Whitby Chronicle, 29 Dec 1864, p. 4

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:~ j t'ai t the Auo emte onl Pi 11kfôii tooto ,,o ,fwuàvJm re-, u n , 0 t, à aa f ZItO14 ""oràble got .o o hl 1ltnp&n. a e Yhitb*y4. 7cuM acpriiullai' UIUIYU & BAKKR'S 8ewing .aIIwr1ines! T 199*OpmàhaeietIbêsole *eeriqor té Omka ci Outsvlo, VWoris *st,4Duham;ni b"m~ eenu#.atly on bande a oornpl.er-e rt- Ubiwmakers, Tailo, Drm-. 'oU Il Aud té 744o. 9goS, e1htyqêýntp tot totU Idndacf Tal¶itqItela s ov -UXQVU là KIM 7. Ninle th reOff L Bker Na4Iie. ,jpuphg ôvhwa, Retlicy w1&4hiti .itiy d sud .IloI!itl' "f t!,. matchlnery, bele-etion of th htteh. T4 0 i4trs&ï 1ajh' Jiand jr .aorg, iire ci h.I44Wr- " stthe ism prW, wtm reat, leib S. P. GREE. Thbe ubsoriber hats rethoved" tô bis -NEWSTO-RE, (C. LTNDE'S OLD STAND.) Dund a* Street,-where bis customers anad the public will' fludv a large anal excellent Stock cf GROCERIES, PROYJSIONS, s ud cheoice piue LIQUORS, frotu whiclr to make a selection. uHIAGLASCROCKERY, &C-1 &Ce Cal and exaluine bis prices ? they are such as defy ail competition. Fariner' produce taken in exchange, and goods sôld at LO WEST CASH PILICES. Cg'Remmb3-r ilae ne'» sore wilh flacbig window& He H. Crosbyi, Whitbv, December 7, 1864. 4.8 NEWGROCE RY R. se J. CA MPBE LL I n addition to their' Dry Goods Establish- ment, will oe their next store, (lately occnpied by Mr. Roberta,) witb on entirely, new stock cf troctirics&Crkey O0N TUESDAY, THE, 13TIl INSr ., Iki~j~urhasd for cash, they wiIi. he able W ofo ti~r cstmes ud the public'GREA.T BARGAINS. À ACALL 111RESPECTFULLY SOLICIITED. whithy, Der. 6. 1864. 48 Il HIE subscibers having.xin Juue last, noti- ied al purties dog êbusiness with thern, ail accountsati maturity, tlake occason Dow to inforin custAmers in arrêar, that paynxent of their accounWt is requre at onuce, otherwise they wihl be subjected W law prpeaedinn mad ÃŽ Qurthanlca are teudered t» those who 80 prmtly tespôuddùot o itmer cal!., This is the luit waruing. Whitby, Nov. 30t 186&. CII RIST~IAS PRESENTS ?. A vArety of articles tuitable for Christmaa Presents and * ~ -'Es '-*.- t,., SALE OPLF & OPIYTY0""1AR0 ¶y VIfTUE 0p A WARRANT ISSUED ,IB Wt - ÇJby the Treasurer of the Ccu nty cf 'Ontario bearlng date the -Tweuty-fifth day of Julyp one tbcusand oigbt hundred and sizty-tcur, and te me directe, for the collecton of arrearola andmsesento. due upon the following lands, in the said County, I ishahl, on Tuesdayte eenteentb day ot, Jaua -Next, at% the heur of Twelve o'clcck, accu, at-the COURT 110118E, 1IN THE TOWN 0F WII1TBY, Promedt t the saleof sait] Lands, or so muob tiiereot sa ma7 b. neoesssry fur thepayasent of suob arrr of asseuments, ubas the same, togetber witb ail lawfuI charge&. ho soor paid. ,TOWNS8HIP 0OPI3ROOJr. v. oir. ACRIIU TEÂRS Due~ 9, 14, 100 1858 960 12 3 TOW14SMIP 0F MARA.l il, NI 12, 28, NE 261, 8 w pro of SI29, Spart 13, 91 91 9s -12, E aide 24, 13, 1, 24, 30, 44, 48, n3 89, 93, 94, 107, 109, 200 100 24 50 25 50 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1858 9 60 1858 9 60 1 2 a 1853 8 1852 7 8 9 60 1 2 8 1853 8 9 60 1 2 3 TOWNSHIP 0F REACE. PORT PERRIt PLAN. 855 6 7 8 9 185 6789 1855 6 7 899 1865 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 6 1856 6 7 8 9 60 1855 6 7 8 9 6 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9- 1855 6 7 8 9 TOWNSHIIP OF PICKERING. V 07A NCLÂEENT. 1857 TOWNSHIP cF UXI3RIDGE. 84~~~~ ia.1 0 8860 1 23 TOWNSIliI P ?WVITBY. Suppsdt F'arwelb and KeIIer't plan 29, NO. No. NO. NO. -No. NO. No. No. 83, 50, * 51, 58, 69, 60, fil 76, 2~41 B. F. PEIRY'8- VAlU. EEMARKS5 28 40 Patonted. Patented. do do do do- do 2 22 Patented.1 17 69 4 53 2 46 2 25 1 95 1 82 4 71 5 40 3 83 3 83 3560 4 90 Patented. do te do do do do do do do do do 0 46 Patented. 0 46 do 1 50 09 Patet 185862 3 547 PLAN 0F BI'OOKLIN. 1858 * 1858 1858 1858 1858 '$58 1858 1858 9 6023 9 60, 0 2 60 123 9 t0 2 a 623 6 40 6.62 5 84 3.91 .465 6 93 TOWN ()y wutray. ,;m. Patented. Patentedý- do do do do, do do do ji arge, Varieiy of arzriages on bad. The prcj Il.- Establialiment, possea facilities for manufactur that exiable them to,,defy compi tition, either in 1pi finish. Call and se l'r yourselvea., style --or -39q COMMERCIAL MENI Will flnd e-xcellent and con venient accommuodation. Wîthin a Few Yards of the ]Pub1i6 Hall. -Private Parlori CE7 -IiARKG ES TMAN THE OTHER 10 H IG Ili« ELS IN WHITBY. JAOÉRYAN, Liquors 9ý-of ail kindýc 0f the best quality; -at a very low figure. ýiAMS,. BACON, IOTATOS, PLOI>0R, B-RAN, SHORTE And FedÃ"of Il kinds, at Wbitby, Jupse 1,,1864. JOHN FARQUHARSON'S, Noew «roccry tind Provion Score, DJ lu ar, heap ait JOHN 0oal 0o At Iowest selliug prîce, by -JOIN, 4- 444- ,YO7*k Wcrd Weet of Br«4 Sb-d. 210 185901 464 219 1858 60 12 26 263, 188 9601 23a 553 -dropa, ~WÂ~A1IW~TJ~* K2I,~J~'8 4- ~ .4 Tho Tf47 *1 t - 1 ý 1 '\llý

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