Whitby Chronicle, 15 Dec 1864, p. 2

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ffane,-ëo. Ontario. ,K. Rie. AMi .. The WhitîeFlis. lotbl i a fe18'e Baksipter gale,-J. Kearusl. Ãœeifer Straysd,-Im 1B Carpeuter. Port and Sherys-C. Roberts. Groceries, &.,--do. Zuit epensd,-T. H. Memillan. e Dry Gonds nd igroerie,- da. Wuter,- . 0'Donovau. Wiuter goode,-Mattever ntiRatelifl'. B3onté anti Shos.- de. Great Réduction iu Cottons, IL,-. 1 Cosîbraite. Sgiare asi Teî,--do. WhlbyTlu-s'ayDecmbcr 15,.13511 Seuiils Ontario. Mer. Glbbs i. meeting witit tht most -1»4 " î~tginz promises cf support le li Parts o( thse Ridiug, and ios pressing lis cattvmsiMost Vignrously, 4;rmptommef-Opposition te the-Cosafed- rattons. If, we cry like chittiren for te mocu, like cidren wve total ery ce,.lus empier-. Incitis phrase, ave have, lu our miud'a taye thoae f mprucicailet, Who# hecause, îter do net espy perfentionn lu poltical or rCnanial arrangements, rtnh into opposition %vith a total forgetfatnesa that thte ver. ehiffiuig attittide cf leumun aff.irs maltes a stirreader of preeouceiveti oinions. sorne- tisige uunAvoidahle. It l, tlerefoe,, aitia murprise, net tnmlnglIed villa regi-et, uhal %'e pereelve sy.rptems of hctiivin, t the- Csaanfederaîiou itheme, ife New Bousvel, P»rineaed'À% sland andi Nova Setia.- t lb ae sympieme avilI seau be sumtereti Io the vinds,tispen mature entideraticta0 vae at.rtainonedoult. Çu te Nova Scella,* It seema iueretliht., tîtat hoxiiitj ef an, rivait amouint can ccite, fromi thît quarter.0 If auj section of the fienfederation g ains more tIssu suethar, lu is that of whieh,1 Hlalifax Ifilhe epital. Tii.- man traffil Of the Iutersîolouial Railway vousîticentre (hm,uasthea gres; emporium anti rnîif "ent osiliet tu the oceue, maital sessons of I the par. Nature lbas emarked h cutI. 1%_viil hecoae, of iaecefsity, (Astd a spieus.1 diti ad graiifylag uesîesîit v I bch,) tha gol4en-gai tic the nem rpire. Lot ne meaujealîousy grudtge (bat adeattage- te.t .cali iii. eppoeeU a ote rutis e wmiasrc v asisa cotsslduntien, u-s5sct muni 9acn u4 M loamiag inthe dsitace-" MI 1s <amuî s hokt union ila trènitla; saisi <at Btlteat ara favorable as e îe rent, effr,-Ibeme a tidthe a t aic s o <n flitIt taken t tii el ed ea ua9 r4l mrteslies u nmmddé~ly- Vse ste Ihappy te Pet-cela'. biai viataer h7tIt.remayiaj iîes-to have Iseen, lu , diéppearig ; tle people are avsklug le importaace et tli i'.cait, sud are imenclag in sarnest, la diacea, file pru-ý ce aud advitahiiity cf tise greal ehauge la nec prnpoaed lu thé political couti- iaf tIse Provices, W. rejoice .Ibm: ara. Tilty sud Gr-ay, aisa publicetacet- iaialy hel inleSt. Joita, emÃŽpiatically '4 tIsstit wu adeteraujuedti l hai confederatiotu question te tite vote cf people, Thitis le a l clOu me muid vital la subjeet.. Nay, in our bbIe opinion t1tîad ha e mous to tle mue sud ver>- deocgatory tomardu lte pi if lisa.usatter cf gn great moment, 0& C tîle s ot ieterested lu tle 'ge ahlltiha.e-lected. Whoun ail tle rmnaeisll bave heen fuliy adjuatesl i by *Il cme&"atue teucf tbe nation he que4tion,eiîher b>- a direct vote, or disssolutien, vhlcit il give lte peo- th. option of reîuriiug mha'bre lufa- of,or aiesee't'> tha mesara. 0e knov tuait tere are illi dbais,$vite op lu thie darlunèsàof tlseir cmis potiti- 6mi, vapls alun îthm ligit, "aveou t piitry question, sau tetht electiou if hn1iSest officiai, ands! - vite li bug siv'es ,jader tle oielier of Ileir #Un 0, vini vboua tvital questiou as tua *lx f g0afeiunit uadet- vbicb y, 9mýcbIldrest are o Ji", fa unier coau- l i'-bel-h#s îIuo ave n.amies& dUt1 *U.¶4qv.eteUn Coenasclsin- ~~elp~t~slqtsep e flang aide- the~ eo.apinflY*la t iis reat prOjasoCt ý wa the "of xt&1 let <ts mdiscard utsD ms t toIo gealer or louser adeva. îl'6a- eta flow frbi* îhis or tai jpar- sr Pbitss or, bate' iltioui, aud me -amO unIt1 a Yaumg but veil huIt Cas- te for fattre'empire sand pveaenîNa-i v ote of (bupeople.4 lî' <w. eflud tno iIippeîy ovation of the. #ret issue. Mr. Qis boldly accepta the princili. of Cou- federaticu, sud au bodiy proelamathat he yull ýousent le ne fluai mOtion, unti thtei appreval o(ýtbose tu b. a&Tcted h y thé cbauge'shall haro beeu oblalueti, eïtiier by a Pmuerai election or by a direct vote -of tbe people, Here the electors have smre- thinuatlsfactory. ýThay knew viiere, te fluti thoir caudidatewt î l i!do, and bow far lie Itteuda to go. Whee ie he Enud Mm,' Famevell ? Doea he say that--he ataproves cf submitting the. uew coustituticu te tht peopleT Net a word about it. Hte surrountis Limselt' lu i for of meservation, aud l is h'&4 qual' ifiedtt sud <iiconditienal" support leaves open asiafe loophole through which 10 malte hi s escape, when conveul ent hereafter. Mtr. Farcivelifs Addtess. Ccnsidarin'x that MrFareweil tu as acquir. ail tha nama cf beiîîg a smart pelitician, ted thut he bau h-en befome the public as an aspirant for paliamsntary honoa for mort than a 39zen years, oee avelt ex- peet tîsatthe document vltich le pub. lishes. te the elecîre cf South Ontario aut bis "Atidrea" woul&,_exhibit sous. indu. Catieut o! thoe aabilitie)s for ashielhbie frienda claies credit fan him.*'Thae oce-. !(ieu is on e Iocait forth his very heet pavera, anti ha cer'.ainly hati a subjecite empresa tht mest txninagillative cf suatesmen, in tha grandeur cf tha cen- fideratioe cf tht Britist Amesicaueprovîni ces. Bai what dîle wtflîd ? A few tame ceumîi-piace sentencees, jtumitied tegether in a style tîsat avouid *b. a tisgarce te auj ativaîtutti slebey. Net' a eiiigle siates- usun-tilte opinien, an etevuîed ides., or patrieule e otimtaaaîîdritesit coitailà. le- derd the onir qutîiity for whicii Mm.' Fire. wei'a address le reusarlabit le the minte-e tuei poearîy of maîler ahich il dispîttys. %Ve~ pit, si d1ide sitie a il tan 't4d. dreus' isent us hy a bey uttenditig ont cof our public achots, mIicli although vriîîen le hoyiàh fr.ai, ii., as i te eader asili per unit-e, se fersperior, ln styie, diction, andt he ptiieie 1arti-th et ils sentiments, as te put te aaue Mr. Faraeitl-the politiciun's -pelluleat cciceptions. Hart Ae ci th th di rh m th Pt av gr m nt nt! MI 9 . un OP it4 are both5 MRu. F.ItEWtt.u.S f1iCtO.çO, D Oatoris. ots eatitOeue àtdiS ile ase f Oure ide eag le .yi te uxc ofiselure 0rof taitÇÈrt-jae ltia t settl)osaufiltiat(e cet'-tihe Curteut li>ai t e eyut testli-on iettmi- lts*i wh .-,- et t'ils l'ie ilaI, .tcrlv, pfi. est Mua-aemte l tseree.-tî matvsa tte ts teuîii taei.-erAwr. a anuiu.li'it! Irwatidtat.aiuIth ,l'.,.isa osie, ase e tiatmtsit aetit.àttess. e et iiv dsafii t iP*l'h i te tg t sa i w lef f . tjýFk he Lutýý l tuPý&e ain uf fintijhri ats-te rt-k164t u iss? lis sy am-" haire as s theii e uw et. titi te a-ac asa' cadrs su. 'polla l a - tieas tus'dv., att eues 'Itis e.vateeîî la UnJt ',= clati Reitint Cfetuvestinse " "*.,I t te l'Y ileaser uuited 1 a ilealsth e atsrc di iou rtvt-smosen 'esCtaIcset'tts etea 1 ci'! An ti o irit riestsia .sî l a sou , rusveh Cimi nf are sess wita %ea ne st ia id.ur Tiei tyeeti l PUa m iess 1'sred %ô visey h elrie,- nMlfir m. , I ld as5 imauge atu Ibotot *octlit aj nte ut aud Io I tii-ulint utecittent1 ot i ti 1ite " a t' eis sit eo.r hie an aritsijv st..ie un ait ti t Ios lail 111re; 1%0 <saierI tisunlaseaFsemhisaio maS IWmemes th aaeisme. itdafl tissu rate t ise day udss'gs ai t ?s <v rdaim uii star te ntithdaieti uil i. fth fe 10ui e wfIe ae.t sater derstp,en the èmlaul m baSit:e i pire lait fe4uleiteCstliei oit d adstosi ittotut mc eaessIo tiseMM tethe r$ dm nîifltd - g.astie rh rentse we ltkesiutec ICIst iiie taiyitslaae 55 te mamttssui 5itiata tv.l siet idt-antise ite. Y. - ntsitua sisidebiodIa. a remafi« iaul mnese tg. anti sauppmtmitle "It7 earet h havein. aunw ner o an ed z . A ts Clhemop O ur ' ft #IrO t. Srivotas - lwheunle( k Ao FyA R te Cu. mIe L rqtwoai 1ma iituaIMMe-, De 7th uSI, e - CouatthetCcols! (tabla comsnopaces cf Mr. Farewell tIse ciafîy pelitlclan, *1î1I tle varin ghig patriet<ise of tise jothit schoel.isoy., ST'. ANsea a' uac. -There will be uose mrvices in tha clip-ch, on Sabalt, iSîli luit. Bbowtea hiot and cele. iu 1848, 1fr. IFarewell sIýgted the Atn- nexsuili Maifet tibave Canadas menez. .4 ltttJUnii4d ~Satu. '1d Mfr. Pare- voit neiceedes!, of coumea ve voats!bave le Istar aur abare of the ex peusesof'the Federali g9vem m # s a vl! abte.oe- eut- Ovu local -laglalatunne. Mr', srceà~Il le uoav fearfuti tIsaithse e4tfederatits sciemaf v BsaI~a~,npe -"1may pluge as - lut t' hoet bysa'of <asu triSe e n ltd" I a hé ê, ropaed tutu V, sntue, ments i ih uiont garditeniof thQ entaiied îhereby.? mutle Mr. Farewvel favor of&n~. -weut uniiesitatin up tht Proivince il geveruiments, with -vithout velgir incnrred -ha ha (which sMay net lesides the expeus conditional and i the acharne of couf Mr. Farewel eati it-raeottie bl O Nô ioneit.but oà srege"ale friend of f ha_ iritùen bbj httii nt theVinlilcator avoatsui1urge tiie holding cf îur' et covetinia 1859,. - pmfliamentaty aund mtuxespal letious;,oia tk<a o~rdtg - theaise day. Aeceodiugý olw-4 or more local roveru. si lrsata euist ~ u she jolur susetiasîj'.a....re for lb.he ter. ne jint-autoritll-r- ug Officers ut Parliamentary eletilua; expense that would h. ed they ar aise Reluruing Officemaj for Very evideut lu it ltat Municipal elections.ý To impoesc il en uuteitainl'luthem the. barden, -îeu oe-andti îi. .me 40uw?~b lit ~tondatlime; -of tiklug vôtei, for fàve connol4oma, ai ati oca govmumntsandtbe votes' for parlianistary cuudi4aîe't eglyi lufavor of eplittiugaolictanyàpa(e Ast1Iitc mIet twe or three localuscacagoditn.B'leu vr à'tioma Joint uthoit y" anhofagodthn. -idis nfe ng ii.expnse gouuud, parliamenutary an tnnstpal eleclonsshoud bekentas mch art, s nov oter a-ea nsd us widely separaleti as possible. - vel heur txamsiiuig) Ise, for reatiung hitd'u. WRS thteflreokîîus Convention a iair ifedetrtion. ell"eculgrftten. 1 Tht êltube comrnentîie upon tht elec. tien fer South Ontario, apprat-es, lunttte main of Mr. Farewell, as tht chtice cf the Brooltlin convention ; but sayse l'etbuhmorseapeculiarities whicla de. tract front bis general popularitj." Wail indeet iehabas, Mr. Glýobe. The Leader ceeissaeiag Upon Mi; Fareaveil's "addrem,i' says : Tf, [Mr. Fauewell,] speaki cf lte "Confederatian echeme as,- cetetlateul "te carry oui île wishes cf the Gieat '<1p.eimConvention heiti at Toîcuto, le '-1859, se far as the uuteal gevennusants ande joint auîiioriîy ef thet lav Canadas tiare coecrned.11 Tht Taronto Conven- tion densaunei tht propnRalinb Confedeý rate miii the- MarizinslProvincs; anti ativecutet, as an altemnaive mensuire, tha division cf Canada iiste tiv or thmee Pro. vincent. notnneteti hy ttsomejeiitt autbori ty. Ni. Farewe-li ciaites a certain lilmitedi déuity for thetwtv rit-til sehemes, wbit,,it in sotnrieu-t that aur wsusput forvartis tîhe rival ubai vas in tapplaut tht. other." These ame but a emoi!! esmîte of Mr. Faeretîs peculieiiex ; NIm. Farewel posseeses a pî'cssiir talenti for polkitical twistinz sud turniug, anti pnlitical scheus- ing of aIl kietis svich eue eîaly bc acquir- 4d by long yeura of practie. 1Mr. Fart. verlts exp,-riturin ltiisreqpect etîteitis ovar a quarter of a entury, rnsbraci!%g amouigot mny ocibers, bis Aetlexuîion peeuiiariîies R&iiîroutlpeculiarities, love lot s pecapuhiaiities, peculleuities cf pactteelconventions anti peculiaritits Zen- eralty. Ih requires îe ltnov Mu. Farn - aveu pretty veli te betuomisi cquainteti vith lia 'pecuiariiat' Mr-. Fare 9l8sRequlsitionç. Massy conacienlions petinsnt vcieluni t!he equlitiona vitici vert hamketi alot in faver of 1Mr. Farewell. bulieve that they- are mctally Itotnil te vote for hlm on that acceunt. No nuiht ling. 5Mr. Farevbfl diucumded ltes. requionlcs aitoge:tee for ibis, chante cf nomination st lte i nr eii oitveutioà. Tits b, sud bis ïr <ids uspbatieaiîy sleclared -befiare tbca eider te place Mfr. Parevell, (a est'. in- keemînîir,) upen an equal fùoting vitblhe ,~~~adate. The reqîisitions mtut tiere;ore httertjimgr ,anti treated as if îhey nover laed exiestet <htshe beui, cf UtrGibbs" friands *ho vere fiàodact l e.lga sucidocumestt retuember tbiand beax lu i talst cl eitbes, uaoralîy or othervise, id tiere aujeblga4ilcuippon theen vîsteven tie sanad by their signatures te a mequiustige vhicl 1Mr. Far-ewel antibis *friende busre theumelvas beatsagîy iliscardeti, - Tse «Iobe deursaucea 1ft. Gîbbse, vill chaactsritlcunecrusiluan andaxs!singe penst lu pralseof -1Mr. Ablprabate re'vali. Mr. Gihbe, aavusnseîftxsnresrredly a cordial supporter cfthlb.'Administration lu tarryis, eut lthe g reas chemne rof (unfe4a- ration . MrFarevsîi suies net eieu 5ay " hoa lu ii support tise Mlilty ; but ci- tle contrat-y declares tbat ho can net pro- taise lisuqualifled sud! sscoaditia uaip- ýert teothe acemiFt-Andi jet the Globe ativocatea Qonfederation, and asumes tw bhc tIseseeiolcisi ergan cf ithe goveru. mout I W. bave ne recta te reply, tI leugilu, te ln articleuinte Globe of îo-day (Wedleeaday;) ive aitupiy - eqetsOur Con- temporarY te rtai d udcompare the, re- apectiare *dsresecf Mr. G Qibs, sud1fr. Farewvell, and ps'cfi-bj tIse cempaisos- adrising bita aI theseaine t[më îbaî bc iile wBitIn, -or i a ait.A i &n f ThetiUnyeornisîy. le tht mrideît sente anti spirit of 1iying faim play, va opecar columus tu tjs lei- t er of"i A Wemk-ing Man," ce the t 4iect of tise Mayora!îy, Tht burdon lf'ilbis -communicatien ixi that Mechataics kiould vote for Mn. Pian, because i-, Bre sîvsi ta inechaele. Ant ie auslitsbis fricîds 10 9net-cm mnd those aWho isuta.sirilce liant,4 vitti ta trom te amidle cf Det-ecaèrlo tic fi-su Mnday le .anuary"' I nséceuise enu the imptifil censure ini lIe Laitietsen- tence be applicîl te Mr. Malctonail At- ttîeugh ncl a niechanie, 1fr. Maedanili can gay whaî fueother Mayors of W'bi4ýy cen -iba'. daring bis jear cf office, hi neyer hubai a eaue betwvean meehuties; but lova. riabty auni teul in arran.rin,, iieirtiflie amicably. Bat thea tetter cf or corar-s pendent carnîes mt 1<ils ave wnref*taîlon. ýHt argue. agiisi pete"ciinIltht M,,yor- fronst atl e cais <a particutar sei," anti lu tht next breath, urges thet tlie Mayor itotulti ée selecteti fromt a par4îeur clam, "And th*ît sneebanies ulieulti vote for Mr. Brava, iveause M r. Th-ov:i s a màeëha*c! There are alter lificationas nc ayle tu s dusi., antitht niuehnies an -iitsg msen cf Wbiîbyr, viii cci ftiite teks theni into etcunt. Thest qi!liiftcatieas 1Mr.- MNacuant. posiees in an ensinent di-gret. Mfr. bu i ei isjusat alîy frieuads aengtî he tueclaunieanti wori- nesf tht leme cf Whîby, au Mr. titoa-a bas, lhe lias deserve il heir support, andi le quilsu certain, of Ottainaiui;it. Chester Draper Vsi. Tht Towna eci Vittî- The proceedinga cf the Touwin Ceenili, ou Mond&y eveiiug, lanuder tiumbeail, aili lie foundsucmre' itan usuialy itsttiutg t soeeof car feti o loeeie. W. bave tent one. word te say. Tise facts di esosi£Papek for heiselvea. Tac VOLUS'RRrioa BLI.-M ty Olt.Our. readers vill net ueti rermiadiug cf luis e- v-eut asithiel stiorne off'uasadvtmtileïaon Tuebdmy eveaieg uexî. We ast teémd thut ne paieis viilbe spamati yhp -C~oeu- mittea b malete .affaia- fùlty as brlllitaî sud sueeeefaii uast oI f lagt jear. Free. man's Quadrille Baud w11 ,disilteoesweet Sound&" ta theaaerry t-otaries of Ters-e eliere, sud 1Mr. Gidien ilA tôprgiide flît t'he leas etheriati wants cf the liui4 ma. h veatiter promises te c l t li is e siraý1e sud uiany freus e distance have_ prmeed thier attetanmue. Ticketasaay av bailfrsom the Secretamv of lb. Bail Cenenitle. V. 4uiosiqItb demauçled thepr#nc. of uieD cf iidoubîed loy 1 éi'ýt"lldii âtac1ametat to Brittiei nsttuteionsansd IMonarchical princîpesa, it ise te preseut. Elicctra cof South Ontario, electtbe iman tint will give ocul noi- uncertain- sounti, an tpon wboue-fidelsty te the Throne yu can implicity rely-Thos.N. Gibbs. Wàit aws.She1mn ,isstili progres. ifit telxar4 k le sI, a&hi, - w, b grand army 7la 1lated h y ýConfetierate papers te hava wiited away te 20,OOÃ" mektî trong Coufederate - fore se naid te be confrouîing him et Savaunah. The Federate have matie another raid upen the. Weldon railroa, and 'clam an important socceas. This is actuaily the stm cf the avar news which fille cetumîts of telagrtphic reports. Geiti 233&, Timn cotnncll, Whithy, Manday evaningi Dec. l2th, 1864. Tise Mityor taock tht chair nt a quarter te8 S oct-, Te'thl uer unnrbere ýprpsent vert Mr. Perry, eeve, Captain Itoave, de- putîy reeve, Dr. Guen, Messrs. Brown, diameren, Camspbell, Det-eriti, Gîbsoui, anti Theas. PitTITIONS. 0f lHenry Heenaus, pmyit9' fer an e-. cirase cf salit-y, tas essr,--Mr. L'errj. 0f ,Jehn Ilameer, prayiiug for eartamissioo cf taxe,-Dr. (lunn. A. retoletieut in fat-cm of anu anante of $25 adilitieutal te, Mm. Haunaus, wtînt thrçcoglacominittceôfuthe shoeaanti paset unaeimusly, tisa Cancil laklng jute éon- sidpratinn the adidition-il detieq imposcîl epan it h, as Assemocr, in malting cut e MiIiiîia rollt, anti thteînon resident taxes,_ under the recet net. Mfr. flainuîr'm petitien watt rejîeteti, Dr Gunua, standing alcne ie fat-or of iemitting $4,80. haif tht amotunt cf taxes iiaprtsed. T.1119 TttutATlîtEîi 0005E tt- L.AW. Oe the ortiers cf tht dey bciing clitet NIr. Perry mot-rd te bat-c*bthaorc notice cf hy-taav te prevent geese, &o.. runuiag ut largre dsehergeti. Ht titi seineamîîch uts te seasîcît eiuig new se fer adrausceti lu avouiti b. a Ëaithbip upon soeapeor pee- taie te put iluius force, and aisao as tht-y were oithe oeeof a ccv elcîccon, the ,aallrr ia nî avr il lilru wiiktht-m sue- cassors lus office. Order dischargeti. Tht follovinc accounisvre reperieti on andti rîied for pal ment : M. ODan cu-,$17,50, rrpaiting fini eiigine, Isose, rtc!, &r. ; Thomas Danford $5, 4 ticys at- tendance oit circtes; Do., $9,95 for wcrlt andi miteriutts ut the Town hait ; W. H. Bdlîigs, $8 fer prepuoring appreetictship indei-ttréâ îd the boy Fuiseme to Atexanti INt-ITATION' mTO VtSTEERSu*114eA.. The Mayorreatila cometnatien i)front Mr. 4. V. lam, jr.,-ecIiotg ten ticets er inv'itattutht Vîilutteei-' Bâai, CIFT'tIEisT A Eatiutv;. TUEt CORPOuiATtOY OOP Caiptain.Hown, secotieti sy 1Mr. .CameîI. roit, tooteti7uuay s"eet coussitittee of~ three,-o;itg i Mr.erry, Dr. Getan, tht Gavarmnea. It esesirtaits vwheihtrî lita latTs-cittis t4 ottaendicf Bnocek -tret, whiàr it iii'evseeais tIse viter a at i DdIla hal bail ItaesoIdtotethe pretent Ilutbour Company. -Andeètsu te ascertuahn îber tise Corporationt bat te psy tolla tii couspauuy for ma-terliil -sucit as grave! 'anat atoiebuiuhl lut fram es Lelake. ati lu cd an saiti reud for lis, impr<ivumeuat wilaii, the corporation. Captaini Rova seit li helt inl bis handi an uccouitl acuutiug 1tu $8- t9, fer toIts5 ou -49 vords of mtone. brougbt lu freus tue Ltake by -Mr,. tatthevr Cairoli, for tisetise cf tht cerporali, .te ha placeti upaît Brodli atreet.,- ýTht chargze, hý anid, wva anew tbieg eltogehis- et' -oîth;tj liis kceusesi , Thet o14 coa- pury net-v eseaked or 01t'it n iany' sli case, ner lu fuel did tise>-cosaider teus-. scia-es entitiesik eeive auj. .Thè letter, cf -tue lram-migbht - uthorize the p.-etsnt cuopsy toipake such a chtarge, bpt fie, tCaptain Rfove,> doulld itývery m'utel, and ti - a îy mate uee cnsititred ut anin - Untile! anti agio. piece oftif'mpositioiu iu ite ralsepayers oet bs.corporatIion., Out tht 66 cetidut - of this,'ttreet jatlbp LaIte the ps'asent lirbour C<mrnpt$icad their lemh'sr, sud usin.g tle rond! Iglouga in, I tee orp,,raiont for-Ibeir ovu pUr-ý poies subargedti teir regsur -rates 10 the eut-lies -ahipiaie. Natv: -'nht - 't!untati jttors for the pprpooeq b owie d againat D I E D fýth coowpay and endeavor ed to biacken î a~ St, Mary'., on the lb.cbsalet o 4ez ee CiDP5l1~-.iatïýh n tEizbt.widow of the 1até suýd that, as au excusé fqrlth~~JiR Mr. MWlimLg~î- aieo h -Draper put fotwarid bis pàtern'aI care for Wlimm o h the intere sis of the 1tnwn, and kif I d iii. Contity of D e11.irý1 l. m, sier of John te e î d v i b oreliev e t he to" from th t e nt8oG , E sqi, 1 f' iht; t evi, aged 58 burden i cf that portiiof.Br ksteet n'as, within the corporation,- people nighî ave!! - TO 11 s8tand am*zede' t the andacitycf the:man wbc now ehnrr,d, ten, pence pér cord herbertobus on Stone, brouzlht in from u0f the Lare îund landed on the rond itueif ET in repair!1 Wa it nlot now evident thatE1 c r peopi. was - <riiifing h1i ma1icst, and -U 1 puttis nobne(y in bit own puise sit the 0 So R r .L d ifl same tuaite? At- that timj the nld, Cnm. pany kept e 'portion of the red within OF? THE the, corporation in repuir, at their own .expensc. , ita Chester Draper teck ex. celéiiîîcare, ini the t i ' b f is disinter. ( T)U 'Y OFu N'1R O emîedees for the good cf the town of- Whilby, tt, have a Special clanse inserted' in tbe transfer te bis company, Iayin-'the 1NUE E enlire burden of, two- miles-and-a-half cf the rond upon tht corporation. Andi not The va cancyjin tho Repreaqeîilation-,-f Satisfled with that exploit, he notv charges the, Iiiiig, caniscd by Mr. iowat's ne- $8.19 toil upon Stone to bc nlaced upen eCitIancocOf A Vice.ChancellortahiP in thc the tamrorad 1 Dut the Chess<-r Draper (Cosirt cf Chaîîcery, nocessîates the elc- ulf te day was a very different man te the ttir fscf esr o the reinainder cf Chester Draper cf twc years ago Re,, hr em Ttpvitgfeirnmongst (Mr.Pery) as orr fo th dued oo-you, 1 have rensOn ta knoiv, indictîtes (Mr Prr> aeasoy fr bedupd ecycir pricrence for a ceidunt rep 1resenta- pie who believed ini Mr. Draper tben; but time. hie wtt g-Wdnew that titir eycs avere openeti, andi that shere avare many more of A residence cf titirty ycarq ln Ibis Court. bis fellow towtmsien *ho didtinîît believe tY, in the Mlijeiipual affairs cf whieh 1 ten Chester Draper. In conclusion hMr. lave telicîîic inactive part, çi)uplcd %with Perr suI tat iis vesone f te cse.extenîied tomïiîercial initerectrse with Yeu, P err w euld b<tha -ce trioe ft heT)r cj a sesv a sures t e tîsat 1 de net eppear before The Totwn cf Whithy ; -it wouli aelI l Dogtira tugr repay tht toavi,, et-en if the corporation, As I tint-e actediin Couîîty maltera, il- had ta par the csts, fer titat wbuld bt asuiîgll et xiin1t ein but A Saal1 item, ccmparatively speaking, Olur local tuixca, avd proeet. e% faîr as pos- with'a3certaining thtelacis which would tiil"'. turd4eîîing yolî willi a load cf- debt, he brought te light. rie trusied te tt4cr va0sîoamry aîeins, ,sea ill lit bu mv M C hatthefuture ettrc, shoulil 1 have te lîciôr te rnov 'r anulti centent ta malie suchl an bu clecîcd your'represcenative, . te protent ahtemation as sîîggested by Dr. Gîten, andJ tho iiîîgrets of the public, ta thet bcd of bie, furrcite aas perfee*Iy wiling ;'te go iiîy hubiile ability. by ieduîeieg a dite miet énurt te test 1fr. Draper's.titi. ta the cconotny in thuadministration of aunr-Prc- toilts cleimedt hy hlm. vinciai affra. Captain R?ý%v cousenteti, and whlle do;isg sMniscue hiih the doîy.of the couccl Queticeaetf a pîsrciy local chsiracter, te aceaîin' rcim'he tevenmer whe her ich for yeurs kept up sectietual animosi- they lied given NMr. Draper eny richt ta e is n lt i, ill ioz. 1aitg oe l dut. b Poti evi ttIa 1cr'l rsh the endi cf the road ; eand whelber or not purmitted tu eter iut hit- contest ; but1 the ttw w agasentiet intcharge 1Mr. that ltee niiàius f enactu tandidt wili bu Draper's Company for tht use of the roadti weiglecd irrespect ivuo fny such conisider-, darinigtht tiM-a thW-y occupy il.'Chnt Tht resoiution then passed ai amended by an utianimous vote. Frein the tssumataca wli-h 1 hive re- A reotuion ohsqneîiy estti, ce civedIl rtat if i1.shoctld amow rusyseif a A l-alutonI§th.eflenly usd, giilrandtid tic for vôur t r age. generoUIS motion of Captauîî Ilawe, îecondeJ hy M r. Mîiotwti i scriduurhv Thew advisim, Mi. Culr-oit tnet ta p.9y the ee iidi ilîtu preseuit tîyscîf before amotns ciaimeti hy Mr. Draper, ati in. vou, ant i 0 cnîtiicîutiy aîîpeai te yoit forming him iliat the tîtavu wouid asaiume fý)ur vot so aandiiuheîcO i forth- ail espettuiibiiity ius the malter. Icîtn clection. KST'ilitO vvcza Ati POiIo LA Ttifatfîriner cctoai isbeen claimît- Mr. Pcrry introduced a by-law whicb c4d ilta inti -th e s tu bo U'ertîtituet towre passeti tireugh ali ils Stageappointie, Of vital importisce svitb boiw teichmore places tnd Iteturninug oicers for ho'd1uîs 'rfue 11tewr*niglit i letrgcd titat tht tht~~~~ ~~ muiiailetosfr1G !p-et qîzeticze befomo ttiecountry is cof t e mnor î al tr - ee tei ts'îfer 1 86 5 .: - 1 ir tti ,h r in te est tinti im po rta nîce, th a st ant ipt'. htle trtcfee uta bmit- Se&hofeltReturîiing oticert; ("cntre- Wtrîlteafr orcosdîae -Towetatdt-N. Rl. J. Westby ; Scouth Ward-IJrtiden's brick hruîtî-U. McDer- IlWithîta lie p-ist fcw enti, tusve.î mat. saenîs îlt-i li'ai e.. o n ît.z,l tla,,.qeti Tm it M cilia' t-illco, wLiim.-wu tisa natra-etn a ci)mplint. thnt eth r ttmtruueccr l ite étOwiî bsd net glae bhu uaesflor their proper amoul c f reaital, N-U caneideretiilit cauittes - The buses poietetiuai apetialj mer'tIýeftoyai' otel andi Lthielue.After sousmepai- lieuý by uxtubens aalV ,,".'uigl is4 cOf theise.mesmn roul., - sha cpmptI camua aur- tce uuntatt Ia ott, lieuWs e sero pcpin -Afb the tl Onu Motion cf Mr. Ciameren thés use of tht tovu hai! for ibrea evenintîs se the f p drt lipee, provided thee bail ma uot otibvse occupieti. 0, ýxumoton offr, F erry; paymenýt.pf Mayeït-, $4, for tavo daje ; 'rTowavus k,$ for 3 dayse p Asseior, $4, for 2 days, bfr. Pet-ty moi-ing a eslution -fer paymalnt cf $14,48 te 1Mr. Thomas Lav' ler,, explaînedt tat lots 10 ansd Il in lloek 1, or th. &,addiug,*prcpe rty, intle Soauli vend lied beeni purches by Mn. LawIer at Sheriffrstax Rate thait -tfîae lots l%4d beau origiualty grànted te the corporatiou for-a.nias-et; lut tbat 50 mnyebichattres Jingly beet sst ar inittimoltuatshoirtly cifter lte :uit ( aC-it,. if lt e vat-eni ret-hi- - o Seapluiiiecti, htarv, Il'cthe' strîules2 I eii-i i ît'.e beci a m de-jet this greit 'usase-, te be-b'arn in a day." - pu mm' s ,s v Camu t acuoIhos-ut he ,on ta zn da, tcr ut-tuti u 'ta"e~îy ni t tt. eht$tti". J)àsty 4e î ,y. - W!tleuevsftc'endim purtbe9av4i Ibu IcauýoLse goeqneduguUC cr4lýe te d irty ofuno t Prwovinces pila~~~ emut iucsiyc ot h rtniuc lmhiehbu utitreti n motie idghev'thau Ci .th i t he iiti, h-ý ipi i j NEW ADýEISi I - N~Y 18 ýAT 1>ERR N os-ti f DniiddieStreet liedla ~ O1asS LY'S OLD STAND, Ttue e tock i s Cea'remtil<tilty.heavy, and as te teson 1is se furr îdineetl, leis îhcw ta- tng MON n t prîces tavel.t titti emer bdfire offer. ed ta thetppiaileof Whitby, and surronding netdliborisood. Stiouli net mies% thil. eppertniuy f lyl rtitir l.utY te SUetIi udt-intege a;isi»noie onr- eti bytilus e. 4, Brock Strtat, JAeîrfîu.. Whitîy, Ite. 1, 1804. - 11 Bankru'ptV GREAT SALE M3Y AÀJCTIO0 0F DRY GO OMS.k n Kf t ,îrur'tey et Memrs Ofhit uC . ah t-.Paul's Chiimetyuird, ."in.Kgtni .alije £300O. sît.*tt,000-oipented.t(s na I)e ( Ptsi rtehnthc theLredt(ra fluskrupiy, Mr, Jas. Roarn8, Â ton r, avickd ieen Ceit4iau Agents Netre Dtse Street, enni, ifri bpufatît Aisetletill tht reilîtîiihit jiarliin et tiflt above .s Oak 1no cia lietill, aiieiqaiisscfDi-g tn ntl-a GWest 111 EugseiCî.t<tBnet, 1Bitte, Bratn Kemde> icini-.., D--tjukin.iai Tavea1a, set li Ttiere avihiai, e ilîan a qaantity Of* EtîutIiqi CoLice GoM'eitits, ottisii f BWItîehd uttîiteitt iritaliie)nd eltetked. Stttetiiîg tand !rets iltgret mriety. Alto, 1a qait,y cf e hCil tSitia, resa, l 1fr J.K. egi iaostrexpestfily bt aItthe% %ttontinlit cn i the ititiaehtitIs tlye w, -ted stîrruuî'iiuç ceutry, tu tbt.s tock of BiLîver Cîtita wtInt .sîeus aaipuute p>tîtein- anaiî %«usai shwîî,vithttheb. Utten Gôfade bu avit-i r sitle hy lite Auctiôt 47'i'Sby'S New orp, Dutns 'tre4el,,Whittay4 s 0 f 42f > Autitoseer i Whi skey 'WVhitby, Dec NEW AD'V Boo0ts tAreofv T ieet wumitt:- a- year li tilu t Decemiser 14, 186-1 4Jabing - lexcellent 1, A spplid. I1 Wtuitby, een col The unsleri SATLTR Pt-ar7 one acqunîti wiîh tht fuels knows il vau net. In faut we have eurý selves heard Mr.*Jnhe Gordon, lattu cf Brccklin, bout inl the presence cf others tbat ha inanage theii Whiîhy towship delegates by wheî ha deneminuîîd e "1fiank teet-ement." Where's the Writ fer !îucuh Ontarios? -Mr. XMeata:accepteti office Ibreea ,seeks before tht appeintmeet cf bis eiîccesser. jet, atrenge te nay, that the writ bas hers issaet for 1Mr. Hoalantis coestituency, anti ha lias ben re-eleeteti, ahila no-arit li yet bt-en issuetifer South Onferie. iteasen ahy-Mr. Mcvi' did nettlate the oecessarr final steps te apupriauq the Speaker cf the vacancy, tse as te 'ehiî hlm te seauti lis warrant. te thte leugc or tht Crevn lun Chaeeery ta issue tise arit What cures Mr. Meavat about tht elictors1 cf Soauth On~trio nov;- is he net fiee. ChancelIer?7 -0 5M And 1 -

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