Whitby Chronicle, 5 May 1864, p. 2

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týslldr.nts Balmoral oos tit Sbes-J. * lali for Bargain-At James flaint. ImtLeathr iuh -Jamess YaIl. rio* Ljupber for ogle. pin@ Rail anti piices-Wttt. Stephenson. Ijlst of Lettera. ?ote1.MSmsith P. M. Loc MIh F ie'eigs-I. Parquharsoni dourt of Bev;lsion., Niotlee-Tovsa of Wiisb. Quarter Sessions sud Cauoty Court. Notice-Siserir Reynolds, Xldvell's C.lebroted Ales. Dry Gooss&c.--T. H. MeMilisu, Aet&.-T. H. MrMillat,. - Whitby Rares, Notice ta Tiespass;ers, N;otice-Wisithy Crîee Stolen or Strayeti-James g 4nr Ilions.ant i aiglt acre, ai landifor Sal- J. Hamer Greeatîvoat. (»LY .8150 (T.%TTS A YEAR -Wbltby, TirsAavi May 5, 1864, neerang ocrf itm Farliasent met ou Tue'c<l r.'Tisera muasinat a (oU attetsdance in eilhar House. ztnd botis, saer itettinz tis-nis coma (nfor. tisaI istîinpsq l asre. t balfpit 3 r)'ec-ck. That tiseNliiitry ahilhit-sus- ýnine,ý th,,re apars to ha uîtile appre. Iienminn. Tise Leader# rorrespaîîdent Thoisern(ir ernunti for iun' lief that if, vWitrfeiaatac"cic thei. ,îî..her or itt supporters ont otîlv lrom a- r but alan iron Upper 'sond1(a, sud thiai vIile it may tnat be tsemeri,'allv as Atrotsg as it vould i udnuitdly bha cher a ceocpraI eloetion, lienelt anA a ta,,pîîett. it vili hav" a sufficlent nemher of çspporters ta --give it s fair wvaînîr majority Erprytbingz coualîlerea, tise prîitian tf affairs apmsars ss favorable as co ihae XPeetati. aud VMlitprs enter "aon tiseirleiate duti,', it IIsonie con- alence tisat tie poflcy as develo1n-d by ise 'aseaseres tisey intei in rropose viii upeat wisb tise concturrente .of ise House antîhets 'ceaatry. lVhiIby iesos If tises-e L4ay ana tiintmarc tisa nu.n ster hv visicis Wiitby bas reasan ia ha po t in iiiuthse lises-aisupport vischis t 'ta ngiutgingiy gines inardts educaiioeal perpos. Tisa tavu scisohs ara fret ; %bel ara canducteti hy teacièsrafaiexperi- t'ne.aend raipectahi;lit y, 'coder tise super vision oaiur euch601 trustees, visa have Ah. way ntiiitiualty anti celleetiveiy, mani- yttes!, tapon aven>' occasion, tise mesi taîstabie seal inu proMtitng tisa important Interaseof adoastion. Tise annual cest 1614h. to,* &îa sils aîeen ires anti foie 1issiucà -dollars -aWhicla, as va have ai- tedsl sad:-îae ralépayéa spsy misaiun- ,mudginsgly. ieastc*sn ialânsupports semae oi the hast ps-me seisools ii tise Provilee P tri hav eiea a &pdiwai'e cheal, aud %ço bave thse Son. Co. Osamnar Sthoal. An oupleltiin ibe esns't iipral mainser anti - ta tise best va>' ta protîsta tise interests for, v4aMetatisej #cesentsiiblaç-- lIe moe. ly motion tis a (sts ais en index ta Ithe Oooi îsit, wseci, 1i.thse dircltaion of al- - scatiosa, pesvades tise papleof Witby. Wàthe is Sens-. Ca. Grammas- Scisaaol wes réel, il necessar>'froîn soma s-amasare- -eatl>' droppati in iLe tovu ceencil, Oisthtie stibjetet ca amaIl appropriationa for the re- pair of the building la say an sulditional yord ai- tva.*tise observation cf Dr. Geint "pous tiseoccasion, tiiev forth s Most pmpisale dissent. Tis a hitiiog vuscou. sti-ucteti aotacseventeca ar elgisteen yeas- n1-3 , And tie s tilifustiser craîlit ai the assople af Wiibv, b>' privaIseantrlhutîoo. Naitural vairt andt e*r deritsg that perlas!, tf course, caouantise building to faiitao ~IauI repaie. Ant i itiadcay'wuvaac-aloi-at- s-dt irougi tise vaut aifis permauem m.caa ilietion. Tisan tise dlapidatian ai the htilti. ÃŽlog 1vas*pll fustiýseaugmenteti .las-tugis alise ijl.cossides bas-gainas matiehy tise r.atees itistise tbisuteacisera, via, l rî%ct, pas-formes! - ai thaeifonetions aiftis lluïrd. Tisey tirev ail - tise eaney, snd %'w rsepar«aano, tise 4eeay,) aiflise building ')vu s hst to takea cas-sofle lb. ýTise resat, k.is aigisehaantieipaieti, vas it prsaent jus-iai tehapiâsteon.. Somne c9or sevn g(àâao, ans appîbesato vaJïtsd;tathe Isidntuvas-ds phpsciiig àinl a praper stiaeef raio,d an 450gý"U'eant itt 'uaioonty prop.-ri>, tise 4vaa councit Iiavi nîk, (ai orrmctly quotati b>'Dr. i3ann,) tisa gi-ound tisai tisa ,gr.amaritibuel tovu;bati no voiça las the -dlectlqu of'Trs-aas %ceio.?1 beisg in W1iiiy. - la-h ab -gtenti usiegauettbs.Do- tor, b6i Qaixotisie~sd gie iimI~ ption i ' v ,l4 the ri sientl,dweit upp. .'If' ps-peeij bu's.Ite dti0gîeist:isas * laa-a,~sàd Vif indis nine yecrs cgc>o. Wisau lacfluet arrivot iii Canada ise tooksp ie rt-sidéeein u Marki barn, visera ha ramaineti for about nigisi years. Igo then rvmovedti taDuffins Craek, P'ickering, visera ha rasitiet up te tisa tie or aigIt deais b, cis tnak place c-ute unezpaLt&tdly on Pridty ayic. Tht rpe of Dîiffitas' Cn'ek anti vic-iety hava t-c in NMr.liesti s kiodnti sat]rt-epcitaisî tacîglisor suit] bis chiltiren a gosi sud, lu- Dr. R. W. Clatik, Cotant>' Coroner. hat] an lqnat on tise body. on S'.aturday lest, visen tise fîîiîoviug- facto, cannecetes i vti tisa lata genitleman's nntîmely anti vers cas- eriaiilist]: Tise ibody of thea deceasati vas fotina on Saitt-ay morniîng, sitar a laoag searth,vhiich had beenti igaotly procercu-I4 thse viola iorbtriay toigistabeut 150 yprtis inci18ta ise tapper salît da r: ou Duffios' Creek, visere he aai terasl teoh tFriday sitar- noon. It Wai 5uppôsed that ho vas saizati wÃŽvtis a fit af-5ppoptaxy, te wbicishao as pnetiapo8ed. 'tise jury bronght'la Dieti isy tise Visitation ai God.'I Wa undanstanti that au amateur Concert anti *Dtamaic Entertaiument, sonevisat sriliar la ti0Se s0 successfalliy mtiestuken by tise IMecisanisc lnntifute la Praposeti, ta b.ai- fareti by tise Vatunisets aif tislTvown i abact totnt days t e h proceeda are ie- teutiedti a hadcvaledto's* ite expeuses Of tisa nevrange ta liberaliy affereti. by Mr. Blair;-, viicelàxposa., as-msbes-ie tissu tisey ochervise wvouiti ha n orser ta affarti accomsmoation for the proposeti match viicislas been deritiec ta isolti here. Furtiser Particulan vviii be glven in aur nazi. 1 Grand RIfe TauraaaeRe. We tutiestantta asmeelisg ai tise llzecutave Catrmittee. s,tb« 5tk Milita-> District Ridle Auseistlon, holti an Tueid 1a> luti, it vas resolveti, tisat in viev ai tis# lbSaaioies- matie ls-iie citizen& aOf Wiit-. by, thaî tisematch hbe LN iu tisaitavu. Prisas te tise extent af about $260, viii ha offéret] for comtpetltiua. Tise conteat vii extend ocver tva 'sla , tisa 3s-t anti 4 th JuLe înext, nas abot iv entyýfive prises vii be halaces! aItisthe peioaitiheto-00 pet.itol-., Tise figde Major, Maen. Col. Dennis, vWitis praiseva-tisy iiberality, bus pbaoeab aitishe dlspoasi di tisa Canmittea s, SUlver tedal sud ans of Bs-anze, ta heas. va-ten ta tise twvo aluateass oi.the District making tise igiaastr a-gee mare tariesg tise match. Tisa,, sll Ie 'sevt'sl p*-bse open toalal camera, and! an>' descriptian Of rifle. Alnagaîhier *vopreilet aoitanue. ceisal issue ta ehis tonteand st feol issus-. md tise s Tovne yul vitueis a grext tven. course ai riflerîoi, and tbe!t' iendc Mi-. Was. Blair, bas hindI>' places! ai tise disposaI of the local Coipsees,-a eta--n rage upen iei larm, vhicithae Cam Gopapies aif Ibis tovu ini.and le co mpleîaly fon-n'ythe' tsaecI1eta af butta, a:nt tise nacmsiary as-pie. Ms-si isthata lisais citie, via have aot alreatijsuis. ucrbei avs-c. ic 'm$ach, ib ldo 50 ývîthistt slay, and ti" trengton tisa sanda ai tise, commit te. In'oiti.. naxt se te shall 'ha prepared I o gs full WIa&îtby nit lssit uWhib TWVleAgri- caltai-al Sociéty. -l -l on tise ba i state of eh- glet tisai va can*ase 9 e'lise tise oi jour D couneetion viali ibis 1eCIO liciian Daimai drawu ta a close. Anotber year wah Ils vaniati accourut of pleasure ar it'xiappoitncman:,_lias ganse tu ha tiumiseatiiti tise past, sinca 'te irat Mat younis thîs place. Aitisoagistisa lue ai a teaçiser ba lu many respects, one ofi g-calt iufiieulty, snd, aithougis tisc-ouragerments are at tises S ut- rcnuarei. wviicistex ta tise utmuct Lis povers n ereennftttRA ideii yat ha visa enter-, tat-n bis labors fe'AIinjZ tisat tisf iq 1aaize'î-tiniiune ni tise moot tact- fuI praitsonevisicis c-asi t'çupy tise ai- tentions ai mai -ais, îuete'as aryo!- stacle wvus a detes-iintatiou t aercme snd aaergetieally spgili-u luisanifto tise asivau-ent oai ibapitplc, wvil md a s-e- yard, as gratefel. anti rsitioblnti,,as it Msay bave beau diciit ta attalia. We féel confidient tisat taotise fiitisiel teacher, cne ai thes iigissaisources of gra- tification la, tise ktioaie*ige ahat ha bac 1canscicntiouIy perfis-mat i&bi duty, anti tise assurance tlat bis exeriions for tise haneit oi hi% pop;ils are appr-ciatet anti raciprocateti iy theut. 0fitlis sYsaiit~l en mot "ta>Mioat sureïlîy avai yauui-ir net asity bave yota devoteti joarse-li aaritfatly -.a jour tieties dorlng *chanl toure, but y'en have eies- aboya jotasself iseartily Vrililtg ta spaut inluinstructiona a igs-epirt oi tbat lurne, jusitly yaasr nue, iddus-ig vii va are &al avare joen bava applied, yous-. self sa tiiiigeritiy, ta tise proseeutîoni ai jaur Ovn parliciar stedies. Anud viie va deeply reqeit tb1I you as-o4 sooan ta be reauïo'vâ fs-usa >auong va vie iss at prese n't ta laj a ida Dur ovu feelings, anti cacgrteiate joli upon yoar appoinilment taoaalituation visicis ve hope maty prie ana stop lu tisat osavard cousasviicis ya hbave 50 *eni begtin, sud vlticies iterely hope y>-ae uraj e long ciablseti ta persane vitis equal euergy anti sueceas.But va canuat permit pyu ta clapas-t vitisaut convejing ta youeu ine tangible foi-m an exprssion ai tise respect -he vi wisv ettestale for jan, ua atearher S Auti vshopeisai. jon sel ae of a ibis testimonial, ot no gi-estpcuar valise, ilt a, ha, but neveriheleas tonvcy. beg ta you an aipseasion aiofans- hast viia. es forqyonr veliare. Anti iu sites- year visais va>hviares- tisis evening ta bappily assenabled baec are seprantet perbaps by theis tornty bit- lo0i-vaoettise cean or lcy that gutl( anr - ih d tiaveller raturas - vise nov. hm b aie, became as,'f*Mi' liai- ta 7loss- ight, anti'atiner naiges as fa.tiliar Ia yens- ea as-snov arl, pet'- chance thesesvolumes, uisj recal iejour tiobtigft >ti seveniuig, ans! ai i.iss, vis nov bld yon a arelaeétant farevail> vitin tise hope tisat tise bîessing aif n aiisPr- vldence mal, ever attend Yas. MvDta Pnus sAi ptrgmr, - c an ti-tit saj, tisat tangtage-satesîhy faisamna n 44avar- log ta ghve mîtes-c-ta tise ieeliaag* b v'isCi I amn aoved on tise peelut'Yoct,. alan. Far, wiilel an tnabla 16fireu~ tisa pleastare I 'eIlun tismeatlbg yoad heraýh' liiseénlng, 50 noise- can t ide qnatsy con 1Vey t jour mdi th~e fp as-s-evW feel -,wàjan 1conidr, that thse relation t sastain towards you5l a relation Irüüjbt vitissbctnany ppakin~t ssdîos i nase aboU Io ceaie.- ' Mi dy oialeptlon vieS jOD buasa e sho~rt tinrttàn. lut, filleul ut the su. . Amangat tisas. wllphave obtaiteti cr- tificatea at tishe " eaiionti>tisandt vhcm prises vere,,ssrded for competb*tiÃ"u in escis oi tie Y aet1on DitUictlts i lied tise iollowlng r- Lieut. Colonels Jackson, Srti Èattlio5I, Voituteer Infant ry,'Brocçvilie, anal À. Pon- ton, iSôti Batt. Yoiuseer Infufsty~, Dlle. ville. We dilie tlat BelleWlle figures veil. in alltise Ifilitia generai Ã"rders lu the Officiai Gazette af Aprii 90. KI'ngston lblvisaion, let prise $100, for efficiencr luntdrill, *a àvsrsled ta -tise Va- itinteer iRifeletmqpair nrccifle. The firet pârte of tie saine amnountin tise Toron- to Diviian. la ton y tise th rom, pany, Quéée o tasou ifis, 2ud Batt. CaPt. Croit. Cinmit at cet. iotue wvabavaeutucis pritein l iaotiguu~si i se V1siby infants'v Capt Dartbe]4eli Oa(sksaaiufantry, Major Fairbanks, Whitby ,Ifiea Major Wallace, aud Oiss*a ltifles,. apt. Warrgit, have iseen "isvo ,rysportet upon for general prôficiency.'t A mang tise candhslatua for coïimissians in tise Service Militis, vise have receireti Certificatea fron tiseilitai-y ÈÜ1cofa Instruction, Torontôti, v a tice tis a asam ni ohr young towbam.uin, Eùsiga George Ezra Aunes. Tis a tst numie dVoieintctr compscies mnentionet inlu (Ieral Ortiers itise Officiai Gazette bai are us, shov clearly tisat tise Province às by no dsds ii s veak or de. fatîcesa state at I trsc est l ime. Dents or Mtr. Peter Iast]. IVe ranounca titis aeek, vitis-the deep. est regret, tisa deaili ai Mi-. Peter Ileaat, visa came toa tisacountry about twe-nty- f Tie Pikering Agriuturi otiety)s aciois! or tist migat u uinsti t 1Sprin; iaaa shwu eit at Defflns' Creelc,au inclutie the building) ta uoo seers- a test Weduestisy tise 27ît t]ay ai April 1864, %Ve as-c stigmatizat i ans irresponsibi vis.en pe m eeasdda olw.body, andtni tisrai laassarteti, and] au nt te-as1t is matie ta ps-Va, that the Lagis le consequence ai tise bhaut at of thse lature noer intendedti t bave the G. S s-asts tise atlendiasce vas hat very nme- supporteti by municipal fonds;- but salaij s-oua. hy tise govrn-ment grant aud tuition feca, Bea Blat StIlonla l~lvs-dÂr~iatiThis leaail a znuddtls. Jusat la praportios $1, 2nd Chsarles Taylor $2. ta tis ec- sntinisaaea o ua--d ti liait S'.aiîions for Sadtile ar Cas-nage, laiot ae eeaayl>alcsa agaa i C. Davea, $4, int] Joseph Ashiord $31mare strictlyy againat tue abusa ai tisost 3rt Etivarti Deilingisar $2. pavae, visicis may ha tione, eitisur by as liest Staltibin for g#eral purposea, lai erc.8 ingctdequate caution lu seîectiug fris Wm. Armsîrang, $4, 2od Tugraus Chain. offices-s in vhorn tiose pavera are ta bt 1man $3, 3rti Joseph Asehiord $2.cnfta]a-b'rkigtezdsaI7t liait Drauxis Staîlion, lst Tisomas alonsiisle 1a tiiose tu>' hoos tise sare paverm Birown $4, 2nti John Assis7 $3, 3trd John mcy hiave hoan couferret]. Nov I1 trust anran$2. tisaivisen va acre salecti b h ie tavi Bout tva jra. aid -Colt for matile or countil due caution vas exercîset. If, carriage.ist Jotepis Jouas $3, 2ad Wiiliaun- bhavers, notsibsiaiiting this cautian, Fers-lar $2. tieyliavea hecoma connneti tisai.tia Boit tva jss. olti Colt for gene roi pur. confidence vas mispîsceti, 1, fos-oneams poies, ist Wrn. Scott $3, 2nd 4 rd as-i qnte villing to cousidas- myseif directiy Word ~ - ~ a& raspausible ta thatu, anti I vilI regard tia »eatv yv. 44 oi ~tvfusai ta araketise -eqeis-ed impravemnenîs Ti s a IWO, Lav t ot f r iat l t'as a setlbcie it expression by tisau ofs ait Ils-antiMare forsatiiaor carrisge, lettenus uf c esit]i la Tusa anti rtinuc R. S. Wilson $3, 2nt Aussiev Os-vis $2, tedrs> eSiisto. Ts sato 3s-t Josephs Wiion J.s$1*. isai tise Legisiasunre aster antendadte tavan Broat] Mare for genes-al poes, lit tisa grammes- sehoal supporteti hy muci- Joseph lLavian $3, 2uti DaunilTisas-ttn pal lundi but satly 5> tisa govas-ument $2, 3rti William Fors-ester $1.graut anti tuitione (s haîsys a sisaliow Brodt Mare for Dratgis, lit John0 Mill. kuowleiga oI tise gi-amsars- acool set, tise as- $3, 2uti Oea. Milne $2. ' second section oetvisicin ompavers taunîci- $pan ni Carrnage bas-ss, lit Christian pal cauncils ta bevy assetanseuts ta pri-ti Raviner MI, 2nd Samueel Hoffiisgar $2, 3rd frALienesssjepno iem a James Woodruff $1. scisoal, es-action ai building, repaire, Spaain fbai-icifor generai pus-poses, lot salaries )i teachers &c. k&el and tise 2nti Charls-l Pilkej $3, 2nd T, P ht 2 clause ai tise eleventit section gives trans 3ri James J. Davidian $1. wtheapaer (t) ta appi>', if naes«saryP; SpanoaiDrangisî homs, lot Qoarga foi- tiserequisita sut eror 'ima tabe raiseti Mitdieton,$3, 2asd John Millets-0, $ rd 7 umunicipal anisas-lt>'for sucis purposese. James J. Davitison $1. ' Coulti vb ehaalt toa sîricti>' respousible Bulîl, eaivedtbriore Jan. 1863, lit James for tisa prapar ase ofaspmner se lufinis i -J. Davitison $4, i2nd Johs Miller $3, aSetiiniute-at leait ini onie sniieg for, as it 1as Tisma Ainsa 2.no begintuing, 1le eiestainîj eClh ave ne Bull, cuves! singe , 18&2, OLe. ~bc ont? ut la quite cleart I thinkt iat 'tise Milles- $3, 2cd JýaMes Wbitsoe $2 à,3,d-JLegislatsue ere stnstei ie h lit>- ai Watie Brittan $L.-tise viess,' afatieat ioule Municipal Yaks ai Wor 0 nas- Oses xlm t b. Igilcancillors; ad t tie sar eetaispes-las- cdu-, les- $2, 2nd WVm.i Covan,$1. ",tiaen; orpslisaps. tid not suliheiently Double Haiioav, let Frederick ReaachauOsider- the nervous anti sites- unsecea- *2. - ~ lai-dreati,wviicisometimea ieeui teoua. trounEHarosi, lot! Froees-iek ueb$2. se"si Lise ! oslag ppuiai favos-, -Double turnip Drili, lust John Foarai-2. But t theLgil tur iti not oves-- Single tes-olp.Drill, li.John Fcrfar$1.. a t e h e iltfai l tharep Soit of bai-se 8soea, 1Tut JohinMuVp ti82, -ts hhsalt f h auila 2nd texaiderMirscisS1.:- - ~,c ouncitsls .Ibis respeçt la vleas-ly sisaîvu Ind Aletisdersot tasl$L foi tise lve years 1856, 1 - the180, icis ae tis nyjaso iii PLOUGHING MATCâ. t 80 he r h uyer-o he l have hadi aey s-sparts, ýtise -grafsnar Mais-FLOT'îasvus. - geciool, of tIp ît'Canada obtaineti fsom lat hin MLarquis $4, 2aitiJohn' municipal gracia $51,071 ; altisaugi fer tis. sihgotiaa~$33iiiJqhuWeir$2~ i4me tdue the amoanat obîsineti fs-cmfae Wuv aveasen .,was but *67.1.- Tise Tos-ontol rammar Msi Xxx msa.-The case af John 'Cor. reli, mentianet in leut veck's CEaoicLE, visa vas besten, at Part Wisitby recently by Wmn. Atcisisota, terminateti fataliy au F;idy morning 1 mst. Thse ftodlag, of tise inqauthaiti tthe saute day before Dr. Eaatvood, Coroner, vas that aleceaai came ta bis deatis f-rn the erfect of a kicks teivereti by Wmn. Atchisan. Atchi- son vas tissu ekantined before Dr. Gafnu, J. P., assistai! byJ3. Hall Thsom pson, 3. P, J. S. M. WilIcok, .J. P. su& Ira Caspanier, J. P., anti faiiy committedti t tké bis trial for manilanaistes nt tise engsing Court ot QuarterSeios IlCNsc And Testimosnial ta 3Is.Lapgtt, Second Mayter- of the qen. Co. Grain-. nmr %chol. We bare incs pleasure 1n iviug ta aur sesters a fh11 accotant of tise iuîieresîing 'praceedingk tisat look place at tisa eniar Grammar $cbisn ucaunectian wid tise preseetatiais ai s Testimouili onMr. teg- gett, tise second 'Master. The iact ofisucis s T-stlaboubail as a caaîiy valu1ùe. cof tisa Imperial Dicîiouary an thée tart onittise sen- dtis, tapeaku v-'lumes for tise care anti as- aisity i ofr. Leggett as a tnacher. Onu Wetiaestiay cvening lut tisa puilà or thse Grammar Scisaai entertainetiMr Legget et a Pic-Nic previons ta bis clp.pr. ttare ta talcs chrge oof ttisakiville, (hrana mar achool. TisCre vers preseat iail tise Grammar Scisoal Truateas, moat af tise CoMmon Sciscai Trusteesm, ccd a large number ai tisa Iar.ents'sud et-pbpiis. Tes vas served in a styleie siissiovet tisat ýWbitby iàatst lkely tanciose ils fise for &iireesatndieutertaiutlaetits a iithi present ganeasion ounisehaîf f itte psispl. After tca, lir. GI. Bruce, preXenîti Mr. lae99tt, vitis aisantisoma *Copy ai tise Ia- Perim6l:Dicîboiicry, valuati et $23, andtihie follawiug atidres- 7To Joxeph Lesrget. £sq.. aecssi TecsAar of thce Wlrfî'by Grainnlar ýSchmoi. tS14-1 amn sors-j ta have occasion ta enter jeas- celumue--abtis allusion ta tisa e late plougising match, s-ens-ad ta hy an > anOunymous vrites- oves- tisa sigu ofa - An Observer;'" vis ano other persan -tisan Ms-. jôýeph S. Thonapsori; bat anc.c rcaion ofaimem false atatensents, or rather -faise s-apreafuntation ai tisoso stateeets i visicis tiat isrrespantience cantains, anti t b>' reason ol tise disgraceful mannes- lu v hîich jaus- kors-espondeut assaila tis anss- s aginsg c0mmittle I consiie r it ta>' tuty, as onaeaiftiseo, ta gins ta your s-caties-sau aexplanallon aifvisat ha soei.suntiuglj, anti asidicuiouaij refera ta. But lai.us tae up -bis atatemeuts seaiaie as tisey Cotie.-* ih Tiselrst, is the lest raie respacting tiote aîîicbha aitys rasil as faliova :-" Tha i tîmea eloîtedtita ec-h plougisman, 2 hour >s cuit 40 Èminutes." Nasa', tisa s-asic sasts, (ou tisehbis, antiauet th foot-ai -tise --M columu at a nt -pofaaitise IWhithy allotieti ta asci phougussan, ta hee t tisa r rate coi 14 bous-s pas-acre," anti ites- ceuni- qn aie moin er eplangic.-ie tPreisideutslatedti iat it vas choat 2 isoura andt 40 minutes ta tis& pise ailottati for tissm ta do. Tise signaal lu girsu, the« ploucismen, enter, upon tisais- yackanti visa'narsly firîisisetil is acen thet ana otan is likeij taha e binti tise, anti, as bas isesuiatatati,. bas. ana round, te go aitar thea 2 heurs- anti 40 minutes axpiset.- Nase, te bha faisiy nder8tooi, vhs-n wva chaineti off tise hansd, anti pet lu tisapius at top anti battous,,ta eut it, ve fliisaci aith tiasoisti anti,,visera tisa ritges 'vers cisaineice", anti foui 7ta ha, tea afrac tiou,-ahika invititis. -But ha ut remambar. ct], isse t demautti vs 'madtitisi.bis landis1 ahoulbth e osureti,_ss.ite vaiassetti they vers vider ai.tise sfortis anti, sud eves-f man on tise fieldi vasttiedte tafais- play. Tise landis vers mese ad dounti ta be as stateti, îonsibclhy vider at tsenos-tic anti, antiaas-tiicg ta tise avai-aga .measure-1 matit tise vos-kvas peJrla-mati -ubjeet ta tise rs-taasaitisemmricis uns-in ather, varda i hase lantisvoie pbouagisdat .tise rate os-r wibîà,-14:bonsapar acre. 1 tiseseforey leane it fas- jor reacters te ayaajvistier.1 ticammittes hava.t]ano Wvrotig a nest in3 alioving those lantis te ceulpate for aC _Nov, vitir' respect ta thie fis-st ps-te plaugbsng, 1 bave just taesaq tisase vas- men appîsiiaed -ta décie e-astW the ttseits ai, tisa vask 1"1viz." - Messes John L., Ccr- ti!4 Jtohn Linton. i- Pickerilng, and Mi.c John -Ketehien ai Whitby ; anti on accoent ai thie abeing rny irotises-a lantis, I-oaisy ha-va omittqdtiaiyefèearneto- the~isit- mer, hai And nov bafore bidding yon gooôÎ bye, 1 desira Io add an.word 'cf àdiee sud encouragement. Placè~ befare yots some abject- in life, vorthy of Your ligheixt ambition.. and then atrive *o asuait,. it éwitb aU seat that neyer iSsgs, aprosere .auce thaï, succumbs tO-na dîfficultiss, andt1ataiopfi-ý dent that your lîves elviii crovned , ith that succesa ofwislcla at presant they offer so rellabia aahope. Anti nov, my dear ytung friends, 1 bld you'all1 a kind fareweli, *ith the tiesire that. the ail vise ruler may direct sud preserve you inu ail yanr aya Andi although other faces, andother vaicea May, beconie as faniliar te me, as yours are nov, nover shaîl yanv kindtIâitevest ln me be forgotten, sud,*ever i'bsli,,Iour kiwi voices cesse toawsaken i0 n M) mmd, the mnoat pesiug recollectios.. After Mr.'Lexirett's reply Miss Logan, an behalf of the yatîng ladies, rendi au ad. drts, tisa substance of which vas as foi- lova -j That theadaitreas read by Ur. Bruce re. presenteti the sentiments of the whoie achool, bat that the yourg ladies thought they wera antitled te a separate :atidres and testimonial. They teudereti the heart- faIt congratulations of tise young ladies on bis promotion, sud thaîr deep regret for bis las, sud as au evidence of their Zeal iu bis velfare they begged ta present him witb a Fruit Cake, since the place ta vbich ha vas going migist not be as delebraied as Wbitby in that departmaut. 1%é trust. ed that wherever bis lot in life *s st ha would always ind as intelligent anti welil conducteti pupils as ha hati feupd in Mlitby. Mr. Daitnell the bisairnasu matie somne excellent remarks as did the Rev. X. hise' leunan. Wa regret aur space doesnoct enè able us ta give a éumtaary of tise speeches. Mr. Leggett leaves vith the eateem of ail vhose e.te e i worîh having- both as a tenecisan sd citizen, atîd, althongh va ail rajoiceaet bis promotion, yet va canuot but lament his losa. lot James 8tmrans, $4 2ad4 Wilii l3atham $3, Bis! Androw Datldson $2, 4t Fmaalas !ldqQusoid $1. BoTL-. lsi t e *f4relLy. &a niu theaift. ofiGa. 'acesias n ta ths CLE - 2th-'4 lave1 SOLE teý tioni vi 7 iug thus bromaglt tise Grauzinar sehoal 1isato compatition vush, or in oppoalUfon ta etise commun achools; ant iIt isas aven theen matie, causa of compiaint agaiuat us that somaa tise cisiltireï asttentii*gthe Grammnar Sehool ought ta hac ài 1tin the comffion achoolsl. Nov it. muet ha manifeet ta tise veakast untierstanding, rthat so fer as tiis ffect ie produceti by aur motitrate soeio fees, (it ia incorrect ta cali it e loy seiale, aulesa, indeei, ià is go causitiereti in relation ta the superbe adi. vantag2es tenjoyeti, for it la abova railler than babaw the average,) thse rast muet hcas direct andi proportinte gain to- al tisa txýpsying - partofi tisa cbsmuity4 aventa thss poor men wbis Dr. Gunu seemasgo armious ta treat ta tisa luxury ai a grievauce at aur expense. Far, tehereas "ech common achool pupil casta the tovu ahou't $7 par aunn, escla ranitiiar School ;îupil costa tha'tovu s mare frac. tion af tisat siun, thoug-Is about tvathirds ai tshe latter ara tisa chiltiren ai tise rasi. dents ai the tovo vise education voulti have ta be, anti vouiti ha providaci for by tise "Bard ai Commot, Sebool Trustees"~ iu the avent of the gransmar school being preacheti ticav. Moreover, iii decidinz on the pressait seiale ni fees, tisa chiai abject visics va kept lu viev was ta devise sncb a seille as.wouid ha most likaly ta-produce tise largeat income, andtiet rentier us asj intieperîdant as possible fran> appeaîiîîg ta any.outsida support. WVe canîsat there- fore dlaim any cradit for hivingr thua casuaily couferreti s boon npan thse town isy tilaitataiuing aseicale son 16vas *to' put tisa Gramanar Schooi jithin the reclaof aIl, or very aîearly ail, the chîltiren af tisei ratapayers ni tise tavu ; ou tihe contrer,1 as natte ai Us t helieve are likeIy ta ha- comae candidates for tisa suffrairea ai tisai iudepen4aît electors, va voltivary pro.i bahiy ha villiug ta adopt Dr. Gaîan's sug- gestion, if ha coulti sadiy us that by rais basg the Écale va vault inlcrease aur1 revenue lu In -ics casa 1 trust ha vilii stand by us manully sud daienti us> fro in the charge 'thics may tisen ha brought1 againet us, ni closin- tlîe door ai tis chool,1 so far as va have it iu aur pover, tupoti tise ëisltiren af the vaalthy portion of tisa1 coînmauity, cati at tisa îulatima increts-1 iîîg tisas ork, aud therefore the expendi- ture ai the cousmon sehools lu a yard1 raiaiug tisa taxes. This however neeti net1 ha fearced, for Rinte the feacs ai tise Oshav-a9 gracmear scisoot areatady ccsnsitierabIy lover tisan ours, and, as ail are avare, tise common scisoola of the tovu are free, it votîlti ha juttiriîg the superior pavera ai Prospect Of stili greaser impravemeut is, lu the oyant cf aur bei.g furîîisheti with, mare actiool raom-lu whlcîn«to' expani a certain as anythin9ïfutura cao ha ; atît that Af this Prospectt ha. retalizeti va yul . mopt likely ha saveti irom the oecesàsity Of sgaia exposing ourtelves ta tise stituras af tbe illiberal, jbe lucohsitierate an~d ise uarrov.' mnindadj, by bcbng forecd ta appràaah tise Town Council iu the character ai irrespon. sibla begicars. 1 talcsit for granted, of course, that thea sisott oni Ihe goveru. mmt tgrant. which bas* of ltâ leen îîearly $806 a yesr, will nont a materially dim«.n. ish-d. lunthîe1msy, however, ha cisap. pointed ; but it slmoulti ha kept iu mind tblst in l proportiote t the crampi, or ineffcietit conditiona of our,school, is the probatiliit' of additions~ uirGesa Sceele belit eàtablishet, andi consequent. ly tisa danger of our appOrtionmient being ditainishieti. l3eire doncluding mny la!tter; vhiclî nuthiîîg but the importance of tiaaseb - ject oltihave justifiet i me in îlraving out ta sAab aàlength, I hope you *îil lildosazù ta report for th nomti on of ail. cou- cernèti bdvwva, lu concert vith tse dapaaty ai tise Councîi, xpended $259 58, tie Ã"ny atuonut. at least as far as 1 am avare, which bas aver beau approprîaied by tiseo for tise p tlriose of repaira, aliat-atiotis, &c. $96 vent for fitting up e ctasa rooma vith somne otiser alteretiiaus, sud repairing tisa building, fenesf &c. ; $42 for painting cuti gt'zing ;-$1I12 ;for 28 deskicansd 56 chairs, (still as gond as uav, sud tae wiici we bave since addad vitisout troubling tise Couneil), sud $9 58 for freight oi deaks,- cartaga, &c. From titis report it Will ha seau that if va subtract (rom tlîe whole gem the emount axpeudati for improve. Merîts, whlich may bc ha cousidarac lpar. mauaîîr*-or nearly so, (i, c.,> altorations, das chairs and paitnting, tisae"balance visicis vas condumeti by tise repaira is re- elly triflîng, certtinly not worth wasting so uuch aloqueut .indignstion apon iu the cause af the pao:, vhoae lutilvidual share ()i it, distri buteti ovar tise yeera tise scisoat baa been lu operîstiona, voulti nat parchee a pipefuli ai tobecco for eacis yearly. Ouea atvausage which tise tovu derivea irom the chiltiran oainon resicdants, which 1 forgut ta mention, but vhich sbould not ha altogether lest sight of, la, tisat they tssust expeuti in the town ati eat $3 yack- ly each, or inaail, aithtle presant time, $72 every weak the achool is in oparation. Yours truly, W. 0. EASTWOOD. ~lb the E&ilor of the Whitby C1roaide. -ýCotaisons of the llitnlotry-KWaker. Pïk EetOaOÉqm, 2Srd Âpril,-1864. *Ta the fororbt e rge Bron : Su,-When I hadth ie privilage cf -meeting you in the Township ai Hamilton, on tie ve of the first day ai poling sun West Northumsberland, anti after avng heaërd yar rasons for being présent lu tha Caanty, your apology fer thse short caminga ai jour political friands, anti your grounts of oppositior ta tie presnt g- licitr Gneral for '(pper Canada, voe- ili remambr tirt T stateti ta tie meeting tiat tie revelatiors which- 70e adthiadal -ud abics1 bhatieve varé tissu for thej firt ime pblicly mate-of tise secret bis' tory connecteti itis tisa ciaslu in'tie Oovernmeît lu tispring ai 1863, ers- of to extraadieryà? charaietr as to' rend. er it neressary tiatishe public siouii bc pt idi pssee!ion ai their atbstanc. Tisa staet1atct seemti sotuaviat id starte yo,. for, as you will also remembr, you fotnt it necaaary ta c-omis forward sud. attem>ft an 'iplanat"bn, nd I thi sk 1 cao affirot that tiat explanation, iueniuusy sit vas put, failat idiiauj mitèri'al poiîrt ta citer yonr first assertions. I no, therefore, proceeti ta falilitlîe pletiga I-tssu matie, anti, acý capîing tisis as tise most conveniet orna in îrhlch ta do soiviii leava the public ta jutge %vhtieer thi transactionsa inviicis you confts ta have borne a promineta part, are ai scb a nature as ta rliect ci'edit eiter upan yaùirsaii or tisa gentia' man visa, in s lit ai weaiross, yièldd - ta your taemptatiuîss. -toeu toiti-tise meeting; hy va>' of epa-ý logy for yoair oavisoeamehst uousaloaa positiona as a public mian, that yaa vera nt it, Parliametîtvisn tie- Macdoald- Sicutte Administration vus formeti, that lad you beau so yaa vouiti hava Osa&- yuur hast efforts ta hava preveuteti itis for- mation an the Isasis upas vich it vas estlaid. Anîd tisen, procectiug to, your electios lu Souts Oxford, yca statei tisat wisî you took your seat in Parus-. tuant you escama couvincedti hat tisa Gav. erlnacut cOuld not stand. -Tiat ycsu vent ta John Santifîcît Macdotsald anti stateti tisis.cotsVict'Tcln ta hlm. Tisat yau otan. tiontiihiat a vote of at ai confdene as consiî un hich mut cary;tiai élections mesut faliov1 anti thîst, as then. ' coîîstituîad,@tiser as tcspersonnel or poiicy, the Governosent voaid nat ha sala lu go- iug ta tus CaeistrY ; andti ist, tîsereupoa, Mir. John Santil Macdionaldi platigat hiioteli ta you, that lis tua a vent of an élection lme*ing ,necesaarýv, ha voulti change bath tisapersonnel anti policy ni tisa Cabin- et, ilu order to suit btter tisa vicva ai tie People of Upper Canada. You mate it a spécial polît ai commendatian that you hati tien saurai tisa promise that the ittrcolOniali talvay policy ai tise Gov. arîntîwvuld behaaadonuti anti,vits tie toile- anti' manur ai nsevio c-uts aidera lia is statiug a pecaliarly cammeni. able tisng, yau aunnouncadt iat Mr. Sand! fied Macdonaldi lid honoraily anti han' estly ulflllld those platiges. - Public opinion vii hard>' ha mach, iviteti etta tisa derea ai meit tiat souiti attîci ta yon for exacting ucis a platge, or ta tisa lata Premier for giving it, anti atervards, as yon sait, tritly-I catinot agrain use vawrda Isonorabiy, anti hoestly in sucis a connectioiifulflilln,, it. W iate Sir, idt hie p e tg a im p y an tise part ai Mr. Mlactinaiti? Why tis a villijigess on -.ibapart ta ait vits bis, cuibuagueS et tia same cotsocil hoard, * anti la apparent perfect accrd;going on, itis tie goverumtent. of tisad Cuntry in tom pany *îjh, tho8e gentlemen, -wbile ha lad ati tise tkaeentredutoa Bàecret compact ' itis -ypuri--f ta uru tisa taofaioffice anti ac- l cept otisars viioat you tgtIlist uggestii T isa puiblic yli rem em b r tisa d ebat. I visic is o ccu rre ti n th e sa rI>' p a rt o ft 1h a' _ o autuot session aifPî,rliament hearnogupan, E tiis very point. Tise quetion then vas whethr tie Prethier ati deiberately gati it ai bis coleagusa iucoisequenca oi a preetermbatian on is part ta do lao, ast vas aile-eli by tisase geitem en on tisa an a fi sida, 'or vieihai. tiseir leaving&thaé siat' vas~~~~~~ euieyts v cath a coolt thé, *fiole ,'coneernand we beardi', y0tý elcii redit to yourself fo r ha'v i U'g. succeedei neot dxly in exacting iispedge but lu ieceiegii tfifilment as uil r One other,statement made bv YOD as to the secret influences et -work ta contrai tf1*# Governutant "duringr Mr. John SandfieÏd Mocdonaid's- leadership deservea notice. You stated tfiet daùriug this session, as i the lawt epriýg seàiou, yau became ,cZkJ vinced that îhè Go#ernment cauid fnot stand;, thatjo70 à9, àîmt *ent tw the PrerâiW,*i and told hlm 86; thât joiz then pointed out ta "hlm tbat - a umber of geptlemen bad bçen alienateéd froth the ranks of the Ref'orm party., naminit Meïrs. FoIey, >0ee Evaniturel and Abbott in this coi npclion, and that you adviied Mr. Mac. donald taol1ffr tlýem seau itq te Cabinet and tisas strengthen himself; Did itnot occur to yod thiat in this yo l were guiity cf an attempt e t a deliberatè frand -opou the pe pe. Th se' very teen you be l , indget 'il b1.,Macdpna(â toý Mtrid;of,,ebb cause, ffl Yeu ýallegedtliy posessed;ne' strength in this section of tecauntry, and beause if the. Government, remainçd constituted, as it was when -dýÉe M_î4 onçrWthe vote ýof want of confidence Moved1 by the> member for l<iîgston; a tà joiM cul îlot'be obtainei in the te os.And yet bavingecured e maaj"ority fro.piUpper Canada by tturning thani ont, 'outdliea tely péoposed toi the Premier that b ha ahcic take thein back ta increase that majority, relyin- doubtleq supat hs tatoemh bnci shown Iiimself so readv,, for the sai of placé, to delierateiy. conspire with yod against bis oiwù. colleawueê would flothesi.ý tata to ha guiltl of an, set of deceptiori' towerds tisa electors 1 hae stateîuants of youra 1 deeni ta bet of sucb importance Ibat-tho public shotsli ha in early possession'of theçu, It la Vieli, in view of the, assertiong and, deàials of the< lest year in referenca Wi ie nchaVK which took place in May lit lu n he Ca net, thet wben you have voltcoitarlly ciose to enter the confassional and state th% cxtra-ordinary pari you hav'e piayed id connection. with those changes, the peql:dd anîd press of 'Canada, and your own colles. nuas in Parliament, should be put in Po.,- session of the (acta.: 1 haveaeppended my own usine to thid latter, niot beéiuè I am- vain enough te imagina titat initsalf t, will: gire any paculiar importance ta -My statements; but simpiythat, 'if, yoU thiuk I hL.'e, in aîîy way misrepresented yoti, you May' lcnow whare o dcmetîd an explauationî and whom ta hold reapouaible.-1 I have thse ho-nour tea ha, Sir'- 'Your obedientsàervant.i THOMÂS WHITE, Ja ý( Nvar NewS. Late Richmond papers fmtrnis abt ne tarestîng items. I'hey 'e>' on Wednesdia,, thse 20th itiat., a dleet of gaùiboati appear. ed on the %Lppahannoclr, but they lafi next day after deatroying much propart1~, nie outstending eamount of Oonfeder~ treagury notes, of tisa denomination cf $5 ,and undr, lsa bout $5,000,000- The 'aning retr.o sum »p an ggregate of $237,00O,000, vit tven-ty small deposito./ ries yet ta hear from. Tise only State front wiic complete returus have been rAeaiveï la Georgia, *here the amount fuiidad la1 $~72,18,000. The Richtnond Ezdmsiii' bas an article on the war hava of the peat iesî days,ý full of congratulation for fhe ,pat and, hope.,for 1ha future. The Ex-_ aminer avys, I"Gen. floke, judglng. from tha large numaber of b is, pdsoser aus est. seeca ta have madie uch, thorougk work as that hy Irbici ÏCet' as ,so sbouketi tise tender souls aud. frozon theý îvarm blood af thae Yankees. The reais'- -.uehe edcoontered vas probably àot-so ,espeitate, abdth ie blood of the victors net "go heated; alahough W a efortification carriad by itarmtisaheloeu ofý the garrison mutt inevitably be large.,,- Theý strict lavé of civiîized warfre àcknýwledg4 the pow. èr o:. tisa vibt0r td put It te !the, -sWord ild suchcases. Hovaiýersavere msnob an ex. acres' tîteti. 17-8w Te htb'a Tise Truqtaea bat] 16 ap;sIic-atiaua, aUUy ai vison>bal exellent Teetifnoiialg, bath for scbooianiîhip and îihiitY ta teacis. Al- ler a vt'ry careiai examnaction of ail tisa applîication% anti Tesîmonisîs tise7 salectet Mris. DonsaIt] Frazer, Ilb... Queen'g Col- lage, Kitagstou.j If this gentleman hean&y. esitcg lileas istha is sait! te ha, ha vili ha nioia staîl add'itiou n tiste GrammarScistol anti Iifercsti aftha Taown, I>lickariugtt prkn how.~sîv sýy to ;t, ýle kt- )n it ýe se x le r n f, n , i r m 1 y ir tit i t te i - ) t w le i - ýe &me tel Usb off ir.d toi ments 'ohiect- nDjD n t. it ri t t 1 1

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