Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1864, p. 4

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w tui hrat t)riukr, beford You gO tohoil ale'ow lIealth and o it 0Tid lv Pirît. TIdIdy. Iddy, . Sai-coatetl bY arîiîin W'Lci 110noItAlity-ca ua urbld, Vq twe $110111,111,'t iour I engtiittftîOt. Ir weiiadit ttiûtt pprt»'ul oftiiUr gooti friotld Tidd, Iraviooa IL1to oortotatiti,- Thore putsb hà a rutilîY, Of the saoitm ite tMILt forinatiîtni ijuder Tiddy'o Watclil ' Yg 'To lns lioelltned and Perllittcd .By the (oir,;>mnt naiStitto, Iwo inust lho oontirnud anti fitvid Bv Tidd>Y Prtt'e cttîfioatti. SAloni Our n ntl;i lawik l-'spccind Dufiy iâtby Tidad' v hc, Tstt tite brothindrhni~rojectul, la a legal club, tIci Sec0 This la tc titîwftlni mcting To utern le and canonLe ; I»rlnkittsz, îîowiîYsba l-titu l ite Io wiîet Tiduiy Pirttt tlo wi. 'riddy Praît cin prtt ynintzhl ou aur n'ntths iatitt Ieîr cr Triîdy ttutitîtîr o' go*tcu- Hie cauu't niit uil t iti r 1,cr. Neror itltiid lin ittîli in ii ltir W luat wuoloitlt to sacola Iaîottt Tfoms yor pott.%ofill iiiî tîlk'r 'Ti3 ltitiddth -tio'tI uiirtyrt. "A tnkrrild of ii' trto'odd" Evr :veloiinzt geocin ite1r ods Vvery iirtiîig loy >tliiîters rroet ,the pattter, pîttr, ttrt'tv ixIc Tr'cnt ittle Itiartsa tre il i' I i i ît, T~ill thirtrati littito itînithiotire tli dwi tt It rvil and bittttr. Tlittyteen litUtitigioca ire httov ttC l'. t )1L Twenty six litOn itbands, witluduilitf:îutetitiig wrung0un oo Au d ite wotntttait l 1oi tit ,lîîtc % idwhenult), poor litîtohaiit e oine-.ltîîtue rini "!rod id lîtirrv, anti f erc"a a a Ttrl, Wiatdo ïnîîtîitkntt tttîetcat A itgot oflîliot tii tittbreeze- tI lVIL Cri-j1tli, 11.)(1iront ont inana tuwtth lier btir ail otIi %- slit nieyNel ISsitiny tu ta îîttry, cal ti i ttrcîtt Ju,Iy FIgý,K itil rot ll iiîozY t Silitftltr011t; bVtgîtes thel>- eciîbng with a frty.iîitl ,1ruar Bt' v tt te cutId titlli itrrirto ti legI. 0Flirwltt, inlà» ibiatltli theîtoîtîîicr'îý iii. Aljas&! ty lord ttutia:vrloti, r,tir xréaui nfi uîv(1,,litc Ieiis tt loebils Jiticttct it tiie lUt rtnto topâlny trurvy, And thiî lic ft ixlutenel fttic iutc ali l y tui nte for sheite, - And mo setho dtIransclà*e*a'iti Iuajrl-nIrià ith11. ,ter ikeltor. l'il giveo yn iuty came, et yon tsiuk riten&_ gayth ; TotisVery respootftliy . s.Jîltî itîtî. Tt1AbiT'5 rTit TRitti. Prom a last of profesionai Cnc.,is zaili t t hâve been inade et '% u4w Englanil oe bration aL Milwaukee, wc ýake Mthe follovv- '1yaBakr-'The Storm ofLlierty> gNiv î light unti hl î ilts ic fincleî %vhole world, andI jpare orthe Ibot -groat baking0 iiYi a lry (Joods Merclat. -l'Our No- tional Flg"-.Nsy wo never neuure le by yardsf, neeseli il wit.hôut a rcsppetall oLdvance on tls iret cat, adding truispir- >Ltionsuaidinintirance. Ily a Pitnr-iîPlymi)uth Rtk>--thie impijtug glaneon wlitch the formof oui libcntiea was matie up-may it be a type ~ttheir porpetuity. liy à lor-'I'he Amnerican Union"- ÈuiaLLooe p by the patriotigmtof o ur aîir- toestors-inay ils rutitihoet(,findignationt prick the goosaeLiit attcunipt& tu rift il By asIliler.-utThe Mayflower" Grottuti front the grist cf oppretutlon. iLtntefi out ta shorts. SBy a£ -Forworder-1l'Tit Boqnn toi, Partytt-.ay Il$intemony ha toned tway by ail Who attatnpt to clxaët ail gai coma- hnleson, Bv a Ianker--li7Tho Pigrima Stock"- Ik40vOjpar iu ctcry umaket, Happy is te ins" Who la an ellrlY' mier., Bvery moruing, day coinesa tohlm with a virgÃŽn'is love, fuit cf bloomu, sud pnrity, sud (ethutes. The youth of 14a tom. 1! contagions, liletefile gladltuno f s bop"y cbcld. We dotbt il sny iMsu eau W. esiled oid, s0 long aithle an eaniy nAser sud wsiker. And (oh youth i -talce Car word for il) youîh iu dreasing-gewn sud stippere, dawdlitg over breakfast at fu ou, la à vety decepit, ghasîly mage cf lial, jouth whk sbes the sunri ish oYer lb.s moutains, aud the dew "prkling apou liosoaing hed>4rews, Oîoîw lior IlCasvîsccs MÂt."-.Tiils well.woru phrase thus crigineted --a men liell-drossed, sud of exééedin gly genteol fiancer, tuent sabout, ssYnia uevwiu. Ascholmester lu oneof ef bneihbor- tna ' e in~ towns, s'him e wue on is morning Zke pssscd bjthe alouofea sneigit- f bout, wbo wassoxtavatlng a log for s plg îodulars Cr troe slt. cohnstrlt. baive yota not furnîture etiougla yet? l .libo, Yel, sailSthe man, enougit for nay owu uint1>iýUoate i -Milaîy, butt 1 expect té bos 6rd thb. schoet ary fe Xei. Mo muter this wlnter, sud am makin propara. AÀî.x. Mon tlqu(11C., A. H 6, Hello, sqteward i cried a fetiew on asî?hews-, Thohi steamboat, sfter h.o'nid reird te bcd. assis, 16q, *t What tuama ?ttelli ie WBrngethe way ,-bill. . Ciloorn. ' the wsybitL - etoBtieh Wh omau";1 Bewn, Esaq.; Iwaut to tes if these bcd bagsý- pt tIown thoir nsoioe for this bertb befors e .hat 1Idid-Tf not1 want theoute be turnod teTer n ouit, Toucher o t I4do't know wbat veu mein by notbe-8n>ittl, Ilu!81an rihman, sid *&gentleman Wl I4oners gou wabirlng a boy, you sa yoju sWas boit Inlvrelaud. Seuttifor 0 » jour Inpr, il $bat'o Il' atid thui4 ýo sstw S> b M al bliaih te thit Supposaeir 1- "X 7UntteelStAtauCte tcceuy,tiyorty- atIt puna. ast wooia ,tArr. F,,-ra) & * br o C. JI., I _______________________ M "..'.~-"..- _______________________ ËOH îoÂETNr OF TUE COUNTIES 0F 1) j &yO% IARZO ten N n 1odo o 0ïà' ;uksto tho mueà- Ontario, for the uoany futori% ooofetred tipon toc duriug patit years, 1 egain antan beforo yotn 801liti,îg yourf1îrther isupport aud confidoncit itwi a ver ho my dtîty t a rit that confl- donce yD u avé Ca cheeIIWycnflded [n me. Proinpttdé,înd, M"i trietèfn~ tni8 to 0 tbi.ni i ib laliltakelib doeirroite cottintnocce. SIl norr8ioft it the C)roxole oiliwbcre a iitr oai l tasi, and ongaetuotis, 18 re gtisariv kelt, @hall be attended to. Prioeti.ar- ranacà, uid aybfixed, wit1Iont thotrooble,.of tiine %Ir. Tlio;iilton. 8 F011 SALE, O N enay terrnx,, Snut-half of Lot No. 5, in thîî 1 Ith <jîîf of Brock-tO acres clesrodl. .Apliy. uýifb y1r optid t Marklutrn. Or to ERASTtYSKESTERq Col lector.'-iesidenoe. BiooktIn. AUCrION SALES and '~g1cIx lu I&part of te Coanty o( 6Oarýov attoetodeil to on- moderato terme.CakIt sda &à dOiu ""IS 0oon1igued for taie. -1 itzntwac.,- t&iv. Moonld, and B. o'- Doîialîie, AutotioiS, TorontoULJ. FI. Gerrie, Drutrgiiat,,W thy; 1. NI. Thoman, suad T. J. .IIlsMehaîgat, Jrokàn;Wo. Wilinox, iliil, Priuco AIhait; J. W. Gotbinle s Ptbrt Perry; LU . Wiàdiloild, lailiOf, anâ alii Wti(ddlfleid, Ei4q., flhriîi«eo. Ordoiti, taken, BDd tarms ,nnde known t this Offloe. BARRIE WIRE CLO I1 MANUFACTORY, P ARM~ES wlabing t a prchase Wiro Clîth tur ing Mîlis. or othir ~irotCaI lit siîplîiea t iiiiBarrie W~ire Clotit Mîintitteî- torv. wtit as-ood au tutio, atnd outmmua îvitii- üitic terinq, wit,1 a.-t tti-lt putootuîdlio, tt in atiy F~lrinire ddeav<illrrîuWiro (lotit itfvltv uEdwarîi cîîdweiî, tW'li'tb.i 'rIiotîîîî..eck, Eaq, (tîltmtîo' TH1E UNIVERSAL T'he oniy Wringcr witirtho COG-WEIEEL REGULATOR! STOVES" CIflAP1EU TIAN EVÃŽR. T IIE T.ALG EST STOCK A M)06 T~ ware, &o.. vatche n t he tîcStoro cif tae itnilerai4l' t i. stoo'etlq m.îryv tyeand q1iliCi itot i t ahi Itricr.c. 'fltic oiîîtlar tns' liotterl ýPov* htu hvabî itiu 'iut'i tlînoîîeob et litro arfttst TuIE Kim,' 0F Sm7'OVEs, IRON Du«.E, GRAIND TRU'NK, PRINCE .4LUlER7, DAIVY (ROCKET, PROTECTIONISI4, c WILLIAM BRYAN. itaketWlith V. Wltthi,Ma-b2,t4.-I ýMONEY TO LENWI ra C- FOR SALE, T Il F antth ball of Lot Noî 7 ln tito 7th Con. ut' Mutra, Cotety OfOntario eoltelauiuig 100 aerelq. For liiuticnlors ap 1 ~,ntrtr1tid) to Torouto. Fnb. 16 18434. VIXECA'R VINEGAR H lEUNflEIIINED lBAS -FORt SALE tthitby. oniedont s'est nf C. Scott'@soce Sold lu largo anîd amall quantitie,, wboie9aio sud rtail. 1ty n heap, sud realiy gond ar- ticte,-aen article tcuud hy uhemieai tcts te ho the boat evoerprodlaced lu the tbs' MICIEÂEL SCIINAPPAU0F. Whitby, May 9. 1862.. THIE CELEItAED- STEÂ5I-COILED- IIOOP. Ti RF Pa enuIo dekiras teo uliLte attciioxnI Itithulle ti ie bmhove inpnrtotiott tion, the izîlit of ilctt lip nfrèftr le tciter tor Towttntipa% or Coantian iiidapaîîîbcîît ut it@,iitrino'te ivOrIi WOrtlt auSISa Labour-Saving Invention, h ittem iiat, ltae fltwnjt tritii'-AI kitudtof Timber.iElm OaItk,?iuMat, ie1 l &Ct. tîttitho iliti nlhematinfK1ettr 0o tIlle lin pa : tttnittit, trio te ctuncity et the <ri t- tari ,1tlitoli inutr*ah, la nu amati recin-t THE HOOP IS STRONGER, 'titi wcil tacttt i zr ttant1ie ardinitro ii A lmuîpt.r er iii eii>ron t otir t In ' h t brie 1per day moitreti îtwiit the ttriitav tîitti ONE TIIOUSAND HOOPS, 't'tiIl ia e tît>' i et-t front iiuetv-ci' ta lu iip ty- vltlit Iarv-taii Itolit littit titttr ail lut u1er ir îlpîutigz . c.'ttlcreier liq unît ial leit- tini 1.4e, hit insit iiinia fE44'O.PLETI SATISFACI'IONV! 'fît> prttpriitr -ttitp tit ci' it'cîji, chates foiliîgtr liii owiititîtoati ttnkh tttwii l utolu boa tettît o it i ii iphnte workitig orilvi einittly, ttthetmiitiltîd iloopis a î tîî ýti li woniltr4 o0tIith z,, onantu ileutioit wiIisntis- Gaîrdtner, -;t. NMr astiîhiSkiiti .tI Secî.tttlirlîgi W . &J. lu , rk Apply tiitcu -jitirat iir Wii- -l P 0. l t elilz GRAND rRTJNK RAIL WA«Y OP ('ANAD. N 1lT IC E ,îîr Ch-ivcii tit i-r tif Botterliait t ottîr FrtiýAt, îturîîIt tlt>paîtîumvfr. Ihr >o Ni-o.n tbicl uutradTtI>'ricuRie ta izt ii î Piîritcîttî suilltr init Bt ai t irit-ttti itîti.andautia TIi>' rot-esif reizlil hae been ctoiibrabtly reu,d.tul Cnjet) eayýpaucît i-iti higicunt ai 5oeatb e1ht1patlby tha route. Itnpiorten re uniso notified tuai the tu nptiv iaia - i lit eiitittt, iii al î i- î ilià iltrt nturh l,. 11, babut.ileI trtIit deleatiii itîtiîîipîirtiîîn or itif>ori eouttiiiut'oiitioitttbouiera et Ninttr,-ttl. Tuhtarl.nr tIi,'. li u oîtreul wiltl buhe oütly charge, bociâcui ltetouigit rate. A p1iser of attnrncy, Il it fnuir of' t Qrand Trituiltailitnv Cmmratr, wîll h rilir,p hio seot ru lum1prtrs ttheo nderaigun'-ib. ii tiruter tina olitres ut tile oiw(tastorît ie ut NIOitrctt1. tZ4Fuuhi tmrtittl)ars. alec. &ii, mal,0 ,oh. talioiot tiAO tirîtCi i0P tti rlFrt'ltt Azeîtiha îlit teoorcital tnd Ttirntttti, aiid at t it 6'. .1. YlIlYt(1.iJ. ?&Antgiet'Director. P. C. PTRATTON, -Gntarab Eua$ti'rt rlîcî tji 1'. 8 STEV l(SO -, (ieneri Weaenu îroiglittAgenti, Mant~ -Torconto. WISTAR:' IASAM OffILPFA CINf!R-Y, With lii.mon attnislng nuoeoersil rougbe, VolIs,. flepuesu Throt, iuuempia. Cc .CoÎîLiercmpAttBr GDAT~~~ LERnIINL McMILLN9S- -The Étubseriber offers the balance of his Winter STOCK o0E DRY 110005, At 10 per cent discounît, in order to have room for early' Also the iargcst stock of GENE RAL GROCERlES,- CROCKERY AND GLASS WTÂRE IN THE COUNTY. A MAMMOTH STOCK 0F LIPGU &HD W1NUs At lcast 20 per centt utîter iisua-ti )bes. 'I.1111 cI-LN 1Whlitby, 'March 23, 186-14. .il LAI. ô o îÀOVN. CO IE31'tII>i>\bb'Ai 'tîSl'tu tt, CO R AS REMOVED TO FORDS 'S OLI>STAND, ~ Offers the f'tllowiîb i11i)1 OF TItvii. (anadian PIatenut Front, Ro11in±z Sea-t, Aî1i- 1î 1 i îper, - Por~tland(I(uiters, Bob SIpighs, AUl of wthichi he is selling ic t (' llý î.acp Pi-ices for Casli or appt ov-elcredit. Sîttvr ittCILfEoe rdcv ered, which iwilIbe sold vcry lowr.'1togd cm-hn ig and two sets lîeavy Bobs. 3 \Vill ficid excellent and convenient accommodation, Withxin a Few Yards of the Pub1i6 1Hall. Private Parlors U2CHARGES- NO, HIGIER, TRAN TEOTHE RQ HO TL&Ij rB'Y, JACOB BRRYAN-q PPHIEoi'utu MAJORB1ASS 1BAND. irINnqD. àMcPlIIE. WINDSOR'8 QUADRILLE BAN]), ADDRESS IIIRAN WINqDSOR, 8'6tu; IlAsenan FOR THE BIÉSE et OHEÀPE&T GO TO CC4- GERRIES DR? UG SI OÉE. CI9AL OTH LAMPSf Of alildutioriptious. Chimneys, Globes, Stindes, Brusaés,_ JÂmE iH., GERRIÉ. WlîjtIiy, Jian. 13, 1864. BUICIIER'S MEÈAT ÃŽ MACDONALI), the buftlhcr, Ibce' tc an:- nommeîîcotheit lie bhlleiotit zwillttver tO de) witlî the Flhop ire wlhiho lekti-ly diii huSi- iiîui iii lirn0k Strvêt, lie. is io00W wor.k on lîlu twiî final<. und iiitonds o tad idle hisnowii etiiite." 1'arLii'awlislii tatohavtt fr"lrh Meut lette tu 2C tiîilîty iipttlied rit thleir ditor, wiiI tirer, auniidttttnkc" te give sutivihctti.I .lîýtr' Qu el 30ohtaijned aotile ruhrcrilher'a (11(lXt to the Titiurv,' ut atI iour- iorîilg, nono iaildniglit. W2i. MACDONALJD, 12 IJutohor. IDOCTOIR-DAVISI eitiitiiiCO ta treut bSypbis tond auher Di- teltet oa tprivate . IN IOTIOI:XF., WITII UNLIOIIT- At Iii- Odtîv. -rner qf Boy Iittttice Ot 'Adelaide, St.- Ife l;qi ii tCOtpirta hr uu' i-ttiureiere1ltlu, rnrîitci b i.se - ,iii;r e- et . oryM ieii10iti toe, ot ho ftol-ar y îy i îlif lilv rù.iie4cý. xuî i î lire liîtvc ettafl vIrvltirimt.to î 1 rtiliil îtîiff o C tqtii Ati or ~l-' ioci rei!,ivo liiîn-.ýli:tuorelief I)y oplu ta Dr. I"îtits .i l tldisttnetrelitotl i v Ietr, and ii.1liil -Set tel y pat outthe iîouytry on re- citipt tif t ro;isviîîlo t0 ei. iot. coitonît the Dîîctor cati. do0 Sn ivith the iotiirost occci i leolle 10 oro~,I th. S lli ionI1c tioliîtsto Irte w',t ii oi',i:tnd tt thei-olflcîî. AI]l Ictîcrs itiol hbcîlilres-î,,(piot-puiei,) ut port rtaiip If t iitîrovmer il eSircil. 27 FIRST PRIZE SEWING MACHINES _N UV S.EVINC MACHINES Preauîtin Sîtoiug machines T I'IE (1181y PI>1ZE 6 ardetl for Fiiiintty SewittunL l:chllee Dy tîto Jitdgca lt tbue provilutiot xliiitlitu, bocdin uLondonu,zept. 24L t>,, th tt atiutii,< *u*guvon te I4. t Wttiizvn & c\>'ètrý Tlîey tîlce tcok the-tufiet priîe for Fain'ily Sewiîig lIthtte nubtE iM, W .lZtier &(t e. C'ottîiiiiîtiti(iiî nt tlito Prcvittcitti l FtirlieltI at Torito,Ã" 2, 2 6,2 anti 26, lq2 fnoti alsu firat pritawas awardd to titein Siugef fôr The FFuret Etrt Prita s'as ali*o giron for 14b»5. 1 andti2 Stglattînîcn'tgMuthhîoe. luîzen ifsitiircatae' 're altos'ardtd Waluzore & o 'mtFntibv ttOwiutiiot ciiuo ahi wanzitr *h1bte.'a ;inog- Machinelq ovor ail ittionre. Ivtho Boar.t of Ar-utaud hti&uuftuie- turen, it tlita Mec halîzllt îitttettÃŽuto-. Tbîey alo tulnk Fiu-tEstra Pi-izemaVut Lt> sovara ot onty Agniculttirtul Iitira.-at hlinîl- hn , Ceboig, Bowuusnv[llIe -[ in e tory ptauto a~Waezer &Co.1s (lomiblution sud Waitzor tirCos usinger, Excel auy Maeblue tbiitteveror 'on unuacurot ibu the United IL. M. W1oîiter & Co., hav ute-oaeedInlintt- tinirthi not vlale p ropetties of teW boel- or &e WlIgnn andoutii ,,,uMachties.aud remn>u MACX T4HIE O NE of Eos'au'én nos patent FIax Scatcbiug Mâchiiiemeaîuuufractarnel ut thueir workut, IlbfaatreCattThre machine oaa lie eeopua the s'rehottae-of Rl. E. Peu y, Etq., »-Pu' Wttitby. -AL ladp !ication; (Ltby IEllezprdpaid,) can bh b. tii Tn0mAs Iï&WL,tEýr JAMES' ROWE,. FORSA LE, A Splexidid ELOOt of :LAND., B lb 17 ini, the lotit Cou' ofte r.urmlebig1'ownship ot » IYAWASAqA ýone of the vnry bna4t wbeat growiug disttds linte Pro. vinei, anîd no other lecality >onu exonil it for h-itltliîtq ca l elao. ,Thora are about aixbý' acrea totearod therion, and tho remaîndor la weli udapv:d for ONE-COMPLETE SUGAIR BUSR. Titi land [o well wa±nrod and rite toit excellenot. Titaro ara oin the jh'niio two Log Ilîicmsad nîtô Log IPàirno.-In a word> %&o pb'oltcrty le s'ell'% ortiiy thé eCtonfpo son$ deeoiet nI ocatîtg ticir fatlete- mothttr, tis titi) hlock wili admit of beng îugtI otuit miFitty Acre> Lotit. It laeittuaCti ablouttceeo utmilcs froin 'nIliiugçýood, aud aboutt iltie froi Stnyîîer Stailcit. A Ise, thte Wtt bhai fafLAt No. 2,111iltae SUL ofit à1eî I altittte, cuutt-iiibtg 10) Acred ot'cliicn Lattti, bioing a hcuitt'iftl- audi heoultho' situaition, uîttd im,*ul oraOti wsitii an e.-tel- lotit S't L tbenantt. Tioro.nre about 4:î uroit trl,. Thia lot l'ta itnh*tteîl ii a vrny -flotr'clig art ftua colntr), clien u ibcît lroi lîo 0longeof OV(riltis.---Tniea ilierîui. rjr'Für tartitor pnrtictauî lpply ta) thet4rb- etjier, tir i .y otr (poa.pl), atidrcua Iuoi 49, Bttrrîe t'e-st-office. A. LANU. Bttrrue, Felý. 12. 1894. 1lSn The Celebrated Ã"àerm an Oil! l' U i5bts,1 bribime, front. bitoti, rttinulitg J ttrenedltitIkitidit tf sea Wp)s att kindn ooliwuutttdmnd 1s4ènîuumil aodoeaat: 'rthc reinidly ig inlaliîble for rejI&Ijolg horneu ini tottlce mitTtling toir pain. Frotn thcuitaaud4 of- teutimhonials ae tae th eftlcttcy uot tlîiatnvittaitio rom dy, flic fulluw- ilitlic huit î itcted 1 tintotecd your ail the lent six yens',santi unimsitiltte4l t1 ittut il li titllultd for 1101111114 cutî, and touriitg, fromPtbitt. Itti efKoutcy ho uqitullygieluitpticd tôîmau* rbonst.11~ 'Te A. KîuasEq, P'ictkerittg, Feb. 12, 1841. tilt1 jiitce tiyD tî tadûty îI owe thq Putblie, b thilir k t- rirlit ta rue')iîtioiid veour celehu-otuil Gern Oi 01v Mittle girl got 8e vercly 'muttîdct, an ilunch Po tutheu' reuonery witn diobtl'uî, but by the tim . a~lietbnu of ynor-1 ailoiela îîîw enti ofai 'dureti NIATTIIE ' S ýVALL0V; r. PlcIker1i lî, Jatliry 17,1861. Dgcou$lt.-Iln }oetice t 'yeîl, aîhd iîh Pub. lic in trencrml. 1 lfbink it flriî1 ta f ecotiuinouit vaut cletrated G orpian 011, forité nureoà Citaý, lutaoenfbt utoi, &t!., la eqnatty efflea. eitfl -Whailiet appliod te utan or be'ait. - PER RtBîiIOO0VEI6. -Picketring, Eernuar'r. 1869. DsoAu Sin.-Tn Juatice te yon, utid"»a ut C 1 owo e athiapffhot-,i tbink it rigbt te recoin- iinti yoair colobrttted Germii 1, rfli teciunu ut!fînt bite, otite, bann juiaaiof nerei tiflon aoîing -DA NIEL q ' Pickering, ltobtary, i1862. 1 I ullered lutom a had rtixOliore for twei yettna Wiiianît intorntission. Is'as tniduicod tel tu-y yotur cnlobttuted cil, aud Bbl110W contylete. ly etired.'> JAMES P1TZG11B02tS-. .0no of tha dtt>l uedical miuoin tb. Coabitty IDic&n tc'ý.,-EvervwFhe, all qeor tigeworîd voîînjntty telebratcà Genan Oil I eptrýeM to Ibknowur. ltt nune t prove a biiatnig te muaz-t liut. i bave aaed ltliie cure ut euts, brut- tcge, fncatts, t&a., aud aiseou ongres chlong- btn;týi u o er falod to affect aouruî.îî B# le t ail IDrtgi.,it, nidut the prin- cirai place nef butilinn ite T'revhace. 6j ASSURANCE COMPANY. MARINE DEPARTMMNT w ILL talcelt flaacargec Ris l itit h InoWest pubstîbia rate of preuniltut; Iitaur4 ane grnthtd onu laIt isite, for thea Acsi votvagot, andI a rebute oftepty pur cn l on thoitarlit 'of cargo pfl tutnitai sartecr a l alftnrooupt, liber utidltel hotahlo settlnnuiou o slttýýPnite <ioispiy, itE b Wltitby, Fel). 2tith, 18612.- JOSEHP. AINE 1% dilgunof OCthe Wlld Treo ovêr M 0,07obs oi lontsa i el lcuowbt; so te g'oed it hostuoerua- M The irca i tes', r and etoilcol sa Yanien =777777 - !-- - - . , isimýýFl JAMES MeCRIEIOIT, Dunhttrton. It Sai es Time, labor, Viothes & Money r i t riciiîtal sd oul' reutahleWrluger ic.ub ipuple. iind cnnîtîioaure 'ttettt-if ofnI rit'ii,, ttittac-iy forurcietire, sud o arcattin, ttatani loher macilttma mde. Tt vri1i ear for Tia wltlout nepar. No Serranut eau break 6. A chi id cIght yeors oil au oporateit. No cattton or eieil requiredIl iCi lte>. l n-aven ils cccitlniClotbltag et ay ine or Iwelve mouChe. Every 8irioger with <'ognWheels t Wanrranuîin e very particulan, fî>rittliitr,il %eWrin ot the FIST itltt-tllNI, a uliietr MvtbaInit f liutn t liée New York- Statu l?,Jr. lSlbi,aidmt piau witi 9lperitir t' ailtra tante Worigl'e Fitr Ut Lotitiutt I 1 *. Ciufasent Wated lnt every Town in Caunada. aPI>!lîiîdttîel 'o-uIlt-i lii.'thue prieo t ts lieabl W. il. CHILT)t & Ca., Henoîltontn Quebec Government Agoucy Rocuncar b bwhtbî the CROWN LAND ud -ttîr PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. attetidetiL.As SecCluedl ly the anioerrlhit.'rAdîtress prepslt liauî tid d(ueral Agent, Anuteatreet, BRYANT, STIZAT1!ON & DAY'S C:ý-COMMERItCAL COLLEGE' Xii irtrete Torotto, C. W. Firgt doo>'£dgof lVeleyautBook RlM* ED SAII InI)lconeoion W" B lr4RIn Làsmt« s& Coscla hit, of lltetaioius& Commenrcial Coliegan, incbinlufoorteeuof tiîc 4&rget c14tif ilthtc state% sud Cada. yonur men si And A*l pr eipaofor tte tractieA i ttlosfte Oe ottn ac.r-o unanaiinit their own u hasinans sth stutei ansd lut titis dcprtauenl teitm tbreNce tc opagf insitruction Inu Dç>ible Entry B3<k keu ' Commercial (Weluilàqt$n., (<0imnmercial n'et (bunnurelsi eoorvealtinvlac ndt Penmmnahip. Pbrueisel bepituseu. Floe, te siauoni ontàeietae ýactual bush- nos,. Fauci a tudrt, làle t»?isbed wI ilt is econ, uytotunt tof cai anet tirclrehudiho bni- uees. .Each atudeuLt hîya eand sella mTereban- dite, %toc a, renanie eete. 'Twe Bakshave brcu C>e2shhaiow ith saioaaullè esit 'o*ju&ta whioh eetiaithetudcnt toefetoot hime cxwhp. elîe&ne un."ede>ltsit, tbit paper dis- ceuntcît. and Irsussot al otluher bwinus Idi

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