Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1864, p. 2

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N~,wVvetI,;îi1t% hisDay,' 1mnl .O.Roberts. To Prince Albert-3BWoq Bain. FslyGroceies-C. Robons,. 49The Red, White ana Ilio-J. Èdii. Iniolvent ocice-Oeorge Snlt-C. C. Keller, Soicite Official ssgeeA.Iarlcer. MortZgsg ae-E. B. O'Dell. bloney te Lou-Jaines Holden. blortgsges Wanted-Js.s biodon. Notes Lost-L. & P. Sawyor. 'FParm for Sae-4 V. Harm, Bsrnster. Onardian Notice--J. V -m Notice-Frances Pollard. Lands for Sale-J. IL Perry. Ntice-Jame-1 Brocim. Psy up--James Brouta. Hoavy istock of Clot-PR. & J. Campbell Ready-made Clothins-R. à J. CamPbell. Opening of Great Stoùl-T. rI. bMcMillan Card-Atiuon & Boswell. Try Bryan's Rtoyal 4 Coffee Pot." Catalogue of Prics-J. & W. Cowan. AUCTION SALES. On Lot No. 21, 7eh Con, Pickering, on Thursday, Nov. lOah, 1864. the property of the libte Daniel Wîeide-AM Thomp. son, Anctioneer. On Lot No. 14, 12th OQu. Beach, on Saturday, Nov. I9th, 1864, tte proerty of Patrick Larkid -A. Sprinx, Anetioneor. 181ti50 CENTS A YEA.R Whthy, Tilur8'iay, November 17, 1864. - Thse Novs.. Iloti. Mor. Mota't, bas tefinilcly sceepl. 01 ul tise Vice - Canceilorsbaî1), aud resignet a lis seat for Sastti Ontario. lIon. Ma.b llooclaî ile hie successer, tu Pelmastca J (lateraI. A aeo election wilI taire place n aitisout telaby Aîreaity candlidatscarat-c as tink as hîscirberries. Tisa nauea spaken ot arc Abirahsama Frevoîl, flan- mony; Cala-lu Campbll, Broilin ;,Johsnn lsai l'erra', Wîaitlaa'; b. P. White, Pick' orbag; S. 9. Fairanks. Orisaa'a; Johnc Ratalîif, Colatibs ; Dr. Gine. Whitby;p Dr. Foote, Iiaooklam ; (Cnester Draper,b Whiîtby ;'T. N. Giblis, isawa,--W'u-, Laing, Captain ltowe.-ant goodn-c s, lkuows 1mev naey oblier aai-illile residant canitidatas. Mra-. John îBell, suind a Stejaien Richards, Barisiers, T'oronto, arc tise mest it-quent tnaines se havet henr nitmtioneit as amongs t tise outiders5 lrho vouli laae neo bjection te o sFentc Le Pet-hument te nepreent theue althyi constitucucy oi Souths Outario. We aidt vise aIl aspirants; e plane thir-alaiuts be-0 fore tise lectoas as speedily ai possible- Parlaet-we arc serai-offcially ais- sard-trill aneet in jaatiary,-julIa5s we long ince predictet, lu Qiabc.T'oroentso bubashon tcprbveal'.)y Av. M. Smiths, -John isînDonalit, sud the ether tîick-anit-1 thila GriL geninees vIse supported Saut' flelit Maýdo&ts t'sîicirey goveramment. ofi Ils unteîibtllrights. Torouteolabuoon tartia t oet is pro- priety by h alleget discovrnyof a Foui- 1' an organisatIon in tisaI city A nuinhrof e lt-lis pires bave licou teizet aI a bouse et s tae-ukeeper unait McG oite. bbc tuatter isautdeagingjudiclal investigation before tlie autisotities.McGuiro vas ad- n1tted te bal,asau abseqntly diiciarg- <d. Tiscre maybhoa tev-a very fao isi,- guitedInitvittas nluToaonto-belongiug te tise Fenlant foity, but ave wventurut- te assett lu nc etiset-psrttoetCanada. - TIsere appears te tas te ab. mucismoe smincr.tissufine un tise whoie conicetn.- Tise IlFenlsnd't bave deîteisted bacir Lie pies, sud tbraten 155 prqçeeditifgs agiiiÏit tise Police Officere. Auctiser efthtie Ocen Steainsisip Cous. nany's aesei,-tise Jie's,-isb ootse va-acirt. Owing te tIse ignan-ce et- ueg- ligance cf Use pilot ase hecamo strantei at Crosby point, ou bier' outrancete Liae-n pool, and pstted le bye. IHopes are enter' tain" t th ie parts eau b. tede inte dock. Dshe vasuninsuret, Mnr. Lncoln bas beau re-elctet for anoîbea- terni as Presîdent efthtie a United' States. Tise Beptablicans haveaaise canri- et thés tate ot New York, sud Foulon bas been leeo over (3ev. Seymour. Tise Damomescomptain, sud ave blie. aviLis cause, tisaI militaty terrer, sud officialIin- fluence accempbishe thtIe resui, arît thaI tise takiug cf tiesolci'oto ws a sissi. Gon. McCîennau bas teniterod islae rsigna- tien, aud vo at-e toidths tissais s een se- capteal by Lise Preelent.- Tise van stilI unuortunuoely pa-ceeda. WVe have a-cancreof "raids," l"conspira- cies,'t ait gaet pa'pstaticus forit nca- meulas hlci at-s.0 accosplisis sondons, but uotblng actnshiy finaltor definito froin suy cf Lbe annales ongagot. "Recnuncle- suo," "ulirmlshe," &c., sud tise doinga of guet-ilasst-s reponteit pleatiiully, but .nio tecîsive batîle. Tise examinsatien cf tise St. Alba's aaiders vas centînueit up nte aoiay, visen justice Cent-sl, on tise application efthtie pimeur, gganted s delay te tho 131h ot Decembenor un et-da e ale tisere an cppottnity cf pi'ocnring eitonce fer tise dofenco. Mr. Desbaa-tsa-the joint Quee' uPtin- ter, and inluhoa tisrertse-ien et tise ps' tfent vas veied-itie'l nou Muty l4st andsi ae ae ld biaitifseGovernemeol bave soeud h. oppottniuy te conider the shntAa iet nt pratio ii etnto euggestiL ireek, suit la prorîted it ol -a complots stock of Family ga-ocenles Wines,a, iqucai cf aIl kiaits. OTSotara a icuREJT.MÂDE CLo-rusC.-- Mess. R. & J Qahil,li'e* îtenubeitia te tiseïlarga-e stock, adsoliciî ia cati fa-on cualomers.- Ma. MeMiLsàx steentim sthe oesing cf a splendid stock at, bis nov stores ezx week. St. Austaew'ls Soot. Aitltme snnal 'meeting cf Use st. An- itasos SSe ocf 'Whiaby sud Pickering sud adjscent tewmis, beli t s Black'i Heotel, Wisitby, on, Batfrday afiemedon tirs" fellowlug gentlemen veto elootea Offeelseanere for the jear 1864 snd 1865. ,bsvlia Roberts, Présiet.t -Basent Smîtb, CE.. Whitby,) Vie-Fa-i Raec . Lmoinan, <ihaplain. Dr. Gun, ?bysiiam, R.iLAvier, 8«roawts ' I J&Ls Bain Tnsent-et-, CexMEZ oea Bsewom-ens auawosca.- Tise PmesdeaitVioo.Paedà Cirpiain Phyielan soteessa-a. vi fa s c o S s fi e h c h 1' s n il a c a h 'h n g q a t s led the representatives; of Whitby, Est Whitby, Oshawa and Pickerinig, to O~P- pope the messure. Wby then did you Kupport it? It; certainly is net desirable, and dees flot seem te l't necesgaSl7 hat se ruuch antagenism should exitit betweefl the people cf the Town, aînd those in the other parts of the Southa Riuling, lu con- d1ucting the mutnicipal affairs of the Coma- ty. There are a nuinhler of other ina&ters; respecting our municipal affairs tu which 1 intend te call yoaar attention ut sonc fia- Lune period. In the inean Lime I sincere- ly desiro that you take such meaicures, as to you rnay secm buet au]apted Le reaxove the unfavorable Impressions, entertnined of us by the people of the othier portions of the South R~iding, and 1 earncstly hope you wili bu able to cenvince your consti- tuants that it is through ne fautaîo f yoairs Lthat suca a state of feeling exists yeu will thercby add another obligation to the already large number fer which the people ot this Town are indebted to you for your energy, and enterprise, both publie snd private, in endcavoring te adrance its pros perity ; andl you avilI aIse greatly assist "lPickering Fariner" te niake eut a case against the Reeve of Pickering- 1 arn dear Sir, leur iingot obt. servant, A NIIITBIY hIERCIIANT. Lettea, INo. 111. *. are credibiy lintonanod. that aNar' langtS are on tise tapistisoaseen tise cisaran klk Mesdemoiselles Newfeurndi ,Neya- eolla, Nes-Brunswick sud Prince Ed- 'sa-t Island, woeare te b. ee'vealiy Unit- ed ufext spring te, Chevalier canada.-East, Squire lJppet.Canada, Major Not-Wut utd Ceptain Vancouver-. We have't been raered it t a ligbt cf tise varions trOuS seux, ohicis are indeesi omthy cf the beautittal Brides, anditulea aie ofetnvlich we are given se undeaitandthtie publie oill eé admittet neui jean. The Demaoielle Newtondlanit bas been presenteit oit ma superia saiver et erquisite wornlaasbip, on ohich the fi nuy preducts cf ber sea-girl ale are charmingly pont-trayait. surreuitieit wils clusters et blacka dismoaids, skillfully utd appa-opristely ont. Misa Neorfouniîsu will dazzle the spectators wits a map meetï artislically constrocteit, on ohinh the Atîlt1 bs displsyed great tale sud iflgcnuoîîl A variet andt Ibte-lîke nepreseaatateal et br native city,-sud ils noble barbor, interanin- led witis beuttui specimtet ofgolit1 quaitz, bren-sait ceaI are limmrad sitis ou-1 chauting skilt. Miss Neo.Brnnsoinla bu1 ceen presenteit with a shielit et antique, sbape et highly polisheit steel, su ohicîs ire exhibîteit anriterons aud carbonie-ets opecimons et singular beauty, s alto me- lels cf ahipe, lu cvery stage etfsuanetanctioti tho obole surmnounted it sitis tmly tinisheit aioiel cf a veaIli full sal. Tise Icveîy isa Prince Edoard Tolan imais been pre. santed with an or îîolu plateau or ohiarta are itepictedin luglooing colore tiset-aria-t aut enchauti'ag secuichbeanties beauties o!f ler ntive bonis. We have net yct been benpewit olisa glianpgseto the bridat presonts efthtîe gfn. tiemeai; hut la lias been whiepcredtinlura ear that thse Chievalier Causita-Esat-has in a very tersant state ai preparation sarue- ble moeof at Nornai oaa-herse, oith a Ki<ijtbtlufull armour, carrying on bis peu. son lu lattera o e anud gclit, theglori ous oIt rmofte to f"dsans peur et tans t-e proche." Squsire Causalsda-ett, tîtua' lasi net beastiloIlunnoise ho Lachinditnlubis offorng. A snperb golden sala-or is iu course et preparealioas, 0onhich abs vaticit pa-oducte et bis mi hand tfeatile tcaritory, boîh las rte, lsuowe-rs ardit ea.la, the sisalesuermnonteit wiab a itubte Maple troc, uhelterinc sa-hat-min; hmt'.stoad, are te lie ponrîmayadt flactoe-trouaad hein; illait lu witis a rmoie ta-To~rouneo1Harbor, and tise Queen citi, ubeacon built. A rumeur le patevaleut tisa aime oligist telay msy on- cor lu abs ospousala et MisNew-Bra-us- wbck sait Miss Prince Et sardI]sJlanit, as the worti Major froua tise North-West, suit Capîsin tram Vancouver, ae at pro- seut cousidemet tee yeung te enter bute an solemi anuengagement ohieh ià se shertly te bindthIle ftaduitfurtutaes etthe othors. Tise t-se youug ladies, obll butise interint lie placet undor theo guaribanship et theba relatives, asu i ll lu due tiame, coneunamate thei- union-.lI t ua-thor statei thaat tisa Est- of licDonadan sd hie aides-de camp1 thse Messieurs Gaît, Blronsud Cartier at-e te aca as dghost mnu th ie happa- occa. sien. Tise Bridesmaid are te hoe Mesdames hrtsunia aud Alexandra. W. sbncsa-etj t-usa tlmet tisase espousaîs may preduco ali aba t isppiness siscis may hotaîly sud tondiy auticipateit. Ms. JAMEzs BAiN, it oill lho secu by ai annuie-mou lu ethor celomrns, intente oponing as-nov Booa, ehoe, leatiser>. andt NEW,-AD VER TSEME.NTS., FAMILY GRIOCER, WINE AND SPIRIT RERCIIANT,' Begs to intimate that he inteid(s Iiemoving on Mon- daty the 2 lst itist., to the 110w buildinig, on the corner of Dunidas anid Brook Streets, lately erected 4y, Rlobert E. Pcrry, Esq., immediately opposite BIa2k's.' Ilote]. Nvumber In. the whoeosahonme, Where,sirnoevw w your. Te the electorn ofetahe sonth fli<lIg cf lI ibest lime to builci roads ?et Where the Ontario.V 7b 2-uwP. IWkite, Esq., Reea'e cf dabundauceo etnoey, chosp laborsud l Pickeriing. materialo'?" Where '-tbe.develepement Gentlemen efthtle repeurees cf the County 7" Whene " enfuieso, Sut, ~ the progYes5itie prospoîiityt" seocsentÎai jumt uow May hbe netil. You will .be L Miy retereoces to yenr te our Ceuty existence ? With eue breath 0900.ýcaîled upen te elect a representative sytematie opposition ie ail Read.grantc ail il swept awfy--ytlr cie lino gene, ail int1 paefHn r oe who bas l for Picertg-anless the western, or Ma- geos. With yeur colors uailed te the Matf, acceîated office. Glancdng backfo ton t lorrile lin ere adeptd-I hope yen. ilMajorville rond, or ne grants," llrmly yeans te the representation (if ahis Riding, i bav-e daaîy cousidered. I have wiittefl te yen stuod lu the ranka. Thoeue grand sud what do we flud ?-Thaît the chifnt yenin uail sincerity, sud this part ot the object cf yoiar lite muet succeed, or noune object et Oun representatives appentis te t indicaument, 1 silI 00w endeavor te bring shaîl sbeeeed. Place 4 picltnn iht"hv ee esnre placeansd pewcr for 1 home te yen. in opposition te "6 Majorille interests ?", tlemselvee-, net te premete the intercalas off The summer ,esmion of 1858, et the Absord I The latter yen attend te, the for,- -enr county: They have-, te this coleou-0 County Council eommeueed ou the lfet et mer may talce cane et ilself. Yen admit sernpulensily traded upon our pelitical,0 June. On abs second day et the session a that $48,000 wuaatact tee much for the religions, and local feelings; they bavey special coinnitten ot nine tias appointed Centre road, in Beach, north-24,000 for seltusOlîY time cars agaîinst caech ether,t te espeeially consider the auuch vex'ad the Epseoa sud Uxbridge Bronk rosai,- avtlaut the lightest regard te Our good L rond question. The comnittes was cern. 16,000 for Simce Street,-north $120,000 or benefit, and only with the single selfilsh pesed of five trona the North Itidinz, sud for the whole Ceuuty, te go in alebt, fer -purpose in view iof helping tbemselves. lu four front the South, of which, yen wero reads, se long as in the general ecranable, tact tht' intereat et the ttiding and thosee euene Thut special committen reported cn Majorville wus net forgotten. For that et the electors were with tbem quite aV the 4th, tbrough its chairman, Il that in mattler, the County funds may bc absolutely socondi ycensidenation altogether. It the opinion et yoiar committee it is vnry sqnandered, in making TERra i'AEALLEI,. waS owing te thigs tateOfai thingg tee, in a 6 desirable that certain leading rends bc im- aoioEs et road iu Wbiiby aud Ileacba, aI greul measure, liat a public men aud preved in erder te facilitate the turîhen de- the coul t f$8,000. What cared yen for oua l-uhlic press <00w se laappily mederat. velopement et the reseurces et this Coun. thant? If Pickering aiespsy 0ON-FOUTan ed lu loule and lamper,) callaei anh other ltv. 1,ofthe whole taxation et the' Couniy 'what 'robbers" d"public lutaderers" "c'ura-up- 2nd- Thale " the prescrit lime as extre- caaad you for that ? If Piceraing wcre tioniisis," aaal d1i hMrly othar uglv mely favorable for the acceuaplishament etfnî,bbcd for the hen-efiht of te reur îowaî- naines which iha ig~sîvoraahilary couai flhnt, w/sic/a i essentiel te the progressive ships, wbat caretd yu for that ? And' if 'upply. la wiiv ahrougla sacli trîckery Iliat prosperily oethale County," laccause 'me the rond peiiauns did no( asla fu o miey- ah' publia a uis deccived, :ud aruil ansd ney cai ha ebtnined ou the meon favorable ohat even canait vin for taut ? "lJustice Il:o(iiia7se-t a-ide. Anal thein- alsreliait, ternis," "i abor and mateisîs are cern. te Iickcnringz" .va-,bcbgr donc, hy creating troint abis violent staie et paray feeling paratively ahcap." sud tho expenditure et a debt ut $120.000, wlieh, la-iil wus W-'18he ilead :Oc1 aud the aliiîioi.Ila the mneny woulèl henef'at the piour. paid, woulîl arnuillte $200,000- - ut least s"a Ilhappy aorisulnination, ut las', ta finrat fird. LI That ln the opinionof etyeur $50,000 Te Ian cT'AI l iY PICKERINO-Te arai.a .1iTun A. Muadnnalit u ndt Ma. Brown, ou Commitie the tellowi;im roads shoruld be AD islTuO Ni-Potvi.-Ttiai ows yorreatelle 1 nuit, unitiug tailla'Ma-ssrs. Cartier improvcdl by -rabbin-g, egradin- snd gravrel- 'justice te 'Pickering 1-Tour Il aîaisite- asu i (lt or the allier iia oarder te allay ling wbere ucaassaay,- via:. -the Cenitre c,-" wiis te vole againva yuur uwu vvchvrn, those v;lfai Il jitiûîi iad relifions tel-G road frein Manchaeter Nenth. yeur own report, yaiur on see-ches, yuur aeg4. îal:îalî 1h-, exareme parliaiu-ip, ef t t 4îh. Tho' Wliitby Brook road te Epsom, oi division et thf t' ieoy, whtlleaî n- leasi tsorli.e & th-ai', tetadý d--al vaineuch -ù' ihenca' auUxbrid;e.jorvîlle rond cailiier be huila. Niiw, sir,-et-a nî 1Wî-daviiglreoe 5th. 1- lTle ronit freinFIINBiA Yi5 t, jusl orec qîlreatiln irivaaî.]y :lu M.ajirville ahe truvi.e It> ivis t ie tihule aiuniry by C BETWrPN ILOTS 24 AN» 25.ato Illetonship Ilie uoi. L Townvship ct Pie4eriiiz ? unalili'- rail 0i-. i iitihiA men-afi nnî,Viliaî-v ut Uxhridxe,, theuicpe p the' 401 e i. ine, ýfter tlîc lous ut youa report on your an oeus grand cîinfedorai-aa. This, (ia-iîale t.hrougm Ux!irid;-e anîd i'ot'moioin, the. Coutiail dc!ea iucd te tay 1r0ua1, l siel) cal-t lie ighî iicieit]- ue Gahl. IlSimene sireet teaThe h5ah. con. outIllei. quesion oncea-mure. On th,. bah tl»issawill i-vu miir hialîaaiî Piiih l'0il- Thorala." - .1 ~~~~unal - oii irasinaude th-ilia iicour-rit tic-,, ii: tgiy uttt 711j, Id For the carrying eut ot the said go ilal omamitîe eoftahe whole, on aLr,,d barIided ilaeom1lishiiig se granid anad improveniellî v uer èutnanilace ranarnid chame as followil._tcaial i a-l aeoalhot(r that itebeatures et this Muniaiiîaality te the The' Cntre rondt............... £12000 L'-î us in Sotih Oitari, profit lsy ahi- ex. citent et £30,000 ha issuet, payable iin 20 Broc1ll d e çîoin &Uxhrilge, 8000ample OutIr e;la'l-rii, ai. hlrigaividu aur ycars, :o;ah inîi-et.s. Batea.ýn Roi ................---7000 tetydin«lir--ute4 s tinlthe goud %York Sth.'Tu Ili- ecrpended oaa ronds us fol- Pickernîg 1haclzaI:Ihs..... 90()by eluctîrig I Lia.e foletr South oaa. loos : -MI - 1 _tarie etftatouai- usican fçe raI iaa, 'thb. Centre Rondai.......... £120(0 Total.............. £il.;0 1andi in wîi ose - :teLrri¶v wP(caitrhplace meli- IOah. Break Bondt te Iîxbriitge - . .6.000 This sciacre wus graaiing iii th> Pick act. lThi %taihy landitiaiîlligeaî ceai- 11Ith. Western (or Pieli'ng) roadsd. 000 o erîig rondi, $36,000, îîeîîîg 4 10 ljai ia tiliaae i iiiOjuie- îîaya -- a-: i IIru, -emti-iulit1l. iJr.lis at t a-a I2îh. SilOC:i st ...............4000 Ihala thiat ua'nied irevour asu relatira. <Out ofet he e-bal' griain tthe Wet(aia r-t-.] wasf-rt!i- - 1Llalst (4la .11,iiu-pla1-a-liar Total £30,00flO te receivc just 011e foah,-Ille iebe-aauresfr 1 - au;,î gu~f11, lc 'u Here tdieu, we have the' irst rond sahe-re wprp - lhohe ha aineas you i-rü1-eie, Y i _'Mil a- 0oi ijautar* 0f tht Jue sesion, out lOSSi. hiah I mav yere . aNi(,Ijy wavjustaas lenuiu,luiricaai iaau-i propcrly cal peur ronid vaheane, aT vosuià1 nud1matrials jua-tteus hcnp. Onh' six deYSs were titi active, andt lealing spirit oet'the' bviaig elitpled, the 1h est 'aine i lu bad A a-::i iÀt i vi xa ats committa-e. Ande hor; plainly your gp.aius the roit', stili ceîatil4leai. Wilh Til tuieraSi aaa rtlaolei - shows farth in tlae repaît. The Pinta-rang faies Faig yen iii the fat-e, weuh 01:1t a Break lload ecuitltrly iguoreal 1 Aaî in l week intervtiling hbeau en ouroun ai hiy 1 VoJo/ara )fiant Ierry, EVsiuire, Reera of 1,15 place, aide lUne belsecu lats 24 and215 reaomemîad-d 1eport sth-and rs-ruienus. tise 'ue-n if WtIititby. suheituteit! For aII4 uew ondi, oith lts yiu aairup yvuos otea rats lus- ting *Naý - extension taluough Uxhridgc andilSaent, Yonr enlleagaîa, lMa Spears.hr-iaig cüIaviiaaýd l: - III.-'- iî1-ai:'f lie- wt t1w 4 8200wert provideit, a cu Nitnit' net. bvyour owai report, sud toamil- aaaaaiaaaats iai-ra-il'ti.1a iteeppars -lIt he ~ ~i ar liuuia - Pil'î-ria-4 Pîr'oea Za 5)thie Baan ;that cf tîmeIlylao,ltaased hy the Cuunty -arat"certain leaiting a-oai s sai be i u-f - tirkýriaig, iaminOi i i- s-nul-r Coucil attils lausa session, for the /- oIe provet" tlaerthy Il teveluhaliartl t-h e eur t,,-r- a iiiat iî-îî il *tv.i,i. rol* Coaanty. This acharne cuitet yeur tlpws cea ut the- ('ourîîy" hy "1aesuvinz i i-ai n- f 'litàbflaai -uthe 1i-CaL-. Jet dii of Iljustice vas Piakîý-iinl.' eacty. bMa- cuhtie iu caiveyiug predure i0n mark, a, ou t '- -aitvt- , ttlie ri:*.laîa:uia(il harville wmis in the aas-utant, enac e pre. reedu tvlalch ri ecrtain cerassolas c-tah'- year ai- t I-i'i- e i-. s aiii.t u-cil ini Yen hait samtinz au s-omIt for, sud, have beau almiava iiupaeihle." --Tient tha e ll -r Of'ai'- aiu-tril-Iitioai01ti O f liniin- ît 1saasia eObserve bow Orion yîu dire-prement limie is extrerneli fatvorable' Iomnet-~~u-la:1ii-1.i u--.l < ile se.- covaredta ai"certain leadilap rensashonlit emplish that Iltahici le es-aTitiJl trithet to tth-ieyCns --sarlii-e e- t 1. lei be improved,"9 te develepe the' resourcesetfIprogressive prucperity ut tht' Couaty,' und !raur thi ici 1 x- aIa cpti 2the Couaaa." l'bat the progressive praîs.that by thîî Wes-vii- roud(it iig $Z6,000.. a. utig t siihrealoixn e 9r e ptaî.'a rperiay et the Cennty" made laid essential" oue-fessralî efthIle woee, ose" -fair ad A , ixi Ille tii-oi of util't(, iuialt a te grepple with tbe quesairua. The cheap- cquitiblia te tht e -ataIparts outahi- Colinî- i eni(l]laui1rmpi.1 aarril. a nesietfmeney, laisar, sait matenials, were ty, (yonr cou ouate,) votc airuî-the' resu s -uiai-iiiluir c-i-us aii futurae, a s spars- ci importat consialeaatleus lu your epin. lution. PBut a morat tondeatul chaTnge li tisai ti'"ii -e ii- T nshîip utfl'irkeriîîg ftra io.Allule otye . -~; el ~oe e. eddtaie tMjthU ula -c fis-llae te îhaîik thiat Iliata 0Teon.uAit iee Il e ws imsîàebi"comoeryn Fn ai u'-Iof- 'xiiaiatlîîL-i1a-Ni uri ec ceilairit Tcotne-The report (Sour report) wu ville auit ronds boîlt a te Cîauilly e- r,,ilPrtnni;-iiidhila isfor the piar[ase 6preeented lu the Contcil, and refermei tat ipense, ait the axpom.re et- Pickering atataOf ngl î,:auluthaî t Tioili u- athe Coantaitte eofthUe whole Conucil oith- leading aheaeto latil Ingere-ai lu -unr trainrua rs s-vti, nahoaibava beu the. c-ief reipirai yont discussion. On s motion lu committee No objectiain ou youa para te createthaime -tative oaitahae-1Tu 1f, eceunIs .('non- ta aitopi the firs et ol yon meveit a lit- debi,no objection as te Itahe div ision -et the cilifotuaeucyvars patut. l'eu %-ll observe file ameuidmneat. Haviug juet ahe sîlilalest moeey beaseen the Easternan sd Wstern La Vet thil - Phickering Farmer" il; enileuav- aitear iu the veoil ftahe p"ssiiity et change ranlge et Townshipe, or bettacen the a- oriaîg te sabevrauImit la k hraiagli Usefautas et loctio, you desii'ed te defiuie youar pre- menait nameit fer the Noath a Sout uh cf ahea t-ce, thui etm ownuship is mate te cisc positien. Yen tnoved that ah. follewiaig Raldings, but every objection te tht' impr've- I. salier lesufin it-ickerlungatai isu ho aitiei tat he fi-st steticu, 'prcvded that meut et the Break Rosit. With closad it netsar:ieiuteamt ~îcing arngacm" sncb imprevemnts basmadeine au s talaeyes yen evalloweit youa-4'consisteucy pill'sud relie tilt vehae a-g-tina.tthe resoutmîln su. ouiabe a e. t.aIp-as et abs ud vowÈtp« eA gait he motion, agilosa y our passait aînauattiuesly atiproving tz f he jonantuelil, iaa ltiîklgs IbI, Uxhridgo Vil (e in Monili4y tht' 14th hast. 1 Tîcaseait 1Msss. Iliitton, Feaâby, .Stirj rurda-t 1nlClhiuu 'The eva inî tht. chair. bliut"i oflitit meetinmg ,-rendsad sp- pativeit Mt. Sharrtsral, ecoudeit by Mr. Cisip- main, tuoeai for leave tas briîîg ira a By-as te repoul BylsoNNa. - , uni]alte diutiit aIme scisol Sectionis ina thistotwnushipil to Nos. 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 tam 1l, sud th aise bcharead a fiait aime, Leaao 'i'he 13jlas tans then inîredamcet, aent a fiast, secoandlanal tair i ure, passaunit oignait hy tise Rt-ave. Mr. Veasby, secondait hy Mn. Cîiaptaa, n'oveailfor leace atobiî',itg lly-luar iii rapeail 1IylawNuo 2rl ofet hisîtîujiitipIitity, andti au alte prori,uletartisaiqusuuiabyai. cs-rtiticaitet' ruessny au uhîin Siasopanuîd buvrau, [ccores, ani ttiai- tise saine bu resit a fira aie, Larave g;tlet. Tise 1y-taiw sans tisea intronetsand' aest a irait ime, sait on anotionofaIrM. Fanali>, tisacouncih scntIaIlto nomnahîtea et tisaNvbole tlsereon-Ma. Chspta in l tise chair. Tise niinnltuteruse andt repoetai hieir report as aàmendait, wsiin!:as recela-et ansed ci; anîd ou motion et Mr. Faaasby the liy-haw oas tîsen rend a sucentdsuit tisird limai, passet aut signethy tise Reere. Mr. Shantartf, senonitei by MaI. Chap. mtan, uredt tiait tisa Cherk c ad sudb iseaeby instmuctoit te get tisTe bra Liceasse By-Iao pintet, togeiber antis sections 40, 41, 42 aind 43 et cap. 18, 27 28 Vic. ap- pendai t tereio,4 uni t hat he tersant oe or more -copies et tise saine te escis larcin or an-keepet- in tiis mniciprstlity. -Caraiet, ' '-f Mn. la'eeby, scoedty Mn. Chnpmsn, -moe-et tist tise cdent ho iptrsscted te cen- muniet sthaie Paaiaslt-et ofRosit iDivision No. -ia rereaice te a golly on, Paulkiu'8 ILItI ou tisa 5tisco.-Car. t-et. Incidents in relation te t/se Ainerican Wlat, indicative cf f/se course puraUed by ftae FederaI Govtrnaacnf, te bring tte slUnion eut- aayward sist et-. Max. Ena-cea, In lookiug ever a New- York pspier et Nevenaber lOtis 1 tandtahe fullowing litho usnitent oluichis 1 se nurly connectedit, u act, wol hebo@tory ortrhie poor wernaianad ber fsmily, as re- latit lan lelter No. 2. tisat 1 amnanme yen wiil rarateaime tot quoting ilb "lA Clergyma ain theeCiayetfhBaltimore-, turing a religions revival, liaitlis aittention iatteasia cntlenianiii tia-aundience, v-u t-iu i daruîy engaget iim the ce- nacra rie cualel ad iihlm 1irivaiely aluriaug and. auc- sltit loinsevetal quart- d iiîîal arncatgtheisen, ere howos !rom u nd itas anstireai prom-pty, ira the taahiowiîig caraluge, theugla prophisln]an- guape a 'Iarn s refugea tram Ilcfl", w-tareupom thie eaergyînsanloft hum, tiat.- iug lauiinsnt'. But it Iiîft an anupres- sinuai apun bis iiîimin l i hahocoulit net gut rut et. ('seing itewu lthe treet eue day bu m-t tise stratuger, arai aeguizin- hlm. steppeitt antd etaquireit ttio meainaofut is hein', 'a na fgt ram Hall ?" ohen bu repîbeit." liredth l"state of Missuri wben tîtis sar nummsieicd ; 1T nain ariaisminuasu huit Mava oft la hast taieca thait GCe er tîteRt n miiatm, nliuitwoe f et ac alevt tolia that over trodt he green earthr aget r-iaal,17, unit 20 yasrs. Thue anius cama hy eue day, sand triait te tecntaut'noble boysinte tise ranks, unit huza-ue user refused te go, aluna eut tîme brainsti f buitîs lifuarury cyces;bornait 'alnaI anal testroyaI evthisg I hait, lîs I-lau- s-- nIl aiusfaw o ure. Then mny sîrel elfe, it I1badto five te thse soots, fur oua liras, wtrieae existait for tisa-e long rnaiullas. sud frein ihuerse aaine boe, sud as 1hii au-ans a place out lament, Sauce the' cause oftans- repty, isai 1 sun a refugue fioi cama ;l Il - bu tuetgvmsu tuet knoobng tise maiat'srainments sas lstintatt-aid te asi, Wltaii ty? But lia: t'lunitarily*sai-l trio Fuitaral âtiny "' N'e, Mr Etitor, the' -nIier outahèse la-taet catu pire tacts iunumertible illusîrative oethtie bairbarisu outra,-es ohaieh laivebie5as perpatratei tur- lu; thi oaa ; hut utlescomaohorateit hy suint' arcumntisasl us-iteace ouais ns tise alî:aue, taken frein the Nortlsern prece, ahe-re are sema-, even lu ibis commnuaity, s-l ue -uI ch slow t elIo ,be'tit trsn hraseuleit isetore tisei. Tise people et thae Senths tiesoe!vce dit net believe tise storcai cf outrages paaritateo on ahose o! tise Barder Saae, nîsil îbey experien- edit in utiscir ocra poisonlrsu ad lu refer- ence tuei- own familles. Ibis is sait te ho tise meet civilizeit age tisa ombLhae ever kuosai. The Yankee nation claim te hactise most cia-Biset people on tise face et tise, esa-a. We Can ail nomembor, as chilitren, isos oua- faces have palet a:tishe siories et savage barbaru ity peapetratei upoent foretats by tise silit oneha-itiauized ludion, W. bave beau trawu te ena- mother's site,s sncb atonies bave hocu toId, shile ah. 'net-vous cîasp et tise strmnd tistartlet expros- sien,nittise casting;oethbie oye upswa-is were ulike expressive cf tisaI nsolsen'é tisanks foi-tse bleasinga et Civilisation. Cha-lisaticu I ls tisscivilisation?1oison the -world la drs i/e tisbloed?vises tise mentissut tise prose tecan olt tales of ber rot-? Wbou killieg it cotaI blood becemes fashienable?7 Whou ont vemen st-e abuseit, suit caîletteul usines, by peurytyyrsaof tise iour, vis sesuratefongol îbat thoy st-o boa-n et soman '7 Ta this civilisation? If so, lot us gjo te, ah. untetret ui4age sait talmaons lu- Tise d"ticsking of a beW' impa-isons tie iso tare tu, cathie crimes commit. ted by ahoir prepe- tamnes. Tise& tinklîng cf that bell" ressa-tes tise Hero vise estr is is soldiers 'tesea oua- itLhe, îour ivtes, ont siersan d oui- dautgh-ier,, "iéas wmea -of tise cuaps Plyiuag th4s ois catim.rt At tise "uinkhing eft, isaI bell" , tme peo - pie cf a ciîy are tria-en frean tior immes, te oeek aaselter sudsa liaelihoc4 , «d only DEus- SIR. main exreas suaeit in hne exlaatiofa - mi o iemressiton engiin. Tf, boweverti0- uny ort sonît bu r rtrignetIfroin tise dis crt o loes, bi olî em touey - isersof. Vankutso t Sine lcbas don t. etC Ihnnkis, lh Siee lie nnalsiaen e ctae ,iat onee ise tostl atn soi toce attseolce teas e aiscnibsuit sonictore butheofeisiag o the oue oroan sliciteorsi o hbionse uinesslabato bheau tiefnst bc taae te avincat 00 th stot u utenaetise argumnentet onae cs ttise an udge onthageton the casen citejes ! taiidneToaon- toeen obîsotisa causesagt bis praicedsaheaseit a . at ceu his byctho ChanceIter, obetstho lieticoat bed th tisecellmuetbenarginitimseis lie tassihe -smit bl et-levi aterae ss take.is usuonuc teeut. aouk w tis a isyurpishu autbneent sauaook-thetr ystisecceas su ibee 0ricairin;wedt b isue e xeand t a lise soitors' «'e cenldin lstance several otaien pro. ceetinge sisicis bave heen materially shoent- oued uder Hie Lnrelship's direction. On TuesiatheIbmliI aifcauses sas cahot and but tata-fethtîe ceunsel havingr business te, dispatcis voue pt-osent, bot came in tat-dily toosardsnoon, and some. tison sket fer peatponemneuls, na îisy sareonet tison rosity. Ou a subeequant-day lu chevalbers tisa lile ditatorinees on tisepart it cocun. ta-y practilioneasinl pré'ýating evideuce lu aruear te -appli caai ons, ojît apparent, sut la wns sisthdficuîty abat hie Lea-tship, grunacit auj delay. H. sait, tisat people saumadtot imagine that isecanse a ceevas in cisaucery, abat wusunfiient excefer aIl mann et ofelay, aud that se long as tise practitioner swu net incommodaitheb court aut clic-nt were et but secouidasty contiiteration ; but ho sua determiniedt 1 tut-n taisface, agaluat caucis proceetingsendat- souît expeot parties to e aaeaiy te pt-o. ceet on thse n'suai notice, on te asheowaeny gioit cause for inuolgence, aud tisai ie isopedTlot-enteo soicitory wond let ht" eunetry princicles kmes ibis. la ouIl ho oel for oua- paofessienal testers isaybug auj maltera -pending lu tisis court te ho govyerneit accet-iigly, set la i oillise s satisfaction te thointe kuco tisai-tise iseat et ah. court at lessi la det#n. minedtotebave neoitt-gging bu tise'trame.- Sugan, if uset-aucis, coutrlbutes te fati ten. IL ilhl aIse cause reses, pinapies, and other btocit troubles. BIRTH -1. LAWDER- - On a visit lately. ute . i. bt. H.J varions flar greving districts, I found yÂRNOLD- this new braucia et agriculture Iargely ounolqv. 10, the si bise' increasée - sud prospecta for MnoIbeî- yt ercbant, cf aj ycat- mostpronmisiug.- Ts Feq-Pet-lue Bre. &Co. Doci BOtTLTBEE havve thei rmsufactoay -nluIl, pet-ation: bridge,-cn thé~ Spiuuing anal Weavig-turniug ont large Boultbee Eus1, quantitdes et linen fit for home consnmp- te.The, Meure,.,,GootierhbuxWottz'4 UR Co, et Teroute yuîl alec have îleïr ehoit a.,u i.a Mill in epea-atien an A fer days, suitdtimy tise &1V. J. J. f are goiugto tua-a slarge flonering sailI ; _. o hev lu tise villagg oft Steetaville inte a Line oniieD, fortsev anuaçaca-y,sud viii h. pa-epaedtotegive Orones.r r b ont totiieutilýbusele f etsold net -a.Qa sring t lite fermons in tiret nelghusioa. Elle, jOgehs Th. pvospqeýs of continuatin oethtie BRETROUE Amet-ican sï vil! ho ikely te 'inciesa. Revit. Mn. &,it the price cf "O'ottoea", -sonce fez sund 1bah lisLMn.1 linon gootas ilI aise advaice, sudthtie te Mies L. Par, pîctuotion ofithis valuable plant vil e - likely to, b. m msu n musea-ative tte sfoa-. - T A W Mers et tiS Ois ent-y, Ta-yil. BRR Yenr obdl. servant, bridge ou Wea _ .A.DONALDSON. drow Bertras, - -'a g -s- x-. NZW ADVER INE01VENT Ac TIE e tltorsut I aa aockltluasi ut ,u e l tri . mu lteeliio nariainir a Aouititlu wta o CHIAS. C» KEPLLERI, Caaieimgteaiv golliml teroat, 18614. m KRicIAVILLAGI1 Assiigaî-o for -Yerk a Public. NVILLBlE St f BLEI AI tIelr aed byrvi-taeo ta.in u is oratguge, bear diay cf îietolar, A. D. >634 Fat-quariMliat Me, cf tisa Ti tise Couintyo ut Untatie ý pant; I*Ubala MeÉto Li e , atsd Georage Proctut ,loVertou, Esquitre, cf ih comtng sa Imientloited t TOWNSHIP < gr ONE ff C1 I>. Theo Sale ti tak( Thursday, Dec. li 4 VILLAGE GW For turtiset-pst-ii-nIa signet. Datait Otis lNov. 155 PIROM $30( For3,'4 ;ON- IMPROI ÀTA LO 'WLI' t pTT omery- 4 -At Wiiby cu tire 13, inst.f [savier, cfa mon. 7-At Wisitby on Thunsday vife cfUR J. Yaa-uolit,Es. E-Tu the, village eoflz lot i at, tire vite et A. ofaiaugsîq. - DILEA.-On tise 8t6 a-esh Chu-aisoe Oshsawa, by as. W p n.- vlan. -PI p e-latien olet 10 tolliug n agnlly u tise 7th con. epposilo Lots 29 sud 30. Mr. Cisaprpen, secondait by Mn. F.aohy,' ihat il stand' adjounueit tiI! Tneotay tisa 20th tuf Decembon, thon toeai0 a Plauir's Zoel, las tisavillage et Uxhidge.-Ca- t-led. - Tise council aisen adjournoit. Flax Cnlturte. - fiait-section atopleit. To yen, nov aIl With reluctance I continue thie raestsave Pic rnjatgoth for tiona-s apposa-oitplain sailit;g. Section toc, that investgation, but mtst precoeot oih my plaint? Uon tefrring te, theminutes et ItUe paeent oas the me bfavourable ime te unpleasanu task. thec nonaxti, asecertean ilat Pick-rlng -ratiossud expendthtie anney, c6esp labour on tbis motion thse- voeoas even, sud pays necarîy twventy-fla-c per cent. et the sud materiat, oas carileit stier a wara oeil ca-t-ed by the casting vote cof tue coolnîy taxet, sud the tovu, sud townsthips discsson. Muaflîy yen supporteit the Waa-ito. Whon 1h. question agalu camne cf Whitby, sud Village ef Oshaswa, tog1,eth-' clmesid uit spen ai, ~attieupsii ts Wrtuintieciaien psy aboltIthirly-nine per-cent. Now, class, an lu la spportsaid 7d th mot ion te lrede i hire£~ < ,0e se lthese front mueicipalities are calleà npeititions befeethe connei" dU-Ï-ta 'oot*Mne e£60t IMl* pon te tax themscielviafor tlb.- purposeof for ,hsoneli1but tissu yen believaetbey-- yenvotedt a, On aliter vintmpo-gtise dillerent linos cf reaits lead- ca-or, tisaIibis' v" the best ,lime te biii it Vas ineipedietea&t'Ithe presoe il ium. hereto, frean tise rosa- tososhipg, coin- tise reas." AJIt riglat bot.- Section S, invoive athe Ccunty in. a larg~e amobsýiu< 4luejnstice seuit say tisaI thseappropria- centre rosit frein Kanchester nettiradeoî- tisee outrntieu Of testds,1 y e a 5G, ions e n tbse.differeit t-oa, should bo ss e&. aIl igi-isys yen. u Section 4, îhoreby sayingby youn 'voe t tlat lt$w a untconta-,butodbut it appears sncb Bneck rosit te Epsomandot txbnldge, at ep eed li t h su e JsCoutY itio<a i net tiese o, If thiat priaiciple isad bouma et. Bravo I1Sqptlon 5, sdopting aide lino large -assseseasfoi.i/sMe utnruction of c-ridouIntedsrtio oth$21 bnele tsto24 andit26 iu Pice *ýken5 a11 . On aot emotion. te reeonier oo,O utlas e d is preset ear tbe 2e i- ot-rible te relate, au ameaidment vwu tis s tuooo chmeas ju vetesi ns, tiiene. 000, ohave een foIbi s est yesr biset- 9movetote Ùbstiiute thie 1Brk a-ced. by .soang j etsvae coulent .vushtheroade- East, $12,225, ad roua tte .West, 1,- s Nov, À.'.raousstc I Sîoutly, yen eentee4îa lutions, ait distribution ofthtie mcuey, 77,5; but iustçad cf thast, ini My opinion, )1 et fer Use Majerville uine, but lie ahsirdi. 'viile on the. Iset motin te faaaliy aiotpljisst sand qiitable arrangemeutr1 i fnd d ty vas tee groal for thse,' cenucli te aal. theba uie o yen 'téit sg*sit labul $17,000 is tac gao tiste Estern,- and euly $3,000 te tise Western- t'6s& tlse'b>din iles. Thtis vas tise fatal reock., The uboa-tefr im thgeuit hms takea me te Ort I cecttaking $4,775 frein the -Stoepayoai of conucil tiaougbt that e'Justcesto Piokerlugs ii(yontv'ote6'oar &Il edes; of the saine ques. -IPickering, sad expendifig il-lot- thae boee L ad cein 811Mecuan teitato tire Brook tvld4xkist yes, ilion nay, theni jO, y0, a i ft o!f'Witby. ,And lu Lb. seoeral dia- roias thse lesding ra o ftheifoonbip. lts-okth *beou13 air, -fstri o tau tihe %ions1 ithe concil, dam-i; tise paosap of Yout tlaeght dilerelutly. Tht "justice te v-de aýw Â.IuO-rolan 0ub By.lw os-a-mUaIy said Qas- Pleherinjgyc viev jeu beaatily appreveit of, bor îbeioomijaaais cnsidered I@iqt-e but depntY re7c'o5 teadlY.v0ed er t e1ýbltl but the Brook toaIe yen ssculdnt et or ___ a -opveyoilbng hleiesopW al feat ter ~ -Unfortuisately the-smendmnenî caa-net, aud>Baaher&!1 T u"d4is 4 ilfrein 16. instant ttk o red sebena. wua scbme. of â a oitI.Udr crcmt doouW. -, One' , More, section,,:. . a Thémîes stluîie Ps oý frp ou -itieeos teg e IL.i 4wtkt;nd i ---, m A CIIOICE ASSORTNIENT 01' TEAS COFFIEES, 1VJNES9 RANDIEIS, 9 WII1TPY, November 15, 1864. ÀMiteulcsoftUxbridge V ouncal. I i'occecditustluChancera-. 1

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