ASSURANCE (CWPANY - HVIN REOINf) PON A QTTIF ~LTT1II'H1P 'P?1MT~1 I1'r MKA INE DEI>ARTYENT. 0il. . I17 U It 1 suront a ile l ir j-rl t Il lEr T 1 a o m p t., bc ut o i mr o t -r - w-ê - ~ * ~ ' idrOtut liiîrît' ' 'i o mpal'l . 1' ri t b jj. lio. t. WIl -sb, , . .21,ii7 eneral t~UllVEfl & uAK~R'g CELElflAXîEî sewinig ~a1ic TliasatlGe t<.r a i,'t"o r'i foCr. kl scnlrtatlo t ii"t .a "tlli .' Shoomakers, Tailori, Dress- mnakors and Yamilios. Tuniorg wrll fini rhe Nm. 9. ierrl 'rîe teat tri lA irds tcf'raiirtritz "<eor n ispid nletl,.îi t' r'et< * ~ ~~~~~ (lOgb IKIlFAMIV MA'UINFo Dffl à wlder rdnge of w# ri ttttîti tv *tlier moebilne aaw belon' lite i' putii llic. etti " pimtple là i t c oi'.ttret,,n. ms. to 'eitai<< penouon o qofroa ltarttiri i'd' tg) f its m .very ,ocltl'or sartit iitt'i will Lie S$ven ta thrmo purreiîi.r4ae fit iti1 ie uttarie it, *0 " b o ebet'tefnt'tîi ttlrf work-. 'riteguahtriiîer woail ".ett.vreo'jiît il p rtien du',iriiutgil ileuu! e i' I. t .ýll Sri4 oxroîne lte ilr'ot'r &t,ktrltiht hefr,porrhccfnLc e,,îb'Wtier, tA lev wil i iii luai<f elrcýiOti of the t..iîeh. ' 'lIirucr & Baker siîeI, niid 1utlr e st ru,-,ý . itrte furnixliad nithe mai,,îtr 'n. nithil ite pria ilit..' of f uuht~trn .fr trii,,? gise» for prnfmit. iftt1i". Rememteî.i 111te pinct rat. tfiarai-J. 'V I kfiacau's owc'iary tore, liror-k'8tr'c'l Wfbtîitby 89-fni. __ ,. '. Itl.ftN. Jos. F. Rainer, Piano-Forte Manufacturer WAREROOIfS, WHITBY, C. wl. lW Painu ranae~'intal Crtor boii 6 t 6(, %,7 axl7,V ' avuem,, tiiufac. tureot6e<e%,7inu aiproiuood >y th* mout 4lstliguin4cd )artixtr'. te b. e ur4 puiyofTo,»e Will C@oblontbeomtre iyublterri,,und wver- TBndIê4to tilii ufy el mate. (.rfoaq At theo osixnlfiu alirn Loidou m U te 27 Septeboibr, 1861, the firitprize wona swardod -'beJî,sopb F. Rainer for twt' cilporior quatilly of hi% Pituo-Fortes, which woro îeu.b, Oda i re4Týélt kO7 2CtTollualtipyof Tou for ~ voextrapinSss 1$]t oktefliqt prizs ttheProvîincial 1 Fnl The fszîos of Jas. F. Ibaluntir worc -p]tCed il] th aiýd a dplul v cit oedfaa. thu1mL il Uner 49dane ;%wel iiuwn toi the Couadiau Public"t aV *umrintourr ad T*e, one further aommrtuiron thuin thal wbà i hlu intruments. a lastly .arnod. Ur I oreriiç,plae satet heri tambor o 1M' JôsI . TRAINER. 'V 1UX hivig beoeote proprio wilbai t carrlod (j uilusir irSale. 'ýrritii id 01,emmonof W ft- PRI( I S OF J'11L11 ýNStIVFÀ STOCK! (il, Dry Goocis, IVILL Ci1i:j Sif ordeî' to niake a THOROUG Il <'LEARAN,'E i repatuottJxYto ---Q - l'IUE subseribers havrng, resolvedl for the present to discontinue thé Credit B ýîns, rm this date,,their Ternis will be -Cash, ecept to parties *ho ha'çr paid their-last accounts in full, and have op ened aceo1ùnts for the present year. Goods purchased this month, will be sold at IIDUIRI 'RI1EI, And notes tikcn for accou-nts and purchases, payable next Oct. -Ail1 their large Stock, consisting of DRY GOODS, GlIOCERIES, il ÀRZDWARIE. MRON, NAILS, Class, ail sizes, Paints &c Ois, &cwill bc ofTered at veî'ynuch VtEDICEU - PIICES, with the object of' Selling ailtL>y Ist Mau'eli next. lfavin ngive~n nortice soor4itiw a(r, thint wc reqîîired payrnent of~ Cii oui indifloîntes dlii and j t-t <due, anîd as inniiy have given liii attetîion îito SUil tiive. GT AS 'vii: 4 "XFY ! 'nz %Ve nis-t liook tj thcsr thateit ndîuel tri îi8li for it, npu thieir %viori~ ~ill lt'. placed foi.collctioni w ithiitt furtherî îlhy. YARNOLD #& Co. \\hitby, *Tlîîîary 1, S.i Cutters! Cutters Cali at onlce, anid caîi the Colorod Cobourgs, Alpacas. plain and f.anicy Wincoys, Allwoolj Plaids, French Merinoos and Poslincttcs. iLA R C E AS S O R TM EN T, Whbite, Scat-let & falley Vizi miels Blankots, Striped Shirtings, Prints, Flannel Shirts, Hats, Caps, Nock Ties, Searvos, Shirt Collars, Braces, Hosi.ory and Glovos. Seal-skins, Beaver Cloths, Black and Fancy Dooskins, Tweeds. MJlLJiINiERY GOOI})S ! IN GIIE2S.T VIIT IIVLIS AND MANTLES!j AN IMMENSE STOCK OF READYmMADE CLOTHINO AT HALF PRICE. 1 and '2, TiUFs Buildings, Whitby', Jan. 101 186al.i Gret'CLEAIn«lNSAL O0 JR u Eaul & WinterStock At and under COST PB.ICE FOR CASH. Great Bargains ýare.Offerîng la Frea'ch Merinoes, Alpacas, 'obourgs,- Winceyvs, Balmoral Skirting, Shawls, Manties; Ladies' Purs in Stone, Rock Martin, and iMliiîk; Scarlet, White and Fancy Flannels; Biankets, Sheet- ing, Linens, Prints, grey and White Cottons, &c. Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Canadian Tweeds. Gents' Fur and Cloth Caps, Under Fla.nnels and Wool Plaids. Gents' Faney Flannel Shirt' -s:,iesScairfE. Bra'ces Gloves, and a large stock of READYn*MADE'CLOTHINCG 0f their owi manufacture. that inu3t' bc old. TIIEY HTAVE ,JUST 'OPENED A NEW GROCER"Y,i -WITH,.THE ]3EST *AND REA.PEST EL'Grocertes, Crocker!, and Glaà To be fo Whithyl AT M. O'PON(>VAN'5 1Ca rria ge %,V li t by.1 Family Grocery NEW STORE, (C. IJYNDE'S OLD STAND.) Dunda.s S--trpet. wbere big ecust-orners and ttie pulieî will fueil a large anîd excellent Stock of GIOEIFIP) V-i lSION .-, and choce put e LIQUORS, frorn which to make a seiection. CHI1NA, GLIASS, CR0 U1OKEI!Y, &C. &C. Cali ani examine bis r.ices ? t bey are sue11 as defy ail competition. Farrnier.D' prodLuce taken ini exe.-hange-t, and goods sohi at LO'W EST CASh -PIES. rr BRemerl, r ieneiz 8101 e a'lt hc big u rndowa. He H. Crosby..- Whlitby, December 7, 1864. 48 NEW FURNITTIIE STORE, OSHIAWA, MANUFACTURE. JAS RIRLz ND Would in'forut the puble that ha bas just-opeýane iw-Furnitùre Store in the,,Éhop. Iately occupied by LEWIS IIOUOK, Esq., Gerri's BiîldUngs, opposite the Post-offce, Where he-hu,n;à nd u4apýW*ç?iU -eLur ture, whieh liés bedn made a*ý the Oshawa furnnîureestabli8hment by the best of wqtrpmen. Orders for à îi"1ith« in the above line supplied. on the shortest M *.--'..". I ~ -ft IIALL'S CARRIAGE WORKS 163 King"St. West, Toronto, Alarg vric tr -ae.,;oti hand. The proprietors ol this / 'Lsalihet, Jo C~h a l i betor rnma cturin g Carrnages that enable thein to tlefy Ciiiffil)itilhioll, cither in price, style or finish. c/al aîîul u y ee for> 39 cO0M MER CîAIL ME N Y Will find excellet dcon ven e t accommodation. Wîtblin a Few Yards of tho Public HILall. Private Parlors. nCI A RG-E S NO -HIG HE TRAN THE -OTHER ROTELS IN WHITBY. JACOB BRYANý, Liquors of al- kinds Of' the bcst qu-ality, iat it very 10w ficue I-AM~BACON, iOT'\TOS FLOUR, BRAN, -SHORTS, .And I<eed of AU kii;ds, at -Y PAN FÂQUIARNS Netw'(Gorcrv aiid Pros'iiioit Store, Diinda-st. Whiihy, .ltme '1, 1$634. ]REST I JtH POTEEN In Jars, ce t t *.JOHN, FAUQUH 'ARSON, Dundnuî Street. Coal 011 or' Superior Quality, At lowest selliîig price, by the GAlloni, at WhibyJOH11N F A RlWHAI1S0N,ý W ibJurie 1, lSG3I. Dunidas Street GREAT XIV cOttons, rints, Jour loths X3 zm6 IVxK l rm CASHI FOR HIDES AT ti! Btone-tannery, Port Whitby IiOWE'S STONE STORi. Port Wbitby, Oat. 29. 1851. 2 Brooklin Drug Store. - D FLLYJV%1Druors, Patent iteMjlCJI, ery, &e.cton Florse 4- Caille Me<Uines always on kand Broln .W., 16.2 WHITBY- MECIIANICS'. INSTITUTE i L, iw rrIîs 14 tbc <d.ifveredlin tFho 1101,of the ine;titiute, diîrilir the ong<voln1864-,, Rai'. Gea. Deli. NI, A. R. 13ce T . .A Dr. Tac'ar.trirpd 1.. C.. E.J.Farawveli, EqL J c.PreOr- rMuray, 11ev. 1R. P. Durits ' . O. Wner., Rer. (i. CaebMn, 1J. O elgar, Esq. 11ev. J. 3mjtfi, Dua tLà an wibchag ,vcii or the lne Isud 14uWheet orenai!loctîîr.' A-Merinher,'ip T;elçet, (î>riee $1,) connttautes tli(<, tjwirr ana hrcf' itlia Irntifitte for tile Year etiditig Otolheriot, 189ii. n id cntlh'i, hlma to flic Ume (,fill it Jrary for thnt lparioti, sud( ati te. ladmioi, tigavhcr e'ith otie Indy oui>', A Lecture Tieckcî. (prica 70. cotli§,) - eltltle,; t'i' twtJler andimit, lady only, b o dunleoon t, thig <,'norraa of 'crp4 0 rtrhc'!mtan4ay Ãi oittncd frotna ny or fha Odbc1ro of lt, Ilititi ni. POS4 <FFIOE, WUITBY. M Ails n d.,. t tiliq Office Ut the $là - P50itr i,'; laST. po iNG PM . 5 .0 inf. 7 iOni. NOR>ITILtN M AIL.. or.e r, U.irilge, 8 10 a. m. 1--)îr:, a. tri. 1 Brouifîurn. 8 45 a. ni. MUf"ro, lioiur' front '47C10 a. fi),, till 7 rù p. in. D,. SMITHI BROWN & PATTERSOA?â1sc' Af)'ricnItura1 worksf,- ATT TE OIT) WIIITBY F OUismY, M'îsrf5îctarerïçatid dealers la ail koielaof AGRICULTURAL I'PLÉMEPNTsl Comluined 1&apers 4nct Mowefru, Foux dijreut kirîdit of Two-'horse Wheel Gultivatori STRAW AND 14EED CUTEMRS, WIANT GRAIN CRtSHERS, Scotch, .&merlcan & Ganadin Vo Steel Plows 'and -Steel Points- DlT(Ii 'IJINCIPLOWS. L>FANNI.JNG MJLLS, Scluffler.., Corrn and lotitto Cal.Vators, SEED AND TURNIP DgIIZS, riat o rder, 1l1 rr Cartirr.', 1in great 1'STbty. 1*.erv articl meldiiOî. witlî the tbîirV48. !cet on' hotiu!. Tî'iliîpMciirepuired vj:) 4hart ~ti-iee. Ea'arytlîrriinli hOie iahUt.iocqê ttcudaaz ta with pmcitit. rlrrrtrcjbotctis. TERRAPIN REISTAURANiT, 89, Kng Street East. TUST reavcd, par Exprci.s, at tic ,%bovçý f3ezAl)alisuîjrnelit, a gplendia lot of PRAIRTIE CliîCREN-9. QUAIL, SNIPe, Ployer 'attidgeo, ilt Drncks and Venimoi. SHELL ANDY CAN OYSTEeb, Lobetcr, &cn., Whniesalail and Rotai. il lbs. best MUS. SUGAR for $î o Blook1-2f 251bs. RICE, $1. Go-od Cooking Raisins, 74 par lb. Cood Teas froM- 70 .t o $ wt. Týung' Xyson Te a a8So- worth 90C. Boots a Ch( at unheard of pricos. i es. - - &, JCAMPB-ELL, liave just ceoniced to -Sdi 011'the balance of tlîei.r Brook Sti A»VEEI flne, ftmlrhnfrtlofaà subeqUeut ii!itrtiO gpoolsi ootrOt', lb. ycst or othrwi! Orden orstadlCotlt ]BANK 0O] (;GEORGE loburch Street, Ton ANOtYS MoRRISW Toarfnio, JuiY '?A, D EFPUTY CY 'tsa, lkrriatoa G. i Bin Chiencry- Ovor htaceosuSCc by.