Whitby Chronicle, 3 Nov 1864, p. 1

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%MItthcit Tcofy W. R 1IGGINS, At hi. ? lntiug Establishment, 13 Street,, Whitby. Wyouite the Regintry Office. TEUIS *si50 Pru ANIÇM. A LAd4vyttaemnut% tessured it luNoupitr- AMII a.ndt 48hrged al; tlio rate of 8 conte per fille, frt ittrion, and 2 lenlts pâr lion., eci 1 pdlal coiutritetenmain.with ndçcrtl..eri, hy the ycasr. 0rders, te dieeouitiîue .advortisoinouîts ul. be ln wyttlug. ]B"ÂNK 0F ONTREÂL, W. R. DEAN, Manager. CANFeRON & MACDONELL, AnUit4TRUI;ANP ,ATTOIEYZ-.4Ar- B l,iw. SIîilcitr for tbu RBaliulzi Montreal, nile ofC prtitt tiut v orf ilitrio, %oýtary Pab k14; ».. &a., Wiitby, C. W. .il, (Atflîîutc, (J. .L. Il. J. MACIOWrL. t;rintiov toio,,in uien oeuoi .entrlty, îîplv as theoflooftlie ittî. Conrt Ilouti, , nuith GEQRGOE Il. DARTNF.LL, y.L AI.ti'TrFl, ATTi)UNEY. Ci&)NVFYAN MORMOStN & SAKPt]OlN B&RItL$TERS. Attorney.,, Slieiturs,&e chuti- 4 Torontto, C. W.- ANGUS ~11t[~UN.1IJ. A. At'u . Toroîtito. JOily2, 61 JOUN V, HAM, J1L, D EPUTS C(LEdtKOF0F UE CUIWN ANI) D illviaiît ri Çlcrk of' tii,, ( '<oli y i ourl. M. il. ÇOCIRêNE, ]L. L. B. 5'10iN'T'VetOWN ATTOR>N E FOI ', Utari), tîrri.tr titii uruv1 .tW ltet ~tiv. 31 *G. 11. »A RTN BLL. flPrREGISRAHO. VSTER ExTRA. ut('l,,ueery for ROBERT J. WILSON. B tu(1. JlieRV, ý ' BARRISTF.I-AT-LAW AN eIl.il éT oolo. hiby C KELLER b&LXUý, TORNEyI-ATdîA w. siOii îro I N over tu lît (IrounclO iloe, Brtickuct, tîrciit- by. Ca'îiînîzt0. Wiî~ ý)t1F AT LtW%, SOLT(I'l'liiILl ton, Brock,<." J. «AXER CGRIPE*WOODi, JE. FARtEW.Llý, L L. 8., R.MEB. A., &e. <iIic ilîit <rit, Nürth ortt ot011f',),hîlwaC . 40 LYMAN ENGLISiI,1 L L B.. SARjý,It ÀEl T l l' iletrn Choit- i B A~~io i.k With caIm PrInted iWords, ;boat thoughts sud imtiring- indu.try, we VOL. viii WHITBY, C., W., TIRS J. GUNN, M. D.- 1~NTo TUE <'OUNTI'(,A01, THIOMAS DEVERELL* B 1 t 9 'te, QNGjEEN STRtEET, 0LEIoTII TE FIFTII DiVisION C<>)UitT, tk cecrcu i.Towpolip rec. Ad- cire..: i~îîiiit no -cii ~ 14 (1bR<AND TILItÂSUIER 4)F TUE Townhi p o xrI~dr aUgbrige.; 1IERCIIN TAILOR, »BROCKTEE RgTÂj~AN.~~Crnorcf aeus! Ex- IIlpanade Street& Toronto. Refreslimunt.. T owN IER t THEASUfER, WIIITBY - ----------- ------- 6 Il' . 1*18. 1.WARWICK. Peace, Progretiol, Xnowledge, flrotheirhood. IIROOKLY< IIOUSE. <~.CALL AND SEE SANDYU .ç lIEiac talionitheiIl lroolin Ilion.," lu EFF1Bruoolit i cliltite, wi i oe lie cil ii ho gld te seecal hic trie'iiic. 1,110itretîciema reweli fticd op ac ouvu-Utîit, atid the, icoc'u'uueoda- tieti giiid, cory &guo, iie ciôt,-to)r hliecme ate t1ti Coiferi I uica:1 i,-itI 1-ee iî,îi-.elf, Iiîintg hieu lsriiiI iot ii iîiide lui wciiias eti.Bocss i110w. ïk AIitîtdýi .30017n-t !-îî~'.tiMe i> it1 els, tOîii ' I gietit uiocotheîillets.i Tie iîtueroutu irietiu, of îcîi.ic Are icîi egin. hi ii itini ccii. ALE. PEEHIRE. Bniei.tle ili fl .510 Ontaiv iil; IiIIIII& eltaamait,î C IUitil lSTILE'l. (t)I'i'iitýlTE 1,T. Jiiv' i4ii -itruui,) T tni. liiiiiîrs irotnu ltl-paîi. '" iti' to Titre' 'oioek. 1,11ihr., SnAe., -C , l it tiiil e GLOBE iJOTEL. Thv îlioîe oukntt'riî, tld ostitIiieîoî T Ilite1 tiii î hatti. , ieptilîn'cr I, th titi îrir, wulitre lie it tiliryc tu tii titii î' of Isis tenIr i -i î&e.itî iîretci e-tiifortaiAly titti'd iip::litn îi tu'&. -Ali1 1 cit'cA-ul .îî ftter t-, ci i t îîi ve-v i totlertiîîîiîti t, niiki'tliti'Traceiller hY -.UpfIel ut al it. Notice tu Farmers and Others itt-1ei,-à. - lmîirnExir tora ttifir- do 4" .'iin; et l'u'. S!it0i, t, iii t'tîgiiiîei lirtiiily forit titi icit, withi i t ilt A. ALEXANDER iSAAC FENTON, BEST \Wic'd îtl Hiîts.:-.nttîtlt attetitve 'iti;. A L B310\1 1- n EL. EA14T WIND>SOR IIOUSE, Wnh'roV, Wu. ioiT, Mniex. ,rtetiteil pint vtihr "eaut.iitirto ra. Ïtabliuciiîtutiî-eiTr,. 2 11I1T91IOM AURIC". - 'it tfir javicu. ubic L! t Výii ii.i -ed. .o 1 tuî lie s,') 2ler l CNLOATONICA IfOTE ittec'iîtîî a cai.<ee I ticl>u ii ,iera 18 Dmrm lc't Ii ittole îr rac'Itercpilio guesti- L W.uoUs n *tgaBrTGro 4-ru ilre- ipv«Y telet sTit sUe'li MiiT, AT epo0F ,,TUE NO. i iic-il tris tii titli oe }ihl 'iat ho haureneittit ihvi'witI-tI.Is iw orintl lkl isel ais iw i liv rae ut-ltntut lleecpIo i ge litu'sr *iyi,-r!tc i.iqt'ii:I l'e ar. uiciof Staebliigi ndi c.zii attentin .v. 5y Grad Teile AMilway IotEl. %.liia(.,ve Aprif aUc'27. cîd Pur WitB.. Whftbr QU1 BL A 3W) T aE erdte foin, uei1 f'.wle' Coc,4. aU.q, &c-, on reagen- l~îe teras. %or tenta, sud engffl uî dres~ .WOLENDEjb - 18Whltby, P. 0.g -muxB«as", Uflt[SE, - 7IIEBStBSORlBEZ, IN RETU18NlNG TO- T. tma hu.in.se to'ierly 6anu'ied ov. by hlm lthhk plae, toUilit. a oeil, <te. hlis o um-. toimees, sudthie publie geutetally, <*ood me- comuoodtiou, with géod $eabIJng, aait -. E 2W Stàoitbling au-j attenttivo Oigtlonua. ,2j) T=RAPIN RESTAURANT, 89 XIng SLu'eet Eait. J IST 'ocoivot, par Exprei,, et tune abute c'.iiiligs ltît, 4%pieuid dlot cf Pi-iRE6IIICKENS. QUAIL, SNIPg, uloyr l'stridgie, Wild oc >ks anta Vetuiston. SIIELL A.ND CAN OY9TERS. Lobttor%, &o., Wiitiu,'esù and Rel ail. 89 'iLSEA c-)K . RtUSSELil'S LIOTEL, 1',111Entidersn'ed lPteprietorf of iii.. si-nve ýiltligieA 1 iT'EJ., i.ripdfil eapizo iîcir frieni ltt'!patrotns. that hiv htaict-. irongiiiy 1'nt)vt$l helu (1<hisierituri»g the itet, mîticit cushInxthein rnom tu citer te tihe littionr of tc li e-latture, andIlte Tri. volu. ePublie "umeer ocemrmqdseti. lu sditîi n tctespu.rtntr.enu.. huer hulitcol wi,<- ter, tu-v have îîowFnon, anitiBeit-veeoosla, a 11rre I inmoe neur tnùIli-<,. whIàCh. tfor cmfowI WM. JIUSSEL & SON (le'umîcli11, 186 1. WOON'p S ot E,, 08uIAVA, WOON A& BROTHIER. North Bfllci and Mercanti le Pire & Life Insurance Com'y. Batik oe t-ittrel COLLEMTON & COMMISSION 1f.E.b NOWV, ilontreal, C. P. ~1iu.L'~'TIISmnite for hoiiîi,.Mer- <. je tciic i-,tii--,>1to'i î ai Tiftei îileo li (t' Ali. i dltuito.ouly relou-t ea uli, pc'ui-rlirîrîîîp.Id 'Vu-r. 1Aliiitcc -r mtt <:le~ te.,iiîn&c., -t iresi; iR. & .iller.,'i'a'it.l.i enlcio soLici-ro>, &c., &Îe., U AS lEîitE>t-jo Lac <>11k-t,, i>îtario' <laiihice!r-t' Ote D»ouSto te l TRE ROBSON HOUSE, DUDIiAN STREET, WIHITBY, C. W. haSto vf« l.Tii-a rmimem uare iîlc'amistlly ail.- tri' 0 -t iii, Toi I. The ifeilca>- oinnlhuuîc oinli n t tieil),,.lgci-i liii' 'îaà:on l'or Vxlhui-ired c uBvertt eb ve Iii dio osu- novliu. oard SI per dity. GEORGE ROMiON. VtiCtî'i I eîei latmteilanoa. Oshawa Ad'vertisemonts. WILLIAM TEMPEI6T, M. D8. K iÎà T E ET, U$11 A WA, CANDA F. LAMIJEIT. S. B. FAIRBANKS. $0.CIT)I<, NOTAII'c'lctliLle, '&e. &e. GEORGE<lU RLEY. ir i!'IANT'eaior, Dl)74;itdt., igS. <etitirs'arîuente lilun l e ni' l ii, lid utI t t ifusi'iivli,. jit.trî-ifive, tucioic-gi.iul* -out spntur mer. Eî'rer rilotuoie i 4Nt~, no pny. 1 FÂRM TOI LET. 'Boo Acre..-l0 acres ,ituate on Lot No. 2f, 15u ! the h ri, and 6W Acre.. on Lot No. 24, by. ;180 acres cleard, andin ica hioeh tatý-oéf cultivation. Th.oproîtlea are otucte wigh- in two mulcg of the. Couuty Town of Wîtt. TheIti la of the beuit qnttlity, anti weil wàter- oit. Tleiro la-n hou...cuitd goulbaril. To a boivent itoproviog tenanît, tihe prtîniaea cUl b. iet on favorablo tenuet %V 1) tby. WiuiR4,, Soitember n, 1864. 85 rHoeNIX PIRE ASSURANCE CO. L.oBARI% sTriItr n& IAIZ<(hit, GILLESP1IE, MOI*'ATT #& CO., Agente for JAMESliA ViSON, Masnager. I TR1îAN('Esaciniit t 1O)5 by FlUE tire Mret' oiitte iunsi fav'iriît,ic tritis. and i.S P i D i it tîuîs breîc)e ii.teoardl iiiLoulou. Jîutv 1, 1468. YEOMAN <ih 1ui Agent, Wltitby 251 INSURANCE. hîuifcîunuoe uup l..li wiîioluho tg jîrepmac'eoi t ~ i c tt-ltiilit, cuidititlu-- n7e Pdinbu'gla Ltfe .4uuraacu Comp'nmy The Liverpool and Losadosc Vies Monreal Fire hasws'anee Comapany. neo ProriuciîdsAmuraaceComipany. F. KVI.LEIi!, Oaiiwc.Nt.i. 1. ~ Pîctms,ubr, i itawn. Bnitlah Amarica Asslurante e Csmauney, uîî.îîi iiitiptn U Uîîdrn tlt4f h h CAPIl>TAL £100,000 Ifli GNW T îetiîug Agi ient 'ri;ilii,'t'it A t)VEMIISEMEN'f. Royal.lritlah Amonuic, nod Liver. - pool namd Lanudonu AliýmJs:ua ett, (l" ') fli»ofnp'ILM Etilou> igck i'ia i' bcillta et a ,iiiî, iai ait> oe rîck, iii. sp.ifieeuîqiita - JOUN AGNI5W WESTERN OF TORONTOP C. W. CAPITAL, - -400,000, INCORPORATED 1851. PrraieeaVicer. Je-eident. GEO. MICEllE, Rac. M. ROSIN, rsq. SiWîretaury anTitlrmuuer, BERNARD EHaLDIN, leuq, lqur SSIA Ntî' cti'ete-li aimi'iu lffc.or lani.. cigehy lre- it411 ii-ctçti.tlft:ta t cidtb etoite i OISlcuts oru lutîionneudcciai t ,uuvcc fof preuchuima tit-i iow aiti4at ut îuy otititi t...ponsitsrlo iuua Truuveilina Aeit. To iailt tuIeooouaieuco 951iaitie.s'u«diumg lu Ogîrfame tn%îlt lditv, ti iithe iguîecl lisilu îiuly atuputiit Loaittc' e,, r,,, ywui oreeeasevî ivtiealuuwiil becîeie»liy cui-eul nul .f tîo- i e I iii l iut P e r eo l i î, -. r t b y io tu r. A ci r a 'rtie.4 lilii'tticar itig ieeerllw Wilîy Meroli 80, 186f4. 2 BITISIi AMERICÂN EIXPRESS COMPAN Y O t}IC..,,.irei Stroot, Wliitby, uexîteeno 0 110. R AMIEL A gent. Agreit cie-o ferthtis 8Montraent Oceau I4ousasblp Comupa y, ad feri-be (hiciuc, W4b ciluAi il, 1.5 18 4.i I rr i-c e.l !iireturlng is tiliauka ILfo avor.., i'r toitforin ths ilitui. lutit,O ut xlii.. Towriucii.? aurreeuducg couultrti,- thbc hoIi ll Ihapy te utw teqio euli-irar outrute-Ito lut,4imeo - - Tecetbl ..çirtud odu (QolSilyer or Ycluioazod Rabiierl"ae.. ST.uat Sgilo r oxtnicted iluth. beast fl>lo B 1 rcuitver ,%tr-et. (2 due BOOO 111 grect vert Y, -NOVN'BERI 3,71864. NI SThe-tho colon el. Motter i motder !- It wae moterl'.ho gaspeul; 'ne duel-no --ne duel-marder 1, se-whaesme -close sud did -it. 1-- Oh, Qed, Qedl At that moment h.e expircd, but MAfi. Flucli bcd heard -hlm cali er,' sud'she -' aprung fovwerd fvom the chais, ie which -che hait talion uacif iteed. 1 held up îy Hout i holditl I ceid. 9 is ton'late e . Do not bleuit yeur cyea by such a aight. For the love of Qed, du net lay np, auch a remembvsuce. 1eLP off I1iceep off Il Sic. aggered lufo thenext rmcm,, A, iidied,- ' Constable, where are yoe ?- I gîve that mon wlîb nieusachesa 1210 cuatody. Whene ia eho i Why, that'a the chap as ton 7leîtvn etaina whenu en tto a decter Il There cas a ajuiten sharp report o"- piatel frein the uext venin. My mind Mie' gave me. X cuatchede lIight fro,a alustre; unit itaheditnl. Mrc. Finelih ai t liber-- self clîli the ceu'. pistol I hita ti away! Mv. aeut Mvs. Finclimoe elait lu thrc. etoie grave ; uad the ceont ant hic frienit the. colonel, were nevemor ei iecru etfIi Ettglouii. Demurting fi n a wheelbutrrow. The meofuthlie 47tli Regiment have al- reaity cotmcnCtit esevting frein Hamiilton. The piton adupter! by oee of iu dtovtanou-ý pevty the oticer day, ;uc reluted by the 8i. Caitliaè Journal, iscecrtaiclyt1 a ne-en oue «.- 11 'tOii f thce seIdieta eortIte47h Regi, ment eecaped actosa lice Suapeuiion l3tidgc. et Clifttn, ou Satucvdey hast, lii a very aidroit tond cleve' mernuet. lri the -afier neon of the: day, c man wiceeliug e chool barrow, with a harr I unit, appreaclieti- this aide tond mii payiîîg usaai fuel oftooursi'. cas perucnittet te pes uquec3tienet,-fit-c 'loek eut parîy net peyiug ithe clighte.ue attention te hlmi or M3l barre!. Ou drilla iug hoe reuicit one c r'twice, huit on r4ed, ing tIerra firma 'on tua 'loticen '.ide0 iii îhreuno his cqanuuulgave c boit -hucait. Itelinohf uckith ie louait ofthe battri. wvien ont peppeit a oliet'of[1er Mtojeaîy', service, ulvea ai-t ifulvegiimettais, botai littie saiE!' tom the ovanipet position iii had occupiotd.'- We have ne- deuht 1-im thet-ithet aulduli i gene 'te the front' i flgbit foi' Uncle Samn. Tt wiil sceely 1b"e b. possible te' vepoait the expeviment.' Teuvuaients miii be belit chertly l ic. vente, Canada, Philicieiphie, Pa., eut j:,- Relia. Mo., for chtampioni cees. Cham Piac cuesq forerccliofetbe -places lieue bec,, maenufate(] or ové in Eh. etourue ,eofina nufactnve by Meseva.'Pioen cuit Coliendec The. feiioîrie players hlave uletdy entereil ter thi. Canada Tetîruamnt:-Mr. Cou»>. Peterborough ; hiv. nileca, Cobourg; Mu'; Miller, Ciifton;-_ Messr.-Brown ic-< litengi, tond 2uty e of oontto. We leavu tvem tic. Quebec papota thae ticoeeove et presdut lu Quebec Dr. Chai«let Maekay, cevrespondent of the Lenten - Tmes, Mv. Phillips Day, cette spendeai or the Morning flerald, tond Mr. Gaorg, Au-i uauSulucorrespondant oe t b,0 Wot graplt, Mc. Live,..7, cf theii.eaorrn Club, astothrI mi!eof etha e Pm'th Ratai., fi caoo apetiliiug'comne ia 8at thie ancient capital,. W. alcal, deubtiess, hiear aooo îlcin.g intrestirag fient thein about entrIffl IShoos. W COLLINS uSOitouirs, tîtat lie1hal u ewpoiias, ou i B'roe Viue fcsi-.Iary O>flce, andl lotutet .iceaof tiiiii ncuu'eud CLidtiitsit & sIIOESý 1mad, ta onsten. Repivu. o~TR FOR SALE! 4:0 aii.u'lh 1t1 ciltie trial w'tleon-iuco m le ri..vg it rt icuivgcii the Beet su!Stetir eiitliai.6 SEWIN MACHIN ES Singer'Ï Ltter A," Family ,sewing Machine, (S t iBe-ut 114,elieapnt MuachuinieIlic use, for itii. felomyH; fin uso hI -s 'le in le, lt tistructmure il childlai i ituiri lu nlit. k ltiilicifiabe %fut 0on t vore. h t-i tul e belill' iitoii fit 1Lîouc iuî ttter îtîîvy or iiki,.wl9k -; anvYtiuug ftiittle tui I îî iug u,4 a lîtetiaTuraen t ti iîeuîvtect Part -(tu t iiicretîtt. h i erviu 1, butul. hruiu, e<rîi. tei, Swli i.uehitiiletui îycieFîml Siiijcr*t N.. , miit No. 3il Sîchlues, fer tai- iiimtrfftiîuoe*$î 4gi it dhc'tvy lcîlier mort, ii<rnulie iuuaiipte., Oi'tcti t uîuînvalleîl. Au lti re 4ptuotptiy fillei. Adirs- SAtth lc>-î iin.ei, Wliîuiv, C. IV 1)1 VISION COU RTS POLeTilt! COU Nif 0F ONTAIO., Pickering, .... lu......r..... ............itetl uiiuuitec. .lucy 18,'8e4. Nov. lut, 1864. 7, BIIRNHAM, Juilge, C. 0i.. If~~~ tii ~si iIvu THE liAiR àItY<? Oi.uI)oqryct&Ç InvocationI. Whcere w.itcct tliiiîî, jW1 un cii te loy.,? 'l'IlO' ii 10*01iii, Theci kîîowest iut îîuy >ad ciîl lîîncly lit. 1 lookýedtfor thee are ilow 1 le iii tfio Mey: Ea.Žli loiîîgitg silitor-seul hatli fuîind Ifs lbrother, Oul'y we twli peok folIdiy e tcIthelle itir; - ut ëeing, utiii îelay. Tion art,.. J : Tlîy soiil diCi cit for iîliiie, ac.mne utsr thee. iiocaliiot lie îîPîît. Mlsicteiz buh -Nover, liefore titi(liaiî y,-.,! Wjtiîiîiall lacet: Andi tiiereoiri- let <ireîei ii itliouitrotigOT; 1 it %lt îîc itu al .1 ît 'li n4 longer, Nor chiange, IluitTirilediîioit, Thei,.re 1I sirovc Itrnvc'ls w1thîwiiidor t:îe,,, iI lî l'itieîirly wnititî4 for Iie îei-i-rin soiicng I' ui 1,May liit 'ni: riiu.îîcn le ie tre olj it Mîîy il cii., îrigitIy 1ii ltht cejii-oui AitiMie, seutt wte, guo(i-IîiIglutl Deliîîîîîîgwitich litilifirst retire The lu îîcbîîîîid ..pavively lii i i- "Wiii, vtu shah goetcand aru the bot." "itivr cii,", ,ite î1îick repliod Altid t ivili nut," reiuuiitîit thee .peîîîe, %ilI t i titr titi iv i l vigbrowc. Aliîd tjiic .- %vtir4-1 i wrdm tr -me, C iiîtîg tiltti-y ueulv (noae, %Vt'uotilu trevniîîte-.iiîilioteerlîîg iîiglier,- Avnîiiîld tii- iiili tlii r-î ire, 'nii-4 r <iio,'er t lvi me iiirs. Acsi ~ iliitgoliii cuized tiîoiriniIt(r IL l i Biecre,, ue'ur t toyeil, But lfore cciiotiî'rfrontuth ild. ; Ailtiîuuutliti .'ar ue fonit-iiz rpile 1i aIlc111104,inlok tandi icivi-rii tiiet-e. T'ill overy u.irk of trire is «uone Atii flk eku croiwiiihc tire t1m I.tlrt aii l]itî.iiSe i.huýtî1 tin, ce-- 'Wttfi,iucd n't we btucr go to Icdilt The Elopemeuat, or, the meason of 5cr. row. veuf-' ee c.c-oui lias Profit by il? Dit, DAVISI W, ul ik uc ole e $, tiitcthetrectuientut f L tiA'TE DiSBiASES - ; bît- i miterscr ier at l AýI tt.. orue .' ' ortxewsvlt. alougri 1u pla i..l lo iitliig for eiîe. lIarr',ed p#Il oiii. Yoîutn1 ulu tiî etlut--4 »e-v Ici cti i eo inb it» iieu chu ve t iý ltuu vlt i ip>i l ) t h et eacu r.eveinie.li îtoeu t cttt, y pp ui > iîî t cilet. 'cî itc rtai'dalohyor lot, ut ucli- pailieo setbofefri' l aicg r ire.ty o l pr.. ofre lîe wiî traiI. u h onis outil el in lu Ie evoiing. -. 40. AIJC'fIOI(-N-SALE VÂLUABLE PROPERTL1y 019 ACCOUSIT Or E Trust and Lo'Ap Oompany of Upper-_Canada, WILL MB OJ..DBY PIIUEVG MTIONY AT TESI COMMERftEAL DBQTEL IN TME <TOWN OF WiIIt'BYy -OS SATURDÂT NOV. l2tb, 1864. At neon, by Lovi Fuîhatikg, tho~Youuger, Rten er, pVwr et sete colitaieii u 1 To b. turc--te) be anee,' criet Fincib, lit don': look fiiendly or et ahlithe îhiuig, itector, te beave yen ce &oeon, but boueur, yen kuîew, terces me tu kiep i n ugage- ment m.th tiec. n.y00 u ad Mia. Fiuieh cau pitcli ie tithe champagne wiile 1 sum gene, 700 know. T oinct jeaboos et youc, yeu now, doeter.' - 1iton't aupeee 700are,' esit 1; 'but I mua: go, ft.ut.intlie, as yen mail know,' ie net w>' emu, snd atter ail, mine mas but a fiyiug cati, without apecihlo appointment, se tbere noets noe abuses about yer keîp. l>g, yenr positive engagomeuis. ,Qood Djglit, Mm.Fiech. -, F-jinch -and1 descenetht u e taiiesse Ie- bis 'mdcc. He- seemedt u me like a: mil in $Ooe of aetmental- exaltation, - whieb ms coîtaiu 10 ha-r. is teaction. -1Tbat aiteaty, boweveiorni o.usls ail t elcid ho sait lu tie shape eof te. snoneîranci; su d bsviug mate myselt qnite se officiom nsduiâtasgteeiblo as T mas at ail jutified.by the closasi fntimscy in be.: iog, 1 dit neot tbiolk proper tue xpose mw>, soit peibape te being violeoitly nagrillgg~ nbbat, bicb mght bave bauahecas & Qoot bye,' h.osai; I dte aqs>'Ias!! sack a tee' moto tboosanta to-nigici. Thee-s uotbi Dg ic.'keepiuùg tie gain. allue mille yen eau, my bcy. lJpon my ,,eWrt,,for theso basi tfcw ta>'. I hardI7 kuew if 1Iasin Oimy beat ,or nw>' btels.' i p Exct>,'sit I <goid iglt. Amay ho ment in the direction Ot St. James'@,' whils T, alletiée Okîng atiter hum for as long a lime as T counît sae, tunneit o09 tow",Mtmy ewnhome, uuiralizing as I 'Ribloles' T cne, sipittel>', 41 bave lértt My canie a: Fiueh's.' . Noew'Myw>'mlkiig Ocne, aithough er rathor overtheb intrinsie val etofwost canes, vas ef s particîil4r vlu usineln comsquencaet'f bav'iug.been a proseni 4mer one ibor m b rospectot ses wlaan 1vt.umA-l 1i.tfa. .... T at.u. 0.43 mas pantially bowing-tMi., Fiuai, Whe uteod it hiily befer, hlm., ' madtame,h. sait, liI have hiupt ml i Oh i tee well- to e woi,' e tepiied. IlA.nd yeit,'oiau, Ibave Ikept My Word,' ho repeatet, -ii a soit et ptocoking pertd. uecity. 'But you will have m.rcy.- Take ai beck egelu, sud le: us lue puer as me weve. Oic i let ail tis glitter pess a may fror uns. I implore loyeceunto-t, :te hmuet upon- upon -e, '.Madame, 1 have kcpt my Word ; 1: le for yen teo keep yeuts.' - 1<Oh, Quit belp im ed oacelp rme 1' Sic. senkt upon a coe, eandeapeucred te léienl tice-teet extveinity ofet iue-s, ving-, iug herbauds eutdtveeping. - la tuis wlmo iciti?' caidt t cunut, for it mes luiteithti:peisenege. Iathuis1 weli,1 eten 1 have omu: etcipfleniy tond te 11,1 vevy hetton kepit aith -wiaii yen, iliet yen aconit try now te break it witb me ? 1 toIt Yen ticat I loveit you, andit at1 mounîtplae uyou [o ucb a utoition et lux- ury ticet yonn marmoîst ambition %attd ulcet ccuuîulole dreac f pvoaperity hai neyer pîcticte Io10youen ,Itke. I have doue en, cuit I have toute it, tee, ilua e iner wluicic eneblea yen te enjey all iittouttaeWord et question ur repreacb. By elloming yenr huciaut toeuin nt cardsanduitdiceofetme Ohu, yec-yes. 1 kuom it cou. Fot the love et Ileaven, i-in ail baclc fronu hum agie, cuit lotns lie pouer agaîn. I cm-I tamn i'urly m-id V ' Noavly met, meitea,' caidtheb.coen, mitît a sucer ; 'menli it net lic as cPU te cey quite' 11 am-nITam2 mcdi' i Goot i As yen please.--Bi 1:se1 ent ia the meentime be mine, cicarmtug Ar-a- belia; and bcuiog once omergeit troi pe- vert>', whiic scttountet yôa cli a meaqt ancengenici région, altltoîig i coula not obscure yout woîudrees beaut:y, novrai again drecin ot retnnning te 11. Acsuuy m'ctres, yeu cap continue- te inhabit thia honse;- youan banitshah uclmeys, if yen -pIeuse, wîîc enuof e me et play te keep it, mhie I Ptoy yeu tendetrcuit censeictai>'visita. n ho itelacalieiColonuel Newmnj, eut mite is nom plcying et Croecferd'sa miîic leur busatui, is eîîiy my agent, anutài l cpy mouey hc oseat te Gilbiert Finch.' Oh 1 ne-, ne, ne. Sae me -stve me le iSave yen ? Atter sncble asacrifice, too01 Nover-ocrieer, Anabeila. Yon are ueo don rt bme, cuit yen have-,beeo -toù dean to me in enoîlur en sni. -Ceusent, dean girl. te carrI ont the conditionîs ef eut luargain on your part, as3-Lbave cetnied them eout opon mine,anud yen me>' ho hap. py. Restit, or tny 00W, et. thei eveuuic Leurt10 sat lueoff, eut Fiuch chah knoiiw al that yoii have promiset.',~ a li1e ot constant, trire sho leid leaielA nuagsit nh is bye t e rwagg1 dis~oyery.migici ho deathb othe.' - ieoowvingg li y.ereel iot fl of ,wbem ?'Il -penleal ubet Il'SIue - o e n T40sd , tle>' are ued'ii it 7"re Ha -al ha 1 Do ycie îbiok GilbhertFinci Bu3rdget. - 'iltth, antia go vsloi'eu as ail that 7? Her me, Ala. Lhat,- tavourneen. îBec belle. 1 do'It know wby T ,3bould net telli- One of-them on c aoi Yeu, for penchauco h !iill- b auisb ail yourtitt tue.' -- setuplese. The col1oeltsuad niber erar- to pick a quantel ;witb'yoiu bsbaisid -- the tameIige h F5ooel ile adeadt hotiý, and t bcinhe ?4aaiinonFttvinees,. hel eut the short of il le that youo miii net se, ao a ~rrmÇ ugain in litle OilbertFoh0. Hanyen arae Iia ;1 t iieGan1 in my honte, snrýrotmàudob7 my servants, drctd t th- Idior eut, as nommteutabio as possible. -Tlrey are iavet utî uCôméauy'mtlic ued te My tutales, ont are b>' fau.t tc Ou - - piatt eer e lasod aretiere oep ia~Deceinher next, 'special tiiies place. T'on shalh hé abaoluxte - çoveiece-eî 8ei tres boe, asut rt in my affectionis. Hem lfcCuiiy, Secpnted by "I lic ye ua pltor? >r -..t, he soRe8clved. Il That tbis1 t i k e nta r et r ? y- - u tob a A c t é 4 d a n i b a t h e t h Bangli bau5 i bang l-nat-tat-tct Ij gaies be--sntered t tch ceite upît the street.teor, but heeotiçs0 1f that-Dr. Tupper, as the euu>thing a-, the incoient but iyn>'inlu meetiug, ibe, roqueîe'ta ten... indignationx at th hrouhl -eat_ _ àhi_ a_? leuand ui-villainons centutct of the count, T À- romance on uaml dahed itc the trawing.voom, betere,- bis fa1Kinlou sa few ilavsat Esq,, li o)f 433 -ým

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