Whitby Chronicle, 14 Apr 1864, p. 2

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~W A4îimr i~ titiuIis D4y nie,-T5 ain.- - lfiùnuk,-45s- Bain. Spanliblu sole Laisnt îs- an Springeggou Or-Slet p MaiServant, Wsted-Mrs 0 O1usse. Tlaatisy anti Claves'ae ei bap forcosait at Jas. lhrooma. Boots sud Bcs-5.Broca. Grandl Couc-ert.;u.MeebSfll' i aiti New Giocelji andi Provisions Store-John Room11aer, as.Broont. 81S1oemakers Kit,.-jas BaIn. rindinga, Jas. Bain. Shises'f' Sale o! Lsuds,-N;. G. Reynolds- * Ozygenatal Bitters,. Spacial Notice. Firet Ciese Flax Seed fer Sale-C. Ro- borts. SRERIFF'S SALES. Abralssm va. Brovn-On tisa iftis .uly. Abrahamn vs. Brov- do AUCTiON SALES. On Lai No 29, gi-t con. a! Whtby, ou Monday Apiil 18, tisa rcoperttyof Mr'. '- Caîhagisau Homes.-Tsorna Myes's Anc. iouais'. ONLY 8150 CENTS A YEAR Wlitby, Tliurs-lay, April 14, 1864, Tise Minitîs-s. Fromt cvery qutrteltishe intelligenîce o! tainsteriai succeus ichoering. EETU vDYAC'CLAMATIONtr- lION. MIL CARTIER, Atiorney-Geu- caa st. lI0\. MlR. %IcGEE, Miniater, of Agri- cul tre. lION. IMB. GAILT, Finanîce Minister. BION. JOHN A. MACDONA4LD, Atior- ney-Genera) Es&t lION. MRl. SIMPSO>N, Provinscial Secre- lai-v. HON. SFR E P. TACHIE. being a life aseinhr, e! course le naved tise trouble1 et aeckiîtg elttots. lION. MIL CAMPBEL.S re-election fer Cataraqul fi; certain bcyoîuI al douhi. BON. MRL, COCKIIURN'S re-eiectien fW -Nortuberand îla honl disput,, notvitbsatidi >ng bat aitishe eieventb isour tise Grits utaîtagetl iii si-are up au oppuont te bise, andl vili puti the Soihior-Generai ta thea expanqe andttrouble ut a cunical. The MeKehhsrs, andtihie aubes' mesu inenbers of tbc clan, visa do the dîrty yack o!flise ',Party," (tise buondat))si-e sndeavcuritig ta run Itoln. Mi-. Folcy, in Waterleo, butîti re ti-gladtetachalfurmeti tl litile purpos. Tiair efforts bave failei most cgreginuîsly. HON. MIL BUC'HANN.AN canuot bc 'disiui-bedIn lutitniltiiîî vuail tise efforts tls. Grils are putîiîsg forward!Y HO'N. KM. LANGEVIN anti CHAPAIS are secure bayvent ail doobtinlurctaining theirsoatg. Ands asttogetiste- smiitisieri- ai cansiidatet cotil p-t bave ieuaUers bet- tes' tethoir liking. Dlsessî u lesa- ble r v4villuntiseG<rit oassp, sud Grtiea, hie double te.-iing, ..cnnsiiatoncy, sutdisy- tiocrimy, -lesabout pliyed oui. Tise dis- gasting Exhibitioni will neyer egaîn raise 4l heati lu ibis Canait, or troublei doccis people vil th itttlofensivenesa. The Norths Ontario *6Advocaei W. s'agi-t ta beuilna teetht. veuk's -issue, t-be pubiaton o! ourupiniteul con- totmportry, ai Uxbiige. cesses. Tise pa- pur issubeauvollt, art cEreditaiy contact- ah unIon M. Muîudy's elitoriai supet-vi- alons sinon ils comnecement.saine t-vo yeers mln-a-bai! tige. andi in its early do- milsetise people o! Uxbridge villii baa veu-y gresi local bsa. Havi, maIe arsngeînentà e, dta hse subucriplharu list cf tiseAd.estM tis te CuomteViu, e shah endeavor tO eupply that loue la, thé est of oura biliiy, anti, u as osch seeinfront s oonluiug su- ouneMeut in oui- eoniempartry, tise (Jnastci.x tu-tii iseceafter liesuppliee ties un place cf lth. Ads'ocateanti a tho sanie t ate o! subseripiion, Otisar particalace bavlug raféeneeI o local arrangemnts, fas' deivaryotts! isapapas', &., viii Se au- Moumi~ed un dive course. Mt. Autsewta Chitot. At a mec!urg o( uhe congréegation held On tise veuiug a!flutsdal, ltse thista., Wui. Laing, 1Iàq., iimtedti iat bis ' n- tire cdaimsagalintisae ohimuefor bis las'ge advem n utise érecton of If$ vascils- chsrged vith tise exreptiaeo! of$100, af' vhlolu $80 'veres abescribai, and iSat Wt voie pespare t t mecnteaa d&eeý lusutdiate- Iy te sucS mruetesesamigisiho eneti ltu reeiveil. Ih v -as. agi-ced accchlngigy by tiemei,g, 4 ta isbasiape ta prepard gaitéieeed, sud la meai egalu on the irietTighaý of 1ay ta lect sucShnuabos' o! trusteves mtalie e ucaesry, anti com,- pieuà auy otiser prelminaries requlile, in ci-dès' o perfect tise iransfer cf tise cisurcis ausd sitei froin Mr. Laing ta e, te ttees of tise congrégaioni. lu le caufueatly ex. peei tisai -tise sinsil balance abavre named viii ha paid hetora tb. day o! meeting, sud thsa I al Fartiei interesiai lu tise ciurcis Wihave tise satisfaction cf feeling th"a - iis c ostiy ansi elogan édifice. letheir own. saii freeqfrein ailinauubraue.- Wihië,thse eongregati,%a andt Ieis' frissi, vise l6"vcont'issuted isaudsoaely ta tise objectcaao <ailt ta b. gratifled t e th>I. talnqmu.a-Mr-, Laing espeeialhy viii etjoy a hvell fatisfuActioe ina-the accosiphlient- of aaMd ta vichoa Sbuas sntibulaiioa I _____ I I _____________ Demise et asether Grit pagea. Tewu Conseil. The Despcable gaaduleld Dacdonaid Gôves'aiuent 1 .I Tise Premier ci lCanada yieids a power anti influence of no ordinaly chaiacter; lie bas meass at -bis disposai o! doing an1l or gooti, sccas'diîsg 'tihaubet o! hie inclina- lioni ho posesses lin cemeu f o ý5se- tuctive a nature, ibat sembers o! Parlia.- meunt, a! untionite iliiiy, asunuirpeaci ail hoaoue, have beaun dazzleti by tise glit. ieriiîg halls bold up ta tiseir g5~azeta tîsineil recresut ta Issu- coueliluents anti coileagues, betrayeti principie professeti for yeaî-s, snd drovuet inlutise hvi o! thiai- eadvsncernenî, tisai' boueur anti public vii-- lae. Tisat snch mrnsu, lu unsci-Optious bauds, sisouldhobepragnaut vus as mueis dan.ger ta auar countr-y, as lu tise baud-e o! tise patritlie siatesinan îhey are fraugisi vitis good, is a fset tisici cannai li gain. sayei. i t-li'e prtsviace o! tisa peop le, tiserefore; ta vateis useS aspirant visa asceuda tise poiticat laitier, vitis an un- prejudiced, yet sealaus mmnd, sud mark vush- tiseir dl4iebaton- Suels se for 1ài hlJiie' m4koî " OA-aps di3d,'tnilli- ilito ot , 'rhan boy io-seabbi aintustherer'g feasc An lus iute awuày tiss visitlty bidtguu gulIe." Ifsa Premier tleu,lse ilueuceti by tise love o! exeeling. rmkl:,ie the love -o! eure- teuCé;ýesd tneohmh ssi»e9'uetadetermine escis questian viis filevta persoual ati- vancemeut, iaISes tisanish tise ligist cf s stsieaman?ire may forasturne, by deceiviag tise public, sud demoraiiziug ibeir repre- seuitatives, viel tise sceptre. alîbougis bis country, for whuon ho boidth ie aut i-se- panaible trust titat faits ta, tht lot af mans, rnay betsa inking in tise estimation cf tbe worîi; uoteiihetantiinJ, by so tuing, lie in aowiug seedu ci viciounuesàansd corr-uption, vîticiaresi-hable la spring ep an isundi-et foiti, sudvisicis eau oui,- be cradicatetiby use virtuou n iuanion o! a vroîuget pea pe--îltey hoiisg tise oniy tribunal te viticis e Me assersile-tisty, ansd oliy tisey, con strip is o! tiosis onissIla vicis îluey sevaîti bi, snd tberebyreictnelim ta tise lovest position a in catoccpy- tise dete station o! bis conuttiy-tse vilîer- ing seori of b ise uowu people Cars sny cae loob bacl at tisa ats Adinîistration of John Sandfield Macdonaldi, anti aay tisat tliey lave exeacisel any sets of hgisiatian wSieS tond ta eise Canada in thoetime- tian -ofber ser -colonies, or lus tisa cm, tees o! the motise-Isuil? Cerîshnty snd trttly they bave net eeceedet ini doiîig go. Ton vei- do tise'value o! Caustaian securi- tlen un tisa Eaglihiab nuy mat-bet prove it; anti sesvus aise, base mach Canadian houai- bas falisu, visai entruttet ta tseir preclous aes-, bo aîis iobae untiabroat. Samacis basusheProvince galueti-lest vo sisoubt ratitssi ate -by fogsttiîtg, for s day, ils tuîy un sehecthug inefilcient stesz- men vitisout cisaracter, sud vithousi a poli- cy or piinciple. save isose o! cxjiutieiscy ta tise exigenclea o! thse Saur. Whist sin. gis gooti net o!ýtkisa, in tise vay o! legis. laliani to alvauce tise intereets of the Frovia.ce eu ha pointel kti - Nat oue, 'wtisincaur kon. Çnaelng aatui ss1esi vere tise ina e4n e menployedti t aaft ihein ignorance lun 49bauein ublesile mor- aity-tlseir ilgises Uý& ntaItise public goot-but tise mtetico of fice hy any and eves'y unqu., î-griieso! caussequnuu. cet. Tise career 'o! Ms'. Santifielti Mac- doimld'a Alasjnttratlos viii coniribute a page te Canaditua mnais tht iai-vinoves' redouadi t hagiod usine isreafier. Brl- bei-y, openly anusi utishingly pm-ctied- betrayal o! friand--conscripiion o! poilu. cal oppouenu-aausc ilttas. snbtelfcges visicischsaceterlse'a munansd itiemluud, graspiaf at a positian vi ici alhes'natare or eiucetian fittdish, usai-ks tisat caer. as diisonarable lu tise extrema. ,-- Tise ustural preaoaptiaou wli be tisas asidians logic voislti ehe seveapon useil by snch bauds, visen cissigat on tise floos' o! tise Bouse vith tlair bai sels.Beutsua - tisat course vali reqnlre absilty viale flot possasei by J. S. McD-, visa pa-efer-- rai, visen so scouset, to napiy by s las'. hng, cyuical, aueeriaag deuil i vuà e6vert look, viaisplsail sai-p-oveà if Yo caa O! cairée sucb an Adminisetrat.iou couiti ual long egavive, for selnut-adisereuts o! the pssty mut -e'-fettisatitil oulti Se s boni ttiste àoiuntisaLWt5tbey ssaesid ho consignai ot plpiltical graveotbey ves bush7l dlggfrj. Tis.y met viththtias' iserts. - - Adeuioe. ov~usaets- ere tlsey lu- déd h ed,: ,p' osiry of uew icWinoniy lis semebered Wxo'id P5,'-BICTÂ. VPsî ~are Ihappy ta luferan a nomber of iùr'eadrs visa vlhi fot isave forgon hi that Mi. Aie. H. Sestas,- laie of! tis T)wnsiip, sud fos'saoily o! Peicerin,isu pasad isi iefinal niehical ex. 4iàhs t 'tdia tTlIege, aud bs Buécadd 'oi'inlg"tis e ugreaof M.D. SQCS« eneeu's hineeUy higisîr creditabie ta' hbitiansd v. fée~lconfident S. Sas dau@sved l 'front te genersl lsiltus, sud neý&ryproi-ooeuup ' hicit bave ahesys cbar"etrieed tista elool. As, ve beliae, the eduestioal jierests, of tiis Cooaty- ss<is'itise loui s a abe, esperienSi, 'faic LiTEaax ~ait usuical enstii- uMent csftise papis of tise Witby Grain-1 mai- Scboi, viicis vas boiton the. 29th uit., lu aid of tise Literary Cigmrvsiuss vas satiecideti succe-a, and in ail its foc- tua-es vas aeeyth,*ng ubat oulti lie approv. et of. Tise appreciatian o! tise sndiema coùnld bi~na bettes expresses! thï isetheyil u nsanaous e au maeafor a renevai cf tise asteataimeit tise foblovingu Cievlg. Nt Sing pmsent au either oc*Wexn, (muec la tbhe uo! oui- ow etijoyseuu, vo are eertain,) ve ara utiabie la auppiy detaîli. But when vs mention tise naines o! tisa miasea Ravi, Vatvau, -Day, Briown, -Berry, Tisoceton, Lopa, Masos, as angsitishe perforusets,'bôt-h vocal sot instrusmental,) and tisaIiVeoai-. Logan, Wyatt, Laggett, Hajspe, ,Tisos- ton, Masters Lav, Muson, hialiar, BS'ry, Beugoogis, Puser, Jeninga, asssiti vo. eaihy 'sud isitnonicaly, sud seuittati iheinselves vus eunhoundeti appbause,isas. viso lnov tise yqunug hadi-!q and gentlemnen u*oue, viii not, b. suupised th iaecceuu isicis attende he ts entaeiÃŽnmeAi.t Mass Browu, a young lady a! vei-y fiue abilitits, sud ounvisountisa divine Nia. de- liglis ta attend, recited tise filhov*ing poS o!hle copoit hion%ài - a uie skies e. ena. - The pi.pesa axaou isreseso Tt.agtetatbt uie tiveter ty Te sendügowagmieabsetis And tssîpeatta-atata bumstbilias sweep w îduy.e'aîOure sisu 1<ow saili h ierltttas'sursitttg tub un wlsterté gaasawy hier. Aigid îbesat he euaug A 1 tara 10$4e t ekiothta l"i4»5gresiw Théles' goutta itr theourit. neault tiue 0seut' waNeeafor t tuseleqasoen, Amat 'tenue, vitt recordi ta. Som thotns- tauve -triâCta thepu ls-a utni i res hc Wiîh pur.5usd viii usa-ed igne. Ive Iam i-n wttb ies' paes fais'r To Ckotesîsa al towatrie TU Vtlehiek, e(stiid ava, O!fitrote aud foaaitiîtwi Tofsetisre ji~sI~>ja 70 - oice fcltWVe Or bsrvmhie pes.nwthe euver, To satlo &-iusiie ss etmm tutg, Teuitetabeneats t ens - Tu snthie igiti bi-eyon Ite elaotd, 7- - 0iigeaae-ilxp5n -t e r 'ebru i.h inase aieeioiýyta i-sul - Th i ats-dresa forre Mig ehta teiud gf ail, ezeept eOvus s eqIe loteta - Faial, vike i uas ethall ta iii vC Moat yus cmivand lt 1p1riii he ctk uggestle settoitan IV eh ir kt naefR fusi a. 'bd ?1110p (aKu'. as" ,Tise Wbîby Gazette aîlitierUluioGril Mranuvisichis ucteeded;tis Pje&,ýWaâèls. niant TimmestComnwealth, a Reprt- er, lu anappiug et lise heels cf tise ctacosî- OLI bas gone'Ilt is dsl>oeed roai cf ils predecessars. Mr. Robinson cammenceti lise publication o!flise Gazette, viti tise inauguratin of thé Grie-vvatrmentî on th té tis te praids&iýof aMftie gÃ"oy; eruneut patronage , andthie Retreucismout patriote caînpoqiug %tiat Orir tbr6î'b,ý tb. pressure of sucha "Ciri«4à,bnd un- christian poliiciens as a Mavat, anti Mac- Dangali, and Reesor aciualiy bcd the meannese ini order ta injure tiseQuI;>oNIeLr ta tise extent of!ilis litle migisi, conpelieti tise patronage of tise Couuty officiais ta be trsusferred from tlb.Cff«oIncLc; -ta the- peilry tbing taken tin- iheir emp!6ymèent, isaviag about one ivaniietis part o! this psper'e circulation. Wlîithoe rit'omin- ions retreat from office, tise tbing matie ils disappearance, dcspised nuragretteti, on- forgatten andi cantexuptibie iikdèthemseimes. oxygenatai fBitters lu Casada. 1 Mins KA2!E MÂ&CDONvAMle ~ fI5. The managiui men of aur Whitby Me- cha.nica' Istitute bave catered considera. b h;$ ibsaseauto the, amusement and'*in* struction of Our townsmen. They have spared neither trouble , or ýps:pense inl the rich inteliectuaLtreatu pravided by thet2. Tbey have crowned their eff'orts ins securing the gond offices ofMiss Kateý Macdonald,> for Monday evening next-at Iwbat we believe is iutended to be the fiial windiog up of the sesona entertainînents. Miss Kate M-acdouald's vocal paqvera, ler grate, a.nd mch admired accomýisbmsnlà have gained for îher, aiready, almout a world- vide celebrity. Nuiuerous temptingi pecu. stiary offices for engagements 0o1 the Euro. peen continent, as weil as tbis, have been made ber, and after lier appearance iu Whitby on Monday evenieog, weunderstsçd that é'le praceede to New-York, iu order to fuifill a very lucrative engagement before a New-York audience. A&fter that ahe proceeds ta Europe. For înany years ta corne, therefor* the appearance c f this gifted young lady -tinWhitby viii b. the oniy opportuniîy prEsented to a Canadiail audience of heurinc ber. Mr. G. L, Mad- dison, tbe distiîîguished tenur accompaniies Miss Ma.donÏ14d tQ Whîb y, ami several distinguisbed amateurs from Toronto are aiea toamastsiea the concert. The pro. gramme accordiug ta the bille,) wil1 be If the bout evr affcred." The occasion, aie are e ure, wiii not be richest vocal banquet yet apread bufore the critical audience of the towts of' Whitby. And ws trust that tbe cfforts or the afficers of tise Inatitute tu proniote thoâe pkcaoura-. ble ami social entertainîneuts wiii be en. courb.ged sas hey Jeserve. The officers of the WhiLby Niepbiiticîl Institute gile a great detai of ibeir time--frequeatly expend their awn ineans, and put them. selves Io mucciitrouble and lbe lu pr- muting iibu gxsd o( iheir u.ighborâ, and i proviing îhem with bealîlîy inteilectnai irecreation. The Insijîcte, withiils preseut excellent library,and its good management, exercises a large. liLtng andi uhlescie- tbougb comparatively ilent influence ou fthe good weal and Isappinesu of the Oid snd t youug of tise town, aud tihe ment wbo con- itribute by ther persoal exertions 10 80 laudable an objert, and to sa much eocial wel hbeiug deservre. for the salle of the in. 1teresslu view, if Itot foàr their own sakes> ta bc iiberaiiy encouraged ini their praisb- *worthy endearors. L1wibose comînenda- bIe endeavora be appreciated as tbey mîrit iby a bumper bouse ai the Concert on Mon. Tits Editos' o! tise )hatraal Pila, Sep. 2; 1859,.masyas -Tsere le no medici ne vs take aa mucis pleuibure lu recommendiug to aur frieutds as Dr. Gr-en'8 .rygenaoed Bitters. Uuiike moal ps'ops'ietai-y tti- dunes, i tioea not profess 10 cure '-ail tise ill es ais le bis'to," but shrnply Dhsqepsia anti ie.s atendant sympiom -o!ftsi-ange- ment cf tiesa tomacis. It bas long becu boit iu favaur vith eur first mtical me.n; sanie o! vbarn are nover issebvard ln avsrting menit nî'ere it beloniga. lusise ceas in aur ciîy ha& gives it.5 reputation surpaet by îso aisers eirirpraparatiou. Our- attention Sas iseen callst atistis suis- Ptet hy a youung nian in oui- office visa liait bectsufferitg lfs' motne veeka aeverehy fios indilgestiont, huso! appetite, &c., ltaring been enirdy seliesied in a few <laye Iqy the use of IJ&ee bittes; t here are hundiE-o -isa viiend tSi, isa n eeti aecb a meducine, sud wvucit use ht if îhey bila Slf tise confidence lunhi ve bava. wlIsNews. Tht lalest gt-nersl orties' fs-s Geïleral Grant istitates an intenutiona to etitcr ublaux an active canipaigu vitb i tse,à-y a! tie l>otomnsc hmechhîtely. Sîtierei andt Ieir esuployes are orticret te itavo tise army hy thse lOtit. Neya froua tisatrasenissisaippi topant- ment is ltiste effeet thaI a enuidertuble figlît touk place on Cana rivet-, abore Alexandrin, ILa, beiveen(Gau. Mas-ers toi-ces andlte Confedenates naniMer Ilick- Taylor. Tise latter was defeaiet afler fghting ibree haurs. Itishaorteil issu on t1seý20ti Ultimo, Fora-est narciset beiveon )g.,etianti Patiseai, ant - tiahanded *e i s'a- ginienis o! esvsiry, permtlihgtises to go1 It le repurteit ibat Gen, stle boas cali-1 tai-et Shi-eveponi, La. >[tlislunconfirioed as yet, ant originales wih' ec Rot river cerrespondlent of tise Ntw etns, Deltic. (iries'son's cavai-y Lt ltsngeg abaut For-i nes's cssniaaîstd, aud doing so e execulian. 'Ton i-abeliattackeoilthjo!goicexunent plant.ation neer YjcN ilaago 'udestirely dttuoy C thonrepu.lseil hy stea e Tise iemoupQff Teinnaes awà àM n piu so. Nüarhy al tht e-enisitedregimentai go back vida fr ni titrec t» fni vobundMI-i i-ecruit&u A Itc-r estCanadiein. tise career o! is una vi asonce cou- aldereti as a trac patrie, sud a worihy son cf Canada.' Mr i-,Wiiueswvas vl kevus: ahit-ad and sciive, li ilut b iui njte public niaisé, and t*ice »up;r*d o a seat lu tise Legisiatpe. He bas bobongedti t ail parties, bativas uover regs.s'ted asdis loyal or "iataioos ta, bis native counti-y. The correpande ce, isavever, reveasea ebsuglI. lit _11l", for itsesf: - - (To tli Eh r o! thse'Speý*tor.) Ma ova, I enceosa yod tisa capy of-a a letter fi-omfMr. George '8. Wiikes, lon g s prornent citizen o! Br-atford, sud once ils lys.- svet inleBuffalo. Tt v as ws'ittta iate uou.Cojuniesionad Offlcear oe ' isU~tÉis*glsni, :vho bad reeeatly beug iti lis d!sýbagi. Itl isa videîsr ci tise mu!tilsied meas nsed by the Fed rae te pi-ceeinl Canada, Tise pi-omise or $1M pa' moultb,Yankee soney, eqeal î-$muâaiti ant be p4fflcUlau-ly iuteruýting ta uhse.*ho sui. pose i ill iipsy t1*ho s Yankee-soldies'. W. aàéed ecarciy sdi*tisat she offies' *4 tretetivil sialen econteunpt ]s xi-BItiALis, Feb0, I8,6k. Sîa_-I ea noýw wssiae- 3>oui su offer, o!f i ient4snacy luait Sur casvslrý os' lufautry M3 S. A. -Taisl if you eau fuaiusiit trfy-two ima es'fortise servise,. Tià %n Mri e *ei5 ahe tî. 11M oujilet ~n floae IaetWrn I~Oiiêit ami Moaîday eveuing 1ith- April, 1864. Thse Councilimet 6 et héusuelbout'. His Worsisip tise Mayas'ila'thea chair Ps'.- sent aisea, Messie, BrOvu, Campbelil, Cern. eron, Dr. Gunu, sud Meesce, Perry anti Tisev, Absent -Caplain Rowe, sûnd Meeui-s Devenu lanti Gibeon. PRTITION 19 Ps RÂvOP 5TOWIt EÂ.LL.KZEîi. Tise'petto s 7 ratepsjeii, prayiug tisaI Alexantier Canieran h.e retaineil-aï Tovnu ll-Keeper, for tise i-asons tisercîn nsentionad wva -ct fraith ie clerk's table. P IP ll ASSsWTÊR. Dr. Gunn, <Chairsan,) reported frein this commite, sund, on motion, thse Coun- cii vent intci committce tisereon. Me. Tiev lu tise chair. The report raconimeudedtheis sale of tise fire engin. sud appai-ates, hoak sud latides' vaggou. boss, ropes, axes, laders, &o., on tise groundt iat tisey vers inadequate taelise raquireasents of tise tovu, sud in an inoffi- dient condition. Mr.- Campbell suggesisd tise ps'apriety o! atiding a clause proitiiug for tise pur- cisase o! a uev englue anti appai-atus. Ms'. Perry enquireti viether tht cens- miîîeo bail ascortusindtheîb.exsetr-nurher of articles an baud,'sad il vSow so in hati acre,înhsing couiti ho accouuted for, Dr. Gunu, lu au exptantatoi-y repiy, sait ho uutierstood tbat tva of tise thi-ce latidert wers lent aetishe tise af tise Prince, of Wales' tiemoustraion, sud bail net bosu aincestison fosticorning. Tisa Mayas' stated ti t heoug lit 10 b. tvelvs, axes ; tisaIfrioa bis -'owu par- aoual kuoseletge thîe&wers tisaIusuasir pravideti by tise tovu, andthie conclusion visicis hoe rrived ti i as tisai, tise7bcd gaîs tise vay o! tise bammers pravideti for tise partieseempîcyedtielubi-eak atouts. Ms'. Per-y referred the l arge expetîce incurreti by tise îusn iu 1858 for fi-o np- pai-aice, building large rassi-vairs, &C., antd saW thti a a ti esreti vas tae uea vas isov tbe commitiec îrrimed att tue cgi- ciesione ln their report.-,anti for lise iuefficiency, as seu as tise dcfichcnlcy in tise tusiin properus'. antiil vitia. Dr. Gunu, lu tise instanîr.ao!flise ldars, aupposi- t iat tise li-ge eue coulti not hi sueeasily taken sway ta th is muuii anis. iNrflBrown îoil tise councit tisat the bsook anti istiter vaggoa vas a ves'y nucLe ons. Mi-. Huston (ibe tovu clark,) iiifotmed tisa cossittee boy tise two ladettrs vint to tise Prince a! Wales' dernutra. lion, iu Levis*e lime as lova bell keaper, bey îisey were thon braisen, aud nover ce- turneti Dr. Gitan explained azalu Ciea nservica. able claie o! tiseoengins anti hose. Mr-. Ferry, iu vu-w o! tise sesvy expenae aiready lueur-et vouui go folc putiing tse fire engins lu as grooti epiras ce tih he expiained-il it waseprcisae t aheb expense of $800 by tise counly eusrineir, anti ragrettedth iait it i net niet the reqeir.tnlts o e tiselav; lhadiiappromed ai lise clause fer seiiing uniase provision va.& ai lieseasîno lime matie for purcis iuga .servicesisié englue. Mi-. Carneren agre-at sMi-. Pes'ry, be vas eatisfied tisaI his could ho reaiizeu frons a sais. As oua cf tise cosrnittee, hi desire teta ho ndaretooti that tise report vais nul aveu recoin nmeuditoi-y, but siaipi ta alitais tise opinion o! tise Cauîuil. D)r. Gaa conffi-med Ms'. (Caîeru'e alatemeut,as ans o!flise meshers o! li eumniittee, anti expi-emses hi liugnlEÏ to'feul viis visatever suggestions pre. vtile inlutisa Cauncil. -Mr' vvtauvê~ . Peri vieve, sâsdT eîated bis ueedhîses tae end Iii b hstminufr'onttise foundry taIoxexamine ths eniginse,. andi fiat ont visaicoui li e done vitis it. IRe aegeeststi, aiso, tise uscossit,' o! plsci*ng tis enguilite sud other proport: in the pessession e! sanie persan tisatirvo! -b. person-aliy respoîteiblo foi- then, sud tus 1koepîug o! tisemin l proper condtion.ou, Mr'. Ferry reliintied tise Council' isa instruenlstise engfins vasla Saviuj peeperly -inatanedtihie brick- botel at Scriptere's fis', udassrteat sithere vaý Fenian Newspaper iu Toronto. LETTEit 1Wou1nai. MR. 510011. 7b thue Editor-of the Toaoo i ADEIl, Sîs. -Sa yon have s Fenian nevapaiper lu Toronto. Yais bave a brummnagei ýeîition of tise Ami du Pesupl anti'the Pere Ducheise. It ia caileti. 1 am toiti, tise Irih Cauiadian, sud hasjuet wroughl itsesîf 'tathése eicinig-point,' apnmpoa o! my late letter ou tise sudations attempi of- tise bigis anti puisseant orties'o! Nev York' Fenianu, to estabiish ibemeelves lu Canada. I bave net stis tbe lasi number cothIis papier, itor eau 1 fut one in Montreai, thîe circulation being uow I presume, coufineti tu tise ilumisatisud tise sgency -o! tise tigentsrs"-îise trus aid plan of tisatil- icstrious organizer oi sncb soceieus- AtiamnWeisbanupt, o! luguitistadt. Al 1 knav about the thiug is tbat sncb s paper exista; tissu1 ordered- il sanie nionhsa ago for tise purpose o! watcbitg ite teutienuies; tbat I have tit been ahie ta gel the aiý nuubés', beltishaItr bave resd ,s few ele- gant extracte of ie ribaiti rietaric. againet, myseif, in tbe -Toronto Mirror -vbicisI do gel. oýg ne yull imagine tbat I bave nots- iug else 10 do thaît to îîotice every scs'- riionas t-luger cot sentences', wbo May oc- cupy biisesif vitb makiug a text of nsy nain.- I bave mary mucc lese tJ do ; anti eue o! tise tiinga I have espeeiaiiy ta do- visich 1 arn buntiby every lis o!fihonore sud gratitude to attend to, la to ataei 070 es'sse Fenian firebrande, sud to sec tisaI' lsey do ntuayi tiseir iucendàary- pranils lu Canada, more especiallY iît tise city#isn aîtg those.t represeul. If Feninieincouiti eprlad jin Canada it 1vaulil ho as tiese psrk epreaus lu tise dry voom ; tise Wooti beiug the long standing bonoreti Irisis boyalty sund fitie ity oif thia *country, As eureiy as tise fi-e consumes tise -voodi, tno Feianism vouid constiue VI-ielsisrn i speàk nov of ibat relilioce. -social. commercial, profeasiossal sud agii e cuituaii ut utswiic, as conipaîsti wit nîhier organe, tise Irisis lun Canada bave iitherto obtaiîsed sud enjoyeti. If tbis 1rouit o! suspicion cf treason absoui sîrike int eus' iaube, the issunugeod sbject of tiiscountry-no lover cf Canada or bier ave cociti encourage tise settlement o! 3anotiser Irlebtuan smougz us. No public office visicla coulti be vitisielti -no privat. i espiuymetivisicis cocit ieb.6used by ati, o nseise-no profossianal pat.anagq,1ne t. social recoguition, no ai e o! trust, nO' *1 iagisterisi dcty,, couiti be or vonitilbe esun ..trusti ta ans o! tise sospecteti deouiia- lion. I as, iberefore, l is e full anti efaiiisfnl disebarge cai sy higbet publile duty, visen I vatcis over tise fi-st aytnp- Stoms of ibis disease, visicis lise lise choiera eor auy ailier peut, may be brouebt in a . hundie aoid cioties firn tise.East, -yet eonce let tonse ray ravage a vboie Pro. .vines. Tt appears, fer haviug performeil so far, dthis irbeome but incombsent duty I bave 0becose ln tis e sco! your Fenian neigis. 8bor ail tisai le vile, sud faise, sud issîeful. I as very erry-but thore in no lseip for lil. Evens lb. ibreat of assassinalion d covertiy couvayeti-anti ho ernentiy lu le keeping %vitb tis enatire isumbug-sas p6 it icirror t ne. 1 tr-net I shah oclilve ibohe-ibreats nas effiectusiiy 'as.tise greât 'Renad Ceutpr' onîhiveil bis wite, viselis ýe inithl~eFistbe5bin5u sane al e 4 4fi Wufïrat couc eivýe ti icrazY conspiraRv B3ut If I arn dcnouuced, I suifer lu eodl'e pxceiîul compsuy. Tise Catbolic ichbps 1of Irelhoil bave condemed thîs conspis'c as hAi umoral, sud irei ne^ths irosuta-Archiseopï of Baltimore sud NW. e York; tise presest bishisocf Phiiad&eipfl y uB'losu ad Chictuio iiste bishope c'! Mus ý treal sud Hanillion-fiave al, as:DUecs4y ed rcles sumuly, coudeneti hi. Ir. leSmithb O'Brien, tîoa, vioim en Fenians stiacity *v11 bardly denounce as straisp ta bis native land ,deciares ita o a-dis- 9gre. sd s detrimeasilu tise nationalcalu, lesech as, if extendeti, miglit Weil. drive 411 I, res nationaliate t-o dspais'. But 9'Bri4n ta eulish fard, I bers. Ho~rrible Tragedy ln s Theatire. , Ç lia arel Jiser, reptuteiltubcbea young 'iul hondsome-German womatn, sias abat oi Saturday evcning wbiie. sitting iluas i priati 'oxaI isMCntinental Thseatre, by fli wîi. Maguis'., a young man known ta 5 mauy as Wm.fliow.ard Mitcbell, froîn Wil. ,iuton; Delatware. The pariesha be aeqîaaînted for some montbs, andl Magtlire, t it is saiti, bail ninifesled econside-rableo9g juonduess for ber.. They bail nset allen ai 5a a drîskiîîg saiuon, corner of..Cbelintt St. th sud Hudson aiièv, ealled tbe Red Robin 'je Saloon, and tlîey bhat been togetber go Of- T, ton to the Contiu entaiTrbeatre.- as-. ta hab w well krîown 0tue frequenitoril of that bonuse. Lately she ba rallier avnidedn ed liii, andtiiltîs b ai esed hbu ta îsîtke ibrenseta rlcélber lite. Ou Sàtürday tlaey or met ai the Robin- Saloon, b ut unoitîing ne- bh cîti'red tîsere ta undtïrce 141heie f taiho a, irîteudedti tacarrj î b'is tass9 gnon imb co execution. FJe d , l fely,anýd'pa50d th the tite ai card plaving. Afier dark he went ta the Coutiueùntai Tbuatre, wbete ' she wus acatedin l a privale'box.' dc H1e went direeiiy to tbe box lu wblcb-th .Margaret Bser was Sitting, andi gning to- m Swards lier iii ais excited inuteur, said, loud lit enougii ta bcoeard by al lu the box,- D *Mîîggie, are yoîs gaing ta do wbat 1 ask- t eti yoîî ?"She titi nul reply, antibcie r- 1îeated it. A corîspaîsson sitting lity lier ct side sait, Il Say yes, for if yen dton'tit il îîsay t;tyen yntîsr life," anîd she thon etr- ai Ijiied " Yes." lunlte îneautfile, lsowever, i Nlîuielat drawun a revotlvinîg pisîni froîsi p bis pocket,iptfid coîssotoîteete luire. There bi wereIthrîee!diselsRiges cof thse weapon liiM rapiti suceessiols, sîid. hsnilppeîlo i the b fout tis îlitpt. Tiarce balls cîsteret iher body, lira proving fatal wouutds, thtsi i 1a âliglt.î>îîe. One bail .passed iiîlu the ff br. tr, and one ibrougis- tise lutîgsansd w utota, tise latter caîssing toaith inslantanCi- ai oui>y. litguire gave hituseif up ai once, i s:îyiîîg thutlihe am uvd lier asud-sas ica- t dY ta die forliter.h Oif bl;rgurct Bier but little i% knowtî, bevoîttithe. filttai."lite tas a freqitseîtert at tise CoîtîilleîtiaiThseatre, andîlrosidt inF Filt Street. aitovu Sprîseei,. .Mufguire *as formîel ly a flreîîîaîîon tîl Baltiumore hal. - vonid, jid lie list iee.ti l i tle arty. li4.i i abosît 22, the sîge nifte deceused, as lixed aut0110uf te wiltesses before tise coran. ers jury. t .At lise lune of lite sbuu)tiug, the perluir.a înanu-e wats going on ait the Continental,b and t ilcreatedticuîa ttle exciterinsut t siI(tge the. stusioîre. As seuin-s î ti, a ,îs townl .tuil estît itît resîlteti, tise audience vas dusi-,i-sed candth ie tisesure closeti-Phila. delph io-Ljr SKvE'Lr.-.Au excisauge publitihes thse faliîtwinig. lsa-a bard bit at 9'& soine - Ieoule : tu' Wanted. - -One bundred anti hevensylfive Yoluîg mons, cf shapjes antià sites from thtisl, graceful dansdy .viths biait- enouAii on bis upper worlai to stuif a barbera cuhiotn, down tu thse littie bhump. .haeee. freckie-f.-ce-d,, bov leiged, carrot. lieuadeti upsiart. The objea t lu t forsai guuping corps, ta be lu îuuendauce ai thse cbsîrcis doars on eacb Suhbatb, befeatise ,e!uolssunuîement of Divine servies, ta atare ai tbe femunas Uîbey enter, ansd to alle delicate anid,,eîtiemnatly remarks abtuté tistrýir peýrsuus anti tiieau. Ail viso wh .to ostîsat in the above corps ii cli ttise variaus cbuc doors nexl' Sabbtb uturîl- inu,,,,isere îlsey viliiho duiy inipecti and t tbeir nianes, pursonusi appearanice andi -qcantiîy of braina registeret lu a book kept efor that purpuse. sud publishbedil tbe newspapeus. Toeisrevcunt a generai rush Lil vÃŽ1 iii o eli te etate Ibat înune vilii ho as 1 ilsîcilwba posass inteilectuai capacity a..1 rboire ihbt tof a- veil.bred donkey- . Preparations for var arc going, on ail amer Eiol. Itaiy bas'- mae thaît four i hucî tiiousant mnn un erara, andt r bis grandtiaruy demnas ati expectesauta1> tu nirchis ltta Veules. - ber sida, 1 1 ýAusîri& le prepariug- for tise .crash;ibti * fuuuusqtudîiaeraisbeiug strengtheneti lu inmery 1;sussibie wu y theiseinueof tise r Mincio 's âtrenugiy iarricadeti vwitis mou . ýafid gens r; atat-seir -gb a!o tbe iarýest calibre are beinig mounîti. rin ail the farrifieti places. But, thie tine il is More--iikely tiaitishe grand* drana, _iii b. opened at 7eni;1ce ilu a, sasfigisi. Pontifical Troopfi. kletter from Rome cf Màrch 2, -gives te followiog account cf the recent cou- ic' betweeu French troapu and P4fal suidieis: Fior several days peust reneved symp. tms: of. auimosity- between._tbe Yrec garris;o# sud the ýPope's soldiets hbave been pparent. The. Papal troopa, vhene tey meet French, soldiers, bsat be ssutating the, crowitig cf a tock. On Tueaday, March .1, several Erenchmet were thua pr-o.ked o's the Place Barberi. ni, but as tbey.were 6tragglers aud incap. - able of avenging themseives, ihe7 pussed on quietiy. But ins the evening a French battalioàs retrntug from s field day melta detaehruent of ti'venty-five Papal chasseurs, o'the olti Forum Romannm, now caiied the Campo Vaceino, Thse chasseurs -wh were marching iu a body, gave a tremen. ýoce ock-,orow ail togethe, and ibereuQpQn th Freuoh charged. thens, and a- chassaur nas wouoélddvith --a bayonet. Three hundred o thbe Pope'schassesrs, fromthe- neigbboring b arracks, ealled foah2to-bep; beir comrades, and being, auperior in numbers ta te rench a' serious conibat> - aueëd ; four Frencissenland ane chasseur are said ta bave been killed, -and there vere several wouoded ou bath aides. Ts Pontifical chaseurs cried, "ILet us die, lut wO viii drive tbem ont -of -HoÊme." Mgr.- de, Merode and Generai, de, Monte.. beilo both appareild personàiiy- on <ther scene of atrife, aud vainiy tried ta stopethè 7Ice. A -Roman coionel of chasseurs, weut dotru'ou bis kuees before hie, scldieid' at the barra*k gales,'sud iuiplored thein sot ta go, out, but -tbeY vould nat* listen tO hlm. The aftair'ilàltea utpwarAs of- in hour, sud order was ouly resîored ultima. teiy by the appearance sp, a cousiderable l'rEncis force. Several. citireus weçe wouuded by etones theotru at th. Freunc. rhài event haw e aureliy caused a pu&fiu ipression inluAime. Ljetiprs frîsin home o! thse 5th, agate that Geîîerai de -Montebello had pubished su ordor of thedal, in wbich ho ssvereiy biara the persoa concemned lis the laie canffiets, remîindsthe Frencb sud, PIâpai artuies tisat tisey have the "bme cause ta, -defeud, anîd exaresses a' bape'that,,the, present notice wiii sufIÈCe ta put an sud ta th'eadisturbatices.7,On tise, da herre tbe packee bit Civita Vecehia frealî cuý- liets had, bavever, takeir placé; -lun wlÉicf se.veral af the combatants -ver. vounded& Mgr., ke Merode ha% ih ià ld,' arderdl tme Papal dragoonsa sd chasseurs th quit Rame. 'The Pope iniding bimuselt, *atiser wesk, vas not preseutet -divine, aerie oui Sun day. ,Ou thse S Murdày he-' vas o. fiaieti ta bis bed, but hise indlisposifion la flot of a sierions uature, .Predictionm fÇerthi% Year.- evenîful, ane. -- Tisi-angistis a ole course cf the cous- iug year, visenever tise. moo anMsu ulgisi yul giraw dsi. On several pccasiotis during the ye&Wi, tise sou viii risa befot-. ertain peopied ia. cavas' it, aud set before tbey have finhiseti tise da-ys vark.. Il isa qnuilkelytisat visen tisera ise -business dbing, nsauy viii be bearh ta cons- ýplaiI o!fisard tises, but il le equally cee- tain tisai al hivso bang thamselvia viii es- câpeStai-uathon. - If dandies vear tiseir bhae, tisera yul be hesa for thse barbea, snd Se wvisa i mustîscsisviifidsomietbiicg ta - nea Whioever-le lus love- viiltisin i bsmuis. traisa eperfiet angel, and msy.aud cuit tise trutS af iebi snpcious; y gettius -- ,marriet. - - - Many delicata ladie sobnîo oui wvol4 - anspect yull b. klseed vitiscut teiliug tishe'r Il tisi commit.Tise repart, viicis von thruoab oemuîttee of ts ioe M Caai-eou n t hi r,) a doptati vith ont ýeîsduent. lu racommîned tihe ic cepýsuce of tenders cfEtîgis Wilson, ait 60e.. foi-50 coi-duofo!fs-Qe1 atisIof Wm Stevena for iambe,', aI $7 95-c. per- M., aâni ofitisai e!ofb. .Meadeq fou- ceds-r #aantllaul -40.000 fite-reunniug M eàsns'a, ai $te Tise biesking o! sioe., et $3 pas' col, vas recomusendai to ha left as before. -Tise Mayor preseateil accouts, helsil af-eSteS vaee-aend by tise 3Jrk - -Geo Tise Mayor' saliOat the Inas-ring af4tii expeosebSsii bs ovu asseul, sud tili Trustees bai assered i isp5tisai rather ti lise amoantaI bauldi iutafer vus the ap scff lbtto place on tue: mi iuet P'Danish vumeels, andt wo PrusWant f-igateq Tise caînnin flaency cf speech tin mai s 1e aimoit vomncu te. avlpg to as utr- md gity o! mIatier anti aenrciîy o! vortis; for If visoaver lesa master o! lauguage, sud Sath bine' s mind faitl o! deas, v iii b. api, la speak. OntP ingi- ta besitate apon tisecisoice of bath ; thi-S visaei-sscarnunn speakers have ousiy one SJ 4oi o! ideas sud one iseo aiwoi-rs ta ots. fous' tisemin, snd tisose ai-e slivays ieeiy atite to Oc mouiu. §u. people- corne faster oct a! alibi chut-ch wisen tà is almosi empty, uhan ison li s ersivelfis et tise door.-Swt. drink .-à.4.us...,-- *sobey -Iu a suit brou«gistvta recaver damages he r fi-rn th ise 117o! Boataîifoi-thlise unsy done hisp taa r'bild h vhacaugit bis fôot -.hng ,bhie uDi lu the etreet wvilbaplayiug, tbe ful binai giver cftise * Spa-ene Court .- oý-Mahusetta 'ad ' ri

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