Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1864, p. 1

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f4 irlstui xxb 'sos lux àad,éýop 11<wIIT SR k, PS W. il. II.GNS At lhIý7Prftii itblha W ligua Deor to the, Regstry 9fie jpRm s 5 ÊAXNKTX. A Lii dettooa%,, !set n Noupar. £I1li, atidalianrrul*t thirate of 1; centA per tint, ftî nsortlit, -and 2lemts par lino, eacli .s be ln nsertijui. Sp al COutriets made with ltdvartliaé,à by the o.rî dotsnin.tn heln wrltlug.' NMt~~! W.E0FMNTLL )3 A1LRlTEl1P .(& ATTORtNEY'g Ar LAW, So0lieltors to the, Roit onf MNftrn. anud lnty Cnlncil of Ontarlo Wiiutuy, C. W. 'I-0t Ofi. th*Otit ort Ilines-gnutlhWine. GEORGE U. DARTNELL, B&USWTEll, ATTOINIEN, ofiliwVeVA Stroa, Wlithv î'.wlty N.e.ITAM, B .,lltl$Tglt-AT-LAW ,' NE - TLA W BOIItQ(e-gidiei! ttu(l!gltry Otitep.. lruk Chioreto Streut, Toîronto, C. W. ANIIIS MNtf-ittlitN. 1 .1. A. SA \1t'So M. M.*.COCIIRANE, l. L. IL. U IO>'NTY vrrmNÂTIIN1EY FOR ()X tarAit,1tiorrstait.nt>tOrs Oif<v- it-Law, So Ili-ut- i lU tu'. NarIt31'ug ).ui GIrli tr . ali. t) A n E l %nL e o Dfie 11oi r mi tGt$TliroNlt. \WTEith.XTR4- ROBEIIT .. WILiRO-C BA wzisTEii &(.ATrUiRNEy AT LAW, So Chatrn 1ec 'i.&c. h Itbv, -t'. W. Offiec- Victarla i41îl!çr. lroek t-ii. IitiiY- D &UISTERi-ArLAW MAMI)SuTLIT' Il Torotot. J. K. G.)tR)o*i, 44T\tA't T TAsLvntIN iovt'StrWhiuiîy. V. W. 41) ~.KELLER &LA.MOX,. (iVorthtea 'irî.ole OttIr., Broak Street, Wtuît- t'y. MIAS. C. KFLI.Eli, JAS. lAIN Br.e4, C t. - CHIARLES C. KELER, ATV)'IleYAT 1 W oiltmtI tont, truuuk, V' Wu la t t>RE0 'i0w. o B lltîT'1ll>48 L A W, IllAINt' lOtI,A uN'A('G 1(Prilea lme Athevt, tuwo donr', wbtof -T. C. ona'a.ir.1 J. W. CALI)WsILL 1JROW1N, <4CJNVEV ANCEII, t')MMI$Suî)NEçltFORI ilouiCur,Notary Iliulllcautel <Jetterai Agent, tlrbrtdge- ni~-'ut tenarî>' opposite b. IrolmpVtly eouitte. 82 BI . ODELL, GJ B., Ai, foi. 1>.Its colle--t(4#1 oi tilu t ogt - - o Iasmsmîs teru lta, ouu 400r11ouît vetittaiteu aaatSp.10, 18611. 8,5 a. WMCAR< I. D. satî'4s torc-, Br ýi St:ei-, Wîttior. 44 B. D.0 f OWAN* P ytrI '4 UIVI, .>NANI Acou- PCiVUlua Mîuctieîl uttacundoPickering R.J. GUNN, . . --~uu; j if~ ut ~uî il 7....usFit IU,Jafa uUMfAU VVL. yVIli', 0,: OALT1 ND SEE S E fe ta oàei-the là Brccklin ' Birou ' klîn Villae, wirob te oeaet'11hus Mritule. iu rho fittot i, npsd conveulent, mttt, thon gota, ver y god, 4h4 but,-.- thia cuînfort 0cf au msuIluorse hlt beenl prontoted te iasihto u4l8rWei al .it S un.ysCke yacr rost, Sà udy'e ta ble ig t lue ient, Sitliîdv'o aod eOoIaunoduuyil t:un'tbe boat inaitiuo nstic TheItauuînerocs triaitýtxu aa i Areanaked te givo lion. - ALEX.r Ilrook't n, Dec. 28, 1 8o3. Ontario Dnîng Hall& 2eg Ju.umeo' etbedral,) Tormut trera litilesaTwpte ta Tliti ln;ueh'u,,So1icro ai etaitiuoq LuqUora, &o., oittie bet branide. GLOBE_1-10T Il11E r.toue reit ktiila ld hioie and pum'iuuee, lieu-c iptl lu> te auiisc'rler whortIloie wt t oit mui. luad eu d ouît n attieud thuu M-11114 uf lii, 4giiestu, ir-. '1. 4 îaisalula lîî'eu cous- CiuîîufOrtgtilu' 51usd tmp; puaîted,j-ý uii ou rufa fot rater tu wuh uuuiiterii luapreveunent ta ua t Ii lilm dtlrîtiîls f't..it tumte Tâbi linup~p1ied tut sîl tines. Notice tu Farmers ani vIJiir un- Wu'i'ul u Ruuinil. ',n" lvaInif Pr..t.I' .uitioltor bairrai ;..IMe t5'uliu îu uo bosi l'or liquuurtti'iVrsr-u ofthtl'eut tirsl Aliunutiu-v Inîro ui Heres te A. ALEXA, ISAAC FEN' B EST Wt;mo andubliqitorme;.411 agttf ntive lii"stler. A T, r31i0 ,Nq1H0 T EAST WINDSOR NOliSE, Wi wx-.GAOT. Ypuoruuuxant. ruit)V Euliosr ltel je sitîaotcd 'n îpi .r pa"relt o~ ftheo 'wn, onttue1 wiot uoeentumlatlos tir travelta, asnduî euuâtteiguthur ntIerm. VICTORIA IlierEt. isiiFtAV io TlR 11 K D y 1 J " S 1 A Y S M O B R I I > Rý, ' O II T I, R C s T r 5cr ~ ~ O 'rSTelé19T-. ZU B wbtl ba mclad T tiiouit4kon -the-ýabove kota lateIy- r Se I E RAp aakept hyMr. IIaws, and tl3tîts il cf h -frioe eés o ta 9KIgSe% ,ti.lkon ogtffltitabwLéananafhl inmelf. harittg89 - q e. tiit beat1 .cfanIn OtiJ l Ua lST pî'erive Atd abve ' Iýl i trtc rot h 6ar '1etueian ooo'.slhi e ll s iplenadd lot Of 'Sîoet-rom intof tehitdst iou .dtimut~"izrse o tc' hu toutil g el PRAIRIE CHfIICXEN.q, QITIL, SNIPE, fuund tt lispost. "el Oit, JOSEPR REuBw-Ti"î loti. ClrrPti e ia ansd Vaulmoun. iWhitj,Mab 2,184.1 1 -W ondty-s, Aioe, P E T. SI1IELL A N;D OA.N QYSTERS, WhER OU B 50Lbtr,&eN'utsîenoaîMÂt>iSEo. W. Whi 15 - A L S I îî&A IfoC o >N K E VY C . D A W E .S , r P?4I P R IE T 0 staurmia, r elr, lins - l'nrtlied ftic pr mises throuzhoiit. mtt i irulhed Iho au'Withet î t.Dionoers g 'E 1FEÇIlvsry ettelt ion I t lto a otl lh 'ce it I'c REk aol toi W ith aolldcl>' ('rouel1ute> rit0 tse hoie 1I iun itluinne.,2 lIa Wlas !nailetO' 0lËPbiirren t'aýl 10o prize -Wh itttiTI tlrfrane.sd aton. ise~ n4alo. OM,II-RCIAL MOTELz hue wîmîîler. whiela enahlmq them D OW ta rtrè'or-fo - STtaOIWA - flue M inherg cf ahe iÀoàlatun4, and thimaTu.- DAW IK.AD 'rpuetr lo1 Pvm vtiihîle soocrlor aecninnocdstt iio l'I LST (LAS.1 tltlard Rootus, (t'wc cf W . 1te Aditjionato the, apertaielmats thuoVa-la]mtwt. F t'utp hrsi,î toou. dorn- wbaml ter, ti y tiare uue'v Parions anal lIed-rorumg ih, a # tp t oimu, ot'vllers. t i 1esmtabiilielIniq bam, hu n uc tate i.î..whteh. for rululfuiri -- - ,'W! o uti îînrehaaqel sitlci uulooe.re ais'urpattiod Il] the. oity. f[&O RSS BA1<DA I awsvsle WM ON.AIRAS Ae I'eràoal>'t) , XRUSSEFL 4SN.h uuitv Qneboe, Mrii JOIHN D. MePIIIE. Wot llu. uni ierr' Northern Hqtel Cannington. '-r.1tiu~L Tha te Vitnufa. ie treasitbiehIliies. st thc i.here fksor WINDSOR'S QUADRILLE BAND, lil>'kno-suit t. hsA e rnclred ita nceamtnr o dn0. sno ea ii<tuut.exteut, and îtuuule AfIESFor 0 il Others tl'r iittio rfn;ul!r-inp.t, ta r> IBe1RAN WINVDSOR, 1 Meay Scah, I ýranil', Faut!-li- ha c gîtt. TbItitille i l a Ye1 rass viuidmiol vt h &-teil. B No >Ni~ t hé «tlî euin aeasti,auud tunue 'iuîthm. lent lrsîu<l ra Reuuin(.eî uft l at , Iq lo qkpt on tise preoiueslut SiielTr', Ruuil Trb"il- kaom e upplioed wboloe. .Glrr, IN%,"IJ11ANCEds with t t o The o oilasig iota. lofiltte reuowuuep l i er, a!.Wnym i'l ttneuî I nl. " rlt hlast he mrtIplit-itA-ientie Il u-ocatai tel e k), ta takre Oîarz eu.enmu, T ituIii oegitvfer theuo liwitu dxtlaei-css Au NDE L - JOIIN tVAitD. liîanrniure O'ipuupeuîs.ln rmietu tuais; prop 19 proipu-intar. ti-.,.pî ilu-fu.lite aud uteriti%,- T G h 4 2n3r n~OtOIt ia. 41 ne E diaurgle Lffe esAmurana eComsuVy JOIEloi S To the Travelling Public. -Thmue Licerxw dL o">' e Casazl ITON, VIlliar fi.. cf t, n d enît iuviîai Ated tïiuon iJ ' KELLI', - A noithib 111 gîjout stYle, t. tint preparoj a tenu.etmîausiIt tOhuaa. ye i'ropîtitor. ait tb~e e-ion ise 'hum a cailiîe ie'îu Oie-o;Ier ya irnsqun T E keeijlot iltng buttt 11ttitPeNti. meter,63.ie Thou w, itabting atuul ffl 11RST 0F LIQTTORts à CIGARS Btitlmh Amerlen'Assserama.e Company, T-oia - I1 i.~nl,,Ii bMA twifluruho nleit i li a wTNeCOI<l'OP-A'rE-o ouerauActottueThird â Rrie -- - --- ileiuimu'o.nnI'tIu x«ssun. An atîruuiu- il.ir e tionen f thue Elareli>rovltifhiti parlia- <tansotto. E PAL nllv als ' ny n ii.lî. ,Ti%-îag s'ltc fvor lu,.wilh i oiment &)le.rC ,n,~ rniil u' y ru-vlition ii tluuO evferaslly nCciii. -d1«_ int)litttl nd w ll tteîule 10l.W; i mu>Juti. ttil m)iYItMi.Ts'.CAPITAL 2100,000 Wthi ropritkir. Ftl*nn, NL , 1 R0. l1I9 lI a mIreetolit on Bul!.l!tics aa W 0B V') "S HOT E Tr. lle u J rfrira front rond. 1100N làn ROT Il R. Tarlîo gstBrs'totwu 22 Ilin0-r iritls mib-anciMeoutm ' JoYNTON8 IIOTEL. Ti E - ire & Life Ineurance Com5y. (rswrvm TlidtIS_0W., i SM.&YTUN 4lo ta hformi ahlt AP4g1. W tilittm mutortheo <molta>'amI'Victoria i4 kituiutc-"J ftiltureuul u-,1s aouIegCo ie,*5 t li1 ut iPotoot ule rom.(.Lae Ivlith, set. ? "41. '5-ly 1.1-i iultilima-ctrLa Ip v h ' cR7iet. Wmtoi et ,î~g ll'J~.t, u tIito lt'tnlutsmm,.. ANGLO.AMJilRICAN IWTEL. 5'Jtiioit LK.t Tofr h -mu-iinitutte l.tir teito publc eu'stablliel lotat, with thbc vcw of affordiluu 4ive mient-a el. (ocd tetllne sud 0aselr14 - J~ohN MUCllUhîlrE '.CUTRBERT KASILLtA. TIEP.i':dersilgned ol e*bangto ilrnt'orhl* 1?fIeuda. stut lIhe trsu'e'linirtctthlia, thit lu.. lia takei thte alîcre av«dIt ton otehs, uusl trtI-ti v e(ttiet ittetitntoblnainacd t.> onioeavovilu t tat0callin Ilit$ powar fer theuomin fort ulo'ruuoe c naue, to înert ra *haro tottîthl adStcoudaîia fer masnanot.t-rse. Amti telliir an auî .rstcI Osler Atwsy#f ixi a- S. C<nAYo - ROUGE (OTEL. TaXEî OO N. hÂTE 0F TUE NON. rJqnat el , aiauferîîuerly ntfWilithy, au- 'iiiOt a hIeti4dssud t ho pable iîpa lu. 82. li ye. L.tNow, 81id ve Pmusâttforr-Pulîlîstiais, rer trlP. îrieA. as anitotlal Lt plooium anadaer, .ZAirl <'olleTbc'iply ro;s;t Xatlfltouitei e r iuasto. Lhu, 1R62. uert 1cili LIqrCITslsDatr, * C, Mte ~iClsuoisru, ~'ou* pour Soth oqf th WuIyJe.6,1862. Tbt ouit enautlîlll>' sitoateol on t'ho mar- rin et Loko -5hiOtm, uer te Nare,:' bl*r. e mnmuiigqioadad vieo f tise La«kssaI wnrroiatdine Pleurcqe etryZeaio- isti, and othor,, esclil rOvu'ied rot lm hostn andl fIRhiug tgoki. Anal'Je fàitsh -lmg ao ate take %ud gurrpws led ofth*imebnstde#Sirptlou. 24 -Tavorn Starnd forîSale,- 1N thé Village ot At4f-lrty-, uertbeuiiau.ew ....n... C. '..i-ai.owtn totea. wutp lc uiaesîn àe LURGOt)'lTO TUE COIJNTY OAoL, t m! isirt re or the receptic.o f "Il 80WtO il -Byrotï _treat, Wtitby. 4 ivetstwWinas,1I.ters sud Cigars. Gocd Wei îsit Cted n 9tablli19rand an ttoiitlettlelr. 13-y THOMAS DEVERELL* BUT 1, ) P X,&e. &o., GR BEN STRLEET, GtrIad Tvuk Ratlway Raotel. 2 B WIlitbhy, C. W. <S'usLA eefe of Reailmayc Depot, Pert W4A.eb, bIe.cîtrtt>rlmna ltted 1nP theo ab0v, wdI1 TH.E JOUX M4IETCALF, T waw rii wth the e w cf eldn (Ti ua (1 .ibLK<I TfF IFiI )tISOY OUTthce ef:inila gof i01-e travelling zp..huIc. Dot' DUNDAS STREIE 001eenpril ic-0Towihip BrokAd- ueo ,4 atu ihiele ot lu eiarrgi.theo Rotel wiit tire..: tienntugton. 14 bho propey ariead tor, au'ait:iugthe arivllof GOG i tice ol'tuoràa hy the t4evEast or et. Uocd - ROBERT 1SPEARS, aRad earefnllttntion. pRoefbr X AND TRAJUREIL OF -TRuiAEptNtE.! sert hebuJ t)wnstîitu of Uxbvlutge. Address, UxIî)ridgae. Wluitby IRAI. l itwI A. PRtINGLE, NÃ"ôW Tg THETIMU. bet faiia ht, P 15ERCIIANT TAILOR, BItO K SItEEf t h sIe Town.L hI btby. Ç4 m ES8 AT t leltlIwyoàjb - J~. A. Clark'. lut Ptiue pIctareGallery tagea fr Ubr4 Y~~~~~~o TaARWP.JOOrc urk sud Ex. type, Csaênotvypo, Ltte Y r » gLtaaiie tC*oe hsi <t.ah a.aor tuei. TREA ReIt _ 0I n ýét 4*j'Wlity My18ï JIOMHS TONDÇB, IfhiMGii, Z uVkstyeaaai W i .. Offtée-To0 hlkTl DIVISIýoN t d- T j"."Ç ý(LR PFUT (>tvypr ~cUlig.~ ity o J. S'PA. I O 'UNI HRNTJAE4L flOUBE, 127 King s&, We>t, ý FV$ i '~ i 401MOIN M. WARWICK' ' hjmd.r; rtA m, euod qoo&rter ocre afland. gaod aride. APPIJt L. STEELE, On tile pretlse. -ef ;T, WIII. T , - . W. ý rab5o~ ~ .l4 84 Maltrin vriItve Iimudma9>' a. m., s #. vive xt PoirtHplo1.l10P. mu, Mo#l-botm iu i av, -Port flops £t 3.0I, M,, GaTIIV tle traisty 'T. A. WLLAMSMaagr Pant Hope, Nev., IN". 48 TAVERN BTÂIDA» R8L VILL-AGE of CANNWNGTO't Z arlilî. voooiaîc. KA'niesf'ni upin fwstor wil serve. hieevi>'the -Whâgý v'iIIjgwQ- imeisfta._59 y 8<h tWe toie Rild 'R blèhj~u. 5kbou6b -- ;esla lIa'msi aos l" tA i, shty) lpsr.rc sjtuinte cm,1tt, t ortter file Vllasge, voih i I aUerton, a ill tu tIlA toa - - - - 'rime I .mamotia pe ai t p~srw1mbixho- sauxe tts itr.iéhf e ner n, o ýting, GriamiI. V L, JJNEý, t8ls~~..N .~ jbont&ýth 6drmopingIfy,. ilig the hIitliesoy ,80 og ters; tîI idÀlOJýhcir re vois, e aves à4 wlligp'ring nos?,, IlvOielt murniar aty dwelleth. hero. fiwth iilty river, 0o iAr sut nusa brglt, wavel tag ettly ,ripplo prkiahite it; lits eV ry whore. tars mlline forth to brighton, e mra mlinos fî niit:, A. ond e sproad o er ther iuto,,. @We theaiuns cf llghî rI1plng breaks the aitilineos18 our f de d aire, avoke ý1I taiswar t 4iloimm thé drOOPinir 11o1% ors, bfltil-sine bird* do sing, 'id winds liold tIioir revois, efy foresti rifl; es the twlghty river. lis broata tlier ray'r, rtwttl catch the co, xhaoty evervwhiere, té shine forth to briglitan, agie wijd of olars d a easoo'or Wtotlusn mré 0f brigtttr ourit ghtly ogloiitre o oIayl attos .pas o'or, etimpair, bit tliegs thé e,tyr, ntr verywhere. B. E. S. saVeor Quseon.so tng zephyrs il ontt:g b>, W aVlley greena in the t foi 1ev-9 *ifffr uionblîA QOII '%Ïî,end $8aan0n'A verda,'t baukie i0 tir Inerry tius f4the Pibrocell ancele sweps, f of the Briu islam uteCc1OmAelus nss' MWrrts Iwith lcyalty, xlauhalosveuts iîg. 'r woodtiu, a , gocitvicori" ei," (;(d è4vruqy, lelsatet il.11 wu etesfrotA the rThe white buatekfiy fiew, s ttaiglian1yt ;theoucaeîaud-he ýkeybole. Iwitiont a ,derdmonyw f,,,The- scdrer,, ,aia*,the be _wiIl irithe wovld, could net -fôlles, oi sach aroi muHoîd 700vroiW V. lie slicnted te ' lroaghliairedrdogi whlch,tgaùgfoios. 1> mt chéin, s'as barking houarsel>'-ea hie, over the ruined palinga. Tic soldie, PiokednÙPajgî0ne and the brate muas qot ilien its-hookthe dcer and, Ibck, bt- 4id-neîmore' "Halebouse 1 epen tun deorI' lie hoeuîtd, and bianged awayýboitl ehatli7 stick and blsbut ai remanc quiet a " l o et 'ocf cavmudgeons>t" ýbE peor hungry el-wgvwled teahuiMsel, ant oked £votund bhhm; T.he,.on>yliving le. ing li e Saw , Pa-the other sidie-if th lestreàn vuaa an old,. lýn;.haired denkly whh was 4îiýg an a'tu$' *of tistoa4 am&qd lAi1 reiee , s e e on hm j<0 ý 'omesatelck>' brttel'y'lthe sol. dIsh'aluted, OmJ whh ld't diier- .i ceuld eno> 'an0macl i;asyou. do, Ihese ttes. Bo1Twe0u'astand àha,and he gave snch* fierca kiql., aithe, deor- that ', e Dpe. "Vitdria P1' li hotod le'id s.rung Ià bat, Singing and ,vhistling,. lia entered the flis. witb sbeuldered cndgel. t'MA PTER .- gAANOR CeMPAuT. N a $ s tebe seen 'in tÉl!Jmiu the wheel etill leepa on turningý-, and the -posta and mrails cf ah. tcîtering bouse trembled to the sme rogciav tune. His shoot ofr'flotta. 1' dhed away inthéstoke- staimted sag Obe>inq a -correct lia. stioot, li=wlkdpast twoc iockel doors ta the lasî, whicli. -stcod cpýen,' and tliat netir. at>' led'te the kitchen. >- 1 Matiers looked blaettI entl thte. Calibage andi tunmpala>' boit paled on thie greonti anthe b, knife b>' aheir aide. On the five cver theluoena outureoti boîg 'a canidtcn fuI tifwater bat tlie code uras absenaafhat leave.-"'In lier' itéade broWi cal t a na uteeil, twiùuliig.uti syea tiniýt Ibeked ntthile soldi>rî ina mett'melanely ay and ti nkiedý tibem agyain. He Ioeked Into lihe pots -Il amipty 1,'Wiiy, uhinga sacranenobotter haro tub l ur somc. lBut piçrlep île dj!iaimvis preparetodmiuetlbesiating eoomî aud T have avrived jaut ho lime-tepitel Another dccv lad te lime ke.epiîtg-rcom but aber, vas -nme ,.im itil.An aid black 4ïon was $ii » ng an a c.asin et a ànarrew vindo*. - Ona table by'lrs saide -la>' kiait- ting-D.edlcscales, a ynick eh ~ ngof a. acnpt l rsiqo sshing i heed .egainat t.windowpanes. 1 The toldieruaaook op a poaitoue lun fioMî ýf tieheae. lt, had Als'qs tbeen bis muian ta &pkîlaudly>zýith ,sie'yîting lhe -am arm-wtfi ensýe apimalol 1vii s ma'aket or bis bootsw -Gi ati.e. ii. Ipi ro4 sâ siougJu ~ib pe ~ thenc sqza Jne e ingedd w £au4mý i 4 d x dhiq, RHalut *ulgbt'& Iging lua, bw4 h wrlthé4 -bard, wossul sIgi er t 'tour. Engredutl th sula eusougfih hougbit, te'id na' l no ice t#bat! lelât eh d T hêl lofa 4p iglaraJ; he wy ltgc"setous. i ainualy mue deoate, thebs es. eaursaid; .sbefore àt knw, -1 uh. ji i, 7on~~*an~iaawo~&-'MLrigho, -H th e m a r iy ( *D ow llp o ýu gip ,, " '4 14 P le ss s a ll 6d Waling.in the ds s 2t thon lu braw&Y 80 qick, I a ýee bewhud je of thé blowhng, andt a gong soane aas, wsli!àaslqand ile l a s t b e 'o o d s e , ' , s r y - t s p d l i r a i k U i h e a t i f that s elasa 1do." Iulad lit Sopqna ateri th# 4POs"qodriglut ove bitplesau luspl, ad nao àa husaath, oyal -in tb*' for- Tfer. st. Whou ha,*009 u aa émd, Ih.le s à1 d -of the lis at ciA repajuvtc, u lb #Ut 5fore, w the Sound qPhio Ifootf4i, ;u blutL '5g00d kôâil hie te. d*>' vu te Qm pprm.ive uand'eate tut ocme. ieÉ*,Iw1 Aà bewslhsd longthug heuna>tleed 'alit' cha4t saeaetbtt'g wh$le soe4 gn-icn heaIt. U>a# ,air hgpire biats ilt. ^ auWI ro:ta e elud.aim~ n, as IfitoIy seo.. Ho 2ve erit inio ilie bed-ron and botted the do(xr behud_ I3lw on looking hack accidefntai!7 tIhr ,ouçrhthe glas cor e $a oiiié d o see how ïviy thebattleiéld hé eIl ad justiet2h nii~.ae aaly -lad soddenîy 'le- corne.. The 1hafen, liad urept out frorn lic. hîn th stre.thocâit corne ni frinm the icben, anâ the doe fiwn up. Ail were inow bush7 éeaged ()àthe table, greedily devoùring th i ilians, that lay scattered about. He lid :noéidea Of diat'irbing "Tlongph lie was,8 flatIguerdbis good iph'ts did n.)t degert lh. 'Wt lho itow, up the ujIpprs to thie ceiting, ald ,witliut-undreiing, sprang c'h ne boudd' iuto -the- neardgt lied. el screycosed> bis eyes ere ho bhegàn to ancr, .hic I'ornel amoat liarcmIOous cOmparmjrýnt ato'iie C.,latte'r of the nill. !the iextmorhâg-i. wsa-, neiathogtbiis Sthi -n-uembling ai cfelu lyoni. hi nmi bt'. u Q the ne i ser i aWel>c~> tol t. id o' sI' a oh1e l ô1i th edirwke at the!uloment:tle ,son fWlh uns Urt:me-.that.itis a cotai. was gildhig bis rusatnàostfiéhi The fort.r,' jfirat îhing ho saw was the oid lien. It He wes silerittg eai:utbfrbtpo was sttting on the cushtian cf the lied nèkt for-long, - ieaw'O'kor with, st baavy prass. te bis. 1t flapped-it* wingm, and looketi ove on-luisà(h'81. On foebun,-h eud eagerly towards the window. H Ilwitrangel was someuluiugluruland hair>' H Ê'it ahe hairy aid doolce>'wua standingotide sleep, ho t"-houx6tit has i lnaièk, aud mnaffling aet the, panes; iha"Made 'a threw itfrMdan lh inatd wet ut le'Slgeîî horrible grimace te the lien, as if wishinn' again. ý Thatu ho rate htta .nr 'it 'Good nnovning.ls mous cetuuttan i.Uired vu seuilt Tue-mitent manueurinof the, twe crea- 1hieat1r-tehic, îtctladth e sarlôle iJo-itsi tares aoeordad aur mprry fellow muci'a- fac;.jot îrted to~Tia ish«dwdi f4h mospent for a lima. <te ia sLaurscdagigantie ai. As the lien raised- its wings higlior -anf mer,_who hin utut, .wasliar lelm higlier, ha saw somethinx shining undar it whicb tich'!vd btia ýsueabouthg ime iise sud bod'. Il Here with it "lie ahe oted. and moult tuaot'l mus W3 fotu'cjt, OIapigit Jeudi'l, dres, la freun under lier. It wes-tha bey, tond tos aol< atainforthe thirol T-lime. ed bnch cf boys te. which lie cwed suacli But he tlckiuiout aîud tbohAus Wliclr ditasrbèd an appeîizing ueat. The h bcmobsrutddtùtlueoI' farinus,as"on-theua pehus, occasion ;hýUa' He' set tipii the bed. 'lhr ihoon'liA rcvngesmeàrî tap on, the bill" 1: o * fO risen ore i rev'adiin behind tho-ýstove1 and the denkey',s lead thi'btigl h e ýopoutu i tua'Onuhsdm1 ~it disappearad fronmt the w:ow, bed. Eh! urlutmsîl reetdtefI Ail those eci tances wcild Ihave sma lllïe catinîun') etbing buu thc-liend of anybody closthin king,, ,bot a ur, acidier 4lIte; old -uhtuoty identkey whiclc- la>' fa kna'v neither foat novrede0ýc!n, Joalseep bY' hic aideeand puclYod ithé 'lit b spcondlie was out cf liedsand ejn% ad uOSt diw h~ntat u is face! nAi~~ topv voDpd Ihe-liopse , a iesike-sdae y A h' oos~ whlcu bd1 I~~ pipe- (k was ane cf th .long euestle f ou nd :beavi>'onlthe 8cldiei-'s clÉtst> no y' 1 un tho bedr0om4 l"is pillow, tlosi' by bita. , - lY In tho 'sltting ýrecoand. the Iitchen hobu Ohoh, învfine flo,~the*pna fonateevythuog-,as on the pro.nios de'y dier 8sid>os e i4 p.apt.Çrptm ,*is%éd t "e'll Who wracidthe other, bcd reçe, o ont 1noyI)ttue > j)àt where ho badsen ilis dove, lieaddeniy ;He liltottp his faiîhlfcul4,ua slopped.> At oana moment lie made aI> bis vaised i'toigl oil i e t;»i e'lêse , Mimd toi emter, b ot thon scniaething ilild ilig an i sl the (tuitl weijhf f d îa m r hmbmfu This carne froat We d1ream iee t this manuitn iele lw u ri' lidDrn ime ni it, awhich sîvange huod the rstore, ad à timdr tat hle s<iIdIýýes tange iiaPP.ened te Min. He lied.forgea, face; at réjîtiéîî[>ý trauck ià i hié tain tient agein, it ha arc.>; but mliii te>' wilh ils winzs, ao .tbqalu112 cocld noi sée liadlafte& feeling' upain him aucis;aà ho iWtwhoep hs, btaw. eli., p,ytbfr ýtinete h nolver lied blëei. ~donl*ey'voit tuwuk,.-ad stair ted op, sa that Scddaoiy lieébeard semae one hn the rôom thae bcd crac<jt egad ciif1'<i1c, geaity ' layingîa&- mernieg hych on:, e WVihsçume ,ifiics4Wly, itrept,.out 0ývuof; Piano. Onya luranbeingeouddothù, ruiii, Sd begOa 9l ~5t~ tUe staai'. 1e d 'iaea~te <h>~>~.~id~ î ai «a . i a" ve8t,.amfuri o ...Atuk iy )n a t ae ital1oi ) aie ar, fe - t . 1 1 ThnSucll cases1 Haâns Coula neot.he.r eund sec enouigl. Tri triitb, ha could not un. derstand "Ii MMO f.- H&was foriner!> the jollion felow ip lthe r1o,mniÙsCçular gea dier, a man' to whonu it luad bed llgi te tae.'an eeFY'sý bsttery by store',ï new the sae m ani' as talleing lk'a schloelboy, fçeding,' a dbve. with bits -uof 80gev and crunibg.t. awue ver sane Stili, it wals s1t. One day tiie soldier lied beon ont in tue woods egain, and ishot raiuitsfr amusement. [a hati golie a veiy,,' gçit distance. yet found no,, ra>' eut 'l W ood.-' A fe w uh c çu gd cci o liej bot tluoy .ml% u'vdtIadho ate lue unt-iccl, , ditnft nurl of ,thie carîd luoat tte e li. ,Tireti witihbis wulk, tua detêrmituad on Inaking- .hitoseif inurry four that nit. Senfeîched n efuoploe emîttipd atu int l iq mzother's lSnh jand thatoçf bis aq1etnp.uirnain.ttliboàjèe ;btut speciuto f thu. darlinzdà' tè 'hMv wcnt ta bcd. Hie couthi tuot close- an aye for the sîhttu lug etic, se lopenootthé larýge w!uu)lo t. h re bcatlî ofrie i it'4~. This-pr'odcced the desired" eflect; ahd lie wes 'accu fujt nsleepi u Lt miglit ho abuutý miduuiglit wlien ho was erolsed liv e tond noise liptr ir,. tfltioa V' tua aho e d; ..tu~d 8hacktu ýplace tcrnbling tlý4eetmy pre2? -Tt wcs dusri ct pit'lifth temcu-~ - rot yet risen tboul toforest. Sleèpy ae h. was, lie faIt theotherlied whicli stocd ý 1 1

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