Whitby Chronicle, 14 Apr 1864, p. 3

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yev ElMsbstioren nthé a tva&lPel te tiIry, ut Oxord Spring Amises-jut cia. uefor bigamyi. Wlîtby, .&pril 13, 1864. The bail e. of the roada causes the Mret equt deserted, and naîhing ofý>rt&ncc tr report, prices aie caot the saie ase lest week. NEW ADVECRTISIEII"NS. The inIechanics'~l. natftute MONDKY E'G, &PRIL 18th, 1864. Hsvirug gt eut expire ie eird the mccrviccm .Miss Kate Mc Donald Who wiii tiroir epporir for tild 1118t tillre In> Cuir- --MR. G. l. MA DDISO)N Thor dis lituihcderi torlerr with mter. lid Arrrtelrrr.froio Troîi-tr. They wili promit thé bot progmnririever viTrd. Forr partictultrra mees maoisi rlo fleceir.reeiv'rlertr--hio rài oîlv le - ire trel p Io lx t'ciîîek of the e vtiliirg of thê <*oert-50aeti,-iirrrervajed roi rrdgal GÃ" (80 AVE '-il/E QueuNii M. THWAITF.. Wliitly, 1,.tli Aril, trry.f Maid Servant Wanted. luy onqiliiirnlit li 1t nilinu ý7 Ll.CEIAS. lNOuiSE. Wlnilr, Arnl mi l.44. 1 WHTBY BRASS >BAUD1'l Wh itby QUADRUIE BAXD 1 HZabove Bande. <e(eparateiy ol4ogther,) TlEurs piepareaa toffirnil Msic iofor Plco.nine Boie»,Hop, Cllett,. all, o., on esson. able terois. Por ternils and errurrgarneltm addrms- J. WOLFENDEN, lB Wiitby, P: .*. GIINCEYN OTIC E TO OREDITORS! IN OHANCIERY. In the mtter cf the Estaýe rof William Cowuan, lute of the Towrrship of Pickering, itie Courrty of Ontario, fermer, 'decead. BKETWZKN Robert McCormick, Plaint/ff. Arin Camusky, formanly Ain Cowun, wdow, anrd Phi>ip Cnmaaky, lier bubsnd, sud Georgre Cowun, and William -Cawen, aud John Cowsn, Elize Coimni, and James Cow. an, înfants entier the age of twenty-urro yeurs. Defendanta. p l WA to. :1 n tel',t-er mrade Ini thimnnit- unr1,t t oart or 'irancrvey for U pper t'a rrni, lire nnn Im.<Icie nain> WILLIAM COWAN, ratti 4nf eh,- T-nîviinhp ni i'nikenrnig> itins Unniri Ii nrrio, flirntir, deuearrr, airlied it -r sirt tilrn' iouilof April, I18s2i ire lie- tunt P<etnI ltie dIýcI(io ithe fnreirrnirn(Ir MO NDA Y, the NMn/lu da y of Miy, 1864, To eoniri n inim.1prove tlnir deAns tu lIuirrs ii île unirir ri Mini-er ni irlOrdar 1«tire saii Court, t.% C hin mbrrsirhrtir F011 SALE CIIE.P. O(0>EHA NEWADVERTISEME4B.NTS._ FLxSEI -o ALot of Clean Flax Seed for sale at No. zj, Laing'sBu'ldings: C. ROIIJERTS, 14 SEEDSMAN. ~iE NE W Grocery adProvisionl sT oRE, Give us a call and try the QUALJTY 0F 111E GOODS, At the New Store 1 JOIIN FARQUIIARSON-ý I m' m411 tnI t.Il le nu l î > er ner. ntiln Lnpy ut tbiý-%Offi'ce. trîl o> île c'or lc litnIlle ltirerin ot 14 1 lit 'ns li' b',Aliil l. 114. - - Saturdcuy, thte Forrrteentr' day of Ma y Nexi t Irt f i ncirinr,- rm , le iiniOilrtuti( r pro l 'rn-.ilnn. i llii une sarîl vinis, am>ii i't tilnt I.te ire ivil l b, n nrradsijieii-t on i111i1n rt r si tI r ir?à i tri ttweir o> tIre e >~, n' - jThursdiy, the Nint-im'nth day of May -Shorift'a Sale of Lands. Illeu înn,nr îlnln .NfManr. 1864. <'rot tîrair ~'îr'io n.u~13 A. N. BUELL. Cointvlno trf iiî f, i li t , --rrin b h o-1bt Pute ur/y ol i r tll ý, fNiEwT T SHop i ;e tht(' > li l'niin he n i STR ET litti, i iotyor tu roý ii /'il îît it (nIIRIiIl Il c' nodPosed& OJP *nn hIc rTnntniîfn Ta h' W'lnrrn 1s of 1 nrnnnnFnu iitrinvc tr triski e=- omr Ith ontyurt DNSSRET ne I noOni ir l fii lînini Tw tii i uia' n Tire <~l:îîmîlîuî tç' 'lul"ii llnl e 1 k.. t-in t aiii tl Ir i ia n v i i i l iti r.e- ir H F, uija rilers bog t a no>c t e arrivai ex. ,$ 7 i F.rretlînif rît uneNirrili Oeut iinrni nr n ninilrt t,,Pn' trn nu Ir m i- î;gdu n, ol the largest Stock of tiro'I wrrsnîl o> 1.r n.ir i i lemnuî ' îfit omi t non 01'i te oa rio, oniin îiîiing t 'uinîn fne .nni..tr ' e or ieJ. f'ni in' eii lliirrîî p I r .~LO .REYNOLDS, E A VE TRO UGIING A NDJOBRÃŽNOL&G Siiuinil* C Fk,,tirLitt p&a GÀRiIEN SEEI)S Pierqi. Notni.r. AI w r n ee oit b1150, ItAp 01 tloniil' Office. 6.miimnrerelugîestftii. Tha.t they have ever offered in W1shit3y. Also on baud, a large Whirthy, e.tnril lR, :4 1- e il rrard extaille foï yourelein, i ct o aur> nmee uîeauly arr>el irîtrlie"es nrl-iled.q a tuy 0 Spring,-& Summer a01 ltn,r uiWki 1 r.Site tItlgofràol" RICHARD RATCH. ZW"Aii 0111 n t,n Let on tire gruund û fi nehy-C ove '8e d e n__ 0 . f yheve> best. qualit>-, ail at low price for Cash oui>-. IS unFI IeCEWE), a choim er-otmîent n> & F (lg IA ITOf o leiveîMee'ar ('nlkrielo~tirarrd N\ Lot No. 4, In lii ino. 2 fi kerrig 9Whitby, March 29th, 1864. 12 lst ,rie, w sîy>ýi's4, asrne borubî tr 199riri""fn> 'J a iltICi< H0UIE, knowîu is the L--n ______________________ ___ -stitîrîtn r veur. Tire iithlîri urc liil) Itri tîrir 'wiî> io i tire ne As r Pomtt, n 1h twr acres for LÉ). li>U) ST(,ICEIIF..anri, ai>ae ninrber of Fruit Trc s. AlI -se eW rm Cnmto l~'TERMS-CAMII.gi el tiitil ial,3itern. T'iersa ta lleweoe ul U A JAMS AIN ,Crrlage tionge, caud Statliug fotfurbres.rse JAMES___________Apnjry to T MES Il. GERRIE Iarejiiet i'ceit's, di MiRS. 1.,T, Blsck-eyscl Msrowtt of supnirlor qiity, lc> bot ran 'sandeîieen Btrothers, a eepply of 18at.On thre irerises. jtthe i utly eceetratsr Wortu Kedic'uree, for T R U( N K S !e Full Bred DURHAM PULLS Potatos aiid arl$yvialeWlrulossi FRSALE BY -Fe:rroary 23, 1h04. 7 A largosa itiut eof irether Truinlrs irriuhie au (I imlii iuntrirtnd ,'ruai, for DANIEL HOLL[DAY. maiern li /trA1 I R E0D SUiIE- R SA ! Brookil. April 4,1.X84. ' 13-tf I I - JAMES BAIN., iS panisli Sole LEA TIER._ U lilt fqeýr' Sole Lîrrther for sair' ent > to 0 .1RD'OE. $24, samd $25 per JAMES BAIN. SHOEMAKER'S KIT. us? rECIE7Rgond essort fferrt f J 1tlloirenat>r' Kit« s'for sWls *,th, OLD BpD IITOZE. TE/IMS-CASIJ. JAMES-BAIN. Aermpletseunortmont of nbrisFinrflngs, JAMES- BAIN. Wlîtby, April 6, 1864. 182 FAJIMTO0 LET.1 Iflf ~OEltamIn # thàée Iortit bs/f Whtby. A er-yar ilti 'înroîrirl-bred Dnrirîn Bell ýA t at p izoinA erny titee, t eerePro- viliriii, Cilityand Towurulip Exliibitboun. Twn yeariiiri lirlie, sains stock. Pedigrees werranted. Apply to -nm -.- lei-tf. -Blroughamn Bhick Douglas FOR SALE! r/IE el-know o ot4dr.rught horsë, I JIl'ekDoug/i, for ale. Terniseasy. JOHN MILLER, Broughami Pickerlng. April 5, IS4. 18-tf OR THE st4rf of the Wet-haif eçof Lot, No. 10i fin tbe Sud con. cf BEACH, FIFTY ACRES,' I>s.sln s t once. Âpply ta c. 'B. sTIC-nEY, Or ta .,fCOCHRANE. Whi$by April 2, 186t. tor Wll$b Bouses à-to Leti AT r IN TE£ TOWN 0FWIILTBY. A woetra Bic'Sore ud wel- foi linngsttnilied;tliere"are ten sois umY aprtrientron>mnexce/lent 8.rsL(eîlu' grud onp, allsamre o> Lends tocked with Froit Trues. .> A two-try FreaDwalling, fiepmtmsr tg, heautittrily toated, Versûdeh, &cc, geod oni-, birildiingu, Sario,&, suft an> btildwater, togetiuor wth ossn-'hl'ce of /.ad- lSplendid largo <rolierd, and FrutTrese< *e.ery eesrlptiou n laabndance.' C> .RENT MODERATE. .4g Tirestore and building enjonng, *111 b. Lot mepsrtely, or together. -Application ta!bc matie te JOIIN 11AM134 -Iraql Whithbil, WhÏitby W>itoball, April 4. 1864.18I COMMERCIAL IMOTEL, ]".,o rena:, oIàrAW EDWAILD A/IKLA1qD, I'roprietor. IM.LASS'Blisad Booms, two of F hLpo 'Tib le,) sttiaol. Goc t econi- aton tot otrzelulers. n1 "WIIITE FLAG"1 -4 DOSNRHO aie DUNDAS STREET!. Just Receieved, Às'TRR BIG LOT OP~ E-iýW -~_ I_ ADVERýTISEMENTS. Tiwothy & ,(lover Seed Uheap"for Cash. Jost Iteeeived a large stock of BoÃ"ots & Shoes. JiPst Received, ail the newest styles of Sraw Qoods!. Just Received, a large stock of CI% tWe newst esgnsla ood BROOM'S. YVEGEIAB E ÀND FLOWER In great variety, lmported at No. 1, Laing'"-,s PBuildiongs Whitby, April 6,1864. IL&J Seedsnian.1 CAMPBELL BEG to inforîn their customners atnd the public generally, that thçy will e prepared to show the bulk of their1 SP BI1N G &SUMMER LAý41y oceupid hy Messiz. JA31ES McCLUNG& Co., on IRQNDÂY NEXT, 4th, April. R.-& J. CAM PBElL WhitýY,ý Marci 31, 1864. 12 AT N~eMJLLN9S. The subseiber offerà the balanceof' S ToïOFK 1p DIi rbis A LARGE STOCK VdU) JAMES JOEHNSTON, Wratetnklr and Jowroitir, Brook Stroet, Wilitby. 9îcolob!r CAtr, 1893.81 F011 SALE, ON siny terrir., Soittir"alI of Lot Nu. 5, lit tir Iiti Cin o>t-c-4i0 actres cisarer>. Oc tu JAMF.S MoCREIGIIT, Mrurcin t, 194P. 50 YONGE STREET, TOEONTO, RIO BE RT WILKEÉS Rtespectinlly trolite the attention o01 the Genertil rthdde, ]ancyGoonis Ijeulerme Walchintkerog Hflrdwàire 1l/orchau t:4, (;,unnhts>Lanip Deale er@p Dr uggitans, T«breccufilafmsg 'Stu' hioneref, 1Malihiers, Cabinet,'iIakTirs &Coq &c.9 T 0 tirelage anid Tnîtilistck wbife hé,ho rw offert the rICariarînîrîr rade.rnr il the meveral reparurîre>ii. tery ortitli r(if Our immienie semormenît isieciecf portrrirallY itiithe fireigimrikeîtsr, anrdilcas uireratfrobc relier> ipoîl. ln style. qifrlire an rrieice, ast weii bougiri Jobbirig lilotimancd Cluce grii«MIreil'yer' w>il l fuieoou 1 prir-es aaitrmýet. -1 TABLE AN/Y POCICET CITTLER'co, Of R1inigers niSindR>. Wilkes& Co.'smransd, pure NICKEL rAND ItLECTRO.ItLATE lliteONS ANtI FORKS.,we supiîiy ai a close rivanceeon'tho ieiing, Cnirl... Brurnhes, Saupi. Pefrurrjaid lroggiuia' muaries irelp in largoeîstock aiqueitd l ow. .DRESI> /T>rONS, PINS, NÉMIDLES. Iimb 'ir aritl Srwisrg Silice. wrth a Sirun](ier rtlna'. Geriu andine> riran Driro isosgoy aiw hlir possilsly tire Ilresai wte lt aurireristock à> fi ,Ife Ctntirîl-n Eoue eglcr. IjeidiSueWateiîes Goll naïrd Piîliil .leweloey, Eieelre.plated WareCisekoe -Wislt erll»Clîce.&C.7 ln full assomtmen- Vreuiroramr> 1'iilish tVriirrgPapcer*.'roy lior'ks, Iean anri $lrie 1'eriiîl.. Siaies,Petit ard Penr.iolders, b>' rire euniorr eliiereiisc. InokillSi. Glass -Plate lnail S1.zep, Gaord. Toye. Hulle. Matines, Tops,-Childrenis' Crd'a-, fri tiaflG >iiadnsassand China Vmu"s,ý ïï tum* rie anprnrn ske iî tsru rCuag p%,Pcet er &-lyirrc.iunne rk. Ornea iry eien arties orranile r dpl, xrtitti erii fi i faai ag i. un lu t MI, r teiedslrEc YtemSic rorurrt >arch tst. STOVVES! T C LAUlGES? STOCK ANDT) (,rtATES"' wara, etta CinbecSan at the Store o> tino rnndersiircird. I ~ . . t-o, q.1uary styla and qrcrltt o i n u f'rioou. l'ie iptlar 110Wpaîtero Stove é-- ham lm- , ur ti..ncod aoorgst ctlir.r nrictren 71W cKIXG 0 S7'VES Ma.'V D UKE, Ui.IAND TRUNH, PRINCE. ALBERT, V.iVV CROCKET, PROTECTIONIS'!, 4. WILLIAM EIR'YAN. Brook-et., Whitny. Mlilv Nre'ii2, 1914. $-]y ce n> a ta, :0-~ Cd - il p UBLIC NTIEire iereby givoîr, that tire C'orporaitioni010>rwrii cf l'ickpring 'viii rit 1rr lrL\Nt i 1uLti> g to b ixhad ;nrr to owl? laii, oiitic1j l6th DAY OF- APRIL NEXT, procet tri pursu a ]lty-lirw te alter tile -1de.roac teltweii ,Lote 22 and -AB, tii theroken F~ront Cr>i:eussiori of- tir Townîship nf PiCkt-rlog, su as to iicinde a portiou o> sait> lot 281in aieor- riewitir àncertain pirnir uidagisritiori, tiit Sidit roui made 1y JOElN SiIE 1 'rr..P, L. S., un thO 11 LotrdV'Itf Ontlet, li8, as!fol . lowm; tht.it luto ray -Çmntrienoiîr uon ithe Nortir1erli' lirîit cit thee 'nid lot No. 28,1 attir disnncrr (if fft - iluks frnro the urth-est-erir angir o tlir ii> lot, und rirînrriîrg±-herraesoutir liteetr drgrr'u twerrlty-t:rîaau mirfltem, Ewt Sûeiîty twyo 0dormis anon eigh ty-tlrreo links' t ttheuret cwvte'rli lîit nif tire aiiowmnee for roud at tie :'rnierrly ilîrît, of Wharf Siroat, ii tihe vilitwo ut' 1'airport, tire rrrrd roed cru lue oe nihiirwidr urimtire alura edescribe> lirro t'>bc tihe wet-urly inuit thurreuf'. HECTOR BEA TONI Oshawa Advrertilsemüente. ILLIAMlI >EMPEST, M, D. T Grîrrioonti4 rtrrdnt c rird6r thi flic beit ilv und f.trilîîîî Oi.ICITOR, NOTYrAflxPUBLW , &a-ýC LY:lA.N E-N(LI81ý, L LI' V AT LAW, " ~ Solioitor in Ch&n~-. £crY, Crrrrcvyircer, &t., &C. 15 1'. Simco St.uppo4ifotic 1oai fflc, ( lir 8-foi. n WIN1~SOR'S~ A HI fi-foi. n TH~ t TO GROM At 10 per cent discount, in order to have. room -for early &~îI~GIMPORTATIONS'N¼ Also the largest stock of- GNERAL GROCERIES, Jen CBROGKERY iANDrGLASSWII, IN THE COUNTY. Wliî by, Msrch 29,' r

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