li) ji'ke i- nien i> iare fiuitiimtina l ttiaet ïbah-lt7m eau ti cIuiiuttîuie rolithM epptyîgliteh I)uuctuie. Paiotieint tua e uter, anti nidi - gitis sent froc froit daîu.g or ou-rlia6it', bu aIl WI3Oilce lboncs froto ig-lit ll te moranut uti ut igtui i.l tùo ei iii,, . 40. AIJOTION SA LE VÂLUABLE PROPEfITY Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada. WILL BEý' SLD Bà Y 98MMERQJAL UDTEL9 TOWN OF wllr-rnv IDAY NOV. l2th, h A lE", 13 for ~Sa1e. - ot-il t-f itîri of Lt t-ttCiieeliîti t-f Pick Tîtere ta a Ituriru, rît, î~uîîîîît, î,nd ccc- tee ;- alto> ta-o largo httue, &c A auntg- urclitird, -iii l,~i 10 lES tt4 lOtIoN Clîîrctîîotî'u P. îV BALSA1~4 tut -, tutu a il-t lii t-ttrtuit4 uîce,~iuts,, Suer af JIra'atlt.i uiti <'Tory ut rand Ches~ t au ne out exs-cîly. bo& 'ite bs-clsani su remy loW as I hs-d kuovu blet ta ink. That vas aà greùt an ulnigna-lo nme as bis praient good fortune Us! pourlnayed lu bis louter ; for,:aithough on sêerl nsIocagioou I hua kuovu him lu bavaeOum,% of., 0007 from Oua source and, atiothar, I nover inouïd binathebe oter for Ihona. At s-lbavants, I tibouà g'ht tumyseîf Mr, Fiach oaivs-l t fui',, s-nd last wiI Dot b. Ibis muonia lthough for the sute, of bis amiible sad patient vife, whu,s-aid s-lb smfictîoas, slws-ys vore s- senene, if notý as iingspeetl I iiil -ad Asco if they are happy. Bernicles Is-m fund of uotiag the muta- lions of bomn i1f.. - Thime- l no ms-n who fs-ls on-aro rites, bot wbu, if biu car. eer sad thae cincaasnlce oxamined, vii! affTendtouthé. cuirer an instructive leasôn. Mas! vo -nreals'ysgetting' lasmons Inthiü vorld, but unforîons-loly, by the lime - v havé heaume aniazîngly l-oiog, the gnà ae -opoca uisLE eceire uanid ail uor atone of knovlodge. Iwas aigbî befone I could - os-l upon Fiucb.t, -When 1 reachad Duabogu st, wbich - lu1 b!atthnew Tccfy- SWtLiBy OHRONIWLE Pri. Ulium N0%T'E 18 tnING or ti "Ca HWEErzi; W. l.IIGGINSI At hi% Priîilig tiitablisihment, Broc'k Street, Whitby. J D~Ni ool' te the Itegist'Y Office. MS S ]PER ÂNNUKI AOVERTisEMENTS! VO vi. LIAdOyigtra caalerd 111 Nonpar- V L II 10,al hret the rate of 8 cents par -- ------- - tofirstitnciflon, sud t2 .:elltii Per lin), eaCh JROORLIN H SE saubseqt iertioni. Speciel contracte mnadle Nwlh advertitters by CLLANSESÂDI thé yaar.0: ALAD ESIy1 Ordarto edisc0ittifluo advertIIaeltg îuAt u hé ln wrtng. T 'E ha. akei ithe "Brooktil» 1100.0," in ----Br-k!' ilibee, whi-re lie will ti m teot.eo ail Iiii tritinls.. lIl preoises are weli le i lt n (j conactateoet, a leuoacm oa tit,9o11 'y -4, thue lct,-tor lie 8res to tAl.MA.e.4,A.04.'9 * the coltoto litaid luorico Itiînalf,haig heentrrumotî.d to ingid. lai wcil "eut"aad.Boas At Sata * v, t:îke yotr rost, or K0F ONTREAL, Sattdy'atittil tle tboui, Sattdy'm good acc,ommodationl, Wîîîr' I7Y IMANCil. Cn't hholenat infi]îhe tation. Tito ntnOroux Iretis fte l aty-utI w. R. DEAN, Manager. Arc atiketi * give Ilh lt-ti a Caeil. ALEX. PEERIE. CAMEON IIACDONELL, Botktoîec. 23, 186-3. bAilTlt ANI) ATTOlttI4FYZ'-AT- -______________ B ,t.c4Ietr aTr ikxeV.t %fnV t t-AN Nffi-i'o,-ortciop tte.i &ete GLOBE LIOTEW. M.- . uiro, QrV.e k Sîrs cotlt Wra,"ronnothine 1 Mbne oRRIo N & Si ton A ctP y apl-rot l r.hov 1e cl kno'.o, 'iet jîtîjeî,cî - - ~ li:~~e, c. ~I1 SttÛtito ,te ititI 110,1-tco ttrch.4d 28 eoîîî[F rtity Wlltt î t îi , î.apot-rîi kc.10ý Tooio l A ttornes, 11 le - - l, yt l rît'. ,t aoft wtr tie wa-'h, at eLr . . C CIRN. i, .1 . * Ttt- uttpr - itbs et (itt a le ttiTatlt ar 'i Tortutot .1ditrtt2t, 1iM,- il'-t t wtetiva li, ati overytft ('leni ii ATriîItNmelit ta mikita1il c i t r lo , lk r ; , ti , r V a n d ~ a L ~ t t a i i t a gloito~r ~i Bialc Nur itîtiltidi Notice te Farmers and Others offim 111 igr,30wli' Ne T ttto. vtt mi~icti ttead ietiI. Moroilî's Fuitl- G. il. DA.RTNIELL. Iv. îroof. hv Ztiltrîtt r liarrel;.eiîgrî' EpU,?VIEGISRAIIMATFI 1XTRt 'tcitit . o. t-laletr's Extra Rectifla-i D ordnar, ad es"'Ill%ý 4 cullicit for te r-tek, watttb li4t ot becottntyofl>tario, Broch-st., W li Lc ir tr t i l fthie l'i-t or ifttl." At(ten citirtive l I rocii lu litre. R~OBERT j. WILSONA.LEINDR BARRISTEU& ATI'olNEN' \tr 1A V-A7,EXND B Blictor 1,(%'liicr, ê&. Whit'It '. 'l ( '"lW- ouhhin .i.t.27111, 1-t.4 0200o- vctoria Btiiitntý, roclo Nt- Vllth>- in .IA XVI STA'GE HOUSE, AURIISTEI-Ar-LA'ýv .NlsiliiIftI «B lit Cîaitcery. Ctîîir-l 'r î-% I~llA ?ototto. h1h11ISAAC FENTON, J. K. GORDON, rîpit. T'OR EY AT LT.- tLCiiR I lEST Wiîtand lqilnorc4. ttîîeriorticiunt A Chanery, (ottlatcr ',o- r Lowes 13 olaîion i -r trace' lare; g4itti tialdittetiti KELLER & ilv N B1 N; -0 iL yT1NV~A~W 1- 0,11'Tit NAb1 ONî - r flic liiile office, llrtîck J Stc\1 i, L A K CHAS 0. EELILR, lc .~O, P '-îrttr Caiatictot t iuyt'.W.- ____- ____ TirckC.r, 6EAgT WIVINUSOIR 11017E, WIIITUY, Wt.t %. 4fîtoa, 'iillt.u CR R .SC. KELLER, [iibi0lttý sAliidi)i lflainl ATTroItINEY AT 'W S)iiIRN rcr.rcl parit of tie Tit, i-it liý frott -itw. ton. Broek, t.' tîttt~uo îtoîu .te'.8 J. RAMER CtrENWOO), 'VICTORIA HlTH'L. T'rhjlNByr-AfTtAW.,sOLICi7TOII IN aott 0Rg 1,. \1.. iLLi1tt3'é. T AW, CIIANERy, & tNFrA(1O AGL.UIRA OT. M --"e iPie uaAlbîert. tvùo -on we friuîratier u je t4da',atoits l-tier Ls-ui , gJ1ionCou-t,NtiwyT't-bl oetu îcaPlkRie - xrildge, oflo-Kiitg Street,tarî pptti th lb iKdioslîlall tatdo!1»A0wl N. B.-AIIl>ltaneieltottaitobsoi8vl b. protaU-aylcattandetite. 8 Il. ]B. ODEI'L, nERVYACI, su'ltuîîuîîa0i ia Q. %JB.,t &C, &e. ttehte eî,,'tOd oi thte inoalt llteon&b!e te-mesnd! it-oiit cllt tatl.eegc, M~ade. Bosaerloua, sept. Io, Ifihil R.W. cLAR-K,1X. CORONER, &SC. son'. Store, BProok Steacti, %Wlttby. 44 SUg(7Eq)N AN!) AV!'Ql p CIIUît lïteocreebe, P!iu-kriig. 1eL Ail etlg ponctusall,'ttaudde . -qUèEOÇ O TIECoUNTY (AOL, otilpOgÂ&g EVERELL9 GREENNSTREET, r1L~ZRK FTREF1711 IVISION COUIZT, &Çrecueprtaing tins awnhip Beock. AS-- : estCsunlagtau. 14 < OBER!1' SPEARS. - rCI0EIItCAND TREASIUR 0 F TE StJTownshtp et' UxbrIAlge. Addree%, IUsbrlige. -A. PRI!IGLE, ~ ZEOIIAT TAILOI ,' 3oc ' STEET, R EBTÂUIIANT.."Corneai'of Yoatk amad Ex- LýIesn&de Street# Toronto. Ilofrethnients -rfotHOas, UST ON, T OMFN CLERI& *TREA$UUtER,wrnIThlY OMae-ToiO al-ot- t-o I o'cbook. SQ1TREAL HOUSE, 127 King St-, West-, -Torontos. 5 117 JOHN. M. WARWICK. VARS & PERTERSON, ~i~~bEAOTCMCL Dontiiil,Oeb-ws-. u.Dsa4looOl, dlrectiy oppe. ii mt IePoui e.-Entraueo on Bhocatmt,'l third door nantin of ltae Ontario Bak.47 ,il 3).oeUNI8T IMPORTER, Whaoaa!a & %&U aideslu Tobacea, Cigare, Snugl, a. . aab t nipe#% aund Fs-uc, Gooka%, No. tie; Es-zut, 1Toronto. - 2 _7 *VD-IHP a cohtnl0. God qttddlillt andtuti rgN.16 CANTON 11<TEL, W. (UUrl'IUET, ROUGE JIOTEL. J J~i~1MdON, LATE OF TIIE NON. q litaI al forillerlv ýof %Wlldîbi n- uounec' Ii hi r4tnilo anâ i ie pta11ic, ft'ilic bhm renteti thé altüo lwllkiown ol. wicb 1% taow In ltiNt raie order lor thte reception uti goeattw W'inci, iiqur.'aiî igars. Gondi stabllîîgaiîd tantattentive Qittir. 15-y Grand Trunk Railivay Ilota'I. (,Çuk e o a!ilway ,pq, Pert ýVIii4by.) Ti I l eubmerib'r lhas ittltLd tp te abovo wpfl jktowat prcinies i wat1 o ie Ow o or iiîîg1 Ac0b and- vi clccoIterhii charsze ut lte Ilotel wilI bli roltarly tutrel t or, tiwii tîîtg the- irtivtiletf thei Dite4 l a i te 'atrcEat or A'c.t. Gondi NOW 18 THE TIiZE. «ET YU11i R ITRENEtiS ATý J. A. V larks 1.1 Prite PIctore Gallery I Fyoti daidrô ta oorrect and life-lîke Ainbro- Jtylia, Camneotype. Lettergeapli. or Luather Tranofer, or là Likeinetti in a »PIrzlet Briostch or Bting, for J. A. V. cao do It ln the Un bt etyic, and'a etilortootlc. WILRINSONes LOCIt, GEOýGE CORMACK. L4 UNBER MERCHANT, Carpenter, alla Jolncr, Green St, Wlitby. A largoÂno tlty of %Il kinds of luomberconâtantly on hand. UN D E2RTACI N G. FUNERALS fnfly supplied. and attouded ai hand. £WÂ Mlartr hira on liberal tarinsu. GEORGE CORMACK. Whitbhy, Feb. 5Mb, 1862. 4-ly WHITBY ,BRAS BAND 1 Whitby QUADRILE BAND! abo 1,vo Binds, (napiaratély or toghr) are epared to farniîbMNuefur l1>iautlg, soireu Hopsconoo af ls,> &c., 9OU raion-j abla terni. For terni. and enmeamonts addres- J. WOLPENDEPN, - lith cialm Printed words, gfreWt thoughts and untîring industry, wo advOcatc Peace, Progremt iKowledbe, Bohrod WHITBY, C. W., TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1864. I f-------------.----- BROOK- cerTRRE, WvITHr. CHRILES MoBRIDE, PROI'TIETO1I, 'U'CELLENT eccommodentioti for travallarx. .L.JGoiid Sts-blintg anti attenative Oticr,. 20 TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, 819 KIug Street Esatt JUST reecivd, lier Extore, et tlio eboa-c e âtibhtieiiît, a a4litiaid lot oif PRAIRIE CiiKN.QUAIL, S6MPE. Plorer Petetulgea, Wtll Diiekes ane! X'uison. AtNto, SIIELL AND CAN OYSTERS, Lt-baterA, &e., WViboiesao eîad lelail. RUSSELL'S 1LIOTEL Q -1 rE B Pr.. I iE ondii-e d rnil'ropriutnre cf tte, s-lace I iemel IOTEL, hez reeiltir yt-, alilrize tboir friende anti patroni., abint tiela s-neilto. rOngliy renoeated tleir tehiboîitrei the wiîtter, wlî!rlu tneiloa thi t-1w tr aîf'ur to the Ne-rbera of thie luezixttlnre, fnd the Tr. - villng 'tiitic eeî',erior acetcm ýt1-tiî. lit alitr to th te apr*trp-tnle tI-cjd lai-twir. tee, Il'ey liâvt- îow 17ieriuursas-itI, lud-rooma ii. a lucrre liptiser iuiuitrttie-t-t.wttiib. tor cctîfort anîd conu'uîîicnce, turc tit irpei iî lite cil'. WM. RISSELL & k N QIitt-iîc. NIlarctt 11. 1lut . FAIUXI n LElE I 0Acrea-IQO sare.tst utoAt No. 24, to intuie 321,d,1,e!ds-Ã" Acre oit Lt-t No. -24, in the 4thinone.atoîof lte Towtltip 1tWtutl- 180 aitcIraees-roa, anti in a- hizgb utttt( r-f "..tlu'aticîî. Tiieaprointicearc ettuat aniti- - In tuait mile oftliteCouîîty Townt tf t'tl. bTe flaitisleof tba hait qîîs-ity, andue!vli wei-r- ail. Theiioel eloîîe anid g rit. Tu' a soirtutut iuuprovil«tiii eanît, t-lia praîtomicili ha lt on fîaoraîbtle etuto Apiply tii 'l'IIOMA$ DOiW - % 1)itby. Whiitiy, Salîteînher 6, 18614. 35 PHE[NIX FII{E 'ASSURANCE TCO# LO)MBARD tI r,ý,r &clAîN;Uts E.ST,iBLISHED IN 1782. NLt-îIE oFflz%7,Tr & C. git o JAMiESi !iAX'lut IN, Manaigue. T itti.3CE auitiitLilSua by Ft!!E re I etad on -i te ilmtoolfa ormlli t tricu., and- LOSS1E5 l'AID wtlutl iet-reiica tethelii, uard inî Londîon. W 0 t0ty 1,1-1c0. North llritsh ,îttsd Mercanti le Pire & Lifo Insuranice Com'y. COLLECTION & COMMISSION Mil. E. L. 57<0W, Mlontres-t, C. P. ("1t)Jl.E TiaNsiiadi- for Pubigihtrs, Mer- tulaits, le !i ri s lia ut-b tthuuits, li Nf t! tîutebet-. 1 )t ululaa, uî11 T-ru1 îus--i ttic cd,-tand t--b.-iltIi ptiîl--ver. Attr -lttil-tuiit- tilla b o iliutrcai f,'î- tretî; L& At. t-\tIllr, Wiilt s-nildtt-ui vMutiu a-ut Tu-onta. AS oîlatO Sc'iiicniLrtit.,1fiert) t-la- TEE ROBSON HOIJSE,. DIJEDAS STREET, WIII'rny, c. IV. G ElOUt E ttIJhULto, I'Pobriewr. lIE -uttte-riî,t- ut -' linttiuuoe thili e tn T teal-(I tb lt- latii. fui tc l'îî--i ii Strt tte'. il-i ai'hli' i-u itutl li9t t- f-tu- t. T!,Im i'r i-uoirù p îtu-c- tît,-mit- tri, ut thé' Tuasnt. Mth t ialwta' i ttuiuili. uat r ige uttîti the m .r-. r.. .' , - h ef, ioto W itiena i'Ja>t)Ulgf Oshawa Advertisement WILLIAM TÈMPENT, M. 1). K IlN(I STEE'T, - SIIAW'A, CANADA F. LAMBlERT. jL Sè,Ireiltl adae t-. -rder iin tîto huoî.t itylo s-tit fiLiion. 47 8.B AîRî5iANKJS. O(VTiNOTAIIS PUBLIC, &Ic. &c. s eiea C. W. GEORGE GTJRLEY. Eltu'lINT Tlla', lrap-r ic., îg St. ticutlu'iii'r-irli'et lita lîsu l i> iu thp bot J Uilt-la-e, ne Otchegooti, for r-pr!ne wusr. Et tey articile o ttto.No lit, ine EDWARDS & HODDEMR. rJ-'A14l.OltS Tlraiueuol ouerai CIothi. I J-2rut, itftltteeea. (Iontltneîitiertellte imadeupoi theli Rhoteit iatICa, Of the boat qîîality ms-taris-I in t-l ictsat malia. A Il aork ilausde îîp ou the pramitef. pifng lmporiaîious-ofaexcallent-qes-ît,anS guýras- vI ariety-ttc iv t-reo. 12 THE ONTARIO HROME. IIROCK STREET, WIIITBav, T IRT no1 ge o t-: :no mhais flic-auls thA a tmtakn n aoveitust ,' strIct Attention ta boa-tincas aid cthe, wantnet b is guest,hyýkoepings-la teba, anti noueo nut the 0e4t- Of hiquomre u litearte la m a1s soe etai blie pâtroago. ýTha alebllug andi *ed-roOnilW uf te beat- daeseelptîli, iti à e es-roful sod stte.iîiro Ostior viii bc alvs-yx fiiud ut liti. a Wltltby, Msrab2,164 8l B OYZÇTOYÇ'S JOTEL, 1'EiiMAN Clii-ioN, A~eîîl, V-tiîiluv INSURANCE. hîîsuîra,îce ilî p-le. iwhi!î'lholipe a îrlred th timoet-bt"ou-t. hifuand-t ultrtt- - 77ie Edi-bumr-gh Ldfe Assurance Comp'eiy Thbe Liverpoolacnd London. T/ce 3onireeil Fire Iilsurauce Compancy. n7e Pritdet.leAsurezce Companyi. F. KEIIuEK, 19tsw. o . British Aniericsa Agsuraut c Compa,, INCOIlPORAr.Eih uimie~r iuit fthI ie Tlîied Sessionu4îf tht-et -ctIProv'inc-ialt arlia- mtent fiue'sni-. VJAPITAL £100,000 lraueatle rcciotPuthtiestlet tt contentsl. Eccra'ttiri-ititvuuuîi nsp 'JOlIU G-IW Tria - llig t~ irculti, liart'-trct.Whthy AI) VEJtIZs"EMENT1 Ruoyal, fBritish America, nîtd Laver. pool fnnd 1Lunidn Assurance (?omp'nies CAPTA, - - - 0000 M 1qt ilACaoiRPO .r fTEd '1851. tke riii oln t. Vie attiIee CAP IITA , s. . ROS00,0E00. &ce'etery taid Trcaaurea', BERNÂRD HÂLDIN, EmQ. Ang bYU t'i e i ucteil s«iite lotte or lit,- andticonytie -ns o ii-eorti onim.cafiuiet cates h pItste conîttacati asit-ile lot-lui, nal t responeittie Comniy. JAMES lRINGLE. Teeurling Altant. To sait theacon vaniente o~,pjrieiing in Obhaws- s-nS ricltttlite Ortfîeiglicd ls-s beau doly appointêdIe cLue-IAgrent bore, b,' ron aist iuoaeary Inforttion, waili c haecrflîllygiran on appltication tta hlm pcreettally, or by lattai'. tle rethy aheict a or otbtîevisa, Whlîby Ms-rcb 30, 181M4. 2 EXPRESS COMPANY! 8ÂSTUR Amentalso for th-lia f ýÃaIlionîroQceu Tii.$ot lieteauhpCospanT, taiSfiethe Glaiiguw To,*n Loto ei i t c - a r . M e , c f t h t Wlîhby, Apil, 18e14. 20> Wti I t>r, f tra6 WIL SA WLI Yuit the Fit rrRE fçttbtleib i!I 'eturiebng bhig thanka The asboit 'Il? for lis-t fitrï, Wlotega t orna t-ie Inhiali llee-ilde, tant ofthl Towi a t orroltediuoveutty Boots & Shoes. NIATfIIEW COLLINS 13G-fi to-ýiiforîuîl is te -i$tlt,> ti 11tlie1l11a reinoied t tj111- 1 vpoîtei t tocit ttret, (2 uioore frllio a1tue!tatrty Offitce, andi xtcartY qpjuîita luit-fortmer lace îof lîîîauîîeas. Laedica', L'entlietlle adCtiidreuiîe' BOOTS & SIIOES le aient var!oty, ea nd dwtortior. tepeira ncitiy dene. 0:1 TRTJNKS FOR SALE ! .(O Gitre acail! ?A ainzlre tril ilI colialoc whlere tite rizlit sort ctf bargailt. ia the font s-ne! Slit lit-oara Ilitbchadtt. fENUINE SINGER SEWING MACHINES Singes taLetter A," Family Sewing Machine, fl Sthe 1k-st --to Citeepot machine l nUec, for ý lIte floailiî.ctîe iteï m eu tl ii t s testructure il uitl cun enurî1to u-n-a il . lu1 t iltni, t icerttotuit ai orîter. 1'. coltho cactlîr iteijilli .i-ew-iuî citlier lie> --r ti~LîîtW'ork ;eut tuîg fro'nt tlîe ram Il ciii lit-ti. ft-tt, bIti!, braid, e'orîl, teck, z:îi1lîîrqitti. &C. ht1 imorue duiraibCl thati îv ter Vktetty .rintg lc.oili ÃL altiti t le1t e -tur -rl-, _rrilr - tri ii i riîg. ite . . t :îte! tii attuti. AI! ur.terr- i oh1 iitftîe!. Aitrtîes.- J. T. TYLFEI. At tu il> u t1îot, 1W11to>, C. W. Oir lox tr.Wiii .W. 40î DIVISION COU RTS ti T'rUE b. ~ Il Utt ~JN± The TbEIopement, or, thexason of $or. Theh 'l s e1121 11 m e. hulit d'ia" i-i tac!tai-t I f Tlîti leuicthi, ealta rue-le ilth te teiut, Ai dry anti býrov-o am toi 'ieflic iilll ihreof risty ee AleuigCieliablît-tops ait-te An- j t iteotni', tir tettic fettitt 14jo . -dcnatfeur 'Te berrie, t-flte brior rou", Rui ot-et uir roulîde! pride Tuh iliee..awrot lritltttt .Arc drtepiltg. ltcavy-,e-Ced. Thoel'criet ierowe tnt-la friendty îîow, Tho lormanae ,lytiid aW'ie, 1 l!ieiu,' titay ilte dSitrica tbflîeîure, troi iteilsityci. Tha piteene iiluî;ck aactt-iîç A rc' wtuiluir totes-bitii0u mtn, Atndi ti!lt10iu!e irîti ae'tlicrod il eli I'reOPuatîta tbtu.u etitnmar doclt. Ilie etore cotittt, ci e criue tut-W 'h l'lîae3iriteet a t- i o riti, And-iril is Itoica itn tr,! aro Thec wltetr'e ircary reigit. ftOodlilît !Ave.! t-retlite itugent!>-, Wit ilîcccuett- t ut tio, Aite! w!ittpe -tnt-c Lly htiuieuîttg Au teoil]tu by ciL'ht I gon litienlbcr cadtI,.4acîlted.aecr, A ildii itautt ctae )t n-to W' ile laiy -loir-:it- leratutîiff. lui geltlto tltce.gocd i tglt. And iwtueuîtIiv S-1tileîiuen l'rîtuiihieeaurt tcr Antil't-ne bhal utugittuuiward To roabica of initIa -lt-y Stili b' t--iiraceeoi-I.. Ere- 1 ei t t uitlîe - ii A aofl luiu'îlzwatît wluaper, A lonîgtuti ljait goot i lt'bît. wbieh I did Dot at-al ,litre. Fince gai cedî-toards s-french dlock that vas pon thue chimnoyep~ate, and as My, eyatook the direction of hie,'I s-v it-t the . ti ma bs-clcoma for bM aeing hie Appoint;: ment if ha mes-ut 10 kep I. Now, really, yolineenea t go,' I sala. tWhynot ?-I muet.' Supposi, now, I find you vry iii, lu a big],astteo of forer? - -1Oh!1 no, nû, no. I mut tgo-I -mugi 1 o have promised.' N O 42 And basicles, iha.eufound ont lthe NO. 4 combnaiio.1-saý Mes. Fincb ;- tso thora -, __________________________ enu ha no barn.'. t Ver>' val!,'salaid1? 1'if thà t,8- the coue. Ha weuî ou Ieughing antil ho was uearly '0f conrse, t ana glad to 800 snob a eas-ugo exhauted, and thon viping hi. eyes, ha lu your fortunes,- batIcn ' thtIol uI cd,- eliý tupnraîher it bs-cl beau hrotxght about lu tome. SI ouduî el i-uonmy soul 1 lens objectonabie way titan by gambljng, couldu't help il-to e 7Yeu lookr. 4C vbich I implore you to les-vo off, 'Fici, My bonne, it vas the nlchat thing I ever as quickly ne ia ha. The -result ýmay s-w. But tilt down-sit dévu and say wbat yet ha mont horrible, and this succesbut ýyou'll haro-champagne, sauterno, lachry- a giimpsc of future- ia:,.gbris-il, vin d'or-d--..n it if thoelos They wonld neithor of thena bear m6' anyîbing more expansive or -reilercà e, ot. FineS iuughed, and good hunioured.- , than anoiher, us-me il4 end va'!! haro it if ly bungcd me on tho baci, whilo thaï it bas to ho sought for ii tha cary bowols strango hystrical lauzh from -hie ýwifti cf the os-eti. Ha I hat ha!1 bow You sonnded mont disagreenbly i0n îy os-es. did look, 10 be toto. Ha I ha I I an a s0Cnldd etwe. gold.Finch uow I 1' d d e t e k.- I t h i n k y 7 0 0 r e m p d . ' - Do you '? a most charitable supposition cntoiy faIies.tIil otaqe But wrong-by the gýds, quite wrong. 1 haro ouI>' juet, for to tel! the bonnet trutb (Fr i-altu tle 'i'aecioco It-cc..) coma 10 nMy senses.', About six years s-go ua tioîchttit ofthis "Baveyou, eally' . ity wvboaedemigrated bter ib the gondj "Ye.' Ynid days of Oaliforni5 rotarîaed .btebis caneti "D lim e o oly said lu have home ilu Kontucky, and tboi unlio Iinasef coma to hie senns whon ho bus founci ont -avife, w-vitb whom ho retnrned 'to the ls-nd bow to PIs-y tho judo Friortune sone tinciks of hie adoption. Aftere bis ratru malteraf -eh ? Look about 700. Whaî do you dia not run smoothly, bis busin' not thiuk of Ibis place noir ?',fourisb, and bis lîcuith faulcd him, but Dlot. 'tt's Iîaîdsonae, cetainly.' wîbotandingr bis occumuhatina- ioisfortunos, ' 0 f o ur e it 15.h a e ru g g l d _m a ufu lly a ud old ý a v o ed A W 'W O took il as ilvs-e, of he tat ' 0Occu - regain wbat ho bad loti n lu ome unfortoneè pant, serrants and ail. We sfial 1haro,, tevetures. At this lime, lie- noticed wlîh Ps-y a tltonsand pondsa s yearfor il, and It -excediog, pain tus-t his vife had eontmracý pea the firet thousand ýdow.- You look ad e habit of ronuniog to ballea n é ,ia surpriicd, and woll 700 may. But ['11 leo!t witb geritlemen-sometimes with, parsons' ye ou the secret uow.-I osed 10 playe with.,whona ho us -unacquainted*. Baete- eue! fortuite wns Uiikind, s-nd I lstat il motisîraied ibers-d a jcii but îîov the wheal bas turned, nnd con. -i-fo rme htsebdIo osie l' sequentîy I1s-m on a -topmatsîtpoke. Ha I homo of lier chiflbhoodoln ieo bal bal s-relou l a it v ere o nthe Ias to Aînd yenowe ail this Fiuc, te succesa rhosen andChtyil ho o ud to go ou et btegming table.' viali er sad h aoud tdescorl'te nugoouai ' I d o , I d o , nM y b oy , I d o . N o t ifiîg ike ba ir -n u lfer o u acq ins- es .o t n o g É th ir there'l, The rasuît vas It ha h 94to heartef t Noîing.'that ietat ns oue" wve naythimg but con.; Weil, 700 dou'î Bet ti ejoy the idea geniai spirite, and tbey led s- sort of cet thougb. D -n il, boy solemu you do and elog life for sèveral, months. lookr, te ha sure. lJpou- My life, oua would Being clýd lulo lte intanior ou business, thinir yon vere sorry.' the buaband noi'ied hie vife that ho voui4 I tl it a f in c in e d lu esy I va s , b u t stili li e a b s o t a-c o u p le ot1 dsy s , ut m et n0 a it would bave beau sounugracbfons a thiug. eicathegeutleaman ha wae going 10 et the -moment of bis seIf.feliuaîousbuse, the îwo reîurned to the ciîy togetlier.- »irow a val bîs-uket ovar bmin . sncb a Upon going, io bis :bouse lha- found a. vs-y Itht1 did ebstaiu meraly seying, stranger occupying bis pince by te sida of i Weil, I hope you viii kLap vhs-t Yeu ber wbo bads-c orn te: clatira uto hui. lie ont of s-il region of chance. You unl-' otil death. Ha %vas.s ainular ms-ns-nd, derstaud 'hoe? I man I hope yen wiîi aliîougb ho bad ample evidcunce of hiebis;~1< gaine no more. The- blind goddese, 700 bonor,0 ho umsde no fuse about the ms-taïr, kuow, ms-y pis-y 700 701 as as secy -e t1e oslily totid thenusuper-that ha v as, no trickr as'abe bas pîeyed 700n for s-Il yon -longer required, end, s-fIer h li b-clgonea1i4 kuu; ad Isboid ay ou' bepî er'set doaru and beld a long. cotuvaraatiup Teipt ber i-bang ber t' But I tell with the woms-u who bs-c disbonored bina. Yoti What it la, doctor; tbera's.aà % décrets-t Wbs-t passed 1hatareor. them le oot knowv;n1j ecate hats-I wh pi-yare slwyseriviug for no.ver vil! ha, uriless 8be trah!. i, fti' s f e r , s - s e c r e t c o n b i n s t i o n t h t m s i r e s -i i s a e l n g m n e . î - ~ 1 ia r ê ' t4 ýî yone . winulur Certain, and T bave sfie. ITà -. s-ni. It's soetehiug- lite isii i su'atd, but it tairas à bon trui.f s-Ih diacar leaat, hefure yon o-a writte ai -rly duve. Bt tbat's nu n Iî'u sl l ght ;. I sagive. inabis ra, tu'uight. Where cosn Mes. finch ns h lsA rbeia. HReW 8s- D r. - oÃ"ur uld fnientlt coaeta-Mu Witt nev fs-ce on., F ro ni s-a u i er apartm aaî uLam e Iis stilî beautifo, and ith aý ricb ans-n han. er oyes vereseps-niliig, s- fsbriested ligbt, and il eemad as suddeu chauge ln Iheir' ,'.ati udan .,al s s-ca moch Id1a lve 1: 18 - i HOTYSE, uume pui t, vlîh ge r. -TUtE IAIRY ()y 'A ()locîoN PIY5ICIAN. DEtÂn Doorott." "Fortune the eiippery jade, once more smuiaes pon-nie ;IXate, a-nd 1 are nu longer s-t vs-ewiîh the vorbd- ' The rose s-te hua of 00e existence bs coma bs-k oit ous. Tbe îhuand anrd one charma of lifo ae s-gain ours, Pr-y coma 0o us, aud look upon the aeushuine, eluce yon have iooked upon the stonna; and hoeraev me tu ho, as aven, yours, 44 32 Duches et., Portls-d place." Thi. latter, wbtch 1 tns-nscril>a verbatim vasPu pot my hande uane mruing A-1 vas opon tbe Point Of goiîîg my meaclI roundl, s-tid n001as- bisti .rprlse a4 v a-t its recaution. for t' .- ..... Ne,- 1, Wbit,-.........Nov. laCt, l164. .... Aibiie--------ith', 6, le rloi............ " 7th, Z. BURNHîAM, - JiIgu, G. O. If this is so, will ýyou Profit by it.? Dit DAVIS, IleYoniig utn',,Frleud, utid thaeioek lita'eà oompani- (In, eutlihl erot,,e luie vola litre tuathe trastita amI of ?IVATE DISEASE8 4 -TI i tu - id . t'Iltthx -le- t(r ueif-f tit if Oic W'ltî kmtttiu; sci asm pOrfirto-ý Om1 jct,p te' V1uiOi5 ,- eiri Ito. e_7 156 w io ut-ut r. iii uitîci>, c hiti te bit tîio Foui ut-- -.1 tek I Wiu>. il tir-t-'l tecti il i illit, - .1, ltAt-'INE, u i. >îu'rî'. - ('t>., Il aI ut obr-t'io antI (J. A. - - 111h toit. dait. -i, ln ilt ori