GRoVE8TEEN & ol PIK OFORTE ' ifoufacturpY, 499 BROADWAY, NEWYO$K# THE attention of the Public snd the trade, la Invited tb our New, Scale 7 octave Rosewpod -Piano-Fortes!' Wbich for volume ad t re ar.rlval. la yeybithèrto ofrt uthia tmarket. hecntin ail the mxodern laxprovemants, FRENCH GRAND ACTION, RARE' PEDAL, iRON PRAME OVERSTRUNG BAiSSa 4c., 4.c-, And escb iaitrutmant liing anade under thepersoual asupervision of MRJ.Il. G[«)YVEST E EN Who has had a practicil experienca of ,)ver 80 yoars ln their auanaaacture, je 'Warrantod in every particular ïll F 64 GROV'ESTEEN PIÂINO-FOIITE," Rcceîved the highest astard of merit over aIl otherie et the Celebrated IVIiere wa'e exhîbitcd instrumente rom the bcst anakenea of osirc.Pari,-4 Gernia- ny, Philadelphia, Batianre, Boston anad New York ; sud so at the American Instieute for 5 successice years, TH F GoId & silver'Mdl From bath of wbicl a ea be sean et our ware-rooan. By the introduaction of im1rovemeute we niake a etill more pvrls'ct Sherif'.laSale< of Lando -un!Y of <1utatio N -ATURDÂV, te .0 lvii: 1 Ténya ixh YOfeo Noveanhar A.D, 184 tTwe~lh day 0f] nomi, will ae solal by lPublice Auetioi. at uMY o,,lu tjýp Court Itouseo, lu thie TowaiOf Whltby, in thea Couuty of Obtro, thé ;aight, tltle sud latreat which tha uudermantioned l>eftindlsaatasevacraaly pamta ln b.undeabu- tiouad i4Ild# sud leneaaa'utu sheroon, aalaed by ane under, aîad by of certaiu Writea o Venditioul kxponum, and TIen Faciesa, vis: In the Court of Corinion Ploe. JOHN SPROAT, PlntU WILLIAM PIIOUDVOUT, I)efeUdaLt. lu the Qacam'aa llauch. PATRWCI<FOY, I'laiatilff. WILLIAMI' ROUDFOOT, 1>landauat. In thar Court of Common PIess. Thea PreaiditDiraotr,asud Coin- lriay a1 the <Jure Bank, - 1laintiffs, A. Proiadfoot and Williai 1'roud- boot, lu the Qaaa-eta"a Beneh. JOIIN SPIIOAT, WILLiAM I'lOUDFOOT, Detadant. ln the qlli.c'a Boucla. J'rlîim(Itaaltune, aud Tlioinaai Il. uladserwe, VA. WI.IlAa 'laUDWOaT, l)ctenaat. 1ia tiereilicr't&Iincti. I_____ The 8'ubseribers have on band their usual large atnd varied stock of SI4ELF AND HEAVY ]BAR RON, SALT, PLASTEX, &o. - They initenÃœd selling at mucli REjDUJCED PRICES, FOR C.A SH-Y OR' ARPROVFI ÊEDT They beg most respectfully to itiform ail parties purcbasing on credit that, on accouni. of heavy losses austain. ed during the pust three yearu, oit produco, operation8, they must inéi4t on settlement and payment of ait fteeounta on lit October next, theta running or overdiîe. Froua titis date al pries parclîaing u redit, are reqesteel to bear in mnîd, thart ailaccouaits axuIdnotes Imust ee met itla punctuality wlien due and payable. WHITBY, June 21, 1864. Just Received 'a. Tj'ltth tri -reAt îiratiiîetrry iii Canada, WIVLIJAM PltUD)FC>tT, F ltrizle rw AIarrtiaaait Of taaia. Cooking, Parlor & Box S. ~ Ln, 19, 4tlae'.rar.ibc aa&in fir<k, jWiacre«i. hart tiI.ltr ri Rr.iaa ench. 130 i ra.i. art n t 7. 14tii ate!irraajai raa ar IN)150acrew,. 1j .4at M, 1it )iroealoi lcaicla.lao sere. NELSUN i. IREYNaOLDS, Stionit.C. a). per C. Noarmm. PIANO-FORTEÀ! Urainî, 9ai Offle, 2 Andl by inauafaturiug Iargely, with a strictly euas yatem, arae eaablcd Uto ofer tIae&. inatrumcuta at a price whictx wîll preýlude corupeltion. PRICE.S No. J, Seven Octnve,. round cornera, Roacwon-od plain Ca.",. $275. No. 2, Seven 0CtAve, raili cqrmers, Rosewood ha..ary noildug, $300. No. 3, Seven Octave. rouri ircrerai, Itoeewood Louis XIV style, $.325. 7 ERMS : Nett Cash, in Current Funds. Deaorlptïivccirculers seut frec. 36 ly Boots & Shoes. MIl"IV 18TUE lIME . H VNi \l"Jadd.'il(lieai ia'p >axf Onte laya ;.rc.ont îrtuibaa,i ti rcdI.tre t, JOS. BJlN-DL, In f- Ille LȔ ulataarefeaiat (A Ili* Ftaailltî.b. li'at t anitnelf le , 1104f.avarjhle oap a o .. t 1tb urti.itîi ig lb t-, e'a l $ ,, i --'aar thi. tilt, 'harapemt, iIMAtwet ' -Jlbc pro W I1h tla.Prea'ent ç>.<tîa;e,Oh ie UnrdemwideaI le luapditlii lu Xiecte ai: ai.dera liia taetae't- analhîlar, aid uidaer lAs awi lriinealia sper iaîtmideni',. .Jinî4 ait- ad rel;xia u îcittd Lay~O >U oiriV aae), tadaJvaaat-ge, aud aa'l att 1 ps-Mt-s fJOSEPH BANDEL. Whitbusept. 7, 1864. 3553a1 WISTAR 1,Ç BA LSAM or wJ sraNtCCM toit XKaiAa.r 0 > IALF A CRNTUR Y, g Wic the ia o-t A't1il4ir a'ta*ca'am a rmea ft-ÃŽrougb# <olda., IIoitrraenem., % ore- Thront, Ifaaasauîgieg(oa:h, Croup, Liver compîraint, flraaa. diffectiona of 'The Throa.t Lun-sataîd Chost INOLhi»iNii 1,55 Tuer ae iiiaOntaalt rli jt i t.a- intiaî slt tîr IV cpearb*,ahniasainf-s -ore ue. owetr nailgîttl>- de- nloîed, c!tîaahovaailtni -a nur.ieet of wlmict naîglat Ilts îo tIre lart ieaneaj, andaot etta Ina draadod dîse4aae lu tiie whaae catalogue. The potret ,of th.- 14awdllal garai" ai tiiWlIde C herry Tr-se ovbi' h# olaea of e aulaits l e Irl koowam ' greet la Cih$ g, i ais pentonni dad nI ras .t ha populariiy tai liapqa-t.Ri, . ud«* 14 avirtta s f t7i aimaiu! kr atof î i r-Ueaaim o-u ter aina no o<iermaaalioin aar3'tdiacaaa'red. - Certîfleate ftrainL. J. ali. c. B. W. Toitls & Où.1 ,, 1- Uontlonen,-ia'-Ivlog oexri noeil the mne proetIie lest cioneowli4la i hava lri u efllauuy. Pon ine mnaahiait k- s t, cr .uelly affiete.1 witb a sivertan elIl oti4g~e cugla se eoîlpaievllwWt ete pa i ithe aide wiela dld net leave mue, aumnInerar s i Wtîr. 1aî ontobr th, aiptom Inee4m l Itininiglv, andno &Wed " 1tht, 00ld*alk ba,<>, foW ae eljrs to froue n psaeaedforieuahîlaluno mligliaun »toau.oa. 'm , e. -At Ibis utane 1I lr'aiebeed tà k.i. MIONEY TO1 e 4 o LENI)! Sa ~ c ai Oc. t.'- c: S Sa .1 A e~ e W e ~-I a, ~ ~ a ~ * A. L ulq ~ H a< 'ta o ~ HA CON VINS! Vlich wiIila. aialiat lowjrivaraî. Tii a.uia-ribar wraiîl e4eaaceiallyal'reeat tiat- ticut the tut c ttul d -i atl. uin tliai> c.i - a gai of Li COoking Stoves,;5 Wliielr oaasot f.trga i aaî'cir. At la'1, the l ilr lirai tSret. Wlbîtbv. c , it4. TO THE oya QUEEN'S DIVI'iSION. GENTLEMEN- Tlut. îurîn for tîîiiri:voit wîve kiaie eaîoagh tu tdct .me to serve un tiie LItgirlatve Corriliîbeiug ioat to expîire, eoa; will souîtlie caîtllaia upatiate exerme athe rigitua of fre mein in fillivag tie vaeancy thtis oa'cur- ring. I3aiiving it b lie the daesire of my 1politictil antï pro fa-linaIs tuai.1 for ru, 1 have conciud4al to do go, and l iow beg U.; a r'eaevatl of your conideance anal suppaort. Dîaning the ptaiod tii:1 a ve ai'.l thae honor of servîng >'otaI iuive'enai. deavoreda, truly anid fithituily, 8.0 carry, ou% siW promimses atJin amuy Conciiving, as 1 Lave ever aone, thatth ic ntbaaniaof tte U'ppe Chametier should not be, nor allow thisleiae's te beconie, aetiv'e parti' zwisa, I buavrefelfit 'nte bit ru>duty t -su jpô rt -or opposetnieasures accor'd- ing te their Inerit*a, witlîont amy relereuce to tie îoiitical part.ies froua whom they may have emaaiated. 1 hae giveu a gootideai otseatten- tien a4d inudu of tuyt>' e to tuanu.ergi coonected 'W'ith Econoinical -Retolni, andi, with the zenions andi audiVe aid of other gentlemen, I1sut happy Vo &av that eue laliora have net beeu fniltleà s Yon wili ressonabi>' ezpect mae to give nu>v' -views ou the iznpertaut ýcen. ititutionai changes that are nowý con- ton4alaed. NoonueaLali aquainteod with îLee fefls ProdùSa. upeta <ur- Legisiatie,> andi on the general J*os- petit>' of the country, b>' thee nbappy atiouai difficultiee existing betweeu tYCppr anti Lower Canada, but uiust have f lt t$Oo . euied ashould hbu Ibunti *or, Jese evifh. hetér 'thse gey- ý'entienien - Vise'have, se s l uiedto sove muid reitove thse.dulicuities '*fill Le able. Vo at- icmplish their praise 'atorthy task, titue alone eau tell. We neeti -the- deulsa before being aible te proneunce mn. ppinion ; -btheartily <andi I hope li consion iith every weik-wisber ef our1 countr-y) I most etinestl>' pra> thiat tise>' a na>'met.-- Shaauld -ou à eà do m tiaAhnnai YARNOLD & Co. ýFîEANB0AT NOTICE! THIE NEW }FAST SÀGlN STEAMER CAPT. W. T. OREBiNWOOD, aili iroaeiaace ruairilg to la' aata 0>4th of APRIL, 1864,40o Irr ,,t ].ii aîtl'trrtai eiery Morarh1ay, Wutl artaiir-i Fri:îî I iiarag lIri-:itaaaanai....................7 st. , ~ ....... ..............a it. aiarr...... ....... ....._ l'art a ...................... fl t5arc-ct (r :>tEII.o ijr ara iralirme !,, Carirwt wiia tiie New ,> arl (cnttI litiiiri foar al il aiate Ruwai îl et, aliai tir Aun,'racaI1 .mra ,r!stcâaftera acaitip Fuast ai Wet a"Iathe Siaai shaaraj ailrLake lflanii. N. IB. -- 1r14-Raai4sr- a iali rli-t liie ,arrir maria, , t - aatilt ae ,- rir a- Ira-t iitirrtl lk..<i;ýc-Tic e irtn.rrwill leeir nlia ',a .ii. ir.t(ar l'atrt Iaraltiiairraac lrtaark, ai. ia ru- aiîMail iSteanacre partrt.n' art ,11.1ict .Aaaaaait fi.aileaaia- rlri aIl'. eprrtajýrate*a.. Cafi at, f0i *8 Su. 1 - I.ii.lj4 itrf xt. l traiaeat lirari'i raf ti., rWram irlaalara criairi ail fic. YrarPrrther liaatieriilira a- rqir ir iIl. Sr1rirç-, aird AIiretr,ila..%ai-ar DXILY UINE FOR ROI'IIESTER The Qui rkaeat Rouie i nom 'North Shiorei Porte to Rocheier, anud aitIl PutoIs lai the Ui'ntrd stateai I The fua ,rta r.qrttirai, i-arcAl 1 a,-tn nr l.., l'aai uî'ruit l à a . ini.. ra.îi ara,.oar, ai915 m.r.e-c MONDÂT, IVE DNESDAY A FRIDAY. WM l hvit iVelllrgaie t 4 oetika. an.; Itrîilai itý ai 6s.i. au;a'ilioraia rt 7 15 ai. tmn' urlaat 8 t30 Ai. ,afia-Il'irrt IllIK uit>9"l sILau., e'ery TUEUSDAY, TIURSDA Y & SATURDAY, Arivia; rat 1Raatie-r aaal alay rut 1 47,. ai %;;î leeve Ptaaeatr evony 'r.a>arsy~, Thuns- aImy saI tlattra, u"a a tia 'n ilitb)Ya 4>aarwe Ps1iiîb-ata lont lait Jaad (toaarg; aar ter aarita.wCdlara aal ndFi-taq, ait ra*nie faoa,fn War7lslarî, Brîglatoaa, ('altaîaniac 9,:iuîaargaeaaî l'ontlanti Weat, b! tâslrng tk»i Trainx eau tlae Ga'ai ýTroik Rîilwas, arnivîirg et Port larme oamid inlrugl tite auorri'ag, wiIl tlonîtert wîa ti $teitrirr' IAarrive ua i trabeatr tutitiar, il tiie l'ntii' aaftertauraîatraita oau t' N";w tork. tteitnrl 1tailmi,, au»!l 1sititAi Eaiat teil Weat., aîd fo r ta Auienri ixuareaa t.Une uStesm. erta to mIl phorts eau tiai -tia Iibre-. l'aaeagriolhua ipointa liadieaa tl'aed- Sitates, iay ndl or bount, VIrA Ieacheeter,tla'g thu, Ataear nhere.wii coarnoç4 Aea r a, aors-ý tortialilc iuicblae reit, with morainar5trainsreon tlia. Gnud Truk kAaîîwjy, i Caiaida, Eaxt 'sd Yreighto at, Iteouabioe Tii, Tableasuai Ber always aupplieil with then ven>- beait.à u uiru 11 2SIIis. Rice for St lUths. bi'ight Sugar, $1. O0r for Sibs. of Butter.. JAiMES -BROUM, Sechoficld's Old Stand. LA'rl>DONovÂN, WALKEV & CO. AND MANUFACTURER 0F iJ H- AS REMOVED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, .«M BROCIC STILEET,III!TIY. *Ofl'ers the following STYLES 0F CUTTERS, viz: Canadian Vatent Front, Rolling Seat, Ame'ricati Jumpei', Tw1o-seate(J Pleas-ure SIeicrhs, P>ortland (Cutters, Bob SI#ighs,. Ail of wh ich lie is selling at fGr atly Reduce@k Prices for Cash or appioved credit. Sore verviieait ARRIAGE-'S, open and cov- cred,w~hich will be sold -very low. Two<-good, second-haid Gigs and txvo stslîavy 1101)5. W'ViII find excellent and convenient a~ccomm'odation. Withmn a Few Yards of the Publ<, HalL. Private Parlors ~CIARGES NO [lIGUER TVA« THE. OTHER HOTELS IN WHITBY. JACO)ýýBIZ~YAN,. MÂNUFÂCUREROFAIL .K[NDS- O-P, HOIIE-IIADE FURNITUREý, 'jOfferei fi iSale'a vatta>'lare a and excellent assortaxent of SO0FA'SS BUREA1JS LOUNC-xES,II3EDISTEAPS, tables, Wrdrobes, Cheiats of Drawers, I.eoking Glasesu, Book Caises, Maltraseua, Par- lor and Drawiug Roona Chairs, ltacklng Chairs, Office Chaire, Cane-seated Chairsa, ToIlaI Tables, Towaul Stands, &c-, &c.. in great varioty, and nit - grauîly_ reduced icies. Warranbed to blo moide of the hast'- i tt4imia ad werkut V Ile resqpebtfuiiy invites_ -an etmùin'atlou ofhLisstock-- Eler>-aqicle la msnutitctuyaialainder his owax superintendeaica5 and eau lie dependati epon U-PIIQLSIThRY I.N AHýI'ITS BRANCHES i?ÀRM TO LI 1 IN THE 'I'ownsijip -of Reai IN TIE, COCNTY uOTAIY j ïîoair fot r er cii 85 1 ci1ere4arsl' goaad bouidingi' gond wells. anîd aîmÃal I orcb- aid kîîoîî s te lrwiu Fatrm. For .erms, taptaly to Witîtby, Auguet I9, 1864. 3 AS8URUNCýE- tQIMPANYî ILWT ik siiiindCaùrgo Rieki, ai.t '11 cicç issberattouof promitiara; lueur- anc grntd o flllriakai, for theîc aaaOtlOr O$gadarebaate 4ftweiity porcoaîlDwid a promp, liber l ahonorrable aottloetilat 0 411j"t lainsuronaile Compsiy, mnay be .JOII LOW, Agent, ¶ rort Wlaitu)y i~O~eéaIïOIiJgaîs. oivc, & CO.' Whitby, Fola. 25t1a, 1862. DI VISION CU RTS FOR 'f lIE, COUNTY 0Fi ONTAR~IO. wa......... .i. t184 3, Ul'-ackri........... ... u. 2îî-1, ,ltail.............Arîg. 1il 6itaara:..............* ok, WtVlhy, Jtaîy,13, '8Va4. Jlidge, C.a. TUE UNIVERSAL The only Wringer with the COG-WHEEL REGVLATORý IL ave Tie, a~îrClothes &,Money, JLt frei a 'liar' u4iuN i rt.-ani-plrtto re paower uof .aatirria, tlireaiýrr-, atier miiellim a deaaa. ,l wllwetar for yeaare wlthont r epaa'r. No Nervant eau breuak lb. A chld aiglit yeaars hld eaui opertite il. Nocurtion or skili reqnirid li îleusai.ý l ave, Ils coat i-u Clothiaag every ainue or twelve imanthN. Every Wringer ivitIa Cog.lieels ',s Waeuted.faevamy paaiculnr. Wriaîuter traak the FllS'l î'u1srîrjsî, a (ilîrer M3ll 11i riai ploiau i t tue New YrrkStita' liir, Iîtiinid'wtis aroa- iiQiired marioritIa al atlicr, ia ýtueWo Il' ~'iaiiaar miara. 1 «i2. C'ainda. P4a.ngouirellug' Where tlrce r a 101.Caiaaier Âpplii CpI,' h train;ttirag ir e ptrrie <ilas - allait ieriaive tira Wriaaara'r iay Euapnaaia-a, pa1ii fW. H. CHIILDS &Co~,, HtumUîlou1 - ALEX. MAS 0*N, Quebec Gpyernment &gency Brasirtas o racîçi atl thi; ait llier î 1UBLIC DE'iPARTMENS.. attenduia to. Almo thuebeta. D1)OOCTlOR -'D A VI S aaoutauara to treata Syphilis mnd ottter Di-. seueen cf it private. Nuture, ~ a 4Ai U#Ofae, acornuer, ë'-.ut Bayr - a',AaaiMla d4 10 haýii.1 No. ! la the M iCon. f b! lette r vr"jid> t. Toroto lai" 718 14 64tf. ýývntv61ôtroTU Yth To Wit - YIRST day or oW- £O~E~ A1? 864 ai twlveo'clock, lion wlfl lie jsld hbv laillic AUction, nait îv (fi lu1 ti.Court LlOais, lia th*. TO'wra o! Whitbyv severrlypeesii~a uemnkadad and tni lft them~on,, aeizd l'yme, UQrr nu b7virtue of certain i Wriýte o! IL,; FG<IG in the Coruny Çon,ow Samuel Daývid.aai, Plaintiff, Ira. Charles Stewart Jewott. I>efoanat. ot Oratarto,int a$mrkci d r laild duwn 0on a plan of saiad Village, mnade by Jolin Slir, Equar, la the Coanty Court. VillitgmLoit nher one hundred Mdndigh oit the Noria aiAde of Sl:âly trdat j iiulîowua et u plftti O! thW Village'cf l'un Pry, lu th, Cuauty.o! Uutarip.'.;ý i- .I JInaflac queeia'a Deneb. Mllcolm MeLaman, Plra;ttiff, va. JolûBl'à :0 anîd fluacor Browi, Dtlaldaaat.- The. North a l f !of Lot nuau her twent>ô.ne, ili the niait), cnet'smii,,Oft'the TioWua aahý , BErock; in -ie '(htinty of <it.îrin. Ajpi tlu Southlî lallor tlta Ncartli liair t>! Lot iluarabe- twentty-tvo, isthae iiaili ciaeiaai ult ta NEMPON G. IFNI>Lmk, Par C. Nlacril' . Sherifrg a (lc, %Vlithyq,AJuaîa 18, 186l4. 4 Brooklin Drug, Store. D~ EALER lu Drîaw,.lateut MJ ..)Pltiiatli, Cilma, -)oSuYa okl Horýse *. CaliUe Medicineilalwaqs on ?tai Brooklin, C. W , 1863. BaYANTi STRATTON &DAYIS o0:>"OOMMEROIAL COLLEGEI! Kinir Streeat, Taroiato, C.W. fir« door East of We.leyan BtsekM Rooma, F$TAJILISIE-inu oticeaatiau withIIanvAarr (liaauntrcia Caiegar I, l o d hu l iaforartatia 1 tht, lIxret cîtiaus airtheuic tes ru-i Cainada. -De'aagn.- - atîrar !1 Men iail liadiaM r p;î p;I frar tIre-- < Pntlal utea Of tî aîiarîthe 110e, ar r ar Theoretleal DepaWrthis; -~lrlittis departiieaat aituajeiitai reqivî taioram,itl p ,trusetzurlialsDouble atiaarv Iay -eçlg * Lmaaa.r-iil (raeuiaataar:. Mt7 ImoeiaIaî Lrr,- Cou!ierdae carrispaiadaala rnal ifniianeiip.a l-p* J'rcitxcagf-l tiremei*loi vWith c caiemta7 t o t il>o Itirrali a l rois iarr tre as- Co1ilaaa a u jaCla rrt sel0ît1rleii o,.arr burIiam ero» ci,.- "aaIîal""ai aaal aand ba~as iR elat i $i r iaoae laci dfeaiaW.l iet a'Joarexo.taaal h a ï rll xpsll use oi lifdiizcorse. Lbr air , ti atI3~r,ad 1rilFarar. f- tarr lrdras, ja ttci tac tr.rcarFf - tara ~ ~ ~ ~ Ilrrt Nu ia atadaFitî * Raadngrotan udLibnP.;Re tauawl ae îar1eaartatrl ith a CuraI 6! i. aQ.tif uelt PicipitîM. aitiita ' el o s éfcran Preu. Ce, A. <. .1enilaraer,' âf iaw-afi-. A-.r ar - - faelicr,; B. C. L , K.; $bo t ie 18614 Ce; Tort Thé Caiieu.3trrateda. rm -eicl-ere. -a - 1 to A. SM. DlRO'JIÃŽiN ,a oeerana Agenat, Riigtaaaab, C. W. PRO VISION Whitby, Jul>' 8> 1863.