Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1864, p. 1

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biattliqw 'Xofy - 4 q o IRE WtiIB -CHRONICLE 19 >ti#ILItuttaliONt TUE' MUglIItio r W.il. IIGGINS, l3'.x" Sret.Whithy. fW'eet lDuar bu tise RegilrY Office. TERMS $1 50 'FER ÂNNUM,! WVith cale Printed worde, Mrat !honghts and untiring industry, 'we nzuvatr PencePrare, eIate lnathenlaoei. ADVERTISEMENTS! J'vol'. viii. A i, l t ut i l'rir"d tiitt'e i'tie of'9PCetIlpu t. ut ttot tli. <"Itl ptrtri 'îî,l S1ti it l îit<tr tttt . le it ItI'trtidCr"t it the 'titr. 1. BANK OF flROOKLF< JZoUSE. 1 Cý> CAL!, AND) SEE SANDYI tit' t.oiel ti'ettBio,,tt"ittiitiuitie i al t ili. : rivi I.uI L'îo tir r i, .itC uI1 i iu iir , iiiii. coi, i,'tuutzi.ict It i i~L tII. suit 'tilt'. kî'm"îtrrrit V.IL. l N Ilinnrti'. VA Il E -1-t I>'N A h & cIfbl6-AIEX. liEltIE. Lt.uitu' Illeui rP oe, tttlt to t..WIreî il. utictn' lHall '&t, Ou X1hîliu>. . CO i It ' l' I i-l. A t', ttNIhE -B'i c'i Sititi Wh 'i 013E 11tTt'.I t1w~~i- iltu'. wv.l' t .Iti't -4 PSttiN T ,P - - .1 " - Nroico tu Fa.r... orit and Othorsil ut tti ii. t t tii ' 'lrtt'. ~'uttii ittttur. it 'e"r' i u, ir- tn2îtn (1.n. 'n'r î:.i. I ,lNo tie'uctu F nit îîtir.ttanduit h tit '.'ttii *u cit'tt,. uni"'i..Wt'! it.. 47 -Itt>li"J XhtN M. 1e! o 1-;l Il tov r . , ,iý1, B UEIoriII..tîîuW, 2 îîz 'p 'iuun.tituu. 't tiîî CCi l .0li>O"4C-fîC ... A il i N!Y XlAiT 1 'V 't t11t'1'1ttE i" <iJ. il V IEt (i4 EW')Oa t.l' I"îî'îî'îî'i un'12 J. %V. BR.iWII.liOWN, cI i'l mrhu< (li liittt. X L'îîîîî t. lî. ii S'î.îî il' . mni' ) . il, . t.:l "t 4 . *.u.;Iuîitr liti(J. Ne 1 1. -'. -i R. W (i6U<.X. 1). il'! "uur" t, X iitî. R. J ~NI.n J L 1) Il 11, î&et.A&c, (1 REN -STREET, JOHN ME'rCALP, RIOBERT 'BARIÇ. A. FLUNGLE, ERIfTANT TAILOR, BlbOCl< STILEET, 17 OUIt DIUIJOIN' R) CYTMR.VNT.-C-,iaer of Vurk anid Ex- pAîltttteitt strûut;' 'Toronsto. Roroilimttnts Th1OI1AS IHUSTON, rp 0WN qLlàïIK &cIi tIASVTIEU tWIIITIIY JOSEIT 1DICICEY, C LEIlRt0F 1IOIiRTII lDIVIION CIIJT, UXInridiee, (uItVey4110r, cIta., UXInridge. l1c NJ NTItEuiL I0OUSEt M27l<.itg st, Wegt, 5 11Y JOHN1,1t. WARWICK. VARS là PETERION,. T3 fl .4ATC4 ltVeoftixto,Oehawre, -~~ntiIuouun) eAoin tIy QPPe fl lren. t "e e '7 e ~ - A. AT.EX.tNÙF.1. 11. .1 c titi hîî. 2t Il . 1 t1".. ST A(G}FI 0U.SF, %A tC FENT(IN, B ES-T XX'ltiie 'itil~îî' tîî ictt f ii tt ' ..'i'-I C-r* ; Oit . IbitittLY it ne ie I l u u t 1 kg "",v M 1VI-1, TIl . retirt.utpatnttufte' ' i'i utiitit frtir tîtln . î;îo Iuî'î'îîîtîî,.îî t ,.r't tr ei vul!nrc. h(110J tlîttîitgcmtt4t' t t t'icstert.22 NGO1'('l'RIAN 11IrEL. l't i l I-9 I' îT :"iu < 1îî CANTON 10TEL.. W. ('lI'iiRT R<I'<E 1hlT)'L. J 11 LA~~î ît~T. i vt: FJ TUiE NON. 1. 1it' ntir iite! 01t I r l f;'~î~ i4to'biltîîe tit i iiatten'itive I tetl<r. GrUn fIlaTinkitîuihvny lViîeb.) <Çîtkî' fJliiitiI'i 'ti, Pr 4t4v wi T p uiiriîi ii %i. til II. l em, t f' i iiiiigtr--el . î.,w tir (ii ' . 11 iirg Iti e t tir f , iiîi' lige utWýr'iîer lr 'ot i r F, t griiii tcikti ' ,tlte'illz andttrî iiri t t nt ih t r "' i. iii A'lA ME'i PîtîNImi8. NO W 18 TUE TillE. GEt Vitît IKF?i A J. A. Ciark'ps-lnl PrIze Picilire Galleiry 'IF, îiieqIre uaecorrect sand *iîfp.dIk- ilke Trang4fer. tir me ilonoiq- i e Lavke), Itr(yeh or Rin&', for J. A.V.ti'douit lo i teige ethtd4o Auit et lort notice'. WILKlNittîNiý TLOCIC, 38 Ilruck ik~rtîu Xkby. GEORGE CORMACK. T UM EII MiWIA Ni, Carpcenber, and -LtJutîaoer.G roon St. Wliltby. A lerge quan. tity of'îll kindn of'lumlteroonatantiy on bhand. U NI) E4 R T A K 1 N G. mitTERALA fathiv eiîplliel d tttet4dedaI ii tit ice é0ileoiept eanutminty onP bond, srs10bn n ioaitre Ggo 1G E CO RM ACK. W hitby, Feh Sth,1892. 4-y Whitby êUÂIDRILE BADv HEabove Bad. (empnratoly or lieter.) ';arc pteprecl to$tarn 1 h M18, ezç? liaî Seipe, Hqp, Cu<re1B1 -, Ie. itretýe, Foi ternie and *ngaarnta eddre- UXURIUtlGE Inous£ T RE sUaR~LBIcîwRETUNING TU , theIiiiinex O-te t arildci 0x1by lue lnti 'tcV6- 'ZxéàiÈiù h19 id e- boi'.2ar, àeî4 the - ethlcg;e4uhdly, - 4 d ilnmdIu;o , az4mn WHITIBY, ., W., T'I'ILJSDAY, AIJGSJJT1,184 COMlIERCIAL UOTJIL, P ~ I E 1XCEI.LEN"l'iiteoinondstiti,n fnr irai'ollerg.AS U N E CO tomibtî4eling ml 1i tttertiîltt h)tlt ro C. B IAIHXD MfPEE'r & iEllAiiîNci; CROS, TERRA.PI& RESTA URANT, 149 Rng 'cbrert East. ES'fl4BLISHJED IN 1782. ~Jts t rtt'tinl.p'or Express, eot tinenbîto t u'.T a e!uttt'i, tti'ietîloitt of NIt.EbiEMoF'ATT &CtO., Aguiite ttîfo t~ltXhE E 'Iit'KN'iQL'AJ.,SNII>E JAES IAVISoN. N')tniigt.. ['t î'tîr "uî't!~u', X iI! Du1ct aliut SlIELL ÀND CAN OYSTEReS,! Q ilT E 1B E C. 1 5 unmed iîc'rOrr.. ( 't'Ce<tfully Ccapricej the ir fri ci.tthta t.ttfi ttriilt. Iliant lîc't'line ta tîte ,viîitor, witich'lt nthl il tmitew 10vto i 'tenta) Cii' 'ttifrg ft f Iwe Azi-lîtiru, tati the ,Tnt. "'lî lîii P htll' t, itieirncontcdno . l addiîtaltt itu . r î tj% 1,1~. ,1 am l ,,.a i tu h 1- v eiîtr<'ire sii l u d-rrintn lt a itt' '" - tir tntf ie litel. WluICîI. tir t'nîîîfîîrî eit 'ît' .'ttti r n'fr li: 1u'iv' lte ritit' WMll. TIUSSELL & SON. Qetti e InX ro~il 1 41. il0. 1Il 0 N l 0 T I ER. Ng>rtil rili.c mmd Yftrenniîî Pire & Lifo Insuranco Com'y. ThIttM %S DOW. i .ik ,fAqltC XX' lilttiV, t'itupt. 7, 1442. COLLEC TION & CO~MMISSION ('iitll1' 'hOSmnîde l'ttr !ttNtci., er. 'i (t t;.A,'luil 1' f a uiitik'c t i ti.tr 'i'dN> iiiî'ult i iu. AUt.î i.ti' t re port tri .) & A t'Xiif W i...i tintIier r lis Lah .'rc t Ofiit'iri XX 'lut . tut tte lti THE ROBSON HIOUSE, Itilvi>.ts *TREE'r, WUirTIJIi, . W. Ir'--thie itentt.ing f"m'negrly k'iri t o P 4 :i ttuttliu)m îtt e I ilt tî.il rtuel . an1 Lieti.itttei toruttu g'. ltnnrd $1 p'ýr day. agORZGE ROHSON. Oshawa Advertjsements. WI'LLIA.131TEMPEsT, . . > K EN0 STéET, :3IIAWA,CJANAJiA TF. LAMBERiT. %il.t bLI àettîl lIZA JEill- Ki n<'Si. Ohtuur. T etnoutu ute t' i trenu'ltthe betiet cyte H i. FAIRBANUIs. S AIONOTAUVI IJu,l,u &0t. &o. LYNIWA MLlss L L il.. A'IT.îRN£i* AT L , linut(!iman- fi,eCi?'., "!ou'aevancer, i.'e. tnmitani It. tIuOmti* le <Post Officeo, t 'icavu. 47 GEORGE (;UR7uEy. ERi tANT Teiltîr, Drapor dre., Kiug St. IieithCimi's'eisriie tjt step in thue bect Juci rerte.i'te 't t? ltîtf-ii..guel, for Ppriag -carr. Every cetitie Warrtt.ct.Nofti, pay. No Il! n TfNtidÀitXN(hetrentutL ti c' PtE etc PA cl I 'ID 'ititrttit ret'erieo uti t ieIBoardi YEIII(X?'lGIB'4eN, 1NSIJRANCE, J# ibe tilri r eîl lrt tu e luuuiei ~c 77w, Edicnbnrgle L'if£ Assurance Compny The Livcrnaui tand London, 7%/e Muonireal Fire Insurunce Coampany. ?Yoe Pruvtnciiiiuisurance Companty, thttirn N v e 1k ft ,1oct'.. 4'rn, .ilgt ' nlieha ntrof Aeniot17upsy rtîio lIIrlttutPr ie tider iitii lr rnIi'e cîtir r. fi'ttut. tîu r '. W 1titrt Ai) V ERi'SIiNm ENTI' Re'yfsl, flrhluluAmu'nlen, nnd lter. poai nmid Lotidoui Assurance (omip'iu'us Etttint'Ittg . ~ 'f21)î Milii of d4 Plîuîit. R l? Ii/ rS 4&201000-,000, lu- le t.ttit 'îuuîu t i'.*2tt, Wut il; 1lie t. l'en !fi ai' oiete rtz-lt fti .i r.ttti u J()if '9A GNEI, 42 Vie "tunpreutj e', Aget i t li P.y. WE STERN OP TORONTO, C. W. CAPITAL$, - - 400,000, BIERNARDIII JALDiN, Esu. A l?%,fil]hii0 L t. "i dt e t m c o ntt t î o s 0 1 l'u' t. t e i . lty u i t reit it'ti till ,tuiit.lwa li ' ly UIe To ,ihCuitiu'it tiîiiei'i I t crhie'n r c tri i ,i t r. n tii'"itlr.i"ti.i licetti,t terhtleitt iii Il Il Welei., BRITSHtMAs MIANt EXPRESS COMVN Y! OF'F'B'..ork 4trftc,: Wtjiîby, itext docr A<ertt au-n for the :ý*r Montrent Ocenmt mteItqisp Coepany, an-trur te u Iguw latte Sleiieret. bitlhmy, Aîril, 15 )1844. 2t) rp tlF abselor lah flit rtiir0'Jie tulnk* Lfmceatvor't, liioe-C ii iattn'ite inliCtul. tltIs tif tlisTownît atil etrtuttligctoutri', ,tilat hd wilil hon a'vi. ttend b sli "r den., eiitriusgeto us t.ore'. Teehi ttterecitt Glti ~lve tr Vuicetiized 'retî tleI r exti'tssted lit the beit positible ~ (lnerl Cltin Chldne tre'el. ,AIl vurk wrI 'antit. thortomt itiçe. uf tio heslqitrety noterlal ii te meteet cltylesl. WND8OR'S QIJDRILLE ANP AiT urortecmSe repon thne 'preinîses. t t SpnngJiip nufueleoqumliy ~ADDUEM ingrea nirlot-ne i,1' motiei. . 1WIR RAXWBNDO.' 'ts iehm tent c 9bot t ttit.e- i kpt eROki;awsTI tnxàEU ht h~y oiriBR4S A 8hîffer eqiods :r>'n< .! xau ne llom 1% f7the bcm__________mil________a awt&tl ant sattteudus Cli, 'ant tbwt EtR ganes., ~and RU btATCf() SALESnor fj & Valu S hrp C n ýf1bl e p t hît asg ý 'é et t he taId WhtyMenhiOi..ut .1 . '.19 heéi,(dmleJ!i tbuAt4d, t i 9i-oie4iýsdY~soifa 'tpivq, toper e4vjyeA lu attc uT n, ladilld BaLffIm PJLMON BTJUGGy for SALE, X (nerly foi <or e ieat e) 'tpi>' tu ~ M. O DtNOX XN,_______________ 4,trrtcttt' it luittio rei, Xitb:..', îiii ottltgiic liîe iesini Wli'rt i tlin iatzy tu"Y'beceti. '23 18 tthe ljttnks et the Beetîbu iRiVer, ApprenticeWanltedl, ty l O l tr l) t iiti et l.t 'i 'tr.tii t"eî N lil , UY20t 1S64. ti'Ttuor.. tiigo-ttir , teeitt Yhi itite , ue 'tittlfttl trcmti - __________________ 't.X ii n tititt I do 1t1>11 tu î; tt t 1<10a i t Ir cuil H1arrias E xtraordinary Light- Iliteitetttle ottoiht'rr. Tuiese lireot tmieneedayctto' tIi> îer Itt.e ing Gallery, V'iluutieIetîîî'itîî ntir -J (~ 1 A - 1 ~ irestiul~tiolegelc cr eîttgtin 'r yr iWien'Yeill'A RIieli frigiottfle Doco-mbere ixey were, "%,uId tit lrîds!ti > orn n i 1111 tttwi l'teltlike tlir, .1'itliv JiIl,,fotr &,bl ile, Olit Whîtt more Of' tilieworld ooeld oîie wite;lî for beetldo1' As %vu gaeot en the river iemrnled, MiT wu lhurd oý we lancetî, its rnieicni tubfi SAm 1h fIowell tlrongll "è .ge,o-wy 0fgolti. "Jotily .liiie,l then 1 ceid, 'lot une littgor na more Oit tt1 ït 'enkl eoof hébçitiul river. Lot flt-,Ibout tbo uiinioureîl, aid hl infflod the 'Agil etl ten luie o liotîven togretcr.' il'tife uni'l.. o) itityomir eotiiiîgde'.eric yâi heistui tioti )di>tbut to tlirow olyniîir diftftl.iee Tit îtyoii 'cura wlen 3y1cti at orod i iitIle, Aund the ettry dIf 1euy, 'weoziiîi ie k tiithe WVo liavto long lieurs ueihig (for tbheo." 1.011 . ifton ilweeîfy cite pollo ecAile tttcrod Il wird, With a huiffilî jirtly lbore, prrtly cvtit'e- Alidt tliit toilie jue flitc dreulit i fi Ave, îtLir ûIelicoii.trd lilneVnti l- lt flot te' ili m crippIe. lin sdur fnit* briot, Tii 1t i % "f' i14 101l'e nîy îîd ille t. Oni tClii' h ticske( 'ftiti lu!etii)ist iiriver; 'Tis tliti.twin oriI' tnt Jity,lit te n'eu, cliere ilt î' ltt.r- te.c'Ht'-r" lti'v 'e" The Denî(hfilt he rami - ly; or, tins Biroken Gles., (Conicluded.) 'In brie(, then. dr0 steleas the fond atîached dnnghtor of a petlleu, but n'orthy ruait.Shpiust her moîber lu early 1ire. lier father bas not been diama nny n'ei<ct; 1 n'es mcierle andi'sëe;relrery, fuity, as I thou1rhtealjoying ,hWc-confidence.' 'But Ibis xrs. Molk, Who 15shoile ben?' 11 cetu scercely tell yau-sbe breel rp. quired au enoranous influence aven hlm, chit'fly, I thitile froun ber grret iindness fi) Emniy, and 1 enujectured Ibat I like- Wise poceessed i$bi confidence utmtii the miorning cf r> dsmsa.'optU. iotan- iug of thiat event, 1 ueirs'geing la bi& 'cheni ber, fr ho ha>' dsugeioua ly II 7'ien I lucard the 8ound of bis tuie, appaeou i l anger. I kuour neot ite impolmo -promp., ted me lu lictean, but I, herrd hlm Suy,- 'Mrs. Mank-2Mrs. Moule, Icicot rlsk e>"' cbildu bhrepinesu-you -muât bh çauteut;i ,qrgç me no more, orj é will break-aiy' bert as eaaly u l break titis glass.1 At 4t.e moment I hererd lise nrIloggmash cf a gassatnism tie eigecfatable appior-, ently, rend Mrs. Monk,, for I .kuew ber voice -wtili, rpplied,.-"Ve>ry urel, John Milrebret, ibio broicen glass eaiy yeLtic 0 a service ian spité cf ail *iboeVilla 'You eau, possibiy makl;o. Iretnraed int t bo ine'i dour cf a daorwrey ou thoeImnding, oaudi I mev ber lbave the.cinrmben oith saeîiniin'g iner inands, mulîeingassho n'ont, 'paie- n-onono ue utfinis ,use poison."An' ,hupr aller ltaé I reeived* ju>' d'iesmaei I nas forbid the bouse, ai ud 'à' b'l'cf naoe fron Emily>' âesutneJ me ncever ta cross ber pei agrin.' 'tes, air, tin hee.' leo bs eieîrn& ry crtqjn~o rend me iknib mah rNon','sir.t If yout Plaae 'ecmilan maie direcîly,', yutet' nôt rfrrid'ef the auow drifl( rend lWs-tvt for ta n miu', t .To Mr. 8mythbo,,"Md he yoauu.g el-f w i~ asîouisilm2t. 4 Yeg, l'il jçitrpdece. ycn ihere_-es*:me, nia guesmins for lipron's salie,btlet 119 ,bt2ta)e followed me euchiciîelyliultl'c'the ieiL tand stee tn.t.cc..a..,, fl-R RtNGIç., FIN4'JER RINGs, LOCKETs, JET GoO)I)S!- Foruntec Et i r te-,tîmL lritel tk, inlut argeo PArI\NINT JE~T VlJIWLJi tt itttelictviiliiw.' fffl niii l " ' n n i' 2e. -rttîtttt<t uîu ieellqr, 1-q rnc StûmW lit4.c. 4 e iziAeTeiteiXtihy JL'U'll't A TLrE, T Pr',;etSt 78%ct unirler Orf ntt \n.5, ir tise uitc.Tr1ilmt 'onit fi.tmtýd. $uL~idLenttOl i milte ruet ietuier. titl di tlee frcm tîIè luso'. Pour h'inilri'li lullatr rtinfrèddonan, Cen Yearx ff'ien f he blanIasce.1 z F*r tenr=t .ttsd pirtieno.jarg itiîtpbyllu Uît 5. Cc u' *Ë ile!t, AnttiumP Fe"trit,.rv.I t4-f VINGAR! VINEGAR!f_ T 1F.I/ El8II~tl lAS FO» SALE $41 nlareger andbmailtîqunit» miunnuiuaîuei lidtr ~ tinceIltlcti oiiç riîti'ittll duc tre lihltir.tne detr weerofe'. eefl'*renieeo' theu et eeroec intilit qnatoni.-. 1 1 1. 1ie W hithu', mzv MILq. tL ti2NI'lAU INoLoit Nof. ! t sr ii P i.ofP clicrimig [ns ttnnee idtmtpfh'thé 1W isi c'<omt, villi buri Aeence cf Jatrn anui Er pFrit. le îill<oure a t iarige jhanse, and Stobuhog for J b 31. '(On ti prenuhecep. Sherift' Sale of Lads.. Cutmitv tif Oiitrelo1jJ) vi rtne 'ef n Wnht cf riUthir' t înt lunýe dhmitreul pFnlioeî Chie .iuau*Caiitl >'tîtétcofîXitiIii thmitimn defiimetae, tethIe! ctlt itittme rirjvMýng,' pilulifof01hau'eex" do. uAeilisctnl' ail ttg eatci or irfre the' CimeselWlip Chi l',n (Qerter ILotl'ntiTimtlem«'xtyj' ifé atnd sev6dlv. n the, nrtih.mMte o téMrt; tu ho Veci4Rrhe o s t ah y if h nuinen estaoiif tiein: I el.aetemricel A~~~n SherrC.', X& - t "> 't ' sinoiitn tUctt.1 hIL e'LUuis//t tuX~ t4ttesît anelio oti - ri e y c the lu real (i/t, not eiiti'q'dstyleiOf JliiIt're *îe <'i0,nr't'til ITiHi. 'Tltly i , i s eb. V.B'--.4mlltuyl;t iez-e rl'.t/iJirp JeIftl t, ,jet b tig 'tltr hittc' tt GOLD & SILVER WATCHES "1-0.1>AND IIVEIL CRAINS. 11i.tl.ttui ci,it îrou., > elN q 1. AI 1 1 ilmthie (att an tieeandmtiwish 0o ,'Peakklb to himn, but nndersmil ii me, NpioI do nul wîcah yon ta oti' Ifr5 u!Ce. Moue bot rb havoe iter narctiic-~40; ga0ta bed, whlbi. T Isuppo ste she m ou en ta do, as i128 e very ;c late hour.' d Cla tebeti L Ord blocs yan, h è lei f bnuh beti, 1 rlwaye Inceie her iu. Shc gWemn htu anothar sixpence e.week nutl <o' leli hýrod breiy, se dati't mention it. Frn, as close: 0, waxt, yen oece. Cornte 0o ir, 11tiis18 titi' %uey duîwthe -hairy stops. Diti over anyoiy con such dolîeps af cnow, blese ut~ An'ay wonb Napolean dcîvn -the area aleps wiîb euch velacity, in cunsequenceof ~ bavini missed the fiyst oiie, that bic be- e' haviaur luoked unuçÃ"mmonly recklece, but di luekulythe snôw Iay 'go îblck- bolon' bat it a w sne àriy eq ua i l. te nferetien bcd, su Nt - 8 poleon diel not recoUr tny.injuîry, aud - n ~ii en 'tenocd bohutlchtîu iltogçtbor, wiere i Ibere wes nabotiy but n ancint ucunan, b -of an amazing r tnti> , ci tting ma k ltt M s o m e t o t.' b S Wberq ar, &Il the servants?' onîid I. c 6 Gone lu boti, str.' iqaid Napoléont 'tiis h bere's my reunt, Mrs. F1eatberboîîom, as le h corne ta set up with. Emily--forgi'e the tear.' c 1Yes, gentemen,$ seiti Mr. Feather. bottomi n'iîh a naslce wang.- II sel op n'ith the sice, îhsngh propenly speaig 1 le a montbly, a rnuhiy, gentlen, af the inst fuiits, antd ofeiiir yatr, good itdiee lu inin a partiutiar wuY - 1 Ibild your ttiuîe 1 ,steid Nàpcltson, 'lutuld ytur buther, n'iil ye, ceun, iouk at le me, mund hoid your boîbor. Tlhis in a duc. tort rend thaeî'oîher'sa S.youiig'n, I shlauld cotmiclr.-C'iit you ho quiet and look et î ie, younid lither. lIlgo. for munstor n mitsms, ir.' w 'Lord, gentimnen," seiti Mrs.?'eathe,.. boîtom, n'bon Napoleon n'es gone î 'you w haven't aentîoioni of wbat.-e.'jauiusîbt iboy 0 is-a perfec* janne. Tt'sn'well for, hiut ta w cay 'looki nt met,' andtt i n,' dtie, fw er eim s tiîtàks us lue 4imuï't lire long., Iîîrîps , ge ntîlem efr'. y ti nover meed nude Iii e his writings-bess >:r, .,yoad n'eep -it f n'uuld draw tbars, it n'uuld fraru a coffee. or ru P. Non', bere, genitlemnenc:tne paper c. --rather crum ply- htra'.s«qwhttt be cailfla m ai'c FipigaJho mati 4 ne ùa"u'"fs' t. nesday -n'tsa aweek ' ' 1 tuole tino erôll, rudvread'reefohlon's t- 'i 'tonct wig i 1, eud aulyoout, -,t Took fizic, an d gru wus Anti ear'Y o ciu i s he bond af i Sb 9'here, gentlemen '1' crieti Mrs. Featll e -erbautom, whe"4sh MWn'1 ,iad finished the epihaph i it'@ iujtbius, but dpieenCY4 rure i pu e ry, says t-e i 1n m a g çnb ta19 ,d i have' my endti eicki g ou' of the gýraôid arler I'm deato, atcieon'hy n'ublnl.' m At ,liaufanin, r. rend Mýhr&. Smyibe, witb as much surprise oicp A o ~~r ~ eountenamces uas MovMn'. decoraus îa couple conil exiii, qntered the kiîçben. I at once stepped up ta' 'lhe getearnd i sa~id , t 'i yoç 'ii frt Sr ilyqahon 'me aagain ta e - Êis mly !%farchaùttiIwil tel utilber àia, qu s tion' i t tw *M h m ey e a i t e lier -Ia case.. .-Taniryu.su.its eaihaus e youg friend ofa i r ild t h eo preco i. s? ii.uneyn.t..ça r l lie nas can y ng 'ta caJtiétte îanâ ifai1ft gr puelued iim up the "kitchio' taiâ nr, Ifi! n'W arrvedu.on,- îhaearr!iY»r'thMt'pme'ito t ho hreamer of iT yo,.u îur.es14J i o -Smythe ta go luin ami rep>toru 1cç.for.~the theS 'u tino mnt siten'ont iuîle the r o u , T b e rd h ie r g iv ere n c x ;èl à îba d ti o ' " f lerr r; rn r# iia 'u, of't'nuy p h rei cienà sprivilege, L -ett'u'.et-.le lunes 1 ooked àtÉiike ionn' ri e,n n,4r glu WW0 cnCufitenan~ce aî ezjnresuve 0 thef horrible atcki$iî*hrèiheýbebpeý'tthh' Eý u anpprOreeiofWdo(ew *'t8oT fi to ný > î t e'd 13 E!'Marhmnt l'1' cried - 'Eanily, fr ,mïÀebrent Tuf 0r or , sàtiik,èà' e tbo > -NTn 1 911 35-jýv 1 4-C., e- 1 1 1 eart's blod Sjrý si, you1're a mn Mliie anà1 yan',. atenà oshiveriaig Jta n 'hild ; apd,you with tears g;iotcoing, la ro eyes, , i'oild tT5pupa' d br1tsu 'arn henvep. El îî, ~mIy, stay ye liUe, atid'Tet'ino ,teuil ytf h'ow'I I< , véyo itt' îitk -she cannai, ehe catîno. Feinter- ainier stil!. ler hiad, .droqq, 'ereyes Lru glttssy. Hcpt lpp i TIC < ali' upon the' orld tb Cave he'r. 1 ' there*"io virïwe, ,no ,oditess uin mtnity ? She CIlings ta me te si!.kHuIlb h -no, tiba d Des p9t-, ýpeailî ake ;newwthýYou2 L.do >nuotlavé 1tumedeso- ate. Shame, ah i ehame.' le alm-itnpugn -netl7the deffrees 'of Dami' awayt coma away.'t 114o, na-qhue lip-s itronngru fe' 3'Rt. 'bead j i Iawed' on mybronals, iheta I ldsu offen haped ia dreatts tto.eei '3ett ibenti beatil Cae' Na i seàdy thtimu nn ùd fromu tlie djirtini-.tîg rooru 'dAead stady tconcussionf. 41 san' Wa1ter. 'omble-ho îurnéd uptn hie;heels,aed -as in dis so, une of tbie-.armq of flily Verebat twad tnntwintid froMatbonS hiÉ4. [orrible sight iitlTidsti'enedin ifteath, titi the oxtended fingdir' painted tu thet auor-bc indicarian from'a cerpba. We 111 sîood Wziltsa<nc.es; anti then bthe daur, tctnng, gently open ,'ant'ilent andiputic '11thterror, vibe pagen ceba etkndit. lth apertinent-..he, 100,4 wuttpuiiu1îîïètWý: iih boi bis fingers ijota then corrilforj ieru,., 'us a- dubions l fls of liit-it grew brigiliter, beti, rend'thon a foînnie igiire, ilothed iii %whii,1 ee p elowly pesE Sil haid a candie abrnngcly in the boiinw"-of oer arm-hleift arm-ndin thiet haut- she heti a stpnhi rurrbie. nmiarIr, sucit a hemists usete la'pounti dr ,ugs In;n'lmili, wiîii ber ri.glît iand ellChabeto i inin it n'îti thce pestIa, produclng a crackiiîg gýiaÈq qiind. 1 cônid mailler, my feelings na 'Ieboim<,', I, orleel,, -teemurdereasl- ici murderps of Emii î irchn,1< whum she hai iu'iipoentied g!Ot, dolnbt teos in th:oe'very <ýarts yoau men Ïônàti n le and 1 bath -impeded etehothiti et .: ae door, and. theai I isgw. for clertei'awhat' brtdbefore stspecîod-nualy, that, the vrelteti nman ui'ts n'tlkimg la hbar'kàcap, 'Holi barfr cod h iidàéc.i 1I sat;IAiiin' vhitipr, 'iuold ,bnàh 'for llonvtn ' mki"i êl,âôlme 'ank nonsfor'lhoe policeç.-n'eg viii l~ot ost !sigbî af ber-.. mpa.oyn 'atiler Rustsel.,' lhPrs *1Wi nttliedI slotviy naco,tc iutlY'e'1rgilng*'Ïith me, whuie ,Ntpôieon rept a"pnce or tn'o'before ns, th-îltIe. uriosity in- bis 9%%p :!ivd nareeo trougiy,, 'Ysyes;) thý g, lui ohbut'ti ooli'i ses poisonù,: t be'gesgt',1 thé potundéd gias9 'is dbe', 'tils; do(met; 1.2 theéiesserieh< he glati, theegInas; Sue reace4 anapr., strçe ,. wii. be begon t sp eudilsIowIy. We folo i d r-a Iuiiding n'as>greinti, and thoie wuee en end ai od-I faucied even, 1 lîparditbw àsbipgson' 1wa-b; !lie drewv bitet. e.boIL@ ofaratrapdoor,,ýa _î in .anotbet'.. norent wats .pon tha rouf of the bouse, ;$top fber"' sbci -ber;" nded; "let,'tf1itý ivSa'iifyrftse i.f' ' u . î'-. r, çrèpneg rwaid, -rand, istùmbied i OlY«ý'ý tbw thaivhlite fi1gtii, and tecànede 0 lun befcomrý u MevèSu 'iÃŽere wns ' à 5irerî i a'ept,Isrw, soiebod cjee? ou;,Oe a uorn'ky uritÉ 'a 14r- ternj I 'saw tue E n0'N stFioehiseone4the'uàsreuîb1an&r; le lidveitbre- dthat ihopr- wâe, tereNe 4,lî ' sit rout hckg iàe&O~tAI Otn#h,3o

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