t ;urr. . f New, iifertispflentS s Day tSftd ('ste a,24 Blu,ne" tetanauclt. Gats, Là dies' sud ChldrenssBouts uand Sisee-dRed Wite and Rin," skratingeoto-"Red WisitisandiDine.", Water.proef lacking-94 Bed White*e.a 131ce." Maehins tisread ke.-"Rled Wite met Bîne." Fail> ltssng stoe-Jas. HGerri6. Cbrittmas andi New.Year's Gifl-Jas. H Gerrle. Albums, &o.-Jas H. Gerrie. Lampe. k,.-Jas, H. Gerrie. Fuml>' Groceries and Provisions-H. H. Crosby. Lkipors .l.-II. il. Crosby. Lampe and CeaI Oii-L. Brown. Remoa-3. R. Puip. House sud Store te let-C. Penr. Satdile sud Hrncs-J. iR. Ihilp. Oois vo. l.ryan-Clianeery Sale. Cisancer>'SleS 13. Fairbanks. Insolvent notice-Andtrew Smih. Division Courts-Caunty osf Onitari'-. Address te Electors-N. W. Browns. Card -IL. J. Mscdenell. Insotvency ueticg Hegb Edward lBron- Robert J. Wilson, Solicitor. -Isalsie>' ntcee et Wm. Warren, Jr.- R.. J. Wilson Set. Steiglis spd Cuttera-M. 0'Douovan. Mortgage Sale--H. E. O'Dell. Card-N. W. Brcsvn. Nov Grocer>' Store-R. & J. Camspbell. To the Electors of South Ontario-A. Farewell. 8N 150 )CENWTS A YEAR Wiîiltby, TliUrs'iay, December 8, 1864. Monts 0.ntario. Mr. Abraham FareweIlihabaseen fayot-. cd vith tise nomination of thse Irooklia Convention, la neovo fairl>' betore tise electors cf South-- Ontario. A geed deal cf dssatiefactien is cxprcssed au îbe"-sn- nor la w'iich fie doiegatts te the conven. tien ver. lecter-and certainl>' if tise>' ver. clien in 0f ber In#ealitin lutise saune manner fise> vere ln tise tos'n cfr hitby, net vitiient jast cause. liere, a dosen peusens met lu a bar>', ans) in about tel minueea Irrriem t brongislie force et elece !nx eab otiier, tises anticisuafing tise pro oeedings, before thi. meetin-, bas)tintet assemble. Tua, cf coursee ctnot lI ebargeabte te %Ir. Farevel'îacoonut, &si ise mest lie iseitblameest f 1lic conduc ouf bis ofiReonudd iereet frieudfi Mr. Gibbsi ef Oshava, vbc, bas u4padilI voledthtie Reterus ticket ince 157, l neuiene'd a aprobable eppineut etfMuï Famca'shi. Othen dmnes bave 4180 lbe M%ýtlo"et, butthe liicnts- te us in the th*"a-J dy *ssiu eours. SAs we go le press, bMr. Furovailts as) dresa bas been brougt in, ans) appears in aller clamua Tas MAvesuu,'tr.-In tilis eek'm issas Ivo gentlemen anneunce theumielvea a Candidates fer tIse Mayorait>' for 185. The Inames are rcmarkable-Ma*udotei aBsud tesu-and remins nu uft hem pgeau iving pretofypea.W. consirinouceeves tes "y>a u tileas posesible isa.sntru mtug the. respective dcainxsoanl monits ofthlie tva bigb!y respectable gentlemen, vise aspire tbe omtngau-e f tise Town et Wbit. by' ;adcortaini>' abai endeavor net te as er a syllabli tist eau lie ccstrued ie offiencea te itbe. Mn. Brownt bas beea ai long ime a suiemben orthtie Town Conail, lie nepresentes) the tovu ia tise Ceunt>' Conneil, n Depat>' ueev., mmd eaims'tisat it la rw its' /fs ta te eMayosr. fHe -aise aserfn#a ti intention te become a Can- didate #aa kuove 'ea is>' et hlm frienda for mtistb put. Parreni-selvea, ce nevîs- bearti et it until within the lut few s' ia& -On the te bà ni ve I tvt tfon mentie put Tstn"aadell avoed bimacîf a can- didate, ýnd tisai hu vass'en kunovu.ans) 0peal>'eurvassetihi>'man>' et iis friends, vie are 100 te i.intimate (riens). et Mn. Brown, anti lut M. rweu'dame vas neyer irougist up. sasevea a probable can-. didate. tir. Mactioneil i a eefed MNTou lun l860-tie yemin ,et iNP-uies 'et WIà e' vimît, madthe abiltt>&asd effiaienc>' viiels hie broughât te beau ln diacbirging tbe iities, met s'ltb meritéd praime froi en onfet il ciassea ans) abaes et opinion.' On a sub. seqnent oSeaien visen M. Muouel s- gain came (es-yard,thbrengis thepresserae --offrinds, ho ver>' gramcfoiy, '(aluhoutgh ta the Mtacttaloffence cof nome OUbisgsuP- porters, ge va">' helb damsofta gen. ttepsau wbhibgatWsements sud qualifi.' calions dld:gresi honorn otfS.ciiet mins tracet ofWhitby dtrrlng tisai >'r. Msr. Midnli iili, May'or, esirguaieti siny ïMsrr<semeatm in tise coe ofi n emat. tors ;-sund, taIbis ectietiu, W:ight A180,ir asetai ut h.f...payable tu hua aM glfflratey ho naveu peeletet iu fai 2 but paiti il, as -reels'ed,' jt th ie Town Treasr>'. On ulsea..grotunds, as veilian t buseof Eteu ansd experiene5 Mr. Mac- dousplsusse bis ciaims. Thut Mn. Brown voniti mais. s geesandi au i e4as i"f matlslraii me-do uest for omemoment ey Mn. Mà odteei,iroever, bu the sdvantsge ot heing tviei, à amdjuroviusg bien-Irlteqnai 4 81ary 0SulQ, With ls t!ibI, ve in.e- msac& r tai ea tors sistltig Thse Droekliaeeting. Satiden and serbens indisposition, -tranacribinog tIse note. taketzj preis thse completien Of eUt cwv4pprt ol Brookîin meeting 'ast wèeE -Miacl emihted freu tire priniteti report as d' vuld Put a tar tlffeîýnî obisrýléiee the preecdingm, bai our fuit notes1 îgiven.. Tii. resfolution appoiutîng i gates tei a conention Wva stogeibi hcse-and-aersser affair, anti aOUspai wvien tvq.ihlrds otf iiese oyiliný1Ypre, tatilott tise noom n. upot lfau business of tie meeting asa )-slone an ead viien the. reolutien la Tars- couveutier. vasput b>' tise clbilrili ucgatiîad. Ail proénut isewïôusarcs leare s'usent evei - goiug irough formatit>' cf psssiug a vote cf tisauka tise ebairusau. A reqaeat vu made, h ecer, ton "held on," 6"just eue moment' uhat luIhore vas juat eue otiser remoluti( n vcicistise mever "ébeîieved Most f lis, prisent vouhd are.Thiat s'as resalation in tavrroef a resident cml date. Tka& -passed ai but unuimou ans) immeà iatei>' ail prcseut aroe.te perse. lu cumpan>' willimurraI otlh we left lhe meeting, betieviug tieseiai Sature it t-bamve iseca couchadeti. Wi ever aubsequteuti>'teelr place vu autlrorized by the casft îeý-!tie mu ans) s'asthe sork cf a tes' political v pullers present. Aieuogi ifislatue 1 nov te gir. a reporc tftise fruokiin mi îng-mtucl a;ch if suppliet arcurat wouic] put a ver>' dilferent face on1 proceedings, this expl.cnatiun munut ont of place. especisîl>' in view et s' lias sinus uiceurres)etthuIe pacled preilu or>' uueeig, iq endnz pieulgeti dcegs ie tise Cnvuention. tJii-ucn 4;os .AN Oic.r, îfli,, ». Ti O.ITO. -On Monday nigit isu t he Oran hall on Teige si. wuasentereti b>'soi lprsamîs unknowu, and dise propert>' au ;rimiiu; Ismn ergatis, warranrtsas decosruins nuutilafed ands)desiroyet. T drawers vere iroeop jen and tsansckg anud the rmoue>'content, carried cil. entramtce vas ffectes) thmougluîa tmp do un flue not .Theu utraic4e is cliarged, the I'nsiThue City' cousicil have off rd a reeard ouit$500O for the riiecever>' tIse perpetramuirs. Grenat excitement pi raihu in Titrann. Thue Raid. Mm. 1Wa~lsh, V. 0., luscon torvard in a letter te chie Torouto pre indignttiy caideuning thse commissic uorthbe outrage, in the nome cf tise ('at lic bo4l>, U s uamatat and cowvardi>' mc and expressisug fie villiunee cm f Catbîsti le ta cucrue aise nesard imIere b>' flue cit aut uisrities fur uthe approesion cf -mi ly ' 'e Tiseliefd wite sun l'a Mu iissextensi.ve- Dfluetands) mii na store iei>lemu el ciAt Prinuce Ailbertunit ýe tise abere nuse, lias caties) fsrth,- lie fol Iuviscg ntru versieofe thie pats-iotie suri th liedus Wtte and) DIne." () Jacee*iO ,.th"Pxe 01ce ifStietises ' Tle iaj am ia I., ivu5 j 1, i e c ' meut isoeâ cîsi awt,s ,au e, 9#tmhrenii siisiity(romrtaies', W. - ce Ieiiulr 'K VfflïL-t;%üù BXEý W.sniuit 'presSa its Videaim~. SouroS are l hbIfsud sud issa,. l'oui % Wanrmjlued svemteet s'euat 'nemi Teur 'i(Ptysc ri,a, tumstsrwmmlb& ,ýurt era, Of ute th1e tt. ies al'es.', v-nDeseug beurrasi a rethe is«tia(tthse 'WTAND DLUE, 9A veeom". a vtees Pm ehiu*u- Telarm irMW usvilts;e ôprM]s> Ms>' ch> oK LP t5 oeeit5 ever witker e t ' issuc b "dee, 4 e Wei 1-1; le wtu i lellis- ncels s'er,, y h imîoidje ry c et- i rever S-MeebenrrtheRZ WIliTE I N» BLYE# Ca caauRELiec...4n car repéocf Aî" r. sa su». Antders«.,lau our hast issue, the vend1"defendat" v as in oeeplace sub. o> J.Wilaen, Esq.,ceeȔ l fer tire plaie. jtiff, lest th. merlu t a s'eil desered Cee plimeisipaidtitehmbi 7thre Vic iancel- Slus.'W. cIreerafaîl>'lys' orrection, beiieringite i. saylha"bnor au vhou boeter is du." Cus'renis AltoS S.iSe.-...Nov iltise lime fer these in vint of a jood cuiter or aleigi te Provide tbcelves. Mr. in- O>Denuvau, at bis eteésive carniage facter>' eau furnls a primea urîtiee, sud ai atici nbeard oIs >s~ uioù- iu fair>' atoniabeti. >tisetria snpiorit$et- Mr. O'Doâr'sna s ven lu alit>' sud wor-kmauihip receunmens iseit, and) uceds ne aeammi-ndat]etaunr bauds, But to car reudere taeetiing se itefssar>' a con- voyance turîng lhe visiter montbs5 v 453 get a cuitter lus lime, bet¶w. prie.. sflq "ris," Wholu e th i4ite a iiva.. Rgsuovà ,.-Mir. H. H. Croasby bas rre vet te bis ues tere, <laie 0. Lyndc's> vioe be i. proi dcd v e ,qndexten- ulve stock, embsaciu'g vtrthing in theq Gracer>' suit provision lime%. Be makes bis bey le bis customere le a a in ee. mnent lunsthtr celumus. 2Withmake., Jeviler, *k. bau on-1ri.a apleadid ti ock.from a vilirtg ,saka beantitel cisttma prisent of auj' 4a ln .jes'elry. 14Latl slsbfos rings, bracelets, cislèokefï& li ra-sert>', as) st romrliau1 dieund . ew. . .'A dl.~~ ~r an.hsstp~ glialiPepîle. IVas <gva Slseman aid te bave reaeised tise cossut bs a gin is cen. tradicted, anti vo hve 'aolng athentie. mvh»Irasbeeu ne n 1ejof devasta- tien. Great prepratem ait seing mie te atrengtbea Ssvaisnah. Heed ilu aillt bcfo-e NehviIe1 a agreat batt.le s saido te eimminentî, pric. e .repcrted te lie vith a rge.rm ne^r ltle Rock There lan » jswi <rom belpre Rchmond o -r Peterà -bturg. Ailt 'Itereat appean ite be centesed ina ';bermanla prre#rca The Riclimoad papers Say> b4I e -osn eftIwoothiegs, eihftse ttae1 QIarIsessyt land ~ or wili -jdln-Gr.ant In an attaék Il Tiie Pedtiralepgrm . met enSInà nd. 'a vlthe ldeptse age. , as delivç.t cd., It.treatz orîfot-reign relations i 0fI Jue NomthI#whéî are Mid to eha~. ,rogation of the Reeiprueity Tresy;- î. h ofI t he: 1FedeM.d 5iaww* sQldier maies var but doua net declare it. Ilt la the. nation lascif ileat, las receurse lu thec arbitramet ofetthe swerd:- the."Idier drasrs il lu Jefaisce of hi-e Sn'ya filett bravely to flave li'ftu e scq ïmrce s er os'n atïi de.1 but bc luveut. il not l eho ,What 4qe&lse geif nIn. disssw«c' alv !!il 1Pea141f heto. of tht 1g. d eued l, ssid W conf@ed" ;'but , t k 4ft -ti rtsinly On@ of theMost exrirsdina *B5 criminel confessons- ever mmde,. As t bhicbl bour of execation spproacbede, Dr. CapF o, 'of thea der ma n ti Me - e h eré", I been clergyman wbo atiended blmen p te t dele* lajet moment, administered the uacrame Brl to hum 'hvn ia eovdf ,ssed prtsoner an assurà nce i h. uso'as fl< e"ugi.".Ittpmosn ruom vhsre,,Mall ' tnderwene tthe procesem0 !ioningI Sfllowiîgs qPI sýdebo e- d;tAt tuis trying monùÃntflrw &*Pj,8 of a pched sud-,.ndeavured te anstain 11 Réa a45if and again. RePentiog IfS Bduci le ud ý&0 all'ectonsfe manuser words vhicb ti reverend gentleman put into bis mous t1bO tue conviet more than once said, "4Chrio 1te the Lamb of God, have mercy upen me1 iev. Dr. Cî'Pre! rePeatedly ,turned an: anrioi t'-. look, fra§t on thse prisoner and theno inthose about him, as if lie frît tbat ail h cfreally guili>', vere about te bce unavailiuý hoe Again. mdi. At the little porcli leadingt lic hegallows the sberifflà sud odiluer, stof dis. p D )r. Cappel atoe ascended witb th guilfy man. The Clergymen at once ton lers, tiscir places ou the littl e of sawdust wsie cesllie d brn laid Ia mark Ille outdine arth 'bat. tise drop wbich fîell,and vhich witboul sue un. a bignal ta denote ita situation snigb euilYt be b oot ericeked fthbe dusit black cf the wbele velI.vgsrn spparatci neClose after tbem vjitb a ligue natui stie step, came Muller. Ris arma were pr eet. ioued close behiud hiem, bis face wus ver 1,j pale inderd. but sill il wore an easy and th r f i could be sid nt slu a tiîne, ee tIcheerful cxs.rt-s'tion, iatnuch removi be frram mi-lebrarar il speed taobi liai from felir. Tusl whisle beurini and sapee nin- w-re naitirai. Like a soldier frlling int ales the raà .h. rnoIrwih sa teï.-ly step hi place bentth tshe benoe, ihen, l.,nking uu sud seeinug thnt be wau not eexacty ly enal elle praper spot whence the ~e btac >~linIr of Chain depcnded. hg Ratîi'î-d in em n"', inebes, surend sta mnd quiU' eîli. Fai me lowi:ig hitm close came tht.common hang -,)m. man, whi, at nce puiliîug a white cai over the taudemned înaua sfisc". fasteuè, isd h(cfet with a ntrnp, aud sbawubled eù ut 'li saffold &Mid low lîleres. rd. While Ibis was leinz doue Dr. Csppel An additeiNg the dviug m an, jtaid dlu as 4 mer mooments, Muller V41Uu yul stand betare on God i 1ak You arin, and firthe lu&tL re . tmp ar ye iuily or in :-e tP' [l or -n ord inthef.i a queîrdon. ýr.Muller ansvered. 'Csod Almiigbsy knnvs wha:T1 have done.' Dr. Cappel asid, me 'God Almighty kue w. wbst you have eudoue!t' azaiu- repeatiug thse convict's owi v cords; 'DotsCOnd kuov that yole have 'u doue ibis particular Jasai?' Muller re. i- plied 'yes - I did le,' spesking iu Ger. ce, mnu, isii vhkh sliage the whtlece[, ic !ergation as enaJuc-ed. Thse German iyexpression uScd b>' tiseconvicte, accordissu to bis caufessor wssub baishae as gethusu be sud those vare hig lut yardP. ft is uuderstood fluai Mssllr prepareal psanr soute days before hieeeneslon. mund tbat il. came jute the isands cf thesberiff on onudal uight. This, kt is said, wus Srnet a Confession, 'but vas, on the. conitrar',, A.lîttle cIscs Ibmarbwat bad alresdy been ng saie public at diffl'eut timef b> tis,'e. The. followiug'-arc tle exict verdà inl Gersian tÊlat passcd beiveets Dr. C'appel and Muler : -_ Dr. ('-appelI: Muller, 'nwveuigen Angenru. blickeu steisen Sie ver Get ; ich frae ý% Siè e uchSnls, nti prn letzem maie: Sind Sie schuldix Oederunuscisldix ? Muller:- Tels un unachuidig. Dr. Cappel :'Sie siod auschldîg? Muler: (luit výisa, as aà is gethaue ýDr. Cappel : Gott s'eus, vas Sie gethan hio.Weius e r se1b, adeaSie dies -er. Sceebratl b>' the memniers cf tise St. A Mwa s-vsSocety'-lu tlijs ltsolity, titis Y, tise place fit DrOokiin ,î thloe~ About eight colcek 'la thse eveuiug sei )pel ixtyMcPOI Sets, n!24ilseir gusasams. the- bled odrtise hospttable roof.tre et I tIre Alexande-r. 'Thé reom vu haudsomi let decursted uith fiago, ev*grcenï. asud.f0t ý e'~ pus<qee[td'a-a beortpie&naM,ýsT xc. vaios motteca 'duplsyed ver. itdicatl Hepofthl i ondeie>' et -publuio eeling, ik, ameong'tbeut, mngbî lieoiserveq, ' et le Confqderatiou, n saSeot ialet T a.Norths west," uN es'feuudlandc! Cs ,lm posite tise cissirman buog naisemitifisil>e il. eaquted portrait or of erturs th The chair was occapied b>' Cbss.-I sbec ItÉ Esq., the presideut of ths Sciti>', su i&j, purteil on tise ri4bî b>' tie Rer. Xr .11u î"19 and on the Ieft b>' ir. Siierifi' R;oynel uu~ President of tIse St. Ptsick'msece on The Vice-Chair vas filled b>' Robert mit hi, Enq., deput>'rie ofeu#Bsut Wbitby, Vit Vits Prusident, uupported b>' Michael Dullh SJr., Esq., Vice-Prusident ot St. Perrici Souciety', un liii rigisi, and R. J.*(lun ho Jr,4q., M. D., ounliii loft. Ameng the 0î. >.ertceembers cf the compusny present vsw bu, R. .1. Wilson, R1,î., J. H1. Greens'ood, Eau sIc Dr. Foote, Dr. Warren, G. H. Dartue! ch LU. IL. Il. Lavder, Eiq., Jatues Bai 1e Eiq., Dansiel laiauon, Etq , John Caîdi ch John L. Calder, J. K. Gordon, John Aý but isew, JAmes Stuitli, T. Davis, Jantes Cro - k>' or#, ansd RT. lHarrisoun, Esqp. Coleruel dCl ua. C. 9. A.. J'. B. Bickîcs, John Laet, W. ( mil Nu nu, Jusg. Priucgle,-%Nm. Thoepno Juil Jarmes BîsIr. ,Eiqea., &c., &a. r>' Tisa dininer %vas adI thcrt counld bu .1 id, sircd, aud a better preý d w4iLu oer dJ ia played nu au>' prc-viorc anniversnry celr-bri ed tien ia tise Ceu'sty. Amsple justice hsein bP doue ta thse guod tiuuus aupplied, the Pré wt sident hrieqIv. ai]nin ppiroprints terni it ;îrapsed th.c urn;al la>'..!toisshs bvicb vu ii rec,-ivc.d wvuduc vuthui,u'c. Tise ha', p, playitrg appropniurte tlues. Ici propOý tb ing thatatttfise I"Garernor (i-reraI" iI rh tlluded Iote p.lround puition wticbH I iv iExcertency wouid occnpy, sbiould tise pro i-posedCJ (aufeeratior cî w ac'nsp!ighedunude bihs auspices. bp Tb'- ch.rive-rn next gave '- Tho urus ud dNavy, And tlu 1*Vîlanteera ot C ruadeà .' le Wlcnt Se could sur>'oftthe ftrmesr, vould b( orserltat. fthe Volriteeursi led l servedalithe puinieh>'geuicraîl>' receivcd WL Tse>' bave ne doubt loue a great servâm c e t te ,sountiry, mlthtingli cne active dcc nt s>'. SbsuId theu dure arrive wlcen they &s" eccllad on activa duly, ulluaugli le erustuî Stise time vauld ocrer comc, they oid le ai reaintinen1itto the anus>'. Band- 1uîsaî iDrtatîl wss qcalicd qi tîn ta rpreiatîL ral tenackuuawlcd,ýttg tIrhecom- 5plimeant pur.d et tlle Ani> N avy mund the s oii rw".rid tiliuttire rplace al%îrnys ac -crJaîil ta Ois t*a',L wCas 'lot -wit-e'Ot it"' -signilicuance sud v% as maint ta give epperý tciyta reculllt a unvies- ti. mptcrilîa> Ifirus. canu-cteed wielî tht! United Serrure. lr ar a53'roîa the - ora-atlu Of tiie Salt Sen» gale, tire utid of roeerilrg wqvvs. ail the sîglîo tt a tVsl cips n'a area upat;L)fcrget tlue ancietît glorie's ot aur MaiercalidsthLie *gallantdekedî of the s"uunsîu or Our ira Igirlt Ile.Tritenrir" of Itîako afnal ci lAnay-.'of fhîawa irid'lai Jevia-cstCol- Iiesgwooul aud Netson,obftrvt-d the speaker, sliouid ever bu Iinked witlr flogeof lLTr- tss %sfi Volfttu eWllîugtac.. Clyde anrd ilavrsts.l.. 'The ri of.utdear otd £tsgiaad are lnoîalunte bot-oic when doiog tt-I %irifl u niartil fe ; srheuth Ie deî*s 4 lir wamllen ivâllt1rcrecleared' 'for aefeibrs?5 -WVe licuar tIse Britishr cîteer. Fore and Att., F'ore Ssi Attt!" la ct-ry i-clitus'rw iand ins u-scîuh uenî-ut thu>' iare dua--dlyibug- to couteurd eriti. Wu trust aur Iivtsa a;s W.-!! as eut- liliasti*çratsu. o brave 8.-su'C", mid bow nouly ibcy fulfil tîtiir trust! AIl niglut. nid Storm sud tcupet.ani1 cicr>' hitiden danser, tlicir untiu-csgwaschftîî-îuîu keepa guitrerover us. l sigît tltrôugll tlic bell stounis a, t u sersun, ansd tel!--raW bas' Our rcniineltr actuod us, tand cirimes its iseroic siguralcf dttv, cociraga antlbrin-' or. Thiuik otfliheîtenger4 theeec bravu es unïler,-e tur tts-tho hnrly perit mid vatcls, the, fat AlizWr ierun, til>, droasfl k~ are $ouud iu nees) cf assistance. H'eor ý.-etes)tisaitishe sous cf Auls) Scetinaveë cas Motl se uumerouq on thfis occuiçon, .401 Md. vuts)iked te have sean, but th' iug s' 't' e x or t i c u s a f t i i r a v r l i s > ' S e o t r t > , 1 1 I,.ws)ot,lu lie d no Joubt a lair uut idue titus, wcurd b acites) te Lise liaI nsem.-berrhip. Beture sittiug clown, .illo, mue strie ho te rûpuut a verse cf tis&inspl er e soug b>' esrisootry's-$ç&otlaud's pe r.e- gant Bard, à obert Blcsmus -bhan nenrl>' nu .1>' 104 soars iagu, susn 1evcia>' begging, uts fss.. cxcejkrt. tikeneas, les cil, hanî Paitiseend of ýis hall, Andli am sur yo Livn e l~iIo n~baii $aue ThnltLus Ira', thttonine, idusa>-, (9r As corne te n-I fr-a'l t, -ï le Tint mrtlcoiî Lus4b .u, ' $1iallbriliorts eifer a' lît. Dp. !je urouils) sk theun le drink, lesn abumpel ex- tQs"5The d'a>' ns)a' viatisoner'u2' Th loe?t varurcveds)aiLI great eutltisiasîil llaud-'- AdtLang Syuse,' tpg, Dr. Otmsinlu respecadirsg, saic]that lu iP lat been roaes) urexpucteix- .frein ai se, tendance at Lue sïtting oest lie COourt e do, Cisancer', ans) uaI llinklng la bus îîrogcr ,î*ou this occasion, heovia;nue se ereli prepu bh, me'l ta uljustica e tiste subjeet. il-saa' rucuiteïl lirc Cultivstiauofuthtie mainorigut i or native landu, andl iopet tînat thc virtue ua, at our native cacsntries, whether Eriglanu k'5 Ireianul or Scotîcil, ivoutl bcamc tisas in, ut aur new natiausalit>'.flie epoke of hii ,tb feeling c(inc rivisiliug liii native turnul. utie se ,an absence uftiLvetucy years, aned ssid ils, Lijta(-airy his alureld euîithluatlar, ans-Icap poe icl i toistâ, seesedtolastreteliont theli tiastso wolcamuo ie um, leu itrrates) las n lest. et a wayside inn, chatriclristrcall) r, ulffraul huna n-1 drap e' mouain ditoutc ý- tmk' the tiel ail lis scsamicsk !" (Lurughterý 1.1 HOe alluded vitis paint te sechangebIsai r a tppare nit te blinn eno sg tIse p a qantr i C. utfris native Ianui, mare p artiisntariy il )1,che ii"aPPearuccsof a baril>'sterling cia-i aI tenanut larteri. lie Ltutes). iîsus'ver, that Le hîc ad nusereel tieir condition ju 10- reucluving du itse fertile fieldst of Cacla, s %riere fliere seas acmple orean (or thiretatt. ra Thlurticedul Ilctr ais susîtappjîtideu Sdui-qg bis rvmîarks. afi -ic tIse faretr4's Sin;; is but a esg.e ondtine of a renli chaicniicg spnca':i. r lic Vire- lr.sid'enc t C.si g ire the tfast, TTtis .uul ut ur fturafrliers" uandl called uptzl uu- Icv. Mr. Russc m eh'. c- Mr, Ross, ia respondiuug, szis) tice senti. ei uuent vur.- eone that coul') tutt a int>ruccaivr iâa iscurcy re'.panscfram cvrt-vSratchunac., I lte Caery' mentionu, ancu eý.p.rlty outti t Pruccusisus, n-lucre su n u tîIlc sehe ll nc.î r;lv, s ata rlli ici tii.-festive ba-irul, t to isîuîu. onr ta -**'rti.lacis)oatour fou'euasiias," nan- y lle-J rerouuti.ccuis, vihousc, îouver stirru-i telie- untta ii lu rsîfouctist ilepc)us la >C meadî- sct-cuuurv hue>' sithtiheIcpas, tins) crirnýivl aur iiainaLsan4 inth Ie sut--uisof* *te the blîu bIitie utfhL,)tnie Sctitiiuueý l.-c ; iieuucglrc -ces erdacîttild, cces ut tulaun>'a t iîîyslitnp-, uandutyuttltiil ptea. sucnt. 15 htit tScatluad s) a s u.îe-ar Ita us, as; tiiheIla utofunr cirthu».11141 i-rlier years, chenu ver.-eselsercosilri.- -wîriec id u,; noua lise lsta bc îroiulof u it. hlua uinue o uuiSetclrimurar.ïe ligh ici tise 5'e-de tcif cracter ans) uetaicimtan-1tin lias% efiutuated thleline o c ut a nd ti' a un iret .-i'ce a auîaag thes iiiaice 4 .> Vît-(ru youn-il ;coffin.- yaîsrs.ctf t, the ofi 1 lti, anal isr licussar>'; or seek- thc b-rouis) liiîlds eutaieirieopeuied up te biatuierg'u n d uecyo'u mît tfisci tliitise niune rif seatchinaus ; ci- its Leli a suuticieust gecr-cnic fo-r tii.- cs;istescc't haslise mcoral - uî.alaiies tisat coemuîanl riaIs-e fru'cu ait- Perleravar5o0.-, isutr>', nuit imie*grit>'. ;Tts t t raverse tise iomain ut tilerttaire 1, to if4sce *h1 dl.- e ciceuc t rae-if-;t-.gua ,uuuîu * niltor,;c.a tise tlcronc;andvIsuras b>-u ~ guide tise de-tiiîv cf the liit eempiraeiti. 'lu-r fluasurii. Seaitlait,îhuas) ,ntrisutetl bar ciuri-, nieus ma-un attire, butnunnericaite-. a farce nue indu-ce!, Aud io buis, tisa lajidu of chair adoiption, Scotichsmeno heîd ugpo-i- tien b>' no menrtaisuigilisant,[lie coutîn mtn ssnaines arlu.e abirth aria ouigîsi -yct tiva u',ilmued i tic erts oat c it anti grtetul peoaple,.t'ur tfliciauchuî ment of theriv irsilut iieaoruthtitpre.eaut li,"Thi-e cfsd'-ratioutîo! tihnei-fi Atnrinin Provinuc,' frathtie Acluisties ta the Patcifit, Anscii -htit' as beses a'*,- catnpliçbed. Suatliac il a viIhie lent ber isatpisczhics-,I ta mîsi,îl)priplu'. sîî. i5ow hy>'otly lititiry linaq iitimtoure grand saticnitv. ins fulh îseeiots of thtisupcliticaî ans)rd gis eoli'gitericuntt vhici shuinesmie humtrîiul ns) leracit, and) avbich irisadispenses aiih ne sparingtic'nti., 1ur rephv in the liat oaIl"Tise lands) of cuir Adoption." lie. l&J. %Wil.on, vue vas 10,THE, ELECTrO.eR"s OP TuIE rOWN 0OF WHr' TtBY.' nt 1!s nonuilllnalo i rMayor ai cie eiisming cotioi, f une te ave ta o ecidt otie i-e-- aune, crus! isier uo>'eeits s etticlideeut &t, if (l t YIls de v qfdo sp orfern b d tl a o eo atiec fit.btuil>' atit iuptrt i the4-. o o Ver> 'peccQtfuIiy,- Tour ubdt. serraut, - - N-W.BROWN. Ti aa hai TO THs NEW ADVERTI8EMENTS. O-haneery. Sale., For furtl bueronuii WILL Be-SOU>- BY 0- lu the manuer best suited ýto their hibita 'thl. e thampîpn(Bug.) borcagb ýrc and interests, hero anunîigisteued and à Ut. ho inereus peuple vere alout t testai n witîî sessions, CharlesJons, aclergyman, agcd pencesud rssunde t~' tesesin eaue etbeen Imenced te five years' r. s mighcy Empire, a reà ts1t which could -'pnal servitude for ebtainiug geeda b>' r,0mly b. purcsasatd ins the Situtx, l'y anex. taIse pretences frein vîrieus tradeamen. of persdlliirc of bloi nti t'reuîs'sre; sdaI t -_a_ 'w- ceai 'cfwooeandssff'eriug itsnpsalleled lu Wl iuThy MARKETrS. r- thse bistery cf nations. But tise resoîitt 11e> a- tpgbh umsd bled te! n'uIl eomesi sstr- ViyPc7t 184 iw edly ma'tuscel 'I'Four years e vicissitudens) The 1bastoft h e. 7tb, 1864nc. id flutnatlng! succae s tid eftthisenwith at eth.rauidine s tiscir ludepenctence unadhiuvol Tise tIls meut veafiser have closeti np our msarket. )u yoar, and) indupcndence migisl suit bu dis. We can etirs gire approxinsato quelstien tant;*'te sixuli migii t aqs, uns) 1h.>'stilI Fal iseaet 88 te 93e-$,springi'SO te 84c il bo, without it; but the seulli veoule) Banc>' 55 65e. Ostu 203WoW 35e.1, -pesi coneý,a'ncl, like' BruSe ut ed,(Cheera,> 60r.< tise>' votdi..try,.yasl egain,,sus4 iluaveis Toronto rmarigot ro uettli-d t-er weulti snrely blesu abus witlisuccess. bu h an ', Cous)chaos-s.) Thse Suuuy Seuth, w abotts aueqehtos Me tnura$ for it.s ispitatity. Holahd beeon 'told,, md indues) ulînosi oxpodtes) tu finî1, MA R R IED. thut a cold climitte engeuidoreit colJ Itearts; le but lthe cordil sympalsy anrd liespitlity- GIIAEIAMi-STÂLEY-D'tIsehé-Rer., exutnrd-ci fa himn.glt andt brothier ex'iles, JI. Lir", on tise Sd inlst., Mr. Davidi thait conviiired'hlm et thsecountrar>', au'd Graisam, to Miss Ellizetta State'. isetis et tlitat thue regilouis eni nnertliern climucte, East Wliby. catchs) nulquetich tle xcred istlue of bec- pîtsuliiy in thse breats ut Canadinnr, mmeug [-*D I RD. ia wocu lie lounai, ju luartincscf unannerý, At Whitby, on tIse Otis t., Mary; vite 3aud a bouiaesc-uoc symprtluy and of tlie ut. Benjamin Grenves, ageti 48 yrs. 1,cortisclit>', natte h'c equatteit excelut lusthe ____________ 0genial liens) rom avîtence lic caine hua 9 on s)r StuenySu>outh.. The gâa~tLCo- NEW ADVERTISEM MN S. rl lune! reguiuned îi seat aunidst long contin- tucul applause, but icunediutciy rosie agmin ta give the La.L t fIlSticcecus utitewv i e E lectors rCon fedemution,"- vîsicls viirecuireel will -o th warmiti, an'!la wlich thse Rer. W. Rus respondaul jus eloquent terms. Of TUE l'hochcîaircirnsaidthtisoast buon-as nov lu togire e ovutuldl net theen te drink lu tise s-uime vus ca grçat dcii cfr pleigure. [le' S u h R d n ï -a ns ei îtae ues itir thonsusi geodl>' u h u n nunubar et Engiiismcu-they lad m L 0FTECUNY0 OTRO nu acociety,s'hich seel dratlucr curprislsug OPTECU YOF NAR , > soeeng tbeuy wre a strong boly, in tluae goud Towri oet Whittsr,, but perisaP tise GENTLFMtiN;- time was nul far distatt vion LIe>' may> rivcul Su. AnJrew's ans)Se. Prrick's. lie Thec hoice cf tise Retorun Cou- - ikJilir huiu to drink witîs flowiug bn-e entien catîed for tise purpese ut aeletingr fand T'lehcane uhte Rgan)"Bl'ue rs)1a candidate te titi tlie vnaeycauses)b>'t Mr. Natus, Stationc manage-r, (i, Tl. R.' thu elevation of fiseIlon. 0. Môs'at to thsea %Viiitby, rcspausded ta tIre tonst iii a liu- Vice -Clurccellarship. Isnvicig falloir upon f u:scrituuu speech. -me, 1 declarru>' illiegnesa te serve yeu The .Sherifftlîeun-propoAeithtie healih ofsu th Ie Lagislature, and propuse, shoals) a the t2îairman, ans) toast ands sng toIlais'- 1content ensue, to niIons) us>'fripnudanmd cd auaIs ollein lsrapid etcviusi ttil supporters tise opportunie>' or pettin- tbeir unidutugu, ýabout sahich istne tise happy ' tirtvote. f a4eeeliage disperses).1 %V0 uth Irp[atnl dmi ltndesiothe ut fic hiy upon tise promsineut questions WIitb' [ra-i fsndanlertIe ahk i leac'l which sbavceurgitated tbe country, are uo aship oe!Nfr. l'reucuuîsts, cantribuîted imach the tisaojynsac i Ise eveuing, b>' pliay.- elI knewn to reqeire a deciirîstion in tii iug appraîcriate airs. hddreas. Thce Confeiiercition scee, upmu vhicis Motest f tedy cussurrew-Ytp omba 'tihe leaers utrfise p-uiticnl parties oethtie m's aeulcc~cd ecrrs u ie1ob Province hlave unfies, I consider a moeo on l"riday lait inovthe lracatsofutwuo -meut in thte rigit Jirectionu, caIculated as if 1 1sridfitiert, anJ tIse mirtallt>' s'uudin" ,of si sla f crry ouftishe wimhac sot the ,trettIe. uhir. Fountheutaeussuct puuicies ~ orr Coniveution hl atutToraonto, ii l859, thir. Fonttheiteiieti8 pbiihedit mu tr ns the local Governumauts, antd - cîppaurs fhl'.Johnu Disinvacu, utsinsxause i5Il'Jint Mtharity" of ile Tvo Canadas in s sas citiced in n roace sitis several are concernes). -Thsue ergnmeuct cf tIsaiit other prsuai ivcgurcue'.) im9evitsche'ne ,b>' the immediate brcngiug in of vith an iran ber, abosut ulree t', t long tise Maritime Provinîces ans) ultimate uses) as a p ul.er, 1"s-i uuackeff bis tettusw incorporation efthtIe West ans Nortlr.West, priâner. Il! srucktwoof tem Iho ries' fusurabî>', [resentinu; a tbe ontire pr suicn. Ilonsthebci e ev t tine wso territor> does fise antiiue ur n migli wac-e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t stsçit su h aihe eoa ims > pire ;but fearfultinht in oaut- beating ibism t.> deai, and uvecu visn lifete cmpustd tecure tise greatuescf tise fu- wus.e extinct kepc paiidîug thiî-rdciii bu- turc vu mua>' pcunge imue cie 'aisys et iu. Cr diar. Hle MtitaIt a cIin mai Whu wasextricaisîs indeistedu, 1 canut promise c lylus;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i uMy alcue'lnw ns Ieisn i'uncoutditlonil muid uaqu aiitied sup port, until «Iifs furuier Je-selepeusecî, sudlo expeitul recover. 'Lr, other lmnatel; until ime is nllo'ed te eigi nl ilsapro.' crics broutisthse aflucers te tIse prison anud exîceusea ut tise LocalGeveruments.* Jour ua Jrealtul icoe spresutited itselt te i1 ssall ambrants n ears,.l van,.,rtat, ofrl Tise Sâle satuZdB,e i -VILLAGE 0 For fua1uesWri oigped.-- Dat id Jan. Suc, 185 * Insolvoiic tisecur.Lv et (lt -Tvantv-eigisth dayç iseer of Teon u'oioet- ~pupoe t rocl - a n amagniart Dated ai tise nid1 dus'oftDuemnber, A. fIn tise Tovnsfpo WILI XOJSEET J. WIU( YOURYOrl Are rapeefl LEVI FAIBJ'ANKS, Junior, - AUCTIONEE, TheIinderuirn.ttouaprisporcle,.,ivit: ]LOT No.é. 1. A Valuable Fà M ln' East Whilby,ý hteini; Norttu liait utfL1M No. 15, lu the lot ofîi- cet u n-t Wiittly. Ceept oeeamre, tieretf uld te Ventolouoen. About To aseratre nicare),1uandcithie retuamndfer le coveres) wititlîtb tfuiche r-vuod timber. Upen tdue fiuis.ail elon tou u irccsuwellsug. tarins w1tac exceiece tvo-therouidr go out- transes, stablecs, cucra crils, Aud Large ouit ti cet tn) hî bril. A il n>oucg tihardiln i«suiul tueiiriuîic, soit in excellent spring amusd [4treruca of auer. ies haiso u penlte Turoeorty n tWO-Atosv trrne btutildiiit< uîsed us a fiuimhisîg uluup for a 'li!. pnrd>' cli be ohieres) ut oanust prie of $40*00. LOT lqfo. 2. Timber Land in Verulam, 'f-e Erst-licit ef Lot Ne. 28, lunbise aInil.h Ce-in ut Vercîlaun, 100 mures, more or les.- A %vild Lut. Tiris I.roeorL>' yul be put up et ian us LOT No. 3. TIMUIR LAND IN VERULAM, Tiie Wethtit oetI ol ) 21, ici the srt cou-ý costri otvertiliin, 1010 acres4, more o.-huas. 'rus s eua-s a n-tus) tut, anit n-ib. ciTerait et ait umi-.vt tunleeof . Valuable Farm adTiibar Tee Neurtli-lalf of Lot No. 18,.IL tho Mii oncaccion utfEtiet WIîiLle, ef viiaitabout 40 urus tire cîcareci, sud the rccuain)tr ta cevoes)d rihu vslcîaitîe hiaruf-vou tilie, Thlil--r>' lu as mie bcuiis upon lu, aut is iiîtîntuibomut 4 nulles frum tue V'illaqe or ()istusa, s>' urgeoit sroas). I le nt Uc cierel ai an upsoetprie. oftooO. LOT No. 5. erets 14 sud1, , thlie vilicire (It Useokit, lia ileseribeil ii î thIei. tere uer, 'viclele ssli Si rLuceut alpe l. glon 1pnt priqien>'. '"-i - LOT No. 6.- Valuable Tann, ery iqshawa As~ ~ ~ ~o deet,< u ir.sVeral cleet?, viii aih ha tredueecl itue fiie 'et tisaI sale, auit Vnt'anîng uchunt hlait aueofutLand, -sapeur n-fîteS, i, reeed s i rt-olaiTatifuerr, te gond îe*Orli-' POrîlcurriv-eit I)y'v and muet vî Ial Cime mnaoeeiutttuprorumete4. s TSliieproîlent>' ili b. effares)'lut an apset prie ot $i100. IIOW-e and .Lot ln 8ouçh Oshawa, Às -escribes)la a dises) freu» Tisomnas isrs, suit Taisu mtf.Gilibe, sud wvres,.d.tb S Noreinisr, 1850, ans)Wvhilei vil! LIepretuced-. uit the aie. Upomu ahi5 propent>', ii contutins about suto clîfflatit, h4oeote.l iuore-si.- hait star>' Ds'ellnir llonse,, aid fi mail stable.- T s u à s r op c r t ) w l el b o f r o i l . n ai n s u p s e t - LOT N. , H0fus0 anld Lot' iii olu - -ti Betngjunt t fVIelîuee. 44,asm gerubt in -a _seed tronc Tf <Jarka te J. i-ltImaI, dawn 151h Fà blrnarv. 1545. manlwieil wtuî k. ...-. rë~JElýo~' 8 1Bl ON, - tfuesday, thte 101b day of Jannary, At 12 o'oloeok, ileaii, pursuicut te a dec partttonlunta ceuse eut GIBBS vs. YAN, Pamc;,Isabels Ife parnud Gorg rIs ui 1865m tIses TIc> ver. compies)te ira aon tIse manine, -whoarty cgctsBie. fIe vas eveurtessll>, Ise1 er, c>srerpovered b>' tlsMr rusbfung tn upen 1isius,',aiet 4 s) ucla, tisiuir clubs. Johnt Macdonald and William Keuued>' are tIse utausaou asth ' ne tunte rieimaî. BotS cure ,lrmsue'v. noyau us naa an en ielsunen To t/ae Editer cf thce Whity lr uic. tse>' avare lnlerrupted b>' the treoublcet o ltse late Ameriemu avar, airs)Ctat le Iim- self 'vite lieu- n astise ble il bd cf Cirys- lees' farn, vhile bisaI 'gle'riotisfigit 'aqs actusîl>' lu prugemqisnluclose preximît>' bu bbc place ut Sus birthi. "Thec isul aI 1ns) coenoeWi inter. stg o etbeContywa tla,»t - 4~Jghis Siier, Esq., President of thse Cotin- bous) avare efthtIe abotndance whsici the -vacer, m waeil as tise lant, >'ietdi tLe Isee n-iaouliat t-heveor -simpi ,11. nucans wiîth avii eluice'dticft. : wP,0rO1: taverel, a-rmau>' etr irts-oct tisaPro nj vioc. are, avitlargj.e rivens-tsere tighl lie large guasses oltc-ed us l e laprceedc Q et pisestesiti effort. *B t vwho veuld it. pecu ucli freinthtua se a ot-Td asIe. l ,unitue acsi anoueka in this neighborboed? pe YoL during the paut seasen, Iliere lave eh, beeu tukets troalstlels sonaü , .hs>'-.a Sintglee f s-os, Lise astoriishissg ounsben et 2435 ai-oui. tir mny ot Leso vere splendit) specimens et' ilueir tin), being il and) 12 in jos long. But mllov 01>'2 oS. s ighu et eech tretut, ste Lha ver 30,)ill$s aviglit capturet icuone seasan, b>' eue incviduai. ýW We kusnul avt wat socCOM a y h>4lve aLtended tise labeu'rs cf cale- skitfut fiai- ers jus tiis usigisrod-boî if It Sec anythineliketSu abuvo, ilI!asov isov dis n his) tise ,fond oet rsttflisisng,* have eve u is te Icast taveus-abletocéali- Lieîs , iZ tgltulobetuoht, -tiasaiuci succose as tisat Wv, bave ieutiriied wucd seený 'exisuittu-amatI ottreame, but' instouit-et ibis, exper once beaeisesi tsa., e cl a ur irnedses us prouctiveneà s, nt it ill iibe long indléed beore T tisa disciples ofWuta lii edepriveti et ,this healthtul, tbougb ssevisit soîitary ye sport. . Olaremot 29 Nov. 1864. In the cee f Hamuilton Fowle. U ' ai -he Q~n ' reaaloa' 5teminu. -thearTited i. viitn evaricus esacelous cf tise fiding aud statin&riore tAilly un>' vievu open tIse peliticai qtwtioÈ 'ofthtireday. Y our Oiserient Servant, i A. FARUWELL. 1,; ý Li