!latthow Tooty a' twiIE C,'PlROMfNICLE 1 iY, JOltN, ETCALF, - GLERK UP TUIE IFTII DIVISION COURT, %e onuraring tiei, Tunnip Ilrock. Ad- RIOBERT SPEARS. LERIC N RAUE F'H Towuahip eo' lxbridge. Addreaae, Uxaridgo. ',j ERItN' TAILOR, BROCK STREETr, W&tout . iis R E8ÂUJANT.iJcn.r t'York andl Ex- Rplanade Slz.e Toronto. Refreshmuatu TIRODIA@ RUSTON, TOWN CIJERK <TRtEARURCE19WIIITBY TUoe.-iT*wu lalil-Ilours 9 ta> 1 o'clook. J. SPAULDING'B M <NTREAL IIOUSE, 127 Ring St, Wet Toi-ost. s llyJOHN. M. WARWICK. VARS & PETERSON, Beutel Rootea, dlreatly oppo- site tIslottilt Oa.-Eutrnnc on S 9lMtiemk, thbIrd daber nothbofuthlb.Outarle 75 0 SACC > f El 1 Wholesala .k With calm Prluted wordu, gros: thoughtu anid uutirlng lududtrig wO s.slocate peao., Progreus, Knowlede, Drotherhood. VOL. VIII WIIITBY, C. W., TIIIYRSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 18634. NO.,48 and tise rSc-ale 7 ux 'URIDGE RousE, T ilE SUScRitBER, UINNaqiG Tw thse htisînas. orel>' «Mreal et hy lm ltua place. melilta s a l rmhi»old.ousa- toenis and maItisepublia e îuliy. <aioed mc coeuunodatle, wIît.geod établlng, sund an at- tentive Ostier. 1 'S T' ,8 >I, 21 c . op i t r rtes! tre uirivrl- tthisx miarket. iliwrveineuto, - eSTRUNG tini uzualci Siiutu, f isE RETERE ROUIE, l VIG PURCIIAE» TUE ÂBOYE b£s Mt.faiussed <Mie' prenlgs tiurho<t,and trnl*bed the Ber VWliutii Choltoml Lquer s u iCgsx,.ý xer A>'atention pdiete guamte. 9Stagst anal hrotu Whut-ol dat!>'. Careflul 'Mirse alw»Ya lsattsudanoe. a PuglizDHSi i lOu biko5NuOor ik il wax£ N W. n. HIGGINS, At lit rlntiuit Extablishment, Brook Streét, Whttby. - ~EXS8150 PER A»UM subasqueut Insertion. Sp.elal contracta made wlth advertisrs by lb. yssa r rotber-wis 0r4.v to -discontinueo advertlsemeutit mcmli lie lu writing. EANK 0F OMTEÂL, wîitilBy BRANCII. ( ______Wu R. DEAN, Manager. CAMBIROY< & MACDOr<ELIL, B Au1lil$TERS ANI) ATTroliNEYI;.AT- 13 ,1w. Solicitnrs te10 t littiîk <of !Ilnntri'ftl, sud( the Corporatioîn of the Comti .or Ontario, Notaries%, &o., &C., Wlltby, 0i. W. M. CJ. CÂMzitOS, Q. V. Il. J. MÂCDOXELL. 1W' raoncv teolonit i pon rend arreritv. Ap- 1 i it ths Oilco oflthreflrrîi, fl<rrrrt lInaur- onth wilîa. 2 GEORGE Il. DARTNELL, fARRISTElt, ATTOHNEY, CONVEYAN- NOIRRIIfON & à AMPRON 'B ARFSRIEt.M ttornryra, Sraiictorm, &C. OFIFICE-Waaterti %;lsrrYà tleeBIirlIa Chutrch treet, Ireront o, V. W. ANGUS MORRISIIN. I..A.SMS<. Toronto, JoIy 20,181.2 D PlItTY(').F-'-KoV1~TIECItIlWN ANI) l'iegs.,aDr14 Clerk nt' tlire I *raraa a'arirt tiffloe-I)ppoaaire tire Rovîl liId. 40 - N. il. COCHRANE~, L. L. Ul. i-IOUN'TY ('ltiWN ATi'TORSEY FuIRON %,) tari n. ,iarri.ter imn UAtI art .av -t-i.aw,$Oý .itor i flhaaaacerv N#%, Puary i'rllC, &e.- 4tréat. p liithr. 31 J ordinac, and ctaatllîaiii t'hancory for the, C'îqntyo ni aarir. liyrn-1t.. Wrîy.4 ROBERT J. WJLliOti. ARISTEit & ATrit'\RNE %T L Cz\'atva. W. Oimcc- Vico"risaaî',ltr * B ARiIISTEII-A'r-1AW A NI) ga iT.1"1IIut Toronto. I1a J. K. GORDON, A 'lRE'AT 1%,tW Su.IIrRIN &iawrlnStore, Wlitt. . . KE2LLER & LAWXO,*. 1i ver the Ila~1U ila~,1rat irrWiait IPY. CUARLEN C. KELLER, fTTailtS'EV AT T., sau;'wî, J. IA E RIN OD A Ti!OINN'-AT LA.ZOLICIToR I N lax<. toeIReufaar*tiS%4tieo. tit i rnelatr' .i-.4 R. mcO;EE, B. A., At -a c aai , , ilia'ctnr ii1 'aan 9ar., r- vevâaarea, &«. oalielr-simeo'"r,. aîl j( LYXA E!4tLIS , L LU.. j3AI<1IATTEU AT LAW, Sliitor in Chan- ('anvyaaaer &.,&C t-ap<al#t4icl'ast Office,i 1',llaws. 40 JOHN DILLIN(.N ~>CALL AND SES S8ADY i1 H E bas takeathlie ia rooklitulionus,," ln .LLBrooklu sillage, dîim e l U bu gisel to "ac ail hI. frianîds. 'l'ho pratuises are Weili fitîsal up ad onoaîîeat, anîd fils amtodoela. 1101 goaad, ver>' qood, lte iait,-o h iiees ta> the aiam6t of mnusad borae iclinaself1 bavlng boeau lroituet ni e hasn'ell as ou"sh.ndeBo AtNaid*,gtale roitcr ut, Sauady'a arod acommîodation, Can't bai laat lu ail tlVi nation. TVie aianrous fMouli of Sauay-aul, Are askoai te give bis boenne a cati. ALEX. PEERIE. Braieklun, aic. 123, 1863. 50 Ointanse Dasaisg Halls& Restaurant, c îîuItCIl, TREET. (OPi'OiilTitST. henial-stTwclve o ta>'reeoc ocock. Lu:clu',iiîîims&c ,nIatl Il lauas. iuas, LIi1iarb, &c., cf tîe buat bramais. (.LreoAllai lintrl41l'aaraimisn. G L013BE IOTEL.j T 11F aimaie 'cr11 knoaiva, nii establierl iatel andur preaisisc have hein Imircualei bY. thaarsahnriher, viacre ho wiliIalwvm sbui filaaa it a nd laîîîreailV ' 10atteîsl jersealiy t) thie Waits <of a0r% gîsestra, &. "a-rIe rialain t Iaaa cl'a i cariaiCeiiia' iti> un crr1t'aîîa f'a tnI'ftî Il tla j imitted, îaaîeredia'a a. cat Il L1ri' oraa mi ort mwitear t'to ali,rai n en>' tajuralenaiaaImolarar itaallmfiaîl(i aTrave'ller % lîranu di arltag lisj striv, anal thea Table iaa>ntifui- iy supjilieaî ut 4Il titatrj Notice tu Farmers and Othors la1itaaîann 'hoiaiiataî r tîtaîil. Mortiu'à Fsailli- ,y I'roari, Iay gallon rtt r brrai;MyNutirai wiai.akey ldo. aio.; beat l'or. 9Nierry anai Ccatiaiek Brrad' for file saok, with 51151 ou Liqaanram and 'izaurs ni filae l'est annndg. Atettive OIit onsd loié oblir.. A. ALEXANDIER flrcokîllîî, Ji,. Vit sia, .64 .TAGE FLOUSE, MAXILLA. ISAAC FENTON, B ST Wit mirasral iii lun; palosea A LIB10 H OTHoLà . JAMES IBLACK, EAST WINDNOR 110OU8E, WIIITIY, wu. usAsmYl, rtaru,ia. r îE riîova lîatote l mtuahaad litas puiest anal i.r retîrerlîu part fthe ïaî'ci, 'itii" front rmail. oni naraianrnion Ir travelle'ac. (iod Stabling anal atteaive cahierst. 22 VICTORIA HOTJ(L. W ILT.IAN I SCOT~, l'lî)h'I Tflii (LAite w Witt. laînrîas) ' 27 AN?(LO.ANtVItICAN HOTIEL. T ii fbA . hlae air lasfittel op tf tri a'e nli T thlnla'iIrtvl, n 'ala athe tc arloia 'araim'a.-aaiiraalattr i ravellnaîaublitc. ton aiiai ami. a(rial atni.llliig aal aaeiletm .14 .gJllN malUC.11IGIiiE CkNITON HOTEL, rDUV VNls <JEK, PiIKERING. QO<O>J *) ecmiedtoauforn Trveluorg. W. CYJTIBERT. 4*41U aPropt'bet'or. RtOUGE HOTEL.- T ilSEPIIý,I MOON LATE <)F TITE NON. e> qaotu inte!talilriev oft'Whitiv, ian- launcain bnis rLeuils suid tfi lpublic, timt he bas reuteal theoshove well»kuà owu Itotei, whielî is now lu firzt rate order forthte receptIOn Of gusantta Wiuen, ,ia1aionsanal Cigatra.. 'Xood st.abliagirtîid an attentive (latier. 15-y Grand Ttink Raîlwsy H0tml. (soslul aid. f ail aUwue >,-41,Part Wà auby.> TII E subsneriber liîar Ilteal up huiabnvu 'ccii T kai'waîpraratel.c 'ctia tle vteW et' Auitiaag 'uia1veilaiele in elaurarar 'ahthe Iiailrrtwill lu iriitl r-ai crer! fiartiwtititîag the nirsîs art tias awilaenhb'. tue (arn Ruatoar ffloat. Goun Stabliing, sud careutî attetatioin. JAMES 'I RNa;LE. liltliv, Aprîl 27, l1563.4i GEORGE CO tuKwACI. UW001 m?5z1, 'cli'i-y. CHXARLES MoBRIDE, ?PROFMIETOR, aXELN ictemmodatioti for traellmr. TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, 89 Ring Sîreet RamI. JU$T reolvual, lier Express, aoe bov.e 0s"ablsbuset, upicndld l.to e PRAIRIE (JIWICENS. qUAIL, SNIIIS, Ployer 1atrlulgos, WiId Daeasana Veîixoaa. AI.ar, SHELL AND CAN QYSTERS, Lobsters, &oi., Wlîceale andu Relut!. 39 CARLISLE & Mci o'NKFY. RUSSELL'ls HO1 EL' QUEBEO. '%Il ImiEt'uernted Prepniet omrs <f'hle Above Inauned *I -L, bagrcaspectaly tee atprlre their ftnj:iu it aîdptroum, tlast t'hyiai,îhua. roisçlalylronoaeadtbaitr cstniliahustiWe lte 'inter, which enatiluem n nov te cfer te te Mombora aof the. Loglatunte, anal the 'i'aa. vellng Publiecantienlor accommoaonîi. ln addition te the. apa.rtn'.iunts tiai'han! ssa wiIa- ter, thoy havaeaiwParlogns su ri noi slas large itfute near tuaeihlal.i. lh, for cinfent aud couvaîsienoe, aireîan'rurpa"ud Itaie ocit>'. WM. RUSSELL£& SON. Quebet.lra, % I l. 1116. WOON'S FOT EL,, 4aIIuAvA, W à 0 N & BROT IE R. North Britisha and Mercantile Pire& Life Insurance Com'y. W. H. DEAN, Bak aot Mostresi, W Iltby, Sept. ?, 1 S1-2. 85-11V COLLECTON & COMKISION UR .L. ShOW, Monareall, C. IR ('iO..lltaTiINSade t'n Pttbtliuus, %fer- ~JlaaPhry'iciaaa. sur.! otlacra, ln mantueat ti elaca,. <tttiwa, amiaTairnato, nal ibrn Icalia 'ersaa. AIl clliceihou« diaiy ro Ju:it. cduiprneaeiilsproginîahtlî uaid nvu.r. Aridren"miiauaaint*a. r .Ntiaîhni l(;i- sau!1Uffice. lIpsdasa-aurve & .1-a a 'ralerniiir trel E . & A. Nller, Ir'lr.ie BaiaxIlriîri anSarîhriual. exrtrent lta i "<2. 3"i'[i NOLICITOIi, &c., &c., TAS ICR.%ov'El)liiLaw'c()Me" ~tuý >ga a -14' ('tntîaira e CltoIuur So>uth et' tho Wilitby, .Isaî. 28, 1W2.2 TEE ROBSON HROUSE, (LâyE seirerh'laurtCL) DUNDAS STREET, WHEITUY, C. W. GEtIltOR itilisuN, Propitten. <1¶HE nubr-iîalear à x atilnnca'init tac ian, AIleuod thre 411<1111R fot'iner1v tri4wr-m»A, NSetiFtalrta'a Ihotel. etIaicia aus luri erane raii'urnsted, oanal ttide iltougian, luinîiael besa. <'Cixie. The t tamaim&ib r eairat* ir.. usîcal, cap1ao.Ite tut I'ostî Ifltce, aai dliatIai cela- triet athlie Taî'cî. The raivylatllai als nt thle llnel uai the stagea. tur tiabrirlure ianalBeaveaitoar lavai tie inrrno> uînuaa. oari-s!pot day. GEmoOGEROBSON. Wi(Caret'ul linait, iIs, nhicsn Wiitby, Mev 1853. 2 Oshawa Adverti.soments. W ILLIAM TEXPEIT, X. D. K ING STEET, -9BIIAWA, CANADA West.17 P. LAMBERT. TrAIOR sud i)RAi>ER-King Bt. Oshawa. - rL G anenté~maIe te arder lu the.besatyt'! sld t'asillen. 47 0* . .FAIDANK», sOLITCITO>R, NOTARY PUIBLIC, ie. &c. SOaîsaaC.W. GEORGE <uRLE;.T. 'tERCIIANTT'jiioa, Drapair &c., Kiug St. (4.aîtJieîeai',arnuentit marie upu lu the. hst anad lu'cot'styla. J nAt ramVici-l, 0semai olioleai gouda for aping 'cor. Even>' articlo warralitou. Ne fit, no puaiy. 12 sleeping afier aluner, te pont. this latter, fer I mnt trust suyofthtIe servants te, do so, anal bis d611k. ho my eerrempcnding 'cish any eue la go gme4tâta1 dram!the soene et violone. tiat..vonld ensuel vere I te soud titis latter irnovu t6 hlm. 'Oh 1 Jobc,.demi-John, thse veny writiug your namne recalis ho-mùe a thonsand remin- isceiceS of my fstlWrs brme,#'cen I vas iisppy-but nav.ales 1 TMis is a theme, bovever, John, 'ch sI engbt nul te di. late. 1 eught net, pei-iapa teit that I am vi-etcheal, but the more faci t o feeling that Ivu vwrilting teà yen bas madle uy beart evei-doW, mmd titis paper lu blotteal by .my tears.i bave doue nething te, motte hlm barsis à '0 cool te me, I have ebeyed bim Goal hI!ows in mil ibinga, anal yet-bnî bat it pais.? ay cetbing tu me et li thia, deiiJohn, chun vaetais anI hope 'ce sIsal soon.' Do net anaven me as the generai la fnigiîfuil>'jeaions, but as bu 1»s going lea apublie diu o, emoi-nov coi-nen et Hyde Pr, close te the Dake ef Welinigtonu heuse, ah eigbi o'cloaik. Be tIsane, demi- John, anal do net faiitet meet oeeW'ho bais nover ceamad te love 1'Beievo me te ho, despite lime anal cii- cumotancea, yoairs ti-uly, "lLover Brock-atreet, Mai-ch 8."1 1'What do yen îhink,l anid Ashurat, giving tIse table a bov, vbich upsottise punch. Wbmt do yen tbiuk et that) Dr--?' rItik tsa great stop;,sait! Ii as I loec on tho aber. But the letter I the lutter l' SWhy then, manlensiy speaklug, Ashurat, I think the ton. of< that letter buspeaks yeur &inter an amable 'commu, anal Gen. Gi-aoc, a- brute o et ua i-st 'ater. I caun gose that ho in one oetosa husbmnds vIse tancy everything is toe odoue at home by bulîying. Oh 1 boy snad it in te thinir thaît te happinesa of a l'vrnheanted, tender,1i amdiable girl in, fou etteai confided lteb keaplug et sncb man-mec vheee coarse perceptions eau have no ide o e Ia jevsal tbey pesms.t IBut &hall 1 Saler il?7 No, let mu paris firat. Nov, my . dean D.--' vsa 't I Want et yen is, te ceme viîb .me tle Ibis meeting vith Rate, anal togotben but us gel front ber tairl nbymt ruiy ber position ait ber Isome, anal thon I do boe as 'yen are aivasaop te the oameinmluothen peepla's affains, ltast Yenu'l tend me a aiepingý haud tq rescua Rate ftom aoch a 1anad fate as &bat vbicis jour imagination eau euiliy t!epiit.' 1'Iî'a an avird îbingineteeig ho. ten maried foîat te bu saune thore la ne danger, f'ir tia 'gà enanl rýisan Au wful- 'A covard? .Hevdo jeu kuô'thaî1i £ TIras i.. ntilLrat a wvuau?'7' Consume me Il'r 'I loalge l the aame -bous$e 'cirI a gent. tlemmu, genaral, anal eur roma are.ouly" heand hi.ny last nigbt enl!y' ' oc' Gênerai Green, I consuder bim au ahi-oci.' ôeos hubieng, and- long for an oppôriaiîy' ut puiling, thé nom. eof Sucb a co'csrhy, g-oaa gnumbling:bull7.' E h! bI,tber-,oonasmu metI Diiiho may that-blood anal thanuden, consume me Il 'Tesi cas of course myseîf quit. teriiL fieal te hearsnobatciihrcats belal euh,-buti houvever, .1 shenid -net, býave .jrobled you>, upon -the subjedla, had I cet pickea up ibis scrmp et' papon juat ontaido thsepoeian'ma door., At these vends l'hded te bim a frag. meut ofttneelbIter that my (rient! had 'i-- ceivet! rom bis sister, and thse'moment thou geueral's eye feul upon iî, bis conctenauce amumeal a cadavereus hue, ana lihovluibiy shook. (My wiruen band,, be gaspeal, (1 know- it-wat-wbas t h <bu muiug of ml thbis, meet hlm ilu iyde Park. Hen demi- Jobn -bood anal bulits-conaume me 1 At cigbt o'clock-wby-wh7-.îte devil- brimatone anal guis.' 1'Itm jumt as yen ae,$' 'aia1, tanalif,'I 'cure yen, et' course I venu d go-suad tare, vengeance. This ne doubai is thse very fol-- lev wbo îbnoatened te p ull your acrubi noie, mcd nov yen certainly bave. a fair cx, cne fer pulliug bis. Scrub uoaue, -or? T'on didai't gay that. botore.' Then I muet-baye fýrgttaau t, fLOr muant te say it.' : ' i.: Ho consideret! 'for aflew moments, and thon boasiiad witb a gra,-' aOf course 1 1 &hall go-et ceurso I abal, air; wiii- you accempny ti? ,I- knowimymelfif al"I amwell aaqp i Ovu impeuunedislposition-;h-air, 1, m stisai sort of' main 'chu rquirus soctuboaly lways - noar hlm to e -camin, me, sel, sir, 1 asi yen te go with usa, andl if yen saeuse on' tbu pelit of roshhng on the villain3 1 bèg r yen wiii boit! me, mad proveul -me frito tmkiug suusuary vengeance, consumne me Il 6-1 hava ne objection, te gai wiîh yo ÃŽ, said 1. 'We liai!botter st artah >once p-.ns the beo te assignation isaîtov vety close at baud ludecal.' 'AndalseI louai ml dinnerfs' bu mmi, vitis a gnoam h beualdown lu tbe bac%- nuy coacb 1that onuetftho vaitersataIthe taveru <atcheals. - 'Bûat tbink of1your boounr,'amdI ' Oh, yea. Consume mu, yes. _r tisi of my boueur out ourse. It'.1sa9117'I am suob a violent -man, and it'à quite armère,y 1 bave ne weu*pona about nmiorn i de'tr kuow wbat vouut! happes.' r W. reaaibed the spot. efthe -appoint. meut betweeu wy .fniena John >anal bislais. ton K.,te, -ah about tels minutes allier eigit o'cloclc, and bavicg dýisisat! tise comach,' wed ancod a i a> arm.tward: thegaté bemdl-in mb the 'Park;'ce 'cent ieug. the-r pa:b'cay-ýwbich ie la oeu t taigardeof,1 Apa.ley Heuaç, nndaudt!ecly the germi. made a hait> exeliuuing,-' , ' Consulme me, tIsera îbey arc. Cômeo away-ceme mwny. -Biot! anal t1unateri the'as a sighh fer a husan4l.ý ' . Thare tbuy 'cer aure enesgh, andai ey the. treneral and 1t' sbruiik -,baek ite'the .OSiiwooro. 1CHuîla.lgaed bogite luform i cr freiad -Ted tte publie that the>' bave leascaf the ab'ive well known stand, wlxcre the travelling communlty wlll find the bist accommodation and attndan at *Il beuts. 'Tis.table provi- dm1 w1tla everytblug lu "meaon ; the bar lqut- plicaf with the boait lquora gond stabiiaag and overythlult cdeau and ardoriy. JAMES IIENDERSON. 84 GEORGE IIENDIIERON. Mfedioeated & Vapor Baths, AND 'rllE =L£MUROMAGNETIC BATH For the cure of Rlmtcat Affetionit, Liver ComîîlaintuA, 5km Diaijesu, &c., cana uow We liaad eta"The Baths," Adelaide St., near Yonge St. Misce varions Bualia aaainniniaered lirysix- perienced sud carefaa i ersons, ataîder tie .aupe.iutReaadce oiDr. raraew. Dr. iIodder MnYA cif ttee Bath, :11The Medirac ired ' iaauit5avait me arantefaai te You for, afforaiina eIt tl e nane cof' relleving -manfte i1Croaileandsriand kti 10h isasse wbieiî up to the cprciaet titnc uhasitadenicaf toiît frc latic waaut ofifnelieiîed BaUî,"l tW Tiie Moaieaten I]attiar, aore entirely d<ia- titaut troin the ruâit of tio e*uicaithncnt. AGNEW & WAIODELL. Toronto, Sert. 21. 186C. se FARM to LET 1 ~Acréxn-lü0 acres huntai on Leat Nu.24, 150 Jin t he ardri auJ via> Acres oat Lot No. 2.&, iii the 4tia c"ueea-.ina r'oi fowalpuit atit- ihy. 180 .waree lcaîrrad.ii. auinrluaiiil tatr of etirati.tran. Tfiiee prein;iaaîa arc aitrate witîa- li tir, tuila'ofl. a Coin'aitaitv 'i'wn or it a tî.- 'i liae liîa.i% orut'tliasrirrrupila!ava nd wali Wataar- Cl iatt i- alrr'îror as ti P t a rtai. 'l'a mai carra taîliar r teanrtt, thiepreaiaa»eaa wiiIe leI un iavtnrltl. e lratlia Pi) TIIIAi DO>W Whlita'.. WiiitlO'. Septeanlier 4. 1964,S PHRNIX FIE ASSURANCE 00. &Ognon. EST4BLISIIED IN 1782. 0ILSIPi.E , ')K aFv.%rrT & CO.a Agent* fer .tAM>ti'. itVi',N. Nitaîaaag'r. S!l'1r n 9ni11ý 1,4iaa,-t ihFIllE are IaiPr SlAIl) iulthiirtreferearue tai thseloard ilu Leanîni. YEtMAN 0111,40tN, -iaa)'1.t4*.Agent, Wilby INSÛRANCE T Il F naadaraaiirreri i.'erra aupioiiîtciAgent iati l cauity for la rrlaî4e is-eaaa laartulaat.'acaa.li lawlidaehlai % rerîrc t) aùaiaiapa ribksx-fiae.lar sadl niarin.- 77ieEdiabsrgà Lt/e Anurwsce Conuepiu neu Liveqmae dndo". 7%e Momirw al PiIurmcu xnpamp. British Asserriextitttu mrate eCompany, TNtOlPtIRÂATEI) laaider asa Ac t ithae Tiaird J.4'eaaaiou 't oef te eaathia ro.iuclmli iasrlia. 'aint ofuppoel'aaad. CAPITAL £1O0,000 1, sarance etuetoal on Building, sue thoil coniteta. Every inforauattionlseppilcd 011 p. Plicatlioateaeunderslgnedl Marins RIsk.. for the. ea.onor 'orPiîta". JOHN AGNEW, Travclli.g Agent, BevronStreet, Wiaitby .AD V.&R TL S«EM EN T. Rayais ErltuahAmerlca, and Litrer. pool snad Laons Assurance Conxp'nies Embrulug a capitalutof oMllilonsof doinru $20,i000,0006 R6isit teani. ounut'r 20,000 1i bc taken lu aay oeat, ou application to JOEIN ÂGNEWi 41 Thei.onfaani s' Agent at tVbitby. eu TO BROWN'S 1Ft-our and- Pr'ovision $T OREq abokeepue ceuâaisutly on lîmne! No. 1 FlIOur,'Bran, Shortis, Corn and Oat-meal, Oat, Peas, Baln, $nTruretd Hoai, Aplls, Polaatoa, rit0. Do'it forgat thé pluie cornur ift ]MRON & DUNDAS STREETS Oatm*e oenged for Oata at .Mi Prices. 04poadte tlîol'ofqt Office. WhltisY, Oct. 18. 1864. 40 Brooklin-Drug tore. l.Jjl is (à ils, ÃDyai Stuaitu, ,confection- Herse- Cagae Medicineajways on J4aid B3rookle, C. w , 1868. 25 VICTORIA HOURE, JOJIN 5l'UiRILI,........ .. repnicor. rJ'uI~ suliscdb r 'inoq te iîi'ollm lis ultti T. fIenl atîrrat lue iri(? arurr'lirg On tthé abrbomi ut lil l iplliesnae but thée liu 't'ilues, liqtiora, auguraiii, at f rt-fa4iu- n'îtA vel llaîuPilien! ta'ble. Goard tmatallg anlid 01etuluseayard. Wlitr. aOct. 4. 18414. JONSPI iL 8 'O 'i&RECKERD, D lîi5IN' FRUITS, FlS, OYST M, D l, 'aua ouh egtule u ttera U re. aNe. ait Tui-)ato, C M. A PORTER. WM. REWCEIoD. T#rlsîoeNevaenber 56.48 #IL BRAT WAITIi, M. n. c 94DUATE OF TUlE UNIVEMOIry OF xj~GI EJiliogeq, (ainecamer te LinT. Ware,) HAM! & JOSEs, SOIJCîIToîts IN CIJANCERY.OfIjtce,.. J. V.ilAm. C. A. JONES. - IOLPRIN SALOON, EXtTo 'vif oTA L OY( UM, King i'!lreait, Toronto, iMi Fi-e Liiticliever, VALUABILE TOWN\1 OR?' W'y FOR SALE O£ayTerms of Paynient T ITvaltà à lle ft'rtasgaaun theai Emat 1,allo f Newa>iirla tue l)eaStreet, la u0W dr.sl (or .as!, oua ncst amvrble toîmai or' ryýt. '11se îroenur 'iiiho ivd*a u La; é.-,24 rfut frotage on 1Break Streat, etail 98 tu0)tu Duîadue Itrait, at uantoc. Lot IV l i'ssîfi-etn 01 roui-ak Street, LA't No. 3-19ifeait freilatgaie on Brook Street, aand 9 f1 'at depa, loneoriy vocupali b>' Joliep!î lot Nu. t-Tie pnrnaiscai lu the oeepati um raf Fiasclî uiv mho aaI W i itenag." ateat froua oit Pbree, l tstdaiepu. Lwot No. &-VarraattLotSes rt XMeliauln Rocki, 22 foot front. vitco leepu. Téxui-taatPayluelît .. ues. tauttipayable final 1t e uuqetualnbi,. tAppy te il.DAm pERRYt Wbilb>r, <-Ml Di 1864. hr 41retr VILLAIGE PJW.PEUlY il T1ONOF WJIIITBY. Q V3RgJ<I Town amd Villa Lots, samtabla fer Spri-tete raiidenees, lu thé Tovu ef Wbitby aire esiareil feir tsat loi, pilaes, âal ou termn if CZantextoautl oea sperlitro s tu te ItYeamnApply te J.- HAMl PERRY. Wlîitby, Oct 19, 1864. WuiId'Lailds for..kaIe,. abttendi Connablal EBegné. r Jonc o. @Air- n. Maaeh intelY lih lavechuplt myilarlîisitie. &a1ai simple rai.la m ail, fseMu wad lairet As pleassiat alwaysmsita Mlt'ln Ma'; I r era> n .il-,wiauî dies Muli>' 58>' Agreed a-yFour plan 1bi heal>ptive; Rites olMb itei-iat w'ch 11 alar Maitlove ? Na>'. douais 'pealaliaidaihîle h acguila lut Clusha lienaale la>' yeaansd caleby ame Till ail ascadai- lniac ia'Ok 'iesfiîîuag w. shots se, re Anal aaw-'euîhouit amaltera net a pin, fi'Yeu have aae0elaiCetio, l'il begfia. Prececdl liatmainailattes[ll'iiîe ood Anad as te aaeaiaildo n sbi nl the lroi, - i0 CatI>' cilti-n lad ihe te iir anit MYI>se'A maCcealprivîlegu, ahe Issi Whleu b'y eucciaectal «h b ie nda adrp lai, AnsiIncaltahisg auin'y baliigaaistyle (1'lne regas'citaerpiaire lataaiing ahe 'hIle> Abouat thi a ss-.aar stythlng, In ciiri, 'rian t earesware à l ia opeciai forte-, l'a u>', aeit e pa ciee tytar cwaa, à liealj aie ithsetA ln u nitaier fauie t Tiaaifs Nasabor Oca; l'il aaind 'a wei, ityeta tVilil do as rnach. ayux, liar iy Naimuir Twn; Wooelf we attndaima'o *1 Damai leigie Four à il Y=n ,%, el>' h. wali, iti heipien vIellai e aeaneasa haire. 'fluaI ever *alked uapsna, aparlonsr Bacc, Waîale yaiu-uaaîivlia aofFra y ucipsnel' daun- Flirt it thé tsgirls-tac gayitîihe recto Mohni-ltheaagi tahe SaasletrusiaI aive- Hlave nuaielied sut liantrtu ake a plestaaiat drive, Votiil Iaal thea'narrage wsaîiig ai liealcar;i Dt)a' ksepuae 'Wala iîagliîaltsaî hnatar aus, Andu thii decinrc ihe "lailmassaf hotaao sow."0 Wtaen you l(machia i -egrihave happ-nca ew suwaid Iacai) Gait te l ilha" lil Ila. ytlef' ci- Aaad ais away liilwaiorhyo ueed'ît se>, #11 ressilyi> s lti r.î tu, eoaeawny 1 "risf ve>' isarge how ' iwflîle aime ia ssil;j l'fiti ser m, ai'haes, idclk clusi ta.tua lsl liE. Tiaere-iawall do; 'chat cIsc remaltas tuseay IPe a e ider Riari stuaiacday, l'sai tulng slsepîr-eaad-lt Fuihave doie- Mu I-alli aking tales la preeloasfun; Now hcre'saaolethr: hen yaou peint t lei ,!Tha ehaaaang weaaans yOu are sure le swe, l>uai'a..wheaa >'c peaethe avirtuse hhn uget Umeeculyhaaae Foau allit kFra r Iea anel Ana lsaere.a£frau Iit peboesa clweai farge, l'h.oiaaeel Importanta 1thave aioitimiaeityet-. l'es>, muai il 'ceiL-whi.ver you Inliela To auig Fouar qut ccmpaniettehone.a e., êaippie. nsuraia.i.-gaod geslcIia ess aslc Ah I wei-tlaiaely gonda salarie.'li ieept Anda ho iasl l bave IL noa, apo ura ac lire, 1Iven'esathle prupcc siarit s wdc. Getieral Greens, Or a ColdEueoautetr. 'My dean nid sau olaffrienal to me, as vre ast toguther bje my fire-S'ide eue gUaîy oening inlu Mrb, "Ml dear D.-, just SHlOW me te crack tihWlarge cSd that la, biulog andl <swing lu the grmoi snd ttIuîok yen if Yenueer beard of Généra] Green, ml gister'a bu. ";Yu 1 have bielrd e ofeai G reon.î 'The douce yen have, and l 'c iou , o eartib dit! Yenhear of sim?7%tell me, Iny dearfelow, for Iram iimpaetes 4 Oh, I oau eaaly eiîough teli yon, heard ofinS jug nsov ferisle fit tinsa fro. YOD! S Oh,-pbo tpbeî1neme, it id DO joke,1 os a »usre yo mlan atier Zate vas mii. tees 'chen I viis six w itisont the. Inn, ant! thon ahuwrried Geners1Green, -who, asu1 uandurstot! tse tory, uo=m fter répudia te4 tii 'choie et ber famille andl bobber to Bogne, 'choe. hbey have reuldeal eter ine., outl nOv.' ey4,,unUilco'cian4aelaun tventy- twoiîh.y mpuaI, ou me, have been abreal agâteau yemrs, andlmy utater Rate la about two4.udI'tburty yen undes"sa. Wel,'- f OIIP. 'Good Goal, deuIt gay 'Oh t' lu that prevohiug sert etf'csy, Yen ore enehsgh te dive au one WSa' 'Thuda' prueluin bat aWtaittBL tbstyensredolng; yen are enizngbte drive.anybedy mad abhut your aluter Rate ; yen begi aato wlîh your 'weUl,' 'yea mut haie,' mnd &de o ODtndeestand19'_80' rIl play viti maffi moi Your, sister maya ne ia arigntinîuY jcai.-- loua-thon -:'twonild ha s-geiW <ing 2<1are cura bim of, Ibat, don't yen thiak. Suae Pose Dov,aIa ksso'csutbIng of mne,I 1m vas te teliim of the appointuseut "laisra vif. hal madle at Hyde Park. - Hlm jea- a ioa most ikely la merely s pretence by Wh 'hidi héeuenmaire bimseit vexations at home. I bave. kuewn thatfi-reqsoatly <o . theas cm hou thes-é <bino!as inre-Do ality qulte far romithe feeling, but thaghl ho ia vonderfally god clomlc for' tisillI. humour. To ms-bmes thora i,&minothlng ii iatha'erud soastousding a à rouel casa,- o or vIsaI lte7ara mat!- se thig lus'eue.' Ib 'But vo'l -he ladal my sister- a tonit limem. 'cormelifo.fter yucommnndlcalôil' s ,W 'NoI 'iiiln&qt hatdinnen b. la hbr vit ou-ci 'ai.r. t ti rattt oit amid ioil at oui- wractu a -V.! corners, coniion', ILLS, cnet>' alaminosai rrtrnit'Ori taxaidoîl lirrirro, iri I NS 'iv Ian Ina rira Brook Oum à q 1b,