Whitby Chronicle, 22 Dec 1864, p. 2

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etipecial qualifications for the position which A "Whopper,91 The Nomination liber May-or. and wator wu sent for titi, one it nt work, te ýhiým, however, ta, learn thst -during, the t 'and approveil or- it. But lie aise wanted period which lie had filled the office pre, é ho scleki" Mr. ý.PsreweII ; Otad- thàt in in pursuance of,, the proclamatio fer it ta lie understood tbat What a "ýlî ppérOý-t el 3 1 tyl ftOrwards when viously, bis confluct huit giv7tif satilfaction r choiers or Mr. Gilhe, in' prefèrence 0 rcd P na the petition for -a naw ênz -xnî senu in, Globe aime at telling when it gays that purpose ab' ul on6 hundreMd p ine, and that bis efforts in the friterestis of the te Mr- Farewell the electors wo' Id bc assing nssemblêd at, tY Town I hall, ý ed by the saline MOI. Blake, it was thon tosin were not for- on M üy si4ný lotéerf. For himself, el CÈNTS A 'TEAR 0$ forring Imediocrity of talent."u , We are therefore warranted in el tant. forth, purprese of nominatin-- di. signed hy hirn asi en--iaeer of the coin. hi) ýé;ily claimed that ho endpavored trit fin Mr. Farewell and Mr. Gibbs and auppotters àatrg for the y, Thurý,ýay, Deceîber 22, 1864. words -between the quotation marks are of Whilh (Or pany. Ho thoulxht bc was ricalit in vot'ing- hie dory in the best meinner ho could, an, di, of Ilhe confetierlition schome.ell, Why therO 1895. , jurit nt ton nielock the p.ýefI ;ng for a new enzine; but if the matter was wbatever position of truqt ho mny lie t - tholée of the Globe. Sbw every, one b"- . la as much diffeience between the utteran- officer, Thomas Huston, Fzq,, teck hie brouzlit before the couneil next year, ho placc-dj in that vas alwayg bis desire. t The News ing any knowledge of the two ýcand,.dates$ sent, and during the interval ci an > 10nr woold have flic ratepayrrs record their And lie Jid not care how hiýh or how t ces pf both the: candidates -u there in bc- and competent ta fortal ï1ne opinion, know âllowed by law< ta receive nominatioi'p;he voies, yen or nay. If elected iNlayor,---he low the enfi mizh be-let it ho major Pailiament meeto on the 19[h January. . 1. tween black and whi Par frA givi that Mr. Gibbs In. a highly educated gentle.- - foilowing candidatei, were propaged shoulil suggest early tenders for sien-, ta or simple porend keeper, the principle of JU Cuba arrived nt New York on the and flint Mr. Farewell la a . man of bis approval ta ée conferleration, Mr. N. W. Brown, Esqý, nominatoffl by hi- 'del.ivi-reà- os; early ni; pneisiblo in the duty iqllotilfl aitvrtyî; bc that whieh ought in totb$ with the latent Eûropean advices.- ra"f'r'l Farewell directly refuses ta promise it his,, ýle'sgrs. 'Robert Campbell ani Stl el', seaison fin au ta give die laboring mon of provnil with aily persan accepting offic,3 j News unimportant. Mr. Dayton, Ameri. verY deficient edacation. In this respect, III gluticonditional and nnqanlified support.' Granet. the town employment. Mr. 31acdoneil, ut the bandi; of the publie, Ho liait no eau blinister, died at Paris. and in point of rçal sterling ability the - tw Mr- Gibbs, on the contrary, emphifitically II. J. Macdonald, Siq., nominatfd by ho sailli< wuli a -entlèman of bigh. attain. doubt thât the prescrit content would bc The Goternment liait, offered $200 re- contrant between the 0 vieil , ;a Most Alessr,;. Chas. Robert% and John Agn«- -ptl, and filled the chair in Ili most fin. narrnwed down bétween Itfr. iNfacdonell drelareg, without regervation.- me_ ward for tbé-arti of tbe.raidera discharg marked tire John Ham Perry, FAq., ominate' bY c' ptionable manner; but although Mr. and Mr Brown, for-,as lie bad said it was Mr. Parewell'a chief clairet in dl xce ed by Judge Coursoi pinnuelo of et- Id Holdin., toute siak-e in the Provincel, Èessro. 0. IL Dartneil and Infinies ffactinneil %vas a mari of ability, lie, (Mr. net bis own intention,, noir that of his il, Io rupenue ta the call of the Golerti- Globe would elevate bien la thk lie fi "rock- and with a strong desire ta sec ilie con- Captain Rowe, nominatail by Brown) clairned for hitnqelf common sonne. friend Captain Rowe te comn forward t ment, an immense number of applications q 0, nectl"Il between the nrMe of Gre'o' John 13enaouzli and Alexander Ptingrk. If eleýetI-d.' ha worifil try and (In bis duty, lie was glati that fit ill sii) -, fer in maïc: baire bellen recelved from enpliains of va- orteil gond on the stuinfi And part of Britain and oursellirps, more firmiy cemen Ili the couret- of the the if net electeil ho coule] siay ut home. itig choice of eilh-?r of the grentlemen, the luntur companits, wbo'desîre ta perform Mr. Famwell'a education was doubilesa ne- telle ud wi(h the conviction that the pro- Iwo latter candidates retired, lenviell th(-> The late mayor did net attend ta hie electors could tint ho fi astray. 1 t mmee on the frottier. quired tlirongb bis hie, the posed",Confo 4eration of ail the Proviiiceï, e ,h admitation of contest, betivectif, Siesîro, Maêdoncli bulinessi but he, (Mr. Brown,) should wu quitte trot, that M ce , ýlacdo.-iell hall Il Ceiieral Sherman hasarrivvd in front of xrandiloqsietit efforts of nur neighboring of Briti-li America, in calculateil to perpe. Brown. endeavour to attend fi) ait file business -of rtiled the ofqç"J ntready-tlie yez-r of the il' 8attonth. The city has hp(In iiivested hy . tunte flint connection. I shail, if' el,,ctctl, At théca'l of thn Rý-tnrnInz offlept the the town, and flic man Imitit broad acrem, Prince of %Vý-ties'tç visite nn-1 no one could himLand it is believed to be utipriiiýrêd stumi) oratoire. Hia next best qualification rire the proiret ait titi- nid i y power, movrti and scconderi catnc forwaid and n In In ý r the man with n caitle shonld nnly grit fleny the efficienzy with whîch ho dis. for a siege. Hood haî reinM4 front bc- for Globular favor lis that lie beloilrq ta by giving the Adminigiration of Ille day, a opok(t in the fifflowin., order. the eirffmc justice frorn him na ilie- Iliamblest charged the dulipà. On thât nec-ilfion it rare Ugobvillî», havinc- suflièred a sevetn Id the Pt-rty,"-whiLh riteans that Ili is the cordial support towardï 'lie %Ir. Campbell, saiel illiat in Yeaminir Mr. man iit tle tflwn. (Cheers.) willa matter of con!zratulation tc-the-ra ait, &reste pretiiient 1,incolu lias issueil (Ilobe*ij candidate. In oqr rit Brown, bc hail i p1casntri, fil toî-ýiqitig Ibo sijlc!týdid reqeptioti the lrii;c,) t' contempor y coutemplated arrangements.*' Mr. Macdonell next carne.rorward, and .1 anotber procleffintaliôn calling out 300,000 untLwarp thn, Mr. Farewell woull flot bc Mr- Farewell, it will be serin, il no"- tri Iiii ability as Todli coulirillorrthe diffics of recoived in Wliithv-it- wai Mien. Gold, 221. trusteil by bi.9 own party 7 Doeq lie know cOmmitteil on evf-ry point. Ilavin nýan of whicil boi, Lad difichargeil willi, credit V) ,aid thi they were ni "S31MhlII i i rtiva. matie r (if ptiblic approbation,' toid well - 0,*- li of thi proclamai; ' on of their roq")Cctpd did 1 NI in coniri that illi bellien -aq berriten ho most assur. aied the nomination, lie calculates '0 bimýQrIr, and satieliction of Ille ratepajr Orilcor. Io scitict canditintdi -r . jeol(jnell net hii part i - fi %Ir. l'rowi. lis a mpchanic, fi'! buti;ir tý) th, griat succesî of il;e ocra- f, edlywill be-itwill-tonoisinallextent- thitl-0 are and frrinro'gool te libre, towil tilail w1y f-)tijrr far tire hiIh and li,)ieor%1,10 poqition 0'l' filon. 1 Frorn Ilii; Rival Uiý!hricý-q down, Will profit hv oh-viner flint 11- 17 0- lie owiieý iIi th.- fact that, Mr. F,.trt-w,- hy. Ile accpptc(j t'ne pl,,Yty tif room to Demo- mail, aild Île niily foi ýF %Vhit, .1 WC hait rellaret th" tilt, ev(,I;t irioLit bu a larger cir(,utat;otl fillette, -fil] fil,, nomieintiIin for thie, officcl witli tilj-.Ii i liifit tileý,týigi récoliecti,)ni with not crinfide in hhn ? CratieillY inelir-ed, ail lin il, lic Ivill tint ai- Ii1-pý billet. ail w1t,) part III il. %net h-, l r 0. llolni- , and, in one word, hall anly tel sIV allier àheets in the C(,!lrlty cl( Oritit-in )Ir Gi'dl)q, on the other hand, la a th9rouýh- low thIl t!lv(ýtog ri vi)ict,, in thi lo.titer r. Grr4,4, I)rý4-fly secon,14 th 1 111 1 t iliiit if P!fýctý-tl lie s'n,:uld pnIlpnv,)r in dlî. Verry) harl rifi dotifit iliat M'r. I yfmlIolieý fànited. In Nortit Otititrio,-it% citeulatior, ri a t i,) fi. I'q(e 1 Iv reliablo man, in who.qt3 ititeý,rity friends 1'l'hilé Mr. 1.1aririj:iv - Il derrvir-3 wotill hi folind prjrill. ly m rllin,, ch:,rý,,p il,11 the dut4is with et Ill , 1 -1 exceeds that of ail cellier lia:IEIrli takLil In Iir. liniI,-riq, adIIreeqiti.- the- fitctu 1 , avtilýbb1p and opponents, ililçe, place the ruilst int[à. 1 shail iii upr)tl if. that no itriicti Ori r, §;aie] he lind &rý.-it in Fr" hcqt of hi; humbit. III)i:;ty, tend I dis PJding,-the Globe and trader SOT hali hp final, iiiiiil Ille approvel; of th0ýîI, hat mi.,ht ari4n. l'lit cit coufbdeiI". Thély 1-no-w bien ta bc fi,) Ille narni - lit elIr. ýt-icd meil il "ýtll ali Ibo r1týirIIltirn 11-iat ('0111 *1 b- t te) b- itfîi-cicit by tho iliall 1 11p eilia;iv v#-Il to de) excepted. mere Iielieming political trîck.ïter, biit 0l hil iyart 1-einirpd ul 1 to il. Ili! liait, on a oce:u lieýýit obt-lined, #ýitlif»r by a Electio!r, 4ûn, flic Ilinier tu fill thc thair: and il 1 tVir out, aivi they ou lit not 4 gii 0ý:Wo print a ggjppipgileilt wîtij jhis trijýit of* pr-ýhitr and honore whOmc» or hy ri di'rect. vote Of tire pci as n4) W lie Sai.] ili "Ir. iIi,ý rit 1 ,f il,,. ni)iid)rttaity. Ir, 'y"' rio-4 far th,-ý ritcpayerî, I)f th,,:r 1 wuk'à iman, and yet the crowilipel maite, of alld coMpetency for thp a. exil ri iilatifie toi thev zippraveil or : p -0! un. I:)blaiuýif, Ili 'erili nIýIIIjt fi) tir Mu- lie Ili not, lie plriced in thp -;iiioti t,) for flic office. Ivere afltnittef]. Four yeLm f)r ofiîý ovF.r nt1ill, car &d-perttiting rolutung, jIr-ýv-ritq Our de, - 1ý iiijýv- 1. wid by elurtotion esnil P,,. 4",Iilic Iiii clili 111-1. TU a- A i,!, riiý,ii of e ;Il - :fi :1I1'li(Ii,,I,ý v., 1 1 a.1il ;et et litïi», ilq it rni,,,bt b'. Il' , iilth log that justice ta Maille oi olir ildvet lisprs is tilarou hly lirit;.I!l tir bis soli. i Il ', for -t rocctval Of ili.,,ir dl, ýI Nf;ir,' i !ý!j, l 11.1 eli-, l'i Sý. -Ili , ' Liryi iu ;lit hii pIl,:Iý wbich most lipartî!v i fle-Mire tri, do. 0, ivid %fi iit the. i,à wi!i je Lq iii-vitable gil iiiiil hirn if !u) they W,)Itlj )(Il as a (!Ofltf'.zlt w1, We give nesther new iist, ror 14 sper V fi) 1". pet forinir. ; !ýI,. e "tlli ÏiVre it ta IL hii siü't-. l'Ill! bfUco of of t').I 141 ialii's tri drItwin, coriir,ýIi;siln3 our il 1cifit,)w thoir fnv,)r.,5 on biei frictiri, M r. Globe caý; te,,11--trhen ilere.i;sIiry FlI li-veri iliOIr,ý wern ii(i tw o- iIi r', Io &Dy, 80 thtit ait advvrtisiriff l1ro plarofi C(ýntetul)oriiýy wculil Rerve himîlelf bv IliJoir l:,)ýIii and UIn whiCly %va.4 an on an equal fonting, and we inuilt. r,,4( ýi« VL.rv l'cît er and Île e l sucil il t'O oIil pýt-liCI W. illir of JO-ffreiy il î-, letit wifil tini)"Ulilef] rré,iii, Io IiialiI lini')n !it tho" Ilb', tisfied veille refetriti-, th,- ré-adet- in th", m., et lili - lienrer t) tire May trot il 17nil vill frani t!iî-. awl lin zraurgl or '10 1 c tp od- of if. ýlIii4I lie ; 'rLi_ý Q-ii i lit: LA c:a; contents of the )tjtra"rIý the comteillefs Oý 11;4 rlý,vl-rS lic 1;,.l 1. M 1 ili'. po. 1: )o nie 1 't'i) 'r, lin 14. "il V(i s;iy that go l"11. lis prccil C'Ornir, 11 so je, ni .1 1, 1 f E 4 a wilt-Il LI) '111y a,. tivmt ý1Ir. ï,114- %velit, M î 'el ()Wn, 1-1 lIý4 cipi-i; )il Q ij-I), i-"î ir, ail r that Ili. ýt"tq Caution ta Ativiirtitercrei. - diý(IS file of Ille eIecliýf-i Iif ?ýi a iw hrini(-. l,>,p- 'ý,OjtIj U nifiri). fil lin lj,ý. %i,- Ielit die . ..... le, -Mrson bas bren e4)licitin,, advrrtîsý,- y.ec.111-Icd tlýf, iii) III effet ýf:-. Erri l aild Mr. (litjb-. L tri n'?i ila 1 1 bents for a pret2rided motitlily etheet, fil- i tri-, ri -ný, leged by him tel ho Vumji;ýrj rit tiliý le L f, r t fil rý ii ýitll t 0t' "ixl), two, moto thal hive Il Il ýýi V ote. fi)!- f: bb. thi II. , ': -y - t'. ill 1'elI fý'I il 1ý -,Ill v office sud in doinz so matit, tiie of 111. le fî bieun ýjý (If ii iý II w 1 V ri Datérit of the Whilby Criflo.,çii et and iti 1:1 r ai i IL. t-véýly -ri il rbrit; 1 publisber, as a guitr.iiitI.,, Of his i ý .il. Il ý Il, - : i; A v ýi,1f 1 Iý le. 7L, - I t o, W aq litillr,, I)V t tý"4r î tl,,t faitte. Tho puIOlîýý ià; tii)iici,,Ij il;,&, wv ri 1) el il 1 1- 1 ijll4-ý 'A Ve '. il !iIi- i ýý ; 1! l % el I Iý) 1 pît tic jllri-ýtp',I lit 1 fi ev"ï tri v, il r li't declimed publii,ýhîti,, tho in que'su tri. ri r of lovt!. ireepited bv th.- puirl gi-ii .11101 *ýq 1 I> 1 'l' C ýV r i', and that lire do niii in iiny cf .1 tr,;!v cLrî-qý,1fj el inrit ri y lq -witte attenterai rlir itî c in l'.'. ýl, I te .,t) <4 lit a IIIiil latine, or 0ontenied. JI, rie), ril :,cli IlirIt li t;ý, bc i',iný iIl, l'iff, ',in,)wtt lie, 1 - g1r -nt a i,; wiýi. z 0 Il i lI -- ma: i na m,, i g -il or illi il Ili i«i,,à r 'fi ý-,i l' [-et, fi, I so 'if m fi,,. t 74 M i..Il Otii.lf, hn-1 a:r4, ly ail. th A .i wi r Or fi'-dl q1 a Ill .1,1 M1 IratLýlI1% aro 0. 1 -,-il v- I-,ýv f f'.,ývýnt En, !,ýl ri",, Il A, ( %Ir. D' Ç) titi. The C ontest, '!Ili-t' l'rit Si, -élizl 1jait-s" I)tIrrlicli, 111 et I),,ý '(Iliei'p 1. W il;1 -4 ri,, r,-ý 1'l f lI-i f t' y : il!, L; fil 1. i:i:-, hý', ('Ir. 1 !te t il IF ri fi FI d-, 1) w ., l'tif, et, ! s.triclýrli lI;ç Il NI , uý ::, ) - ! bre.t;l"fý bj w I, d.l. !; Ille (Ili ti(it*4> ulin e%;try pliblie [le, tl,%ii Vi, Cil t i niieil nul hitnq(ýlf weIr.., iI-rI , ki fiiet-lie. ; diefecil, i 1 . f -. liiil care , nirc caî- ý,r tliý-n, ;:lit Ili 'Ifr, Mr. GÎbhs bredil a ai thi, Tnvm W- fi vé lie;ird it-2c!,r@2 (et t;nà(-M. 1 - WIl;iiI-ý Ili and if iiii! li!i avii p -î mal f-,-; MoUjj-,ý jikjOt. LI. t it be ri. liOlilway IL II, COlUtUbU'4 thoir aï fir týý, Ir ill"q. hi, sli, Il, 1 rtr-ill 11;q vxe ".ýl fnvm or en-il li ýi nIi,2.ý Ptt!,,,iIi ril , l1Iý rbere würe about thréC buiedreil pfIr,4cIrl4 a pillitical' il î 4! M r. 11,I hall teil, f- ý' te, 1111 )t "tu' v re 'I r I! I'i » Pîiz Iý ei III vît t 0 d )ZIIIio oIfýr tfifi M t-Ili x;-11 ý"ai fî't',ý I, er Preléent The chair wto occuli ti y yhich addrcm..Cs, %ri *11-I11, il, I!, iwc;i i 4 1 l"', wal ml 1 sa inz ;et Tre-laill et t tel fi JAMes Corde. E etil. Mr. Gî!e!14 w:L3 V4,ry AI) riure an lit ().eeriât bide éltk y 111 ;1 Ar. al, Vamly receired, and hià; reigitarlis in fal ýuntn:t Of titi Rocky twý'UnLainS ;"-' th,- f"ýriI ioir elle t', iiiI, w 01 tbe Colifederation (if thlI 'ritim 1 Anivri- rOC l'lit VOiýt-siýELn 'de tn,):t, m lit r gillefes of the pacifia and Atilliitil2l,- fýà!ý le l', ci'tin 1 cca*f4il b4fvii liait lever b-en held witltîu 1110 14 Iiiot, allil me 'Provîneýn tirera with turtrked -"the untibid resourcea of the grent 1, four wallier of flic ln4tîtut*, thati M- tI.i, in"Il who 1 :11,1 -À4. If Ap1pudij gog. , -"; i,ý*."*,!, fOr lkbftt un balar, Clearll and botjljr, m, gra,>Licýà 1 t'4t wlt:cll eilme pff tiri Tuebijay evett; retprri.-i,- te) M'r. tv,#.q #4(l- Vl, . , 'Y ý - -_ _ ý ý- i>-teigr,ýr ta di!clI;%,&;" 0I hi iéi ý 7ý ':)It .. -l prë ievç;* 1 1 hiq owri querit If ihpse wtird% (, fi t. ri ;c e4r, fi; I "s. tel P»ition before t4o cltciorx, and eli lifit'-el. Mirill amongst those. y Thl. rre>fsl ÇVAI sel là 1.- I-l et Ili t le 7 Ili r-,, of J'll i hf. 8-iiii flint ili n n-ýiI Y tt)ý, 1 t tvliil, e 14 duc, in -trrafi!ýeni!rtt of Mili Vir. ýlar!inllpiI> 4d te wÎth tho utmoilt, attention. Front wbo undonsand bilq 46 pceilliarilill. le f ao1Oý of capt4in hi fllicei, t!dl et l, W: il,- eeupplr 1 bien ili tn'. -kr, Forewell's glory hole, of Harmony fi îs but prêséntiq)4f thCý SetMf)fý of, th" fine] traphipel Coule] M,1ýc it ; thio- he could fleiy in the captairi l1rIllýf j Ilc 0fr. ,i;);l a Il lebire wu quite a crowd, headeý, we r-ý,,ret (Iarky rirator in another ahar, el lh.-il (itàlili, L WOUTd ha qIiitê (';Ipe;Ili i l'O 'Ir. illA , ilI,%i hy Prilfemar Freflfnun, a-id hiOlI Rowe fi!ictl the May eli th q - I Vi iiiiZII, ri JÉ! 17 l'Or. ar*4 chair hfii uu, rIlti -'t. 11* say, by a réspectable man like DI . lie :-ýd Iiii audicilet Illicit the tremendous f"l. lie, ( t Ir. POIrrv.) 1iI,ý fei Ii eilit and that political jiiieizal, jarrie,,,4 car objurgajjotý_ faulili woti SucIi am l') ziti -4;ttî,.; hil- wax one ef thn.ili, whi) ' need wt h- a4ý tn"-,t ' - 'i'; . 1 - . le . 1 - . 1 .. * . . . 1 J imof fr fiit .0t. Ir III - - ,,-l in ,il 1.éý stand n;) ut la publie nimeting. Il 3 t'Il drc re f- itnijý-urterdielci mplleeh, (Mr. anir, nor the 90 tn lri foi fetiot lert ollate sî-ill yoil r, aroi r rIrock- strece ý-t4 î1îlestel. lias a S'agnential meeting of thu iiiiid etec. ermiâe ta the More of a nif--,tijiz hell at ëd ail Mr. l"enzotiel; hail said in f,%vo nie$ silpport-< have ThI, proccetjingi Drauer 'Ilfthal; dýtV tviIA" Inn tine 1-, ovolte I;às-. have Captain ltowo--iliat he--wu a -mati who in this lown. Mpcha * tort orpickering, ta the eame active princille, and the only Medium Abhburoý thorrluýVhIY undemtond theAutifi-iliat it on Ilim in tlià Mâyor's ehïië, When lie, ilàd c- Drapertylio hadtbee î ('imd out sijl' in pri two huadred, wu addremed hy Mr. Cilibt ýenrent us t-or Th.-Y Coli wu thA captai -heulth whi 0 n (Il sanie ut Presrntis union, or submission. he, hile îll *eh herit v th(. hr)I1ýr rhirati-ery, and ina oduverin- on our part. CaiiadaN;ew Brun In Oeen!)Y it ; -14 hA, dilrin-- Thr-,iiý,li hoýVe ând lit. Farewell, ut Daillias creek, on Tu. tain very littIp and biinply fore prêventell fi, ho ýccliïed 'the Culitract swickPj ince .14q CoMilir hi-i ypar of Of!îcý, never had 4 diffictifty Of tile 11fiad -'toil edoy avelling lut,-D Tticker, Fsq. M Edward'.4 Island, atid Newfonadiand wI1rfý state that on a vote, Mr. fiail 4, lie wus gladi 10 «Y (ulder Divine Ctvor,) with any f-tbrin rior bad thov ;rith him, f; li(at - content with iatenjed bir nature ta forin one counu that his he,,%!th bad "ow been rmiord, nIl In f);l ho V., la the ebair. âte. Gibbs waml Illost car- Y' Mr. Rrb-rt Brasb, 17, Mr. Fiiher, 5, Mr. refprence ta the ill-importi.nt qu-àtion t lia t, -n il Il jie, jjaàý ;L clim-4e quest; ci bii; ri,4i 0 1 '. 1 t 1 This region, larger than Eurolie, capable lie truqted that he would acce em4lie'd 1ýt *thé-colitl"Ic., pt tbi- nervi. of taxaiiený be shiould-by every meails in ta :th' ý4 f , for Ïever, and 1 a tire t( " Y mollette and Mis remarias duriiij the James Walker, 3. Atij iliut rcsîýiltition4 nation, and place biq services ut the diq. -Iii.i power ëndravar to kepp the (n.-to3 as day the in thi effting, met with bearty deinotistrit. of isustaiiiîng an immense populatiol, in paucd, liindiri,, themseives la Ille noiniuee posai of the rtepayer.ý- (Chrerà-) low as rrg,4i!lle, and vvîithîll tht? limita of lit Vic fi lç r"q th(ý toivil, fra fillyth --gou of applaute. The Pare e ourplui Relurnin Officer said hl, wo ees 1 opulence, and or ab!îort)in th ud il,! Towols, Tiler-, were "rt'tin wilièýl, fic ýLve' hi:; to Weil houlids of tl: meeting. -ft iq aIsto gtat,-d thât Tho. ire, however anll rýqýýVýf :t, 'm'l w)t ali);p couterit wi7.11 Migration of the OIdýw next Cali open th ý candidates in the or4er iln;"'Ovemetiu neceasr, 1 k 1 ne le thm in tLill cry, bIti neither Dr. Me. of'd ýoe years tu Mr. Iýickpll angvrered the objections the which pou!d, not- ha ýIotcý,er dgfi!rr,-4 ýth4I, !nit ivâM Jýt0r)ý, ý 1 ., 1 ý "4, ý,U cOme, hu- 41r0auY withifi its 6rdÉirs, a breulit net in whiçh they were .Ianled-to addregs b, ýho . 1ý1ýjr0-n f*rTý, nor Ur. Cumlehael fcanil Duffinsi 1 hese . %r re, t lm Ov"rflënt ýý population of tabr toiiiîiuis which can ÉÏL e Crook a con enial soif on which in Piast Vandas SALE opLlàxKgrT STo'cg.-The great ý0n e6minjz fOrwerd sala Pr Fat 0 1 well fOrm'aý_rcfpectabIe begil.1nicg for a "Ir Ir Wtlý « cýbý4iàered, ëdiild l'nt ma (l M làà aiti-Britiab sentiments or their An- 1 that ii Jasolnéf the firqt timehe appeared nexation blanîresto catidilàte. Ur. IL J, yonng nitiiprt. Thaýfoüb&tiotl of- the sale of Banýrupt stock of Dry gbod-i Le - ftxatioti, the bardAn wouffl ho too onerc)uï wýiarf, 1 Public, whiGh, stretching oýlch ý *>.ta ho 11110M, thetn ag enuneillor,, alth -borne hy *Fe ratep.ivt,,m in but h, Or Vrilson, and Mr, là. B. Fairbanks aide spoke grent ILe' -front the wb"cb, during the past week, bai been go the, first 'time for the OfBce MaYýr. ta haifé At the meeting, &-id Made soule telling Attatitie, ta of the p&,ýjfjC ing on in ibis town, a'uder'tlio bammer ý of ffe did se now 1ecaufe he wAMý'î'equeq ticd affy 0110 ',year. On thia hesd he ets, -in bay iii ýin o1ý ým(1 pl-iced flirocý- crii;e t ocea:], which nibbled ,et Mexico and Mr.l. Kearns, ùuctioneer, attracted cru-Xlie b b Of M5 friends. ne' ýdid not, eniale -favor of jipreadjng the amouitt ove ly ori' Bruëli inrect. rrtie, mr. points against Ur. Famwell. At the close "M number or yenre, and placin, hat '7 ý a by-law now i)rQteti(lecl ce) &ny thrt lie %Vas abqOrbej Calitornis in 1*18 enormoû& ag, of cuscomerit whoz &H felicitaie theinselveil ho,ýe,,,, go out threa or four weelis aga .4%vare the ýýswnc was forýýth > of the proceediage a VOW un his, efi)rý thé t M 'f ýh te ffl b râtel>4 or t4cir 'w glonteradon orstates *&0 upon having obtained rieb bargains. We robr,ýý1Jz;% a 0 cativau, In sPw4iQXý ta friendit bif -ý%7jM lit wuJl at least, fülly four ta une in rayer or cordially figrecd to support him 'er'l g'ëm, Id- te ili >0 dilioni aid 1y one - "I - àétualry sent fOuffli leU fil Point of -numbers. Witbin are glad or iv And Wq ap'ly d(lew itrighi fuli approýa1 bà lis the expenge would fown clerWs office ta plet the exact liniti. laun c M17. cý be large, he aima in'favor suýmittin1, ourselves we posijL,3o the guarantee of a ta report ft to Our friends in Osbawawhere h,, WiLh sôm'n of tbè ber of corfis of sien , 0 supplied, 010 to w n, > - the, chair filM, tho"'r'x)- net . »Int, 4 gloriou5fuLlire., Our riverfidheries, ho e0minues the gale nert we'ek. in * e nt, y they a bylýkw,, cii ýhîs questionï, lik -1 t, ý 9 , ->y 1 fonce and ablert men Il town., In this va hn(j the coonty oacialis repreîléntell d ligile to-ý,psy t e taxesi ion quarte water power, our miaerid, wiaith and, î a Mr. Macdoneil nezt referred ta the remark dind yet the m-in ivid the brazeri cffrZ If la unaccoun:table th-at an influential 'Il ý f CutTeag.-Get a good ou lier cheape ut the pemon of Mr. Ilerry,.-,, the, forwItrders individ Dillimiled fbgfieuit-laîý ý1 ta abilitiese ait made by Mr. Brown about-his ý"ÇQM1119!1, believe tilit 110 palier like the-globe will lie -fur lever de c4'tural fitness for union, and- ODûnovn;i'iç, and be in time te seflect iný the Per 1 ý 14 f> it vu iiitended tu conçey ta the fnýý p son nfMr. we i, armem 'y I1ý_üî5ifflnâ iibout it-I Mr, perry Wa4, ILNY1119 lts ullefulriffl bi il% partizan blind from the dxoille'nt on harid. 1 the persan of Mr. Atthéo, tho doctoii sensel orry. lill, te ba coinpe;tell ta allu1l d rft fill". lit bas gained a dittreputable noU rîet 1 w ye thal bc, (Mr. ýlacdonell,) had s ha f;ý « l3Y F ith union. suftedâ, 90 icarvotlous _tbat and Iajý* ýr8 in the,' pprec *rem( te ffi, litli 11it:1ýw" hé mitid'. obri*cýk' hýi théré Waq ùO i le fro oosei btiti ofýthei'* t" for il& want of ail fairne là .1, 0 frout sketching the WEST, 'Yom-Ke. ElowIltild, the pulli- k se in ai itig'op. ani 9 picture.: ",t Matiter Geueràl, wu re.e;ected by acc!à4ýa. provo the best Judgog,- eceif; en his tlingue and t Pénéntà 1, Md, whare party l'O concernedjtà à wu n" elec - The electâ ' tion In U,4, hûiet, dcceiVill,ý 1 ý1 1 fûterayerg wo Around 'With il ' ï tien nit Wédaeîdâyý , truisted ta bis r-ommon'"ute ce etter disrogard of truLb ie, indeed, abomin. Thedifrerence in point of ability 1 » J ea' lie ild bis duties 1 rs w - 1 . "1». _We wlil lesve it ta the regders or tween the candidates cati be noýed from M. a -,and, a@'* hà L Ù, ';a t)»X, rj Fe, find fat* as ho knew how , Oà"ý lie jajdýL if the,- -Perry nexto -in thesle apecimens, which WB a6gure Our 7£mu"ccr'r' g4at',,in, Denourit, ib &e did 'net de the tovn .-W tbe Qàée in*Soatb Ontario, Who know T. eýPo =ce nout ic fekýor of tbe -Brown mara- y. oulI, te ÉSY wbolber the tinmm-.,- -9 rsaders are ffl ogay£ergiùgL bà, ÎÉ4 T" , 1ýà and catinty conn. 8970 ce -Ili$ MOIL JUDO£ BURNUAU, 0. M. WILCOX, ESQ., Whitby Tueoày, Dec. jal 1864. QUARTES SEOSIONS 'The court opene& nt 12 o'êl'oclfl panel of Gra ' ni jarors hav1ný been called over the fol!owing gentlemen gaswered to their narnes and- were sworn, James Leuk, Esq., man. Noah Dates Donald Carmichael Jostâj kringle Joseph Drew J. IL philp Ilenry Gordon Wm- PortltOn John Lessk Wm. Ritchie Wm..Law Thomu Stevens0à David Stillinghant John Thompson William Young. COUSTY COURT. veig)iy Va. càwân.__ýýctioR-ôn pri> Mi8SOry tinte. * VErdiCt for plaintiff 45. S. EL ù'ochtaue, for plaiiitiffi, . BabcOck vl- Fr4liCk_»-Aýtion; on pro. misgory note. Verdict for Plaititiff, $1131 25. It. J. Wilson, for plaintiff. pliippen va. Roach.-eletion on P 1 ro. mi%.ïnry . acte. Verdict for plaintin, $117, 97. IL J. %Vilsori, forplaititiff. Greenwood va. Corbett.-'.trtion on prainiqsory note. Verdict fir u1fliutiff, $190,05. J, IL Greenwýood for pl)itý.- Bragg-ra. Arlcland,-.iýctio on war. rat'tY of a borse. Verdict fo'r plaintiff, $1.14,10. J. E. Farewell for pleintiff. î Wednesday, Déà, 14. Court npened nt 9,50. 1% Ilonor Burriham, presidiner. W. Hartrick J. P., Assockte. Alinson vo. Currie.-Action on pro. missory note. The note in thil; C&ý30-wm meilq j,)intly by Alexander Currie, and John Currie,.pitval)le Io Carrie, or bearer, dated February, 1862, and payable two yý,arï af(mr date. The derence was- that the plaintiff was; not the legs[, holder oftho note. Verdict fori,,plaintiff $120 IL J. Wiieon and J II a M, - for plaùiliff. * * AMW O QUAPTOP Decembèr lith, 1864. The Grand Jury brougrhi in fîtrec, trueý,- bilLi aM-,ý,tiiimt James Totviii for laréenyi '77te Queen ro. 7biens-The prisoner arrai me ,, J for âtea1ing a buffalo over. coat frofitAfr. Thos. Boisterlî stable, in the tf)Wnship Or Uxbridge, lor âtf,-aliuv an axe fr(un ore Beekýýin -Ux. bridci and a Pr of boots front MrýMccQ1, louý.,,h, and pleaded guilty te both indict. int-tit.i. S.- H. Cchratïe, County Crown- .ýttr)rrit-y, for the Cruwn. The (.Irr,,,nd Juq 1)-cought in trug bills (-rt!or"tý Benne.3, James' ëb'velll ff,-,bithv poweji, Int igicil. jatcoh Braden 4ripeï and für larepny. Décember 16, l'lie Queen -Vs. Jailtes Pqwé11---ýTwe eriïoner wu itiffiered for fitealing a pair ýf bonts frota T. J. Hut4dayýâ store, in ;rOoklin, in Oci ' ast, The- prigoner plead- d .11NOt ouiltyy,! auhmbe't of wititesseils rere calleil for the proaecution, aud the ury rendered a virdict for,ýhe Crown. S. 1 Coeliralie-fcr the crown. TIte Queen -ô#. George < 1-The risuner was charged with la 'hY, of a ýuira1o robe, and a1àowî1th rQceiviiiý itoien roperty. The Crownabatidonedtbë first uunt, -étA called a number of witneu" on jo count for receiving. The defence set ùo ai that the pri.ioner hâJ bought the ' robý üM a boy called Gratiain, and a wituess a,3 called who provpd the s»le ; but Gr&- am wan callèdby -the Crown, -and denied &fing aold it tu the pri8oner. The Jury rier a riburtabience brougýt il) a verdict Guilty S.1i cochrane far tho Crowa, J.E.Fare. ell deftýndt-d the priguner. 7%c Queen rs, eYetitilty Powell-Thé ri»Orier iv M_ iuilicted for receiving ïiolou, reperty. Vardict- G -jilty, S. H. c0chrAa0ý )e the crown. The Grand Jury ignored bills againse ran!.Ilu and Philip Mecleilau for stuling The Queen rât. Jacoli Bradm.-'«-1ýr risoner &tond charged with si ' ealing s'sad. el, bridle and martingales front the Pr@. iiies ol Mr. James pringle at the whitby ation. A search warrant being obtait)ed c articles were founri on the P * ' la -emý i ses, over his stable. Soritalj" m the promiecudon, proveil thf) p , ro --à _- 1 _. - .. 1 - t , , ý m i, -P()LISHI]ýG BLACK It keeps the Ipathçr 1 an sa p hE S-IGN -OF TI OPPOSI The SubseTi 1][11 UGG Inc udirIng Toilet A metics,ýXursery Reqitiý made$, Beir's ders, Spieei; Combt, Corks fbr Ale v Spënýe'-' a fine lot. Bergamot, Iloge, citroi -Peppëriilint"&e- 'ýEv CrysUline Pomade anc' Creani, for ýlyller,","e lno ic S rup, a v: Physickins orderq an Pliarmawl)ial) pnUishç G eneral Col ineil of the, tics desiring properly ci all his preparations. JUST RECEIVED, &c. COAL OIL, a pu Remember the 1 .Te- OOTS AND SHOI Bstyles, for ladies au TUST to handan ahso c th Ovmi-ý,j[JOE SKATING BOOTS, Skatiqg Rin4 on a .-,Brook December

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