Spa"l sSale Lesthr-,Tsrù' flalu 1boots and'Shoes for F3umsster evar -Jas. Dvision Courts-4do. Ontatde. Bevere Hope-C, Das. Goeires-i. Brma. -Ë'revilona-B. Brma. ElamU ted Bacon, k.-E. Barnea. *amtt 0hmud4-Jsres Bain. Roui Sower, snd Manara Dftribtor-Ju. Caquoty ouneil atgC Ontario. Auannal Mîsîing.-uiecbanico' Instituts. Chaoary Ntice- te 'Crsdter-J, Hansa n: Oreoftsood. Ms-C. Robserts. Importad tarnip seed-C. Roberts. Cash pald for Weel.-C. Roborts. ONLY $150 CE NTS A YEAR tVhitby. Th4urslay, May -26, 1864, Uoaaiy Rosnde. To angeurpon thse peopleocf th!& CoantY the bad stateocf the roade, and the noces. sity for tiseir improvoinent va consider ai- Most a uaparfleoas task. The bad candi. tionof tise Coanty roade ano oll! kauva, and tise desirabiliîy for their improvesnent l aeknovledge. Bat visile admitting thoe facta tise grat difllcslty always isretofor-la applying for Coanty aid -iasbasa as f0 tthe distnibustion cf tise Coanty appropriations. Every memben of tise Coanty Cousîcil wili admit thoevwrst of gond noms!,; oach il iitell yon boy badly ai tuated bis ava localitT in for de. cent meanas cf cnmm nicatiaîs. Bot let * an appropriation be aitenpted tan-b. amade for sny nae Iocaliiy and ail tise-osons bot speeially isanefitted are op la ara against it. PTut îinshidisagreemesst, as thie divition cf tise #poil@, thie vas of gond neadei brougis the Caanty la altogethen sîîributitble. Tt in ewing ta It tisattise tradeo f Nertisera Munieip4lities, lsstesd cf casing direct -ibrougi tise Coanty, fanda ita vay te Toronto, on the -one ide, and ria Liadasy orstise otbon te tbefroit. Anrd se long as tisese- differan. es contlnae, se long as Our County Coan cillera qaarrel amongut thesasalves as te visera appropriations osigista ob. imade, so long "l tisa inade ansd bisaistescf tise Couaty go.on docoaaing, and, ha turaed off frôtà iiabact*raIChannsel. la anticipation cf a general reasut!idme belng brougbt- fonvard attisa fortiscam-ing M.eeting cf tise Coanty Coancit wa adviae tise.facta In ha kopt la view. Tis *ealthy Coonaîy wl lri1gh. taxation, and visa"t a 4ebt or Incanubrance te ratard! Iga progras., eau afford to e ha ihral te lissîf-te the viscie Cooatyc--to tise neg. lacsof no Iocaiity vithin its Ai-ea miwqazg suac-in tbo opasing up, les. psovlsrg, id exteadiag gond! lesdia'g- le., ef rend. Thsa neevfa and! depau"s -of tisa difibresut rrsaiepalîies ara meashons of tise Comdey CousscntcfOntao iso n tisey assemble bore.'li session. Tbay oegb. to çespanrd &Iittsintereit of- tie 4sCoent>', al nos. solel>' in tisai of thele avuspartîctilan manicpalit>'. Let tbeissesuier tise council vitis tbua dispasitioui end tisa>' yul sonos detaruine open a rond "ema that vilIl ie croditaisis te tises- salves, satisfsctry ta tisais- ove lcalities, ans! heneficlalta tha viola Cont>'. Tise centre rend-tisa maluams-try oI Sosanc t.lntrongi tise besmI ef tisa eaunty-la nav, fur tise eat improvet! - pari of it-baiveon tis evn ai Wiitby tas!Labo scgo-in tise Possession cf a privai. compan>'. ijader tisa pissent evnip tisera s no cisance cf mn ex. tensioa cf uthe rond-Usa great ebject cf th. puasai-s hing te obtiiaailt tis telle she>' car at tise saalleai possile oetiy. A condition of the purcisae, kluevvr, la liai tise cnni>'uliil I aujn flue vhtbtamiielve menthe ha s$ liberty We- sop in antipurcheba e sasoas!, at t0sepries pit! tisa gevernaent, viti t5hit per ceût iliters-mt an -tIse actqel -epil iinvestes!. Not sasmoent sonit $0 lest lanseeuic'g tilL-Ostt te tise çouuiy 16s ettsmno ortivsarda voald rendu>' ôpt ssai a tras! ite ishtisa fs-cut tisai, il à lu seç, tise toila vouit! an pa> bon. ti. od. Eer>' mile of rsia! made vosd aé$saoatise value et prepont>' la0it loaaity, ssiIb>' raiaiug tIse value lantise So'enhs'is<o*nisp# vous! 'Correspond. lngl* &Crosse, ise- pessmant I0 us. broui toviaaiipze ns! isuitmos-o aval> oqLIlutise hnrt!ew cf ene Co' txs fs esuble re c ha e , brongisi for. fa-as ve asuneetlhi» isop al>, va <rifh vilI ha aube-l osS, ganbas mu.41 dnssempiste s-cii improva men&sof a Per, *mnt acf hcÊSîisg clurmeten ;-- i li a enaintlosn -vwilNbhaspps'oacie& ina spirl!ef llentilii>'nd couiolition 5*Gpor. u¶ng *ltlrtisisdignfty ofathtcis('>ty Cnt.- eili 5.4tiso luiper'anca of thea sebjeci, and tisait' entier tO-Saffe the gosses-si litss-i at theplopsf fie Cousit>'ai lar-ge,_ail miner intemois at eand ljtaltiaea may fengoelri. - The aw.sYork .5 Wanlui" suppresset by alizary Authorityç-PubitoqI Tha publication cf tise NewYorir orWd -oeaof tisa ablesansd isesi ocuductet! papers la- tisa Nortisenn States, vas sup. prassa.ltlai eak, by orties-cf the -Sacra. tan>' cf tise!Uni'ted States, for paisisiing a Proclamation oftise preaidant visicis tura- et! outi'toh b -ga'frgry.Tisa procl ama&tiona vs. usai appoimiag a dayldA fastiag. and' prayer, mAd calling ont four bundradth ion-' sans! man isaîvoan.tise mga oi18 and 46 for miliiîany as-Ice. Ih v sent teýtise loadiag New-York daiie,,as if frosa3h agent cf tise asaelted ps-oia, haîveen, ud 4 o'cloco esu<edaestay mornang, bat vas cal> pubuiiset! la tie WorM ans! XcT our f ComerCe, ise otisan papara Isaving bean tson sent te, prass. TIse. ama day tise offices ofi ohetishasepipera vera ueixat!, a militer>' gamrd placet! aven thens nt! tise lartisor lune cf tise papers steppes!. Tise propriatora cffisred s novant!,cf $500 for tise diacovery of4tbe forger, la addition- tu ewd f noat $1000 offerat! by tise As. socisteti Preo, sudst tonce issues! extras ans! bulletins anaoamciag tise decaption practiset! on tisea. Tise sas val as tisera persemaI- axpl&naýiorâ . varo unmniing. Tisa ondes- romaines! in berce unili Satan. day Isst,visaustise forger vas diacoveras!. nie taraseout îo b. a person namet! Jos. Havant!, a former adinor bf tisa NewYork 7ïwses, * cernespeedent af-tiseTribune, ra blaélura!uubaSt -ilIÀegun vis grs lanîtuts!nd sil for the prasecation cf tie vmr, ans! a prime pelitial friand of Puasidesît Lincola i, -' But visa u soutrageons andi oppressive PreCeediag towards tisa joarnalaf risTeir pecunary les. b>'tIr. îemporary suspension viii amuans. te shuas of aidollars, beaides tise inJur>'ans! w. -ng done îisanmud the insuit ans! iasigniîv te whîch iîsey hava been subjuctet!. Wisat a commuentar>'auon fs-ce repnbiîc inistitutions, as adtniuisaresd b>' Mn. Linscaln ?, This dit!sut sake place in Auatria, France or Rouisu, but la tise lsi.t of liherty"-ss the aIsnt!of tiese. ans! tise home of tise brava'"-in tise year of Grace- 1864. A ver>' spirtes! but tempenate letter of reamarana itleui y Mr. Mascîs Mas-. hie, tise etlltor of tise WorM, îo Presideat Lincolns, concludea in tise fAuloving lau. If t is yen tiss. i thii. înIusactron stand accuses!hera tise people. ïdisla yu vise ara censpgueuasiy guilt>'. Iý la apon yen tisai iiaos-y, vien rnoesdint tis eavants, viii affix th rimse ut 4 disrêggrd of your duti>, oehbîlvios, cf jour oe . 'a'nd a pitiabbo subserviaue>' 10Dprt 2W uad'<aans! toe pr- soncI aumbie i son, ia he s try damant!.J et! fa tise prealuletial effice el vaî.d char- acter, dcvot.lea te dut>'. ans!d nir« el-as Bai )Ou ara e t te bu eft te tise jad(. ment of i itor>minTsa Gos!, b>' tisa prevîion of or Constitution, not yeî visoli>' chregated, tisa people aa soota pana spoui jour caims to. ra-election, sus tisa rigit cf imapeachsmnut jet remains te tsair neproeutIti îv'sa.74e People.amui thain s-pneaotatives bave tise rlgisite sposis vien tisa 3cn le atnuc fs-osatise hans!,oftmfemasabylise hayosot visn tisa Baathio,$once brokea dova Cails, the « aide ef tisa Atlantic by tisa raves-hensios, of car Bam s e nasiructd etir." ýà « e qaeoe 'P_ DirislDar* Lors! Monck; iebans!d ing varions apfirpniate emu Dwnug Ilie day tise ,c1nnon vas agaha brvcgh iru1nchoition, '"dte tisa damage of som~ e 1 It5'epi isaairg away in various p&rs5 of the lova nistil tise ammuiheon ps-ùvfdad'for teocaion vas exinuaiet! and the.carniage-inaine displa. catI. ,Tisareport cf flreaama vas ancass fng l na vr>'direction. Tise lant!vais auppiiet! vus a ilarge doaiseffetà open vehiche, andi playids!anng tise reinainder cftise day Ibreugi h~ es.Tsmm e4 vuthsrecont pracîlce, ans! if tise>' go Pn as tise>'ara,, deing, ,tiseir proflciency viii b. cli -ilat vhthin a aisoni imetise>' ma>' enter thishtae euial>'itsm' cempetlîcra. Their eulivaunm-ausic vas a gramu attraction, and as big addition te tise dmy'so njeymeaî. Ans!, en passant, va may express- tise hope lierea tisstar leva bans! viii meet vush- a greater ma.c aura of encouragement at liome.. The memahars spans! no iccomasieraisie portion of timo, anti labon fan Use gratificatien at! oajc>'meai aI thiaifellcv townonmen, at! îomnavcwmen, andtb ieir à hiiltiran tee, vith- eut psu> or pice. Tisa> are nov an "institution" vsosa boas -vouais! ha ud1> msles!, anti oves-y viit as vorts>'of suat. stanticî ancnnragacpnt frona r3he Tovn Counacii as ara tisa Volanteert. la tis atatennei tisa Yusîiteer ceas' panies assesabletion ris.grpuns,nov ha. iag praparet! for tise graindtigfe match cf tisa Voluanteer comparues cf tisa Plus Mi iitary district, at! remairsdmr oI tise day ia tarnget practice. Tisere a vano publie dispîsu> of flue vents, bai smfieml >astîaunpts st sucis vora msade la front of varions prinsute se. sidences la tise tevrii. -Tise yonnguîens mat!e greatsuvoangst tise f -c.amckans, andi vara uuceasfug ilisougisourtisae day, ans!ddnig tisa veningalr anavr>'uts-cet cerner, la minluiag thir noigy displa>'. A bon Ira ai nii'it en tIse common cauicluad tise day's aniestafaînent, anîd uvrythiag,- va are glad s! ey, puaes! off vîtiseut acci. dent cf an>'lias! to asr tisa enjoyasent of tisa holiday. War News. Wc bane bat alias ans! aniaeraîuimg ac. dninuan t etshape of varnenov. 1 IIl au Red! River gun-bonas ia tisa rive Beet veule tise i4ts,1 ef tiseIL- vish Gen poncnmenti Gema bosun fighist ing fa clos Orata Geai bua beea I -Tisane b Mïado' a lutai tvi c tbe Coaat peaion la icoismns! l "iprogra God! l Tise Antivansan, cf -tise iileof er Tisa Pas Majue atr en-blayes! Qmn, tus Jean, ivas, cff Port au as usuel. deigisft ia etr. "Qumase5'ae atiion"'bas passes! lto a provonis. W6 h &.c do net reasemisor a 24îis aiMa>', visontishe snuOv weatisar vas nor final as!d it la maa te.soa- baogi nankahle -bat fine veatsor Sas invadlhy defea"ot 1 accempaniat! isa Qaec eisn Han Majeut>'meutntua lia gone abs-est pen public occasiocéns ried ar' mmoagst bar ieges. onea bilet!, til I dabreack caTuonda>' moriîig théaa eun ihaudor cf cannea arouéedtheus lambas- tisaAussi imsg iniabiate of Whîsby. Dunliag the .1gb.>' tise nugisicaur esiabrtes! lova -canuon isd t! lces! vo te ansa ini heen places! "9in poition" l inarh" of tiensa t Fr soe cfocen vos-lis>' tvamen, audsitis 0en-och Cen acis ef- tisaivery ramaskab ièc pe ci cf hÉa orduauce iseraltas!tise diva cf lie l4tli etpeacaluli si May. -If an>'tisera vera vie migist iave ernaEurope, dreset!htie bomîing'ef atilesy&astIse quaatioa its vr. us fnîili anneanceassat cf a Yankee nais! apon cas- liamerut issu peaceiutsibordera, tisais- fas wrs vosmon 13Iy011Y f g -mon&tratien diaat on llstenicg to tisa Sousisbes of coatinusmiP lise Witi bs-sras bans! -vise pas-mies!tise la rapoeeI utrtssa i iat dmerI> os, andi gava forth or sugecln - notin aanifctta avr's alarma or Tisa King -miiti-ygrnd-i*r~iea"Yankee 'oel. od. istataU le," or "Hall Columbia ;"-bat ties aeet pulse . , viti pesi, udseraie, notes ef tiseNatilonal Auisasa. Whlotise lond.meuuied cannionaB uss sisouted' velcome to tisa natal -day. cf Vi c e. us obeis 1 vea Uaz4 sémala ai "4Gatsans tie Queeu'?-i» kBs uSont!ed te Hsatlre luea bya nd ui!beasa. ->'tyinj flI prayer for thse 'elfare af eus- béloe 1at,i 'scs u Oss- U"ltry tom &nl-tise laants->' publie,)Ln coider Captain Da#nel, art!-Usa rillas com' scrtain, au asatsseti by-Cspîafa 'Watace-vere busy durià ig lie môrs4isg at'tbà ul à peive ar. EUsasBc mos-les, psepasingbq l1 ay, pelu1ls.lapmyiag The mator wva Qe Ularge, 'Ctiptain Eggs#>,Bcut Iteiscompany, à maasherlng U 28aj Pn!a. nounseed tisu.tise dam-cos tisa lias beca compijles!d, snd-ise v ere beiiig fliomeil cirer the han rt. itvas exîseciciltaMl tise Id hae bcugist aver n satfet>'. On (laerai Causis'wuvas astahe moutis ed RIver, pnmq.i-ed ta o penate aneal Banka l is hà rotrogratia R uiler atinouusees, ander dise ,niag, of-Abe 20t5, that b. bas ag subi day, tisaeniaasy cnesvGr. o la it on ces-liues Tie CeaIes!. *rai WmIl-er, cf tise Texan ireopà , capturoti. bas bran ne tightimg 'us General =y> since Tisurda>'., Attse as usovoaseata veos- lin progeas Id seon hring imà portant résulta. 1HRckmmss bieean cpiati -b 1Grant haing iuable te tara Lu%' imaking a tanik movamanut on- vii i sa èh teiotsennrepent 557 op tsu 1841, trviian, wiidli s luterceptat! an Basque on Fnl4ay. bruigs fine Wneva. l'loFiri d, de. le Amienican Ship Avi, on thse eis. Tise'-A4oti vas ouant! ras rn wilS guano. In tise louse msta eblI rs!uciusg the franichise ba te £6, for hbuoekeepem-, wu. hn- tise Danisîs naval ceigage. - Heligolais!.tisae ene on. ns! savent-k illet! sas! .weunated min aide, viilu tisa Danes bail Oifty veUnîîud, andtI tiahip ipires!. Tise vhoI fonceof tisa ml>' tveny-fountheunani, wviih lana and! Pnnuians usuanîber usas-d. Tise-, les -bava coin- >thoummrd cf thise eabitans.. Utisa destsc.ietî ftisa <rtifica. kedenies.M. Beuiser la thse q .%noLaiaiaitf bat!defeadcdthe i bs-oastisýe-sceont attacks of M. Sand> Bons-en. Hahopiufera, iluaton e isa cit fin-Nos-lis sucan consitieredth ie Mexican ad ary neaasurlng aspect, andi I In s-ecuitui.ThisaliamrPa- nve Sean t!ebatimsg tisa foreoign, nlluesaae"t aime t - pîse are genercly~avs~ ibatevi~ - isepartial lailare cf spriag viseat tise pâa 1ev yesurs, a large hneattisorlfaitviseat liasbeaui so0v'in Western' >Caa. ag--m-bota Bld. pacte ara gees!.,Tisa crîpp aIt sat fisaibe vis!ste1d4-I I sJhppy taý samy,-coe s- excellant, anti aniss se anforéïesir e rait is t s ivas lais-poms - pï Inti- onu ofe Yor-k,s1dPsel tise, cropa ara ikofvaa prou>' g>emsraliy geetl; bai net se o fAvoraÃble as yonlprocees! Inn. tiser vont. Bten tise cules o f Lonidon s!d Ramille oü orver, tisa vieat laeks veli; but as yôn prs.eead frs-isa former place ibroagis Kent ans! ýaax, on ta, Windsor, mattens do ai otlcedopromising for tis a srmar n. la n>' plces fils ai spring visat Ihave hâma plangisati p anti othen grain put in. In tisadistrict lying baîveen lakes Erie anis Huron, anti asours! Lake St. Clair, seutsbai tisa Grarsk Ts-unk Railva>', tisanevas lai fmi! a van>' lange quanulu>':)f fali ubeat sova, and wviîcis frocs tiseenait quantit>'of if suc he' iib felu duriag' .tisa intaù sas! tiese svane inoat nesrly mli disappoanres!. 1-atise section et country, î4st of London, canaideraise spring vos-kyat nemsini fissd sonacqaeccaof tise isat)ranas-tse laund as a gemenai îhing haeing 1evw. Witn a continuationa cf tIsafavuai y laproves! vestiser oifrate, biieve?*, ,ýi 0anis iopea of go! upriusg crcps. Gu'-tsJ¶ prirîgimg ap in vondenf6luti udante, asu aere ail kinda aI apring aecds. . - 1osr il. B. Campbell, ChaUsas C. W. May 21, 1864. 7bs the Ediior of Meh. Wtiby (2'lronice. 8isu.-I hus! ne intention ci unaublîng you suis>' ariSer ihanwvins sy Iluat corres- pcîss!cce bat as Thenspacusaltos- n .gra ticai cf abousntismec c ilengo, t cor- dicîly ascept t. lHe cuis apea me quit. a paliteAtsatetueuit. mail anys heatisubeen stigmatirped iith -1"g1iunia iuelîos! ', la- asmucis as tisaue cas no vitnes te wbst I refes-redto ta sruecite omeetingan tises Suhjcined ta tisis ii a statemeat signes! by tise vitus referras! te Mn. Wm. Sinclmis- Sean.,wvis ad ut!'if requiras ta camae lonvras-tiaiss!prove the iama ais catis. Tiseu hoe safi ote ii:me upou wb*t as>' conscdienuce dictatea vusit respect te tisa dictates of My censciqçace "e vîli anscer tise sainema h bac doamilu ar, couuns at a higses- ans! more accunste bar tisan bis,- ant! as fan as 1Iasus cesnadt! iera vas no man neceivat! fanai. Ans! nov 1 casi ltte fahaisboat!froas me isepinir h vii fili but ligisîl> on tise of tise man visa ssuv fi te l ongs mi The statemons ame as falimefoas as tise co respacting Us4s ituiess vera iclavwet! S. &-Yousssg 1, ireb>'cesùf-tif>' IsaIas caties! apon b>' 8. S. Young to ha a witnesn ta a chat- lenge he mmdc ta J. S. Thompsca te meet ii M tisa pboving matcisfis!d beoste o uinpsreticat!pensons ta meaanre Use, piaw. -lad cf iséh sa1" vsuels -afahiet tisa£ri pizea, iici ciasteuga ha <Tisospeoa> se- ceptet! ia as>'prasaca ýans! Is'érlmgsais! cisllngoben* ivnotihe -fas-grens at Wiithy on thse faisà -d' (Sigj.ed,) Wm, SICAIR. nMb taEditor f tit MIVtitêjtChroni*t. St;Ce-taai' ts amn ag cf <alte> anti bitaansd s ary goe4 samplo la te le seau oxecnplif il lis jour columas b>' J. 8. Tliompsou,, vbe te s-lissa tise monoon>' andos- viicishlia asatg baveaIssen isus. ing takes tuis eppennuoit>' ta try le ralu a distarbauce, int Who In i i spt .osrospoa. doutes atteaspts teuigu the mon vbo actati as jutiges hb , impagganina Most siamofuiat aser tise ja!gsmont etcftistosa via car bath plev and mensura Ppviag as val as any>' appontat by -your cons-es pondent. liai netcontent uts oaa casai ho gîves va>'&t. bis aaliciutatempes-, ansd pusses inte pallie printai salccosion cf is-oial itima upen tisa coMMUtae&long ivus aýseries cf Mi»tateMne1to visictaÃvoahd mals. tisa facoAf e' ' ycoasQ monaceg celer te tise rnof tise aara. Thisi ero msatchsise allmdstleote, seama te have Ioft e itOtie fnis b ti 41st,-vi o leppears te be very.èer o segaýrid of ncv,,kntýJa guit> cicienca na.4s no -accer.55 -Yens- radaso viii botve meu gwfbsxplaoatozs ras- pecting tise s-aie cf ime-hi 0eue of the ccas- raUrliasueutary. - aergy lia id attacbed bissaîf te seCton. SalItrtead ot-bat7ional polilues, becanse hae Wejlasily,. ay 1. dd'ý t kaeow wte aay 4-"Canada"vth f lanoply te 1Mr. MOCpaky, i tte i à ~yIn g îilUpperli or 6"LeveýrV iOisd, Payaieat ot witneaà es--lnneg*mina caes. or Mîbà aç ýi,îP I âe 'o a diifieMen or HBon. John Ai. à gedoiield, suri] it wuIrasantier beforà it. BÉeasé lie iad nover eiatent!ed te pultisae law.on the à same -footing etibracet! la bais hoart-or brain tisescountriy la bath siidtio- sor the Prcovnce ;- bat il ai a wviai thse cauntry as a whole bat! waa nos, decided vhatben tisa Lover Cana. neatat! bicà froiuii ii naeotiand!gffec-ý dia systo.m or tas Uppen Canaudian Bsstem tiens; and lha wus aI thls momenat as voit h adopted for tis,-vb»leProvince., poweusla, Clasda ad a ..wiole asi. ha Mn. Kaedoagalldld aovmsovo is agot! hat! navet sny -in~fluencé in Canadaý 'ini nessohsioItoday, aà ltôglf calflet! asa pari ~w iis'elancisol und iùem apun un tise ordars fha let theas "stanid." orble ant axamuplô was h fo tisa Thse greater part q-le algsses. mombner for North or Suuti Walliffgton, site> vas spaîrtiulaoenifasiuon te. Don-no .to ancbor his hape irs diectianalisas. k';tempenanoce bill vwieh- vas- -raportet!d -a a tenis pnotptr ila-Canada, w itis amassdm ots.nleu hh as! a boart for',the Irbole coart. 'On Tnarsday isape set so ietyfrtisa Pnoîestaat <as veil astise Ro. oommUttes ontisaEssex eletion as te the mýà n CatisOlI . H 1r co>-d coaduct of tisa Rataraing Officer, bis da. not agrea vUtisah boa. mombar for Brome paty asit!poli clerk.-vera roaift hefone thae<1fr. Dankia) that 1t vas a, motion for tisa notice ai tisa '1House. -Prompt j.otian BrltialiPr0vinces ne t nille tiut va i by tise goverameat vas promises! la the not beon ahi. 10 gai on, un s a aliasoaie. matter. - Ho bsud rie dauabîtisat thora vone soe stIPd£89TBEÀTIOE DYPOPULATION. - great empires visicis had hoan mata easiiy Tisa noxt ordar of the day vas for ro. goveraed tisan car littia Provincas, simply aming thse adjaunnd debate on Hon. Mn. becansa tise variaty cf intaresia gaveaa rBrava's motion for tis a ppoinaitmeo f a valigbt ant! daptis ta publie discussions and! 1Committea on tiesa saject of a certain des. ats id ftsasaemnvscsv iPatchs transmittedt! t tisaCalonalI 011e by vantet! ia thua country. it vas a sat 3Hon. Meurs. Cartier, Gaît, and!Itosa, ia tiat tisa (iveramaat la Nantis Amenîca, 125, nlaîva a tsa iffcuatia hev n lwisich factian isad isean bitturent ans!- à the tva sectionsi cf tise Provinces meut intense, vuastiso f tise Hon. Mi. Brava isad manda this motion counstry, cf ail, Prince Edvalrd's Islanrd, vit th ie gnesuîost sineerity, ans! viti tisa (Hear, bear.) People farnsd tisatinl pro- dasine ta hrng tegetisen inencf ail parties porti on ta tiso littlenesa of tisa suabject did ite aid in aetttîiag ibis question-to eondes- th isanids cf tissase ooccupios! thenisl. 1van ta brin3 ferthsis .remedy for tIsa gresut vaos tiseravitis iecome dvnnfet!. Ha (Mn. iacknovladgcd on!iral regard te tise inangi bloeoe) wvaad lhorprarird ta santain, as tent nepresentation cf Upper Canada.* hticsdts qeto ffdr tlns, ta- eTihe moderatlos viie ho isad exisibitet! la car matenial, commercial :ad political ibis matter is4 lad bis enemies te decisuro Intonest anèe ail deapiy at stake in a ceas. 1lie issd abandonet! Representatioa by Pao.iinatian cf car sevelai sciait means is a puintions. Rb assertes soîernnaîytisai ha union cf aur - eyerai populationss us! ne. issus nat aisandenlitisa questian iotahis sources-te vonk -out su great commtacs cause. iiistîrst extent. lie beliiaved vo couis! Ho sisouit! ho sorry te-ciske off eaquiry, siot go on vitiseut, la soea ay,- snaksng and! would voeofor tisa motion, Haevws somte provisian fan tise inceaues neprenen. airais tisat sut-préent a great nubjact cf taîlon o tise iis ilnd nouis!net recoive. tisatdegre cf pai fteaeple ai tisa West;-,adt tisu any cishage muaât be trade on tisa pnincipia attentions it, sad tint tisa vmavn cf ftepnesenatiiaaby Population. Ha bad s! -hm.matueand e oftsaHns o uda t o put cit tise Coasmittea mea of diffarent seomtr ut wl osldtt st opittiono, dasiring that al[ ahouit!give su ha Ptitnla surfr it fan presentatica tu tise bsoues ., candis! epinion, wi-.houat killiig off country or ta adiranco as ut ail tevardn a isa sneasnre%. Haeiselievet! that semethiag solutionsai tise grest diicuities exisîing. ongbit toe hodona te ramove ibis iifcaity Ha vouait! e , vetoforis matia cfise visicis bat! tee long reasaines! unaeîr.ed. pme ssenfnOe, etsgeisvtslla Touîisose gentlemen vise sais!tise Commit.tis th ÃŽe nly resmady vas Rap. by Pop., tee couilia eof ne use, is'o eld repiy tisai but vouIs!net voe for tisa motion of tise dependet! apan tisa Committee tisemselves. sacaber fan Sousis Oxford. (Cisera.> Risobjct u t, St te cunty ot o a Mn. J. 'B. E. Dorien mnos!d anotiser difilsty visic i d!manifestly exist. aed. uoth fec ht, insheopin- Mr. Jackson, vent on te ask whist son cf this Houase, thora e it! b.h an at!- vouis!hagaies!byappiuîngtis Ces-ditiosal unember for Huron ans!runce; mittee. 'It voals! bo puttiiig off or asirk. suit! tspt siaoiesurflhee sieuli v.a! iag tisa question aitssgetiser. He (Mn. wîb sect te o anadcais. lcrrili Jackson) bel4 tisst tise very important sais. as o hn f.Le MrcCana a di eln jeet or Representation by Population Hn onA adosl!l eln couls! no& bu propeniy brongist befora tise spetch novievedth ie visele question, ans! Legilatanaby sscha mtion Havasexposes!theo incoasistesicy cf Mn. Brava, orgiture b ytbi a molion.' He - a !-tise other violent sdvocates of fteps. oppse t 'uyhin lxes-havsng 'or "Pp.d ns e giving n quietas te a questrion faunted p. nd wtisey iad dcicares tisai rputisa nlgistaans! afrecting tisa interestâ ail gevornmmeâ au cls! b.madIe impes- cf tise people cf Upper Canada. Th isle htha iDoadtte nci. Western section'of tisa Province demandes! Hnd. .Mscosi als ovoat sUe m mer of jastice fondes! upon vota for Mn. J.ý B. B. Doriomnas auedmeut, increasos!raprfentation. Holding tse.a&>it 7ws iq keeping v iil tisa puligy cf tise clavaliao vouls! moe inlaamsidmnat that Maooid o cote. igevansent ans! ho t ail tise wovensitr "as may for ever ne- vuc asutfighcslvr at moe atise,"t isatheoriginal motion, b.eoppoea I.L atruzk out, ans!tise feiiaviîsg îuhsti:tstotlTisa qnestion vas thon put on. Mr. J. B. -"Thr, vthon offninany opsse L n ürion1à ameadmesit, visici %vas iot.- ý'Iha, wthntofttîg'ay oinin nYeas 32 v 1maie -74. --- "tseexpedianey eh sdopting tisa massera "advlsed in tis despateis reforres! te, ut ,-U ~ qete n aipio n ak ~i eaisuha, a my cren, ~Isati r naisar ssameadaseat; wlilch <wua Ise ost.-+ "of representativesta o thiseegladvre as5. Ass.mbly for Uppar Canadabeudd . vinsIly, tise question- vas -put oui Hon.- là rossoiau'tea th »e wu's otlndivisic ascnre "vili fail.te satisfy tise j>t expecssîîonatis doi, dvso - "of tise lihabitanîs cf tisa part of tise - Ysc.-Âuisl icl - ~iark) iggns. "Province." Bovr., Browa, Bachitinsa,.Banvaîl, Mev. M r. Parker secondet! ts otion, lanasan, -Carlingr Cartwright,'Chamben., - amnendaseas. Qockban5 Covanr Curnier, Dickson, Don. Meusns. Macdonald, l<Teronte>, Carkits, 1i twor. use ,Tbos.t, Hewland, vniist DiisonCocsheaPerierans Jackson ,Jones, ,Macdoald, John -Mae. otises s la ln aver o eo - t onb donald, J. S. Macioae, e* cGee, Me. sopeulationos arti er'MGcnnMLt,-Mce n ors pealtin.Mv Dnmn Hn.M.CatirM at- Manne, liuna, OHalloran, ans! othon Lover Canadiamasbens agalai tisequesion.Patka, Popa, Po-1-anoss, Wlter lae, cocspiainiag of 'tise ondule eleotio a ans re.ara of.Mr. Bowinan fer tisat rldiag. -Mr. Dlaiiklis's Tempérance Bill, miter being-fûrthe isan ièit<sted, vas rend à a1tisird' lime and passes!. Mnî. -Diebson's BiblIob voit'tiseprocla., sation dcansgWaîkerten tse Ceunty- Towniofcf Bruce, vras, aiten anme discassian, referrat! lJnek te tisa PriviseBuis Cosa. mitIce.- - -Me.- &its woadseeandedby Aity'. (Ian. Macdonà ît!, tisaIulie Bill te enable tise Townsbip aif!forVicý te lebesuerd haloeatise Court cf Cltaaèery ha rea! a Tisa Billvas tis estfennet te, a Cotsmit. tee -of ýtisa viole Houde on Wednet!su. TiseHouise risen-adjoarnea& Ws aI-pans - ilntbo Frecis utarfeoie 7cm ntse LegorsStan, Apnil 29. 'tis ary vawâ Jla etory imoatb,, ýndfit wosit! ha 1db têaffect suny raticeéneoui tise aubject. Piopie assortet tisaà prosý sura isus bei.:brouibt te hean .b' tise Frenchs Goveaîmeat, an dlitsae ngIisb Miaistny, s!eairoas4c oramoneaail causa of iii.eling (rmtise mimd of 0cr aliy, issus made adirect sand parsonal appeai to Gari. baldi ta induehlm taeut short bis niait and! lesvétise - contry., Amyoaaie basb time er inclination 'te ress!tbreng tsa Paria çorrs.speasencos cf 'saieafereign jaurmall i ili fins! it ofien asarte! cf laie7 tisat during Lord Claremcoloa' mission te Paris certain conceasions wore susket cf, tise Eaglinsh gonenment, la tise name of guot! feeling aund cordial alliancae Tba ruaase pernnding London -yestardsy as sente! tiat.oae cf tise. concesaions vaï, te ho muade by iaduaciag Garibaldi ta eut short bIs niait, ans! lesuva Englan! We bava berans!tistatameniconcies! dfer as' vei fonsidet! hy tisese vieamutisenty ramovesa sny report ncî tisea quite ont of range cf -tise cemmon eneny day canard. On tise otiser banurd, it ia on!>' (ain te state tis aIvne receive! assurances frocstosea-vise.antbisani>'l likavisu assirledtlatecradit, tisi Garibaildi han net bacc infinence! in suny va>' by tise Britiss oaneramart. De3piy as ih vouis gridvU ail Englishmen teoisear tisi Gari haldi -faIs. compeilat! by tisa condition of- bIs iseait ta sisortari bis stay sîmoag. un, i vouit!gniavey tisa sili more te Icm att ana cf tisa mosi valceme'ans! bossas-d guetaEngluas! anar rpceile-isubad ots vin. tual>' campele! t-e vitd-sw fracs umoiig as ai tsa b'ddinolf sa loreigri gavenmant.ý upposa isnuEiartiquitik at Londons- -Whist tison I Lot us suppose visat mlgisht Se tisa ne. sui. ia Londonanclan esurtisqakasimilan te, tisai af Lià brs,and! iappening la tise nigisi. Tisa single atonies! t!ellinga cof tise pent migisî probahi>' remala erect, tbeugs dam. ages!; battvisst of tisafur an as fine atonies! dvelbirîgs cf ttisaaidt!ie eiases-visat oai tisa huga palaces, pile! floan an fleer la ts ait vi London, ans! bat outi a offices?7 Wbaî cf tho .se bouses la tise main aîreetsa aerviag fur shies, tisa violi fronts cf visics stand on ver!' alcade- &tilts ef -eut Irn, visies ventl! crack- like petalreda dit!, thSaY <%iot -Oe nag tieir hases ?_ Oxford âtr eteRagent sîreet, tise Stran!, and 110Ib en-uIltisebuildings h-ni ain L.iOrauagîifsuaTe,. voe iront ivaîla aimas! apea Plate glui asinoit!faîllprestrat sut a- l!r, ans! cisoke their tiscrouagisares cis à steoeua u ns eand tise missisAt!frausro cf lim4 . Tise-hssgM <Cathadral -of St. Paul'Às voüt ulu n "ils ovq charchysr ha i-s fragsncntti-ille Bankr ans! the E401anga woaici mingia th'cetcrnnihled asatoials ta getiser-bui ellsosans! iheir -man>' spirea wtilt!$sll. dovn...tba-varesouses sas! storse bridtes !on tisa river vouis!block fis, chbannel,admai tisabrachat!an! rivai, hanka vout! aga lcennverttisa vwh isoe lov.Iyng iant!slaie tisamaraIs usy e7are is the daya Oi JuFlus Cuson I but aIl putrit! viii das bodies. Waleandsas!gas sutp-piy voalt sasse, asc iegrtatseverws vents! bu an lenëgrosat! rasesvairs cf-pestilence. A plagne wvoicuervoas, an! -manir han. Tisera ara ossly a.1evloada cf wisaat bffering, and > Prim eare, quite nasettioL- 750. for spnit;g, 93c. for fail. Potfoa Are vaaîed for Western marke4 t zo20c io 3Oc. par buabel. , The yod seasen le about cemmanciag. ant! It l isoagis& tibat the' yiold wiII b. equal te lsst yan,3O0 laapp Osed to ha &bout tise Opeaia price. LOW8-At Wbitby, on thse 2Srd lut., the wif. of John M.. Loves, merebant, of 'a dauglïitr. DUN'SHPiT-LAUR-On the 3rd list., by tlii. Nv. W. Olelaad, Samuel Dansehtis, tMary Jane LAau,. both of 'Uzbridga;. M(ARTIN-BRETHOUR-On tisa 23rd Inut., by tise Nov. W., Cleadi- Thbora -Martins, te6,ýEIIabeth Bretisoar, bots cf ARM1IT GE-*A On '.th-ie 241h inat., by-the Rov. W. -Cleland, John- H. Armitaga, te Anle Jamesbottaof UE. bridge. - STEVENZON"At Whbitby, on eta iirrat., at-itha reaideaca cof ber 11,0[114111a> Mr. AIJ-exnder Daloall.- Ana. wfe cf Mr. William St4véosoa, aged 64 years, 9- cnorýtbu, and 2,1 ditru. Natiie cf Aberdeen. sbire, Seotlaad. LYNDEý -At Whitby on the IPUs fait, 1fr.,Jabez.',Lynda,."agod 36 years. MAJORS-At Borelia, on tba'23rd l!net -Arthur EJward, inftant'onof Edward Nu. NEW "ADVERTIBEMENTS. Just to Hnd Onè Isurdrod 16ldon Ne, I SPANISEI SOLE LEATR, 0f ,iarlor 'jaýilitï', or sale olrcssp,,at the 014 Red diure. TEItM$ CASH. JAMES BAIN. Wblttby, Mey 25, 1894. 20 BI1tOOS UennaT1 WIurra. CIIMILE MoBIIIDE, PnOPitiLtTot, EXCELL ENT asccommsodation for travellen, ~iEVERE RoIJSE, QA<55E, O.W. CI DAWES, -- Rt>PBIET-OBE H- A V[NG IIJBCFIASED !11E ABOVE Jii fots.I, lion retarsInhcd trio proriste Il1 rspugisosst sud fnrtnlsbod tis a Mr with tise (J loanet ILlqiors sand Cigusrà . Evr5 attention juilte) guemts. B tostst ssnd frtsssWhitb),scii dssily. IssLrLfttl Qitier* sîlwss->n la sitoneiîace 2 MEUHANIUSL 1N3 rITUTE,, Friday Evening,ý May 27th, At 8 n'elocki fiir the irleelson cf 4 Ifflerie, ren-- lr if tis, Aistsnssl îisd Auaditorîs' (reprts,- &C, Mainterns ire roqtieîod. ta attend. -M. THlw m ,Whlîhy, Msay 25, 1s64. Oounty Goulnilof Ontariob Tuesday', 7th At tise Ileu- oh 'e ýB-Y Il. J. MÂCD~>1<1tLL. 164. - - C t.nIali s la