Whitby Chronicle, 15 Dec 1864, p. 1

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ME WttlTBT OBRONIOJ4 la PIfULluNNU ON THISnmme ,or Brook VUStre, WUV 1I tMUN 8150 IPER ANNUX, ADVERTISEEENS! iiiniem,î nesrtit) ln Nopan. m4imgattii. rate off cont apr th2rtoi.ad t sils penrlUno, oaoh With calma Priated wordo, great thoughts and untiuli i VOL. VIII WHEITR-Y. c. W.. T Mi'oeag1 p 580e, Propos., noîjer pda9ussaUxbnatgti. 1WIANT TAILOR, BROOK STREET, LOUIS DUSOIst BAATa-£omror0fYork and EX- Llan& imiaStrsta 'Torontt. Rfshai TROX x HUsTON, OWN LAUIWIITBY J. op &y]6lÎ>nops ONIUEAL HOJUSE, 127 Kn MToronto. - lCigst, Wesl, 5 Ily . WARWICK, SDeuttallootaa direedy 'oppo. 'tthtird door acrîla of l itat 1 jýfiat.47 s- >OBQoWN8T 1 XP<lTER, WhoelMo< îhi odrlai Tobùo,-Cirq as, a ibn. MébWi Ppe-#* 58 Iaite>'Gooks1 Ne. %t asl "t, Toronto. "DAVM101110IIp, S y Lt o obuaitesKandste tho a-m o a r; V te lite lAi4f aviwo T s o e a d (s ra te ly o r to g st r ) ,t i, b o i f il l s ,- at be, iw n o e 1 ta n tg O f t bla T o v i a r a d i « e ni t >I e SoIréops , Coutat0, &0m<., ijn reaien- aber ci puablc patronage, Tii. atabM& «e.g=Mdit) ail or r 0 toa - shcu-raom la cf the be,4tdori tionî m.d a Tetuo »r 4 onGl sve'I uc md or Fer teram)e aogmgsnentsa md4rOm- a *i'fhl a Otei'a.ttlvs cm Is îabbe~srloBtel.,, 1 vr Vlmi MA J. WOL ENDEN toud t hâ ost. &w"r 'OUb dled Oraa o4 dlnt> bet Pt"bod a làa u J. w&u'mmu', eôw. n"tda 1 t =pe, ad 'siby P. 0 Wlîttby, lMatch 2, 18U' f ftli!1tethe reulatsou of Mà Pe B1ivy'asi,.e.;.., a W. H . R A SÂE T5RV tsamns la flik place,selit, aal, ftee lhaé tomsxs, santh ie pubue gaaerally. 1 tout,. Oslen. Il 4m. J49BOM TIIOMIS3 REVERE nous£, ILAVING 'URIEIA6ED TREà t4ohruat- aund fuiri thaad Ie Bar W ZI« meuh igar . -t CdIOMM lnail10e.; "Deavsu ouw mVe'1r .l The fôll'oing rhapsody Wýas sotualîr transmitt.d a fOW daY. since by an admîr.- IL would ho vain -wereI Jo atterri t>to describe the 'nidescribly estatic iii whioh one spark of tiie irmethean lre f' ycur penotràting oye1 darto -d loto Mlysoul whon fOrs-el etthe Powcrof your charma; _______thon it.a ht nforgettng'*the- lurd giÏtnins.othethousatida cfglow wrms wich creep along on -tbf, terres-, Kaowledgeg Brothothood. trial sphore becarno enraî,tured wlth the' transcendantglory of y * aglioliiht- riesa. Had I tile pencil. of a %Rahielhe, [1I~R 15, 1864. N O 49 sublime, digniflorj nmoje4Lcnn;cI~ ~ spri:stirrimg conceptions cf a Byron-- 'fa L A'as I Laidyou, bofs a-terrble coward* s o . inaieed, would 1 tt.mpt >ta sketch S I thought Lte on! y plan wag to push the Nom. faint idea cf your incompara beex* Lhing on a quickly as possible Yeu wiiî cellelncies ; but whit pencil cen desoribe be quite plessad witb iiow 1 bave manag. the graccful lighthess of thatLti leiit i et Worh. cd IL What do'pu think, now, did ta netsintul 10oeil tOint afcr which par- -induco bue to ffbt at ail r' t4kes more of- spirit titan et flesh, and3 Whoro, frcm the. arra Creator'% lband, 'Whj, consume Ine, 1 4on't know.' hlocd uder the o ntle pressure eof whose Inrder tand in wisiloîn plaan'id c 1ewardnhurn6u worc tho groateat aue) llstop the fragrant .fl6werg",wlil' Iloaoti Siijtl-*, orb coliefort, cwar andhumu Ievor carne rnear, and cirerthomselves as a,-verdane carpet lit thco1world'5 earflnieii . ' , yor lît WR4 I. l l Malli,', lot atiaoÎutd CIh that I wus suie youl would run eway upo your walk, scarcely fo a moment, bond To toit tillIt!? at, uî - îthe firit Lolerablo excuse you haif , <do thoîr bond, but without losiuag their ceos- The amataidatc rsnt-,"A worker tiiu, go. T'rhe ~wus tua nagoinent. I tek) him ici ty, a ieoly crwahed by a gentle, ou 1-i ii hemoit:re or ttîy h;OW toc, that yeu would wait, but insistod zphr, eoc lîmélvo,, and gppoar con- A a d q ue l! L bth e itub t o ro a o l . u o a i fa to' i s m r i so lo ly w iîh sc io n s f t h eo h o n o u s w io p u r fo o t t ps. wtle r a trghe Sltel al be ' do, tho hope of frightcning bira out of his confer uponthem. What paint c()ld gire And 1 will bics. thy to J., ne. wits.'. gle curncftoobekfShihi A:îi, sron li iinrtiamtrnwi lind ,The dotril yen did. This morning lîwould ho Saintlh-4ige to say t1ft th Lbrconm. Anvtonen or'd ala br nglua , Yes. Itwuatho enly way cf a l1bine tho iswetness cf the blîstîig, i'oe ltistoon totiihi:gli managing Lbe affair-alsfactorily I knew with tho chastoness cf te putre lily. 'Tai it n -quitmc iî, niui Wiad, anal Flat!!ç, how pleasod you iould bc o, 1 made What pôolry cao alcpict the symuietrical And, vaîsiuands et , ad , lbooaamo rather an effort.' proportions cf thaL fairy-liko bie hc Tho. tnt La gzOf aroi ill.a,, Rtthei' an efrot* did yen ?' Tho 0. fdits over rather than walka on tis eirth 'Ti* int t) gàýarould tO ec oral wi Lidthe perspiration from fin with ail Lte buoyaney cf an etliorial On- lina, Iattr'd o nl. brow, ana dçow a very long breatit as ho cCnr~~Wht~e4ace ocbo Ueao,Tleftrcshlu kI. repeated, 'Rltther an effort. llow very' Ihoso cxquisiîeîy.clîise:îlad figatures, whose un t- frrfr*o hé o kind. Conumrtait T,, hew kind.' genîlest smilo speaka volumes to the seul, o f i a n ' s t i t i à p l i u t t k i ia D o n tî m e n i m I , ' s a it ) i . ,l w i î î s u d 8 1 , ll t h Ïit m d . w i tb t o n t h o n s a n d Tm'matlh wanltîyj, ad ihe, «mat, manage anythigjf,' se thât your honour brilUit itoaginingg cf tedi-vine. ineffable Lot tii,.,,iadora îtiair Iaigh eqo'te, shill romain untouchod and iaoblomishod, ProcPtopl$iOf wOtnaD, as concentratal in n Aud do tii, toaid heouldaiecor i e, cf course, la the grand point. Wbat your bowitchmong persori. Ha1i; ' :tr tk1c r And llgt iii, lo, am rih ad por, lIlle; what ia a limb withouî boueur. tlipn'charaer ofLtesavage b.reitÈ. ;iutme taearia,ttait to labouir an d cuecdomnure, o ih c invoke thy aid in attempting te, degcribe Tliat wheiitiat, 1ju î~t;e shall come, directly.' the idol of my seul. But music i whero Wlici. Mui a iniini'a t> tils hoto, I left bhlm L> bis cwn ruminaiona. for fi ~the nusic w'lidsee- moaôt enrapturing SAnd nle a tihe iai suit Rame littho lime, becauso I saw frein the symphonies'il o a11lt1 eat n Enl iti';4Wriî...aaîunt,,taad or NI ~t winuiow my frien) Ashurst arrive in a tbarînonion dscadewtn cofmpared wiu As lefl w r 1do .c a c, accom panie) by tw o ycîîng m on, li e eup enos 1 a en es c Ifr o4 a g- from wlaose counitenances I caauld galber -O O a ents ocrwrs mg that lthey ftcnugh:ithe whcle affair lthe cries, poeiry, at musi, ye3'0 aoaIlfb- -funniest joko they bad over oxperienced sîiffcient, and, tire portrait whict I'stojld or boon e g nanidLtey'hall had drawl witîb your assistance, wouldawy sanc oxpe tnce, ne deubî, in that line. appeer m*,vile deub, whiist' my heart re.' Generni Green ; M- a Cold Encoeiî:er. 1'Oh, jou are hoe," said Ashurst;, &haï lained thteImpression cf thoeadorable or-- -th generel comewl" iginal. But, oh, I asc myse1 cano 011 50 Oh, yes ho la. Ttc son of a magis- Yef%, yoi ;;nl's righit Ask lobe stown uItterl>' unwoÏrtby as I hîlpe tL gaia pages- trate of a couriîy, and a knigitt of lthe imb'lite privato.room noxt te Liete wo Ni no hsssc taI ee!é&lon sbire. Yau cao easily liglat bina, Timero's gentlemen who are hore, mneaning mne and IL in treeson, fair serapit, thittl gaz' tîpen my card, fraont which you will perceivo I1 the goneral, and then we cao menageteyu .tmr nes neebla arn a pitysicin,. But 1 look upon yeni as preliinaries nicel>'.'goL.yuuwLbmrineeinrelbia miser'-mainifests wlsen gloiting Over-bis ge injure] n man, tiat I arn wilimag le Iran up teLter general again. and tlid boards cf filthy lucre. Dco nt forbfd e waïvc ail cemsidematîoîia, and second yen hlm the foc haîdcoule. ta> love yen; for 1 wauld noîbc gult> of' tuera the occasion. For ni> part, 1 don't 1'The>' wii ho in Lb. next room in a disobeying yen. Bidine, if yeu ploie, tO' titink¶ae wiII mocet yen ; for I reail>' înk moment,' I said. ' But ymî can'î tbijnk kntck ont my oyo ag.ainst oeof the o"~rns, the flolow is a cowtrd.' what a frigbî ho sooms te o b; W-wbetber cf theéeoôn, 'trace the langes dry %uiith a 1fouind1thc lust argument lte meut of il's lte cold or net, cf courge I cent se>, eSpoen, or taikoui one cf Ltre pyramidai iciea t one I could use, and il decided the but ho lsaail cf a tremble, 1 can assre oyuc Egypt - wiîh a pair cf sugrtn_ ;ce gent$ al ut oncego Sa>tet aller seme furtier Oh, yen will bave an easy victory' manfd mintafetci y ou Snowdon, 'lthe Pyr- asrt~, go: bina lonto an botel close at Consume me, you dan't sây so. Blo'od enees, te& Peak O f Toneriffe, and- Mount -sd, wben lie fairly wrcle a challenge and) gunpewder; A'lîcmsit hlm. Thoe lnfrasta iim> naxet 114ncl 1 cdhi oî4poei'a.rsa.Wud udcrrd, bu 0l'l agodeswerjunks, cbop-sticks, 'and a hoat Iresa, and) mado an appoinlment Wlîb meake daylight show thrOuh'lîm.' 'cfmadrins in a teap t - bldme conve'L im ai liat saite hôteln:îon efcllowing huait I bush!1 Tiey are Ina-the ne Mount Etna. inoa usnowLaii, and -iYesuvius' aorning at ninci o'clock. After,,tiis 1 room. I wiIl go and seLtle Lte proliminu. ino an, ico creani'; bid ie Le' maço -the was auxieus to.geL rit) cf tir, and) havlng ries loyà.' Greakt. Bernard into a sbuttleoock and bundcal hi, greast unwieldv fera»i ilo a i wefft loto Lte noxt ,aparteent d L te Andles loto a bgteooa i'f tu coaci, 1 went homo1 anxietîy expcengi Ashura tint) 1 aod bis ta-c,'friends coulai-amusement; bld me to feteit -ye5*.ho Cai frôaia my . friend Agirurt, wbc 1 was hbard>' keep dca-n aur mairtit, as 1 laid,,Ncrth Pole for a rollîog.pip,, the trident, cf surc a lsalteeonie anthe general at iHyde thent 'vat a ridicnlugfright the generalNptme for a thrediader droipet Park, aatliengh 1 dit) net tbink tiis gâter was iii. 'Ve ,egree) upono otr-pian 'of Pillar.for a bodldi'- bit) me t6' cOni Out et).' operationg,-ainthobn 1went beck. the grains of aind iin tlIc .Arabian ] m About tonnaa'ciock ho camne ifanmd ai<l,, General,' I snid; ttheé fellow l bor- Oteasure yenuaieogth of a1nwyp'* on rlth a sanile,- nb)>' afra4.d, but t's ail settld. We are science, rLlyx h ~gLo *I supp;ose tI was in grelat danger.' La go: lto cnt- respective vobicles aiid to comab's imiptidince - bld e-te iureMplist 'Net înuch, but tellme lbst what your driWodown the road ioto tbe counLry te a pilgriiage te Jerusalcai çon eyl ws dotar says,.eut) thocn I wii gave ycu rnewa sertie quiet spot, wiîct as soo-a aS sec ,ride knërort>dl. g . f,yaba f lte general.' w. are toalight and Laetis affala' over.' bow, orchp upLte sh t lt i~ Ltoito i~si cf .15 1 piulcnîsta iiade wlh avetiers by R @ LN M UE O M R I L M T L J E L8 M T L L E T A T 0 8 4 0 rE tisa talmon tho a"lirookianouI* Mus ,"Rtii 1lAXC nLENo' 'I R olat iVtlak oai t îr e klie l i bl, ailadFN a n m d ton I E O d m lm d b wt nfra-ior a d t c oi ~I t tc ' Z, ~ iona, rî aewelit oatabla g and attentive Omuhma.r& a 0 blivo Welknow nlsaind w trte traveling a &!pr e pl ite Towit of Whithy, tn te Mo0 Ail eoi oeio ,t,TE 3AP N R STA RAN mdatloai no liaithoM'r.LTaw bis~o n o: . iEl.v '~ ux ustinIOa~v.-t<~ or a aln tmo s.t o v oi uislv ig sl mellon; the buar lup UrOO ,'Iten.b:a a, te e et fiAtKldOP androne i r nuîAreWarll press, a ore J1 il ld h aMEtiENccmmDoItSon. If umicle r e nt efor h up.eo a tien BY iRA aI. At rit mi atnlir vod te cs'.d- ER aaItand, tu:uaeiit, a9 aileuadM ho:ThetaGO GE fE beE5pr oîr< tt OTgtOo in acf apamoiîud tni 'isa n' the nal>, t ant aliti] osmiimlhvn,0aeyhil l nsdodr W. K.OF DEAN,£ Mana in ger. te e dollnmeaj ao, PRAIRIEBonsIIL'iCENS. QUAIL, 8NIPR no l. ItS'roclvej, parrsisiras",ont ue 0foOn aAMo Ïrrytng on R.DAq1an e gtd' he hodAclcammtodation. PAIIEIedioat oALSNP9 fwunxto»ry ryig n L.inst Va A D NEL i:na bcaoatrtoaithpaqnatn. l, Placer LPatriJ#cm, Witd Docks and 'Ioni ANll d & V p B th eCoc fOtro Ar okdt ira, tois tioai,ea catît. 1A140, À jcîorgw usI;tk et Miitreat, Bcku, 2,ALEX. P.EERIIE. SIIELL -AND (iAN QYSTERS, ELECTRO MAGNETC BATH et i~WiLbY, Iais El ltanhdyoN- an d4î: Urr to ei nti.th lnit iof ouutaaieo, lD"e. 2 hals, 5e Lobaiersb, t.0., Whloglé hsuditîti. For ria. cureofe Iiuat iacln, ie c. csmret4, aQ. C. I. J. MA 'cites,. Ontaurio Dinigag ll RitRstaurann"httis' ]roki Soe grânt wo uti taotago-.x . tot ltat-pitt weir ta Thura 'icc M i g'. ceitims ki ,ae, mm. a a-t ro ki r g Soe p tthOffceofîîîte lta ,Cot- C lta.tua,)Traot.T)intRsIUSSELL'S H 0, TEL.Adolaide St, near Yonge St. A mi seti a l b3 io C'at It>d raTF T oi'to. E T . E lermThésOvarions hacha, a'clieaiarliixtered iay ox- EALER hon iga ,aoit lolin Eonoa B'DARTNELL,aiflu% ieilt vdrtge opeoofa&C & jl4* ,A;i !EY coN EY AN ' Li îortus, &o.,of terfinbrte, a lmir. Wn, 1IEioosae r ltr the ove Dr, Ioaler naya cni tîlemeohina "Tu 13 ~~naolIOEL mraecuny teoanpri,,, Manlct î'moî'u"v, nislover l'o araiful t, ot1 Medi fis alitaya on haid c<eré. .Oie. hyraan.St Wt,îtby. f;SM I'I thoir friendi, anal patronat t evt e ave t,.yen for aaegaraltiir te il tiireorganaOrrelIeVIutg hni 168 '9 ON & lAMPIION 11catateï eghitlaritaaîîalrl..,,(IrqiieaariAd 4j DAUo2 the wlAttorneys-,ieItùoop, abc. th, ;a nov br cirer t' e t atiireentneha ieuiei iîthui.cs,<t, "j(yr- (li Mm ers tthe Lexglsature, Aiul the Trots. to it fr(tnatireglan:t rnehlc o'ma tlin.',Vt, 6tAB U E Âltoraaiy,, lîatialga T ~ OBE Ili addlitiotePthe ,sPrirtmenAôcôSo tnodntion. bln W- Tilaa, edîaeo< litatl re ontirel> aixs- OU'aih s 51, Vaut-my. aahalittaan te ttc ap V. W.t g nsth,' hatla lnt wh ia ci rui ctic ret of tii. osuabîlatauent. OlIN 8PhRIIRLL ....propritor. vlne adpolt kîtheami n I ettagelish ud aron t niuso oearcs Iiaîti.l. wh o r ferfeAGNEW st WARDELL. ÎRE sauisonIti. demires ttifoemlois nuu>o T o r o n t o , J a l 1 eilJ . I .~ . R - t e i t u r tim, w i t a c a h o i l b e n i u rl na ,, i f q b ce a e m ops h a , C i t y . T o r n t o , S e p t . 2 1, 3 8 4 1 . s a d i l i sât i a t O 0 W c ar ry i ti g O u at h i c Tosao J17 O 14. A L> 0 . flae%mon and lbed ri amuowid 1 r n W . R SSE La] lNeIlt, andt) lIt lt ule i oà but tige JOUX VitUAMi Jxt- thtmis,î~ ai lai% seaLg at, . WOîv icîit sud t -bO fet"ie,, iqlIesO bL'ý ]s2M tu -filts- CLgýO TICIZ0YWN AND Thl ii.. mm hîart'ba o nv _____________ F Aemi l o.sefialfr <;lPl«a uiCmek ortfliat Coalignyy houri.- a, fnlt atAius'I; pniitud, i'ipeZeaL». -- M tO l E u At Oi. sei a r td..od tith oi** P fKItle a It tict lwltetma',at..f40taiawal nlerr V1O N I ( LJOUN a'UICHILL. __ iuaiacri iitamvcuaî.i:f'a niaa, taeTravailler ,-a1 Po Acto'-1O00acrca, aituate os, LiaiN2, i>b' Oct. 4. 1864. COCHtANE, La fiisse du itI i tt Y.uandhuthe, 4ta ciica,.ioi e lie fwuahutî o ai OR)R89 s . OC IR NE L L.ilO. t1iitim iurtî&ai,a vaahti0Tictoiîatimah.CSIiWAlit V the t ri a.24, rrc oa ot"lh [< RD CtO W N A'ra>lin EY F i N OR 0& 13NR T lI R.1-1oî sitcream ieuremoaid lu nra ttt' cf ALiamii E% FRUITS, FISII, 0YSTEM' ýIho, lkrtrla,îsr st Aiircv-it-lsvanu orgo eiillvatlnta. 'fîaeme promnises are ebunaho eWitî-D 'Gnate, B ta te,,Iuar, p IL 1 ~~~ ~Notice tu Farniers adOthes ffl wlle f'eU)ti TnaW-ti ho Oitaiiah 6 KiiNnitreay %hg>ttuomiit 0916MentiItgNe ii iur nito nodMecnie Mi as orte ctiet aîatlltunîtWo a-ot aer- a#I iLbq Ocr4 lWluta'Ii.tcaîi dktail, !P.t iaqa Fai ire & Ide Iflhjrance Com'ly. lf~a a aiaaiit«'Iairu Tas &P>jhh W .RC RD y-bi.Protti lnraor barrot; MN ,gu, ,.fl aari'a2 t a, oîm t prcîni.am a c a U.4 A RTNEL(14h).cvi, d .,a Il slaa's Extra oaiti..î W. I. DEAN, I4o .craaa tinwi a 5'aitaNriuo,1864. Cosiiaach I. rt-do l'0 1tien t o. wta c iut.11a.Apply ta Orthlns y and oxaîmino.r an Chiancore frL rr ndC«tsiithe l't .r:aiîda Wttgh, fi.7 lae.THIOMAS Do1w 11 l IA II AT . I.n tuta ny otOntario, Bynýn-st., Wultby 47 ittlice i(uttier, .] Hoiat lrgtente i Nc. fil-~ _______~~h lti~.8"amrn tas "~lily QSA)a 'r F tlIUIe Dr.W'u'y RIOBERT J. WILNON. A.AIFO'D -St OGti& ualcCcSiaeasso taDm 42a,, L.uw.sIJ.A.IIMA&JONEq, B*R1LflTER &ATrotNE TLA%", rnkln, J'itiarl, as; 3. 4 M R.'E %.otia .~ÊR SUAC O, htist u bd tiuu'ca golatit Ton A c.%lt vC.W 'L _ N)aam , ut etatl, OLI:r o t Rî IN <; ctî,as, , v. AM. c c.ce I. M JARiu%,NASILLA. Ql.Oc. Ititoava , amiT'attîo, ad ,'th.r lu."A.'"Es. U (S E -T1A AN t li[ a Pl*iscsi Consaa Alril etotion. duiy reixrt. 0 litC iter. SAAC FENTON, Ociad PraOd~P rl;Ptll ald o ,v . ESorIS. INT OLPUEROYALoL;, fa'r Fm'araicar U,>fi0, ler-Scct,-Law t<hmuihcliD IN 1782. WYo AL LY(CîUM, Kîîul I> WlonfodIltoua i billu iillaDretrý, c, e , GILLF -1--- IO" T LuC., forov, Jr TY R E TJ. ttLi'T) 111 -l - ~ ....TTuItN y AT r& ~ 5a ~j~ 'Ita %,I B ' inia tteafairtrave' or"' Oataj staatltng afond treusil; R.&<tA. mi1llur W ut.î"Ba.m.'tr aaa (aauivery ( , ntea, &t., or es Atntv itt .i and thtiara,, Ntnrtreai odt oen'llitaltoge <tpovoîStrs, W itby. (. W. -49ouaoal, $latcuatcr itli, 1852BS5.bd T"ItNeYS-ual Laus.'8SMu>' FiltiINalie ~nrCenccaîaora,<te.A LI IO N O T F eaed u t : farole tena#"andlFOR SALEb ovor the tioE .~Offia,BrookhaStroct, W litiJAMES BLAcK, TT OLICIToR te, tclau Londoi. O N l~0ç n ay Teis 0of P y et b>'.14 naupiaanm. AS HIIMOVEIi itI wlm a litii O. U a, iatbv ,.,jCà (CRAS.. C. KEILLER. JAR. LAMON I I .aan4ara, -'O, >ar ah0 i. e> ~ls.Asn t 1hù . ,Avatbl rufg0o it<Entla at OitigttWlithy, C. (V. EAST WINDSOR ROURE, WlftTslY, tcir fo ~NaIit oek mîi t pituaNîtO _____________________ik n et endita ffrIau, - ~ lrekC.W w ,4mae i'b. Jan. 28. 180;2.îwf~ o aela tl lo ....ZI - _- - '-- -- ""'ilIlefId ordaâtdOiaDIGNI KILL R, r I ,aboe eIloe]ais Ahmaiteil Ia oritîn H~ R I @ E ~ f IK acpuot Ir ortird part of the Towna, omttitfronitrosai. TITER nII y RATt11 1='o':prpot folc .add an TTORi>NEy AT LAW, SOLIIT'IOR IN tsbh>l aecsuom stetiro eartflr aaasarrsnts.)T utilfli- Gond.i acoemmuaaxien l.r traLele Il F eal nn1eriited laa. bocn npj.ohi iAgent o, 1-94rfeu'fraltunt ro cSte, ton,a isr >a croaucc.10c. 'tuW.g - DUNDAS STREIIT, WilIITlly, C. W. hnsut'aice CenuuJalouxtua111ts"11eipail J*.IKERGRENWO», VICTORIA MOTEL. fusil Iv impito. t On ,t ak..-io it tî) . e t,,UortscinuoBro too - T idinMusag* Lf., A=srance Cemp'ny lnc -A Chncer, Nntrv 1jibli. IA Nô. 8,19 lst fronteonu , uu j k stoc. o âo, th, 27U. ohn telel"or , r cuiaivit...j , lie Mo1is-calFis-e Is'deepc. i uJy ooeaPkd t'y 4osacpu th J& . F IAREWELL, Xi L. ., ANGLO.REICANJUQgt- ' Atouil . tcM ucaiiity la rvicr~s,-n.' "aTti##1usaah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tlit_ P o nt__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lots_ li ,_ Con -_k J.re H A ze P E R Y,ý 88mnoos7t~.-yopposite gucleatCalin e, ttieaIlotD]olsanomPufor Tlatellers,.wa. BlockAPgTL.rue%,fron4 Coavo>'siucth. ., <t.eUFFINS iIUK.brICK NT4,.19. 184g. taeRaa'4 éee IL A -, 1 F mimLowr<be bain o iteP r up rt ie t#ho o . W IL LI A M T E E F E alOT, 4. D. plldtbOui ta due ttsidcrsh.rned.b e fl N 5 it,,N rht t e trv llti bi.B ifa .ti h Co pa y ul. forthls, ttai 11007<, hATE 0F Wet. instable.onPnrt. TO W'th. in an- îu C At b s NT eO ,tN aM OT Ec pL ich t tI,1 64 41c ~ Â B R a r r liig A e t I r u iao t .1 . A D~L R WN i. eam the afor w ollevii hetal wltkha '19 ber h o p etri Garont undo a .rt)m ii t,,'as st sl Ota> UN BItotCi erai Agoi, SlbIingad 5» ttent veX.s1er. 1 ->' n.«i, Dlo t s.h A ser ic, u Lve.e P R Y, q a Ol e i lor ince A eo t, i -1o at o es ke G dIl T ru a k RA iT w PUEy l N o l.l A J ~ A ç < , o l s d o d nW l t y i 3 9 , E R A L e . 1 u p i t r -T . C .' hI E e b s erlr sfi a l u p Lite1a ew u vfon d V illa< W V V I I f o r a i l e fo - fi, EandDELL, T kn ovii premisau-v-lraveingAgnt eto% saththiigJ .valer«doo u . t heTouS o* Itt gi NV YA C Il, aaî <î,oî alslanr ii Q. Il e -non et oe ti ison ra t em publi, tlit-e]P.GE O R G E R ET . --------- arca empilaI for %410liet let drilara B.j ,<e . QA DoWa9LtiaL eOtNt - hto a enie heio el ltr*oat bte),hhae il! f l<C ANr.î07 j t,,.,A ev soPIrIrluots atWlit) VSnm b - teaaa>nbl. tenuiaS anal FORuulob neui: la droeityater.oravltr te rmivaha net hv.liagl.T A E Rha 1uao1 OEOQlhbta a t. y e v ii o a b >'W S t . GP eu ) o d t t b e Ilevetou~eî. eiss. a afaal n s, oteand ip os aGnsl ta oevct stynt. " in i oat t Risit90on tftn lcM esAapl t eattl a R. .sLA K,.À. . l eabib>.,andt2 7 8 8.5 va.anra ileWaitentiveNo Ilt, I& 4 o al rTueCmau '.&oie lI' si, No ry uli) ndER, &C. P'eY.mriat ndliea >B R i U n O loe;-K ng S res , n arly opp sitProput r. 0 67 m o t,* O , B o o k 1 . ar anîroui W î î y .U B E M E i A T a R o u It o , Oan dBED î V A D S t M O D D R. p o o l r I a d Lo n o An W e k .(e , 9 ' U 1 Ui t O N T O t Ie . C i U N T ' ( ( & , L t o a i u " o fî n a e t h a m o ia t t > n i a n ) . T lOsh w , a m i oW . t o r ê A s r a c e C o _ t e 's et, Whlîby. 4fo'runsaî H. B. ODRELL, T021 111DeuRoseTAK h iNG.r ouli mnxboag aptal0120 uton of. O , c w . blaRIsaina1 . n W Z ia IOI ont.tl' n -'or lirai. , o u 3. T.ah IF II DI IS ON CO RT l ut hyd,#ffii lsl rsi C a ges t el t Oil H N T io ,DaI o r C ,Sig t aa a i o p n ,a a o v w v ' il w y liib O truilapN KE tA elF, Gce rplrycari or vlinGe to iviACK. J LinaW a8 2 0 0 00o0ra. Coo aprahig 1. Twa~hi Brok. Ad-4-(1y1t;Il,35A 4.AI la Lund~i$,i LiSEa ______ - - "~~'"' a'"'U 11051, t5W7 t#nal.mapnaalontl siej lrnga bisinsst0k t-ýj'- 'uL"U Ee Sauldaaput up ih i shah vîit tii goneral mad CaU i hl oan accout, %wbether lie iikea iL an not, id.if bo gies me ocoega<, 1shalI' do- Mant)o et u Lbhesasoton e1 a genfle. « Will yôn,' sait) I. 'Tite-general la ho- )reliant) witb - yenu, Aalurst,. for b. de-a sodas i ef yeol andf mthe bearer, of ýs challenge; ttow doa't liaok aà soniait-I ; Yeu m 'unt ueeL bleand) if' we don't laresa hlm tkgelli.r, as HÀailet Baye, ilt à* go hard Vlthi u& 1ave asàcebeue., tBut yen'ro bi14s send?' iTebeasure. Ilcw elsecouladikeep a îloet out cf bis plate! ? A. chance sot] ouno kia, n troahe bnda f tie riatonl caat ieworlt, woult) do t lsbief. But ashow me ta 'explain.' a 'L, h. lut The omily reason titat I n SlutI did ot, think, yoe nvouîd reet a ým, y au were sucl, a cowarul' k 'Tbank yen; upo~ n>'y ver') wbewne ais e chbter, nýbody eau gl'reIt like il boi imate fin.' , - a Corne, coi, dnt)çat imtpatient. Tie, *1 tlF lA.,I have ten oenougit of Ibis gertere!' a id ontttîbcis lune of itegroatesî l st noLithedulsnmi. r. aIt Lte alaiffle 'O! hodiel ii VMYpoeaiW wîa". but Morc>' it~ tOne' w, 'Bang vent, !talt ris, (irern. Boston mand t e !$,te yca s-, dais Sceei nt Our 'TemnenLi VO 1IE!- ý, Witt)a' hý, ooffer > vihitwilli canierg, 10,1Y.1 rks1 ii ira 0s Ies 1LANS Ihait lai s i ou muak P'lailtidl,

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