Whitby Chronicle, 31 Mar 1864, p. 4

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a,~it~a b ~xf. W1 ot 'a1 4~l~enti home wlth 'oh~flO undd eîefng, f bad 0 aaranQIld ber hb wa)ste (4ug1ter.) Weýwereiretty wartu (Laegh4r.)8h. aïk. id metmarry ber (Moars of Laughter.) ' e, " te gi's lifaher who was in Court putoz, li î0 lto a threat.enîng attitilde, de- ,noucig Marphy ,No 2, and loudly asses4- ed thaiail b. vas telling were lie& Wiîness couîtinued. I tlid noi sal that >I'd bave ber (Laughter), 1 said that I sup posedIllhecn red more aboiitsoins One else, manift' Mat in the tate9, alé sud"10, thaf elle thonght more lot me than ýof him. >ýLAugber) Mr. Gat-Well, tben there's açcouat- ing for testes. (Itoars or Laurbhter.)- amid wbicb the pillant Mats No 2, béat, a retreat from tbe witness box. Couusei baving uddrtesqed the jà~y, àtr. Gall, referring in wo very affectionate terms te the utimanly, anti unitllant cnîîdsct of the second -Mýat, !11u ,T.,)rdsbip delivered bis charge. The 3ury retired aýld afier a short absence rcturnrd a verdict lu favor of the plaintif wtb $30 damages. And tbus endeil thn clebrated bieaeh of promise casie (iliat was îîot in 4, " b lite) $" and wbere il vaq ail iMurpby's. fit. Canada Permnent flîuildîn- and Sa. ting Society rs. Ilodgson. Action, of e- jectmnent. eidîrt for 1îlaW-itif, with one shilling darire. C. S. L'ttersou for plaintitT. R. j Wilson for <lert. Thorn r8. Corpnrrîlion of 3M<ra and Raina. The aclationi thiscîi5Q wat ith- drawn. -Il. J. Macdons14 t pluatitY Thlos. agit for deft. Il was tlti o cioecttlu the evetting ha. fore thebe uiu.ess before the Court was con. cluded, whten, lu catscqueîce of the lit. nais of the heur, and the ruiuy Treaxurer having left iilus ulhce, Hti Lordîlip iulorm. GuI tha Juryîiiî, îhst îJudgn liurnharnwoîîld open the Court next moruiog. se am that Ïthey could gel 1îid. On Friday Mitsrch 25th the Court wn3 Opened by Judgî' liiltitm pro formna, and artar ctilliuî, ove r the Vst et jururs sas im- mediately closed. Specuhlttio* nNwYr-acnu Nousuince i lit' î%%-:bur- m t u leilrcvd uncru bccuî sr uiiih t t ir 'witt<'-emiil w4 mmv. l"peti-litiuItiu railu'-lt t aîî1i ion %rcfitirly titud iîî'the zoîiu; ituania. bave yet to lesuit lutir treticttî'rotis and uncertaiebi tit.ai'tsutLie'hbu'li tiev have Isulcltitr ir il. Itiîlu(of c'apitl ire ttiiding ialoftrouîitheiti.'iaieti o tf tubs hour. rhey uuîf'înl lreftitt ,ilo'rar. that vii lu e iuiir'i, su-î3ing i liait sut>' ahiiig Ncw-Yiirk lu iontil ti-î 'iîttry. A ot'our liirgust aitti iîi'l t ua t't'eu'ful iui'tli's tliq wnet'k, tolu iiu u ftli lOul u wdvise une tu do? It t ii "îibot.u'> ci 'ri wt't bs', triverît luau aNtitii'ii. *"Cdu muid sik tilut it il.*suililai' h ruke -liet lonows as nt-Iic 0fliot 1t jiîu." Stiel i 'the generiulfulîgtangîrwi at .xpu'rieucerd Tt tlii.'ihea sluecilatioiir iu real ustat.u the Jlit-tt ear liîve beau nstonfishing. l'rii" îes 'tiuitlied :t figure A broker iii tit- cty l 4<iin -alius tai Fift<h Rasti Lie, aiuulao , nt-N traeub~lou Thet wse, i nilu' ie.l utaIii itrica for it. lu -lantory lasi lut' autttleer Iet tte hnticai the ratai of$8,51w t1 u3".f', iui.aually in idrance. DU ié; luleW truwttbong Il)Kuaîpe pn the gain. A btouse filat t'as sold latîu Novimber for *il<ttt itîs uold in P.b for #M,.00, âaith<ie oiL-nc i-igrîumbii; bverthie btog 00 01)ti othe le s lei hl iince foinaîî, in a ho wutlilhave sold ont of botuise and honte lîy aaking ,.5C ha - ,îu. výCeu li aon Cuau. bitant r rie for their proper'*l- aniiutdiutg ttiitua *l8ttsudiil)'talîoti iii. Ont inuaiu offared a beuf- 1 h.,iut cost hit i 1.9i0, for $25,000. Hi$eller n'as &nmoudately Laken. When the papes'>, wer riiNvn*w, tiey vere maede out to à Iietil j part>', te vhiton thu beod patyii'êet lit e ,aduP ttit~e ot ton th<oupgnd dollarst. in ex-sMayobr 01 the city, wbuu lived iii at 'egant residence ln aquueptuotus style, w vivtite, one daéy by teo iladies, ichço gskrel pe.rhluiuuion t*o jook at bis onge, atnting Lhat tise bam'e Cupantg wooild not nllow thenu tà vIiv l, Ills Ilenor ceurteoivîly infortned blatun that thre bonae i dîat blockt acre cxsctly alie anti Yt ig4t examine h blbise il;asf uily as tbey>pleus'toil. On leutuiiîg, one-of thee ladiesiald toeini11 1 utti)ïpoze you unuutidý net aell y otr houice ?" I"Oh,- yeg," ssid bliq Bono', Il'<i eliduoeil any&hng but uy vite and chtildren." That afterncoon lie re- IMiedu4àtnote fa'ci &a.luadluig'Iftul Cetate botusm, aking laim -if lit -Wua elsae ou% ,,and ttwlitprice. îIle offereul irt u taluen et once. The paipal eu>-m ee ànd tbe mono>' paid that nugbt. TEd isrt jlay It vrt Old kfofty tîtotîanti tic hundnreàdollar.q. ' r tiartuatlbng li this transactioo trîssia Mil Houer a Iittie unqoiet. liaotterou1mlai ntise'îcuî thon. iand dOitrAu-lessthatlîaî isliîext ulqor tneigli-, ber Wktkt leb11t0 to abann . hiecon. fitsbW an u xti i<U ironshme *nalasfiy.- Ile vas literuili>'tuirueti into, lU t çna't- SoMebotdy mnade tect thotisuinti tive hundree, rest4cnce et un>' îrice Il.-u nuont thl qie$t- tien. Nothlig rnlmntîiieeulfor himnbut'the os'etcrOvded rifetbvt 'nie Hotel. - e is nov viLla bis family bun the atlie story- waiting furib soelsg tel brn lup. Saich W state o f thlngx uen net #bide. Ourshrewd. eut fInanclem sai aloking out ftîr acrastL Our leadiug :nerchislits cenfeesi that tbey 1do not know beuvw tbuyoat to el Ma. ny ot them are cnrtitiling their bûsinei for, ltke epet leneeti msr!neru. thi~ey el Agtosi ntlî s~kyi Wher i nqý cie tlle inexperlenced mnen of imnai capital and iYfoeional-tMen lare rtshing into- the opening vortex, whos etbra -s arie trith gold.- -- I I LA'TS 'MIOA WLKBT m -& AND MÀNJFACTU1tR 0 rl R,&eRME T O 'QRD'S OLD TÂND, -ff BRtOCK btlTEZWHI»Y. Offers the following STYLES 0F' CUTTERS, .viz: Canadian Patent Front, RolIling Seat, Arnericami Jum'per,f Trwo-àeatel 'easureSI 'ioh Portland C("utters, Bob Sh-ighs, A]l of whîch hý is selling at Gr.ally Reditcd Primea-for Cash or, appi oved credit. Some very neat CAItRIAGES, o'pen'and cov- ered, which will besold very lowv. Two good seeond-h-and Gicgs anld two sets heavy Bobs. THIE JNIVERSAL CLOTHES IVRINIIER !1 The ouly Wringer with the COG-WHEEL REGIILATOI It Saves Tme, labor, Clothes & Money I I'ti le umcuisinsud niiiose reiitmbe w rit, zr blloriuuui muenrple, sud coliilinorte.ur om-'fî-'iui'friat-, eaalaat.-l* om -me.antd jut u'tuu t)u i ai tisii thir Itaiti iue icuide. It wIII wvear (or y.aru vithost repair. No Sevant eaunbreak ih. At elId eigts yart4tld cnnperate lt. No ru ntlon or %kIII0 rquireifin n e. 5. Il av'i ot clothtsg every aise or twclvem-uonts.- Every ÏWrttleët ith Cogc.VI&eel. 1.1 Warested 't u evy artacllar. th e 'or k S ?tale F),4e. 184,2, sud w"pro- ilotîed 4uperIo Al itil~her.. iu tiatVrl Camvauseas WMatM la every Town la Caunada. xpracei i, b rinr tExs pus, ;.vpAbel W. 1. I LDs &CeHabito;, ALE-X, mmASN, W I1AR'$BA LSAMj or n«As arr n, eu 'oaxï&atm C~fIALF A CENTURY,g -%V1ith the minit alteîasgm ualnii cotA j trcouchs, êdRmrees Sv Th ont, IufidaeWoping Vong Croup, LiSSIS'COflPalit, ta &55 lt#; îs an~d every Mtos of The Tra~~g .&C~u There -àsPécareely oas ltlivid- ]y eim11o, difnga S &ýn, front seuutoeu. biwevr >liuîiyde- ta t t lsLukàud, andt nesi to be jýa4d disela laitehole cogj The. pawer of the. t4i amw gt" of the Wild CgiytLo ves' tIlv ulass ef eoed, jti _%o wflt tb t"va; no it lmsaoqulSd.-- 1u, Mid pvrlei îeiia(&~irim t L%4 ahryUrt oimig4W ith 1 AsMùaçWn-, dieaLe OluoJi& VW, tks, meLfm"inis hm w Us ath, oAst Lereioestw ta ie um im ads, - oftheliRe sya. masiam4i, Te. ,04. go, 166. S. W. Fowle & (X, ,jIone, - Farm toLeÀ£ase Containiug 1I5 acres for a térm of Nino ear L OT No. 3.1, ini the 40àtCou, oftPick-eriug, sitti.îtd witijiiu liaît a iilif nithe blîrictuti Vhlîtut o14 ioruilli, 14 il AotWltith> , nuit 20 MiILs fron theb'City orf-TOI iuuto, thé îilierty oftVite tittut TlltiMtÀý' LAIIKINco- taiugIf 15sceuf Lîiud' lob Due îaal nî truc f'b'in sîlîlali)m, sîtdi init ir-t-clîae,4 .'tiâuuof Cn1lti'atuiî,o ui uic îtherîîein luthrerer TWO DWELLING H1OUSES, 0110a 5 uev Ç triiina, veil imbue.i, two large! Frieitie iit, twîu IarLcc Fi îue Stîewîttt conîftrltubla Statbles ataucledl, Ivo tirebards, two Wis &a. PouiemSau gvlethe inlit day o' April 1tex?,t Aptý1'îî tt ir terni-. e.. i> heitaule to the u'îdcr;t-euaulExceuturs, -(itu lu%,lettar pont- 'P'î Il. îu t ' ili'lck-riîg TO THE INHABITÂNTS <J? TRE COMMNISt OF TOR, 7 IOKWEI ten eetitiruuinvu>'sluaoru' kt ilte thea igime i iLtbbof tsiiluat atties of 'i elu l'eel,ausl Oittnufor litu a unv <'sus -u>elrtr.î aponl mo ltnring pe tisaiyeu' , lîgtmaCorn l tfoircyen snIietliuyuunf~îr ltijI mrtsnd confidence lu thtee -tti ue. ltit vter he un),- tt. t-o mii tI t noud- 'leitce etu au'-u.o el,'rbtullucoiui iIlle mu. uniuitfi", litlie tîte rnicsiti "tuat1101olet t iieserve iLstu itltAet. TIl Ali imdcr eru.1b-'the (Vreî,td.'otlite'4 e'her ri Ifaiir niail uxalti.sîuîutl sui-a-euat-lts, lber. irtulelv tapi, %halu t* aèttelilthot. Irete.4r ragcda anal 4..Ivt,,xul, vif liut V orna la Quebeo Government A4,ncy Bugineis etld *1tlthe CROWN «rLAND :Silf t>ahir 'PUBLIC DEPARTH1ENTS., j atttnded to. A1o * socured liy tebc bebr. Adfreas pepoald E. J. CIIISLEY. C>COUMMCIAL CIOLLEGE! Ff4 rit RadIFJO* e F7sla Boe*RoSu. the larget aitwe o au: tAistas.andi Cauuel Youmg mon snd lueIndejrePared fr er h nuanaglustlltjSrrn uK i tolsaeth , a md andi Coumercial Urenistensa, Otr i.l Pa-ectîcal Departauemt. loeathe.sttlenta eliterm nw-onl itl ais%. Esol astuâsut la AuruImluewithtl.~ oeuuaj M7 ount ut cnu<btiduu nsas. Eaaiu- abudeit biyteaisele merca. coutut ntitrangbsc Il ilfler nle.m- dontal te s generai rade. lexpemss i cetue ibis doI~,Uted 8taumC*rreayf>r Psne" tvo dollars ('ada Puiiîdi. Feaduug vsea and i Lbrery. Young rien andi loties parchasîns a Ochelar. ii Will» hograented viVh &aC"ad ef ad. uslc in bue t a Mdîns'I-Botm and Libe. sry af thé Mochanlas' Insittuts. n 1 -ý 1 na9 esfeE., -(I t.î Avi J - ehblcdonàPel. c t. . Xf Reaidsntid t andlse'esa Tituber or NW; A D VIEi A réph Lüt, T.Te 3s. 1 3 . 9d, MiSO, A PURE t"i VU$E M EN TS DAOT(4VïV18~~ continues to treat T i ~ * 1 Syphilis and other DM. UUSL Q~ceVeQseases of a private *tt'mBX,, Wx1Si Lîxxr- _ ysters fresb a Ubut~wlt MMSOMrRAW ,AND COOCED and Mz S4'. b artile Oyeter Salbý,n, cuRa 1~?Cp« W staes re0. FELITZ. Gnvç gbuil ia 6cOnàl 'jub tim 1econda '13bils"l iÃ"j cad lys thiby,,Dec. p3U 48 th U. mer.y phrans 'l~c e, cen-bd cffeetial- 2. Yi iluv ltbnibtticThé Celebratéd an QiV.! surve - - drdadful etfictl 'f !Onasnimni r Se]V-AI)itus an >~an -- W ~ ~.sIyrao9lveimmed1Ïte tlcf'hy 1 plyiug to Dr. (-iUXES ctbuse frost bitei- t., rLlng l Das~is.~ . ., ortis, aud altkifIdsof lSenlwnniîdpî, i - Patientsal ta distance trCntcd-Iby letter audIt i dia grýeâtcat ricid$ howîî Aur lieillutie c 4,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~uJ.s1na ~sont toeuiy part of the ceuntry 0X re- ail Iinlt odsudsrî-mngiIet. . t' fareaaonith1e fe. Tlu ecy einlible for rulif.ving Jîoir' eetîir wlahiog te congult the Due nandcattle snffering ttOlpain.i Migo withtbeuntraost 8 eëeY.as bis offlSe is Fronu thousandi5 of'testiiu011108 astO the AML5 endthatI*t sIiUpbgibl for piitiçutito oifcftay of thisnivàluaule romü' dy',the fojUoW_ abilo ueOach oîr. inle3as or consent. Advice Ini luiive-boo;ii aSeot4d.* q J fuse wben o~e h Ilde tUhêe. ~ avetusod your cil the lest six year, anti 'e l Al i Êttera îmust bu addresa, <ctpdd)ansuteda ta tfauiqutldfrhesling P i 4- A Davis, M. D., Toronto, Cj 'W., <j à<,îutin cti, sud cturlîîg frogt-bltoii. Il* etilcacy ls IL Pcst tamp If aan W,'r s dmilred.. 27 oqilftlly gi eut upied tu m'ail or baiust," a old i ~ajfl~yTo A.'K-;oWt - , Eîq., ch! H si'g'w traédiùap dgt Pickerinîg,-Pub,. 12, 1861. -ci , * l I*ni G alliry I.1 juie te Vo , esfi i l ty 1 ov titeiibt -- - -- Public, I tlilck " 1 gt torcutilcl yont * ~ infe and Spirit Merchara. .ýÙitby, Feb. 1,I4 GREAI CLEAI{JlNG $ALE ÂIVJLTNCV Uiave commnied t-o sou offthe blneo ,thejr W'inter Stock ut a, grea~t su fiue1onif tu.o FIanneIs -- Dréss-<oos00ots Blankets, Ladies' Bon nets. Tweedàl, Shawls, Iibboris, :,Bats, Matles, F<wiprs ,& IFeatliers, . Capo, G1ot~ckt~I~xuît Borders, FIat'1 Shirts EURS.r«Furs'a GetBrgain. -. ~~ra Ba ageSoko At -Cost Pri{ce -for- cash only. iWilI ind extcellent and coivç ý$ii !a Yw Yardsà of the Put ,'t , I Lr-tefrora London, >Paris#ni sew } y&k, Ausfu te 4emer to annoîînce to, tU inhalitantg -of ,TPhitby, and aurouningcountry, tlt eesà 4t. ted îtp thoselarge, 8spaciýouuanc om- modsous roomj citer Mlr. Juel Pile.- lo, Dry (Joouis Store, int1ere he is puvpared to take LîKgEYES~Sl±M< in tihe lute8t and Most fecientijle style of thse art. Mf to rcâl (4/e, <and en1aryed (o ýaîîy rauî~re4s#u. pJ£hsu.4teior no WîtiJuly 1, 18613. Y'.B.- À rnbrotypesi M en hibe and 8superrb e otiser sonse on this*ýinfnt.25 R19 0, VA « Bidrtlh-& Anierican Express Co. Montreat Ocean $tearnship ( ÇO and Glasgow June S8ýtaers. ltmnuoved oeue dour.p4itaonf'the ]tcgi>stry 0f flcu. lVllt .CAMPBELL, Whiby Apîi ! 8ni2. 15f WANE, R nul;.' ]PIRT PRIZE SEWINGXM,ÇJIJiNES MEW OACHINES T15 ONLY 111111M avardérd for FaiîlIiy. Sewlg Mçiiies ,y tho Judgcs sntte cehrlitcd <4ciinau 011. i-t'littlu <Irl g;t me- viiroiv '4010<101, )i n 110- l) Mio,'tlîuut liai' reuoîvetvu % ui luîîît ittby thte tielvtpplicati(-) Id yoiir nil 1411U hsunlow comîplîîtolv *circd. MATTiIEW SWALL0 ,-Jr. liekeriiîg, .antnry i-711661, Drun SIu,-Il IlAttica 'tn onsud the. pub lie~iii etiiraI. 1 bllilît.it ri lIt b i'ocnîîimaitl yotir cioiluVrated miîfaii 011, fur thé' cure of cutt, tirîiistii. trust lute,%. e., iis iuqiliy fca- citaiswltctlier âupi i t te lîuor boast. < PF.TER R. HlOOVER<. l'ikaiuur,~'aittuly.186?. PeAu ua-li .Iîitb oîîpl, sud se a dîuty 1 oueva thinPulicl, 1 tlliîîk' it riglut tu, recnm- îui'id your'celobtîîtcd Germuin 011, for the cuiro of fi mt lbtom, fçit, btuiseanîîd als4o of sorca uluutlig staniding. DA NIEL 11OOVEIt. Pickerinîg, Fchtuialry, 1862. ul ntred trulm a hai)runiliug ore fot' ivu, yeîurs wiliuit iîutou'îissin, I win. induçvodl to- try vutîoil r eia il, aud aisnoi cmpet1 JAMES F)TZ01III3ONS. -Ona uft t1:g lrt ü,n lîm nutIlb Cetiiity 'erite :-1. I DFAn sir te.wlaaalnve 'arîic vorîti yutiriuîsuy ce\b;muett t Oil delmervem te 4o kîîuîwn. It intmat lîreve a Iblassiiîg tue miî- lciîii l 1harotimcd itlîî tuae cure otfaite, brui- 40a4. (e-t t utet'.c, atuîIlso <'n suorte n lue Atiîiuiuiie ît Imsl i iaun'-fiuled inotifct n cira.1 Tl. ;wIl i' t at tIll mui isî nld uit Illei pruîî il' 'ciliiee j;I..' A11)iîTii>. I3RITISH REVIEWS. e'uuuîmuceJuI>',1811, iua' ciluprise Tîuz Ent-îcu uîtcIIviuw (Whig). Toi NOwRT I lutristi Rpvi£w' (Fre dhtsrcb) Ilr.AcxCWOODS EnittnuîtGn MAn.azîi (Tor*y) Priéces not Io be iid,'.as'd I1 The pries. vil bc as liaratutfnre, vie: PEU ANNUMI tc Por cinu ois urt tuafutur HRevitiws ... i t, For uî~ jtîn ut Viitoit Iouviovua... 6O0 Fur ny thrac ofthllffoirlau'iws....7 7 0, For sufn-> lnclw~..... ...8 CA ïFor (10,oeiNMpaiu . . O 1?~ Btiéltw9Od andi 6us 1Ija.f .toù ~ ' 's.kwool;iii'dtw ias... Fuor Bliwkwuod>utrd ithfeo JlqvIow.. . . 9 Çr It-orSh lltckwood au' lthe (tur Reviawu,.. 10 V( f veuîtuitr fuir illu vîole Slyo lPeriodici ls eill> iii tyrsi.x centst a y'.ur, . , 4]KON&RD 8COTT &CO., ASSU ANCE COIIMPANY Pue ni ofi tl . Thàl 7Lj. Vlirit vinon. hred aoce b6soid tî 8. T~he choc. reï î.îiîîas ît' Gn1d sudt o. -Ail proviens reg the chïoc.e e candell Nnrtïi Shoresos f La, nuitl 0i1 the adjtcot L March, 1R61,-wore.liai pe,ýrriuutiîtoi tcoinS iîl vhlch 1hava raina tire pretteut time lie: TiVe loctees îîîîd the asalgnientsî verce ini arc alowed ta apply hava malde u et>'loc ulepoitor ittitea Chttec ÈýIh0saine, 'or ehall ho open for sale ýpl*iuion to îît'cRe aC 6ê itîcl lit tho Depart or lîeîur thie P rat- eVF5 Pci çmîtýedessu Labl Ib ling 1 kiaîds a ke.. air le1 pPs.u air>' uplu L!HZ Alla vil A, - W., op pi.,r day i ONE- 'Gtnte ofrteaînt>' pttreolit alID ciarego pfeOmitinA Of -lIdt ?sc19 tai, amidluinlolosileAttiouneuî m aaf.onîaile Uoupany, ansi JOBN BLOW, in. - Par1o~s - s Aunong n*cbanics,' puinetuait7 is a deslderataita. show*>unsaWmé"haIicY vbb f WMI ges Ourerk doue- by thue lime speci1. fies and i we'villi cherisb hlm s. b>' fa] orîbir t, rveyeti riptliu )er ton tract, laude i.j! ini ir cent - I acre. itut bi four lino-. n. D Dîot Appîy tu co0niteut wvl OUG&LL, CJoin. 1 - l"'Il rge

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