RMOM Lbe largest manuftactery in Canais, s l argeartmeut of Cooking, Parler &4, ox Which viii bc od t S1ev pnic Tha-ubacriban voititicspecîaliy diret atten- tion taLita beautifl desisas anti hanvy ciat- ings of bis Cooking8toves, ,,,9rbcd Fonkin Bntter Isicea ln exchr.nge Ia the Court of I'omon Pinas. WU. BRYAN, Tu Pesdet,)icdrs ad om At the Old Standi, Brock Street. pany of Lif licUre Banik, Wt« .,184._ - 1_____ A. I'rouîfoct andi William l'rond. Defrdants. lu the Qiineei'.' Boncli. %WILLÃŽAM lPIIUIFoOT, flu te Qiieet'e Ileucl. Junlin Ul>adstouei, andilThmtas Il. t]ladstotie, Plnimitilîs, '. WILLIAM l'IOUDFO(tT, Iu the Qtet"ienchi~l. GEORGE JOhIN BOYD, WILL.IA M îROUi)FOOT, 9. It L19,tth conocesson Broc lm â1 cres. letaà u, ltth conssiion Beach, 1 Se acres. N. Dant Woti, 4th 0coession Beaeh '150 acres - J. X Lot 8%14tb conîcession Rancit, 100 sierast. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, 4 berifr, C. 0. Petr C. Norias. Whitby, 215h Juiy, 1864. 32 Cau '> 'il s ~ 41~ pi R o ~ M ~ p4~ M ~ AIl a s-, LENi)!. 0 .4 Co je. UDELL'8 JIOTEL, T ang te tl~lc Lit they lbave ieased lte aba've ô *01à . wn stalnd, mîtere tltLraaelliug ccnitiiitiywill iadth ie l'est eecotnmoîlaiom and atteutfiauceat su ibourg. The table 1rovi- dled vitît eveo>titine iin seamcu ite bar sîup- plied witl thLe l'estlilquors: gond stablitmg and ea'erytluing cdean nnd orderly. JAMES ItENDEIt8ON. Si GEORGE IIENDEIISON. 18 64.. STEAMBOAT NOTICE! TITE NEW FAST SEA-tîIING STEAMER ROCHESTER, CÂPT. W. T. GREENWOOD, WIII commence rtinnin$g te iochexter on te t>4th of APML, 1864,-0* l"rm te foiiowing Porta avery Meouday, Wed nosty and Fiiday, Ieaviii Brghton at................... 7 a. in. aobr t .................. 8.80 a. Cobourgnt ..................l1a. in. Port iopo At................. Il a.nM. Dre"for l0CIlTltE. arrlvhig them llimîe le cocnect with the New Yorkt Centra Ii ljroai for ail pointa Eutt and We*t, and tlie Amtrlean Uine of %teamers izieng £un and West on te Sontb abore of Leke 'intatio. 2N. B.-Tlîc Rochester wiil mî iii ute anie route, astl aite stine lime as laRL year, cati! Prasqu'ileia ors oen Bet: tlhe Steamer wiil lance Roelà on. ter eéry Ti"y 'iîîîreilav ael îAutnrd Y lt t80f. sM direct Ãor Pori Iloi*. and the aboya nenti;t.e< places, Qoiwelng vwitli the Cmai Truk llaillrod, ar I the linî ai Mail Steamor-s for theparts Eat anoiWest. Amierican moule) taken ai thoecurrent rateq. Cîli Farû $2 50, l)eck $2, men:s .%tr&. A Il bà glata i te rlxk cOf the owniers.uias bock.- od and psld for. Forfurtiter particuna enquire of Il. Squiree J. B. Prqllter, or W. Quiek, t'raaqnlIaie J. Keaer, <tuborna -('hairloa Eliott, Cclurg. andi A Coehsae lbort he. DAILY UNE FOR ROCIIESTER The QuiekeetIR'oute trom Worth «bore Pet" sq ItoohosSger, and all Polis Thée favqii 81 tma pperoea8 tametr P. 0. CliIYSLI,Commander. W ILI. lanve Wllthy at 4 o'loe Lc am., Ogbaws at 60-90 a. ,m.; Drliutln t a. ai.; Port l11ae.. % 30a. nm.. and Cobourg ai 9 16 a. ni., ecery NQ1»DYI WBDNI*E$DÂX hF*DAY. WIli louve ~ 'eliittoà t u t So'eiook a. m.; Brigitton ai (aA. t.; C'botea% 7 Ji a. m . Cobourg t 8 80 a. rm., ud#Ittrs Hoie aL G: a. Mi oe"r T1JESDAY,MT1URSIDAY Jh8AMIDAY, Azrtviag aIst îuhuster sea dny 4 1 4 S p.an RETURNIN":' WUIl eavo Rochester ecary Tuceidai', Tiiura. bai'an su atordun .At lù iç.., fer Whiîby, Wù%utAs, Daru î g rs t6 ndUobour~g-, anSOPV acryM à tw.'~ dtay sud Frl4ey, il saie heur, fur Wellngieu, BrghtooColbrae, Coabourg and Port ucpa. Piassgers in Canadla. froni points Piator Westi ijr *île Thins on taeGrand T, way, arrliilng eaIPort Hop u Ceispugtln the morulng wiltomnnet *!tti b &easer, and arrive a ntebes.ter eu ach'in l ime fer thie sftei'nceia Olni ou:the NaeSerk Central Btalîrcd, te alItoints R&AtI andtiWt; adt for Lbe AthoricesaExpress lilue cf B=leua arato aIl perte on the Southii Btera P#ssengers froui &il point% ln th.e tiiot sItes, by ril or beat, via Iteebester, taklug Ibis OLcaner tera mili donasot, aller naoita. fertabla ight'a ren wtI vi ttrunitratineluni l.lueGrand -TrankL6ttlwïy,ln Câanada, Eumt ad Wast. - 1 OPassagesand rehL Remonolél Thea Table adsud galirsys supplie let vLIthe very bost. 89 -Âaê,BRLhWN -Cou NT Y or ONTAMIU' -XOPAvARATisUD Té Wft s-b h 0 f'ÂW RA r E- n*m '-the COiý-of Otaio," "bearing date the Tenty-fiftl da' i IP'ohi Athônsand eight hiidred and ïixty-four, Snd tme directed, for the colection Of arrearg and aaseusments due upon the foliowing lands, ini the said County, I shahl, on Tuesday, the Seventeenth 'day of- Januaity Next, at the hour of Tweive oolook, noon, at the COURT IIOLSE, IN THE TOWN 0F WIIITBY, Proeeed to the sale of said Lands, or so much thercot as may be neeessary for the payment of sifeb arrears of assossmnonts, unlis the mame, together with al lawful charges, ho soonor paîd. TOWNSIP 0F BROOK. LOT. CON. ACRES. TRARS DUE. TAXEs. ItEMAnKS, sa~ 9, 14, 100 185@8 9 60 1 2 3 28 40 Patontcd. TOWNSHIIP 0F MARA. il, NI 12, 28, N El 26, S W ent of s part 13, E Bide No. No. NO. NO. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 24, 13, 1, 23, 24, 30t 44, 48, 83, 899 93, 94, 107, 109t 200 100 24 50 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1858 9 60 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1853 8 12, 25 1852 78 960 12 3 13, 50 1853 8 960 12 3 TOWNSHIP 0F REACII. il 1858 PORT PERRY PLAN. 855 t855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855l 1955l 1855 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 9 9 6 9 9 TOWNSIIIP 0F -PICKERING. VILLAGE O7 CLAEEMONT. 10, 15 TOWNSHIP oF UXBRIDGE'. SI 26, Tt 100 1858 960 1 23 TowNsilIP 0Fp WUITBY. Snppoted to be Lot 70, N'in1e o st, alae Farewell and Kou er'.plan sot 21 41 B. Y. PRRRY'S No. No. NO. NO. 121 64 48 91 28 82 5 63 38 25 31 94 I'atented. do do do do do 2 22. Patented. Patented. do do do do, do (1o do do do do do do do 0 46 Patented. 0 46 ;do 60 09 Patented. 1858623 47 PLAN 0F BROORLIN. 82, - & 188 9623 50, ~1858 9602q. 515 1858 980 62 58, 1858 80 123 59, I 18S9 602 3 69, 1 1858 ç02 3 61, I 1858 9602 3 Top 1 18960 3 WN 0F WHITJ3Y.% LOT. TZARS DUE. JT Word Weeî of 1)roclc &reat. 6 40 - 90 6 52 5 64 -8 91 4-65 6 93 Patentoci. Pateutod.- do do do do do do do TAXES. IEM 1K (210 18589 601 4 54 219 1858 60 12 2 64 252 1858 960 123a 553 271 18589(Y1 23a 4 44 310 1858 1 14 818- 1858 960o123 5 15 322 188l 60 13 4 76 36 1858613 43 * 356 1858 960m 1 23 527 376 188960 12 3 4 ù 877, 188 960 1 23 407. WALLA lm FAPLWELIU& KELLERW8PUN. ~80 18589~ NAIRRETRKR IH r1LOEVERI OO~Y$*2N~ flsZXhI 11 Ira on Yorkc stfetý d*r NoS Wetd~ of »Srok S&M1. M$1$9 60 1 119 18M8 lAIMROGSN SLAN.5 BU -9i,612 3 IMMw i 3ý 0 65 238 I __________ - alOVESTEEN à o., PIANO0-F ORTE Kanufacturers,. 499 BRtOAD WAY, NEW'YORK*, THIE attention of the Public and the trado, la invited teo ui New Scale 7 Octave Rosewood Piano-Fortes!- Which for volume and purity are ur.rivýal- led by any bitherto offered in this market. They contain ail the modemn improvements, FRENCH GRALVP ACTION, HARP PEDA-L,- IRON FRAME OVEBSTRUNO And each instrument bcing mnade under ST-LERLING COST, FOR CASH. I iýt.J. IJIG[IOVESTEEN (r'-A cal]i i' respèetlully solicited. The suhscî'ilirs kave on 1) ;nd tlceir ustial largre 1111 vatied stock of' SHELF AND HEAVY BAR MRON, SALT, PLASTER, &o. They intend selling at much REDJTJCED PRICES, FOR CAH OR APPROVED fCREDITW They beg most respectfully to iîiform ail parties piinchasang ont credit tîtat, on aceount of heuavy lses sushain- cd dariag the put t iree yearuî, on produce-operations, they înash insiat oit steuemetand ipayrnicit etail aceotts on it October next, tVientt naiîg or overdtw. From tItis date all parties piîrchiîaiig on credit, are reqiiestedtieho harin intmd, that ail accouan andi notes mnust be tact witit !itnettlality .whcn due and payable. WIIITBY, Jatte 21, 1864. YARNOLD & Ce. LA*rm DoNovAN,. WA LJCX& CO. AND MANUFACTURER 0F M- RAS REKQVID TO FORD'S, OLD STAND, BRiOCK itTREET, IIITBY. Offera the folloNwing STYLES 0F CUTTERS, vii.: Rollinig Seat, Aruericari Jumpele, Portland (!iuUers, Two-seated PIeasure Sleighs, -Bob SIPighs, Ail of which he is selling uit Gra1 I1 Pries for (Ja.qh or appt oved credit. Soîno very nent AIRI1[AGLES, open and cov- ered, which will besold very low. Twogoaci second-hand Gigs and two sots Iiowy Iobs, 3 Will find excellent and oonvenient accomm~odation. W T e a Yo ards of 'the Publit Hall. Private Parlors AI Who has haul a practicai experionceoaf over 30 yens lan their manufacture, la Warranted in every particular SGROVESTEEN PI.NO-FORTE," Receivoul the îiighcst âaurd of nment over ail others ah the Ccicbruîtcd Wltcre we-Pecxhiited instruments irom thehbest inakers of Lontlot, Paris, Germa- ny, Philadlîphia, Balilnre, Boston and NewYork ; anti also ah the American Institnte for 5 sumcsseveyeara, GoId &Silveî Med ais From hoth of whiehch enahseen ah aur icare-roora. By the inttroduction of improvements we malte a stili more perfect PIANo-FORTI'E!u Anti hy munufacttîning inrgeiy, with a atrictly caisît ystem, uncecnaled te oflfer the-e initnuments ah a prico which wiIi precîttîlo ctmmptition. PRICEeS No. 1, Sev l Octave, round corners, Roscwooti lait cttse,,e275. No. 2, Seven Octave, round cornersc Resowooîl heavy mottldiag, $300. No. .3. Seven Octave, round c3rncrg, Roscwtd Louis X[V style,- $325. 7 ERMS : Nett Cash, in Carrent Fantis. - Descriptive cincttiars sent froc. 36-ly ------------ ---T O S W ILSON, (Ltte of Mtrkhsrn.) AUCTIONEEa,&. JTI, C. W. wîterc lie eau ,o'e ittaivlwtyî. reiuiy tri attend tg AnLieSit'.' cs f Stock, Furra. Properuy, <ltove f û. , fi, t mi ret oionalepices.- Froua hi, lone experieticeluib tt4 ice ieUnecf btimlîtexs, ho fhocis sitisioîlthuit he eatu icaean- tiremtintt~itactite t h c uiaay, eînîioy hit. Tii ',est cf reeratuces% giveausts tri ahllty, *oc., if reqttired. For furtibarpartitulare. Laerms, &q.. onquire he lo eion lliî.om, Dnieos Sirti, onhere a Bock cf$Sieî whli bckepi. '#hitby, Oct. 18, 88.41 FOR SALEP ~~~-r~~~~ IIbc~îbi fLt no.T athn Tth Cou.c I o laa otfnty ofeOntttri ccntmaiug 100N For particulirs tipey (I f be letter prémiid) te ORRtIý <&eM TE » Toronto. a Eo,18111.8-f ASSURANC~E coMvPÂ47NYI ~MARIN DEPARTMENT. IXTILL ake Fluil andiCargo Rîib, at lte . vy ioast possible rmtc of iremlaa;. Inisur.-1 ane grsnteiden IlttiIi.isks, ror the sason or 1 VO%*age, stnd n relsitcoftwaittvpor cttnIluwed on th. tariff cf cargo prenhîtîns o? lrwt'semen, a ronmpt, liberia!, and i iouotaie sattleuiont et ml jilttdaims a pon tie Compay, msey ha re iupon. - JOIIN BLOW, - rt Wbittiy I~01ic ajoiuip JS.Homo, & Co. Wltithy, Fch. 251h, 1 802. - - Quebeo Gosrernmeut Agoncy Bnsuesqcontiectoti witlîthe si CI1OWlN JIAND] PUBLIC DEPÂRTMENTS. Fer tcxiu nci particlealro appit WILLIAM L Lot 5. tnd Cmi.Rno pareray, 184 ti Splendid Farm for Sale.. 1Oo, Acres, ba lcom,,*iqd of part of Lot fo 5 la h Oth coneession of Piek. aring-8T acores elearati. Thora lxa alarge, roomy dwellinir, wlth elstern, pamp, ondoya- ry utior reqnisite eî'ttvenIeceo; alst wo large barnis, driv nZ heurc, fstables, &or., A sng Young, nîîd gea.l.yiolduîîg erclituti, Apply, if y latter, (lir opaid,) to J-4MES GORDON. Septemberl19, 1864. 3lrmnt2 17 WISTAR'S BÂLSAM. R.j '&J CAMPBELL, -ARE NOW OP1ENING THEIR A~ÂL SO0K Ex. St eamship St. George, FROM GLASGOW, and whi-2h tliey ofler at ft small advance Oa the 41 êthIRa simTM "tig ,bmaue 9: 60 12 i co fltarla, 1 N 8ATURDA±Yi the nf V(,tý 10 Tweaty-_Slxth day ëf No nbo A. D., 1804, nt Tirelve 010'ek no3 soiti byPublie Auction, 6a' wh ho County 0ofântaflo, thi title an ateret ehici t tteundenaentloa »afendantas everslly posaeas la the undetaien- lioned, landsasant taemenîs uhereon, setgied by e e uuder ad b vitue. efcertain Write of l"à ;à Expon«, Ian eFaciaa, via- la the Court of Common Pleas. JOHN SPROAT, Pait, Va. WILLIAM PROUDFOOT, Defandar.t. ln the Qutan'R Beach. PATRICK< POT, Plaintif.ý Va. W-LLtAM PROTIDFOOT, i»fendant.1 DI4ftEC~[ Hf POIRTÂTIONS. R AS 55tz fl i OR XEAZ;h .HALF A CRNTURt.Ç Wuith tue jabost iatîîîî4iiîîg alicceSe iii curing 2:1lUoughn, Cits H lnrsenxeas, Iqore Titrentq lfiefin, woopluîg Cougit, Croup, Lîver Compinint, Bron- Chitin, Dificuity of Brenth. ilit, Astilma, andt every The Throat Lungos and Ohest Thero lm setîr(eciy cie individ.. nal inh nmînt iî ln- ly eOcCpe.', 'urtinjir a suei6,onfrira mine *01e. i!oWvcrrislculitly oIe- - en~,of tht. abow-c î'ynptomiq tiegi'cet of' wlîiituiglitleadi to tha lit nna[ý 1, ta0.t oat ho tireedeti dic ite whele eatail"gite. T13e pcwcr of tho Littecitit~l gum" cof the Wild rom iCerry Trre over thlt dais'et coiliitits t 4 l 14 a;5 - great i-4 the zood iL luis perferta. e4l, ccd sgettapplrt it litsiltcqaicoti. l4 MAi preparatioa, Isaidu tA. uirkw quad-O Che-rT, itAre art commi,, pedti wQA iiL4tA.,ià gr*. dien ts of likê calee m, iu iewieg ilaValuetons feld, and fc)rning y emsdg eokoa.pose. go seeet, LM h«4 , Lureliffl, ant bcure duea&w, a- jets in no chier medieiael yet dUeverro. Cartificate froua L. J. Racine, Esq., of thea inerva. S. W. Fowla & Co., flnttcli, griitifylugc restits frora the usa of Dr. Wilr' Bulsam nf WiM' Cherry, I arn inîluce t texa- proeathe grant confidenmce'whieh 1,have Ilaite afeftay. ïFor nitro motlisl 1Vas Ment ernelly atflicteil wittiK a evere and l ostinate congît ae cltpanied wih ticute pna in tha sida. seLlait- did tet leave me, à summer and -Wiaiter. la oLiobar the sitttptcoit.t ineoaseil aringly, antt se reîbuced was 1 tbat 1 conld, walk bai a few steýà witiicît recotinz to racevar frcm the pinitadi intimne whieh ac aîight an-axarlitinec- caaîoncd. At titis bjoutaro I0 , lxiteaed tek- in te flam, from wliel 4 cîaimîdiae relief, aand mter havinw U140 1 ioles I1Va" comnpletely restcret Lahealth.- have aiioaa4 te Baiserain my fiîîailv cati admninisterati1ti ta îny. ciiltircîtwitiî tlc ltnppiest rasuits. I arn sursetai sud, Canatdiansassetg Lco BaiLant can but spaak lunXc, 5,-cor. Lt Ila aprapavatier, wich hum eniy te ba triud La ho acklclg.d as tue rernaeîy par guillaee. Yottr ebedleut srat .J.RACINI. Noua Lecuaine nuli ise iledI. BUTT8 on teo %ripper. Prapareti by Seth W. Fowla & Ce., Boston sud fe;r sale h litl drttggtg. SOM iiitalby hyJis. IL. Garrda andi G. L< iltînalater. S Sherift'e Sale of Lands. C-,ountv 0 f O narieo, 1 N ,;Atlrdnv, tho lwea- Ira W it : C 0 tyfinrth d5y or De- cemrbvar, A. D. 1894, nt Twirn ce owek aoee, %vli be seiti hi'Public Anction,'skiDat fn heCort ltorin tha',o ow orI f MONEY -TO Canadian Patent front, . 1 1