Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1864, p. 2

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New AdverlsemefllS this Day, Publc HoiiayWm.Laing, Famnil> Sewing Machine-J. T. Tyler. Addrese to tire Elentori Of Qaoen's Di" vision-J. Simpon. Anctian Bt.ines-Thee. Myeri. Zogrepiricen of Pilgrims Progru.-J. Verey' Crd-Cameren & Maedonell. Quarteriy F'air ait Macciester-C. Davis. ONLY 81 50 CENTS A TEAR Wlîtllby, Tlîursslay, August 25, 1864, MR. ErsWAîRTnCaOCes, Mail Carrier, ira been appoiret Azent for tire Ctiîtimc, ou hiemnail route, betwoen Beaverton and Orillia. Hala isdtriy sutborized te rr'ceive orders for srrbicriptions andi advertisements aud gir-e rereipre. le thse proprrsd Ftderation of thse Brit- fih Arericars Provssces open te thse ob- jectk c tiat tie course ut eventi on tins Continent lenci s u a leeson against the adoptiobn of the prinsciple ? Are we about lu cot-tyIe C(,tilitufii of that once hap- ry anrd pron,;pi-citsUnited States, whose peopie under its rule, are, a large mniusrity. battlin- with ail t,' tlsrce energry of tieri motiirer.raco ag;i!ioit being coropelleti once -more hi sccepn h sbleeings, and tiera r. Main.g portion are -lnisîly subrmnrtiîsgto e tyrannicîri miliùrry despotisim, and eecept. ixtg guchin olieu uofîh5r lirty oi ilought1 and action ahichi Lq iramere dcignedt t conter upon thse yeusrn Rcpublic ? Or, on tire ather hrnd,arc wu about te engreit upan tise timue-hnorpi inteitutions ef nur moirer. landl, suris modifications ce, iu tire widom et our sttresmen. wil unpent tire require. inente of tise varions races and interease wisicis deinn consideruticrn andt due jus- ticp et their bands ? Ititi e hopedth ie latter courme will be pur surat, andi that we - iii taise oui dejiarture upon unr new vny. age of grtearrue, ,Ilie teinarluers of nid, tbrougi tihe pliars of0i ercules, with tand. marks sto grilti n ] d becons îo veru ce, eofiicientus t et for the iitativeofa aur new carrer. It rouegt ha recollected titat it sursit're4pecta wu are reýver*iug tihe procese y wiich tise ssiilîru great Ilepuhlic wan mouldc-d loto heing. Des. Pite ail thet irasbein ewrrhîen andi qaid lu the contrary, tihe soreregniry of eaci componr!t csat urI krmvd tire beau ntthe Faderai comrpact,astd êccli t te bes in its turc auerteti if. Ecen the' blatenti>' loyal, New Emtgland Stateq, in the celebraleti Heartford Cofiv..tîtiot intire yaar 1812, mesu broadly enunciatedti vie.w. la tins doctrine io fStae Sovereignty, or state Rigito, is involvied tise rigisî of seeusien, etrennioneiy clainreriaitdi tugiri for by thre Soutiandl with qaqi r intdenied and battled agaicet by lise North. Tire qoea. t ien of laver>' is-entirel>' spart frein tipi, Ibreugh àit as tise cap viricis fired tise don virici vas clready primuatiandI toadd.- But our position in diffrent. Tire distinc- tiens aifrae, religioni and lenguege arec ore strongi>' marisetithaperiraps in an>9 body 'polific lu, or seeling, asate oet fusion. Instteatiet an agglameratiou oft for.m Our danger la tiret vo sheuld fait. fate tire errer ai aur uigirbois, and an- cribe 10e great an influence or importance te tire ocelProvincial, or State legislatures let tise sinipi>' bc confiledto tahie par. poesoer wich tise>' are iuteidei, ad bet eur ebtet energies be devoteto thie attain. ment ot a ualon, net fedîrýtive in tihe sotie oethtie wordAa s nu&ilyunuderstoud,t but actuel andl roui, main; u unoe poe- pie, vitir commun icIt.rests, ccd. s comme, Daine,, sufficrectly vefilis>', *lfieettiy'Pp). niona, and vitir" ceofaiterritar>'oet eut'- Scient ostent tleonablo us t a tk.e ai.. speotable poatiou c mang tire nations oft tire eatbi. lettis e hotgoal of aIt aur eotrté. 8hortôt theer ibis v o mtnet Letter A. TbhatVatir e coebrated Singer sewitg-l vmcine-ccd il in A-No. 1. ýit coini- bines li tire lateet imnprprremenonî,yen enu galber, tuok, hem, qiilt, and. braid, vitis il, sud do ail mauner iu' atitciig. :And tire reapeetable agënt.-Nr.T3ov geet, il tneleet srtiing et.iis part 1tevards givg tirhe ceomplotent satisfaction te éli vire faver binavitî thtir orener.. P toHoLmsry.-.Ag viii ie s... by adtertisemaent,,tire May'or irasproclalnoti Xouds7 eýtht ie 29)îh mt,, p ihou. dal, in te tevu of Wirithy..t tmatmhd hihtsr eitady for boilns. tie F ond, butà*tua et --e'4 Yendeh . take ntce., se; snd abel begfssig1 mev c&Il thebuein smtie-r. aiby ' me# so.-Thore, baby. whmà'%bis,'?! siumtAls, I ~ I I Fait Asizs, 1804. Tire Courts ot' Oyor ~ Terminer sut Genorat Juil.Deliveq', kc iii b. ibelli sd EÂsTaeX Cracur. Kittgsto .... Tiruretay,...29tb Sept. Brook ille ...M da...4tbO. Periir....,: Tltnsd'-.,.L3sb Oiticia ........ id 111 L'Orignal .....Mottay .....ist fi Mi oLAyb - 'crir. Tire Roc. Mi. Justice Nor rlon. Wiiiy..... Moiitày. ... tir Oct. Cobrourg.... Mette>'..7tha Belleville ........ Mesiiy ...24tirdi Picîcu...... Medsy..... 318t, el Lindsay'....Tues&is>. Bih.. fNov. Peterboro' ...Mondy ...14%h 16 Boeicacuuv. Tire Hon. Mfr. JusticesAdamn Wilson. Owen Souai. ...Wednesty....2&ti Sept. Milton....*...Monts>'.... i' Barrie.,.. .Manda>'.... lO0tiri %Velnd... .Tiursti...... is h Niagara ....Monts>'.... lst " arain clrccrr. Tire lon, C. J. Draoper, BranLfard.... Tirunua...20âh Sept. Csyugs ....Mouds>.... 26hh4 Guelphr.......a . lohr Ot. Berlin . F..... rite>' ......4t i StraLford ....Wedatefiy..i 9tisde W"oodtck.... Tuestis>'..25tis 4 Siucae ....Mouds>.' . . 3lat" Tir soBa. Justie «agent>'. flodouiia ... Manda>'. . 26tir sapt. Samîs ....Monts>'.. t rdOct. gandwleis.... Thu"y >'.... £tb St. Thromnas.Wed" y ....26th " - *~rrTor vao&sve. Reoc. Mr. Justice John Wilcon. Montis>'.......... .....026te&8pt. Tuait A" PU.. Nen. Mr. Jastic Joins Wilson. Ustlii evab pCesat. oi 1~*irh4~iIg1 us#t,-.d sugutst. jounnent st bSpenelIotl, Gond.i Wend, on Tuu,&iy, tbet1 t Membirs ilprositit.Th Rossle ntire1 chiret. Minaittac &M eetng mare raoit anti approve& . PallIions voeepresetot sud soiltfrein1 tire Truele tm tirthelevieng Scieel Sec.4 tiens, praying tire Ounsil tegrant tisai enteunts eeliciteor es Scilprps- 1 No. i, $800; No. 2 250; N' u, 18, $860;1 No. 4. $250; No. 5. $215; Ne. 7. $285;1 No. 8ý $150; Ne. 9,.$200;No. Io, $150.1 A pettteon vwu &W e ps as nd soit fnoan Geo, TireepeuEa.Clark of Scett cltie; tiret thoelupat lt'tSout bcd met the appropriations etflZia Township on the iovtr-lîae etf$0 -op -alttee Sad con., $44op ie 5cma. anti $10 PrmteCourseret> bol5lmtfrwlg tiIs Counuclio eh. souat require o teirelev- cd on itotensip for Cpeanty cMd Rda, cationai pierpeses. Tire.amouasar- fom-couty>'puurpos, $1W48 77; su'de eocatianat ptvpesug, $M8876. Ttl oc n odolof re s. Shsvrsrt tise peetis ver. noterredtoi lb. resp e o umlttmo to vrici tire>' bieog. The RoVe on mmteoe fMr. Poaby, lefullie chair for ous bous'. Ceuiscil rSuesan. Tir t" ,c 'tt. on V*aid u Bdesugri viner, on motion, vis roIvoind iu,1n tPt"e Tira stadig eetni teeonouFinancemad on motion, v nceveset ui dopt. Mr, Cirepman enovoti seetdee b>'I-. Sbirrrntircýte hécv t àqstsblli81a naw-in of ro*uItfl .We.io, lots10 Il ànet 1, be eu' rapdti 1fi - Uae, .'tMv. 'sberurt moret, mecntot b>' Ui. Fessby,.<tiat thee Rocre iebuit [s lierat>' officiai Arminfatu Ic Excellons>' thes (oveee fe5 bas been piesed to pppeit 7r5800!s Sp- iriit Tass, Bq, M.D.,tu b irm nspecr. er Asyluma, Frison,.&£@t ufI«the tirSro. visien&eoethtie Act chaper liq ofth ie Cou. solid4ted Statliuofet'C*ad, lattire flsm and tés stof t Joephr Obanies TaChe, Esq., M.D., realgtsed. Aidaro FoPrtin, oet treCity oet'Quis, Esq., Inspecter oetBslLaet to b. In speehor of Lv Rides sud lostir fr 05'r city an ud istrict t ofismeoe, ttttd* he provision'-eofthse Act 2th-28tir Victoriat chaptor 21. - Iaxebr»leno>'tire loveruor GMttna ira ireent plesseti te maie tise feibeviug &P' paimtamemm, via: 1I Jesepir Bevios, oethCtiriyet' Qioeco Eeq., toe reeue thtiseCoamlcaieers ef ront ansud edoft Bs."ond Geen, Eq-. dOOO5id. Daniel MeGié, ettk ýCilty et Quebec, Esq., ta bis Wsndeuofet tsTriait> Haire. et Queiro, In tire roen sud tesd ef 11cm moud Gaven, Esq., deceaieti Rise ýxCeIjoacy ;$hoGêvernor General irai beea. plecsod tuasuw)lsw Th@g, Mfe. Cucig, ai thse waiip et' Wie1bsm, Phq., le tise commission af tire Pence, fer tire district af Athabasits. Sîno peor Dr. (3anuor'a ee~eMr$. Billo was 0er« tire same ess seom o reavâUia in tels te tee Rifmle B n liibs Di> vcao ie semacdos enetes uine b>' dosrtlon, aud tire Royali, bu p r iyrterte>. o tir sblie,"o w nsMO bvgeeul>geetautsi hoso a> saifltebies scpe. e-iulr cii gf)u iruinas rspretI> tisroahi' pl t" uen ani tire ibtoa tluse t saéenl4I'ttedusuce, p tise de cu bosomrd ls*mlaLLea*.Tue gsu a -- 'tr Afory initie oalsth.<e&e et hos ulrsIti ra CilsurIthedl iyut. aide Coutit,. The cballenge trom tire O1 il Cemuy, 10 aiHotirer Vlmte Cmp es in tire Fir thMlbitsry Distrio, wa,be seepted -by'CàjsWn N>cvtu.li, oùbéoire tho Wlsrtby ' flofaneCoupan>',--làtire imatchi l te comme offeu ondaOY next Theo*foltoviég eorresppudome on tire- lubject, baie IPlace betveesu th.e- Cptaine* aftie respectIlle Competies. Tewn Conulemî louis paeon wedos"ly orenýs. BMl ,Woreblp ti X ayor eosis tire chair, and ali thseSmboa '<iihtire ;ièp&on et' Misss.Gîbeen àrd Tisiv'woepro, seun, The specrat meeting vw for' tire speci porpe e' oftin; ont tise ceniraci- for supptylng t lie nbrigade vjt: ceting, andI sitar eenidsm-atin in cemm-tnile et tire virole, tire centrae es *edda', tellovs -Mr. A. PrimfieJlearileo, $3,'50 Meurs.Loves & povelItl ias, flOota, J. R. Pisilp, boita, SSci,. I Tire articles tu b. dolilverei, pst or b. fore tire 25th r Sopteashir, fer-linpectiets, attire Tain Cloris's office To thre Editor of the Wkiby Clrroide. Our Pienul., <8? Aà LAI)?ceTaoUsiTec,) As Limas are duli mabout tise toin, And coispapans aqre flattiutz <oin Dent' tir, 1Ihopâ ï.011 von'r ..efi.- Admissionutesa but ai COs- About env Pie-ne. At Ms p làe Dli-out onteT'ittrd- l'il selil yoîr, Bit;visal tireaccurreti Of wmîka anti taiksetrat îe veut tirraugi- We gini-uauor benne-e«foi - -- At aur Jolli> nie.c 'Tias e tavuet a gniotus dey- The sen sirane ont la briglar e&re>, (Niswi ii, larirynte, yst kuo itîsle- Misen bure', fer'a htte bi.-> "S About our *Pion-ao. Tire tes vas servoilàupoil tire groom' As @sgeet as igirt DAscanld ireacee- Bn7isd airla la aas( r QiW, Weré picamc susantpeeed ta anti frt'. A play$ ofeore it wu perpoaet A arai. trbmasi. bande îaro etsa.ed, Whuc hrlsibf- fell, tteé,al trust rai, 1 naver lt'elu~l il hétirun. We tuindat tiret pie nia. W. nampeti anti picysittiraevital. lette siiy, Wa coed te squrrrai-irie'k and gayj. Ansd genttlemcen ettt i rnoatilriined baie Wblte colsis, auJi nter er'aas. Joruoti un in, cosr pic nia. Atnd suaIl eathly pleun e nd., We paritm, vitir regret, amieli tecti, Dta-ninet--tiilb trotire tergoL, Te méaL agatena tl'et saure spot, And have anotirer pie nie. Whet as LilaSV Ousr lita la like tire meruinis' san, Tio ra riglitil>' uces corar but sd scie, Thut dria il& ssîsetuemrus mmilrrYs. As tise loue flow'n of yoadet' <lie, 'Tic liSe tire suaboua on tise ilaç, Thot ttsmlhlg sporlaies on han besat, Tirai gltbola on taels rietg vale, Tison wvr>' cl te allenit rsý.. Ouar lire hla itseyen gr'ring 'f-ar, Tt bntgitly twinll,-, d,r t in Tirr.ucoste a adi-ast ionmcerounsd I tirrne, Xiret uq'ieklv fades, sud s"diesut. Our lit, inl huea tin rboat, Lanueli, tialiteti ous& an acilon 1 Wirr-sile daiS vevelets betst se lth1 Aud t ingtirhoir v itirge-5 .Versssore. 9 Our irle I mke tire u tiret mnkCé Balliidtise tistl-its iestem tennisb-, set tiréer.t et, &aien te ri.Ac Oir silet, tu 1 glht au-ttsît' lumi. 9 190 thu tiree euieg 0i Our lire, 1)060 es.iniy clIr, 4lues avaetlj JI&, Te teave utiot o v e n aut tbIl «MIs, Te jSna tairerairdfisshigir. -F whitby, Augusi 151h, i1e4& Dtuvua or Mats. tba.vas.-Wher eltot personagte, or <ba. iehs ve cte saime mark lu public lite, puis ava>, becamea tire tise>'oettirapublic jourilut te cien- Ide th ireynt. Our restonrs mauek Washir laIn.Bilten ? Timer.are te ofetidu» vira bave ecra'freqacratoitre "OIlntn buildings du' e ~sulnW$ lveonet isaova or bvas à l iele stttion about theeplacensu1! jile- peoc icetaeti eirr uici y Wight envy. For'mnain'squarter of century sheccmpuetafruit chaudM-atire obir>ofe tirs Parliamnrmt Boeue, acuti vas etuniverse farme s ite tire membersaoflet b oml crs- bits. Net eni>' wau aie grxatst ca Mone- pa y1 e loite -enomona tan u ie tir xsslîfmrgs5 but sho vas ptacod b>' e vate oet teeh e.e t t ir9e civilliai, anti a peststee ot £24 rsntd bas'. Sire in v eo> nimber sud oves>' .icir>'t Mor 1 tonul use ettoose aie, on teéwe vlqof<birtis pri nevipeper md stolm vite ael $evagom porpc.e, nndl thitaom e.màÇ hteebt>W Is mfiii cfa à mse y" hInl r Ooi. It'jou Voilmm sucesyo rou -es ilt ons twisr -Meot by Mr, J. ACemtpbeL sfteend by Me~r. &lesengor, 'éTbat tire Lhanks cf tho Ausoeated p>roukExeursion.perty b. tenderoti ote r Prmideht and Diroctors ofthtie Nortbemu Rallvay. tir. Grand TrankRalv ",an<d' In gantcgfrepaeesover their epb moe than eron an average erop of wbest ts9Oi t' fMay,,1863. At ourrait pnicas. 'i-On he s cefolt, Livimgaonteclsned tisai adiintienutmber of seaîsing MISf"c ame vitsin tishtes i aboeuto bserectedtirere arc eloosoyersi ...j .,,ie ibnobdpru - r i ' iisIc - eot'i [, ASý, lIr~~~ ~ hZciCPAs ave J'lot recaiveti yoar eommneicatiou, Ois5ling a ir inimbirs oet s>'Vontéos. Company' ln tise Sti Militai>' Disticit te 'shoot an eqal numbir frein yonr cempan>', for« 825 or $50, ranges 200 ati 300 yards. Ton sre iseatiriI ea ipposedti t tisa principle af patilla; tptmono>' for eOMPajitioe ire. hveen campanies, but I am ilIm;, on be oir e n>'comepsu> 'Ote ceept tire challenge viii tire talaeiitsgmiatione. 1. Tiret initeetiofai smoue>' itaeyetise boseme pa>' for a onpoer for batir parties et rie conclusion efthtie match, 2. Tisai 'aie otirer range bira uistitut. eti ton tiret et 300 yardts. -Y-au are sare tisat hissrage iu cet Cowi inie ai Win- moet, or an>' of tire atisen Rie grenade la Englenti, iL hing regardeti tirerae ntier tise precenti systain as uneerlaiu, anti Buke- ing, anti cet capabe et doing- fuit justice te tise marksnaen. I hope vo eu have e s trientil> nastchin ea o ie aeterme sutli tieu, (and sivm>'i) blfieve me.* Tours tral>'.f,1 G. H. DkgP*LL. Capt. Wisitb>' Infanti'>' Oshawa Augusi IBtir 1864. Mr Duic Gar-ir. ,Il Ibaee >ours oet hi, antin lsrepli begho; tea>'tuat p oral. longe lu aeccptati, anti terne te sai yonr- uel, vitir tisaexception Itise match hile. place lusideofetas frtuigistn&in io- de>', ve ooultpreier sirooting fnon veek, si> Wedtestiay if ir veattisunit yen. As te tire rangea ve yl ire happsy te taise ce>' ether la plie.ai tise 300. Pisem repi>' gisiaf m-sge &C. Taure ver>' trul>'. JOHN WARRiEN. Cept. OasaaRifle. Te CAPàt) AIS Ii. Whitiry. Wii Angusi t 71h1864. Mir DucnCàw-nar. 'Youtc aif>eterdayile josI neaeived, 1 do cal aee ir aleisoe tise lIish, oetuire cenelereti as 4 " Mfesg. Th vas meant ua n acceptance toi yeare, * ad va sesoexpeseti. Ibava mode OP amy minci, sud 1 biuieve my feeling inirer- et in b>' a>' eoipsi t>,seer te giee a chlslenare, but to e e lisys roat>' 'te oe cet. If(yau lii regard the liciter d iii original hiirt, Isam îillin1 il sbouoaticoma off an Ritui-eay veesinaOsave;-rangea 200 sud 400 yards. Supper te ho previt. et b>' Lb. lase rsfrtire cempeitors ati tiseir friends. lot me irive n su cer ia lime fer Tlsnnsdalla drilli, sd oblige, OROEL. IL DARTi<ELL. Té CAPTAIx W,4ritasr, Oshawas. - Onai Anuut I8the1Sq4- Oaayoiaituses»Me otetsr dc>'tiss Sitar&y w eele?1 t s ses h vonîtisait ml m se btter, sd ot peicii nomre et younsjce>' tire Frits>', provienus, or ltme Vonal so oiulm. As regards69 as t-rl longs, I ot lpassimses itfjar note eof tir isthis asu ecceptanco o *e oi go yoates afriendly tmatcoir o- Supper, tire Tousrte previde tire -see, t9, b. bsot ovi tire Oàirsîs aged Diasuce »00àk400 yard.. Olson conditionis as etutenrr>' mDistrict mschres: et course six qsti rom oscir compmn>'. Yonrs-ver>' frai' JOHN WAREN, iCsPL 'tirvs Biflet. To C-cvim vDaar'ru. WmmAngasI 2ïi, 1864. Mir Du-ciCAPrTASIy, I 1 fid I cenotale Frits>', anti titororsavail mysel ofth ti hien day esod fa <cr proposai, niotl>. Mouil> it. Tise beur simd otlor prdeinarias, The Prose otouroUn 'The first pleasure excursion Of the Proe Aejftion, took place on Tbursday last, ai.d vo exceedingly regret that, 'eovere unablo te participate in the, pli'ssant Lima which vo arc aeeired so many of Our con. frerea enjoyed. The Globe'e represente. tire saye with Lruth It le eeldom tbat the inembere of the Press bave leisure te take a holiday, and yesterday vili be long remembered, we bave no doubt, by mmny of tbose who were present as amongstthe happiest they oser apent Everytbing passed "off wi the grea.tet eclat, and ail eeemed to enjny themeelves te the utmost The members iof the Press assembleti in te merning at 1the Northern Raiivey depot, in order to be conveyed to Bell Ewert, fro m which place they were te eaut acroqe -Lake Siu- cee to, Orillie. The following gentlemen vere present : Thos. Sellers Montreat Lako Wm. Giillespie, Hamilton Spectator; J. A Camp- beit, Milton Champion ; Thomas Mlessen. ger, Celedonia &eehene; Gen. W. Verrat, ~tràthroy Hume Guard ;- D. Met>ougall, Registrar cf Waterloo, ex-President of the Press Association, and late of the Berlin Telegraydei; James Somerville, Dundas T1rue Banner: IL Mathieson, Brantford E.rPnà)itor; J. .1. Johnston, Port IHope Guide ; W. Il. climnie, Bowmanville Stttmaa ; A Henry. Napanee Sbawla4rd ; C. S. Jones. St. Mary*s Argus ; A. J. Belsh, St. Mary's Argts: il. B. Biull, Hamilton ; John I>usgan, Welland Tele. graÀPh ; W. Il. Floyd, Cobourg Star;S [,nke, Oshawa Vindieator; W. Grant St. Catharines Journal ; W. S, Speirs Tifs Gi,onf., Toronto; John Alian.OeIlt Reor. mer; A. MePherson, V7antedie Berliner; H. C. Kennedy, Morriqburg C'ourier; W. H Oliver, Cornwall Freeholder; Jas. Sey. inour, St. Catharines Ooositutional; Gen. McMýullin, Picton Northt AmerirXia; E. MileR, Belleville Ghrouicle; T. S. Carutan, Kingsqton Britsle America; A. MoeCleni. gan, Woodgtock Timen ; J. M. Gib)son, litimilton Timea; Alex. Bigge, Woodstock limes; J. Mecn, FIamilten Times; T. King. Berlin 2eMqraph ; T. L. -Mcin)tosh, HÎeilton, E. Jackson, Newmarket Era; John McfWhiney. Woodétock fientinel; G. T. B. Gurnet, Bradford Time; John logg, Coflingwood bnierpriee; S. L. Rotarts, Stratford Examiner; G. P. Jark. son, Stratford Examiner; W. M. Nichol. son, Barrie Jiaaminer. A largo number of ladiei accompanied the Party. The train tot the Northern Railway Station st 7Tà 'clock in the ntorning, andI *rrived nt Bell Ewart about Qj o'clock. when the I Proe gang" loft the cars and proceedeti along the wharf to the point et wbich lay Lb. steamer Emily MVay, which vas to convey them erons the le. [le,. ing ail eniberked, thre whiattesounidod, the gangways were drawn in, the linos catt loSge, and vo vere lboet on the ho. sonm of Lake Sisncoo. The steamer wuas 1trim stauncbs little crait, 151 lent long, Z4 feet beam. 1ler angine its 100hrse power manufactureti by Mr. Gart,,hore, ef Dun. dus. The steamer vas built at Bell Evart, and in owned and coînmassded by Captain May'. Sha is capable of runnini, 14 miles an heur. ler course Iày alors tbe nerth - est shtore, paseingbhetweer. Fox and Snake island, thence o wJsckson Point, from that te Beaverten, thers te theasarrovs anti int> Lake Coucbictinýg, or the "outiet," and soon the Party were lended at Orilli.- The scerier,' along thte shoress .1tise lake la~ ~ ~ 1 anybeuil d e sait upon the Rm1ilg .Ate;%vii iamupi>' reps>' the excur- sioni.it who bas tný.t Lime te mako a voyage acrossarke Simoce. The Captain was extremel>' attentive, andi the boat vas, giv- on up te the mesebers of the press. Short- ly citer leaving iiesverton, a substantiel end elewrrst dinner vas serveti, tc, vhics ample justice vas done by aIL The saii on the lake seeed to have vlîetted the appeiexa aitnd tir ostbe,9el tu e.y, isuseLleIs; sud plesm pumc.g disappoed leinshert'time, ' Ait expressed themselies setinfied vritir tie-ineai provid. eti for-thein by Lb, captain. AlLer dinner tbe compai>' asembioti in tbe citer, part er tbe steamer, and man>' good songe veri sang. <ln à<cetIl"every. thing ent as merry as a marriage bell.', Wben th. Party' arriveti et Orillis the>' broke up into squeds, eacb taking e dif- forent direction. One part>'sitsited tLe lurge building wbloh prenented Iteelf te Lte viev efthIe rieitore on entering the barber, anti vbich fa ued os an ssyium. Throngh theo kindnoes ef tho Steward. Mr. piatcultre. h ave been severai yeare in Lire-trade are adt. - rvertieing fercen ictreaseti nursîhofetwork- (To lia .Editor of!Mti forninl1 f.7lronicl&.) ing iancle et tis lass; andi wien ail the Se;-L observe, lu a bate, uunben ai nov Midle go loté active eperaticr tire your voiuiabie joarnal, a toi veuleries on proptmietore vii fdld tirecuselvas u-ander- tire, cubtitiars et tis valuahie plant, Reax, ftiti> at tauît, flot basin; suade tiroir gatnts in iviicir you state tire termera solddentda kuuwn teatira emigratirîn Agente,' vin iL tiretjustice ut doservos in Lbe prepara- couti bave beau instrumental inii ilticiii ration et the land beforir eevine the seed, sucir tradesmen te came te Carteda duanA andt altireugir 1 quit. agree vîtir yeu tu tira ummer tesson. tis respect, stili vo muet make allai. Wilin seaking sa much about thieSeaed ence, when ve are avare itiL l ny itin ant if _ W oe eo ,rotih e f a 'a yare tire value efttins crop iras ha- coareer material praduceitu-onttir lî came kcoovu asonrg us, anti, lika anar>', plant. 1 amen thse toto, Raui.l veu tire thing nov, requires ime ta ba underetoad. -shore vliicti is taken frsrnthtie stale. l'ira Tireaere several appaent travback.t, lttLer affords an- excellent 'article oi tuai tac), viicir stere tira armer lu tire face, vireamclrinery irappetis ta be driven or anti baffleiris judgiutcut wlsetirrlire cen vorket b>' smaintposwer. The formier manage tis crop as webi 'as tbose ira [as unswers ever>' purpasa for cottiisiii, heen long usati te. Wit- youir permis- autd large qîantfie havýc beau uscd b>' sien, 1 i wltsame a e evonitire objectieons, tire tspiolsterer, ag etmîtas te papor sud endeavor to suggont sucir rernodiari as, uuanfitcttlrt-f. lu my humbrle Opinion, wiIl asefet ta e rluInconclus-an, Mn. Editor, I sinceroly itim oser tire ditllcssîty. Firs3t, ire ntisît ielievo n'a are on tihe ove of a muet ibene- uaL imagine for a mont h o recan rase aa ilcial chraunge lncdr ti#iculturnl ptmrserits gooti crop vithout a thcrotgiî ystem ofinl Canada. One's 'nécessities altae coin- cultivation, vwicli muet bho donc b>' deep Pail lsm tu seek clirrrges, anti muclirLu ha plougiin; in tire al, andi if nccessary, regretteti,enay lia productiv'e of muscir sererai timesl, acccrdung to tire qtiity et gotît. IL vifli ss 1 *isurcibtefî>re, serve te soit, 1 ina>' bere itate tLite qrraîity ai soil turus tue attention ocilic iariutr te soîitle hast calculatati for a crop oi flux is a dlay otetrro,arfsnd vitirtire prospect et a euh-soit mur dacîs loant, but I1Isave seers continuation oi titis civil wrrr, W>lit ~tIl it growu lu Irelanti ou avary description goode offcverv descr iption àetmtine priccit, of lanud. le must inlîice tep'iiitis pring upens a fieîl-for huart godds wmicirneithèr witir anatrr ;lcugiring, aud if nacesaùr> 'Lite farunur er unauMaufarcturer ureeti hae ose tire cubtivurtor. Alter barrevii aireidta Leomlîrrk lu. titorougîsily, tirers roll witb a firovy relier; Wlteuui. i fret agitated this question, tien tsiv tise senti, ta> two bushals te an 5sunetir-e yenrs agi), ne [sud enly saine acre; lollav miti pats«inm (ever a ci igltt 2,000 acres lu Upper Canada aitogatiter. barruv, anti lesti>' rail again. Tire sourtirr'l'iis ysuxrii iunay> sarly' bac etlunatd at tis caurbcdha iftaler hirabale toUet au 10,000,' and.ifl1 Iain nuL very intîcit rets tire lande lu tire epri tire better, rasLira Lakeur, 50,000 wili -be nacrer tIre mark beet crops 1 bava seen tirrs sarsou, tlie next yaar. Wisliig oser>' succairs te tile sent vas put iunLire grounti from Lh iradot- proltet andtihie L'snadian tarmers, I ra- die oflAprii tate ralst oaiMa>'. main, sir, Taking il for grantati care iras beauYotr robetient -cernant, Laken ta pick up evarytiin; tiret mur> JOIDN A. DOXALI)SON. obstruct the groa-tb cf tIra platnt, tittie is Queiroc, Otb Augost. 1864. tu ire apprceeitifrein Liragraretirof veeds aud if at al, vii l ceout uer aA Famaa ,RAtbu3t Spy. teiticirte nature tisat tira fiax pliant misicir is cf a ver>' rap-d growvtis, viii eutgrom EULOLAI>55 TO BE THE W . IE aO AN OFFI(.'55 Liron, andI prevean u> injtsry tsite fibre. Notiing more ik requirati untit irarst, 0r THE ROYAL CANADIAIN RIFI.Ee. wiran tie putliug prn.settsr anotirtserionus (F'rrtnithe Detroit Tribune, Auguast t3rd.) obrtacle, as iL alilecanrsî titetiiou.91anti About twc weaks elece a emen ire-. expeusive. Tire tsysteust et cuttiftg aitltc-r mn'0ad5 er faewsars witir tIsecraie or machine iras benues heu'0ani5 er img o rott troduonsi in soe parts ni Upper Cinada.ii tis City', on suspicion eft bing a reirel Pcd fonitiLa anever %maIl, anti anuacre of emiesar>', inlise guilaif isoin the re le lIas cen ha barvosteti as cireWaps eau gooti rtruon ta believe. Tise evidonsae in acre et virat; butt s4ere the tend is at!tisil>' growieg more etran;. Sire etatos il stan> or tire surfae roiugir, tepulic;1tiret Lb.e Dame etfirer-iret irushaut vas syeternmusst b- folloveti, aud mili tien! Ward-no relation-ef Arteinasi-but sire cogt aril>' 2.50 or $3.00 more per acrai Cnov clame ta bc tire wiie oaioeejemes harvest titan b>' cuttis;, acutius atten doue Killingele>', au oticarin tire Rayai Cana. lu Ircianr by vosntn or tire yoe Gv branches ai tire ftntîlv. - ne diats Rifles. Be tirates ifiMay, tise G I bave aiten thouAit tins coutidcasily bcire ntment antirnities were infermeti ef ber douacliera-b>' tirefermer or [tend efa ta- îtransactions, sud a trepina s et ta calch mii>' eflerin; Ibis portion of is aml>' a"ber, wicir succeadeti ediuahi>, sud aam- direct interest lu tire pradoice ci tire crep. modiaue anti aomtortebio quartera vero bai sonu ire voulti enlist tiroir services anti turnisiretiber un rire louseofutCorrection, stili becsairenefili toaltroncot'tid. -viere use rîew romailitaasuing examisna. Thîe rtext difficut>' tisat preonts iteell i#~ tir a v fa iîlîl or macîuinar> for 1droe- tien, wviiaiwillirecihallinlu e taideys. ing t fias, te propare it for market. Sise torneerî>' resided le St. Louis, Mo., Tihis eau aul>' ha donc by ramsemontorprise-atid caims ho-be e Sitter ai John Wimor, lu; fermner or part>' mitir uoderatlimroasse, efermer Msryar af lirat oit>' sud Sieriff ai vira will fluti iL a usest profitable bsiness, tiraf ceuni>', in Fabruitr>'18l63, et tise heati anti in ail cases vrei a i rs beau toundtlatofciaebandtioairebel Onerilletl, aitisaugi abe entier hast, tira part>' puttin; mrP tutu dneetal ppeel'ta howeofaihis eti. If suacimer>'vil l idiL iris intercat ta pro sire is the veman-sie representa itarielf te otîre c qîrantit>'o e s iiandi ditnibsuta ire ber hueraut iBle oi lis tire Kentucky> thiam amen; tire frirenfor thi it )yeelr Srt" rsn at ie rbb> a or tva, takin; irack lu rotîru cn oqîilstal ePioafc htpoa a& qîsantit>', catiallewnlutlie farncer maurket Killingilarle et avare ai. <t iras aise pnlce for tire sîurplu us. Irpar t,'utorîtis beea 8certaine i tirt tise Wimer famil>' ai tis il tira plan carniet osut. ,a fur, and St. Louis are sl sîlrongl>' secesis, iatsmtd te eusler mcili. l'irr are seceral Mrs. Kîllingoley, alias Mns. Warti l portable teille atreetinlu te country, evidecîl>' Weil acqueuutteti ail tirraugstise virichir rue'bhaturnesl le gondiacceutit, Asconradoknwu'0hv- le 1n tho n ca a teditiboutekfIi lelbercaî>,at lkas eia.cîio and ara dnivan b>' au>'motive povsr: pramiue;n.l dOmçrtj e Ibn is cil>', vus Thero are no lboss tlrrn fort>' or fity>'sucir viseur&hoe lvays.aPe perÇstbc ieon ver>' mille bin; erecteti in Canada Watt tàis lrtmaeteme Soloft ,st. Liasislu nOc. seson, ihicir is a proof tiret fareros ire touer, 1,863, aud îwiit tg Windsor, C. W.,' giving more of tiroir attentJon te titis mrov erbere eibe reiîluet about elgisi vwlmi rer ai Canadien lndustry, sud Ifis ate Wiîsg hisaCity' iroquenti>', srrslti ho roptivirlsLir>'areliapelu tiri bus;dieguiaed, but -vas ciesel>' vatoirom, allai ton a icrop ni' 1b irwe-ct anatirer howeraiSr osWaterfrNîYr ycan, tire>' vii nosenve c p"orlih ta Soi - - t Wnslr-orNewYr vith lax mn tire epring.ý ihici vilI afford art>', vier sire Put n u; 1 Lbby's Botet<. train tire:bessuo (ne~5,sv tieFraise hireeseherid'dl mnu cempratv 'iue ai ascircrop. -Hotel, ai Baltimoreo n bir a ad' ithî, l leit mc>' b. alloweta terelen te e case vitlr rauabie pepers. At tdiiiplacesire vas .npoint, iricir aes edrmy owi ttarreeteti, but succeade in.u dosîroyiug tire miediaho notice a 1ev mires aga. Ou fie elbteth ie isat upon ber persan, b>' tirok tenni etfiH. . .BouilLon, Esq., lu thre teovu- lu;theintot, lo iSn ietei ship ef Etciricake, virose lentdis £51orou gi- dne utat lr.-s edretci lt draiaed. a large fildbti alvirent vas ene uatihoehoîn againet her,sire iwu .t fo)r-fodÂer, nile an tire nappe aidé.,roiesset, antd retracore r chop. teii o-1Netw. Wear Noe. The lWort4'e suimay Up ho to-mia> ii ns trîlove !r»cf cour-se iL i; freui cNôrtiere point ofivie*. S At lest cn lhave t'ireseocret ar Generci- (traites laid neovements. -Tira eperartianq eut the north bannk erthtie James vere more feints in orem'r te deceivs, thdet oretsi, andi- the abject 'ras tit r nff-ctuaiby eiecoin. plisheti.,Generci Hencôck vus s'tt nko a denronstration en- the ncrtirîp4 ef the Jamesfor Lire purpose ai leadin~ robais La believe that th t Lireet-wq'rr waq te ha tranri4errcd te the viciîîity ef Fort Dlarling. Theapeint ire sectureti on the 144h irset.. wvIte afront vWhiclt ieavy> loiws couid bc struck at -the tisferîs;es et. Richmond girouldit Lbocaimo desirîshe tu d8>t4n. Lac probabiy sav .titis-cnd rein- inront ic tarebel position, aet the semae thon that reinluorcauurcnts were sent te> Generai'Iiancock, ine order to, enable bita te hoîri bis newly acqitireti grouret. <The -movaruents ef our forces were se caretully. corcaleti. however, tîtat il vas nacessary that sdietlio, shoulti hi. donc' ta develap our shrength andi detarminad i url0tsi fronit oi l'cterr'burg bcd beé-n matariailly werskened.filenca tho baavy artîliery fiir n r Wedurosday, wbicia was but leeb l>'replicdti 50for euficlent rossons. Tihe objIective point cs' carctui iv cauci. ed irro the ettenmv, sand tisa deinosî4r tioiS i ~0~-11 Htus:ck tovardlPar (>cs ;anti beyend maivrro but tended stili more te blinut the robai gonormis ix te tise reai purpose. WVhne o verything 11'as pro. pîtroti, tir A fth corps ii'ffSthrownarîrind rapidi>', ansi accomplistteti thc abject er scir.isg tire %Wldon R:tilrtvtd aimost un. nuoloal-set. No troaps ware iound -tirere te oeppose tira execution aftie MOvement anti a porations fer the saige Of Petersboirg ecprçntly-,inagurcted. It does ngt appoîr tiret tho linos recentilY secureel by the Second corps have beon surrendereti, ar tint tire treaps bave bcem vîitdrav tOe a oitirhauk ai- tire James. --ILfa representodth iet the curera is progressing iavoral>ly. hy irbicir we inier thaltIrhe duteir- mng et Dutch -gap is se0meting mare Iran a mare experimeut . Generai. Warren, upour adrancing tram tire position",' cupieti an tire Weidon rood;,nrvýt. L'ruetuy lu terce, auçi hati a severe, engage. moent. Tire Tenth corps aiea appears - te hava been*inrve inlutire moveiioent, cd lest quite bheavil>', Neari>' every eday*lest yack battles et greaher or boss magunitude vas fougirt, coneleqsment upan Lbe ctaneu- vern; of aur vsom rp, Tîtere la natbiug ai cSXrequence frein' Garieral.Shermatn. RHo!if rabn.'m urî. lu; iris mo-vemettuponIb Ae16iglitI, ced endeavein; La seurs Wristrong position- upon tire Macon rend. Earby le advancing up' 171k aleFs-gair, anti in sucir force as & 'dbtzipci OeneraI Sheridànte t take tire de4neuie. ' Gtrue*il Avéreli iras-retlred moti' M(arnsbitrg citer rotons mg tire stoêemr Éo.. a'ni' -tIre onein y bas occupied tire, place., Thei&ale'mr inslications Lit thto rabais are Oery strong,, sud tirat a, batie viils*n be foms*hL -- -'Tho noes rom Mobile istiromgir mbéi sources, and lenet vemrsrorat.l indicales that Adnltrab Farrcgtt hàd' ne, - rertove théLteattacis upon tire doeietesbk the City. An attempt was male on'tire'-. TtIî La reapture Admtrab Buchanan,-*ho" mdv bacc taken te& Peurmalmba. A reibel, terce matie a* raid upon thiretv' btwr làandnsomc-ly nepulsied. The Pirate Talslthassee iras eecap$aru, Halifax, tire gunhoat vbicir vas seu vatehh bar, having urrfvédt bottsix btrm aiten b er daparture. She la ;taat li6en-y Id reant viitbarsoever sba ma>', anai b. -& fr . tramômlestatien b>'au>' vessei er nornua.vy. ,<t villbie, intere4ti ng ta learet wby tire Navy Departmoort titi caL acuro tise attendanceofaioene Or -mor asee Haifr rn iL iraskuavu that tire pirate vaýs c aiýg in tiheber. . Stenairip -Peruivien, fIraa ier poQ, aftornoea eofte l tir,'via-Lrtoni? ! 2th, ý pisâet Fatitor Paint ai tclé>ektil aftrncn ' * . *Steacshlpsý Demeserne and Kaagaa'e, fre oaris, armlvei at Liverpool on ,-the 9th. *Steamsbip Amerlea, , rom Nov Yenk, etrriven t Southiampton onithtie Otb. Steamsirip Edinburgli, (rom Nov York arrive>' nt Quéentav n Lte mornmrtge tire 11thr. 4 At tire Liverpool A3%iÏe gesLi03 iment naineti Cunningham,. Bucranatn snd Canaj. bell. vere trieti for a beech 11rhre4i MWÉ:

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