_______________________ _______________________ Fortu lvlut WAIICTUro SEa. -SeMe feauheru fremi the. rtght wing of the Potomiac îry. 4 ightcIî,p tuât wlI fint tihe h.ad of the. Mjisippi River. The siave from which the man strined overy nerve.1 A feftiter tro ni the wing of a dog that fewat the burgiar. The. brooai with which a torm u wept over the ses. Thé. saucer loto which tihe cup of eisery ------ow-d.- 1 tXWsiiac.. -AÀlex. Madonald, and B.. 01- A pair of spectacles to suit the eyeu af Donohoc, Auctiotseerg, Toronto- J. Il. Gerrin, Jutie.Drieagist, N i ;S .Thome,sand T. J. À remedy ta cure deîfness In thse ars I-iit Prince Albert. J. W. Ganibie Eee., cern. - trr;J. C, Wiiileld, Beilit, ami Satuil. Widiflod, Fq.,Unloridîra. The match that kindie th ie fire of love. <rde, s tîîkeu, andi terneis dc known ut titis Alock ef hair front the iiead of a dis-. okice Mrh2, s4 ll course. ew oftthe te sse h eeping wjî. BARRIE WIRE CLOIII lew. A few coppers from the chanre etf tinte. MANUFACTORY, A coit iat wili bury the Deîd Ses, TDA RTIES wiehtong ta piircliage W'lrî' (lotît A curi trous the iseRd of a cabhage. t" tur n uns Mill*, -r othiir puiniiiiccoe.i A flower from the garland of f4ne, ha auppiied i ttrho Barrie tire ('lotlit Miiiiiiiie- toy ihas good anArticle,eunit oil ne îeci.,iiui A becket of water frem AIi' Wil. abe ert1, with as itoait puistttliti', ui ini iiilY A piituw (rom tti bed of the ecean. jiart of the Province. A buctile to fasten a iaughing stock. . tW'Orders add e"dt-larsie '%ire (10t0i tisa adal Cat ~ >, ~MatUnfaatory-, Box 48, Barrie l'est (Itiee. The aimal hat rew te inéren T- onas EckM E dieq., uehswa.liv The tais!e whicb wui et lu a rear. Thse -hair iu whlch tise suni sets. An e'gg frornt iuest of thiaves. Ag'arsnent for the naked eye. AchiFfrom-ihe North Poe. -WANTÈD Tg KucOW.-If the min Whso wu lasin uluuisier taund his way ont on a nigitmare, uses'eptrted. what le the fille when a mati becomes Intoxicated with apnu Whcnher it Ioniodeet for an offioer te appear ut a bail itn undreas uniformi. Thil ure o1 the tune wheh wab played upo- tise feelings. If uy onue es'er fait fattiguait &fier thse exeroisle otforbenarance. If thse1itght or other days was gui, or electriclty, or titllow ciandiles. Ifay tonaecvrwuma afraugled Who bang ona doîîbt. The nautut' tf thrtaiîloîr alto scwed thse Patchs ou the cat of tar. In wbat forn tise pharitome ot douht appean. - It je flot geuipeet 10 sttempt te give force ta your tsertions hy satnmnerlung on thse table, or by auy exireîrdinary geati- cultouts, as if vote were inlilet. Tt ut iîvnt grin vi tit anaueveuing parfy visere reift;tteiitîî art, servedu, ta Cit a istd-' PA" eIO tiiti t eriii, fit, ytters;,or ehîrcinsalccd, ta il' ah,, lid aisnDo ditier. I is t ,eitelît-Iut-) ii dem4idoor is guing lu or oui a roonu Visoe tisera are otiser permsee. Itle flnot guenteeal IosmaLa cizars lu tise âtreet, as e )e respurîicble Iookiug eiring. ers are ofien 't'e u f do. It ul Î tgoe toîii b tall t concert or lecures, onan s o lreent others frorn Tt i.% ni geuiueel tu, ah;ster in coin iTte m niK uiilpiut a tabta 1hiegisu iscfire' iluemat of tihe' amp..usjare betped, Itlisluitnttkenteod ta etal fuit or pet a largre qîtanit-! liti oter ttoutis at once. Ttinle içtf seuteet ta finish a mee - etil otisera hs.yehait lie toake saine pro greta witistheis. Tt la not genteai wheu you ire invit- ta à tnitiCtarneét e îi rta go iway hefore tise efrlilitcr. Itla s tot gauuteet. if voun hathat stranger, te, wait ait uneeaiofIfthIe lime before you tak0q yonr lettre. I je nt gertielt u sainte a gentleman, -ewiist watiting lu tiese treet -with a lady, witis a noi o? tisa hesut. ltiii not geteel to cenu'aliet otisers 111eà flot geetuteel te lean back lu a chair În Company. It jeis tu gelteel te rnis your isead, wistiat teduýon a sofa, alzainsf the uewly. pipereti watl o? a parlor lu wiih yen ire a visitor. Ttiii flot geuteeci'te stand befere a fire. place ansd infercept tise laat iro t tise *VISe are as cald as yourself. Barrie, eruary 12, 1844.031 THE UNIVEJISAL CLOTRIES' The. onty Wri COG-WHEEL lugerwtte BB REGULATOn! TOE! fIIEAPE IM IAN EVf'R. VarietyFuniiuire, Tin- wore, &ct., Ccittic4ei aics t the3 Siore ut thîe Stto 'au i î' ery style ncliii q it-tiit îd sit ail 'rteccs. 'T. opîlar ileur 111fterul ýtovt, - Ila snet genteel attise Iistitata, or auy ethea' publie place te pat yonr feat upon a chair or un a fable. htie not geuteel ta sny or do inythfcg lu presenca of othere, vhich if %id or doue by tisent wouid ofi'eud 700? feelings or sens.oaipropriety. A ftllow feeling-A doator aouittlng a Yountg lady'a pulse. A eovu wiii net cure a beadaise, Uer i golden isUpper tise -goset CA moîiser's love l isea sweeî the nîme!l What ià a moiiser's love?1 The uoblest, pureet, leniterest fdame .That kîndies ioni aboe. - Wlislin a isaart of earthly mol'd, 4 muais of heaven as heart oa= boldp Nor tisrougis eteruity grw aold 1 -This le a mtues r' lav ' Fea' heirts tht ire.- ual double, fev tangues tisat are not 'leveun. Teman v*beols s ut#hmtho vus fventy pars ngo la verse fisan thseoutil. Thsa trout boeu hie lil.fe fr a worm many Ilen.tiseirs for verse. JAMES JOHNSTONl," Wstehnsaker snd Jewatllnr, Brook Street, Whitsy. Ootobar otil, Isas. 89 FOR SALE, O 1me terl'ma,,Sontiilt of Lot No. 5, inu th1 tIt Coli. uf B'ock-60 acres alesred. Ap1ily. (if by letier potpd)I! to Or t0 JAMES .;McCREIGIIT, Dunhartoni. Marati 8, 1«i4. A 1 ru It Saves Time, Labor, CIotIîcs & Mone T iieiue orlauuual s uum tlî niii¾li tciair uit îii11m piule. cid -Ittuici ie uttmore mtreng'ii i4 riic'î1 ' tr lc .crv I. u piser ;if actionl, tsuatueN ". n uc Ii-fi ,l. It III 'uear for yralrm itisotit repaîr. NO servat tvan brea if. A c'teld eiglt.l yentre d a u oua ile t. No cauttonOr ekIlure'qnlrtr.à iit sls'4n.. Il etaves it' ostîn n Cahec<vr-ine or tweluie enonttist. Every t 'rieszu'r ii o-lete Warraeted in everf particuinr. The l'itiirriil 'ciriiitrr t(ýi lii l S PIIKMIttM, s1tiiîcr Mi'eIcct cui liutrîcici Canvaisers anieed. tu every Town lu -l2anadui. neecaivu'the -- ' .in l vun E xpCcnî."! ciu-n-jcii. W. Il. CIILIiS &Co., Ilicuihon, ALEIX. MA!';ONiý«- Quebec Goyemoent Ageney Btmineat uounîteuci1 witlétheli GRO0W'N L'AN D and othicr PUBLIC DEPARTIMENTS. afteîsitof. Alita W>ALTWT8 ?O2- 1Zys E. J a' tLFâ Lanîd aiiti(t!iînrat Aei'ut, Nu. 2i, AtieSte, y t""a I1MYANT, STRATTON & 1)AT'll b:>OMMERCIAL CLEE Kitiui'tfret, Tisroutô, C. v. Fitn4 *or E ast of J7egleyanBelRo . te lagt ititIe otlu oonatten wifit lâscAmj ptia esuîoriltle of te titateina,[lngo for t manegltig thehr own lisminoe witlî scoieand ui des&patali. Theoretical Deparinsent. lu luis deparfmet t etdeuts reOeictithoTongli instruction in Double Etýy llook-keel 09. Camrnerial Calcuails, Cummeral al r Cennuerali ,r o<îueaned I'ertuseutîir . ýPractecai Depotrtment. , Raére itise sîdenle enfers into saialsi- namse.Each studuisis efnriiîtiei w'ith tue sne aeary smtuf aofaeet Mi san alîîtitasili tiase. F.aais etlauftttvi4endi elle mtrchauc- diza, steaksf, reaicesta, t t'. Twa Baniks have beau efablehed lwth a.boafi leeassît eapitt, wlt4li anables fthe afudant te cikuat bts exittan. canugea, .malçardaposits, zatt Ma pst-ar dis' cotintet. andt tanaf iail oitier botsinaea mai- dental fao a genarai trade. Expenase ct course. Tuttdon, Tait Booke, and Slank Paurma, PF ty touer dollars, Unsitead States Currceý, or Fefty- tire dollts aCanada îiisd%. Readinsg rotisu and Library. Young men suddlaies pairabsang a Sîuhçlar- siep ilI b. praa.nted wlth a Cart of Ait* slitiitbe. Reailung Jfonx0 audLily'- ýAu',o Ute meelanies' 1lustituta. ~ AIexMuirey teqof mofftt,Mmri C., A. X. meMstsr.ofltute'r atmNe- In ail tastemr excepi a litte matter orf xJava, Joeît WO Mau CAQMlei&' Ce 'Ai longe, avo~a a, generall7 holit hi' H. ciseron. rOr Tise boues oetà anis ere feaed lu tise Bra"i, q., Riahý wôôds lu tisa nonsh part Or Lancaster, leident Prni Ti fass., lust wvela, apposeit te i>e thom of ths Tbeory oud r oue Lawrence, wlse disa4speared lu luit F. Dey. llti abut 6 ers ago, Ta- -of -pon bas nov saut te COpenisagen È400t 8nd orcat'4 ol Jfmong t1ihe sbciptiae, are £] 09 freun the tsevrenu.tts. AIR Speaker ofdîthe Ilouse or OotýM:ue 18 ind 6YA) £250 flosi hti of î!të Là n46ï%oà k c Au tnglisis Wrier propoes to 0r, ,p"- rJq4 unertine. ses lete a-isleaguuuad tevus, uôiclh î'6fsait AO-uspry et plonege lise Eefmdtv -i~ -O adOnalti iCo.;-d i.; reesEq.;Ho.5c tbers. Eqý lmlW antd Clîlef Inslrnato-r lu te- otf caantei-Juuse Xa fur-ahp~ ~W lu cf 1cmý lie viîl îi l t rîîîi elia i ,1 I,.t <citl %afriti e M/E KlViNQ F' S7JVE.S, MRON DUKFÈ, OItIND TRUXNK, PRLICE 4L1ER7, DAIJV Y CROCKIET, PROTECTIONIS7', WILLIAM MON EY niO' ,li çà ,a ü lm ija ai. ~ H ~ 1~ o ~ BRYAN. 1 l'ENI) 1' -'g ERASTJS KESTER, Licenued Auclioneer, Valuettor and Coiieçtor.-Resfdence. Brooklin. A CTION A E atiValuations lu atsy part of the Coitiity o1 Ontario. nctitie to olà moderate tertme. Casls advioîced on. Gotids conigmed for stite. f 'artisen wittt i tth ii ae u ct-,- spienitularge "relcerd, î'st Fruit Trétes e' A- eNT iMDRT Jet tepciîatcel, or toýgetis r.I Applietioisto t'a madIe fg JOUX HAXER. Ecq., uslnwtilot orUýviit P . -~ . TH"~ -i GE.LESLIE, eropriotpx, OULT) bcc te cailthe 'attenllau or Plan- W fer au4 Dld,§ a iiTIýea. fIs ifoak o? .Whitk«n'e fihaij itl As1ýat sud basf rr ofled iluth. IarJvlfi4L. Dà uarl ive iiilaei caii as sent greà tie,to pay;turî ~ t ýunfeaCent 1e:atips'b GEO. LES LIE, i .'lel, P.6 FQ&-4 L EF r THE OTHER HOTELS IN WIBY. 4 j~ JACOB BRYAN. ta --ý,7_7.N tir - lie AL ifl OF 1&ai~ I MkNlJi Mas, t LitNo.j'1f lnth hCon.& C aT ' c i Mia o nt o f 0 îa io ontainlng 100 '0! erlulara s yËl letrpm aà te solicitors &a h a orC s' ;dito4 ~~Toronto.C e pfo ah FIR ASURNCE~* Just'Reeeivcd a large stock of' L0MR"ARPssREF&CANCES, o.7~ Ig u~ ES72IBLZSIIED IN 1182. ____ ý1MOFIr.vr'& CO., Agenta for Jstalte e etsyes f Canada. JutReceived, lsteso JAMES IJAVISO)N. Manager. éff? IEE are LOa wyo oR dar eee on the muet fa'orzîble torms, andi LOSSPAID witoutrcf$ruoe to the BoardS tr a w GTBSO:<, TARNOLD euC>. JuIy1, AgeteWhity23Just Ilcceived, à 2large stock of THflE C -ANADIAN WIIree4tore ferey it iv t e i ,îIcio 0laet h liîed of Di>aîdrdtsorf,&0., %% l ~ fi i x cttt I Is Prevent the RIair front faliig of AN)cArI'SiTR.1 S TO GRlOW ON .BÂLD H'EADS. Su!) lin o rmuc1 l, t LA oTE I t, OMWN. WALKEY & Co. ctîmed fo)r i-Ii!la tr eoeyvtiiuv.îd i/, /c~Y 7I , "fr'rourI'og effect l IV mi ti ~0fUor theci timeroîte eertifilie f rIe ,, . ~AND1) 1 .NUPACTI1El'bOF ire iii eci ocII iudrmeLuned, hi% tt â4 B Tkk MS.J1eigU, atait effilaov. Foralcîîîî ti~.tfflî,.;-ekIi,- R' AS REMOVED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, -eJ~ Drîggî<tCi uiirmr il J.~ C îîr, io (jffes te flown 1,TYES 0F CUTTERS, viz: leie. -t- (~rr C W . Iîîî i SEEDPEAS 5Is Bhe-aedM~r ilt, felirîiriltctcl, o b S I ' i g hs, Potaties iand liarleY, 'Ail of whic e i i=1l1g1tUralqRduelPrikes,& for Cmsh or F' fl appoveil eredit. ScŽîîîîŽviîry ieuýt CA Rlil AG ES, open and cov- DANEL OLLDAY erdwhich wilIlbe s il! 1)%v o. Tyo- good second.lîand GHmq Brsokln. Aprd l 4, atitltwo sets 1et1y 3 IlOUSes to,,Let ~ AT WVill find excellnt zand con venlent. accommiodlation. WithIn a Few Yards of thec PUblite Hall. Pri aePalr TOWN 10F_ WIITBY. A w trnBî trie sitrta, t- tI etoiki wtf r ui rte tf i 'cill i,ft,nei-t tiu iiid iqI r'eqciref-i du (mil qd Or ncl, om l tef po ?ierseiejecýfwuly, J. C. IIARRis. r ' , lJ o l i s c .,86 3 . - Y'.Bl-A nitcrbqpq.,Ple n C cond il" II.r fo nil! /e'lî nn PIRST PRIZE SEWING MACR[INJiS lVA-NZB1's COMUflNATION r t P >tiYtIiZE tîwc.rglel for Fiî,îilly Seeîisi~itielit, f».','tiie, Jî,îlresigt tueû Vsuiutar & Cii's4,- .1»> They îlso !,iîk flic irst priz. fi.r Ftiuity Xêtiing Mi %iiîei ilîIL.M, W.iiZer &tf!olè. lomtifiaiticî,, cta t l rr clicial cîr tieh tit ?oot, jt. 'Pi, t23i, 24,25amlunit2ol, 1842, îîîî<t Is %yrellr z4;'îo cîsîîdad ttaiS l'or The Etnir'Eitr. Prizo watmtls icosSrNo. >e,,'jl 2 Simirr',tîtl6 citîinMiitae.' Privesfc .îuiîrtîietrwara ttll.i,stardfd Vsizer'c & 0o 's antilltsuwitt1' Machine ii-i Vattzr ,& Ci.e$itcere eel'tx uovraci atitne, hy fith aril ot Arts sud If iiiitfùa- tres. aItt eist orities iititte ifiroito ,Tltoy »WuiSo kc Firit Etra PrIzizîltheli sveret 6;xiiiiity Agrfaultintil Ptirst --ittlnil- "aParsfnt rua sBrt uiile, Wttit- )Y,.thir.uwtavl iii tîittà , ry-plucti ~"Wiittïe'r & Cuo.'e Conihiuatiou and 1ait *r & C .'a Singer Ex la t îy Nfecttitae s t ever We nanhtftti.red, lu thieUntited R.M.Wolitcr & Ca., bitveasuc, 'o-llitiltui- &r lvison mîit Singer Maoltiueo 1ati'iiaî-ct. f gli lsomo Poitase aiîtl, würa uot dautirublla ii t L ramt (flîitsgdoinstia art aIe, b' hti- 1in sainet wlvufoA(fan whiah îlîaj taivee oî1rcd ia uetd'à epg atcliine, whi,tats hei5 .qtPple r lUi aiuapless acu-tdrefouîlno.q«ttit , <eA t1ea: 'an î,rduiiary 7ftrntint of skil ixlIfs -AND S0F.j ltai dreglat borne, t loi' a IN TeuJLl9aey '7 'ZYLO The zrat usseî ITas.toring, U ti ng, ansd1 t,) ?cllinfilin .ay (tel ,A4i,- c a p._arriiflei 'vî-u îe ieu M iuli.t r, M I ý - - ý7 - - - - 77 ., F BÙTIÈ[ER$ .MEAT! 1 X~T ai rlt. h th whatver a MiHIN noms lu Brook Street, [le la sowtfawrkot L Ilie uwu, boo. andtiaesnds ta "jiQdehi oa n t o e . " P a r tie s w i tc qtciu g h a v e f r e s ia M t&t q f oftthacst qtalily snippled t' tisaitlor, wll - wusowpfn lkSnctn tbie h s iiz lmiug ll-h g :h a £ ' Èt of R da l e pa nt l-.ç ou ll g obig b as. ltmt cit h 511)tl Mlietaanufetured etnt-tscr vanrk, layon, sunaerlake. te give satet'ctot-. Ihe..'lnecih lt Met cn bc obtaniud nt the ubariber's ett rlaual'h aiie naIed, h u a s , ( ît x t ta t îe T st n e r , t c a ll ]ro u rs - 0 ti nt e e l o t e a o r ' Z ' E . ' P o l Y a o n t n o r a tit g , lto nat a n d n i 1 t. W I'tli t 1y - W M . Y AC .DONAL1), Appletili, (if y letter pepali,) ao ha 12 Butaiser. ode te - THOMAS LAWLER, D-OCTOR DAVISS Ostoy c o i n t u ltae f 0 t r e t - - - - - - - --__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Syph ll[a ,uud otheri D > .L 4 i i seaseset' a prlva'te FOR SA L Ili aos'»Rssxui w raîxîntrA Oplondid B LO CIK of LA N D ., At U 8t Qi- oe, corn " o f liB ay a n 'i A d e i d é , ' U C p t ui . y -E I N G o m p ç w s e d f L t os . pnracir n efŽ'czfdSt.16djl1il] te lOti cou'., He tiua dec'oîd yeaa of tire twlieTiiuTowuuuI.ip at 1lie ' r itt uotit aof tie V ainu i ! w' NaT iA W A S A G IA ; u ae of t e very 'l hif 'aet gowugi n cia Psu- forts oftire Venereal ilîacisa, nti y Ma pe- li, aulti lrown iii& - ié,adni t l.é.ultty. min axeetllit fer e tu l u r ti- u a iem m o f l ie n 'li t g i f w o n t re tu g e s a r c li m ul c t i nso t t t e . T h er e rit er a ti a t bs u t -y sultitusd itu aaaiipeitticely shorttiaru. tare, eeucna'lfolueen ts leriîaurl SaacstuiicryS>'ptull * i rouui'nn0ed. ' 0 il tiittîu'.d fir ONE Ci>IPLIiTE SUGAR oytrog i i s 'u il uetuercli lre asileet'itte- UlSIL , Tir(- tuittd kt e attwaterad and 'lia coil 13' turriivlo ii(alhl ctedeu "uilf ' Pluti arnus tire puilise tcts~ Yuiig 'tn wsethue fali ic'tlise 0ti Iuiteuuuie cigcînu-i od e drectt lectnteofriluutieu,, or.9Ic' cihue, Cut1i sîeraidyele rig aru.ylt etttat ?pr rc(ine iii'iisf, arlief liyitrlittuo tus Dr. 'efiuchtî4 ni a istaneetreutteîî îuy Ici 1r, n il, glietr, as the block» uiiluuitietflii-iig Il- uumeilihitt tent iitut,, Isuint othe c;iitry o-aure- _LbrIiti îWo i ut'e rIollui :cîii u nditi~ eiitt of a e I. aiittabole fee. niitille fri i>iier ttl tl.' t'î os01neiu cili ncIt 0 ulueutitfthe DI ei iii ciiluthce 't'emt l lftirf Lot No. 2,il] fluett i Mo utitirt't!îi-îtiîlet t, eittci', lie s 1. oItlt"! : l u ýiîiîiîc ll -Melstt' u tiiulica 1911) Acres ma iuiircl tOntt iflei1% i Isicuui iiliufor 1,cciinuttîs Ii~ lic Lia, tvitug a iîeîîttifiilitui f lie Itliv free wiuil uttî uite, by 'u îts-ît l ci cftetiols, aul vi oil r c i t wit a rt cuit t .cl frcia-t c tuiuuuil ai i t ifice lutS ' NY MILL tttriura . Thit arc'î,aout AUIl * r iutt i mîut lb uule'e t', îtc.luiu. a uurii caret'. Th'ise luot i ettticut t ri a ry A.iDavis, NfD., Triuitu, a.nd.. otnt'îanto Iiunetn in i ut ottr1dccii ci 1101,f4tculiflliuseri tcix ut 2' irotthe %;-il ltgetu f urilla.-tr nstilcentil. H a r r is 's . Lx t r a o l'u lfa r y ig it - ' uT 1 pniiu e tr lîhis l-f fr (po stp a luî ,itdtrc a ic .î ening Gallery.uS turiilietOfe A.1A 'J1 C 9A T S he Celebrated Gérman 011! Lae/y /frum fLitfln, Parigui-d, -o0-c-1 -1 . Atic l"ui'ch' uithe o lioi ta anu eni-co (t-ii8,ts, iiu'is,ifrel btc ulnn Gecîtire, tntiu ji kitiie 0o? l tWesO.t- to t/ci iicliiih-uutiifui of iPlîll/iymoreciliiî le tici' ctrcuuieo s s'uiiiiu couoti'y, fut /cc , hue "îa nruul'l3- le lmliicîllihule Ion relicvicg Iliorees fe lti-p tthom hi-tige, C7sa'iuC i-i-hoii- ra tutu cri it e riiig iroir tpatn. tuVi/itix rumne ove,' I/. loel litge- rint tii-esrouluiiio' teiui)lntafsts t li'< ]) In ' ( lg i- sStore.uccaee lie iwi-c flni ci lc t cuitiilerua t.flc oitn- p>îepi-r'l to fl'a L I'e ".'Uni i~' tq eti;tltitiratri f te is t icqrititaîl for asir f/c'/iieici-i-iii/icotf i'atilîr, Ct-y/e <'of a tisf citl itritu2 éfroci4 t . t tice ar. -Criiiiy g afpîus7îutussnait o int 1 -- ý l"t ti'cchetitwmFOel. 12 181'i. 'li jioit:c to toit.a tutuameaa ut fy t1ote t icllr iCîk i clit f0 nruvlTiuuiiuicuvot Gait ucriiu m0il.- o,0tutio e ,,î~ t'ii liftls uit liy tine ti-:nislîyapplicatiyp.ef yîîîîu1'iii iclictis hit ti0lllýliftcl "11incit. M-ti"fltEw SVALLI>I4,r. Pilckuriiig, -jactis ary17,1861. Ticteu ti,1tjusetice foî'nui, oil ftlue pub Il 'nct iflilusi ifriglit ter) iute < yoliu i ltrii .Gerntii ililfu'n. tlicctr'e , 6iîje ltetlit tpîtelt I 11> o ieît. Picking, ?elcrueiri. 1869. ' ii t ntati.- 1fii1Mt ji !t %-nscu,'uîtcusef ?tf t îWO tic tlu:î pu11ile, 1 tllk' if iit n frecenu-- ,uit'uîd v oi r lei, nteit (ieru nn O I , foi'r thr aeï rîit lilà e11g. 1 - NEL 'fh. ,e l'iekcllîVFeliuîtcny11812 I etirel f roit all(m ritienre otofus'tw0ua yi'a iWtiIuiftatai eituI Wîsitl.4ItuCaj t J A M E S T ; î s l , (tic,,o? tIho Bfrefstç'Icit incti i is otify our juifltV catîlrafaîl Gertuai (iii ,feervce ta hl, konnt. Ir- iliiistprove eieeiîig utt ili- kini ihIlve e neit i iitisa aure of is, brns- ,Se m fniu.t llu.& . u i îs u fe inet nug MARINE DEPARTMENT. w EIL L . t uk e Il l uIl tin d C r z o f R e k e, ui t M icu suit grctttdo IýitlI ingk, foIrr (i'ltl 'seu t VisveIc, l all , reb iît e ftiusitv par cetit îllnw i'd 0uu Ile turiti>ofearzo preottume ,ioft' maýt s ou a pntitipf, lilierîs, anil Itonlor:ible tIelaunî0[a et1 I jouit aeîte tfot leIlujg u îtayî ho 1011N 1Ow, Wltitlsy, Feit,. tSth, 1812. 7 -JO.sýEP1I F. RIE lirnviet-lun y