Whitby Chronicle, 1 Sep 1864, p. 3

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01, J6 mmo1t of f lria 0( JuJIll£, the iuiectbage of a 6litari force,-tÜ&t irwtb cotdUerde, and tindutr, with &Il tbeirý_%d- jancts, were m6rè lting acco'npaniuents te a téitilaQve ëapIîàI thafi loge, rapide, andi B.d In4laaL Thi4va, w. e 6tleï the -almoit unaninone (ftlifix of Canada; y£%, Io the honour of Odanada hé ft iiàoe, ibis unanimous feeling dit! fiû pre. 'rail. The word of the Cotony had limon givèn' n ath e word, îhouzh, hinumit be coneseont wiktlt m nany deràùrâ sud Msuch revining, bha Ilih rto beau hottera. bly ohserved. Nutwitbst*nding tise es. rumbaraeempnt of-the Colonial finances, Inouey bas hé-en fuisd fortihe ertiion of soutabie buildings' for the LAgiolatesre, thougis others exiéted elsewhere, sud the ime is rtFidly approacislug when thse Ctadisu Pair-liameni wii! take posesii0n or i% uew resideuce. A difficulty, has howver, bren itarted,- which, on fartau vs linov tsobody hdnîeutioned duringth ie long sud acrientius csntrsvers) to whieh te decisiion <4 thé, Qseein gave rise, Il liq searted vith ronsiderable show or reason tisal the haeis of operatione 'for :hjs de feuco of Canada in caue of invasin' fron tbhs United Suite mut uecviaarîly ho the ses, e .rotier of the colorsyi long sudZ runuuninlutise. lower Province from nots to soutis, and lu thse Upper Province fr0nt1-fast te veat, slong te shore of thse St Lawrence sud tbe great laite..' IL le sa1dthent hat it would be impoeihlbIe to defend thse Upper Pro. *Ihce9 a ftnng anti narrow aîrip of laud, agnluat thse invasion of armît's au numerous ase those whieit iti American (ouvernuent could brltsg igainst li, 'now thssîti4 Nortb. cru States have becomte a grest militas'y P'ower. As we recédde rom thse shore o! the. St, Lswrence tisera l'a ltlte btempi au invsdiug or toshelter or auprort ai Wcreatlug artny. From Ibis point of V*ew Il those parte, o! Canada whlch a Briish' man olvat cannot proteet are virtually eti ):be tnoeyst the UTnited States. Amoug thesu tdbl reckcned tise Cty o! Ottawa, which tlsough îitusted ou a izty river ia în*cmeibie fron th1e se teu shipe îof auy bardait on sccout of thse nerida visici obstruct the navigation. hIl thererore argued that tW place tise Patlisment at Ottawa vould bus te place thse Goveru.or andi Leglîlature, absolutely at the metc of' tise Americaus, aud là i4 eurnesîly pressed tipon us that, aI an>' rate ilt the present danger la over, ve should"-etain thse Legia meteat Qebec. -Thens is but one objection ta thise argu. sset-tisat ;t procès 100 mucis. If no place la it for tbe capital of Canada which la nut accessible at Il im es te an Er.glisis man of van, we fear tisai Canada muet go vithout a Legisiative capital aitagether. Certeini>', Quebec la no such Capuital,' for ilse port is ciQacil b> tise lesever>' year frous the endiof Yovemnben te eenzlof April î sud thid ame conalderation, of course, appies with stili greater force te the towtsi of Motreal anîd Toronto, visicis -le higher up tise tresin or tise St.Lawrence. We have tnever .approved the poiicy ci forcing &*»'itai luto existence in defiauce of ma W natureg andi even thougli thiel argument againet Ottawa b. not' conclu. sive, ià Msy . io et owé oe e ghî lu cupport of a viev against which, as I eeeme tlýusn, tisera ia resu>' su littie te be .i.At thse aae tinte, -we hardi>' ses boar in ütie present * ale of affaira the - Engliih Goteruesent, cati ver>' weil licIe thse inîiaivè' in, lnvîtkng the Colon>' to break tuiat prt>miie toe visicisth i y have 'bitierto lnîisted un lsoldin,ç se fst. A W NtAD 5TnàA.mrKSTAuta.-Crowdi' vere tîi is tta îscied tu the Dock-% ai aur qtuay*, tao nov s raier cttricusly buit s.tamer named the Condor, wltch vessai clltvd et our port t aiu, anud take on hboardi about forty tous of oits. fromttise esau<aecory oif Peter Tait. I'ssq., of this cti>, aStiFt'titlstiiy sac tis e tire qiiantity -Oý,dnd ise tamrand lu ahîchs Se p.. 1ýrldsswts ho îivtr as fur as Kilruî.h.-I tTiCu ior la cf powerful eeed ; sharp poustdu, îleihy, ans carties tisete ftinnel. (oeraiias wi-iliu as m aare aîunted do about a lîght nf tees or eleven feet, 80 ibat Mji sefiingtiie, steamer cotitti ut be decrn.t adistance of ten muiles. Tise aboieie <roui th isaJericlt (Ire. tend) C/tronidht. --TissuCondor i ablock. ale rununtfor s ducat ?-alltise wa>u trous the btiks o! the Shannsoni Pl1 ED. At Whitby, on tisa 25th uit.t Elizabeth Laulia, thse beiored vite or Mr. Wm. Don. aitison, and eldeat daughîer of thes laie Mattisew Stewart, lsiq., Seiguior, of Shoot- bret ,C, BE,,aeil b5yeana snd il mos. NEW ADVRTJSZMIENTS. TO L ORTniorLabo-tithe trs ita Duiey LuBit of NII'E 1)QLL&U$i ud Y',!tY two opltIs, gvesu b Joalitua l3ateN . suin lufavor ai Alexander irqusut. AU n ~or pensuMs are <cw orbiti svg. nytltig de OitsiaAWd due Iilil, na& 1have ssopped il& ptvneut. 1Udors, Angt. 24. 18"4. F -RM TO JRENT, NIwu *lpo Pk elaring, haiiîgLot No. btýihroý;jSoio ýmtàfitssg eholtI » #,Moi, ait underouilvatlii. 'Fs»aaseori g veu unith tise1lMt dufA pr4' it pn Anlv op tise Fem to1 84 EL, _________________________________ M ________ NEW 44V4eREMET 'jE DVRTSME R.F DE,»LLiý1AUGni, GEIXAN PHYàICIN,. BUF FAL, iN. Y, W L 1L5be ln tise toloaliegpaelith W .moîtlî of SEE 'BIL 814,7visx Beaverton, Olovfr's ibtel, sept eth. Mstnilla, nI Fenton'a hotel, Sept. 7tb. Litîdsiay, aI Jewett'a btel, Set. 8th. nt 1iîh', i lriiIe's Commercial Ilotel, Sept. iTths ondi;19th. W iuere lite n hae ,nuattsl oisIl forma 0f tir coN'IUI.T&TIuN FREtE .. A ttalC1864. 14 APittitnist ttise Dry Gocis i 'il roecsny litiitiiss'. liv su . tt,îg eniilu ariit'st listely tt't 'f ti t las tissi iVh t%tilut titre, su-tins ex. si'ielsce i) tue trîsdu. 5i i psn , sut s .c'ui(tisiry 4ieetq cati tic ti" i'ir s',i,. 4tf Sslitttcil, t'. i)., Scott. TTH lîE lNIEPEýNý)wN'r; OF TUE DIVISION 0F SAUGEEN, lý. IN(;« BEEN INVIT91) TO OFFER ibml e.~>sai s a cattdidatê ut tisa ap. pnroachiug ciectlon ofia nicffisiente repre. sent ycuî in tise Iegitlsttcc 1Ctin'Il, I ho. <trc arrivtîg ea, tssera neioviaitesi the I)ivisiotoiet cl s man> cf tise clectonu, as te tîtne ut ty ic>'dposaI wthuld pencis tot enuleavet' to aernislisuin iea'teandi livis,-u and , Itsto f(uiilu e îopinion cf tise pro- babe ncîult, tisousîti1Ienter upo thtie constest. 'r'he'heanty assonances cf support with whIsch ils -tticir> tlere mît, re'novci ail dout ft ronts, ymyinnt. -1I iereforsu now STOLEN OR STItÂYED. S TOLEN 0Mi STRAY ET), fromntist'he bi bar, l'ont Wlîtby, on tise flAnc!outAugnt, Ilr A GOOD ",MILCUI COW,' Savait 0r eagit cearg oit!.langeibody, short havi, pile rot! colon, uider partasvisite, sort botus tUnneti inwsirdi,. WViseven witi fonwarit tise esl l e'w to tise OWtër, or giu'e aiel ots ivilissi5i sse viii isiatu lier tceovÎny, wilI ne îsuîd ail noisioiablis xesîai- seti sud be su'ttebly rewsrdest. JoI ItN ATKINS(>N, Natioîssl IMotel, Port Wlitby. Auiet 80,1864. 84 TO THE Si., 0F TIE QUEN'SDIVISION. GENTLE NI EN, Y OU arc about te bu cslled upen ta elccla rcpresienttstivu for tdois large ,andi imsportanit cotsstiticncy, suni t sthtes earnesti neqie4ci nitse lectoni I hava coun- sented to 'ufer îuyuti.lf as a catndidate. I have Itecîsconutartly andi prstically acqîuinted iasts tise wonling <f oir Muni-. cipal tSystet, ince its finît initroduîctioni int-D the Province'. anîd tîsis couple icti i àes etudence tf over fort>' y-cars un te 1)i vision, ensibles me tua ppreciate and uîn- dersanu tîtonougisl>'tihe bt'neflts c of opï lirn Gocernuutnt, andthie necessit>' to ls- tt ansiproecet ontsr ~icultsral stnd lun. duatrial intems. I have ever been a consistent mucpporten o! tisa Mostenatfe Party, sand tiare liVces!tn S5 thie re:it ULaent ansd abtîty .!.tI1 leader Il thiat part>' scknewlegegl by those wbo )ýve is s oaldvtermntcd op-' toetandi Who, ut a favorable mement, Laetakert atiantage of the opportunity of availing tisein.qelves of lis acnvi.ces for the seutlement of tise Coistitutoni qurs' tiung--risicis80 long agitttes tise public istcia'e tuoysicît a candidate for vo ut' ufrra- ait I l impossible ansi in thse limnita et anj I îg e ih'tt ake e atm-u.adresuocithia kind to teuucli upcn everv As hae hthéto akn,'o prt npb-qîtestiomi oi intercet or importance,lit I ie affains. iL la tsecesany 'tiut 1 sotilul mey bu petusitteiin say thant messinres atato ttiefly tise principl"isby wiiicli 1eenanating ton anv psrly wviitisore cal-t ahatt hue governeti. bin ksarging uîy its- i colatedt o asrnuce the Ar Mltrl1e- potant duties, stîculiyèu senti use as. jclanical, Comnmercial, ansi Matenial inter. )-our l'epneentative lu this *Ufvpen flousie esta of titsheuustry' salsl receiva u> o! Paîiament. jwanrtnesî support. andi anuong ticee I1may 1 nm a warm asîvocate or civil anti neli- cas measueefotonlie tefence of tise cotîn- giotus ltent>'. Titisgreat prûblem in tise tr', lte eqtce4ztion cf tisa Revenue "hti art lof governuient in s ho ac scor t ic itise eipnî'tditune f'r IPubluic Purpo.ves. assî advatageie cf contraliza I poear anti in- fer tise improceuuiutti dsettiement cf the telligeutce, w'tiout tornitjg late gocernu- back couti-ty. mntal channehîs toc, gresîja proportion o nmeoiiot i.jnttetiewe i t ttrcefienineni ln ttutontl Gvens.1 principhe sunlbe tai wvbicb vii affonàthei u red4o osîuindGvr. tise grealaet disse i inationu of por.co- ment in usis lroviit.ht- ild exiiilt pa. patild, iti sperfect eliciency. i>ornif'enc Aciaslt nin It lanu>' Intention. if clecteti, to give theiseneswlsiîcitise future position of tise Pro. nea- Couaiitîen Administration a ftain sup- vîssea vitit regaurdta ttise ifotisen Ceuntry put, bcbrg gaveraieiIb>'te chaacter cf Inuisit huectl)eti, soi it ie oni>' (bae vic lis osesures. If It sceti in pnesentiuug are teuit'loyal at Iseart and in t'alingue, a practictel scuemerna1rntmoving the'cati" si pan wîntom a-ec-su depene fot<r esettie- of sectienai dsquietudcaVansioi ianniossiz- ment which a-ilumore tlnlvcernetthtie îng ansi contuctisating tise itîteretu i4 fhon-ds whitcih inîl ils t ist gioieus Eus- Britiis Norths Anu:icsi, iia'ill acoiophit;[h pire, lpon aieistise sun navet' seta. a gneua-ne-k, aund desen'e Lise gratitude osI'-1 Rull, se fan as urne wviii ermt, visit aven>' tanaditun. .jtise iffi'entnu ituîiiaiea ensposiug In atsy readtititent oci titisrepressnt.a -thtisuiiv'sisi, vis: -Iusthse Connt>' of Vie- tisn It voutehsi u uiespitciai carne ca brie, in tise WVext Ridtng eof trisanu, andi justice doute Le your Diviaýoon. vîicis. titk in tise Nothl Riding of' Oîiarlo. and ad.' j îug lutu ieccît is iîpultion anîd extei eut e«tise Electoena, ut ariicsProper natice of t'rritnt->', h is n&etoîsfait'i>' i'pressented. aîll tubcc. Telte ti tt !Canada vus hthe Lowen m etee Pîroctues it-ontis i ve (tAat once greeutias.Gnlm , marîuitime ass cit ciiner;iciai avantage, Yntnr obt. servant, ecltrgeour otî pitical influeance anti res-WU. COTTIINGIAMu. lige. , ein rconriectioti eiti tte Motiser Casinir>'. neake uc, ara long, a Pouer ' stcoindt îsnustnu on titis. contient. TO THE Il a-outl bedifflsinI ver estimaIte ettatenitul resurec-niet isDIivisions of Sats. guets vus issâîlttbrlssus ctinate, sua fertile ' F'iuî. ILS extensivîe Luake count, itt Fishenuetu tutt, 1 telsura, iîLs îini eil ctis. Thae ' intelient"csinltstitti'it'-i have d'ine ntutc t tîelo ituti.t cf thtoie, 1u to rettiler titeiri s jutimeulefforts ausijrrasuîul ansi renuners' Q U 1IVIIO tive thse itoîpe-uueuetînIi litiors; andi tue E N DI I I N extension of IRaihwazi' Icuditti bavaelie-j cornue indu'etssbi mi sesîsng. lIn crr,ing <out jouifli itupu-veineniets EN LECrt visici are [Prov-incial rauhar tiî tan lcal lun their chséracter, ysuu areil my opinion, Thse tentn for wlich yots were entitîcîl te pubtic au, in' tiesateamaaa kinti enouiis ho eiet me to serve in titît it fins heurt grîueted i;o, citr portiulss the Legisative Cotîneil heing about of Lise Provitnce. Su jssst'anti unauswera o expire, youî wihl sou. lis calîs'd lite doi -i ui'gttiuîîr claii~tp tiste pultie upn te exenciau thte rigîstf troc. aid l tu e oun tie grusut:d,. have sggested, mn in filîîng thte vacane>' titts occun- - thât f ac-ssicontidenl that lise>' bave only ring ui tue jîropent>' anti persstettl>' urget!, te ng ie knedgo et>' cnliositet ise Believing il ta es elte desire uf my Thevisio nîlrit ade iîba-i astisa oftshe potiticat an d personalti irends that i Divipionauner Fuis I u la te Larnht houhd Iresent myselt as a esodidute andiju, anti I shaît cxejt en>' efforts tl for re-clîsvtion, 1 have cmch uded te> do 1.ave it setieti. in acconiance a-it tise se, and nov beg to soliit a 'renewal of agýreeat Onîgicually muade b>' tht gtucern- your confidenee-sud aupport. ment, siigtepro ht1hv a i consider lise prtjecte4 Georgisu Bsy Diiglt e'u hlIhv a Canal a wcnk of greset public importance, tise isnor, e! servîng you I have an- andt nctithstanding the engneeiing di!- deatVOred, îr'uly and falîtullY, to flcuities ia r oc t r i lli.te, I1tue. carry ouIttis promise;madIe inm ieve «theisetceauitict;s of contience a-ilformer atidreis. eventutall>' compel is cntucticn. Il oc-vna aeoe oe a-culd b. tisa route ton tisa gren ateaar ociig a aeee ue borne Irnifle frnmti" ste a he sasea that lte menthers o etitsUpper board, anti votlti afford uueqtsslhed Chamber ahould nos lie, nor allow isytinilic pea-er a-hich a-euid becomte an titemacivea lu becutte, active parti- imuprtant suîrce of revenue ant iat tisezaun, I have felI il to b. my duty te sane lime stlisute vast li>'tise rwho suptor poe ure ood our manufactures. grWtho uportheor opoeriemawturt aoo Tise opennç up et tise'valusable North-is. sng tthe mente ic atis Onta> western Territen>' sheuhti command, tereeee uitpuîcapalafon carnest attention o! Parliaent. Beieving whoutitey ina> have emaiat*ed. as I doe thial il in ieportntftthu t ure t~o have given a goi deal of att.eni preuiperit>'cf tise Provinte, sud esiclî> seo tisaheSauan Diviione, as Ilfield ion usd ith eitutn lmite lu ttttttra o! soppiy a-bile il la being settisti, 1oew witheonmolRfri oct say taI Ia-ould do everylting in >' Sand, With te z 1<ana d active aid p o e eprousota thai tsîy national&n- of otbsw gentlemen, I am, happy- to etpx&Waê rlabors bave -not. been Itia in my opinionf.dm duty cfa LWls1- fritlema lative Cooneàllor nnsJir utr n' tem te o ~pc el %a els 4»jc wsas in r utgie my iviewa on ltae important con. o! Paeiiamnt e wiest n tnlgt i s tittitiotial changes tittare nov con- irgeresesocfbis ove' Conatltte ifn opar,- tempWaued. No osnoe a l acuninto4 ticutat'ta lpromeot& bY ov'>' w a lbs' vititthoe efeM aprodtteed upen « r Power, lte a-llaroft. he b. a i-d~vihm J eieîlation, and on titisgenarai proe .5ltiougl tise Leilatveu UiCIle peeIîy-othe couintry by thse imbappy, pnecluded b>' lteContitution trs o igi. à nating nioney vtes erlt- maldg sioueysp- pnopriatuonsoa s>'kid, tey' aveýt Upper and Lower Canada, but ipiset nev'lpteleeeiLitefr pove, ialouly te bêuvé folI-'tialft iome et»ejy .ot4 be gurd>our lote p*ejrtting theus found lot thesle ovila. Wbetherithe agatinat basLy sand ill.consislered legielation, very seegenatliten hbave> Pe sdprevatng ibToperA:S eztmuîiv*gis trangely unte4 lu aolve and r vmmpva. lelet Sb.uuued w. lt uI r aGr ea 1. etàlla ftor gb1i visin lc- tbyalatsea iàfriryo< a oismee u GO TO BROWNS aN E V! Flour and Provisio-n' -ST O-R E, Wiso kcsr-il eonotantly ân iîand No. 1 Flourt Bran, ,ghortsa Comu and ç Oat-m6al, Oat8, Pea's, Bacon,. àuSirîrotred fhuma, Apple%, Potistoeit, fc.D,' onget tise place corner Dr BYRON &DDAS STREETS Oppogtete ot P-t tfnce. Fsgrisosst 1roiutec takers in oxciange. Wlitbi, Ano.iel 16, 1964. 82 CALL ANID SEE Tîhti CELEBRArEI)j A FAMi1'u' FWiNG icMACHIiNEwitls uh t)tsit usItis tot nivtuieuit, nitvont i eaili-itioe1,, ans1-r .sietle ROYAL HO TELi, W1717BY, C. if. Titi, Macie ti , ssFait, ileun, Bie-sd, Itraid, Ouliter, Tu, k. Q iiti.cut iim cîpact 5srs ";.cit<-- rossier rangs ut f vuek. lat aîtny v cta e Mcisia it tht itrat. Fveîrv' 4 60ttut (it. a-tiI i - varrutet, susîl ks-'fi etuptuin o110)ttit, ince vi etuîgeis tsrjruîly sti Tis ,siM t tselitiie'wilt bue îol ith Vts ise nsi tiuivepil lit e Dli r huier, ttiter andti lraidte a un, at ttle ext netstiy iow pnîce fi $4o1. Re uipmbr hon tnise sathe gitie $10 Singr lin- 80 .1. T. TYi,EE«, eiu AUCT ION BUSI NESSs dssuissg thue hiu.-t veua, ttsd ivulsi solicit aI THOMAS MYE. FAIM 'VO IEN'1. i Trimxnod and untrlim THlE Nortt.j-p,î t inanten srf ii'Na 12,tiulhi "j 'C I r cgîei.,s-i,în ri-s i' ,e iltsiiiL serte. 'l'u adt,et -stit. s t ie ist qu is-rs' es5 a t'i-'tfiio -ittit h stise. Ciistd iji. tati' uaud iisissse-m" theo pr4-mnî-se. Il su-auitu:tssi ithuls *2 usileis ( ýcsf l i~titu.t'. 16y, ,tsld7 u i f l u i ý lit y T-.,-91 1 P 'l'siws i-f IWhitl.ç j Whtb, .><iu20194 Fsclr DSatu arîsunacres of Ful Wlcti.ttt i- tus' ,t'riui :..wj ,t-' <s-t iin,,i t o , ail le 1-t astIs ils'r euî u .- Mteemisstsg us sti' j i tilt 1-t ýt ,.ub, )* ~Ysnfuntîsenr aeticuisiaua apç-y to t1s. propnîctor, lt,10I P. B. WIrFIELD, SAtsguet 3, Iit. -- -,w-. TI Pt tuias'uier vilt p~ttV7e Pur Icisitla, i 5e»14u fv lsuy qtisuttut b , suit WH (lOtt1 It' Il 41uelvenu.sl at toi-. Slsp bei')te thte-i ,ustlti lf' <lc t x. lie, ha.. a lI nttity ni choie, -c' ok i'tiior se. ht-n Wilimn t a sofl. I A larg te-taand gos dti 7imied, Presved &Wd sapaaaed IVam'e. Of istpentor quidi'uy, fsor sala e cî. sa i îut s . t - ' r ' c n"toxuber tige place. a lîttie Fàt or c I. -G1EIu U( ' - ~t ~tei ~~1?mn±~npfea lsîc's iihLîuWlittnc. - tt-tru ak liof' %li:ich lhey oller at a si atl adIv:tnre foi- Casýh. IJone vilib , itwo tiî O1daae*ls. AtIl vof 715< hlartht re plt or tttv qo.sn:ity cr 04 CO 1 ç opentkts,, ïn i %wooeu EagpButter and J«L'5. Te tii., esihs RICITARI) IATCH. ChanarySale 0F VALUABLE FAM ?ROIPERTY., litTalc rrownshi1> of Whitlbyo James Thomeon, Plaintif, Alw rMattb.wau, B]ob- ent Matîbewon, Agnes Piles, James Piles.. jelen Mitell, William K itebeli, Levi Fair'. hanke, tise YouujgsrGeorge, PeeriUmthewon, Jant Rai. clubf, Iobert Rasteliffe, James Maîtheveon uand Ebenezer Maithevion, John Kpeben, aud Elisas JaaeKetelsen, James Kechen, sud William' leçe,,it ns ader is age et ti*eniy.pna 'asi> Mashsear R. Vskougnet, their IN purmmSee of a dearce or tise Conri5of ehaoneery. eisear' date thse tSth day of Jasi, 18ô4.,wit t is tsêp atmiô t uSoM(ýsreM1. Deruull, Mater o UnsCoout t itby, ont Monay" , cTwelith.'day ot embet Igi, aut 2oloakr. nosun, wilfl e' %Mti hy'thé sali i»gaW.r5oc ià Chambsorsa, Byron SMris, ln tieSAMis TOWN-OF WHIT$Y,. Th4. teloitcsVALTAI f5RL 9 à RU ... I.ta m WlîIitbv, Jlie 8, 18634. EXTENSIVE CRE DIT SALE 0F CARtlAGE, IGG ES, &c. c. AT DONOrAINeS CIRIAGE FArTORYs. Saturday, Septiinmbor 3, 1864, T C_ sliIlil 1(îoi, ta tsU-ei pae 'ctisa 'bave 1*1<'. Whon u àit IO a-itics a s- gsui'ss te'î tI estustt titir iltteu,-i Vti'atf.tvI!ftAt. j AT LTteuel ahtnttit îage ois Tuesday, Sýpteimber 20,,1864, Tht"4 FirI te-h wo :s esui'iu~sttthi uuanca -ofninarits large Bit-antcfst,'ek. ala tte-tt neiiceat uf a1unetiucusir teno!Firen.uatît - stock4lineelers lu tise inesutyil>', uut ,uue-nttuiing uiisorl'cuidl ahiave ainnysi ons lait-Aa has- ur Iin f va 'teck for tmme iasket., ,0cttue star la t -.eIstrati>' situstu lsinsi hert of n icis fertile digtrict, wi.oe tissait is ysIautifnIyreatuslm it 'aproKeliait '14Yooti rose n.eces'tud 1 l aet sotue fte miles <r n uaftt uui l ui j , raieif WW7B Y AN» OSILWTA, dis tilest of grasetarude. $ tistar pisite iu thue Couut>' oftlharito, conl(l he îctesî for lise nintitlmtounisertiee tsa Bat-e- anti iellr; fat a-hite thloaalittyvle couvecieut for i*e ut- fendaita9o< er >eer<om a 4itaII0n ae.Al asi, oaees4 'onlal partsiorthte, Coanty.> It t'Is4et ornot meresIMoaI, but COIfNTYFAIRS -And to tisueund, untin%$, or to '-e x andi sellers niutuatl eammo4atloii, id ailsi RL & J.( CAMPBELL ANGLO IIOUSE, W. Il. et>11, lrpnetr ilVING lci '.t"i the tihoce ilttel, lias n- frniu-î lic hLer wîistls Cîcthe i~ur and <,s.' Ery tntoîn pitid to guasta. Stagetsto, a'dfrtivWit 1i.v euh daily. tCareful (tttcn ai i nattsîîe' Sherif's S bot L thes Novcshîer, A. D., 116sst t'kieogssk 11s) 0t11, teitAliWc soiti 1» uilie> A uctw. ut a> uid lttise ttint isisii ustise Teaut c - i iitti>' lu tise (ma59' ty Vutanlu, tisa t hf, tto tid lu<tsts 't wMe theuidermefttiout.f m.-eeeluly pIsoss*In lstis etîuiaérîuesî- tioîscd ILantds <uIi iuisstsntsi tiseu, uelzed b> tne ntdenr etuti by î'stcu, crtin Weirio li tishéCoutrd tCmo lss In the queuotah ulefo, va. 'I tise Court of i':oletoit pleas. Tite arsdithenrnd Coin- pans>'Ù1t tjucsttoru Blheiik' - -A. ,Protifuot sud William 1'rotid- '11 riod, at haif-price. WViIQs and Spirits. HIAMILTON &'Co. IMPBELL HQuse oaud Blackemith Ehor ToLt inBrouzgham. is-no s"eIloîsitoalnti flueellistll 'tcî, wetl isst ii u!'slî , aut il s g udo Ii i"ii t 1i isiviîî,e toc îity, eitiusstes.it héli ofttg utBr-muligtn, s"41 ho LA tfor. à or 7 pairie. Rlittiolru. Tberc a atir mt #,f Toola stisietwilA bc let wlln thie proista ivé 'Y to BymLIaw NO.' To rui8e by way qf Loan thte1 81m of i Teutq 2/tousand' I)ollrt, qfor Ille IpurpfrnC of paz'riny ic 1 publ/ ie r>tld8 and Iaq1luay/8 in the 'Coun, OLat-Wh.ereng itlqfi cpedienî te raise bly wtiy oni Lon. tise atut o«f i uenty Tlicttiiocl Dsllarti, forn the etn- poste o!fni<ug improving, anti repsuieing the public readis9 andi iig hwayt. in tise Couutty cf on- tarie. 2ndi,iAnia-barenat ill -iireqtsiru lise sîso Dollars, ho hc ruised ti allcuy, b>' specini rate, for ttir(»pymtesut cf suschl tsn, anti iti,-isile-esit usenen, at tiso rate of six peir cerutucis perar unut, wittini test ycara rosie the tetîit il.ty etftic loiser, in tire yenr of Ouir Lord Une Tiîoiî,aitl E-lt Il tîtdreil endi-i Stxty-cuiîe, tus fohitnî'uu:t- 'riree 'Fisussand Irwco hi usreti thoasih n ac cand tievcry of the 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, andti1874. olrd.-Anti a-ieran tise ainottlof lte wliole risteabiluproptinty cf tise Cont>' nf Ontsïnio, iic'ciinl ttgo tise lst t reîias itusst m i rlis e! tir(- sai Cot>'t, isi 7,IiOS,ic1j7 dollars. 4tl.-Atni wheruîu s r pnyinx, tise intenest andst eeutitug atteqîsal yeuu-ly ttinitg fond. <for pying thi' saud sum oe! ivî,tty 'J'ioîustit diollas aii s hreinaf'&er tientionerl, il wiit r'q'uîrust; uqgisui cnsutl' specitil rtetcon 04fi4 (15'2 part inf a cent in tbo dollar, in adlditiotn te ail otisar rate inis cach i thtie fiad youtre. Be il thierere anîctet b>'tise Corporation of lise Cont>' cf Ontario. lst.-Tfiah it ç;lall bç laie-u! for tisea r- dan cf this ai Cont>' cf Onta- e-io, toi eaise b>' wuy o! hoeint, front an>' Tenacuu on porntu, Ilctl'r Boiiesi Corponute, a-in )nia>' le a-iiliuig te aicance thtu stae p- en tae credil suf tise dlelsntuiras hisntaften nseutiunad, a tons ior s'ums ofiunone>' oct,-zceediing un tisa a-loi, tusa sun of ' wenl>' Thoussand. - olttn,,au)dte ço ause thea suint ttuecpui itthie' isantis cf tisaiTressautr u "this siaisi Coonhy ecf Ontario, for tisa peirposas, sund withi thc oject above raoed 2nt.--Tlstfor) ibis -porpose, lisu lba lauvfuî fer tise saitiIVuren tu >causa or direct a uiccspr Y nuus,-, ban o! Debetbras tW bema-Ai 'eut for sucisus no f niorfe> lis mu>' beconue, ieceggar>,,.net ui*,, ceeding is tisu a-lch, tise sun of Ta-ont> ' Ilsu3and' Deliars, but no e enture te lbe maie eut fer a a sts ansumthnOre Huudred Dollars, an-AtisaI theasit i [lclua foressheal bu attue-A itis the cenjucrate seal 91 lt asi! lJorpcc nuion, an-Abca-signaed by bIse Wardan o! tIsaý Coorsb> for -ise lime being, anti cotintensignaîl is tha Tresuîner of tiseea Cerpo. ration. Sre.-Titut tisa saisi Dabenlures sisali boit' intarest ai tisa rata of six -par centu par anntuin, rtru tbisadate tisaret, wbicis intaest- shal be payable isl!-yea.rIy Itisa Office o! tise l3anch of lise Bink o!, ?4ontrerd in't Whiîby, uni for a-5ici inleest, couspons shahlis- attachai!> toe oais DabenLte, 4tb'-.--,Tbat tisesaitD Iobenttn'aa aithali he- madie payable at lte Officeuf tise Bratini o!tie IBank of tortrcai; iu Wisitby, andA isahl faIt dite ast foîlovat-. $200 du tisefinat <la> of Octubar, in aaaisan-Aaven>' o! tise yeans 1865, 186 6, 18117, 1868, 1809, 1870,1871, 1872, 1873 soi! 5111 -ýTitt for thte purpuseof0!pu5'ing tisa >intarOul, sandcreating -an quail' 'eaarly ainkine fo'nd for tise o.uv Shorifl's Sale -of Lands, <r«~vt~1~~' N i4ATti-t.)AV tise' Towt. 0 i L iay ftU A. D, T,~i.V-:;. u'twmi lviit'eo i-lit t'a <ol'llv ' tt10sj' Alw its'< . it .tv î-s iii tle <'is it -lvi,lt (it H -îî ýwt'iii st î st ti fus ti' id th i.tisr~it itsvrssl ). qei intiit et ttt lsiis iîilli-i tintt tctteiitiitiS mii Il eitsîl 1'ylw', tîtt iîy vi' titiu si tti %t W tt i 1i i riz:. Iunfise Couuity Couirt. hn imle i-s ' ;<tei¶sî. oit ~iîtis o Lis, 'it tiiri, 'î ' A, il)' iîîî 1 u tlit (ni lnuty o*til)tttiriis. i. sstrkic t ccr i-i lo itu tssi , npîsu filid u 'llluî.!', 'titi, ,1 *itîllt-S"I.iolî. :squ'rq l'rOs'Itieiu 4'&ii i;tll»V-ivyr, %i't.. si à ii 101id erUst lî- ii' <ýr-s, Att %fiec4mittîy Cou:rt. 1u li' Ç,(t ui'lihcii iritî 1 amr i sscîg1sicî oitpliviisi, ii 'tr i î10id;VilIvTuci ' i t e ,li ii Cli tit y e'f-i'litiri1. 11n titt, Qqclgiu tt'c'4 '17.0 Ni, Ic I r titi ' if i t aise r evt7",t' lttlc iit twt. fii uu tii t1v. rt f it Tcwiiisip iiift iioAt te<l ii ttsut' ;tst t'cic'Nî':ss'uz 1864. T E I U BO NO0I ILV ! TUOQE ISFAST CAPT. W. T,. .GIE ENWOODî %Vti!tei i'i> icu'riisti, tf lit fite'r o1)thtO Coi4th- of APRLiL, 1834,-0~ Vt-ui ii' t5it -siis . i',ct vi sui-,toii1y, '<Vc- tlntilti-s ...t......~... 7 a. is lit ...s .......... tP.30 !'îJi is,.Ilt ......u........lOtu . Pornt 141xititit...... .............Ilsu i Turecti'ir 1.1( arr'it-L.snivits2 tisera fist tlsuo s., clet i itilti s-itrnt(utsté t sie-kt finr illt i-ti istlslsttttl t %ve4t, tutu tisu X n ni litisi -ii.tca.s,,,<-ua uts-itîs Icansud-tWcet oun tisa leehelle s'ts.tt'sit riiti tle matstu nmille, tssfl t tltîo '.ise ctisuse ans lit >ase-r outil f'rassqst'ithc WAiits'lInn sus ciptîr. tee- tsery T'f oeiy. Tisirsui4 ustsl 1Ststue-iit', ut 8.30 ct. P; lice ie-à 't-tlopessi tutitise sslod, mcnà t'iiilr4n 1Iiis iitheu" isyul »Mtt ii (Aniati fe- thtt parntsi Etsuçt ;<1tu it t Auîtrseust scssscy tasskitiuaI'ils, enrant nit"u (7iisit lue-s,$2 i0. Dek A$1, uti.itA ai.AI? higagcctlth ise-ek oft utnthe ir, utiiusi ioiz.' c a patîptifor. Forfuetitet iisse-tiiîae-s nqnip e uIL .Surc . .> . r' ser, or' W. itiki'n'o1l .- Keuen, t 'cilic-tt;(is-c tAiî,Ctu ansi A. C icîte-sute, Port tuepe. (sobrg As e-h 2tîIi4.i PRO Vis 1U.N sanuding ttiuebig Bue-n Ti, tis 9 - î 0e a witock of' GttO<$-tUIfS AND tsu adiy ytu- pnices.. rea Ssto, 'of'uePerle,- Bcon, tfee-ni2,Set, ButerEesFio55 tulcail, 8si, apq à=csi.DitAttuee tisl, Confs'ctiounu- ave-yi dg 'inas-Asce, iand exantitte Çt- Wisitity, Jtuiy Cousshv oai tsuio, i -f( ttwit; Quarter 8essiiofo!the Court, iin ai fer tise -(i bis Ioldau it tliseCoi TOWN OF ton, Anarttst outa de HAVE ON lIANt) A LARGE ASSOMTMENT OF GOOD8, ini bbck utna colored Silks, Bareges, Delaites, Alpacas, &C. Shaws, Naîtt~î, Factcry Cottttîîs, fls'oad CIoths, Teîeds, Straw Bontiîes& Hats,Iineiîs, Sliefcting, Gents ffiHits and Caps, ILibbons, I>a.-sol~, TîtIing, r4inClts, Tics, Brices, Ilosiery antd Glbves, Duxak & Carpeta, ticer CIotliîîr Anîd ai) immense stock of' RFiALWY-MViRADL'E C LOIIN~ In. tiiestus imb Iys,' Ctnts. Ves-ts arnd Pants madle up on lte pie. îues lw fit anditlworkm usliip tnay bc depetided on. Y. Vr ............... ... . 1 . . - EDWIN.BURNSý ({OOS', SIAWLS oi

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