sec ber agalu ? Ébat wiii become of US if we loue ber?, The police iospector Lad turuted his at- tention tot us et o,ùr entrance, and I spoke to hîm at once, aing,- '8firi 1am Dr.-. There lu my card, and you i sy examine My pooket bock, if you plcatte, further to uatisfy yotîrseif of My ialctily. What I want iu, for, yqu'to-Tet two or three of your men go wiîh Im* tea oumouthatreet; for 1 îhiuk somcihing bas bean Jane which il lsa s weli.ta stop the coutinuence ' 9Sir,' ,,aid the inpector; 'I1lenow yen -vcry weil. You uatîended once a relation of mine, aned unvtiagI e au do for you ahell bqjtiane iîelîh leasure.' 6'Thanli (nd, ihaî, tlîat's ail right,' seid I. I titen rocceded to tell hlm briefly my vilîtîle adreuture ; and ihen I spolie of thae hilds voire, iînploring for itm mamma lu Ileii cçllar, te young widow spruug wtards me, and lîoceiig ai My feet, exclinied,- &Olit 1sir, lu nîtercy tell trio,. lied, bail elle fair loir, darlir laslies ? IladT bail she -long faire hair ?, Mailani, I iii et sce lite child.' AndtI yut site îîay lit mine. Oh, do Dot t>>' to le'jli l e teof that hope-mn mercy It) uit. My clîild vîas stolen froin mu YsstI'r(Ily, A oh îo shaH smyilItaIttis is ualt1 iiaLut' ýChatlis 'Charle, yon lieuir ? 'luit :vIiletiiln iîua ws rc aur Mary la, 0ah ' iid'sIi )lCs-ii ou hlm.' ThIia- Llv hwiî li rlittle girl,' sautl the lîîe to ml ne-; atitilwe suspect chu baes ftlo t ito uts liatti of a reguarly or7ttt/il gtîî- ii i cltl.d kidiiltpitcrï, who lu-fet -Si. ( andi",tit .hit-ts rttreat we haveie tiyet, tIil Illeclîîgi iii(Xfthe force, btîî'îî uIla ti discaver. They keep the child uitil titi' lit, iti di]i ug ta police canot bibi îtî'm, catîtîtriz toisa lie feloîiy, antI îctually pay i htttîîsoinu t i' ofnitneyl al one orti wu clîîdieilhave dise1tperedl ('titi ytu sare Ilue lire en"i ' Sxy t> diall littve, tiutthe bc'st meu 1 havae 1' itt>. lv4l's, I wilillmuike one MYseli'. 1 eut hai pr soine short lime ont such iiti t'nîiibl., Now, my leîtr uadam, U'e liadi itiuli J llitlîy inlt ievetiti ug b1es. Arîâîeîitg -for ihat wa;tihe naine tif Ilile yýiuttgitîtte.Jfron t iingwiît nus, buit et lait Ntic Jîsuaded t hler Ici wait, and off w seti, a ratllier formiidabtle liat or layeu, lstowiti Molititýtisreei. WC Acl. LIeu thut use would talcs the finit celler hy 801-11,ind tuttit i 11eauI tilth tir furîher ouilutioi.s %%*lii' e n reihIet tht elselca a, wîticb was httiiiI *tuilttî.si tut tI lin, and heareil a i'îîfs' um c es helaw, aud thwi ît..eiîîd.o estpI, while lte police sai u.it10%t.I1 tied ou. - 'Hilila 1I lCtltera, l'tu the doctor conle baclu. I ant> lefi iiamethitgbebittd Smm." A* Ie1itict'imi ry-qIc ul unfd tcod amnong às sti gl"e lutI. lTi-n! ro lwo méindu Ilîree wounemj t ah ilitking andii îekiun attd eue oftule tîîîec tutut 'L"bis Eut ei, au, if Le bA il l> jututetîtue iti or watt gonig OUI. 1 isuc tï itttity way tnt shere tht' blautiet huriug, ant ul wiisuîî g episitul frornn ut>' enti, waiizit tt' ts1enrhutil lonttnie, I - -1The fitst t rites to jtîs tus dîts, as suî'ly nîtustIre fis a Gît!in lt sîett.' Ahînoi uLit tesasinet motment, thue super. inîcuidînt sud tli olice came cliering downt hte citiru s ibte ceilar. One fel. law Oniy uilee an~'oemuenl towariis mne, Lut lue recoileti fromth& mo- euule'of lte pis. toi Itul I bcid L,îweeds hlm, aud in lois tîtha a ntamcRui, te7 vase &il car Flalow meé,' 1 ér~ied ; folaow me. Tite pristîncrm were ail handuttied, se thai nmte pîuiceînuti isR sufl'cicmul îe talc, cane afi itetît,-and titi' emainder dasheil djwi îLe ttaniow )Laýag8 wicb termiueuc-d lu tba.ce!iar, whttec ay the desil hous'- breulhet1 lîbat iei.or -bi% forturitesJil noe tieut .lnue ; autdl t i onteinigdowu tLe aiber tuatiliet, 1 rave avuucd ai' cition amuivwe iii riladwntuhe secoti pasgac;e, vii h ti, ju wi libc eccaiected, gone flrst inttalisytistake.' WCe talk,'d carefuhhly sud ehowiy, utiii by nid of tus police aitietu, vo came Id anotiter ctuvering fan 'a doer'wey. Alil wu stihlanti I ilew lut ssýde, uhle the police bld thlIithg front thusir amterts, by lurtiiug tLe ilaek 'Side ove the butl's eoe. lYat s sighi met nu>' eys 1 '5I Sleepin,, or deud il, uapueraepoai' dl ragu; wtt a beauîîifuh nîilI, whlte hartging cicr lieranul iavittg l olf the lonug trou. ss of Lbe tutiful isuir, vas tesaine Mau wbom I bail terrifîil fsy înîîving the corps cf teitou-seesker tuivuardî hlm, The aId hsg she liaI finît invimed ie uc lto tbhecl- lue, vashitadhtg e alighî te hlm. 8 1 tellye,'luho mutuèeoil; I Lad botter cut beribeot t auonce. Tbere'sa aLue mund cry-about ber.' 4 Nùt wbhe 1 Inouuw il,' co ite cl va. muan ; vo are ebihdsteaîers, but I viii net Le a childItiluer. 1 once bail a uitile ose of iny owu. No, no-yooushll nôt~-yon date nta.' ireenol?' ho urewied. Dace îlot Il cree 1, vitb a about, mas I dasl irto the coulac. ; i SalI, by G-I' died lte ruffian and wiititone sweep of iis agrn Lebueied the kirifo ethe bnecet of the nnhappy vaman Iu an insant bo vas, poune upon sud borate down by ite polile, alîbougb le ut. tempte te meut loupelaIe resistance eîen againtibothefearfiti oduds opauied ta ias. I Lad grasptei lite child 10 get ito-at cf tLe way ai' theo molet, aný s glance ebewed' me thati 111 little creatut e d falatel, pro- babiy iram ubeer frighl'. The inspetior, after the tans thalugs a s taiton, seut fer e reini'qrcemnemt ai' police, and the whale nu-ighbobootud wvacon ia -*stete cof confusion mand excitement. Ih wu I, Lowveer, wvta Ld tLe satsfaction cf placiug luntte arma oi' Mrs. Armutrong ber ebil, -for i-vas utIle Mary vhoum 1 1usd rescued -frona the baud cf Ibat mti awful reprahate, who e8hor'îly aflervards expiatel bi& crime a c etho e caffol. I elieîe ibis adieoîore gaie quit. a den ' h.blaw for a long P éiod la the Pruc. lices cf clilil uealiug, whicL 1ud resu7llje. céie slicst a ecience. IN iTitEPRESS. 'TI SHBUIIN CASE, -et81k yensexplpsmia pf Muiterial tire - luCanada. Aý&. JIIOOL STTEENT GILBERT PERGUBS8ON, Enq.9 W ISrAIRS BALSAM aP 0:4w HALF A CENTURY, .-P Wlth lte maSttilsbtug soocosancufntg IWCoughrs, Colds, flcsrsenesu, Bore TItroantliuen:uI,Wopau CougIt, Croup, Lîver Complaînt, Bronu chaicu, Diflcuif'y cqBreaiL- log, Asttuuuaua_6pd every The Throat Lungi and Choit Titere 4q pearcehy otii udiviii- UalRIt Int eamututtity Wwh vtl- iy epeauies, duting e aiSsmon, froin & suttîe ans. ltut'ct'tr iiuitly le- of luitta'lite tans Kympttoitq - lu uueci of wliieliî nlgitt ual 10 te it ilrtîil, aadl ut tte ho clnieuîe-utl ilsemeinlu e whloe ettsgti 'ia ypower ai' tit iuiciguili',f'0f1iW lfii C'herry 'frac user tuls ohîusccof 5.~t~ niuutthtiuts h yl kutowvîtso - greut ii tie gl iit as p1ttnNmm tdnd otie ntît t li ptpttlitrty il lis utiqiil. laMi prelltal;e;îetion, liidex hefirt i f the i U tîerfse ara.ttht iuel si Otfhdr iuigu'- J",* ttuti o/ikietaut, uu., inoau'$t5îà sva/lte tor t(ti).i'l uu g yJ/iedy iut'tu tué yuiîm fa P, hî.t A, ta 4iu atîl ' ue ia-,leî..e- it' 4i lt e- tier mswdcitt ef ipl et'tiered. Certilcette fram L. J. Racine, Eusq., cf the Mîseryn. Mtisi'uuîu., it. C., Oct. "., I1858. S. %". Fttwho & t'a., totîstît, irti utif et-'r(.tiit-sfrein tlistiut f UDr. Wisar'v. t Iluti -.1i W il itiu'm~, ItunttiItltcl tto x sittegctuntitifiettue afititit ità ct!et% ima fitlivt-tn.l ttiiz iseneeti niuiiate cmtttzli, ne voeili ;e u lauttO uit n lte sitle. iti-cli lil ui't e e Ititis, su tiier fmii1 i i ljter. Ii i t-tilwtiens iuiiutsitcents.i trini~tsuy. tuti -o s n tiun'nivui. I titI1 idtitli alk Itut e t tînt p- ut ui tut I uett r t teitr frotte tii' pni f tel 'ati i t lieil mesu cuCjl ti e>trtiiitotu. l. At liiti tîi 1 iitie t iti rte le titu !luttu r io wl-ti ilt I tfo u itttuu titIi thettilte it5t î< te ýýttk i t-itili ' i Wt tut uuîy cîtînt itii tite itahippc't resulis. i ettu cur ii c:kiiei uttiiattni t " i te Il atiti wle1tir 1u i h tite,- h sc1.bu rîii u utîtiii' i t ciilentltc ettticsutt Nue ep liuilu niemis tiui l . llU'ou î tir W -i-e ti'V iy,&C. lia 1tlf 1i -te r. 1 M Q o ONEY TO LENi)! i c:. Vil .~ t ~ -~ ~ - ci4 ~'~w' . z ~ ~ -~ ~ c~ ~ k -~ ~ r -' z oi~~a "W"- o ~-~'- ,lc ~ Vil lb 2 v.a ~ ~ V t 5> - m - ce- N ZYLOBALSAMUM, The greal unesînalld PrepamaUons for Restorng, Iuslgaratfng, Beauttfy. ltedwr I#n , lsuutvky, jIu lt gasy, sa dispcinghIl te reisimit nnyIe, fiituitos'; quekfy cieussit tie wa atturrtint i Sic rou qwsa r tbetg à e lUssl an tiru t felIott cîitM.itheIAtllr. ht NEIEfi FAIlà le resioe e fAiT HAIE fi its OrilniouthN c olo«. IT 13 NOT A V .- Buti titi ditre itti te rnmntb li t . aib,« t tiSSu thé * l'.ti'rsl ltueetfct-ttttttt eitti5 lo(nuuirtilc tt5im rtslity sani hus- "'ioattustlm tIi auititt Soir, M T"hJî.Ottreaw yur. 0 à IO«Ml' gsy, andiifcling, I uedsa . A.. i*at"s Woeld Iteir nItieit nsesig te dutthii>1t5,Mdt" OY hat la cuueul ta tus ate! hcli«, sed bu. sUW i'The Zylohtstsuucum I1itars fitanth# beOsot sud ao gmhaibleln.sîetcg 1f5ayeiferUSd. lOtic L.ADIE AND CZrJLDIW Wbo Itea. eIniauires keçtua #t sugî 1* byo»m=m u squat. iScIA by nlib *ffubIt U*.WPiI UINtCtIAL *Amk ornes 198 & 500Ceosa 1 I I ___________ SSlb Rice for1 1 O0r for SIbs. of Botter. JAMES BhtOOM, Schofield's OId Stand. 'The suhscribers hav e on h)and thieir usutil large and varied stock Of 8HELF AND HEAVY BAR IRON, SALT9 PLASTER, &c. They intcnd sclliîîg at much REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASE, OR AtPPROVED 1IREBITWf They beg nost respectfully to itiform ail parties puireha.sing on crestit titut, on -v-comut of heav-Y lbuses sutain. éd dgtrnnth ie pasi iltret' years, on 1rotlisop operqtionýs, the'y muttst Itsist oui settiieîntandielpusymnefl acf ate-ottuts on sit October itext, t!teiu rînrticr oeduie. From titis date aIl1 parties pîîreitaeng on eredit, are re'quetci to hear in utinil, tilat ail aeei)uitA antd notes tîut be met witlt pune'tuality whett dlieuaud pybl.YÂRNOLD & Co. WiIITJl3Y, Juumt 21, I64. - -0- Ail iparties irudebted to the latut firrii of Gib.son, Yanuild & C't., I)v book rmeuut note, or otîteuwise, are ne' quetoteil to mtke an itimdatmilu e uslement of theur indelîted- iues.s ; antd ail such :enotus1sasqt dite, aîîd rcunainiug tunsettied by lqt July nlien wilI be pLaecd flbr collection. YAR!NOLD & Co. WITIBY, Jtue 21, 1864. 24 SpIèiidid Sommer Goods!1 FRESII ARRIVALS AT "THE PEOPLES' CIVFCAS TR. (NI& BIGELOW'S NEW B UILDING.) r3200-GREAT IBARGAINS IN «M .Sugar-Olbs. for $1 Rice-251bs. for $1' Best Tons, Good Green & B lack frorn 60C A large stock of Mens', Ladies', and Child. rens', of superior make and finish. Good Mens' eau at $3 25e. S8CHOO0L BOOKIS@ A1 caret uIIy' and weli seleeted stock. tionery of ail kinds at remarkably Iow prices. Sta-1 1PLease try i' The Peoples' Cheap Cash Store" ? House-keepers wiil find what a saving they wiil effeet by doing so. 31. l. COCHRANE. Whitby, June 1, 1864. 21 0f the best quality, at a very Io'w figure. latby, Jnly,,1868. HIAMSè BACON.. POTATOS, And Feed of ail kinds, at ýWhitbl, Jane 1, 18" - . Pure Winces & Brandies].8 For Medicinal rurposes, Very fine, in bottie, $4 per, doz. Family Grocer. Xe 9 LAÂri DoNovAN. CVALKiv & co AND) MANUFACTURER 0F 33YVCkMIMIS, à Blc>igla, OVDZYWPMIML0S, d :ýirHAS R MOVED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, 13ROCK STREET, WJUITBY. Offers the following STYLES 0F CUTTERS, ~z Canadian I>aterît Front, RollingSe, Anierican Jumper, Tw-eted PIeasur'e ~I eighs, Portland C(iters, -Bob S1..igh s, Ail of whichi he is selling at Gi, ai y RedutcerÎ *1,-îce8 for Cash or appîoved credit. Soine very nucat CeX.RRAGES, open and cov- ercîl, which will besold very low. Two good second.hand Gigs and two sets heavy Bobs, WiIl find excellent and con venient accommodation. Within a 'Few Yatrds of the Public Hall. Private Parlors JCHARGES NO [lIGUER THAN TH3E OTHER HOTELS IN WHITBY. JACOB BRYANS WLé MANUFACTURER 0F ALL KINDS 0F HOIYIEMIADE FTURNITURE Offertfou sale.s. very large'snd excellent assotment cf SOFAS. BUREAITS,,LO{JNG ES, BEDSTFJADS, Tables, Wardrobes, Climats cf Drsvere, Lcokîîug Glasues, Book, ases, Mattrassos, Par- ler aud Drswing Roana Chtins, Racl<iug Chairs, Office Chairs, Cane-seated CLairs, Toilet Tables, Touel Stands, &c., &ce.. lu great varlety, sud at grestly reduced prices,. .Warrauted teo be tutocf tfie Lest mateniai and workmashiip. B rspct'lli nvites -an examinaîl i' b O= Evei'y article lu manufactuîed under Lia ovut superintendence, snd can be dependel upon UJPHOLSTERY IN AL [VS BRA.NCIIES Calianad comüpare, sund-Le aatlatled before yen go elsewhere f FUNERALS PULLY SUPPLIEDi Autd-everytbîug Inuthîe Undértakiug bine fa b. hel en tLe ahorteu;t notice. CeUHnsklept coeustantly on baud. WARE ROOMS, No. 4i, Jrock Street, and No. 2, Eolborne Street, WbL tby, O. -W. ' . -T 1 rT éJ. - Imm IL Saves Tui, Labur, Iltes & Money IPf isesiriltiiiittnrmîtîîWi.' fuîîaihu' plitlc tu cîîîuî le-t tîtîttu oteis f feittîttu, n.titîi s t r uessi. ru'. uii ~id îtutti, hîttu ss tttiu r ,îutîetîme îu e. lu wi lWeasr for y'ers wilhîuut repair. No iServant cut breik it. A child i'igi a 'irm oahIeau oporacte st. Nocntoen or %kili reqtuirî'dhaunits use.. It caves lIcacoqtîun CI ailiuugeverysitue or iwelve mouiba. Every Vî'riauger wilt.-Ceî.Wheels ý.s IVarraniedin luevery panlueuliur. 'The t.nincmcutl Wriiuftoer hetaFIRS'I PIINNIUM, a Sucver MutIlai ilIipicîttt. uit lte New l'ork SttuiFauir, 1862, tamIdsvts prit- imutmiîcesmpcîerior tla iiiliers lut tho e d'm Fuir ut i.ottion, I152. Canviasgers Wnnted lut every Town In Canda. per*014mis ,init ~wliere tiître is u't Cniuasser appoituteti, ns ncmtltittig terpriceli t is shall reins lte Wniutg-toc uy Yxi css, -e-paid. W. H. CIIILDS & Co., HcmniIt'n, 16-Sut fîsisral Agnts.4 ALEX. MARON, Agetult, %Wiitby. Queblec Government Agency estaoseconupoctolwith lt CROWN LAND sud otlteî PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. sîtoudol te. Aiso WAJTIwvS Wq 7Thirwvzvwg Secureil by the coubsenilier. Addîes prepall B. J. CiESLEY, Landl anti General Agent, Na.2101 AnnoSîreet Queboa. ilarch gril 13.55> DO-CTOR DAVIS, contltues t'otreat S"pIllu euud alter Di. seses or a privaie, - . N as tiu r e, At cornOdseosr qf Bar assi Aie deSte, lis taira.) Eafnaeeéon Aeie sSi. ffe Las devotstil yoenta the'recLtmootof tse variatus form cf tLe Venereai Jisseae, an,! hy bis pa- cllar Pr- 'eei.s cf' eeiing Ia. wcect et ai e ar miubduein lu soÎnpsrelîvalyishort lime. secoder yphiis%, onetteel ly se -y e.P o* u nuite au bcoeffectuai- lyc ida infilliblo remedios. 1 mcon tnwbo bave fuioes)victimp e trtu Icifts o fs aiiusulniuranSel-Ahtu, eau recoins tumedisato relief hy apiylng Le Dr. Paits l mIsdisltance treneei hy let-ter, uini medissins euent sny puai'of oauntry eu ce- eip ofa's een cle ifee. Versons vhshlung tie onssîilt e Docor cens asstietalte. ius b>' opnmnt. Alsîce ires -w"-eu o*aitius!nt lte office. Ail ietterstiot- Le aidrexsed, (pact.jsald,) 4.. Davi.. MîDT n.'ttraui5at. 0.W ... ad ota.i.. MACHiNE ('%«NE ai' ae ispatent Fiax Seutchiug« q) Muteites, utanufeured -ah theur vonk, Beitast trelcuîdThe machine cou haoceeu ut ths wilmahuouss ai' B. E. Ferry, Ei Prt Wluîtby.-- .. Applicatiaon, (if b>' latter prepelul,) u ea.aL niale tu -î- your eeetc onut', braissfrc clans vhtber a] Piekring Fel 14ew Qrom.y and Provision Store, Di 1 FOR SALE5 - fHIl stt bai' efLot Na. i inth ie 7tit Cuit. ai'ofMua, CaunV oy arioitni adiîîg 100 acree. For pitticolaîs uply£if hy lettertiretfaid) te solititors ï&e' Taranto. Eeb. lei 1864. e-tf. STOVES! jCJijP Rflj1ANEVYR T IIE TLARG EST RTu>CiK A ND1) 0îEATEST Variety lu Stnes, Stovo- Fuiriiiiutee, Tin- wnrù, &c., eu t c eatuit tui sStarseai1 te undcrsigttt. tocos îtf avcry styleansd tiiiit itI I I Prisas. Ttpputi uwIelrtSau &I & 9 14A ? A - X419a V W bas beesi îtrnhuîcod aiuutmgst atliter ariies. THE KING 0F 87VOVE&, JR'ON DUKE, GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALIIEST, DAVPT CROCET, PRO7'ECT1ONJST, 4c gw"Cuil anId Fot. WILLIAM BRYAN. Whiiby, Nt-rclu 2, 1154. S'iy TUE UNIVERSAL . The only Wringer eith thte COG-WHEEL EUAO THOMAS LAWLIit,' rta JAME$ JIOWE, 18-f.Wbilby. - AGENTS WANTED,9 ýIT $78 pur mnith, sud expeus pjistut Isali ourUNIVERSAL GRAIN SEPARA- TO>R. Appiy, post paid, snd stanips for re- tun e C. P. CONOLLY «b CO.,_ lO-Iy.Cîtmpteliford, C.'W# RICHARD SNOW4- BAKER, CONFECTIONER, &o. so, 3lm cYV70>- -To Brook Street, Sotîithai' Blackett las!. Wlîîhy, dol>'t 1 66 . flrooklin -Drug store. DU EAL.ERt il, Irlle, patenît Medicineç,. .L) ititi, Oil, Dyo îîts Confection- er>', &c. gorge *. Cat(leMedicnealrnrson lund lirtiokllin, (". W ,16.25 FARM_10 LET.- l C O P .1; E", oMpnisîin tg lie ?Tôrti-haif 10cf liii Nu 24, Iii lthe trd cotctelon of tueiutt-thip if %W littty ;-Excellent laud, Wvel waîtere., tandl l (witiîli tse actilorcfa Aise, i te Lo titart t fLit No. -24, 'Iilthe 4th couitemlcsit iotaTît)ssiip t Wiitiîy arn. hrîniuitte fild, andti c'onprisitt a té<&veli tiraltîsîl it-ililtvt Wei~itt i sl cnt li fer lin(mte to'ttf ptii re. A tri'rte.wili t-e ivcn VPt a citilittieu tetîtîtît 'týll lill nuit htfaruts. ApjIly te, TIIOXAS DOW-ý WI.ity, atret 2,Wiîilby. BIYNSlATTC1ýNt DAY'S e--COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! Kiw tiret , T,,rntte, C. W. Firit door East of JJ'e8loya-iBook Boom. E#~All l) le' cutitietihtiw l it BUAer Si SIRTON &('()'A clt,îltt -of lut'rttiotin tlue larget ecies ielitee s t un iCanda. Demssgn. yf'tuuî i ri 11114 tit i t;4 P i .te a h lerîîcîîîi-Itîlth lu- fte ('01;t.ePonýe r fort mattcinii tuieur ewtî ittlie,ttwiît1.siteti sud Theureticnl Dppitrimefil. lIt thlc uepatitrmneti stle(Ilts r tfi tonuch itistnittit iil'Dtible ,0n it k. tîit, t' ',tt'.t',ittî'tî't cii 'nnrtc l tav. Pr!iitctlDepsurtmpnt. îecsm. Ettu i tli ttî ltu nt u ieittidwlit tii. tne- i't>sc9ar ' Vtîtutîtîtîl tif ttuaipQrelttt liseisîi- ttttt. i'.it' ti 'ii.tittit Su i i til cle mercItem:. - Uustc, t tat, eti', 'Nia Ba3.tiks titis' witich elîai.stlie t1 tîdelit te,î.fl.eki4u CO'ttuei. t1tu iraiutitil t ler itetismittel. dtaltttito s genîti rtit riit. Expf.euia0c1 re Tuhtiait, Texi Itor&k, imît i îlc E Tri. Ftfty fîttr tiî,ilitrc. ltlittil S$tuf" ('tienremy, ar Forty.- utiti(4,tri îit I Iiî itt.. Rpaiautrocum andtLibrury. y't't i ttu itl dhidies _ptiectIt.tnzec iisutr- ttt1iý wiillite e sumnte.i-with a Ctrd ortd tttiisiotl te t lite Btdint Ruoain d Liir. ary oi the cTita'ittlts. Reterees. î't.i. Murray, Esq.,- ti'Moftiiît, Muray Co., A. kt. -tticMceler, of metugsîmtr îNe. .îie-t; Thomase (-1Nt-cer, B.q,,C. E, tea Eeq, t Johnt Macdoaldità &Co. ;(George MieItilet (Ca. -Aent Crotîkw, Fait. ; Huil. . I.Cunternu. TOromitO. rentne Buchantansi, y*. . . . dAui Brown, Esq.qIRichaurdi tion, Esq., limiltos, ]ieida rincipel. anti Chif Insrnetor in t'te Tieory acndI> rietic oai'Acdoniît-Jmnee Tesciter or SpeneerlennPatnli- Lectureru nn Commercial 141w-Il. A. Iar~ rixon Jfsq. B. C. L., Paite, iir; Robert suili4 yan. cMAfrnît. senti for CatalicUetaud lelter (euoiug $av'en cents.) Atddnîtust BRIYANT, STRATON & DAY. Toronto., The Colebrated G flfln PURTIES cults, bruià it,, fraut bite., ru i*YlSg m/oes, aud ail kindu of f eeea woonde. - lu lu lthe AgreesiremedY leno'Wu for heallng ail kindà ai wooud, endocres immm sand bessl. Tho reinedy le infi.tiible for relflevig bass suad cattle suffenIng fronîpainm. Fraie Ihotsanda cf cestîmoutîsie n as te m efilcactO>cf tiiOiu'iauabîe reom dy, lthe fallow- fluc have beeun selpoted: III taveosed youur ail the lastsix yeurs, and cM eathlld hât ILis i-equailed or eslig otite,--sud cnîlmîg frost-bîges. Ils efi.Sacne