Whitby Chronicle, 3 Nov 1864, p. 4

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Rus Recev4 F ROM tuhe boget canutacory li Canada, a largce secrîment of Cooking, Pielor ] Box W hie ill îicIi; oîd at loi priceii. Vriteulcicwcl epceh-otatn tion ta Iluabetîctiful desionls ad enuitsy caIt- Couking #Stoves, whl c cctit fiuI tagise satisfaction. 1 tirtG od Feutkin Butter taken iu x cheauge for estoe..t lu tluc Cuurt of t'uuuuîucn Pleam. WM. TIRTAN, 'lu Prsi-cutlIrccorsali Co,-Wiumh~ Sct.At ltme tld Stanud, Brook Street. Theuus uu îl I Chok. -- 'leîiutinî%, A Pruuuulfotuom uul IVilfiuuu t'rooul- fot, Dv i f -luut itu. Ilu uhe Quluuu.u,..lloiL. JuOHN SPROu A-T, PllaIntiff, VILIAM iP1tUDlFOi)T, lI tlîoQuueLlui; 1k-mu-. JuiliGlaudstone~, andlThutîxasIl. Gladstouuo, plailitiffi., UDELLI'S IIOTEL, r1I IlE uîudcreigned boagta inf'rin Iliîir frieiiude . im t1uuoi cpubllic %ht tthcv lae ~luuse-ultheo aehwe weilI kiiucw, stand, wlethec tra~velling countunuiu, 'mill Ifind tie beet ,ccc,,nnîcdetituii and atecîdaeî,alil hnra. The taille provU- ded mlch cv,sr)tbluoet in sason ;the bar eîrp- pl with tluc bost liquors ;gu-nd stabling end evcry11iiiig cîcau and nrdcrly. JAMES IIENDERSOIN. 34 GEORGE TIENI)EISON. 1864. STEARBOAT NOTICE WILLIAM PI1OUI)FOOT, Detendant. 1 1F. NEW F AST SEA-G-IING STEiAMER 1tuthie Quuecl's eihclu. tuEUlluE JtIIIN ROYD, WILLIANI PItOUI)FOOT, S. 4 t~ 19, 41h eci oO i rock, 1M8 acres. Lt il it-lucilC-cu0t -cicli, 130 acres. N. 1arî-Lot 7,4tuneoucsiui Ree'-lu150acrs.- M NESIIN G. REYNOLDS, tIliort, C. O. Pur C. N~iz 29u01y, i±ltu Iuui 16-. 'Il I~z I <4 O 10 i-O O w~I ~r1 ROCIIESTER., CAPT. W. T. GREENWOOD, Wil commence trninîiogtaeIocheioter an lhe b-4th of APRIL, 1864,-.g Frein ttic feluuglevnqPrt os crY Mauidey, W d ueday anI Frit'os., lus'- uuu Rrizlbton e t.,.................... 7 f. nu. tuuret-------------------... .- $. ana. i iclaluîrg lt...................10ea. iu. l'INlu-pi ut-----------------...Il e. in. Direct ifuor11CI1 ES'TkI.Ltrrivilug tlire iîiuuîe lu olu -ut uit hu me .NewucYork Critmiral}ilroadi fer filijiuii -Eastm uul Wsteiud thue Auiîriccîi lim nu ett cuui) Oudig4Eniliid Wee u th'î le il t b f . ouut ' IrLu i u .ri,. N. B-lumehmuuu,lcutc l) rumi nteu laillebi routtu¾nd duit ilue t1 I uuu ag et ycur. iîiill l>ri-uu~ilelu l im u il . lZfiuîruii -The w-t-uorili bauve iehu tu-r -vrry TiiîcoulîiY, 'Cu rs! an-diti 8.tur.a-t iii. lu î.direct lu-r 1I-rt I-i-s,mail lth luurc 1iu-uîuu c l,%ee. cuuuuutu l t îe Granud Triuuk llailrud, ci. u thue houval Mail Ste&meýrs fer th ic rits l.4tut tîil i Wet. .A muiuioulun ulni't. %i t tht cutrent raIe«. Caloij. Firt 82 110liv-c k $2, uuuu-,lgextra. Ahh baeg..eru t the, risk cf Ilue ilulîre, ocîebook- uetu] pllSr Furfuutlur lertcularîoîu1uire of Il. Squire, 1E.luutuor W, qnifck, ;'-uuu'sa J. Ke-lpru luorîîo . i hrle-s Ellieut, ta-Ijurg, aîîul AC -lîbrane, l'aurtluche. I ('olu - g, Muruh.l t4. DAILY-UNE FOR ROCHIESTER TO{ LENil) 'ji Quici-mi Ronte f rom North Shore 0-- Porte lo Rocheseer, cand ail Pointa& ~. ..~ ln th. Unitedtatest Tite l oe - FirgtLs osppireabin $tcaner ilP. (J. IIIC5ILEPlt n cuanuer. iwL- gauWIuîitty ut 6O olock a.am. 4), et S t Omi . si.;De4rlington t 7 A. itu.;Port lci uu- t 880 a. tu.sud (.abaarg MONDAY, WEIINESDÂY & PRIMÂ. H I i. HAIR RIESTORýER AND ZUBASAUK IOSONTIOJNG ?ETUMN neuIw "AMP KMe: Clhst bay eye,.' 1I bave eed hiot î=mantemgd.t 0MY ora it Icavé e IV trii n t 4 edel ' a.Mn; lili lututu entf.C. tii ; cnlliuurie et n"i 7 15 a. ;. Cobuîerg t 8 !'0 8411415 . iie.ctîiope ut I91 1 e. ni.. cv-ry TUESD A-Y, TII UiISDAY~& SATURDAT, A rriving ut li'oucitirtr cci:uly et 1 43 p. in. RETURNINOi: Will bauve Rietuceter evorv Taîusdeay, 'rhum.- ulsa iLîld Stiu'duul, nt lu' j). in., for Wlîiîby, 1O;'uunwii, i>ejrliuctei, Pert Il pe ami ioborg; and every * ov-leWdniuey mnd Frlday. et saine lottir, fier t liîtu Brighîton, Ceiborte. Cobourg eîîd Port 11op le. Pîit;cngvrs in Cîînsda, train points&SEut or W tlytakiiug il. Trains un the Grand Ti uak hal l wmy, errivigug t lPart llt>pc and Cabourg ln thteuîîcmniuug ili coiuceot vth liisi Steamer,1 Und arrive ut kochester esch dav, iii lie for the îîftorjiurn trais on the iNew tork Central liroed, to il points Emmt and Went, aud fic the Acîcricen Lxpreao iîe of Stemi- ers t alilports coiithe SoitlShore. l'a1sueuuge ra rm ail poisits luthe. United State%, hy rail ùr bout, via Rochester, takereg Ibis Steîirthere wilJ conntect, afier a coin- lortaleonlglitloi Test,-litb moraiig îrsaaon the GrandTnk Iilwisy, luaOeuscla, Emt iad West. IWi'uti.%gee snd Frelghts et Reesonable Tite Tttlule and lBer aelay» aapplied vîti, tbhe very be.t. à2 G A. M. BROWN, 82 (et'erl Agent, Kîngetonl, C. W. îAND PROVISIONS EVFIYTING us iod am 1ew <atwith- ste iding tihe1»g BurieThe oter *'lSlol4ii u 1 i siide , aithol la *1~ ce 6tu door-4to eim el*ih'asIoot and ShpseIa".~ Broc k'St, -Wbqritby Wlicre li. ihtselllng evcyhnaeup ont-4 e lu %yw prîesx. - 'liea, Sita, Calfee, Park, Bacon, fletr4uga, Butter ?gge, Fuor, ustmnqe, Ssii, Ppper, pbe,1le 4ples, ilçvjoaimloerls- avetu l l e sud soe, .ande niwomhe EDWIN .BUN8 WhîtbY, Jicly 13, 1804, 2 COUJNTY 0F ONTARIO, UYVIRTUR OF- A WARRMq" ISgtMD To Wit: ÇJJbythe Treasurer ofthe'Cz tyoe ntro brigdate the Twenty-lfth day Jtne-edgthn at ixyou r, and to me directed, for the collection of arreara and asaments due upon the following lands, in the said County, I shiail, on Tuesday, thie Seventeenth day of Jan >* re Next at thé houîn-of Twelve o'olooIk, noon, at the, COURT IIOILSE, IN M¶ETOWNY 0F WFIlTI Proceed bt te sale of said Landa or s0 Much thereot as may-be neccssa&,ry for. the paynîent of sucb arrears of assessments, unless the manie, together with ail lawful charges. be soonci. paid. TOWNSIIIP 0F BROCK. LOT- CON. ACRELS. TEAU ItSDE -4 9, 14, 100 1858 960 12 3 TOWNSHIP 0F MARA. il, r 12, 2s, rEl 26, W part of of S4 29, part 13, 1E side 9, 200 1858 960 1 23 9, 100 1858 9 60 9, 24 1858 960 1 23 1%, 50 1853 8 12, 25 18527 8 960 13 13, 50 1853 8 960 1 23 TOWNSIIIP 0F IIEACIL 241 13, il 1858 PORT PERRY PLAN., 1, 151 16, 23,, 24, 30t 44, 48, 83, 89, 93, 94, 107, 1091 »856 IS-55 6 1855 6 1555 6 1855 6 1 q55 61 1855 6 1855 6 1855 6 1855 (;6 1855 6 1855 6 1855 6 1855 61 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 60 8 9 60 8 9 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERINGm. VILLAGiE 0F CLAltEIONTr. J0, 1857 >0, 1 ý57 - TOWVNSHIP oF ITXBITDGE. 26, 71 100 1858 96012 3 -TOWNSIIIP' 0F WITBY. Sieppoed do be Lot 70, N nptleon st.$ Wallue, Farewell and Keller'u plan 29, No. 32 No. 50 No. 59, No. 60, No;' 61, No. 76, TAXES.-IMBÀRKB, 28 40 Patented. patented. do do do do do 2 22 Patented.i Patented. (1o do do0 du> do do do (1o do do0 do do0 do 0 46 Patentet. 0 46 do. 50 09 pastentad. 2, 41 1958 62 .15 F. PERRY'S PLANJ 0F BROOKLIN. 1858 1858i 1858 9 62? 3 .9 60 9 9 60 112 60 123 9 60 2 3 60 2, a 9 60 2 3 Patented. do do de do, do1 TOWN Or WIIITBy. LOT. 1smrtk Ward West o J3rock Streei. 210 219 252 271 310 ais 322 .116 -365 316 - 371' 1858 9 60 1858 60 1 1858 9 60 1858 9 60' 1858 1858 9160. 1858 ý9 60 1858 9 60 1858 9 60 1858 9 60 1858 9 6o TAXES. IMBS 45r4 2 64 5 53 4 44 1 14 ô 15 4-76 4836 5 à7 4 46 4 Ã"7 WALLACE FAREWELL & KELLER'S PLAN. 441889 13 603 Sheriff'la Sale of Lands. Cano. a <mtero, j~ n tU7RDAI, dha Tea wt: f jTcuysixili day of Novemnber A. D., 1864, et Twelve a'eloek, naon, will ia î,%old by Public Miction, et my Oflicebln te COjurt Il1caoin iitue Town 61f WbIdby, honttue Couuuly ai Ontario., the îigbt tIlle aiîd intorest wlîicl i î0e udrncîtioned Defendents scvcreillv pasess i hi uderîicîîi- ibaneul Lande ami htu:ceîinclis Ilurîtn, sosicdb- nme under aul by ilnotaicertain Write ,ýf Vcn4ltioc'l lxpoucis, end Fier! Fftqime, viz: Iii the Court af Commun Floas. JOhIN SI>ROAT, PuniI Ys. WILLIAM PuOUIIFOuT, DefetidaLt. 'YARLNOLD & Co. * o rv v rN l rFtONt>t WA5iLK Y &CO. ANJI ,1ANUFCTUPSER 0 F :ýi RAS REMOVED TO FORD'S 0OLD STAND, .m IARUCK Ntlic- V'-,WI -y Offers the follow'Ing STYES0FCtTTERSviïýci CÇanadian Patent Front, R ï Ï' Il ýZ n1ea American i uinper, ëPortla .iid Uitiers, Two-seat'edl Pleasui-e S gls Bob Slpi ghs, Al of wMe hlssllhig 4fat iwfijRed-7uei Prices for Cash or appi neFceht oll1*l wcry ltnt AXPUfi 1 AGES, openî,and eov. ere, w,hieh tîill be solîl very Iow, Twogood second-haqd. Gigq> and two sthay ~ ---- -- - ~- Willfind ixcelleut' and von veulent aocomrnodati~n. Within aFLw- Yards of tho Publlit RHl, Privçat.4.- Parlors T"HýOMAS WILSON9 FORSALE, r., 1 'na yo 'hof k0 Ç~~R e,~~ItTc .* irec- ood Fi(rrRudnl 01)màof 1 rd. gai sh le li ao ofulnd ilwitys rowl a'î lit FUrthnudred uollrs reqiiiod down, to Aue-tiol, Siluecf Stocký, Forin 1'roporty, ton yerg givon for the blance. s10v, GoGds, &0., et inomi rofisoiftl price.- For ternis and plrticularsi'ppIy to Frcni «1Il ~XPericuce in the ahove !une of' WILIAM ILAWRENCLP, galigivo en'- e1 ýLq' ofte er-' as%>abilîty, &0., fither parievnlars, trmn, &o.. eriqoirii Sjiendid Farm forSiLèé.1 Book of Salon will bc kept. .100j Acres, bclnig comaposed ofd part of Lot Wlliby, Oct. 18, 1864. 41 U. No. 15, iu the 9th Concession of Plek * - oring-87 aîcrcs cleueod. There la a large, BroolinDrugStoe. romydivollingm, withî cisteru, vamp, and Ove- lo 1 -berne, drivîn r l otîso, stubleS, &o. A snug youig, anîd ooti-yicldiiig orcharci, ~X0~i~Apply, if by lotter, (p)rnrpaid,) ta fl AIL'b in Drii S, Pautent Modliciioes, JMSGRO l'urtOmy .>c &0. CffocioiCleromont 1.Q cry, &cSopterobor 19, I1QOI Hors&* Cattle Medicine alaima348onj ' ' aB FOR SALEy or T mI ort'l lif of Lot .7 he7Con. flitra, Cllut'îu' o ti ot rJn g ltutdi-T A4RE NOW OPEN'Id TIIEIR ~. S~m~hieSt 0;Geoge;, FROM GLASGOW, and whi-2h they oflèer at à. amal advance &?bA cail is ispectitily slctd The subseribers have on hand their usual large and varicd stock of SHELF AND HEAVY BÂR-IRON, SÂLT, PLASTER, &c. They intend selling at much REDUCE:D PRICES, ]FOR CASIL OR A PPR&VFD 'REBITy Thcy beg înost respectfully to iuiforrn ail parties piirhâsing on crÃŽiýi l atoncomiît of heiwy Iosses susttain. ed diring the PaIst rhre e rs, on prouluce operations, tlîey mnust ijîsi4t on seulemient and paymnt of ail accounts on lst (httober nu,-l, t'Icfru nuîing or- overuitie. lFroin this dnte ali parties lmnu n r,n e rquestoui to Iear iu mind, tl:nt .111acîrolints ai Ilotes musI stbe met wîtIl !)ifltlality when ple ayîlîaballe. It Saves Timo, Labor, Clotiies & Money 111 e eoriginal uncild 01rvoluall-Wrinzcr i lucoro the people. 'id cuuinliiucs litote mtremigtlu of frawiî, capacaity for pre-sauurç, andi power of.wtlott, tiien ionit or ,nalilînumadle. Itwiili wenr tfor years wîthout repair. A c ig~ lhî veurmiou laoperale Il. Noc antion or slcii) reqnir cd in ls U se. Il ieosIlst in uClotihlngzevery Rmfe or tweive monthe. Every Wrbugter wlîh ClogWheels 5sI Warraned in every paru.vuliîr. Thefia iiyoriqiil Wrini«.r tusk dt FIIlST l'lismium, aSilv n#nlîlsolDip!liîe. et the NewVYork $îeie F,,ir, 1862, and WaIs Fr- itincedl soperor tna mil atherm lie thie Won.l'r. Ctass o Wn lu every Towns in Canada. noitu»byra fttnitt ho wPrile. bnR eliill rocoive thb. Wrinigealy'Exprelhî4,pusW. W. H. OffILtS & Coa., Ilemtop, l8-ni~ <u-Gîunerei AgonIe.' AUEX. MÂSON; Agent, Whithy. Queb.<c Oêo*ermn~t &genay Bqu3InQiuhmannec4WiJ:h the CROWNLAND and allier PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. atueae4ta. Alma Secoired hb' tlit giiejýce-ubr.-A dd regsprepail Lanîd atidG(-oiernil Avent, Quebe. Mnrdu 5uî.1ri810. k lISiUi-Cl' Oit YtAiIT tc1&qÀLF A CENTTRY,SÇS %Witlu tlue omct iasteîuisîiig steccess in curing .-YCoughs, Colds, Hoarsenees, Sore, Throîst, 1111 lucuza, Wooplng Congh, Cronp, Liver Compleint, Bron- chites, h)ifficulîy Or Breath. lut, Asthmn, and, eirry affection et The Throat Luifgsf and Cheet Tlîcro ;ë serceiy ane individ- soetîîone, hliveor slitly de- * yelapcd, af tic abcs-e symptomes tthle lai-t creud, waîîd mast taI% haieuu -çios 0ine whe cataguea. Tii. îuc0wor a1 the "mcliicil gnns,' of thoe Wi FO hermy 'Urse ovef ibhis alas-aof cîuaesim wclh knower; ag greet is. tue gaod it lias perfobmi- tc1d, ul Cagreat the iopîslnrtty itlia tuiuoqcsi.d. -lui Mis jîuuepurutiee, '/.ucsi*,j» nnue. e !tu (CYi eryî,i tz èruUare wmnia1gded mb/A it 0a#i»cPP*. ailje "/.1 limii, eh!slzucaie. U vlu tis- t;/u, ui olareli<e, aed Lt. eaurle, Iieeua##e - Cerifliate. front e L, > R acine, N2441 of' the Mm1nerys. XONULAoc.,L , QiOct. 20, 1858. (lolltl-oîueo,-hh,eii. -ptosle'.seed the touet grue ifvyi1îg routit, 3t'ro 4ise of Dr. Wlstap% prest- the greal cOnfdeucL-wlîich I bave -la ts Oflbcaoty.* For ichue îîiootlîs h1mes MOnt =crely uuilliet,h witli ist,0oru sndnoceticate canglie cIIuIuupliouil iritil aoît 'i,: )i ib te, sde. sirieh did luot leaeo te, un aîoend Winehr tu :îiter thelia iptonîsincreesed ittarmnly, aîiîi so radîîccd wlis 1 thaIt, eulol walk but a fec MtslisWitlîeut reuuinor ta recoer, frein the luili udd iatitimni licli t50 slight on exertla:: -. inu lueialesatn, frois wluili î1 fcncrd.siîmediae,~ ri-lief. and i cter litiviiîe oseul four boIlle#% Iwvu cou ueîilyrceord t leîlîlu. le.aleousec Ut Miilsiviuinui Oy flunily and d adninietoreujls ta îîiy ohlldren sille tue iappiest trosohîs. 1 i.811er iure I liet a înuîdiiines s ii. Sth eepea cat ta luull uiti Iefumr. It 1$ 15 proparatian whlîi lîuuu, cuil>' tafo etrbeud-ta-hoe cknowleie 'as tie rt-îurieuouParexc.uI1sre. Y oociediwit sorijunt, LI J iÀINLI." *Noe. rronihiîe ni'les siguefl l. LI TS on lrîrellySe*lli W. Powle , C8.U, Boston - SIul inî Wluitby iy Jas. Il. Gorrîeanud 0. A. $berMf's Sale -of!]Lands. Counlv afil vIl y o Isola, t ~\&*lî u te court of (lanenle -ZACIIRIJs BTRN1r&A V9. Brook, ,NEW LEATIJEII STORE, D 92 XINU 'ýSTRE13TEAST, . Ti e t)o CIRNEIh oO HfltOISTIEFr,TrO(>lNITO in thue Caot' E GS ta eocpiîînlt i Friends,,nil, tue Whith; Trac o,la ~elrndiol iat; hl asopeneie h e uêpreinuseâ, w.hrI-lae awlIl Ione a large ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ _ I i ____________________________________ For jqrtica]ars np y(iftby lttuer Ptrîu4d) ta Puab. f 164.t6 tf. ASSURMÙùII"COMPANY MAINE DEPARTMMN. W iIL id iî,go isks, nttlte lowest pogsillcruutý tIi i uucîm; Iîusî,r- aulcu granîued ouu Ilutli .rinks,for theia sosl or vvag'-, euu-l uaru-I îul :t.tfturcuulv;cceiuut alut d ait tie turfif uîi£ctîrLn proîniocîs cf last seean, e promnpt, liberi, , uîîuilionoritble netotleît-ai -iSI jîîst*celuns iupiruuuu uîCopanuîy, bey lue relied lopot. Arorttn :ýM0flu-u- nlj eiuuin r Jas. hoe, & Ca. Wbutlhv, Fuuh. lltLu,18.7 TH1E UNIVEIISAL CLUTIIES 1VRINtGER Y The only Wringer wiîhi tha COG-WHEEL REGUJLÂTOR In the Quîccn't luuticli P~ATRIlCK FOiY, Plaintiff.1 W ILIAR PIlOUDtiOOr, J icfcndaîut. f M ONEY o,Ç ','-1858 960 1. 3 13 il 18580 65 - $Z58 901 2a 2 45 6 eYoekat[ j ki- - 9611-3 2 38 cenw W Aft ofat BkStwt1 ýNo-.4, 6tkRimp \ 9 60 1,2 ~- NLo, 7, hfl3lock RBrook Stret 18589 «# iQ"f2.3' 79 WIIIMBY, June 21,1864.

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