4 1tlE WjIiTEY' CHRONIOLE Ait>iIiîi ie ?NMiifl a Brook Street. \Vhitby. SNext IlOOr toe tut eiitry Offiée. TrERMS s$1 50 PER ÂNNtJM. ADVERTISEMENTS! A iLA(il vrtteeîx-.tnts îicc;iuti dil' Noupar- Miei, anti c1.argrA lthrlne of 9(t t-ite lier aine, iret in;eextion. sdand--itt er lino, cttcli st citent liit-terîiîîi.. - Speeixtl conîrai-tt- umade ivitit oi'crtiers i- tho yesr. Orders te ldisconitttue îtdvtrtiemettcii. tn bo In Nx-tig. BANIK -OF MONTREAL, CAMMt~ON & 3IACDONELL, flARIISlTFRS A\NI)ATD i Y L.tts-S-t tu'--tf-x - l it.- li- riv - Notiry P,,1m. &e,- , 1, ; lbily -C. - gt 'MNtiev tAla-tit tuioitit. trtiif it heollerof iltri. 1) irtNI.l Rîgtt-yunl -icSIL.W utr .ITormiUS .t(ii.i"i1,1 ,11. .1 A. .X I -'TetrUtli, i tilrîstoi t1 t t - , Lzi Ailirît. iI: li (l1I1îIce- 31 G.. . .17'r EI1 RoISEMITJ. Nlct. A I(ltISTEit .e Xl -tSi Nrt V I' A si ioî t i -îr l it 9-r m o n . N Il l Wi A T41~IZNI*Y AT iNW.SutLVITOitîlEN R ALLER & Lliutu'. tliti-i-t- - N"it-- - ,.to tt-- C.ltittrtril t~ - i t ~l -C 11-A al pX C. K 1.1..EIt, C.tt.liri- , Nt Je1. IAMIAL t ItEER.w<>t>D), &t. W .ltaC. Lt - h t . -iMNIV'tItthr- T. t id. iîtauiat-r-,t the MelcallIili- IX.Il.1n l lme., wl CfiFt e., D. a, I tii-iti.snit i l Q UUOetII!Ible ttt6i-, titi irtijL rltt -iitItIDi't a; W. CLi eL, 04 U - eotIONEl,,d-f- ý G eoit'. Store, lrck StrueýOt, itltii- 44 a. 110W MA 'C', PIIYSIVIAN, $I)itilliEtN AND1 A('it>tl.- P LUitRI. Dlfliut.crecit, likeht!rAl enIAlia v u,,îî 1Il> et,.ti-ud t -t R. J. (4UINN, M. 1D. iUlt0EO(.N Tit T-I-IF ttUSl'Y tIAtL, B JIysrot Stnet, W'Iitly. 4 THOMAS DEVERELL, B U 1LI iî, &.e&c4., GRIEEN Sl'UEEr, With y, tC. W'. JOHEN METCèALFM, fiLItRE )TIIîE FIl-lilI>I.VîSlu)N(7tURl', %J Cntcrtnlltt he rowltitli lI Ad . t itnesu: taunultuctot. - -- -14 BOIJLeIT IREARII. CLERI< ANIrîiE&SUltEi iFTIIE CTownshtip u -f tUxtriigi-. A-ietUtrtdge% A. PRINGLE, UtTAUJIANT.-CUi.ie a ttk anud Ex-, J.ipiaadî ilceoite 'Vortmrtu. lîefreshmut THOMAS HUSTON, T IWN CLERKeTUti6UtEIb' WIIIT13Y1 TUtcoe-'on mn 4l-rlanrspi w .1'diieck. J. SPAUILI)INGB - ~,.Toroite,, ô-6 ly JOHIN. M."iVA1ICK. i VARUS &PETERPON, J sie #tostO120 e-Xtrance onup 4e8iau.t ibI deo neri.of 1110 Ontario 4-7 F i ELUX BROUILLARD, j BIjl tosler Il iToaec, Ciar, uafi, &0). limsetnuPipuemuetd vaucy Goalx4, #o.1 1 K-LClte î3treet Etimi, Toron.to. 27 DA'ID )DROPI, <ttat' fOnttela st.d Dnrilain<u,tie th m 4i s t .p n ae e t o cR n t fi ,tL 1î lit qA ny. pj~*têeuuA.Ies.Alil <deititleitsif X iae", on Lot «Ne. 84,tantise k01100.1,11n.9 c ôr£rilt ii il oie aittiv atwdd oult. =j, O UE OYAL LfTEBU.Ki g tg.totï-Wornto, - î1 re -uncs~h é4r.y VOL. U bitII, VIII. ,e eiTHUTRSDAy, OCTOBER 201 1864. N.4 t:~ CALL AND SEER SA»Ny 1I H Flinxi, ,leiîîtlie- -' Briiikitntitioîc,it in i llri-liîi Vilit.4rt, ilii ie lie wilî te ,,In(l t- - al -î .1luticit llit! irenà its-tarc weli i-I yt, ititieîîîfiieîît. tiid ttie ucctilittlta- titi g ',t--i.verv t l',itt, legiSS-fer !le cfee lt: oi-iifittlel-i iita ilîix-ee 'lîitî,elf listing li Uiriiitl1 iii.ide i$ Weillas mi tiuide Biotm tiîl -i liC t-.ltai Are liakiL -ivt- i Ieli, .hoitme a cii. ALEX. PERRIE. tif-.itî M.i ii,.60 1 Dn4uu ling all & Restaurant, tin lIllipii L'-twî!)t te Titrie tîcinei. h- l Stttw.tii , , . t îilI -ex-. N inci., i L.~ ix-, ri. -t lie -ct iti tis. .iîuiih NIIT G~LOBE ILOTEL. aboI I -tîîe %wel h:timVtt i-(jluietal,ltp'lI -iiioI .- . !- ;tu- --i r-1- uu-1-: dri-. i - -ukote tI. iiit i'- BROOK bracx-.rr, wuîvy. "IIAliLES MclilllE, PROI'I&IIEToIt B XC ELLENT aceoinumiitiota for t raveilero. TERRArIN RESTURANT, go 1lun Street Enst. J UST 'ici fi I i-r o E ' r it ili(,. ' lm tittiîît i eudcit l o~ itif. '10 iîKWNS. QUAIL, SXI'. itloeer l'ittridfçte i NVd-I Iueesd ei-tît SIELL 1AND CAN OYSTERS, Lb- v r4, &o-e dt., \V 11lietnIi- aîd ilet i; 1. ______ AIM1LtS & ttNE IRUJSSELL'S Lo'IOE, Q U E B E C. '111.ii uiex-niine.l l'rîitrncfIlite ,tIfe tilitttp.IuJ OTET. -' e1-eetfit It-him1rizî- rcgUuzlvroiuvoat.i tîtr li- Illte wicîox-, w}iiel entbles 1iiîeni) fly o In -f-rt IlleM t-ii îr, Ofifltt- t ittsxeuîî lte ne.. vellilitg iPtublic ttiiîxriîîr teiOIit i n tldiîîii t- t" upe Pri.iiitt tevliadi La.î it. au-' ions-tnt ( IIPore iexfaadi - it -y II. RITSSELL SO 8N. Qlctçe. el 1.l-i 0W 0 N n IHOTRil 1 - - IV " - N & lIs 0T-IlER Notice tu Farinera and Others - rtila;Uh :lâ Rui 5enile Fire & Lite Insurance Com'y. Batik 'd %ffnhtlresl. W t I ti y , N q i-t 7'.1~ 2 X COLLECTION & COMMISSION MR .1.i6IVow.trenl, (C. v tJ, 4e. tt t , tni Ttrnula, a.i ti ti-r plattce ili i ftatin. Al u-l.tli-iuq .dut i -;..u üd i l ii-t -rtced . igr-tt pîs -aid cvr - ti@ tiaI I.& A iter, NV ie,.aie lltl1u . 11.iar 14OLI(:ITOU1At, ., &c., IL~ ~ ~~~~i, Lawttiten,~ iu 9iuttc t.it,tl-f11trei THE ROBSON HOUSE, fLATL SM!i i-Il-t,m- u-i DUYNl>AeSTREETg, IVJITUY, C. IV. GiEttiliE 1OLSON, Itrtpeetor. liFmoýi%)critý an on ltt ice that iut lu, litel Tt1ro r uitt, i r~fr,.uuii lTeci tirecaioî utt theî e'lite ie uirtx4urdge ttend ll_eatt-r len GEORPiGEROBSON. *Oshawa Advertisements. WILLIAMI TEMPENT, M. D. K I. STEET, 9tIISWA, CANADA F. LAMBERT. rT AIL-I aR IAand igSt. )atnwn'v. tiîxmeutn mxade tii tuner i lti centiiyic su anultlon. 47 8I. B. FAIRBANKSI(. sOIT04NOTAP.V PUBLIC, .&e, &c. Osimwa, C. W. W L q11t4ii1-it.--i ilot te-a E'<t-M . I aiii A.WI XAiI arnfi lîtî, , -tt 41 t-r-tu t ii lititil ~ts I r i irul l -t "ile Tftt'ti. ii tti ùfi-itrondt. ut-iutil ati.ii.tit,..22 vif l'oni.%, JiOtEFL. wîtVeil. .l.tî27 W llUiA i S '1'i tttU-el ileTU (11(jt. ltt,. I in', t h t. tit -talihîsr ,î..i cidîre.. 14 CANTON ILOTEL, W. CIJTHBERT. ROUGE IKOTEL. TtlIitMIIQN, LAT£ OP TIIE NQl- iion ioitel, anti foru.erly of WVhitby, au- niinlleci; Io hi,. itleis d titi publiz, t ,let ieh haie renteil the ite-s-e well-kîowu thottu, whict, lm nowIn fli Iret rate artier ltrt1itiroception of rnemtis Winc,,, Lîqnora aand (Cigarti. Gxd' iîahiiîng aîîd aitlattentive (41er. 15-Y G.rand Truk Ratlway iluxtrl. (&u idî c4f lihilmv 1?DîOf, Port WAttAy.) TIl é, mulmer-ittcr fis fil ultp thte above well Tkutosit p rrtiies tftth ieview m tsi miiie metii m volilni, k-ftin .chiere u-t the liel wil 'i propeerli s.cred tr, awaiting ttie-,crti lu tof tic. ,winr« Il q the- ('ar-t Ent orr telit. ""fio -tu.lini, imilenrc eii .tteltiùîl. AAlîir -iIl27,. l-..I NOW iI TUfE TJMI. <IET YVttiJ LIKENESS ATf J. A. Clarki.let1 rize PIctoft Gallery JF y-" tii-ire et-co.rrect fan- ilfe-Ilke Aînhrû- 1type,. Caineatype, Letterg'rrpiî. fr Leather [renpfer. otir s likeuot4g Iii ooetL raucil or Ming, for- . A. C. ccii do it lu the Iiictt style, and lit ihortnotice. WILKINÇSO>N,$ BLOCK, GEORGE GORMACE. L UVXIBRF.MERCITANT, Om"pater, sud Joiuer, Green St. Wiîitby. À large quau. tityi of -I ikiîîds of limborconstatsuly nanad. .îîRU fllsppli.ed sud m4toded etïl xlititatcee. afflur kopt ecoii> aatly oau bail. rA FIuarso ehire oulibeFiitorne. GEiORGEÇORxAcK. WHITBY ,BR&B8 -BAND I Whftby QV MEILL»A»N! abie toer Bt) (n ee- r 0 -hc si18. te À- . k <N *"Min, uxalmeN. T HEDJicglBZR,lIN. RETUREIqÃŽ*Tà ) in tht., place, 9.elitt~ a cal], f.nem Is t.ld ci- ceansmadatlnn, with gaad %iibl.ea p u IREYVUIE Rti 3J.&I<qlm. cWv GEORGE GURLEY. ETLtHANT Taleir, l>rpee A&e., Kîilg St. (U4sttteinet'. wtacuten tuat, up lu the bIcct sud ti)etttyle. Jube(t euhveet, mn eoetoode for .pnlig Weir. Xîery article Warnuieu.. No lit, net ltay.lt ED2WARLDS & UODDER. M pAIL<)RS, Drapermanit (euaralClatli. -8 exntiionîfitterm. Gtentlemen's rarmî,,ta modeap ni)thtie nttett notice. o e s est queiity a.atunial Ilu tae peateit styles. AIl w'vu-tn atsnp ou thi promuies. 8rpntng cImportatiounstof excellent qîaalty, antd it great u'îînity-nc' v seIîueaâ - 12 TME ONTAR IOTEL DR1OCIC STRE BT, ýWHITBy. ,R.ltst lnttcrm big freuds uteniu te buslinessansute te 'anta aiflui C üuth l keP fiteob.table, aiiaune t tj'CýBa«, ta mitta sire af publie ptreusge. Th* stabiiag-ausi aheit-rooçuise et ho bis urpton bda OaMMt luanRtti.1 'va o wll u<ctla <uta thl*post. iJOSEPI RLEUTM W hitby, Marot 2, 184. - M11Vitibljtits ofthe a u..sofnerein-.x.. -i I ()Acret-î 11 ie .iltuateon iL.ot No. 24, lu i t rIisd i0..Acre n atLut No. 124, lu lut- 4tlitimounco f tii T-wniiît or Wliit- li~ '- lIt>jlitres tletiri- il u-i a higtitditti(et cilU ltitniî. liî- ýriioi q ntt~arie ittîtte %vitht- ii is-n tmilles ît t1lie tCi-tit h-Ttwtnif %V.itlty.- 'lite hiu.1 ioft leitte ei tiitv,lltii well wîîtor- i.i. Li eIL , ilut-eitil 9g),Id fian t'o a ý,tls-enitt ttli-riiil t .Iitîlitthe pretîises wiil bc et ut fitvurttbloturit,' Appjly taî tftOMAi> DO1W PrHoNIxt F 1 E ASS U11A NCE C'0. L(MBIAIÃŽll'LEIT IlN i tS4S, ESTARTISUED IN 1782.* tIILJ.SITE, Met Il-.T'r& tO., Agait-. fot - It )IAVISiitN. Mnatger. IN itittlttltlil by FiRlE a I lt-il w i i i îtct fiertilleri*t. aîîd- jts.l, i3lIl iut1utl ~~refvrtîtt fite îe lard .JiuI*t i~ t -uitt. T Il E ut ?-itttft lfJb. I,Iiot.Ieîtitd Aron lu-tintltîîî i tt;itn Ii j l îtiih ha le prelitirf t) itteit Iti l iti-. lieala i xnriît.- I n7e Ëdinburgh Lifé AsguranceCoap'm The IdeerpScl and Lorudomr nec Montrent Fir-e Icusurance Company~ The Prerincdal Assurance Compasy. VAPI liiiater,000 iag DriUis nsî JOHN tiaraut e Vu ,au AI Vt~i' Ei.T SEurmitAiT t tti-l Itusut i t i-r t tu.d- i en n ie iTimi 0crzwitt uein l ret n t-etWIi* Yn>Agnt, 'XII1 NCE. ~ trtrc - A poilc tit.o -0it îolitîî-tîoîi',. îiîtitipritil îced tIie olai Ctiied ' My Loti eandLi." UV 1V roiepsens (,iletîro-us-uiii f-i tte A '- blîîîk 'Iliai-eoi Miii ', crp,.it Lt iIi-s WItil intlg .eY(,, 1 uea te li iii escreej. tb% ]O laeiter daliy ilinner titis ini <talc.-- Antd uic(Io f (!> TIto riclin-t ieilit iriloucret- liver plate- Puire witte,. ite hiiplitIctie, liaer tii-t to latie. -1 înup ni) t'cdink îtin ratu Rl',liîtt1îitî luire MiY )Ove lia,.mitii I Iii Sixl ut ciii tt rîtint- VierTluxei- tie-, Site gars ti-i.-r ipticsiltilt li-te- SI t-ill-t 1 t ; Jlrtlt aull- fteti t---tnd lier emcitet mîtIiglul A 1u sik.',.vitlloade Il gtun, koci, e1 -lit ciglit. A tbocuiu,î wor3 tile-t îîew -tireheClt ctiveîtt trn lirtu, Iltliit, co, et'iu, sûeine, ~TO..iioi-rw',tatiîîtty ritz uei iiy -ai-ctu- l iire's uersniettîl !weiIl 0dt0 tly iuîcît igiti, MI i tv, ait l r- ~ 'ii, -a tiiltet î f iex-iîc'lii eli t clyt -.»(sth - d aI utîl- ntrab ROeI) lcettin oli. tl WESTERN ASSURANC E COMiP'N Y OP TORONTO, C. WV. CAPITAL, -- 400,000, INCORPORATED 1861. Pr#de.uslst. -: Vice predeag.. GEO. MICHIE, EsQ. M. IIOSIN, ESQ. BERNARD IALDfl, &Q. A IIIANu.'Edrl'-eteif azitiu4 ice. orduecl- Afe1» ire c- tfaIl -huertoiqf ulig it-i tu(-i- ettîîti tiuis-ti-te urin,. amut a tumes tuf premniim as laieutili tut uiy allait JAMES IPRINGLE.- Trsveiling Airrett. To s-aie the ean veu ie Ipartiu es eidlng lu; Omluwadv uii ity lte oudemiguseit limaeua duiy appaise c izoea trau tre., ty wl.am 011 itct ry nf'attion vî'ti bceleerhilly guveui yua~leul, ti eeuiv or by luiter. tîttir pi-operty - aitte irs b'hyf fnor ethieru-Is, tg nepeimuiîy>Uicitea. Wittlcr sarclitSA), 184. 2 EXPRESS C0OtPÂN y 0PIE-OoIc SteetWhitby, axtext doe OoRgpr fflie Agent 1*e o t he l et-t steamsasl mlp oapaa, th<e Gisigut WItî b)y, Al il, 15 18(4. tîtut ho iliibc tQy4 tten ai)Phorl dora entraste to il4 cari. Tectiu 1;itiete~Iardn, Si luo jFallt iBae. î vr rui esoe Teethlu iMd or estartuceu lu the pô$uab1 PaeglriptItin pale tte .rqtlUn 0 WINDSOR 'S QUDRILJLE BAND, ADDIiÃ88 lo Double Msrier, Or lthe Ilîîr.u.î. Law. I lueard &Wr Graves traie a long breatbi, Fort7 thousaud poants il u shfi' I ut a dstet Mr. Sunjîhea, 'for the fimtperian site shah shedt n genuiue tearn muWlt'l id Mr. Graves; eI'1 a tear, sir i _.$s d c Il Y - th at, t at. ý.. . T b e b.id. as. LTy dean in, iî'î raîlmer rdinry, sud 1 aliot dcubt, Mr. Ifanybody wviii uer becomue entitied welI e i t BD- I have a tarîber ii te make cr il, i ia otn e F on. If this bequent fasilslijt a 4dug ter, Derncia Stuythîs. havi ail. ais unttlove me- If asch iit!las-ci cueith 0 cnethave left me t-ar liernaine la Rolfe nais. I have of her fur maiy jears.' a le may bcLednair. I gay,msir, > dead -eh? Deaef, i, I sol. mGoit i lie i one ' - qete a seutile lu the rcoxn,uadt wuadeatj.-fike îlnu ate iLservant sai,- cu 'a deait euough.' 1I dit net mcve frein uny hidlig - -Il i tneil inleutiy, mnd lu a fe mie I esrd Me. Graves amy,_-. ani did leu ever suspect be had1 - hmono7 ? W. are quite alnie a.?a, w'eu he Letia4d l.,I1 I le hail ,-1 las I am n a 'vidouser, 'viel have mar :ed juIl. >Tes, If hc Lad Ieft h i ail ta me. aud yjeu bai iu à , itnua yo. aie. Te b. auril, t<'amarereqeix-ed,1 bat I cou it gel anather fartaa coaidera. tien, aud . onît oLde alady, sud ride lu leurf carrago. 1?erty tluouaa uipentin cah-oty cnieriIan leban 7"e, sud 1'vould, of ceurse, Icave'i ite ota. Maria, du jeu bease? Wbstiaepposeitle ba Leen so-ebI eh?'l 6CouiddtYu'î e, aid, Maria, 'couldu'ît t ht' bat t With jour belp, I ceullt Tes, cf ceuni. Te., as is servant, couit se 1 back le up iîh eshience efbis: Gtrdship fer mie, cf bis rope8tedly, aununnedit ien'.f tion te heave me ail, sud ill, tfypura preseuce vwhepLehodictatedth<e 'vilI. Tes, les, 1, 1 can' o it.' 'But bowdo I know jota 'iiikiep jour,& word ho me -aftw'vrd. (at jeu liave. Laifo t e t mi atonce 7l' Ne>, a.-Oli I1cni. hat veut! spoilh ail, le veulet b.Ol se grossi>-ineensiat. p eut, besides pxatiëaig etaomipltily on oes aide as a vitsuado yjeta eco.I'vi giv yn £ vlet..l p oans f uarelage.- Beaidis, bots tare 1 break my ward witm jota' -l", 9 4 Weill îbîee something flu htl st-sai Maria. &Hoiehorrilelhb.looks,, don't'r b c V - XYs, be, ho ratbam does. Beibut si jetacosent? Mnbni1aang iâ. T viii ait noptoa.l, t 4llýe..sîthL.. a Mate Of perpexity about the affiruthi I heard that t he fanerai ef Mr. Smythem was te talca Place, ad heI made p uy mind taunalie ua mlight movemeut in tLe business., 1 gel the foliowing'notice inmîriad in a maruiug piper tht. day after t'e futîcral :- 1'Died, ut bis rosidsauce in London, NMn. Sinythes, iu grett îaserty. Heivas at- tended by Dr--., and lu hii lait mo- It truck une tlîat this wculd producq îauething& beYaud a great amoana f cou- stemuaticît in the minds cf Maria sud Mr. Gros-es. sud I1ieatu qtîitî in a cîrvaci fidget ali day. Tcwax-ds dumk, rather ta my astouimh- meut, Mr. Gratt a wm annaaîxced ta me,1 ad whin hc came iu, ie said with an t- tîmpt nt a âmile, sud hlloked tee years older thon 'viet. 1 lait aie hm,- 1'Ai I doctor. haieare you?71 I td ycu have put in the, Times n notice cf my aid friend Mr. Smythes' deatit. 1 weat ta the office sud titey told me ýour came 'vas au the advîrtisement. Tbcy dont put iu deatits, bltti, ar max iagcs sithout au- thentication.' 9'Sa1 faud,' 1 said rathir dru7y. ' But, but whilat waa that about bis daugitter ?-l.c'v dd to put that iu. De- sides, i did 't die- inipoverty - i tiiuk 1 'vas hum aldemi friand, sud iehat hu had bu bau left to me.' t 1beg in caugxaîuisîe yea,' maid 1. uWitb remppet ta the"ayings cf LMt. Smy- the& lu bis iatt moments, Maria, the mer- vant. toid ue-1 ' Indeit t How imprti -I meut haie Yeî. I amuninied te îhiuîk abe hail hait s drap cf mamething ta drinik that wua mach mrouger titan pump 'vaSer, for she saidthiat ycu batl promimod ta marry ber and malte a lady cf si-r.' Mr. Groues mary riearly felI aTt'hlm chair - lietr'vasu cli s frigbt. I san vthe. peraprïatian atuacing upai. bis faCeiý chiie hi mate a msm i vgareus effort tu iaagh off- hlm nervaamnm. 1Realy- did aLe, indeed. lai1 ha i Gocit eveuing, dactor, gondt eveniug. Tbsulc ,ou. (Oh, d -n ber!I)e I felt quit. iatisfied that I -had fired a shat inoathL euemy'm camp, end tit wuhat 1 hait said wauid produce wbiat iii, valgar lauguage is caîleit ta rets,' betuseeu the lmssyer and Maria. I 'va' ccngritulatiug myseif upon that mach, Phen My Serv-ant camne ta say h4t there 'vas a girl aînt a littie bey wanting ta mSeme. f 1 tl',p 'm, i,' sait »the tootman, .'as yea n senmutgratu<oS patieffili atone eleven li te.metuiug, but l'aey a"ja hey 'vants to-seC yau al L esame, suitns their I7.. 1 -;.I.< h A Young girl, about flfteee jears et agp, acter.i te aie ber, -came.ie <iithetoom.. huading «a -faurmusI uitle boy et about font jeà a-of q lfelb>toîî the haut., Tuîir, itesa heepeke poverty, deatiext aîtbangh scrupuieusîj deean, andthe girl waggeîp hait in ber baud s aespapen. - heir fa Sir,' shpksait fergivi Ibis irta8ion, <a Who bai journne 'vas in an acconnî ai tLe and pr-u disitb et-af Mr. Sunythes.' riau '*Thire's ue iutrusioun at aI'sait 1. i aolalo ý Sit'deeru Md tell me w bat joa 'ishla; .49Old h and 1 beg jeu 10 cosusider mnasa £5 n,ý toploado MiuMiusu,' -1mispered the iL kle fuI 'vie boy, 'uveuit the goçud geimtlemun give jW4ay scmetbiug te eat, peer bMiney?'tVtl The girl Let nt aie"'tsr, nad'sobbedtaie 'vaa biittwly. - - - - tt I arn afrait 1 rang tLe bel - frigLtfa1uly n-ei batd. - - ure)ii the beat estables. yau bah a!. h e b oaae, tfOro and a botte al( ere' - . tdO a The litti. feélu,'w flieéIbia largo 1mett. ,prI>!eu ebholy-l-oohiug ejes oUfloýMeÇt id &whenh n Çtbite *aus tLe-boy -caine Ii, .e piuckeê-lsÇg siaferi Cattl*,' by tLee-ileeve. --- - - -îti RuPeýot 4Mina7, Mýiuay1die, yoa>eniw, pet, iks.al Minu .y, joa gavle me ail to:day.' Oh'i my diapersi poor Mina>; jeu baWe at 'no> Lak(aaî witb th£ Yert, ant theuDighe-hs '00eoa '01UMienyT fi,'ea I had te puce the rcam wie Wieorel tEsqï, ar coulis *peak andt hen I took',lie WýQpisIg ils girl bw the andu. î 'arnalway,, sid 1, 'raîher williug fo avent inJusîfte than ta punislh evil doîrs. 1 will go with you ta Groveg- but I antici. pate mach diiffculty, ou eceount et the womau Maria.' Ry nine o'cioc< ou the. fol!l1îî marc- ing My legaL friend and 1 were an1 the. door-mîep cf Mr. Grovs-cm' ous§e. Ire was nt breakfamt, and whin we weri uhîred iuta titi nmmii aie thÉrt there was ail the RppîrUMce cf anOtléer permon beside hum. melf-having beun theré, aud euiy -hast'iy withdx-awn Oý, .car arriva!. Fie liooaed dxetdfuly cnk1oumsud alarxued. 1'Mr. GravýeÉ,' I maid, 'WC OYDe upan au &rrand cf rmeîy.' iMercy, it<?' iYcm, mercy ta ycu. We tvould gave you ftoi the caniequencea cf criminality by tapping tue commission cf the crimi. nal net. F oriezoalal intentions cf fergiug a %wiii for NM- Sinythe., and naoindrewill be maid upontr&painful ubjeet' ,.Site bai betrayeëd me 1, ie maid, aud suatciting up a knifu. froin the table,' he made a rush behiud a creen that wam in theý î-om. Thora %vas a- loud cry-tbe scrêe fil! doien, and thîre was Maria welteri-nc itn biead. Thte breakfast table wm-u in titi way, and befaré my frieud or mymeif coutil get at hlm, Mr. Gravai Lad 'uflicied on itimmeif a frighîfal wud. ,<- i No itelp 1 no htIp l' hi mid, iu a Titis periobed bIr. Groves, «sd à Maria, wvi tam oer usune 1 uever, kaît, expired the semae eveuiug, after makiug a coutes. Sion of ail the faces as I have recartet- thein. SMine7 Rolt(e 'ad hem litîle -brother use'ra puactiiel ai ny hanue a ton o'clecky u mb, breug t: saine cfber trswinga wt hier. Pear girl 1 the atinast gaad ah.epet. cdl frem me 'vas direction ta lier grand- father's gra.ve, 'toitpirbapa a sbilliig for, p sketcil at flcwers that she ahe'ved me, f 1Mià sRof,' 1 sait,* tyeare heitema-at- laie to joar grautfsîber. Tour incoffie 'viii be about three So-npudtpr An m, adiy légal, trient, %hall Le praudtut be jour man et busin.ess, Misa liolee'0 Alas i p*er Miuny-amhe las pet ber 1k-fIe brother iu hem aùrma, and-falutet.ý Joy don't atten killr eut Minuiy 'vas neot the exceptian. She andI ber brother 'veme tiflereut: arcatures la a uueth; aud atter, ail, oit Smythcs à dt have'a genaine tsarý sheit upan bisl grave1.- 'by tLhperon h heritctitbis 'vealth. - A4nnuat Pair 'tnt CaiLle show-et' Oaa Diana anti Rama BÃýtch Agricuilurai accual Vair. sd cd util. aLso theiAspicea of tLeasbove tý 1frAý isfluâna-. mdxat -cru iulthght hasseit 'wencune the ehas ýgroafiit, - questiaca- à us etherg triving, <Lii- oan ois, buggies 4C.,acQiupa4 ueniiies vieseing' sieb que £LUC 'vaold arrivé &< the acemue o-1 iparaioan. tiringibi fore, ig.raiu teillati iatermvim, -but Ick, p.iu,îlhe ciels- 4lspera» Sul" ahane ot gloniouil bu ou,aaui» w etwufavored tib4 atLin ttriug tLe. remainder 5vix7 ~ getifyinip ra si&e7elb a e1-Ua qon pa )v &C.. Ofoanauci Drectors wa a nuonced fit the purpome cf pamiug 't và teocf thanks te, the Judgeo, and transactiug ather Laines., but owig ta.the teoateniug appearance cf the wcather, w.hiob inidiîdaBvr ttWad-PPStPOned until iFriday, l4th filt., Mr. Lewis Steel M. déeéîviug of much credit for the maaner in whieh heocatered- te the uppetites cf his- guestm* LIST 0FPRizES'. Brood mare, J. MecPhersan Ist; James Hesalin 2bd;1 J- N.3 cDonald Srd. Span cf Larmes for agriuiurai upm C. Hewett 'lot; G. Sîtratheru 2nd; Pofbr Ikeiley 3rd. d Saddie hormes, A. Kennedy IF t and 2d prie"; Arthur-McMullen 3rd. Twc0 yeti - nid gelding or filly, James Sinclai'r Ist - J. Smith 2nd i'G. Thomson One year aid colt or fil!7, ( . tratho'rn lot; P. Carrienu-2tid; J.*McPherson*lird. Foal of 1864, P. MeRai e .Hii 2nd ; J. McPherson 3rd. Bull Of hîao â, Society lI; .1.Fraser 2nd ; A. MeMulîn .3rd, Ycarlinig bull, G. Thomseon it; P Murphy. Éod ; P.ttig 3d Milch cow, Q. ThoisonuIst;G. StrntL- ern 2nd ; C. Ilewett 13rd. Two year aid heifer, J. Maralit ; P. Murphy 2nd ; G. Strathern I3rd. Yearling Hleifer, T. Whi-pp s lot; D. McDona'id 2nd; G. Strathern 31 rd. Yake. af aaen, W. bfcPhëe lit; M. Me. Donald .2ud; T. bieNulîy 3r&. Take cf îhrce year aId steer9, G. Thom. mson lt; ÃŽ. Mahany 2nd. e YToke cf twa Yièar aidsteers, D. Mc- Doald lot ; P. Gettingm 2ud.1 Yake of yearliug iteeri T. Whipps lit G. Stratbern 2n,1. Bull caif of 1864, R. W. Lie Imi; Strathern-2nd ; D. McDonald Brd.> Heifer caîf 1864, Gý Strathéru lit; T. WhippB 2ud; C. HewettrSrd. Aged P-am, J. Smoith lot; J. MaPhermoti 2nd ; H. Reveil 3rd. 'Yearlinug rein, .lame Sinclair lit ; W. Baulton 2u8. - j'., RaM Lamb, P. MDoald lii ett Tbaimn ud MarcarHealey Srd. Ewe, haviugJiamb this yenar, J. Smnith 3rd. Ewe laxub; D; ýMèDonald lut.; Jamee Smith ýud aud3îrd. Aged Roar, O. MdDd aad let. Aged saw, J.. Sinclair'là mi T. wÉipà udf IY. McI)dildý 3rd. *Sp ring Boar, 'T. -Whipsm 1t; fHector Lawe 2uf; P. Gettioga 3îd., Spriug sow, H,1Law -l1t; W. Baultan 2nd; J. 0.- Danueli 3rd. < Oe pairjýot Tukeym, J Fox lst - J. W. .Mclonald 2nd. DGeeseIH. Reveltlt; J.,W.McDouald1 2ud. - 2n&; J. Burgher SAi., Spriug usheat, R. W. MýLie It; T. i'hippe 2nit; W. Bo I ton 3-it. Banley, G. 'Strathêra let;L. bMcold hOsîs, J. Me lieraon, lit;, G; Tiiommon 2utd J, Sýiti 3rd. .Peý A. Hewett. Ist; 1'.'Gcýt'ags2c aui 1 rd. - - 4 Hlait Lshel of ttdiauicorn t.jÂ6 car1 W. Beultea ItI;T.-Whipps 2ud -T.t elly- Olauae, J. N. Mcî2epald la:;j P. Thom- sou 2xxd. t I. : -] rION I illtiittn. Sqîîîrtr Wiif Il g, Y-emk t lite 119 Il Yt(t uk Réoc. I f--n the usýe. or for vm-eem ali-i tii.i Il the tlie di1e iîte lfînix--iim- là sr ur y. - - r ttni -f Xtl- il A Wac.2 d1,fi'. P Ao-lu Ir'-tt i q: l vîiout. tclîit t- W ut i tt uit -uti cureîî, Li 14ti tmoeaim ,Z(G1IMIONIR. ,il tîciervemu ta i slng te insuti- -u M Cte, Itot- liIrs ntse itIon 't taurîe" nth itpelifi ýjjtthev Teefý (41n The »Juge nespougleth to 'l. il