Wiintêr Ilont-Jw. Bae-y Spanhehb mole leaiber. Éln-,lish Ponts . 10'nL mnarhire lren tigt nf Convietionna -Cu. Onu ýro. HoieJa.familt on. Publie ma-uinsi - Tttnnshio Wliitl)Y. Noice-Great wesOternfl R:ulway. Parut for male-JiIrfps Gordon. Ejxatminatiîor ' Tpnhr-Co. Ontario. $,50110 o ona- JouiraLamon. Ilonts and Shoie -Mt. (oH Baths-Acznew & Wardell. Whithy Rýties. Aucîio«n pale Wîn. %VîrrPn Jr. WhiîtyIInfintry-.Çnpt 1)îtrînpll, Wines and Si1iris-C IRoberts. Toibnren-a- Do Four fl.oumps for Wuc-î.~ arren, jr. CHANCI'RY SALES, Ancrs & f nwevs. Wil,4mi. Koliler va Lurli. SHIERlFI SSAES Miller va rcLh ONT$ 1 5)cEn1riA YE AR ~Vhitlîç. Tlnîri , <ptornhýýr 21Ž. I:ý I The l'iu'ksrrx n Q'uný TIse crawl.'! ta-tu t'f omi' rcrieul-i fi e plain' li. ut' muere:cei t enlismnuc tile hie-ceîî ira.vu.uale a mi"' iuatnzh- Va thue dii<ir o/tte lhitbp Chronirl- "ined t]i t oiîrial ncir" a c uus.-riuu: of ueth, --N- tcirovimmu aruvîbhin iîn th rntenycrscsf l'ickeriur' vlicb vsehehil mcilv:.-ci-e f uth-- rn( re elaîlv lit lilnuibam. tuuf,! m in ti. 'l çneh j<1.):b.-r-nu'.i aue ii'-iiî-l 'u'Jas'. i (l lotIis tinseltai vi ie ari. lhuarnes'er. air e", Fa:1. , 'ura-! utbv ic îtmn. me-thlit eu h hi: uncue' of iii J--rail i lutîî'-e ou'sii. eui bnîrnad tunthe i'ouuiml, -T<ierrI' une t.'i<îe th-' lia'rtiu I'of tilmdiihib ecurner o«un spr::' wtt la is: report (,f < cre oeimlrf hue furie mof the rusa thse prceediuu. m'n:et fsi' ntr .c a-.neruaiuu'd uaîm luthe lure:' - 'uns -lu4tu a 'n iuiilht aI' I'iursVay Quus:urvua Dtvs'iimeç-Tli-" ettr a 1' ie 251h tsf 1I-tI uninit, selen the fine w: Je Il:a~ Cau iuî, villhi nfisi' sCh-ci ifu i 'Iuivcisu! ta vmhic tiras a-bebaui aiîip trtun PuitPi'rru' i . ishîa'!<asac 10 i', n mitai h tim4if u-er-raise cm ro Mondas'the<'2r14sinu. i-inn-o i: Ac'ir m i<i --illha--r 1h un').u.,cnitahtîl>' Cmi tinudate parîîe%'!î'eirhuir: i iaitumi he n':mi-u r 1shI t. iln tarse-n rail th:uoi lu pr- luabion for Quaeun's Dhviommta taite phace cent 11:' fîua. ln'm eu'îisittlmIo ta ha'laue lt Lii Jase: nut tmi Ja, -lh-c 'aianAr vii suitjih:' ailir T<uîdum5 he baril leave Port Peru>' at 7-5f'i iA>l ahia a iiecsasaeru.dvsrt ub î mues t'fbeemli:icrOule ; Tteah-il:' aI' hi ire aI Liuualluseabeasilt 1 i)rl.-ictea in., I- . -lk'î'a'c t' ":îî)Il' 0 n es., titter cit f tuining insmeulirtl>' uscer the rnamiraItuma101r:.11-meuft lu, aor it'l.t m'a'a rfi, alt]baa - 6- ln u it'!lutben. citvalutibIs tsrming inu tnlr', ipa 22001i t eil notan n tImss ,. Ttnre lu iuiopen f'.mi-,umuîcmi ii l.t' -a"tat"mu'uui~'. 'Th'- barnuin beliu'veml tirermirs luurc i4ata tîi'ýf -ifti".nrm ,.." s't wil lamiltd Ubt. Irehaaiebm-cru set Pnirnci. M'firai, :#f N ti'.. i:t i 0,in! - mr -iOIVaa n ir. ii'te -ihb,'chie uuutne 0e atf Kin-,,,Viut.filn-t-tt, mt lv. Su-i t H0i ;i wthsmii aat fM. icliisay %V l, %. n 4frXi- t tnfni un '; s .nii'y buat a fra <riru'ms-tuu~ n m'- mu u 'a mvcsrttuc ~ 11.r 1-Vs. Is e;uue-tuut uhut ha lieu ana V1 wo<tia ftî ý. I yt'Of-"' ril ~r'cu<1 urt i 4.' M ii,-u. tsmi u: i"iHgc a dermcuitrthe c,'ueirtea-tmuel4 '11~m a~a -I 11 viset heus% a mrt' cent tq4rir ltl.tst ee:nfan a@i 'bu s'a'c'-e mau (h i las' faîlh svi elit îM anl. to 51hm Pa '.e-iq 'ha ;4e s-shin u f. tehel in 1 h- ;- L1 Buuîitc' tathah a-be ta intale lim, rc 'ut" il t ;'h mevenutuucp ihat'huis ftiu'r ics stvqinsusuo 9Peafota-u tace ite, yl neimi îte htua-i banal if--Ibei tre'.Areua îrt.TIre reuininre cof 1ýmnnle tota iisunion.,hit been arl tonuoiun tic' pnsVirotl rircles csf tIss c-cuiint, fuir ae inies. The hipa ls. ihît it seul uryýn aar- c i iuilce io htif, ansi ilat uIlern:niiunl cof huaîv wili neluthen he ltt-mr anrni. lui eiîh:'nracef. Vrance.ani-cil ees liait', lia'. 'a ver> lit.>' Inîcreat, ansi. i fru". weý' iaubiitýtet lntere4 r t iel e nuion ta'Ma-st aI' the Etilranm's -iuîîcr:'sî luthie îiurestin;r lia-île famil' afLir. hiuinzmo nre of a nom-. merdiaI, îhaîî cf a pulitiéal nature, sWitt bardiy dis<uinb the seiliosi aI' shis happy' union, if ih gives it an boum rf bnuzhit al, til the cineumlma nI'fcli the hapîl. uca m aiERescousi rialcl>'expert. tn tasel the cabinet ofI' the Tuillamies, is puzzle'! more in ibis mater, thaus the e. bluet aof Sa-.James, an'! vii 8e more plee to 10 cae Up te- Enitlau" desaI'f Ian pacification, Iban il vas ei;bî:en We observe b>' the 'oonto papers. that A. B. Haatee, Riq., CIief Emigrauî< Agent fan Uppem Canada,, bas etireat froue tIse dette. of that depatment, full aI' yeama an'! honora, chter a long ervice in btisa-capacit>" of oier thitytva ysu.m.- b thr ale eilous easguts 'fthe c$elera aof 1832, an'! Lie sbip forer of 1847 -Mir. Hake's exemataus au'! endearars in' miti. galmus tIse Ismrora aI' <oss dreadfifuy>eara are yet nov in tise memon>' aI mals>'of aur inhabita;nta. Ho bise auo aken an active part un tise seuleoment aof Wester nauda, andntar u he"pefoma-.ce ofis' hedttes bas More thaui ouîco eceivesl the t Ianks-g the colonial ~epartment, an'!baha layas e- jsjyed lise feîlest conifidence of scecoaesive Garenuori an'! heaeaofDepnrtmnns.Hie kletad> manners, strict inuegrîl>', an'! unde. -viaitt ng attention ta bis dutieitt carne'! tam hlm tise cordial ftinadsbip aI'ofaost aof outr iead4tp! mon., We trust tIse Goren,î haie madIe a uttubie recognition of big mate>' services.1 Ws alsa sthcetishat Mr. John Afbous. ebrisau, of' Weitau,' lias been iappoiautid la tise post vaccIn'! b>'Mm. Hiseke, an'! lu addition tu tiwse-ual dues of tIse sfice, vil! Se requsime'!to, deoa-tpecisi attentiaf)@ ta tise ecouvsastuieuît ao f pgfotiMh ofI' fiaz. We are statiified Mr. DiuiaIslnoua aisilities an'! expemionce welîldus ýmt4is tlor thisImportaitt brallsciofathie publie serviuce Whoue dattes aire eniuielao bas biwor. i use- iiitil. l i~tei (f thiitnauu te tatit is' hvis fse iforrI lto tasve jeéîlflcr te jtt- *as:.omi ai îalî aust wl-aill htdohîl-es t 5iT" a ei: tantil as hic InicI. - I nri t 6 i -i îth laut eîtîýn ma ae-ey min ti wil. Mr (J'siu- lt' a juss timf i-j e5-'nîsa echanceler, in"o i"tiCauly ut:., sauce almu(imit aIlare mut e tus lturrailut>, viîh pense aud -su a i:,a). - the: 'chi hasesmet viais a Il 'borts. l"iamily uocmr, antsr.ises in tii' uAlîeuri#1zlacuin tuhyarrivai of a t ut 'l'cas, l'ai mccc is Wîuesanasd Spirits, for mu Cik E irae-Sfiretca s>, C. R., .ivns k echus ciiA Na: I article in, Grocen. i-su Wuuîes, &c. S'auna-s iCuX t uu-Ta-lu reporteul that M. Mc.Nurich viJi rmigu aon the final day afit bs lectirîn, fia fienda are 'deepl>' chagrnue-tut Iis rent. Tcown-hiip hl,*etîng ao' Piekertui ec npclmng lise Tweiîty-a-hausaaul Dollar& Bfl.a, & C. t A tartre an'! tuluontiel setlu-,t-num bea ici upseards of two tandreri ratepas'sns. of the township aI' Picteenitis, vashel'! et uhe uruvu hall, tfrqe;bnm. oun 'iuudayss'Its. l'h:' mocîhunr wuas Cele'!b>' tbe mera, T. P. White-, sq , (in co;iia'sce aiths utre- qeisilinîn preontei' Ia hui for that purpoias.,)t is or'!:.n tu takie ina-o eaasîd,.sation the pro- tient publialie'! hy-IaI'oftise -Caunty Coia. cil tom aisng $20,0l00 for tise imprao-e mnenîiscsf Counî>' ruade ;-,ead aise for the perpusse aofcouisid-ernig the prapniety oaf barin the tIs wunship asiu!o.oe'!s urreyedl an'! itimrrueistiy eutabitsed. Mr. White briefly cxpIaine'4he object af cOin; theu meinu, whîcis, bernai'!,as alto;muber the Perfrmnîce af an pificial dut>' Oibis part. Thon, honîl>' afier oe o d1octe, the nmeeting oganize'!. On motsu aof Mm. Mliheill5seconde'!b>' M. fra Chapmn, Mn. T. P. White vas ral'! tu lise chair, an'!, on motiun:çI' Dr. Fullarton, Mr. tRetum Beatant, tawnship clere, wva pitus-u'!secretar>'. Mr. Whîeu oai taiking bis sent, rend tise neq'cisi<in anti enlIe'!upo 111-tiese i ners pr'iît'la expiain't8e aîjaet for whiçht he Meeting vas cauveute'. Mn. Micbeil su;irasaîe&. -a-at as tise chniruna'a, no-,dub,-luuev more about a-bs ubjaet aI' the meetinir, tisa pehapa an>' anas pritset. he voul'!-expiai», setas ta expe'!iue inatlera, prodiçailaiinga he sanie lîmo uipoaua atte-erofai u mch general iîat'eu ta othe ahofr towunsip. 11. asked liai the uhaitiisu iight -ive [hemt an ex- Pîaualaiv btutttuent. , Mn, Wkhitel, in reply, sel!id aet bis <oivi opiionus as abat ho 'hoîtîri ut, fr4perly- speaisktuus, ftise elairn is <tiiait.aocs. &iosnu. H R e v thw a it wuv enxaeri nI' viuelstse>' did net practice, frmnt he Laseg- 1whaî eefet vili the> havee? Caistise>'e The bu4ie'uues-f the mseeting becs; cou-nA. onts n'tsa o mieteîpiii en Canadians. Their (Pickeriug's) remeuiy 'etrainu the Couîns' Co-iuacil tramt passing claded, Mn. White vas voteul fronstishe- eimi e'rueu f - wau etter tu @et ttomselves spart front the $20, 000-by-law?H-licas in favor chair, aund Mn. William Majora pince'! Dry 00.od5 Crockery&Gas the Conu.>of <Ontario, or mate thuse Re aof pdtiüôin iin; je l'Mshmure, dia'. 4aeaibchein, vben, a vote oaI hauks wu apasse'! wr, rores , TI formiers aho, vauld'!malcsLavwer Canada uavusaîap bcetaIliberty te- raise is own 1 8 aie himnfor hi. ciSiciene> By &<iOND SUES. fIO? FURINITU lRE, itethe nssrki" beg il ts athome, andti .-oney'. - sus'!expendh o, au! audsbiepea!iis.Iot)SIIOLI> FUIZINl'UJI, &o.,, farue their ocii rrl u toOs pae thait I. as tht and! jasatitbe peapI etf Dumie; the proceedinga vtueianice'! a dtocitt~ fagaienadetnieT b>' practisine visat %bey' soughisu.tpreacb tô à ciip--even If îbey gouîîy piifisee sptéctîtorsfront a distance, Mr. 'N. G. etckhtmsettakil plmuçtsgir- Th ôat fot 4bginn% e r.dallais tee much-a-tu resisLth1e imposi.- Rasynol'!., athe Sherlff of tise couyea, and Mj A ,'Ã" O E &,~f4 claime'!, ose'! the îournahip aI'Pickeriug, ai Lion. r ali am-el f . GR-DO D YOTBE 01861p amure apange-a taultrap ta subserve its Mr. Wbiite (t e reere,) aoak oceausion AT-...f.-... îJt . EE!qWOpD. avis parpomes, Pickeerng wvsu e of the ta sai thIat vere thitre a pmospectaI' tise A, commqn hbit,î Pilsop~$hera sal Saleteo i"etamonat10 o'u,îodk . À%ever>'tbtp# toast noble townships on tbis aide oI' lie praas-da-eiez#sition bous; the lmat,- perbaps <a hustu ieeeva~s'f1esoeftilutes iemthook themltmasls St. Lawrence, ah>' shuuld it 8e eronit'! tise people 'fPicktwis'1oi eiht elford 1teIseaing more actrteu PtIrhapi si; t5iau- EM-nerîCtubavcbmtsost chiasele'! 7 Wb>' aboul' it salir Lind'er the bear st. Bu;t the saine pover tbat inflict. counts fur tise habit sme people have of thelooxuiti:crt.ed-p--'87~ tbraidon, vaiRaItlie, andi the a-ber gmiev- -e' the present injuiatiîe m'Igltprert Iit' lsn sl ye'l iibdsto :------ anee n ufinittussq.und'er w1hiols itla-.nhemÇi'- uemlr.T1at A 41 $Ie 'ermsoe. - -Aime or-tmale hs>iprivâie ctr adnuI fini boeed ? Picalg a wasê,-stor. bl2inÃa remedy- vasthb. abject oftheira _______._________,_____F1 R1. .8 toenie- ottlmÊiei'- -"e dvised m.psraa-ià 'if~ '-- ~ L TJ acmte ofthtie Oligarhca-he mîgiste cal a4steauiitxatoîca-a c uint>'aI of - WiIInYAIRKTM l ts'ýi1lint Geosoe e14i ý e'! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u-i Zidr an'gîepeho, n!ts fts iael cro-isAona:e ce of lund. an~d to -oprssau slv i asfoce! a tu'!n York as tise supreme xemedy, iand beheveri -Wîsia-y, Sept. -1li84. t o w'uolug sito- e T hipT1spra -ai vas iLustanced intathe present.biy-av, unde iSta apetilion etah-e lerislatueaButin,, ied1vne'fBroyfîî artte f aaIetpebsva disusion Bt he eoleffonbtS îhsr grevs.nces in a proper naanner Ti- lieie'o a raBilssiiueo Vr disusson.ButtIs pepla ofi>~herng oûl! 8 suflesul>' filuacate tortmeiytoie.large, atdt'! îte , o 3,000 balls. b>' ahein preaent action sh@ved tIsat lites a w- cve icie nd tlet iseao or'! lianyeaerKs --VI retoiinr wve stista>'oul'! mhist tabis arong, te lsudrwi >' ylaird n nyâera.-fice -v ,- I - a it 1,1à R . o au'! tiat tise Injusstee souzlittofao -perpi nanciutene tIlle pr<sceed'!ingf butons tisastle, te tisa tnl - e'ot 0* -béuiùg 80 cents. tâeontise people et, Piecerng s ousld couracil o ' aiI h. suaid Ihat nieunhen. si othed r a' -tshe painketof'elnalatun- oTa' ilti meno' ts'i<h a.pu in tle' I a-nain' -' - Were bofglt ais'!'sol'!, thsat Pickiering * a gt 0>» faniMno lunotînll e tavi, tise effect -oaI apol isug thp.m uoi etfcdlunrthNat Oesetfig pr wuteruy e ulizngterobbe'! -and t>Jat the mocqey oaf theî <-- ie " estl tcm dilt<a a-ber16 Orneir, eatthuig rsp'eeuatîessf ~i,~~sm6p an<t firotPicker ,u. akeu., tobey these np. TORONTOXI Iia.gi5rphs.l.7 ý. ri'.sh ttýugiance of 8eéy course aI' actionin lathe COt'(latin'îlnt iM5-ta'ubidsa mts5jsorner ta womh sal, tie thnka ttis p o1 B- seed un tise seiemes bnougbit for. -4nsrue,2016.ý,-~~ -ofI Piekering. one sand il, Wat'uesfr l aIthe ew4il' eue inc as-P'. u.-î - otainlv.wa.lu ____________I __________ NIEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cheueery Sale Woar Netvm. A .gncà t isatîle la sai'!ta have tal 'pince lu the Slencn'oah Valleyu in vi the Faderais daam ta, have obtained a. uor'y, takin-z 2 500 prinieurs. The>' adj sq ofsr 2000, The fiovîig is a tI crnum Irouus Gt-u. Sheridane. ' s"-tr: Va. St-pt, 19. 7 30 p. - Lieut Gen , US Girant. -1 h-ueo banaîIri rnthali sEttaackted the fou ilue crme, r tu f OFiegiri-iii creete, and afti ilin-aI iubbonus aund sanuioiîry otArgemq vi:i luei ns:" Iruil aesrv lunOse moluia îiilin iiiil:'evenisia, edmpletei>' delE- i':z hum, driciuur h;m uhriuglsh Wincaheït rm1 abiaciot 2,5010 pricruners. , 5 o, ofan ilm'nç. umne aemy fli.tcuilandmrut him' oeii-d 'h8 o Cofedia's (1-uic: WHA t-ir amuitGordn :i ers l iils"!, ana'! 30 011'rt- gpataldimul-ra vamnuîeu. Moet mue "i n 'uusmsa-îuti-d anrd!all îheir kil Gi tu- u auîtlusîs. 0ur liues are sa-s' temr D A a.selctîmmendin-u aici ou bthe6h icotrps, e tawa% kill m,'y n et --n 8:1. I;Pig. UmaaMclii o alid f'uur-pnare vr:,'-a.icauuuî:uut mira ÃŽ', '8<- reaiduat or' te <:11 nLi r101 vus nust elui: ttht'>' ebr.: C'<1< dm-m aies from 01 ca-ban n ela o W luu'u'er. Tic Confiu-'!eui,,ee vers sinauumg iiumbaemu .iud sien! îmI)teîatu, inii tti-: fiit T:-: ut ara naocompou" Accmiuniu as 1r '[bere i- us0 twauvsfrntnrthûrl-m aer4g. Rualit.ig<of .1r. GiflotYir'm Baîrna. Sctti, on th.-lei hirh ho hs as sustauni uni tuS 4mtir.ui.unof mis muet culuabie pr 1'eri v lasdi . 'firu'. TIi-c fr4et mri' Pui licà i!uC ch: atte retiched us are it t:miiuwitiz r f' ii i 'mre:ea u.1tulli net only ta contribute- to the expeue litUre ta draft a poition ta the legislature, pray. tIo*Pic1cer1ng tsAlfI' Why net have the NWYRCM RER but %0Makre it ta the detîrment of i.ii own EictlIit tliis township he separtatedlf'ront coîtîiY of Pickering. Thei townelîip of 5g oeSp.2,114 icninterestoi; for if not directly the appropria- the said Couuîy or O)ntarlo, and re.united Pio,,teritig would form a larger couuey l ept20184 ich lion of this money would, iudirectly ho tO the County of Yrk and that said pe:.i. th0ai that of Kinross, ilu Seotland,. the CANADIAN FLoua-Dull sale. 450 brit vie; opposeul Io the interemîs of that township. tien be ferthwlîh Cci ltdtruhu h osywbieh ho cime froue. His pre at $10 15 te $10 30 for common j $10 35 1,-, Pickeriuc paid One dollar of every four of tUwn, hill, i1t ho signed and pre;ented al, fereýice, huwever, would h nfao fte $12 for goodt hieeta oi.counly taxation, and was denbed ail direct thcse iiguling eesion of the Iejrcau e"Pilrngad Whtyu'ie it ne l AtT -receiptl 30,291 bbilIs; nmarket benfitin heexpndiur ofthemony.Subequislite blankâ in the resfolution couîty j anci 1>t the Northeru onsisa shade firmer with lizht supply and limit. Nay, Jar the very expenditure of the mouey, Iw.re fllled up witb tho natros of Messrs. talu tae of thomselves. P emd ae ,0 al at$ 6t ho be radieotof Pictiurinfg ws s diverted from the T.P.White, -John îlf Js.Mereglt, ja gîsggse ht wuda. $2 23 for chicago sprin- ; $2 18 for Mil t16 ownship t(0ailier localitice. Tiiut wa,; Go(liiIllar 1,-Jus. Wix..qn, i jr., Eheniezer user ail purprices t pétition the legis. waukee club; $3 25 ta $2 26 for amber Mes neithier equitahle nr reasonishle. Nor wits Birrell, Jos. Milc Dusir. Adams Fuller- latvro t have tîhe power ta corporations Milwaukee ; $2 26 t0 $2 34 for wiuter red aiu it in iho instanice or tii twlaw aire:, bei ton, auJ ihe tutueraunid seurîder of th- dole iswiy with ta raillesny ioney excopt westIern,; $2 35 to $2 3l for ambler Miehi. r a ta every instance ici wlic ajppropr'iationsue r'oluiiiiu. And Mr. Mitchell coutinired hY s direct vote of ,tire peuple- IHo con. gara. let foere malle, the same pririci;uleo îîhainid ta ta du'îouîîreithe by law' imPoein.e thé $20. sidired that, where joitnml in tôgetîse>' as OA's-duilfat 86 for western. in2 the disîsds'ntage of tire towîîs.hilu of 1>îeliî000 talion ihî* Couuîîv, and ils Injurions ef Oîuf ibody, lilio tho îowashipq formiug ,the Poaîz-steady $40 50 $41 50 for mess 'isi Printz. Their townshlip hsd ri.) aaiehr sle :' 'i.'. a rui lie. î)ruseî.ulit, of pe!"riî ik c0ouy, the mijority slaoold nuls and iherce $42 87 ta $43 for now do ; $39 ta $40 for ici the umaîtpr than lihantofi ol isseuiit of* iw .wu. h iaul, >d ÃŽle p!-seî'd lu s'secii wsriolad1:for il. Ho wilsia fevor ,f pio n m<ncy. Otha'r ptrtiu.e. ls wîitrassiî:,-'If' ul"r the huni of thbc enfatVI Lýî PicX'cr.. ecciitowuship regusià tlg ils osen aI'. GuoOee I20 n sda wore cugnîzinruîof tîîî'se facii, u i h(- ing in icieina:l'ie!.Ifr I')rpïcnîitiou îy fails. 1 2231, ri s annipr utir enidiletier procitliii.!q i bitai':' lui laîîuîihflictarofi: îu'reîn:l. aido br. .1arnrs Cters advi.qed SthRLNGpeopie _______ 08 U) <h. Conîy nianit. w:4 Ontl u.'olylitve il. (A Vuiî,-dvi eiunis i timsumu abuhd lotat bcsu) racgl la aa 0tà âlk of soiting :O TRA IKTS of' he$20,000 liv lssw tabu-,passed ou ihp <go.> Nu) douît, eouiiuud Nr. Mtchll, 'Jlffi'ii0thoe ounty al18e expeuso1,%,REof led ~ ~ ~ ý Iî i nîbrtat voiald oppre i.e ntuc, it ma'. o i - s i Iî're chah i r. p Cry ;bot e(iliuty buildingatts8<<I1>w huituineurred.MOiîv.LSet2,16. or',Ith-)uu,,Iithe amouli thfit by-latw. wiîhh 1ar that iran .auai)eXati,,Iuitathe CaeUlty of Wa of he anb sii îahd ocag unetR wc ep taî2ons.4 aermulaîa'îlintort.it and !cluargase, li- wse York insu iuea eas-ry 10 prote-et the iîna'cri-ta uk 'oe îo îo ouovotedI led ut-p wold amnonit toIdouble fkhfe iiouc"liai uf t d )i> wîuh<il if lleCio'riii.'rh'5 swh,:t ibareon? CI[CAG.O iiRliE'rS. chb. ia'n y hotimneithe walcooaninort wase th- ywîîntd. Mr'. Miceill dsjririg hicad- -Mr. 'ilionifis uîbibtsrd li:! eCluslel' so'aid, ta'.w810t bi ,4Ibjeua.d. but ih dit;;to d'Ios(hiiaiue,) sud isî ha evesrvpuhlic thy acbuascl almoo:it :.hiCdiwould have ta be Citîctiou, Sept. 21,IRI4 t'h-,b wbîili'e y-teetfint81rirpvaileil. of taxl: inar:: curu-pres.'.iîuui Onîtario was the crea- rasi'd lu:ilicuthe ha latv, bsud frnade it ont ait Flour juil, huit edvîaîîcud 20e te 23e. - <J'd oeîentiicf Piel;eniîi.r for -.,<e d"iLau. uc ofil*eireutnottaif<eue. Th:atilu suas nul i$2,Ot -tinestf.d tlu fud a reineîly Woî oyit u daiidi e e<hi' iiie I)f iiîher portiiaie ofî:f c Cîî ,'hîri'îs haî t - i";iu i.'siîer' but whi tlii.t wutld relieve the ' lu isilaip of' Pickî'r. Biiri P> cs'.i ., ilqsuif derivreio iibetfiîlî tir si iflf j : 1 Iomu t "c iu u' u im oLe ira-rin'.he'militier, auJdt iftre searo luine 1 anlchc:issli.Thm C aîiifiuy Ci:'i ' 'Tsthi'y stadi(A.I. q:r' tî h '.reps". I 11cr ltha:i biig set off, lhe was prep:ar:'d I.iaNG-At hiiby, on the 19ih ilînt., lt cuiuîet their tta nmonev, but i.hey alo i .ilialives;iraa the CIui Cotlil with etitfl. fu i Uoato*'tljsicel- thgru1e wite of Wîllhianm Lig&4q., Mayor I sirtthat ofthti ownqhip cf'Picearinug icisâiiu, bh'V muuiîr tlae pe iîîic iiiapprobiation o 10 hýjcomaao pursue' ly *Whiîhy, uf twin sona. w ithut tilico lter liavin';. hoiemiý,hqeasy, a rtiiun -h-s rerieul"d t18e C'ity o'ii'alIt, two î'presi'imtstivces a'ofaueumgin theD 1 E 1).- noiece ste) Il'w ilshould ho laid out. Iluith, .raal wases a'îtuhe Couuîty Aitor-Ccui iii. a wîftid, the onupy of the puuiitle Of tltIa:'îuay Jtan d ahu diii nithiug for the e Dr. Fiîlirtuu argued that the &' inesests LAINO---Wlthi, a shorttimeri' f lis 'lowushil, utf 'icrkrlnz, wentailiulo chur inýiuuncor thie offic8 :îîy beiiug attacherd of the ('iîay îouaicll, anud ihose oif pib:. irth, the infant caild of Ma'. William Sîi'oiic's rpinc,1t i'î,r waq ea1is'n.'d for fic- fui) he Couatitu uf Y::: t. alur> guoswene Liii.Ws"uc--ire tile that tlb:: rlat' Iiuug. or nft iI thrra. Ijrude'r gat ci: iu litii, aid orfiilï lrîiîîiii xiai'u bahraîjl liu ia nd .c ju . nîuei e, as the eerpq-.in u el, ri5statp0f t mu whstil,- riîîm:.îrà îîee.y st ; ýa rtief of: tlelafrîîî t<' the mî'oic,îk'iIenî.îîî LAING-At Wliîby, on the momnie: le 1 [le e u1îfrtlae191h iriut.. deéîîtyanîd deservedly îtî uiL'lit. hf r aioudl)b: nr i( lf l'hy lia ý-sfi Paiar>g siu,:! haivo t:: b ci' liIl t i tuu, waac iîiaatred. c ir rais'in,.ean ciii i'itluin.7r.eu<iioiiuf rue chil twoid l'auhi'tor, lhc. (MnI. Miehl L4<~. hiwieer, thiat a eyriuiiof the am ,tt rtrîtd sulaAn--ia h b'o 'uîoî-c'es, .'i'jhe' iher 'îh th" Couty, wooîd îî>s'cIethe îown of Wliiîfy, <gcd 40 yeatrc and ie pnintile rui i hf-i' ne-i'Iy c-îi'8 i. ti- i Pck-iîiin., icia<5 ; l!i' d n cii i t ilaîut t pI ""C 1 six"t1110, v il ticid. Wî ulcei"t., tcollh"pri~ ~ r.erulîpaiiers 'l îîi.ryP, 'îa1)l-c1iî b-faîne thern. iti s nh. 0 urthoo tIrerqatiiee orim r th* .ilii~ih'wiaq fc M'-i. c-inieui.îdt>tk:: i S unr I:> îs'îîîalîlll efnesmtit ftu Iml) NNi).îPont Wluiiîy, ou the I (Prb'nhn ,I iij. tiuc a o b iue' thmai ilt:.u" i t1 .-usiur, il a' i li e tt iuii-t': i,':aiau ia the rf soluio<n. ile wl:. h mcaili 19< lu, igit., tile Wise aof Mr'. J)eph Ken.i 1 le'. il woutd tu- f-un thp Ii.ssTien c, bu-ft <uf ê'ry %ela;uup :8:('.iIit, iu httisn.pi. a iarni- ;layed ius the COoîIny Cooncl flins -nediy. ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.w itii eteSieCiei isthe sIjbi s lra.îiîuibpfaeal."înu «< is cýxiorierece of eiIy.ar y'sin. h-. ki-w a'of ja ~ tiaà t C"uiuhl jiiCi 51 (reatdat .i'frum iti.j)ujirli o'a<f t hi.tilat thttc.retonde a I' NititjMaîic;iti:al t'îaaîil ~ ~ i. <8 crpitI'tt i Molp rt.ic'- , i I' '.tiitv Cauusil.) raildtihe:,-r ifii 4,1 , outhe Cîîîkt f o iiiriis fîaliy 1,i- eE 4W1hîIdr,. rac'! rhldrens ecI'ilr'eiiialdff i'b. irnisand eisI.ari"s t ibalahîhor 'f uhe îth' nýIai.o ý)r ~><this un:'hvi bc-as.: fi,'i eurnffiIe b hi. Aire au:- î"îaîih f<i f <ta iai ra hu<ci IS ha :s"i!iîjail'lad:1 t',,r flic'o- tfît <l lu:a'.-~t i 5itd 'ir ri,<<.Ist AI:- 'nonu' -Y uentifaire ci'e'. thr )wtt ia" v.tIi" for tlucir mmov. fuir t.i hitu j18c r ria la- tisi'i aI di" ou!, ty ! i Tr'! couîuo 't I'.'fIlu l <1 'i-!,.t. m ...:al IIII 5O ton iui ti i n iluiit aduni cii-tn cvouilu! tint thi' p.. - rsioia.4hls'.l for o a c- i' tn <w ri autIi fouimir u ir i l' t! e im<niis-umeuat ut<of ' < - Ia' 'f t i-i mtaýi'it'.) r'itir::- ,i 1; u t ute $20 0f1. NIr. 18W hi e i;)5tO jie! T t - did nît vaîmi cvîrr si.riail .,u a rf)iî. e tîli i hi es italnd Isait inil te .Oî .iuu ,' tiac I. c i siIu' lu . , m i ciii114À14leutî,O fil thoe lic* in th* mite-r. ocictorI lîl u'. t j4clt i iit3 a hait fi- aubt:':] waï io.t o'tif ie-iTg, tniuth, laocasl lisiiius o 'iîr'îN F I ri) nudrac itr1thlelf4i 1htmI ue1tn.nin-1u(' tatiluaiyr iZ-' tof thîs township iibtheCiiiiuî', itis Veury C mi:'*tl:' ii "l'uî'l or tl.iilc u idv no1 hie rori-iFM.t ie pruu;unfiant rP s' FtAl- r i fijj, ca iftliam 'fuaupieiiiiIth imuhaaiufain ii iirt.«r n ' t.iiiîs t-ieIls an!hr t y ul 1ulvra eigc.z'ir.'."i irk's'ii n-imiil,<am,ii hofuii- -I tle I ci euusIll" giniiprt- s i nal o i leiuir'eii.Il l-. ic us -p or hf theawinslip fat outée.th- exî w -aiu'"i't:: ibir uwî itii.'rretq. 'i eiî' mli4a'tîi lutitma t fusaras 'ii<.I.IM'ilNE m'ue wnuid llie 25 ptaofn cut hoiast lscu <Iriti4juary %olent *acaei,, nfeuhsryT. ]lic i psycnn îtf tha' towmnship tt:u sepasrîseuîMi.tI (mne, -Ir tch ' tiiOel ui ulOnti- t. air î-riayeb.: <am' e urs.îu' -inin theumî Ci:ay a Ouasnic daattuclird tui-iaiferrhiîaIsimts rei;usn'r ) .'it' "f Faii.:li'CJg eP ri'taie'r is0Lia' 1',:suiy futYirl."Nr W'xiaar.x iSthimi:11.tOIL t r. iC8ot Ti! i i preteint.filuet il wae nocite.eri h bçoytiîi u'ai:'.1,wiaq ll almwicil waiualhi!: lIlu ft au i limqi,' ilte Crity Ciucuteil hoise ltalle am'uiiun. lay Liener xi'tiu tha:" 11crofiltin i o ur ululai csf poîiiic:aI p'C Itonhrn wreioui.ht aall uld aitJ1Iluhe oinmionse by resoiuimu. e t.. rTie tr:h i"treas4ur-ronmmd iîîereieicr id tic t:th, uwei rPc 'I'1 *I1 4 O c Mr'. W. H I d-i- l. wiihcî t e rt' -' -:'yothe'r rtmelrlv iy fil 'i i. 1, tu îr -3 aIb ma at ifîî fame ah,) cw t '" JL41 t!i'lc ib rpart orf t,- enuit-ce tie an'! "117ici f r h-N îiî"' iuOanu-l iai'. .'aaiî't behy a tmauzber îlî s'l sîtalntyy fi<yy~ -- it "e e u tn a:"rorsi-tliie -'ci-I hadi.'ae qaiti. Accrue ,vs i lluîe-fat h"uma" If Ibis sere the finit îhinii t mî.ztit O I IIU UlA iti et 'cuu-the c ,. SiY-mu k wi'rita utltait aà - i'uui,. rutsn-vees'. hdi'. 'Vixuom 'cthv )r 4.etm i h l: inar.l le-ma-,t)zfà c!nee. urt irn ____kwr ui li 4ivo ili h vcirzdritpy- 'W I-rsi: israandl;iu'e'. of'tIi:'true'<'A:i< trrneum 'ItIoti' C ' .maatif Oitaru jvigl i au mrblcugth iue 'iauvCruieil haO (CTi. 13th uînd ih 864 Q Suush sfi ucedmih eau.q 0 s'tei -..sm llreImii' Wu ul ::txa-ar<mu ecî.'u.i N r .hfsi4uî,i --NI.-lu' ir -altsua'a.h rr'iir'.Ifraîn public lite tan et m-.. tîd nri. qau'nd w.sc sere muItil-ri , nsseJ tires tlluviuag resoîusiaîî, auhic 7,4 partiies. nsivi!i,, iiime-u.eaeml* te tîe,8e (m.tuieual)va peacr aCad na uie iin, IIIeue utnlieal$O uurnîa'd-" "het ibi atalks',for l'Os'li'40 -rlot tt.os 1, fni",ho. NIr.%IicsýH) waipren red f) mcarrd. bis 1 .')') tr;t it iI ma'qiI, astht son liietlo Ine ,0of S 0 villa-tand Bach an infiction. Elery unu [In ar-I"r tru dafuîlut jîi'e au Mr, ncuiuhisb-PIy au ofae ithe courue lier fat-els. îîiîs- me-ifs, ;;I l 5 iioii in the tuisi...eymans in the ccon.îaîî- opeC.pt-ri Il.t cimuit l teîti se'ilyu' -idnmtelt.1i he 1.suty- mis ii'icI i (-,uu... p a iaîil'it mrevaeof L<tpt"'t adcalnta;e vs -ive i,..<ie hîîdCrieicil, $isderi eCmenîiy inspe5~cCt Iola hCi ir H1u'tr'us'loieim rîl t k'ic" imm r#wîumt,,tIi il I--he caii. oui~t t a a'tS !alctw -fbhmeNie ul p5accu'uilsth poeeiuca o io.e00o ii 1< imiesetWiiýt-oh5 ute lîsamî, l , t - y hich 8e aiflr'.t faciseri an'! then' itncpttime ihenuc J z"'utira-4 ilurin2 the pro Iylase anai th'ut for teir efIurtsinlu pro 4t') liuee. Witt, ii sn'au n hhiin4 Whip, ta d ppraseu. bis mess un for titamele: roc'-l s'.aIut [lit niide.h'. Fsaurl'i.te cdtinl'Jthe inteffate af uhe tonîshipu' lb:y Isec ta ietttd hars, li.If ittim liet., fîs' rîîul- ie dii, vaotin rdier ta p:'i-ett toc': -t ara'! shave gvcuthe-m fu~i y - Wi1I4'are tcs'ie g nea d visberoby tenider theou Ir:uiue.l bâti; hurceis lose uviud us tit-eC(tumauî-v ehp I'pu~ei,~. A ie eul-i'i,7 e -m '~s' 1i.aroan ctit »i wiiihsur hiýï he'asry i a t." tof Illetasi'l the aîsessm'n'. Ica w hirnh proecari-!ail ýfmi , h' 'maaa<-uw:c si~s!I "siuîîu.diuiue I h iehp-S~O DD1. urn, as' acersg >w bsulu, i'st1"ï'V:4-oci G*t. %4 wýs4 -e.doasiia4 18thjwu npxt /uesC-d fr. Birreilexp1-cted 4 pîîri-II rusiilise horuos. :wut princitules in 'ioirlai.la f rite i,.I bMmE<'ne s ilvrllu,"rnd: );n;;.wacuidnIaIstEe conuditon aof the sik f0et i1-u> loi $73 îreîîli 1 IIuptes niresuken-IGcuu s sas of mP i ae itnr. an' %pmar f4'! iel 4i I l »i-v D . , aitu ik'I th iri b e o i n iu on f i ye ial ul uc n n d ur u g is fu îîs l'itai Op ::be ll ior e tlîst ne ye, ba B r e ' i , w u h I ' i ' s . s x o r i ' : ! e u i e . ( s - - m o t , n i c e a i t u u i ' u i l u u y i u i ' - r eh. p aI- t h . . o n s. 1 ac , 8 eA r, n u12- , i o e o u u ' l u ss-t a s , tmK : t ,i e r be.o p UP-SiJA',T ta a eeméeof thls lIctomblo ,nt, :im ad uuelu Iii:' nes'e masuticiiericausa laiefl lheut--llada>'of Apnril 1sueî pat, viJi bc %oîd by George iîosury Duriel, E4qime, Mes.- ter of a-le salaI Courmt at Wsi-y, on ruesday, the lStI day of October, 1, D. 1864. nt Eles'en of tue dloce in tise fore. mson, ut thIli uenceu of tlue saiu ater, B>'- s'eue-itreet in tIse ailil il OWN'0F WHIrBY rh fallaaing mlandsanaud pro ort' t t il ta il>', a-le Nortus - 5WTHIRTY ACRES,.J ifLot nnmber Eheveut, in lthe second conoo- alos and, the santbt 4 ot nuirbtir Eleen, in the Third colîessioo efthIe 'OWNsHlIP,0F PICKERING9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ýWANTED. A 1OY to take ocure of lorenund to do etiores. one frons ts country pre1brrel, 4ipply teJI IVhitby, Sept. 21, 1804. 87-tf N 01T 1 C E Çoiunty of Ontasrio, ST horehy civen, thaI' 'J':>wit - I n adjunod Court (if Qouarter sesions of the Pouce, -in aud for the <'mant. Of' (>îtitrio, WM i[te t'alclsai. the Court i iiueluthe Town of Wihitny, onu Saturday, Sept., 24th, 1864. At Il .o'ck'ek, a, ir., feor the purpc of Audit- iuug the ac'uounts (if onstables, &0. Il. .J. MaCDONELL, Whitby, Sept 1,18-A.r fii ees'~O Great Western Railway, PROINCIAL EXIIIBITION. TO BE HELD IN HAMILTON. Tueia>', <lhe2dtio,titlPI Fn, lis" 3Otla September, l0-,ia clu.ive- TO INTENIIN EI-fnFXGs - mannlist tsa-iu-crax Iit) ie r1) - tr is1 fl!ier tItn thmoe Liv.lîmvlmu-ra ie t iumain the p rn1::'rts' mof the m-ric'iwii sm'rtor.iuv milii, *mi macrlite:at - fit'ao bu' i-r s' -F riie iriht i a" 'IF ll(i lb4t:> t -efusî'ieri stioni Ilus'>'orignisl>stru niet îml il, AVI is'e Stock, -Insi'uiunit., tin, Mse aur- rital, '.ilî l(laimt : Inu .' iste, anl s iha-d r the îîciah er)isutitinuttu. 4. Wlieti olirgeof J1rizo t'.ittle er1uiieamures -puice tissai îî lutiiîeoulhs' chu: cal Ici ou-trmcLIce c t .c s rraempuaiumg i ritesu vili o' umude lu limcharse. .5. TIcvere intu ObTiie eai Liva Slek. 'lions fîîîî cTam hamavsle raelI I-mn; 55111 lut> mlleranil 10 t'.'. b i'Cc ir tisai orimr; 'r:tatiolum. i. 'flic lianrcum.iui a'i l Lhî' Stoc, Iule-i mneute, u&c., iitaar:ied fi' elhihitioti, tfulmt eth lareirauui- lafroe sluluient. e ,-- 7. l'santhehmteuu!eui t):fomirrl i.ve Stock, Ilipl-ien-mitut, at.. for Etc.iitioiî, ara,-rmoq <lest. P4 1 ta biave tem anit Sttruia'tuisbe limriuie the se, k prmturcrîiiuîg ne Exliuiiýtiosuu in w<scer 10 t'umubo hi, V. oueipuitutoprovid le e ss'snny - W Nt, ORR.d Ilrohglmt Stsporiiittcnulitt, Eiu.ternDiiJca -Froiglît Superintoui:!lent, Western Division. THIOS. SWINYARD. Hîamilton. Sept. 12. 1,î64. - 8<w Shorift's Sale' otf Lands. Coentv of Ontanrio, t"ON Sttumdavt 1he -taonîs t '11 I-, 1.Jy-faanr1' cbty aof De" ceboe, A.D.18114 sutTveIvu o1clock uso:m, bc .4b011lît'<t>'Public' Aura-ion, ait mY Offie, lusý' thu <7aurt Ilouace, iiu aho Tu>,.vu of'sVbuîbr iii tIse Conuoty ot uJuin, ibe niglut, tie assi iuitoeet wlaleh tse tunderinetuîiots Doenanis ,seenmt!Iy pocasuta q fltthe uidmnsniom Lsad* 'andl -Ttimiieti tblieneo, iseRtmc'l b> uîau tielioi inai loy vÃŽirinoofceurtsain Writeî nIt ier Fueas, - luue Court et Commua Pions. ZACHIEUS BtTeNi-ilM ' Plaintifs ARCHLIBALD SINCLAIR, Defednht.~ <Tho ýç)rth haif aI' Lot Nurahe ' 'lniten -'in"W tte Sevcusîth eoneecc-ifuocf tliseTowns!1ip at Brook, iu tise <ounty 'if Otattario, la, the Couuty Court. - JAMES GEORGE MILLER, - ultffi DAVID 1s1cVIthGH, - Defendante- 'PisWest hait cii Lot lnb-F"afteen, lai tise Nitish-eoa.eelue I'tîta Towntsip tsIM-aras iu tise Ceuni>' et Ontanlo. - NELSOa-N G. RIEYNOLDS, e tcltC. 0. - Sluiff's tOffie. - Wlaittsy, Sept, 14, 1884. - 87 Naine o IN CHEANCERY.' BETWtEi< - Heniry 'W. Aunes, andl John M. Lowcs, Plaintiffs. James Wilson, (by biI1Q and anather, Defendanta. TO lBE SiioL V PUIlB ýLIC A UCGT ON1 111 pi rnciusmieo îof slt)eurce, asti-tfliati lraen rn Sie mutadel ini tht> "-sa-e. licirtilz 'lat' resctm- us':, s' Ii t 'iî-rui< ..!ut i %-u )LtN4,vs-me er, Ai. D., iipl i:- t 'trtit ifi: mI ta ' o l' î. A. hi., il-4ris"ld a til, -.1 mra,.a.'.o :fhle ilo-mi umalie Cre, us: t i ii ra SATUItDA'Y, TUE Fifteenlh day of Ocifti! rA, D.,1864, At Eletui iei.uklitii' otll'l;teO0f- fis':'oftLlm' st-id MsZ: llte IN THSE COUNTY 0r- ONTARIO, Mr. LEVI FAIRýBANKS, Jr., 111 tieul-iH 'msiloaf t)î<tîîi'lou taull keuii n L':,m' l ut i, Fe . -y , amanlt S-Ictef. eu, ouithe souti asale mal 1)UNDAS -STIIEETr. .'s d mmii h Eýi'.t "i:ut a l' Pi u t e, rect, iluthbueemiiul ft a- t a'. ic t'-. u i ien tllmura-il at i iti r i ma-u-': ,a Inui i luî . ohi i u t uîh t Usýumu juy'uaiat C.buuatetimo a nuj iLltaburaIuu, (.014"[OSOF SALE 'it t111-ilt i' er %Iîjitah i las ti au csfl suilepri- -lira' m at' mu' ila: i ti'-t a--iiai fml'£10 Ir 'nom' £t> i c iio r t i iuuimars'ta, the "ei. ,lri. -n'thir' "m iuiu. tnls- I lîail i ii the'b ue n ;il :itt fior uta'.lrctimu'. imy, w v itia lu'Ses r "um litihe lia' id* etu ,ivij < i-i lui tl mie cale!iJar Mi)Iim 1mulhmu'emîaî'îur. 'liimî Vemil4mul it iaîl îlot lie iii i iil: h- ta- su-sum i.leithsulje ot.tlac -nil luarelut nviltbu lnitllt un litilii Esep;tomarsatove rUuuuutinil-lu e conmditioss nt saleo as':- lm tiuul: m <omiik-s u utae of mIme o-'hCmidn ruf Clrai"-erv. TIse of'i:iu -ilile 'anal tmrtur particuas meny lue :mitalî.t iiit ira'i'iauihi futthe suall 'Ia.-stu t iVllistt,' *. maduauit thes tilvte tuf thp lIlutule ,Svliiit,.n, si t tue etafosaso tianî 1 iuuiy, ulula iict 'i.>'oftseptelliher, A. 1)W1>4 GÉO. ILH . DRlTNELL$ - Master. S'. H. COCHRIANE, JOSERLI IELLhÈU5 BENJAMIN LOCK, and! otherai Dcfendsnta- P:ubIi or zIso J. Miller.. -C. McConnell. Peer -Clamre>.. Èiizabeth Bat John Law ;v . John îtTucier.. D. G. Fambei.. James hMeArti Mun'!ock Mepm Jaicab Slauler. Win. Wad.-... Win. Beaumont MarýyPuiJohn Jaosephs GorolIy 'James Connoru Rosbert!sfcMich N.uuhaciel Debobc Mis. NelBots ... PAnne Lon«... Thoamtas Milne. Sarahs Peters-. Mary begeur .c. do .. John John lÀai., John Geelftm.s ThQmai Taylor., Wen. McCaalf asi 'Morris 8teele..a. Robernt Clark.. .Tared 8tc Patrick M S. MeCsf J.ohns LAn *ifin Coli eiirvey Pl 1.9