J, Thi a -foflowi;ug 's the prize poetu.read-at the'Orammat'-Sehoi exà un*tnatin; tm ad pro. ,ai%2lat awwas "- eitthe comosition 011 itei"Dîsiçovery ut Aiucricia. I-Ijwui iai.l, ,'e1$eîi AcîcI N ijîc iletI*iil lii ut iidlreil seili le if "4ît Mtli tl Ii ttl*îi'0' c.l cii liînîl TI, it i iiiiir efiîiio C ecltlîi rj imce Iiieli Ir I"l i v r 'ti ni lle tireeir 'rli iid ii ieiu 'l' Ir tr1ae f ,e % i'ilI'5 mihi, Noe is lît n l (Itii i ulil. Or1'Irh,suit iytit wcîves.,% ttAnd ail he1 hi'i "nfift Iiilii I q 't'iiii i'eiiij k ufesfiei i6 Irîi r i i li illIe ' I el 'T'he"ii-ieRrîflrae iiie iii) ft i'ifO1ten iîîî'aai ry î,î Arit îîîîî'aiiîti' îciîî a iiitiii~ l tîî i' h lît ie' Wallii tî'cii 't ia e I'reiii.i c t4>iiiee le- uri.# i'u- reliii 'Vhteuîslie' , Iitý ý.eii Thuev ,uri, î,îîci r"- iith e,ic Oui trituiuiititv10 4'. X'hi so', n iii il tu iîî'ui lic te e d cu i'-. if t, c- Il cicl ii i l c . 'iee iiiit uIicii ii ee-icA vite'l 'rhiri>i ifu (1r t-d pc(110. aef uutheuîtuha,'viuuierei T h on' ite'ac,iiiiiiiiiluiciiif tiiu'% orKen iiitiu thil ti' iic- i' eutnuiilfiiiî c riti rs iler niîc h-s ri. ci e eeag lt e ul tiii'tas iii, te Bu .iii eVeil aftst 10. 1 ec,uu%'afi, u-ut lavleriti he W p , 'l'h l i l ilice I. ii,, h iti. lI v iluit1pflta i lchiuiîii P ui'li fuies' t-j a vuii ias ,cii- 'P 'i eatioiwh i'i uu'eiii nîtsui luici"-lit ances»l. A,.f i'Nai wraterle acetuiuit. liifIitruie irihre1-icc - fil4tuiin0 l ls - i.tleuu'ied nü atigeattu The fiit Fý ii d'fuiitî,ta teores u go Ulircr1 . GreeuwfuuiiitycscN cii. 1ffi c r - B i ttiOîsihawaîrifctte'stre u focan aIi ofuîechfiac- -Ahrly WBoietk,&c. Our correspîontiîiifurni-ïsioneeUs ile an uîteretîing account of a pic nie whicb 1t0 etijoyed eitie tien Txbridge Brosllaid, .îiong Lake Sumcoe. Whilstî bouli at Orillia, ho says i colle,! nt Aibt'tey, we-re t met Meusr. blrie>, licirull, NcMilieu, L'uw iii othera Duriii, Oîcm chlit-Cluot thecucon rereli.tic-n tutu- C'd tpot-i ioiticg. aid tite reseitvi'merits Of tien two c-cadidles nue w iti' it1d I"îiul, là decided .v,,-rioii 10Mr. Macdou' gat,r l' 1, , i'iii4 S wic'h i c aniot îîîiîC giVe, 't'id rt'fi'tenîr 'm.ir 'ur. Ci'a .0llui n'in IV crilitle, cidiii'în ltî ir te givefi i ti il' ti ifnd citler pintaiof the CrotilfYtaarbaiiutl uill 1lum. A Jntr"ciiu ioifonur', t tin by, 1( seulCrded', te uei'Iithy, Mjc.r tll Brnoliiribatndsi îCnnceî-d - tue Oshuiet, citera thie liretbeîe trundu'd ,tLccne sur' vice, wiîd wet-hifterwccr,!dri dreferd lb>' lit!ed.Mr tii'.eucîratie, tiecceu. Mn. Poectu> tisusers. ,lt. J. Mucdolieî-i, cdy ilichit le. ~'it uni ulîttoîf thîc lîdt'c- i -aupitu roiisetblt'. Tite un> iluor cas a giala do', tandut al îaeud uIt, %tee te gui,! bu 5y>, witl'Iuut occident or dituili StC' 'i' îeure u1vr uisiQoapacrî'thatsj week pr-clutas a mnoreI ugtbeuud înti'e. ,Tho Right Mau in the Right Place, Ment u,!Nortl (titirlo dulyoti (vet' alitcfec-i'o "mk, ora ci' t m>tuu-î tlaî>u4)it 18i Do01tiis fc5Li'timilus' lîcriiïy alfi,! tîn tftttlc';hitili(fîutu>l is uutli ft,b Citi t ortiis; luit bis gnc; b lis ijtlîtie irlit', forn ite ýex- Aniple, aiîd ts' îitîbllio goutil? The Mau for North Ontario.j NV[iuti iM. (C. çCctttrdui $ s'i' lî)roîdi,' (min te uiectoi's oft'j1ortljt011. Lar"o point u ta it, atelî eay-"le'# ou,' Oai or -ceigh. t/t's thle ltne8t poU- liciun. '" *N(eotniXe ' kîîow liiiii tu do a wroîîg illing kîiw'tiglY." CoRabscuTot.--lla the uttlIt-f rs aadiit ilite Ozsmmir Seluul,anerrer eccurrtd, iOtîi va ara desjircu to corret, In te re4"u iasses. Tbe correct atand.- Ing is,-Firsî cials-lat, Misa Logan Znit, Miste n îd J.tG. Robitison, equal, Êteend lais-laI, J'. Wiallacee. Two Clulldreia Killiotu laToronto. Tha Toronto papers report lte tullow- ng melaucheil> accidenta;, j- Onr Saturds>' toranelon, iii lîtla boy cf ýiÇonb fia. yetis of age, son ut Mr. lTho8. i:urran, blacksmîit, Qucen Street, -wu t llted by batug tan over by oeeotfte ~iret milalle>cars, Ilbappeara tialt te ýhld was playiog on tae sîreel, sud white ttempting to rusems ite iracle vas iuedenltly knutcted down by a bora. ibat ~ubaiug rlddan sIong thLe tack a short listanca betore the Cato, and bates'. [Ce driver of te latter hait titus et o lits h bmkes, vt eaiees passait aiathe ciilit'a 4asud instauihly kilied )hlt.-Thte rider boltehrsa, it appeart, vas 90 tarrified At ;fe ldliettO î e roe wsy, aud bis toi incesbeau )erd t, e beîog ukuow bte polices --Tht. driver e01lbhecMr, .19. Côortita>, wua arrested b>' erdar of Ã6tCief ci Police.. i On Ssutitsy s*N.mnoona a Yoeung lad nain. amsScehi, agait eleven years, vitit L laits, wu' amuAigt beselves onu ch. Town Council. The lTown Council met iu the Town f1 411 eti the llth inst. Tite Mayor ieatvillr taken tho chair eail edthe licouilil toorder. Mentbers ai present, except Mr. Gibson. Minutes of te 27th uit. read and ap- provp.d. Dr (,lunus read a communication which ho had receivu'd fruîn Nr. Geo. Perry of Montrecîl, lu referenru tii Fireepngitjus, af. ter which he staîod hbu lîad called a mueet tig tif' the lRatépîayurs to t:eke ifto con- Sideration the formin.g of a Fire Býrigade. At the fuîeting a coinittee had been aftu anfild, îî a lire lýry'ode irgaljiii' He hîîd r,î'crîîi i îtnunicî,tiou front Xali civil l'ila iît yc'aî'. itnlS >l r. tihe ct'iiiiif'ri'rrî-4Ilti,ancd wuuld rm. Ilcîr'li lgtuelî. tue 'I'l-tiLcurei' of :îaziiidPocrt tii thbu cîînîîilt hopuipr1cit of tbit liums, evlcî, iiti>ic lie tilettîfur t Xcccoc, 'iilliclnicutÃŽoiîauthe nxt uittii,e of' thec gril bit citt a, aci niet'il*fhb"oe'iitrtI I ilccuoicil. i this yi'or iltutus-ri tifot Mr. Curniron, 1 'The Nisycîr 2presi'cttcii unoant. cf T. amn îîtroigly cf tîuîî opintion itat if Mr- Dahifuitilfor enrveis ret~ic'recl nt the late Camertii'riîi ci is as lice tîiiîliido un', and ire a i ii-eu, td r,', itBrut-kStreet. 1 tieiîk lie %eillttinincjcrity oîî ll tteVîis r. tîrýi [ 1ri'uîi'iiad a petition frnm J. z'vi'iu iu Majrc, cîîd iRiai t&is yc ar eiibw ii V efan, Eq1 urayiulg forît îî uclîctioîu uot reciirdril fuir tilcct 4'iliOu'tt'ouilTîîî celotis e. 63, SGt. 87t'asit ni 011 Suayici,' tihomîe Iiuiailu'it îuî c bni iirs it rire stnuet. tii ciuil u t iillisiift fi-ir -ch'li il i'c Mr. i>irry, o.oîuiiily Mr. I)u'erit , i lar' ticu[l ied:0 talicu plcace i i'i n mvi i at itîi ialt) urh Iituntî'r deliui-ri'i tri'e niictcii~the Roiiuit (Ctilir - y Mr. $tiiiîi nil i liderrhie 'îîl' let Ch'lcrtîlfiui is f5tiiii cte io tî'arii iiiY u '~ itrJ caili îly ciutiliii îl iii cf scidci fuiig, tuirttui"iiiii y icu -"r jiccît lueir be accepiti'ai c c ii'e lIi,,i iic tri tle tî' 'f' uir i cîîîpîîîsilill ii' , I. iiiiu î-i ciitjj i ct t N ri t i-pivcjl ,m lieî î t'înî'.w ut-t - il t'c, tifiiitii'rs tiii" i- iccchv li'e vnci (ttihiat 1no fmoret iiitliittoidolcis tc iui ilu- nuc -t ti Cu- îît tc'- ic' tiitdii c-ai,! cometri hi'u uà uic'iitt iii'. 1iwahdi-m' i iitPcuc ici it1t flic '.2uiil I t iptaiik I to'ifiire the Ciiiiiii',, ct1ti-s'nî -i iîi v ui.îîccii Iu criin's dcli cre'i tilonlimis cirroci'. tMr, Cacu-niiii cii ci cc11:11i,,' miili ct 'un i l ice itiî f-i fur f cv t ii i ,l i- sl i -t îîdiln',s, tic Illeur lcai tii i'v e l oud iî'icoit tilum- itiý i c etî- he ' ta leýi i n1î!uitiv i ,î beuict -"r ccIl i 'ci- i u 1?t tr l', ft. Iong IPi Ie-utc a cul vrv'lîi"ii f'i"l OqIi. ilci t lcc(ct-1 suf fil' liierWtuî ,cid ls.iilrit litcs lcifioi nefrai elcitfi oris tmlI iiii ii,' ctitI ti i Àî dt eilwe, u1i (0 20.000 fte onî vine' side. Sevencîilx c-e ,'î î'îîui geci 1- t'ii u1ii laid ifor. at flic roie of îîîi'ii cii-o lre.elti, ceîîd e tIitaîid trîîîuc - c3 r tliii)t. cclihlonuasure.f iîciiiîsciy. Sir. Perîy to te cuuciliii u, uu'ecîMr.t N.îfl'e iiiit'i u.sfîil.re ut %-Li lut> f0aucnul tlueH a mýeiil'itiL&lkti t O lCI oi) vc 'ii',but thetiu ti.u'do tutuichtlu uuiicu pu c-i- nlicuts t cc-k ulace'anîd t 5iliiii ii 'ui î'ui ci iul as et Illce ni' fit iiil 5' toiu.,i l, l ic itnu' .-t lci tic,, c itei'u dpe-cc, iIr ticu 1 iIil --d i i-t . api;t tuila vte li" e-u tc' ruiel, its lci'- encc-, Itleuî c irll' 1 . G (i 'l ci i' e m tpti -il the Icc1il%- ici i1l-.Il-nle niallu) XXil-t-iIl ci- t l i lu-ut lÀ u u t ' i> U ltic'uc u- I ' ' fnî-îdci i lé( Ti tc lîcî' l . cii t Lex iln's riaic l d i iulî 11m ' unti 'c-criier -'f tule tiijî-rctuf ttcu' ttu Lt i o-tc c itif i-nti' uuubucythil t- fuo w c' cit aclii] e il. liuuicuifg Lii-;à -l !w't î. iulf i V' .11 n, înu rc iu ;'suil tciîi t hoi! îîlir-su aIl fît fi ivý,1 hoend u[loi iuîucuc c , j isuuîos dlut%. tfr. anc-i ci;t. li e tit l'tiuitb"c ý 'l- i' i ti sitîue tut l Itit'u 'e stuf ,' i4f dti'ulci cui'n 'îcîtctei, but gu, fizr f; c ii u ti' scb, illiad tîueni 'ickeil andu cuit,-]îunîeii mst y. lie ftIt îat inu doit, lus la, i' liliin ticeîntr tr.hi' esc uiyuii d i,2 iucs uîculyc- icand - .i a tier t1hu inturests of Ticumnotionîti etut and carie,!, expe tditure reacbed -aO about $40, wiich NEW .AD'VERTISEENITS. fnotnt la to be invested in a Library for the sahieath school. In closinz thias sketch EXTENgSIV'E î eainot but remarie on tihe orderty condcîut ~ "1 U l I - adgond behaviotir of lieu Tuachers andl1~j scolr wo tenedte almsabbatle i 'R ED IT S L ticieol, as well tlieir adeancement in lute« 0F lectual improvemient. and as an evicîtîne t tht hePsens f hoe hidrn Cppe Xl RR 1i GES, BUGGIES, and Snireeilnseverai oftheva havet subscmibed $100, ecdito erect a ciaei, Iuieriitl11%» gieu einstrturtinlls tii an i onecin heeil i eprte -J "; v tîile at bis (trriago and~~~~~~~ iî unutn iueii Paa 'rrrBrouie Street, Wiitby,01 bîuildinîg for sabbaîh achool pups wlîtctî itiildingo re rt, ow adrîîndîng t .S'iturday, 3Oth Of July, 1864, wards Comtîletio. 'irustii, yiîft ill I Tli itîî uî,111 iîi it . Iait8i10tî.rr îP ,,ive the îîboc'i.pubtiicit i bronii.i yoiir va io I 'iLle ivill liié »iiitiiiittne -, ' lc lub- clurons, and îî"iî4e. 1eii-i A SMI>E'CTATOIt. i-v-ol' ii -' giiu iti , nioveabte top, A NArfioNic G RATI-riPE. -The po Dùii iiei fie'iitj woru.out, crippled victime îif the %var, ru e i eu liiclîîess i igOIL-4 or Dl->cerats turrniiî4 from the fietd of "1glory"' are ex. tIelî& uO uofut peiencicg te e ticcciîor ,ci-aitude tof their î à iii t t, 1 , itr'iriiiCi -r ittg'izy-5very necit. country. It New York they bad iceen 4 %cem iheu n itiiglltggico. - t;uen, maines situe of fienir limibe, iyiug on 1 i.iiitiiillitt iiK, f in iil nrttr. tiee sidewatkis, lite so many tisticse or '1 ltVhLZ-1,ni r'-'irctIpriuig. W' ioic 1 m)iiiniuiii.,il,-'treatîu.'îet 'iliiii eor the 1 ci-fuai-as", ito tiitilit tii'>' b donhciit , îî n iccc..t titturs, icallest wiîîter. enougie in <iuin, titeir ditie, is ticîce describ. 'VIc woiî ' ftJu esut îenîtîiintwas ed ini titi' Free lreîes of Di'trriit - il i~l - ili About oueie uîiired antd tenenty muen otý TERMS 0F SAILE the 4île iîîf.it,v, nrrieinluihi: ty ie mloe i c ii- ud nitt nu gnou ciiorPedilcttic. on 8aturday cizhit frilu te front, thei r Sin tcomne îJOat 12oi'vlnek. fî'rîu of si-rviue liainig uxiiied. The' .1 lcctîî 1 Il.1Pic)vNto'V,-%)54. 27 majorcle' of the mtten hi'ioîi'd ýto di.,tant - parts of the Staie, bunt thci'>'weru iîirntrtnid D)1 VIISIO0N 0 Ou1I 1IS fttit f cuuld,! he ci c 'scccy fon theroto go i lictriît tt,-, eit tîr formeai t ie-ltarre Foi.rî ~ pamepets. Tht"ir arc vl a î uirs oiucuî ud auti uncatreul for . Noiiprovision i;inradef-,r tli'r $(#&y irn lt acc lu" m rnc'uî cern jiirfallyi-, 'îcu,!tristiack- cratsiici che ctcr aloii dus.ptusu-ritthiitiettset'cs os tîuî ht-n coutil up.ion t e sect plouiktlcuc'coutil filufu uon eSthe lwciie, ceOtIi-y emciiiiI urîti duyligitt. iii,,!thes-uu ruent îuîcu ha,! gpruvçiil thuir cntry fuihfuuly iîfan iccur u1u'î jtuuc e(lIiictiticicuirt t-' n o) su'r eicc~ 'cltiI fuir aîicijIlcu' eýkuiactOff lue ifoîcler i, liuw dill'uc-i 'ît wooull aur i t thuir we!ccouahcmne. A wuîîderficl new lit from nt uiieilor wire hu~sitîeoîîdiscummeîed aud tuluctetei, ancd is tri bcibrouglu t linîî ut-clîte Ecrice. It is niat decîr bat th,, btiillicyc ue uatontsliiae- Ckaili Sîcmfîi. cf tIre Afn.icu î s 14 mcla Xlc. i'crn îtîc'cîuuîI.ved t luith tuo'cîîclpsueiîiîf hi*scerthflcci ,,u'ahi-uboict doi cc e al iiinufl.Soucdt trfOcf nce'mono t,, rî stlî A thf i i oinîu lis ttut e' ,' mî-ici Uitt h i ie t 1l lutn,, mtîtd u if tu' veccee'lite b scu I-u ic v it Tu flic Editer oftufe/1fGlobe. A f'hu'velcini,! oimpc'i' platititrfi'il -~~ ujiti.n u ruurch, ftuuun AlichIe lu- oais caie Iî, : SI i. --yoniin c'ccr- t o i tu ic1iýit ip yi ftctu!h tlu 'sreaiti n - urc>' i lînnu ci ta c- t Ii-' l',t ii- i o th -4uufctuif c uas c i rcu u ti hi-' îl-i r c. à i la ice fuir tt'. aluil J si 1 'port Ni . I'ilit , i i s ru-ca f z hl C i- h r' icvc icdi il aiunr ing Ifuil,,- Mc cluuu i le -l fi-.ufii , iotuuu. lit, hi'sc1iiiokli i î 1) tat thue ninister, tqi luit i-nu ci t rclitiges itli te SIlctis r>- c l te proigramlme or iii îie M uctci-'l tig lIai li cuu h is Ani Au (uni, ui Ille i c*,Ic,1 i uteu cf-uc in - Vua cli, - Adescendant 4f ic' tialuîuuneteu itIu'ccilt t- Ini'iic- li tuatai ci ri-ucc XXluhuWc. tlciîui le N serý..I:ru, vi aîcd -Miuwot1b'is tuen diive-tii. ILc resideg at No. ilti hics un'--it urri to liMr.- \X'iia1) iti uitiiufr-min loti i"tirf* V-iiiucs, ou do nuit gîv le 6Great iBerrystneu't, Wolvenirltn, 1111t. oa cioti hie ý w;; t 'ac ItNIIiugilci-itfi -ite iitbtstitcmi',! faory'e Sboksie;ire, att-Iiîs ailite lieurs,- lt-un scu itucus'c 'Io cuther, thacî lic' tir hotiesh>', ai,! wv his to" r., the Min.b.. i, -t'iuîec irliiffc'. i lihir b-cle i-htieisu-,! the ltins' -a-riof te Judas initîhcîir îicrtntî. 'e'.îcsiiithe diriectt iie flcii i bert, c ()[U\NT Y 0 F 0N TA R110. N- 1. W t - -et..%. ..it, ..t..i .4. :_i.. .. .. '-.. . - I:Il1i- ... .. - -.. . . i2. t: it -4. 1. iairclr' ........... t1Iti' Z. BIJRNIAM, Voluntoors ! -Attention! 'l.. V - itficitfre ic-iiiie , il cuir c . ". C1. il ONX5 ANLC 0M. ( T. ( 0 1IÀON WANTED, -'-i l il iitcit cir t (Il,&e c ll eufif I- 1- it tt il ttc-î I S II fl..-ttLrrcem'%ti i i i thte Wtitfu, j cictu, aîu iff -cc ii'i c flatiflt witfitfeu i; ý ni riîc, eWilliam S,ik,!%ee.iiiu i ui ou, ss i t,fart c- ccI Ittitic J"hîn he haot ;cui. t a d 'M. v litlcactouiîitt. M. i iiiui iui ili ii O[cbv pt, buntas Ic.-ci - -- uuc l-i wii ~ iut icti th- cu i c - ut if uc- 'uI Jiî.Ca iiiity iiuîau Ili l'ci-, ulula cuta 'ci-cithfiiciI 1,!S'4. îi -u ter chuiu(u und Il l'e1uua .wVereo brrilfli liitii .hiit't, ic~ îef li îmu .W j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ei' ('tîf auiiu î' cuitmi -hci -uu fn;t'î.u, '];$y eîîjovitftivmayig Teeal er )lth' irinc dcing in îie ',nisi telie totiiruurtn tt.NitL. linli t- .-u ofci1, ilf ci u tîitiaiu, tcTe lanygt ' prniIup n A. cccaiiiiuo ,ud rit wfuat lis î~.a- imîu-.îiuuu ttîiPý,ni M'î'îîiî t 'iil lurtti utlua tluî ic' h iiroi hiochu~ ~ Lo i u- iîu f>1ci hi t i niidmuii llnl'tl w ilh ft, Jl alit at i i ffering. ShîtiRt! 70 t9? TScis. lie ItiJLii wied 'dre. Wni. te Sm-iu 'i aitfi~c s tiic', i 40fi C, itd2 i I~t i-hgo frua P ti. 0O sti 'tSi-s. T'cus O5C. emli t ,iaB. A. 2. tI'ulebl B1', . i's 1I afac 1 ,ii$10 p, r ton. Wouuîl isSt ,i I ucftTc.i' Tali'.sni ii"tail I icr M >iiî'ilr i diuit u' l'i,,chi:1iî l' , fIltien t Irn of 1101 1triî' nlîî sitîîal titis 4tOcts laabub tha price Kn ietiaLt. 5I lil Nat lî MisF. wl ailkq lv!p i i -w tiiitll i i wi a t M~,, r (C..Xca'thii-ec A r wotiir( ud1 iiidol f'Chl' u E--i4, euc-1 siin Set, t e., n ~ ts sd ic tc liii'I n. Juehu.A. , XeiuDiitl i1i e d uuoEcii craD . [i; w.ta.M. uiî îI tic u te'ililiuiceflnI auiCliii 'lu. n I)v iti 'u'aicI nd unl On the thiri insh ai lte residince etfbhr fri, Ii, - uct il t uuf eîir uiis fM.Lost. A Ti-a hief cdc fu ilaictsif r i.a'diiu'aiI -I In- îîu' uu h, .~o~s hiiîui' h> lus rFpcted 1 soIt ilai Mrs.Margrun Quieiy oged à - siiî'cutuid'u lnhicu c Sets, sud yeaîrx.- if lit.i' Ii-i li cuill ili Iluit l a I l'e n - b r1 ilfi>' niait tî iian i k lte ciie il nt-vwîu d fo lu isa k l teiiclhu t"- u 'caciuingl"y eo Brocs na ti, NIE'Wa v ili lisea, nLt etltiet bau -uitaiuiii' ei ,ui o i, lutil-iiiiielil ut ici-h î,'cîîiriî lit l à la] e liî'ît lini'lli' ennuiera et .Silidtothe take-t ultat st hitu; but tue has phincii') $- mt tlîu' ninnofiestise chîtdren ig 'c w-I AL]MsaK:tin., tetl tltl l r 16Uu-t r-i ten nt Iouubits u iCpi, Cit ccîprtu'oau Vi l.u u he, i o e icew entfgSt(.LEN, ;à tuisteuul iio, fr--tii Ille eiut'su'i- hyM .C rtr lPcsn n pe 'ill I o -i he iIutLetiOii I'l w i tî ie :11". uatm i'iiili'n lut iit timc i1 li auu nm in tlete !2u lcmn r- ci'il utTctat"u tii l ' u ea -5 iiuul uiiîai tic ta-uC-'iii cicie i-tt îuthelcîî, tut h it lie u it-t 16. li4A. i-ca.i atue lktie ro i s i r yfu on bu ur li tc-,, ' 1'1-.lsway un sab ttlib1cenIo," atter ehice oi-t itî'ncal cit c-îutf Ifislaei u m ifill I~~~~~~~~~ lFn-- tuitut t-sal 'n> i i c lc formeut i prnieggnn as luefure1 tcc $,tuuic. uI',cci ucuIlle tl~ aw lire'. Ad ui.1 ci'wiift>', Jccue 221, Io" 21 (i/uemii itiurlii n n tt iah c te " RI t,ircee, tri a tiautitai sbuîiv grave on c tc I - e. 'iotcctu c-t i. telc ir ltit at i of'ciiiîc1 nuf ulx 5-r rd con 1 ille urfniim tnicu ~ .2~:~îîîîî, . Iutrrî ndm oiCOMriiidious pilticitut beftu c'lio Jtt'h.lsl27 -sh G o h Sit-I - wtich cau aranzcd seults tuffirjunt tn - - '~ ut l'îuiu~c~" - utit eeeti,! uit >rml u'immute Soute huiodreda, aud dlrecîly be. ti-ftn leidf, u tti- l'patrncrtblsaa du Otarcioi, buieu ln ic,otid iotic'r ruîu tc li ndtt r tows ssv rioderl talesoci osle tlîat cil Ilct Ci ni cuti- .an t edwhsoba teANaI rju1e. Affiralipritenet being smatîsfied wili 4-fuos t ea ht ce. etstv - PR NrEaS ouve tirue in i La tuiemutteOucto cas nrrgnized by Wm. Smitlh. l' :'l- ex.1 TEAP07IJ, 'Vît'large factrr'of EBIgotandcoul u'ciil,u -Wordu'u, Ceont>' eut' Ontarlue, ttii2the I iR'YTclNiî J404 n 1usmier. oetwitit- 7'EA TR.4YS, ceas4 burne douîwrî ut Surulcu>. lii'fnitttry-chair, Itlte Bev. Mr. Garnem, fiee îl'reî IJctai .1u-iigi . ui trASRBOLES, 4c. huui bet l ipeatiî fr --u , atîihaut 1-7iere -«er wCiclilte Bec. Mr. Roph, a %0"4nIn a fuir du-mu. lee.a ecaI and itu-pcf gncdually tnt'ii u-xtuec cicd uni,,pilrt.!cu! i >',unu clergymanueof scareiw(tul y yceêcaut îiîi tt, Li) sl ttil tl hâd b"(rin une î,f tiloeniia o -ms alied uorn, whn addresseîîtie sp u. lIii ici-at ;Iîlliui OHituil,ce, e.txt (70)0K[Ç STr0 VVS piortaint i theu rosuiricu'. lus speiîîîity dienco lu an interestiu>'anl ahIe mariner, u utti fI htitui' l icîî lcuieStore, cas te.' mcaiuufrtone ofl hous. fllues, &r 1uinthebbc hanit esuitinq frotte Pabbatii rcly 'i"itu AT REDIUCED PRICLS. "ien fiiîmi'ai cre clise-red I iorer th iee 1echools, Katoiig tihat îousands or uur but- "'J Ile Csbu ulu un lion, ,a ot qusu tif>' uperiur ut!fîr"-mihes cîruîîîuc,!the e sirton dableteunrioeed their Worth aud Cap' . t r' ri.cluie ui-yii lu"a'îsd hkhet~ -tluile, Dlu ers, cotil,!li tertlf-tlmowdS ofci tfls viitltin.-is tu ving neceived aittcarl>' [rai ning nulbiiut.k tinaîbefinet.,uuotteeytto sest ~kC chol, CrtCh -â, Iuiribs-3,Jobbîrüstrlctly atteudec I o, sud the eillii, inîs luido>' andif twos tp e it aSai thSc os sor noselft utug 'riut-fS't 'uhX 'uL, 'e[u.Il-etiln, AUeenk'tu îi fiel geuital 'î1tc c ecrue rguulo- tfîî wuome ielin a position te spueak elle h. te luiis. -. AulnesFi4u, leicOiiinu5 ~,tanfaîu lealeJstr stopus ahoulul le taie'n to âeuthfe er e funusis. rtcpsrieuce cf a parenît, but ho heie eve t-ei>lhiiig. 9 IS-culunodit ic. andf %tîl iufiu et-be Isn tlSad ~iey j u siid nsyn inadt, iituuiL.legà Ol tnW)ty iîug propiim ir ui -iiidittg t heir far-tons thCo0 ittfellt ait ItISi.uIt)'iIN lCUJNS RICHARD HATCH. oued to s'tail tiiecIi ii) continuý e .c-nbo batitt;abn-b ouleud ni oui>'bcteecours- jWiitby, Jîhy îil, 186-.2 unoolTieiîe ne"s. It u> tyeir inenibarputthet .cieneIu adciuiultivatuil, but sbouid hae lookeel -- -Wltttby, JouBL 22,188. 1 lue Torontto o cituefltr disctlITnet eet Messrs, urn as the chblt inst'inttoi whichthert t cia" ' t Jacqtues &1,îî.>e, the citixcts tiobl>' came muuuds et ouyoutlu aoutit ha m edu. E A RU~ t3J foreuird and assiste,! the tu re-estallsit and fermed fit for tbeir passage throute r POL',î en Iy oîîc'ittiat the au- bieir ueiiee.'f'îelue be Msse. l-ibis wortd, and be prepamad utfr te wettd A &Kciuiniiîlof utlir puIt iltoLke gar &Melville 15ver>' heavy>'about 10 cOen &101tiibrounds Of aPPlatta tté ptaceuAit he 000, cîiîe cthe insurcac nl> ' mouarts Io gentleman took bis seat. Thet eliowing IU INSrZLIJT.E, il fitteen thîouaud dollars, Neari>' une gentlemen bétveen the recittion ot places adrait moe.were emptiîyed iii thae etab- by thle bildran ddressed thebaaudianesel Shori:ft'is Sale of Latnde, Uiament, and we regret to,> latitb M~esssWbltwortit, lowling and 1 6t i~ Thtis lotsa elil ptess bard upon ,mauy t hepoceediutgs" by pîsying sprighîly airs, Wlcithy, Juty 18, 1864. £-- - -c '7-1* TOU~R, A.1) 8' iv. ar "q, wr;kmeu, and weeare gtad teou tice that TitoSu prnednt3eosstdtttnulyivli bseold Cv Public atctlo, ent tttfies, [Ccir brother mechanica bavea ,at ondeeofthîe aobolehuu bibeen very induatui'toI use and laicke là -bthe Couirt Ilouisie, tn the Townef Whiiby' calta,! a meeting lu reimibutretem -for Ilu tccrning t ra, nd dertd!the .ose uu ia isfuBhp h . 'beuoiîîytvo nal,-hrit.ile-6 f the lois bbc>'m have stt.taiued. On ta Seriptînr1s, suad bai! aIsocomuilhled to e. # To Lot i in r U&Èm, litenemt tliab b idth îof jouriemenauere t tme sveratijr p055eïgie the undermnthonoëd leidq ounaintels elmr eerlplaces fer recitatlon L' F'aeee n nd teuemLtinsthau'rpc, "ize,! t-Y me, anèià r th osfupecuqiiarly hae>' "> a - gid Iss90ein 6iç a ndti melb>'virtntue 'Iitain W o'f 'AtiiM as tony of thein Lad preiousty suffheed - ere Wbenteolening,anti nýtrnelive, 5but 58.Sbp, Wi ltbih n o ýgo-'i.c ii w.J by a fit-a in Oitus. Thte facter>'covered CVa o~yh ae~~ f it l -liai totiuga,11,4 .5v 'r -h 'Éë au entire block sud' vas boult. tf atoue day beingue ofah-A#pâedhtti a in ttconl- eans. 14Qut mdto. Smul Dvis"ic' Inifý vrc1we' wood and brick. Nothing vitatever wu Msquenoe 'çulI upon enty a few,_ -'the sî t f Thure are a mto s l ol utll:be eis BtSartuai ttDefalst. aotD~v.051 saee. iomut os eph Bell, 2îud Messrs. Le. Witn the proises. Appi>' ti- .ODtt t 1 1- D6-s', "-- traugb snduitchardson, 3dS r noldAmuTg0MAz MOID UG, -, n-eThnueenahf Vlag f o Gaecxuîs AIO Povusorc.-Th <>~ sd othera' ontau ele,4tb $c,îdier Broughame, Jclti , 1864sa. - BdVftgémà u.y neuSenn e ut oe t ifioruu,byJnaeph l ini!dward - i t i id8ryy«wih u u Bumegvasaninitaio h bi cstmerS Camertâ, 5ti golag te obtircli, by lte POiRSA - lu othar cotumoq of -'eb ir e aie sure> Miisseos,Éidd4il.d sd Burnbam, 8th on til, . h tu te> migiti seau itautsel're4 vita profit. r. ane 9 pihie, >'L Ot*, Aki "d-1 Wyier, ?îbIgorsdé onîý'sis ~fnah found4by AJIcoeh> ,Widdifield and. Cam uatn t _I ? k 8l iunml n cg tif unToais.aMrt ou _.c.eJu. vis racou-. tvu dug ap ttlderbthe-ruina of a wanl-ino muipei. Ina onubincngcthe resetaes tesauneblzuua,-Ivo alagant bronze us of large dimansionsand great weigbî; - 1 ,Ll ~ etM-ba bte t - Y -~ -- -~ - -----~-- e S f Lattera refnainu ntiEiikî Ont tbe Finit t fJcuiy,1864, ltîd flot proviooeîly fliutiott, ,iu. Miiigh, Jmes Boseicy, Johin McICuizy, mieci Flo)ra Reniber, if eepît Me(ýntht. taneife- ]tnoka, Jaic e.1. Mc4ch, IMi'sa Elles &Itllu, lOseupb e itto . c. Marye colcinlait, Thetuia.. Mbohî(t11011eu Clîterclel, &E d nl Pi'-,liltar4l Evam, i)ber I u I;d!!, ilieit Ftecett, W, -3. Gtlîtttt, Joies ,2 î2ciîrk , Mc (4rortd, Jutccî i'. kctt, fli'iirii hiotYrnTracyiiifirui.i -Ilywari, .'nS. 'tisiup Wii. t Maccc, erv WIVI,Ietsi, ,c Nittiii, M l-i t 1îl 4îîtc .liu 1 . a.rý- L'ipe riv. $6 îPr arre. lNaii'rr îerîii.1 lliî, about 19. a. upouet prieu, $51lU cr c. tpeem(t prie, *i11 ;r erur. i'iîispkin î lI., ,oppo@ti'îî Vitlt2oreofIOri tua, ýilkfnt5 ac. Uriect pune.', t2i 'o'tifr tho iald îlifo tf pîy 141)firînrîe î r iuiLi thn vieler oi'the îîfrirvd-iients ho flt 1Icw lîuiclîa&ecr -lil tie letld. Sccaud C'oncess-i a S. D. L<îtI 1 ý 9, 1 )0 c-.1 W , 1 icooa. ust lîrice, etI Perî~.e O W NiSllPI'OF :M1A)ONTE. L.ot n 4 e f ltti Con. ý0 a-.;%. 1P. Lût 24 li llt n. lýS a. Uuinet pnu, ~>pir acre, VI LLAGIi OPOlILLIA. Lot if, . . o c' North Street ; Lot 7, N. W. oftCcdcîniStriet ,Lot 9,14 ofni eyw'aï4kiStreet; Lot 7, N. t., ic0M1 aaceicmî tret; Lot> 4, ô anîd 6, XW oit Cla,!Atley Street or lrout ScutLis4,'5 snd 6, E. on (Joraid Aiiuy or Conduitions of same Ficrin liAs, one-ifthllowti, sud tVie &Lknu by tour et-(u4l animalot incouetet i iterîCt ut 6 per ctt. TIwîi lut* ôonu tlîird deown, cithe , iiue l'y, fiei 0(i in[ ual îu tdilut..lriif ei, it~îit ittrust eit 6 pier cent. A tiîýliosit et $10 te f',rM a Dart '.1 the firat illiitnlimeîît will l'e Fe ilired te tic poil ols tcd 1 r( If land i lt oîigc. iurttieor1iartioitlan i-, bebuobtiid froue [udni hOuitice Jurocîiî. W3t. Spit'X<I. D. S. .1. P.UBLICNOTIÇJE! fin i,Itor0IAit, ror roit, teeiy anfinide (If lilîll loespurtiy wOite. Irl' it eiaim nud î -Iile .-.xt, she wili bue ofised ut'cerdinig to, ia'e. Whl', lu ne 0. , 1164. 24S8w CAMERONME N!1 Remember the.Addeat at the -last e1ectiQn,, and be triumphaLnt this time. CIid neu g(, rom tà sud Balmaoral Boetta, ~ ~ oftheu listest styles tor ,somictr, fur ksto eat tle.T OLI D1>SALTOii"CSI" WbtbI Juolh' - 4JAMES JIN. NORTH Q Q it t tudrei os 1864, Z5 TflXT Light 'Waggon and Dog Odart For Sale! - 'U ILfie soud Choc1 lot C ash, ionapprec'ed VVodit, a tiglft s-pj-ý, icc ggiici, witle pole acud îtituftst. Alnu a ttew D'ofCtatt, butlu uaaly nOie. TIRIMAS LAWVIER Wtcitby, July il,71864. '26-oie By-Law No. -To raise biy way of Loan tMe Bu f Twej iý 2housand Dollaro, for mew vurpose of rnakinql, improvinq andi re- Pu I/71Y /hepublic roa(Is aind hiqjhways in Mec Coun' /y (f Onlurjo. 1st.-Wheaes tis uxpuulient to niti])y erav of Loaii. tlan sîtn cf Tvtety "iîciuecid Dlliar * foîr thenrn pose of 'uakirtg, iuýiftroiiig ond repcfiring the pftili, noad anod h igtîwa> s ln tilîe ,Oulty orofnu- 2nd,-Aeid whereas itwllcr111 ruqedice st cf Titrctoibcitajd re ilunidre,! Dollarsa. tue bc raissd aniîttà ly, by s-p'ci)dtiruile, for the, paeyment cl' iSujil -111cciiisd tilî i;ilercet tllurenIi, Utfthe' rate of six pur creliumî per tctîîîuîrrî, witbin ten Ye'ucîne tieeîthe telithe ulay tu1Oc- tîulca, li ile vent <if cir Lord 0u18 Tieousacî1l Bigut iiuîedred anid Sîxty-tour, as tolics- 'T'bfusuo'fiousarîi 'l'eeo lutedre,! f ili ut antian( evt'ry of the >tUcis 1865,15, 6,ilil 18 ý7, 1868,1 1801, 11<70. 157i, 1872. 1873, and 1874. itti.-~ tii Wlifthe bleuuount uc- tbie ahuîi'tfcaliuproîtirthr cf bhe ornuînty l iianu, iccnitu ~fi ii eic tiiccly ci7,P08t,0I17 4bii'--Anuift 'tellf'rt'i) ur p th e bciuîbunust otic-Icrealiicg ari tilclial teariy S nki fum it or ivin, the itesilI reqrîl tri onrîtual ttctiîil specil rate of O[tt4 152 harts rot a centin lthe.în dollar, ii itrtionîu to ail chier rtls iuu cih of the Bsn' it theureforueeau'teul bY the Corporation ufthteuucouîaty cf (Ontario. lst.-'iiat ilt shililic laîrfuel for ile XVar- dre niftheu iaid! Citn'of Onta- in, bto rise b>' way ut uoan, front an'c penson or pensons. lBody or Bodlivt Corlîcîate, wloio zay bic wiluing tîl aftranco tbe suime up- on the creîbit of bite debontures haminaftbr meuitione,!, a mota or S'unIni' îelole not fnxceeeting in flic wlole, tie Sutu ; ot f'a'enb-y 't'huîiaarnil oltcrg. and.utoosute lu1Il'(1 Ile ciTm Slirer cf Iho aiaîi 'sunt c ritui forle hebî pir[if)s$ uîîul iwith the ol'ieb obovue reeîttui. fci.. icttr hue luit cî t slsli bu lauisliorm (ie iil Wcitdeuthto ls-ui în'rlinert-ain ucesaâi rfui. Fier cf' IYellt rie-m ,,à lobe ualié ouItfur-siauî ofîunsot naieys m2y bieonti icco rnot ex- inen l'luSwtîohîe. [lie sutof neo duhicuiture bu bauiite <Iut fuir au legta sut tlit O'-;, 1luîtred( Dollars<,oued tith e lîuacud Leluoc turc,,s shai fie sosIeil "cvlth the cnrrese nt c! bbc said (Corpo. rafti, uutwc1li' ugue l>'tb 'itaiuiiueif blu 'ccitvtrforthie tinlu tauiuîg. aiid coitttrsignad b>' bbc rrP.a'ttnr utflie sttid9Jotpo- t'ltiat. 3rd.-Tlt ttheui uaimi Du-iucnubîres shal be'ir i'nrsibtîtat«te rite- of six per antue pDersonum, front ii.edate thareof, we icinlereat shah uc payable batf'yeaniy ah the Office ot the Brta)ctu cf Vite Bsuek et Montroatluen Wtitb-, oued for chichi inlirest,cuponus saiboihe attactie t teuaclit Dchienturc. bIti.-Tluat theraid Debanfue tabol h !mtado ps,à b'abîcu4the -Office of 1h, -Bronchtiot tc liirk ot Moutreas lAIXWbiîby, and shall faiihdué m tohiows :- $2000 un the- finaL dna' cf Octebern, lu eseu and cemy et toeycars 186,5. 1866, 1807, 1868,' 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873 sud 1874. c th.-Thà t fer the ppopes.etfpaeiinjg bhe luterest, and cmealiueg an equaî yearly siuekiueg tfondufor te pay- nmant et tbe sisld Dobenues, son aqitat Specitul rab- cf 04040659 Parts-eofa coet-),the dollar, athali, lin addition to, ail ollêt' rates;, bhisebci, leveuandmlcoin lecled lu cach ycar, tipon alitheb rtteable propcby lue 1te mid Cont>' ef Ontario,, uriueg the Iyeors 1865, 1886, 1867, 1868, 1809, 170f 1871, 187-2, 1873 and 1874, anth têlbe'-ar eds . o such 6s4ci >'ate asuall be ap.d e SOIsor, I ;>0 IN CHANCERy.' BETWEEle Joliu -Veriouî autîl Julît SteLIîhej,g, 1'lantili0, -AND t iyi'tt,) cuidIna Stuptianet, MarV Jau 'I 11i prî t1ii 'l uI Clarle:i l3ur-i.,l lui îîuradtthi l tatii, i drte o-nitrauVientilyî-rà , guardijtti, (Ilitilu partieA ilîtlle Mustict'. ice>le'floti Ira 'itepiu, "t:îVorcîucî tutti Joîc tlephiu c, 'allf'. AND JohcnuTort>', inuit Naisojti-Sc4lîaît (hiy bill,) uid Ctar!ei;Ste1'lcaua, Plcte tStpiiens, tlauci teitaonig Davjilid tctefIeic, ,antdl Lylica Ste. - teVelty-cuuii >'grl.'yfr i>'sacuîelil -Ciirti, tlieir gtituecidil, _Mary Jîtutu toude, alud lilarIa4 is 8rdelu, huieslicî',!ar, (iuacte pîcrties run flua .Motur's filîco,) iuguuc Jc IlVinn',tcit Ira Stetueaus, AND Jolutu Steliut ieay Jane Ilier (ldui], Cîfiftrîes Bleli, , ilnriods te'- ptiuc Iiliel tulihen4, Pi'tiîtI)u 'ittcccLYtîlu Steptiens, and DL>cvi tt1iicc by llioI14i.'i Miierc, tliceir giuarclian, Dtu- p UIZ'lJ'fANT 1to i iiioeî, no' tiis Itnuýiîritbe fCurt, luadite laIcetabuve uueîuioiinu erafese, ilîlfiltIcs 2udccît of ' aroiýl~ at, puit, imi, deletut c ite,mti-da Iti acIi iîftlu he vu iiîu,îitiui iý,ît) t , ctiuî ' " cii b"iriî daute tiili tet1 df 'iv of-ile cel cill U mi t»' <George iuicury Darton-l], lieiucuirv1 ui ni' fdie eu1 C(ouurt iit Tuesd'ay, the N'intecntlî day of JuIy, A1. D. lsait t letcc i lttseut,' k-iii ttlima or- tanon, ;4lthce (elîuîitiers ut tha sulîl Matutar, Il> roultre th tint cl T(>WN OF WHIThY Tîxutoli tiring tlans id îr rotiy, flai lititheîf1ilîtueoneosiouofutthe 7O0 TSN[P 0F REU CH. OCSOOUNTY OP ONTARIO.-0 cuting-b>' adtiuoasreuutt i TWO HUNDRED ACRES 'Nure on lees,abutl1.10twes at-oettraul, aitîd uider aî giiv i t rtl c'uiiîii. Upuosthelî îcne)tius nrnn'tod 'gouîl rame House, Ram & Driving Shed, 'Thle lit'ouiuutf' i- withuint Wou miteOuci'tuci.: Athiet, t #Y. litilsii ti îru e it L use'llwuttered by at'tuiug4estniuta s uusitg thurnlîi lîInth U. Ttîe pint-ýlimer shîua]lput'dcî thebîeet-1 mail', inu thue proportionIl -mif t e iver>' (i ofu thflelurtls îiitîucîytîthe Votidtsrle, 86h 'oi[r, 'u fti., sI ecul puy a siuint uuusmeiuîî u nieka dcili filu e-ý liut, .aiie-lutti nof thu perire i oue>', c îulthuîu tbtee nùîlitis of lue dci'g disale, vibht ,ittresb, , rcOOUistltii te-hiuii'to Ise mseouru te> i teurtiaga, ( bai iur of dowviittuttusutl- lIa, daiy rit ale,iwîtlî ililromt tiieeatnlja UItiu- el.e c'iilIhe di htiut iuin itlf tuîuid, Ai. titi mute týrstIiSoi îcouent utitli. . lau altothuer respects, tIi.c-) liditimis 'fe , s c Séala, ac0tlirsu uliiituitied Iwe igênerai ordeas. ouesahd (joturtf Tint ptirn'tioor usitaî1tnt e cijiitloeb te pus. ' SCisautut îtItiefinttdaof ut ct,er texi. For'rtt'lr paucrtiutire uppiy tîu t'. A. HUltD ' Venidons ul uîuuiirLitutsy; il. IL.- 0ittî IANE, l>imnelur, Whiiîy, and 11ROBERIl. MUOICE Bamistun, Tvrnto; atnd ut blho udor- c signa-i 7unster of'thi.e (Iutrt. Daiteu 14tht Jiine, A. D. 1864. GEO. ýH. DARTNEL4 cMubeîm Li'Whiilby. Ilc A. hit) , ýVcîidors' Soiheiîtor.'2 REAL, ESTKjEýlJ Twentieth, day 0fr ; LD.1n t 'usÉt 1i . à t'iitjc uXtriiu t tue (piiît Uuiie orftuqe 'roeri of uieil 'rîUIciDi, 'lXXEIN'TY- -EIGIITlî JIJ LY lcaxt, it the lue.ii'N'jiN. 'rîin)tîî J1etIANt>. EluEu . 12'i'('cîcttei'l.--'1t , 41P ci' 2,01 ci ~-c. t.72e; ie lit c.; #,Z0 20 .tuî;.Oî fhi,(tiicorf. $t pectiene. fcige i N. . 'îîro o,-~f-s e'o 10( M4iu l i-a.'* 4 fiin.; «,5t87ri. f.17e;- 7, Si) a. .5 -:iL. iii 'rie 4 -r -c, ltfi2i,( $-î cut I -ti;2, 4 ici- lînu l>rcua, ~ .(pi-c ocre Ialand rîecr 1the Nurrows of Lakce Sinu l', 1 OTS & SHOE