wel m eîeo' ttîof el n l' e I' u'1 p irîtIl i to "420, eqîiî i ttti;t t' f 10e, , t" ta) 10a aat-i iiiltls nthie . i e it, l~uy, and biy $O a 0. pî ui e 0'.A 4 FICsliI Lot rl'C l re ûi - a th.ýi , St (1iii 'hioir, tirotO. illia:î 'ohidi îi<0.4) '. e Clieyýsitli 41cq!t . Mn (i W K t" ' 'tit itilý'I'.i1dt'd roua c ;, tD $ý re. pcî ~ ~ ~ W niuig i îifmi 'ett Iiiir(;"':'l gtinr 30lîiv lpa10.60do 20c. N 1 NWWIftLNo. 1on te-cr e su MnaTppor ing.ceiMia-a ~' r d,, P. :i;o. t h e tu v ± ueo.io 111 rutc1t reors-Mc 4.lltîo ics: t,tî'20c. o tir, e)20. di). '400. -, ni #o0i1)P' IlBLA( h.S 11( 'T . tL, deIta iai e piorit forte, oiand urî tt'1 0. doi. it'e tîu ta $60, do. $1 ;over il itre itpit'ci'ttwi hi ad,îfltif;, T . ~$60, dia $1 .50. IL Puc, Eq i, otri' (luitl, ,salira niîuilbet ' <(i i c""' i-jec. tnirci0 $20. ,-tlriC e R O B E R T -89 en*clire*riitî,i'liîne, I(cr-lil ir, h ; aoc r'M- il. 3tc ;ti;:! r $ in,2't c; nie , Fariy Grocc'r %tillYe Merchant a gettra t'vîîri'. lit i:riîî i~ î'a!y î~ ~run',, uî'ni 10,requireti W hjitiox, Fetrîr'.I 5 cctt taiîh'i *015 iia v-nry epirîte i n q eM'.E--A .piir.tn enitiT o Cltui, _________---___________ rrm t1, w ici c llil u;il otd ay l' 5. oil i.qlli!' i t rel it i 'te, e-ls a t'inc>rîe c. . lttit'c,', iiii Vittt'p 10 o'. staipnd oti ;it r,"l'nîrt, if unlffifed. ',îiî~e e. lîî ua, îyiîg tii' iCi~litpttt . "' 20c,. 'l" i ta"."llie i lt M, If'mveL.', tif Ailier'îiy, .loilci---ntfti<.:i.4'. rl"'t'.I" A s<CIATliY iI'St< TL N) Sali, t.fw en îd s ît,îc id at"'4 otIl - -~" ' l.. th-ti' , ini' prît-h ~ ~ ~ r I cîi. ut ecs' îta --trAS ARIi.4'sED r1-l'!;KS-çi-' tT7I? TUIE trW0F grt abtetl't It' rarthmne ayi-tic:t.i1 Ti#0tt 1; ana"'ui eiosîii. x F, iVnr. ue!î a. 0 1a - 1, t1 FctiFei-. SrRNc I llg o1lUtIl lti h tth"cUiiti ito Lbe tI aii o- id-cuFe " l nj 1b püi wtiî1'rvblor fr t, iirnethet' 1tatil" i- uetere'dIioligtiînis oftilmes every sn Jave an altir 0tii ' leti. 'litej1rie'd day iliitiepits atd 0on dncqiht-s alwayste ALLOCATIO'NS OF SURPLUS OR1 PROFIT wi-avtre lat'isii îîcoepIty Mt.J. C."mcl uta 10 a si'ýatm tif srrrow. 0fîseli MIF ~R EI f i ,' i t uo ic, i etg al'V ote ni. if ineemr IîtII'il îehî'aî,inii iiibeaîinz, j tl t. dsuiil1 V l h rit U a ig i a"'i i r. 't% hr r d Aitie oo tu siIt c. Théoii,'t li i atiually tte,'aîitr it'tt .uciittm ,èt anlmiwlitto kilîiUy viteiitU etIll' igsýtr nhu ,idi n- h LNE 0TIN NMN üvtuinge sato i ti lit 1, îlit'i uu-ie't!i ! r5it sia of tile pstt - 'ot a mI'lnenti tN ti'0stE ES.b r. fots &r -.lA vc tio iuîlnk s "'e i taitl t-in 1iie 'Ilw -tii itci'. ait i titen it la lesit ci] i te ravinet of il<trrtaàxi einadltn itu, A e-itmt,îima'reli MtatiuiIitir diiecl b lte t'truî T hei. i vi ct'î)'e t '" t e,'- -e-iâ ane carliîti'nsa 1 thie kuel! tîr t'îî in n* tt,'mt'rbv i'ctrt, cî'emeinectsd ti thics,'41P ai ai te t he, c inî f'iii, i iti< (ii sou itv i '(!Qîtin, loie the lutsimît xhe a r . t'u stîtua t i etarti i ai leihn i I(,rjP eliît i ei ieiîilastemii afer lt l oipîatiiatretiltty wcil s'a If vtour heurt bot be-eome digxeaatislled flic rttulii 185eltit'g'istyaatett prmiintî' i-u bialeil iiititi t' etit neîîj'ytîent,. om. c ib i ei'itt mi'c , f oi t 'iare dta;îosed Ceita the l-rti, iît8t5r : ild nai'.cin t ç tj mep ituntat i t, t lOO. iitti , 5'i'hi- AereJtîue'21st lSweS totpietrnit Ilihadows of ti"iinid. tia itit'y pa,- 011: gatliuig rice as le cause them tiirfil bacls juini-bi ozeihier. -tn dus&orler, 1,Liclumany dead utnd wi.uuu'JwI viii Lt' homeusno000; These vers the NE'W'ADVER.TISEMENTS. FIRST e 5on1.-- ielti' word. --tIi' oîty conoation loftî, amiti so - A- aett 4 I uteips10d~0'omucihitttrnes. Ilsrltaps the paugs at-ru ATI or men, wand failiîig pocttinte, ac'ii iara' yta ee rrct-tea-i WV. H.& (C. S. CAD1J'Y', Tt force vas sent couîtilatoma bbctheriugth Lîbey mutht neyer uteel agali1Auttisu ste ftank~,cte îiiviei ~ turned front lte spot, *Oint suti yoiing n ifs, Manut'saînrcrs et' cvery descriptinoft ~ ib d~ it oucJupy f the 89th pes.tY., re dartti. 'Saddles, Haxness, Collaru, IFriMutBilotaive(.ma maniding thp, 2nd brigades, wuvaste Td are. with bis ti 'hi r (MîILî n tsvap, , nd Tajil Le iantecs . vl i th ie vea flilyprepuued fer accl a ni u'smenî. Anti so ho wu& hWe sbeTore heovasex. a' , Ues', UILiLby Thereagai utarubea auferei seepucteti-liome oe ethl e >5 ltlearg wemc tiricted. waa.7 Thr ainte eel ufeedsveefron thue eyea cor the wesper whom ho left 0 ims as they att( 'mpied ta break cur lice. behîidî t aa o idh ot iTbcy voesfnaily forec t t give itoup,mlbd ouislby itLec e?- THURS9DAY EVVG.PFER 91h, 1865, 50hafe cvif rîgcest, u ebel icompusied by a abroud, embraced ie aT faliiag bpck la their worns. coffin, coid as thc perpetoal snow that -TKT1$ o Ocr losâ duriîîg the day vas quit îicoo ite moari f wizela, Sure TRUNKS, VALISES, &o., &c.1 REIÂ' UARLElA» probably nul ovor a hueidred alaiugetbta , lcrtugli-he was 'home suon.' JOHN STÂNTON, B lthough tihe exactnuasier is utt koiv. 'tey dug Lot one gurave ihen-bot DQ1 TIET1WJTYa... oealy EG esprsethhsfrsae.an te whMtby. Jaina11L12, 1865,N l'Te susmygloua musc. bave boe cary Ilice, coter vas demanded-auid nov, E oepietbi redýaàtepile l'eavy, asus7 eyrepeatedly chairget 0cr îLe yoong husbaad sidt tie young vif. y t al pndiiicu t. ' ý'r*,tse opc ita oOntea i 14elw, Bruook ~ liaes, each lime severcIy. asi> pacd dream totgetter. gtst-, v vsit]vy w M l.lit.uoit prepared N EI0 0&VV W. tbiokabout 20 prisanevu,--sema of t'ci saîail ll el"homta on.le Wh" avordwiherompstitd, ntIl i t t-t whotn reparu having received erders i inte tbat home viii te rests vith us. t - busCs wnrt. of tt e etniontte ---t- Poernlng te keep a sharp look eut, atihey --- (temp, and ta encule ail orders ontbit short. belioved or acmy vas on tii. moya. MAURIED._______________ W. expoot a great bule tuimorrew, 'DELL-SPR01ULý-ÂtLiudsay, o-TENDER FOR ]PRDI Nê -ulch more deciaive resuiio than score oh- the 2Oîb Jany. by bue Revul. MeVick- - Oained to-dsy. Il. E. 0l)eli aof Boaverton, yaonesf ionl Sherman la repevied tQ bc mweving oau a aI' th, Jt. Major -Thos. Q'Dell, of Oak- >lace caîfrd Bvaachville, and li Omeeting výille, te Maggie Antia, dauglitet. cf ihe pubh reistanceat avery step aI' bis mech. late j.m'i polo mme ral WAsmINucsOY, 1.6 4.-The Richmtond esSol DU P PIJ P/Mg cf tire 2sa4 ,ys --Gen. R. E 14o DIED. . .. . . .. .. .. ýaa unanimouly onpflmed iry itheSenai, VÂNCE.....îaUxbridge0 on FradSY, h IEMNTSRPR B-4$ 7est.iedy, nmlldv'.'tn-C.if cf tire Srd lest,,Anârsu' Vastce, apd 76 Yoarot &e e% Con e v omi.s of tire otedeot Statesî' adi9 mnbe. gS - - - ~ -. . ~ - - SELL I'NG, 0FF OLD RED STORtE, WHITBY, For thirty qdays only, ai and'under cost, foir the purpose of mnaking room fior Spring and Summer E ncourage Iomo Ma,,nufacture, and buy yolir Boots frotn BAIN. Thei t a e iatatortit ' r ic- b.n îtsjri'ip_ i le li e.a-ut tini.oiu, Ail gei 'lie btegt 'mrk frith îeea unr iirni illil b irau'veiet, u*et, 'oti Tht' wIugt n' v 'ottnleem. i.icîiii. NOIir %iter-iraci'c, Iiiihitr Lattùodt, andl lruitie e't'ry ilalill- terni lo vitiewEttimt ,,ýn Oiy my t-tle sol, wilch r(m le, ()ti înîî"itît tîhe bat, note 1eve , .'ud it! iayti bie tit1i.lîp catilutriimîa, Yuaar Dui'ig boots, Siippari and Skatore, W'e amu fIIte titi ii Z 911 i Starsa." Are th t bitioaI'the 1tOtld Stars." GREAT EXCITEME NT 41JN BROOKLINe. CLE ARING SALE -AT Mathewson, Ratolifte & Co.'s -(1 ",MIY arc stili Scllin4fr Off the bialance of thenir Extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, AT COS.ýT PICEý, FOR CASH! coîuuisîiîor i Wiîtceys, AIwo Plaids, wbitc and scas-let Flan- ,nels, I lanke. lnel Shir-ts,,Ilatq and Caps, Neck-Ties, Collars, I3retes, Se'nrfls, ilIosiez-y, G loves, Fu-s, ýýhitwIs, Mauntles, Cloths, Satinetts, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, Grain-Bags, READYmMADE CLOTHINO. -Also a large stock of Family Groceries, Croekery, Hardware, BO0OTS, SHIOESS&UT, &c. I'rices to suîit the tirnes, for Cash'and ready pîy orîly. Bro~iklin, Jo'snnr~- 30, 1865. Glycerine MATIIEWSON, RATCLIFFE- & Co. CreaM, -Sthe> be£ind sàfest R'emedly for ail affections of theekin, Y Such as chapped hands'bind lips, wïth which so many are trotîhled dtiring the Winteu- months. llecommended by the Medi- cal Fnculty. ru L~1---0 s ý'R '.lU p la sure rcmedy for COUiGHS. both in children andadt, J asti received a. large amsrtiment of DRUCCISTS' -SU NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BRITISH PERIQDIGALSI TTiz.- *The london Quarterly Re.. view (Cnraiv. The Edinbarg IReview (whig.) The Westminstor Review (Radical.) Tne North British Review (Free.Churcir.) MND Blackwood's Edfinburgs Ma- gaZine (Troy.) Tht A mrina pubItitiste'etiatinîs te reputut- ttc a.c'u csîî,erd periitatiesi. baitai ihf coutof prining theiaal Pl i ue of Papet tieirtteeMLadt dli. ci rts. ticiesui, eCl..' Lugel>- iuueu'ased, 'tey are wmupeultadmaiescetMei-r tins as fola TERIlIIfFOtR1865.1 l'oar se aie e*ofte itcles..... 00110îsau. For ana thie tthe liaRuvi..... t1&00> ci Fer ait fairt I e eiews ...2.0o f t'aor tlaks'eed'î Magaznei.....4.w0 ' Pr lýisckWo ned al <tasie,-w.. 7.L0 Faurtth'ekw ceada niyti'tbte Etteieii ........... 1000 For tttaciviecd el'îîae Mite re- - - view. ............ 5.00- - Sbttaeei'w iti IbÉ 4fslràwtr ,Ca ri remi in addition Io,-îbtcs pest mty fourcm##ssa wfo The ct'rkii ll Iitett <n a srusly Improeil ua.is faiittfi cipies ç,i2 hie mniter coneut ith Ie oit iti &Hte=c, sur-passe to, ili LZ " or heasuent a-f <sEler (tiutlssetias îheaeo~u~e~eîtagperottlcau l.il'hioc«ml.s tuatne 1ouu n ct haei rdat JAMES BYRNE. etttv 'Dispensing and Family Chemist. fTUE FOURJ O> My stock of Medicines and Chemicals is çompIet.e.- Wepupaittàil Physician s' Prescriptions and Family R ,ecipes earefiiiy preparea. I PR Whic.by, January 30, 1865.- pqsdamva -PlbICOi 0 fortbt uiuurnmilý4 -No. THE WHITE FLAC & il. In . . a 12- ,- TO CONSUM4PTmIVES C oN31UMýPTIVE T nfoerts jll rcceiyî àval- ,,, 'it,,pricriptiosi for titi cireof Con- gtun ptiihi, Amthitt Brnabitis, tinOýail lciront fittit Lo haîfct itna, (frea auoltaIjrge,>by.setid, tng tixiradidrees nte l _ RT- EDWAIhD A. WIL50N, 5I'4m. witliaimstmrg. K !iuuc' t>., Iew Yeck, 'Whitby Volunteer' Infanty COMPJ..NY ORDER. i. Ts-a laiiry sud depa-ueeua ta'l ietiainst ttie veniuaof the oîvenimenî 0i'er-Conts. oe au> prien 0i the l7ulttig acracictmeats tif Iais Cen, cnay. oci ue cher èuisi taitaili tir parade, wi Il che ratfi-i e o fie d)r.Mte eq o tt raughti han the Anuor>-, &,r lte pirpuac 6isper. -lieun, atirtsniiig aumj datcteicica i 3. 'Thti Comansi.wii atede for Coai>' <<111 -eery'Wesitesdy. suit film sqiautd an u Lit.ih even>- Fr-day eveuisl.ui îl i utater notice. - . Ca1enl,î. tit edttLiit dticeyrgul b bS sea'u>'ý BE£VLEWS FOR 1863. COOl s(d st -ro ate etforantioni i ae - - oo- 1 IIEE.8 GUIDE. for Stbyes. 'Minteet sautsieoJ. P. s a ai am lmun t ÀiThe entiers NEW A.DVERTfISFMENrS. GrTeat %C-learing SaQ Té, Ho 1!oIILLAN -& G ' 1 111IE suffbscribers w7lI C1nmence to, offer the whole of theïr Slarge* stock of new ON THlE 2Oth INiSTANTi At Creatly Reduced- Proe~ FOR CASH OR. PRODUC.E ONLY. TBEY OFFER Immenso Bargaius-in, CottonQood8 of everyv lino, Immnense Bargfains in Dresa Goods of every Uine., Immense Bargains fit (iloths and Tweeds. - Immense Bargaina in Flannela. Imnicnsa Bargains in Blankets. iLmmense Bargains ini Teas, Sugarg, Co:fe,.Rico, Tobàqços and Goueral Groccries. Liquors and Wines at mueh below their value. As the wholc of'their stock must be-sold by first of April-at any sacrifice, it will well repay those who stndy cconomy, to palvro., nize them. ' t T. I-T. McMILLAN& Co. 1 andi 2, illaii.n's Bîîildings, Breck.St., Whiîby, Jan., 1864. dý a ý,ý id

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