Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jan 1865, p. 1

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'M' Atriiini uNd lit xnbupkr illl;à'.uêohi <s herte of S cents p.i thIy ifuîneta sd.*1, dditee Ore odi7scmoninue asivortemosfa inat - , . RD414~, iuaiet. C&NgkO' & IWACDONEL, B AltRISTER8S ANTI ATl'ORNEYI-AT- Laws, Solicitors o hoe aBittil ut Moitrcal,- Vod theOorporaition t;u cf 4h. Cofii otuano, ta à-rle, .&., &o., Whitby, C. W K, >. *~apu, Q C. il.J.MaoosuLL. gg»Non.o1 oouilupon gma meuIt. Ar- ïÉORGE lit DARTNCLILP AREISTER, ATTýOINEY,CN YA Bcor, &o.,,&u. OffieebByrnnn.8t Jtby. Chnrcb Street, Toronto, ià. W. ANtikUS o4tRIN01. l J. A. SAILPSOII. Toronto, Jnly 20, 1841. i8 bRU-V >. MfAX, JR., EPUTY ÇLEIK 0F lilE CIC)WN AND j.) timan sd Clcrk or the Cointy Court.- Odlleo.-OîrPusJite t4. Rural note,. 40 GOUNTY CROWN ATT.>RNEY FUR ON Ctarlo, Brister sîil Attcnniev.t-Lýaw, Su, lor Ilu flýhauIoorvf, No'i.rv Puli,lCA.- >fa-uIigelewts -New 1tiildinug, Disidu Street, P'a 3. 1 I.) rdiusry,and eaminer in Chsucery for RODET V.WftoN.-4 >AHRIRIIST&RA TroItnEY AT LAW, BLsollcitnrrsinchAuCèry, &c. Witby, C. W. 0Oo- Victoria BgIldIng, tBrook 4St. Whithy. nA RRISTER-AT.LAW A NDiSO(LICITO R 31lt Ohaucory. Cm,Itae-19 roto-St.. ATlTORU,<!Y AT LAW, SULICITOU IN A Chne ,Cov%,Mucr, &e.,over Love% KE.ILLIER & &A.MON, AChsinemry, &nen oA. Ofice- vr the ÇafuncLts Office. Brock Street, Whlt CHAI, 0 KItT.L1, JAR. LAMON Cçanniugtou,' Whltby, C. r - -Bron, 0. W. 6 P1AWOR sud -I>RAPER-Xiiîg t. Oshava. I Osiaient# madl. ho 'Wdc tsuthe hest styla - dftiuon. 47 9» B. EFAI-RDIANTCS. OMLOITOIR. NOTARY PUBLIC, &o.A. IasCW w4*, .mim ?Priffo4 wordmet i ib tougàimsuunt ýjVOL Ville' GLOBE IIOTFEL. byi. subenrîbor, wihqre ho wili slwsym lle foy"ttnu hanit reacty toa, -ttend pamsenifly wt ;the wsuts of hi.$<amui, Au. ' *he prausîelia, bemu eouvenîentiy And oomtortably fttad up I pàlntécepspered, A". viti lichîern's oftacft Water tu yul. sud overy modernîlMpruvoimunt te make the 1'raveller % hom, dntag l fls stmy, auid the Table bciqttul- ly Ausppllmd Ah a1 i tes. I<otice to Farmotris sud thors LIqus taeWhelasale and! Ietail. Morton'e Vaudl- ly l roof, by gallon or barrai; McNanght»n'a -01Auleî, ido. do., Ilaiplr'a EXttis Bectfled IWbIsbshy, du. do.; buah Fort, Sherry and Coiiîinck Brandy for tiue eîok, vît à gilet of L1nors aund Eixars cf the l'est bi'sud%; ttmntl se Ostimrs, sud formes tu [Rire. A. ALEXANDER. Brooltliun, Jan. 2741., 1868. 4 Propsttor. BES? W11114sund Il ors surirlnrsccom AL131ON IHOrEL. s014 T55Ev, WIiTMY. EAST W4*DUOR RIQUSE, *JIKTByl, WuI. OÂD891. PEOi!Iflt. flabove Rotel in atusted in a plésssnt sud r ...rd at of the Towni, on theo fro-rt rosit. Good accommadation for ttvollors. ot Stabllng sud attentive oatles. VICTORIA RMOTEL. w ILLIAMb OTPRPiTII tt Wm Ioyuîou'.)9 ANGLO.AXERICAN IMOTEL- T UF sabsaither hu ied l p the aboya ci.! establighodlhoticl, wlth 4h.e rew ..fsffrdlnt sverytocommodatin to th.' travelling public Qi,, taliu a it.Good stshling ait oatiers, 16 JOhiN MoGGRIJog. Gratnd Trak Ratlwsy Moisi. 1.9>.eL #ide of RaUwiay Ddpc4 Part WAhLô.) Tl P, SoclHrr hgL4ie tte p Ot aoe w c Tkîaown premie wth the. vew or t ig me sud Ivehiclos left iucherre st iii lîtel vili b.propei crdtossiig tueaisaiscf the nwers 'w ci,,Cars gtu4 or et. (Jcod stsbling, sudarîdl attention. JAMxsi RNGE Wbltby, April 27, 166 GEORtGE GUILLET* M E4'iIA.NTTiilor, DLo ullgt au.! lncwest sye J aat rtwelvio.t, msuas ooles <ooei.feror wne -l 1 1 < ey., wiirnTxc.w THE ONTARIO EfOTEXÀ T a . uldetgnedbagoto nternahist frima.!. shvelotel, lstely 4mptby Mr. Dswos, spd traist hat hl strict attention to btàuaobsa sud to tho wauts of, hie sbire t public' pmttogTe, Tetab ltigacd oh6kl.rootu ln of thq boit dQorition,ý unud A cirefful sd sttc.ativÏ Ostier vw*il b. aIwAyi. foand aetIs post.- JOSEPH IREUBUTTOU. Wliltby, Match 2, 1984. 8-ly CANTON MOTEL, D ISCREEIC, >ICKERIG. GOOD SW. CITU1BERT, MI)DILLIS IZOTEL, ooovwoo». sul public that they l.f.vo ia#lod 'he abvve w*l U io1W.a stand, wberce thic traVeiin cormoiilty vi li nd!the. bet neeommnodati ni AndA ttenclana e. t *Il tffurb. 'The txslbktprbiS .1.4vlt< eur>hiâtii~a;s.,the bmr ss#r Pllie. vitih itheMlýqt1on i; stýing8ii cverytbing ccan sud1 orderlY. si (*iL*GE 1lleDM-4(ON- FARMto LET lu 4n he Srd,,m MlAcree, ou Dot <o. 24, lui tbte 4iJ, co1uceaulm. oftleTownghili ni 'h1t- by. iso acres alesa.! udlud ina -la utâ4teif enlivation. These premit4eg are istuaté wlth-' lu two tuilas of the (¾iinty Town of W1thy,-1 'he s la inoft4he ietqlanlliy,aud 'voli atAr-i ed. Thure la s linonsd poild hao. To a% oopvent iraprnsh.ig tètiant, the.promniset vill hc, let ou favorable tenus Appli tc rIlAs DOW Whl4hy Whltby, septumber 6, 1866. 5 FIRE As_:suitANCFJIc.4 LOMART STIItTkVÃŽARNGCROSS, GILESPE, OFVaTI & O.Agut uty INSUANF 55AN Li h IE r la effs td n h.ni.yrthefa. rsloie terws sud LOSSES PÉlemlelD vlmb'ot rfecuce4 bSAnt lu Leu"ai ne motita WO b nt, W bithy ~uolierdarm to wnôtbs s â heât of wla lqum ig-ealld ot.h mett. A weli t 14ll;àa ts1 ê. Gond tablIn sud euclosed yard. JIISPa LL Whltby, Oct. 4. 1864.- 81 DOLPSJIN SALQOYf, Splendid PFrm for' sale. 100 No. 5, i tl?, O comisson of Pick "rwg-&7 Dore§ cured. :Ther. m s latai rooTUi dwclliug, with cixtern, parnp, and eve. ty ut bai requisitc c<unvenencc ; sîso two 1,rgi barn@, dTiv uz honrê, sabes &.A UUv youtii,, sgd food yioldinaç om.*lar', Apply, if by l e, (prg ps d,) to 14 ber 10, 1-464. 1IO EY TO 1 Aý (rmiz u's in i> tC uý, PROM $300 TO $1,0Q, For8,-4 or Ou¶ À 110 IrRA TE oFr 711RS. T HF. *ul.sril 'tr le aise Ageîtibr t('ompany vholoiMoney turt tr.oyeats, nt 0 per co NORLTGÂGE8 àWAXTEML S v nudolsîgrici hipm I6rd 8 put.lgé 1Merga4usnoit ari,rorc>i ApplY (If bj- litt4r prc-pald) t, JAMES Rt.DISN, t PrInco Albée*1 OPr-IC-4)pplite the Town 11.1i, door.,north oft Muggriclge's Rte. Prince Alhcrt, Julne m, 18s4. 4 DIVISION coLJ FOR TRE COTINTI 0F ONTARIftI Ne. i ,Wi.t" ~...Jan. 4thi,18 44 Ilceveton... .........84th, ', Wty t'bc. .- . 00WJ hIh .W. o a iicotslncke 4111goc7,rvfe. on Brock4tir %at. 49: J. e. ]FVARE~WELL, L L. a., Ivoyonr . OffIhua-Simoos $Stnc.tNorth of lhb DtIstQttlcc. Oalame, (. W. 40 LYMAH N GLUI L L 1164 AR RISlTER AT LA.W, Soloitor luatihsn- pou, oÃ"uveyncer,A.c., &c. ILOe.-opposiite tle Pooe e, Iasbsvs. 40 .50518 DILLlIqGs Offitem, Prince -Aibert, two doona veat of T *o lâna'A store. 12 ]I ,E. ODELLI (NVEYINCER, sud Commilpelouer nun. c1B,, Au., Au. Debt% Clieteci ou the mont pessouabe ter, nsud pronîpt reunittanom Bmsvrolu, Spt. 10, 1861. 85 R. W. ýCLAitIC5XI. . CORONER, &o. lt.sliedec-ÏOum dooir Es, t fYaruold &aiGt) scna Store, Broek.Sitm, Whitby.- 44 IR* J. GUNNi m. PDe LUREON TO ,TIE COUNTY GA0L4 ~Byron Street, Whitby. 4 TIIONAB DEVEREIL]6 B U ILDRE!, Au. A.,GREEN STREET 1>Whltby, C. W. JOHN JKETCALF9 MIERK OF TIR E TTUDIVISION COURT, %Jcomprilaing thé. Townahip Brook, Ad- re. s; C luigton. 14 ROBERT SPEARS. CLJEIC AYD TEASUJIES i UT TII 9 C ýTownaiip of Uxbril. .add!"a, Uzhricdgo. A.. PRIqGILE, fEIl%tsrILJS M TOXRÃ"CK rOWN CL!RIC& TEEASUIEJI, WRITBY, 1%.) K LBUS E, 127 .KRig ¶et:t,« q ierg.smn 1i Otitters.- f.I 4roit lsmeu's tsan naste deUp en the shnn'ttnotice.,()tftheheslt qu.lity mâterisi in the ueestitylem. .411 vrk me.! np mthe b.pretlsée. Spr.c>g Itiprtionus of etcetieut quallty, sud lu leS vriey- e osoltaca. il VARU & PETltgONq, 'R A('MWAL Donttt,Oshsvs. Detîtal ltoemo.a1lrectiy oppo- site th.elPost iltlie.-11u4 suce on 8imaco.Street, third doniorth ortthe Outsrio Ranki. 47 FEUX DROUIlLARD, 1OIiAOCtINIST IKP"llttRt, Wholeasle Ak Rutail dier lu Tobacco, Cicaa, Snuni, .Ac. Nivîrchsuuî l'ipem itt Fancy Goulu', No. 7 Kiw~teet Bust, Toroto. $7, WOONS HOTE'L, WOOl! & NEOTHR. North fBritish au Mercatle Piire & Li.fe Ineurance Com'y. W. R. DEAN, whithy, ei. 71, 182. 85-ly If SNEOVED hlm t* OffIce te Gaisyl, LXChahr», IJ, One Dour Sostt of tIi, Rekistry Office., WI.ithy, Jan. 28, 1.82.g THE ROBSON HOUSEP flUKIAS STREETb WRITBV, t W GEORGE 140110, prop<imtor. T lIEEnabecriber begto anocacetbst, bas Jleascd th, building fonry jku*#se Scrlptntre's Roti, which->btns eeà fsuoistuua,ý rrfurixhmd, sud ittdl cp tlirQ»ul ont, in he i tiest of s4tyle. Thie pre;oiise r lsstya cet.!,oppou4té thcPt PosOlcAnd lunlthe den- t... of the Town. Theffltlw4y Unanbuaoslleat the nJote] sud' thW'tàoa f.M Uxostsla Bes ieê. u Whitby. May l8#. ÉÎoÃ"KUIN - roLpU. C~ AM SAND SEZ 8NI1u Oab1SW14No. 8 84.4S 'dtbU k MOtwAssurant e COUPamle î10CoRPOP.TED undera muLotutthe Thlrd IL Seslin urthsaelevouth ProvititI rdis- mout ofUpperçasd. OAPIAL £100,000 Itaniumtcme 8a@te.1on uitldsaggaratiil couheats. Evory i orîatoi*UPp1ied Onap. pilesien toIb uesslpaud, Marine Rislk*for the Sesun ortfotPutta. Travelling Agent, Evron Street, Whithy Royal, Br illoibAuseriua, and Laver. 'AssuYance Comp'nes RL.ks lu thasmueut of820,000 yl b. taken lus sny one risk, on applIcatIon te, Jolis AOGEWt 42 Ti.Cspui' Agétat Whitbv. BRITISHL ÂMEIOM EXPRES'S COUPkN y! O FF ICFo-Brock Strut, Wlslbyi .sart do to Zgt Office. IL . E.CAUPREL, Agent ais. for 4.ZD oÉïet ca SheasbIpCo~eayasudfor 4thé<tllsguwe Une atén 04jsne JET GOOD$! Sroschîe., Far ifig», sud Braceletm,, lularge ssitnt, inclitdlag th. - PATENT JET UIDLE À~fshusl nosslty. Itislb ueg osk Brmeu F.li patt B2 oces amil 4r Binugo, Gent. stud d cf Plus, Iu the Isteet styles, SU& slatgeswok4 Ail utwhlct ili b. tonnd very lnw leu pde- JAMES JOUI<STON, BrOekStre19,Wiitiq Whitby, Dec.- 7,186S4. CJIR < 1 flar- ý 1

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