Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jan 1865, p. 4

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IL . ~ < &m a W jI.ýýk ull . f5 ,!skM h t 4 ra , or î ur m - anIii! bl etieint0 Iti%,lquelaeCzpumyb XA~oe ~EPrTXeNWto. ¶XTLT*taa Blland(~Ro Bl, uto. h Ylet omh 4 rat e ô,,a1862.r I mg .#achines! gQrer là1,vlicthooe dus.eney cf 01 et 0urie,-vlctonla tei4 T)hmiesn entIv û set d, acouwlat. aSsoit-. ..-el, .brzwtsobwtng Mat'U 'dptdfer thai Rentrai use of' k.an, Tailara, Drou- renu aud !amiies. lu flustat&. 89, neu ateue, »AnS atnieSe tio"om r s& lbi 1er'JAcelie, 4W» saPUTMMIsslg eluhare, »s&twy Ul lus! lthmcpble ofi,upô!'icer idavsagea, 'oVi ase 112pqJIV u4 1ulPiç!t9()f the mnçloeîy, ut siletionuout a ies tîte.- Tiet trover &9 Ahroks nt tira aune price.. uit iii.previlm of $y ,laafter tima*. Tb4"metuqteluosare al wrats, u!tm !v0 (cfor yruenht, Ifreqaîros!1. R*m.mbrte Plce tô et ti tt-J, WiI kLusnaa'. ale1ry stôre, Breek Street, Whtby US-Sm.. P. GREN*R - -imiif B R OOK F¶~ WEITBY . V44, su1scriber bsrhivé o (. LYNDE'S OLD STAND.> Dundas 'Streetwbre biscÀtmr and&tho, publie will fiud a large and excellent 'Stock of GROCERIFÂS PROIVISIONS, -ana choice pm>e LIQUORS, from which te unake a selection. CHIINA, GLASS, C-ROCKERY; &C., &C._ Cail and examine bià, prices? they are stich as defy-ail coxupetition., Farinmr' roduce talien ,ii exchange, an.1 goods sold at LOWESTý 'ASH PnuCES. IgRmembi.r the nea 8tore wil& fle.b(g windo8. H. H, Crosby. Whitby, December 7, 1864. 48 NEW GROC]ýýRY.! R.ý &i C AMPB13EL L. In -addition to0 their D'ry Goods Esta-ýblÎsb-ý mùent, will open their ,next eto)re, (lately occupied by Mi. Roberts,) '*ith.on entircly new -stock of I~roeris &Crotkery,- -ON TIJESDAY, THE ISf35ru INýST., Being puirclîaSed for cash, they. will be able .t offer their cumtomers and, the public GRE AT B&RGAINS. W- A CALL I8 RESPECTFULLY SOLLCITgP,. Whithy, Dec. 6. 1864. 48, NOT ICE Tu thant they would in future require payment of tan acconnts at maturity. take occasion Dow to inform customers in arrear, that payment of * their sccouiis larêqireil at D txe r wié they wilI be subjected te lawp'0tdingsa sud- costa. Our 'thanke are tendêred to th'ose wihc, ts prnpfly responed teo or ormer ç ýLTl is the latet warning. Whitby, Nov. 30, 1864., CITI~TNAS PR A variet of articles suitable for Chrii New - itmu Preftnts and -at iI~ ~ ~ -~ WARRANT ISUP~j &Wxy-four, and to nme dfieýted,*6rhOfaÏamausm t due upo the following lands, ini the Ésaid (Jounty, Ishfal, on Toesday, the, Seventeenthb day of January, lqsxt ,e tiohôi of Twete ~ôtdSok, iiooi, tit the. COURT 11011E, IN THE TOWN 0F WITBY, Proceed to tii. sale Of said Lands, or so much thereot 2s may be neeseary for the p"ymelt of sucb -arrears of assessaments, unlesa the saineo, together witb al lawul haresb. soonr paid. TOWNSHIP Oe B40LK 260 NOf 29P pat 13, iE ide No. No. No. No. No. NO. NO. 'No. No. NO. 14$ 100 .188960 1 2 . * TOWNSHIP 0F MARA. 9q, 200 ý1858960 123' %, 100 1858 960 9, 24 1889 60 123 12. 50 1853 8 24, 12% 48, 94,- 193, 28 46 Patelnted. 121 94 Patente&. 48 91 do 28 82 do 569 abd 251827 8 960 1 23838 26 50 185389601 2 il31 94 TowwnW 'O F -REACI!. PORT PERRY PLAN. 855 6 7 1855 6 7 1855 6 7 18M5 6 7 1865 6 7 1856 6 7 1855 6 7 1855 6 7 1855 6 7 1865 6 7 1855 6 7 185 6 7 1855 6 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 60 9 60, 9 9 TOWNSHIP 0F IPICKERING. V1LL4GZ Or QLÂExOT. 200 15 TOWNSHIP OF ITIBRUDOZ. 81 2,'7, 100 1858 9601 2,3 - - Tf~W5% P FWHITIW. Na poloon St, wa]llso Parewelland Relier', plan! 41 1859 62 3 do" 22Patentedc 17 69 4 53 4 il 2569 2 46 225- 1--95 1 82 4 71 5 00 38SB 383a 3560 4 90 Patented. do do, da. dus do doc do do do do do do 0 46 Patented. 046 do 60 0 Patented. &547 P"tete. B .PERY'S PLAN 0F JROOKLIN. No. No. No. Ko. No. oit 76, LOT. I -1 I .01 t '1 t I 1858 9-62 3 Iffle 260--2,, l8m 9 $0 61. lgsa,,eê 23,i 18m 9 60 2 3 18M 60-2S 640 Patented. 6.,0 «-.40- s . ô664 do 391 do 466 do . 6 93 do' TOWNMIPF WIIITBY. TEÂRS Ull. TAXU E&; M4EM. NoriA Ward Wuii of BroelcSReet. 29 1868-60 1 2 22 1889 60 123 271 18 9 601 2 3 Rio lm I 1 1 1 -Will be fonnd1 V - < iold anci otiver t. Rime ,Ear.-dropsP NOT BIJRNED! ~~1 1J.4 ~J VI, 16i3 ýKi ngàStà Wes, ornto. A jargevariety -f Carriages on hand. The proprietors ol thi: thatenable them,,to defy conipitition, either in price, style 'or fns.Cail and fee for your8elve& - 39 CO.MM E RCI1A L- M EN! Wil find excellent and convenient, accommodation. Within a Pew Yards 'of the Publie, Hall.- Private Parlors E CIIAItGES NO IIIGIIER ,MUAN Tmm OTHRHOTEL;S INWHITY. JACOB BRYAN,) Liquors-of ail -ýkinds 0f -the best-qualitynt' a, very low figur. HAMS, BACON, 1>OTATOS, F-L OUR, 8RA-.N,, SHORTS$, And eedof ail kinds, at Wbutby, Jute 1't 1864. JOHN FARQufIYATLSN'si, - AT. Tuesday, t he lOth dây of J'anna~J6 ft1 oc~kj nolp, purmu"t ot A, d oces for - GIBBS, a R-N LE~I AIRRANXSJuni-,r, AUCTIONER, Theu ndurmu,,tloucd ltdpeftle, vi:: LOT No. I.. A VlmibleFar InEat ,Wh(lq iluinir No th halfof Lot No., 151, the lot concession or Enat Whithy, uxeept onc sera ihereet, sold to Paul ttuobeuseùn. .&b,ut 7<y acres lire ckearcd, snd thi. ruminder la cvorc withl val(mblu hiard.wood timbur. 'UIl' the 4'am la an excellent two.ateryF mu.e1hs Nonce wit -to 0.cIla e, _Xe cNtOUses, sh tble, Orerib i ndeana est: O bosta t n ao.les,.o n ng î dl' gobl nd brn, nanecleta su aodetrea e andar.tlt'f u urmof latelo po. b epr pert atw.mo Troin uligoo da nauporprtg as p oi a This proôperty will lbu offerud 1ut an upset prieu of $4000. LOT No. go Timber Land in vérul- am. TI1e u et-hali of Lot No. 2, l te3r cu cussgion fVernlism, 10acresororls. Awild'Lot. mrolu Thtis property will bue put up at an upsu pricool $8U LOT No. 3. TVie West -liait Of .ot NO. 24, in theuard couL cesSion orTeru ln, 100aces, more or les. Thiis l also a fil'-lt, au llieb ofuerelat an upset pnieu of $800. <LOT No. 4. Valuable'Parm and Timbe Land near Oshawa. Th0 NOftli-blittf 0f ot No. la. ilu th@ 4 coilo"sqion orflàet Wbrby, of wiil îabout acre are ulearcl, sud tee remaiudur i15 evr .t11 vulual.le hard-woodl tiber. Titis propenly lies no, btildings upon fi, an la distant abou"tilles from e i llagea 0 Oshawa, by a,irood ruond. 1- lit will bc OffOusai au upsut price. swo. LOT No. O H1OUSE & LOT IN BRO lots 154 and I 11lu inte Village or Enok4 as ,describes!flu tilledeedi tborcl hlh il odued st the gasi. C eaamaldweloling tiose zu'pon, LOT No. -où VaubeTannery h in ' H ~At A N op" exntra;s sdew te yesr or* otb)erwisc' -Order to cllseontinue a& ha lu n g BANK or Mo WUITUT BRi W. 5.-Du CA.NBRO & NAI and the Cororatim-ofothe f -Notarlef, &C, &C, Wlv M. C. Cco t. Ire 14Cuth wîSsa oFEICEýWu5teri Churcit Street, TOretO ANÇGUSKMORMION. ,Tqronte, JealY 20, 186 D ZPTCB.2K 0 lee nlClerir e omelu-4>pposi ite esIo go- He COCJI5. G OUNTT CRO W XA %jtario, lkrrk-tor &ni ilcibor. lin('hancory,1 0150-lu Bigelow's IN D EPU ci 1)orsilu' [L F ÂUs1M~ey eue. JOHN EARQUITME Dan 0Oal'il of Superior At lowest selliîîg ?rice, by the Gallon, at JOIINFARQIJRIIA Wbitby, June Il1814- To7 the EIeotou,. v 0V FEI I g On Easye Jo lT 1 ATjnuat...., 4 54 2684 563 444 -4 76 .N~ork

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