Whitby Chronicle, 10 Mar 1864, p. 3

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~~~~1- The debate onw the Â.dress, ln repl7 10 the Speech from the tbrone, vau allovied ~to cloue wfthouî taking a vole ;-the Op. ptlUonn deemlug it botter - vset a good example in this respectto iilte Gri.s and Badicals, who have alvays pcrisîently di. ba4t, aud doutand îhi yts ansd n uas .on Addreuu when lu oppnsition, The S, gîl of the NMin*iury wilt ho teteld b7 a fair op"" vate of non-eonRidlnce. On Frlday, tire Adilresu (rou bath Bouss wupresuted le thuGovèreor attierai. At thes sitting of theHouse oti btonday, ashitough the Seoesion wu a short on., considerable business.- Wvs. dlsposed of, amjonght which, wasuthe fullowingi Atorney Goberai Mrrdonald ni.ementeil I M *~9~~*~- - M I 1 Mer. Browu moyed te appolmîment cf A select Commiutee to euquqre and report U t0 tebout mode cf provldlug, for In- struction of mmid persous ian!d oaf xmutes ln this Province, to coualut of Messe. A. A. Dorion, Mowat, Tiss, Parker, Lbha. 11e, Iiown and te mater. Csrrled. Mir. Brown inoved the appciuîurior a select conimittee to coitsider th.- nanner lu wiich tire cousus wus recently takeu1 and t.heast mode of sccnr ing greatee îecuracy andl compleleilesa in thre returne, le conut cf Mosan. Gaît, McoGiveriu', cLugevino, Penaulî, mcdee, A. >lî@kenaie, Simpuont A. Dufresue sud lte mater. - The ord r for referrnig MEr. Du kint u teluprînce bili ta coimittee oflte whole wu discirsrged, aud theb.ill wu5refered t- - seec oumirîce. -M. 'Tascbareao Buva for a stlmeut Whittty, marcir 9, m68,.0 cf tmonies eirp.udéd en tihe nsv rond troa )Ulbaie ta 41rld JiA1s-CârrWo. TM _ÇOKIM U HOTEL. M. Paquet moted an aidreu for crees., poodenos. bi4veoDr. ».strbien, surgeonsoi f ut tae ut ol ijail, sand tIr. (overnuent, urig içrber ? ?theo rta irt l reating tu Ie"i ioemfols'-Csrtjed. he bus sucpottd e . Crocher leDlire Commer ]4r.moreis u*q.d he gppelatmuuiorcf elm4 otel, aurA thât,msIhëeeorri, tie buoinsnu reotuwiii baouduted s o ivhe u«t tiâ -, then tumi al.urm, adaptation for f e h acoir le, ad îversjtomiiil), NEBW'A DV E'RT IS E-ME-N TS-. Ju~ R eeva AT ~PLE1fIf4BM FI~1Ai flADDIE~ REDUCED IN PRICE. A La rge supplyjust received t No. 4, Laiiig'!ýs Buildings G Family Grocer. liere eport of lire COMMileappointdia o Au Engliair clergynrncagdbfn recmmod alia ofemierata uith 5* London magiîsrsie wiîir drunicuneu sud lect sanading eommîll.ne. assanît, said lu excuse tg"Tire fact is, M. Laframbois e ld au the table liere e. tiratI hall ans eariy dinuer, 1 Lad a plut cf port of tire Board or Worka for 186,1. dr'pr asdIbsmadc me so very dry Aîlcuoey (ouerai Dorioîa laid ou tire ta. tript cantiefrsgaso prin ie blé' a copy of te proceedîngu at tht iuvss. It wis fin nice ihai I Lad s second. 1 igtohtie complaiti gailat Didaee thon weuî down ta the uitîtian, ai 1 /1,aue. tiongirî, quite rigiru, byt viren 1 gat ou bue (ty eneral Macmdonaild laid ou tire ta. lire platl'urm, tire cork, astI1 migirt usa y ea returuiho sut address for pilpers nelah- eeteld ta gel out, sud the wine went îive ta Ire dieniecuil by lire le pont Mon. abut mp." Tire revereud gentlemen, ter geieral -of cernît tpoîulnasleasiu tiro Pays tire N. V . Poil, May nu av rie atis. coulîly of Nortumb.,ierlandt.i fied justice, but tue caîtterneal a boots apon , M. Evenierel1 moveci rt tirhe Julilnte reporters, w a lto hiereatter upeak of- nIàqîlot commilîe te bave l t adjouru a drttnken man not as ane'îa.iîit a brickt el'Iim -llst o a chcliteaîuhbuw parlie t u i its'a," or 6"liglt," or "bcaiuy,"or blni*gfnwurd qeviaece.--.Cerried. "texposeal ta long tooclire sun," but su a Tire fcilowliug bille vrrcsevafesly iîtîna. uan ajti theo "cork out."9 tiaçed and lread a irst timt Mr. Wtighlt,(Éi at uk,) bil10 in . le - rose a tax ou dogeq, -ald ta provile fan i VITJ MAtul'.- tir, boiter prot'ctiout or ebee iniu Uppen W&itby, Mincir 8, 1864. >1.Paqethif laamôaltir maticpalI i4tt iret? pradute lernug anal pices M.nPaqe, d e lfîe'? auuutithemuiiplabout lire sainease lmai eeie exccpt Springi andr enoforbi oerite. capr6 f mteati eLle b le th iewer. Fail 31, Ceoffrion, 'bill ta ain hpc f9et $1. Sliritug ?5c ta 80a Oais értooli Ilatutes aiofACnia rospocting 31 ic hoa'12C. Peaus oc ta 55e. Banley t-ebrftof' a'tir e tsiuue. 9i.Car 'r 4eufrian, bihllu rimenal clapter 37 i95.CartSecal *4.50 ta $4,16. gay $7, ta $9 per toua. lido. *4.50. F'neuh udfemreljdrted nttel uf Lower Caunadau, Butter 15c ta 26e. Pouatou s25e 1a iSo. 'relqloctîig tiere rgieîraîloou ti es ta r1I______________________ estate'. -.. .......... Mr. Wrightî, (Eaaui York<,) bulli ta aumend NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS, tire municilial net -of Uppeir Cantada son tiait lu townshuips divided iî.îo 'vards eeîS'ra HOUSES ANID LOTS TO LEt. May have aus many votell as ibere are court. cilons~alieyicte. " 'o<>lloiMgyE8 nit liait an ocre i(q' lard na beetced e lIt cutiStreet. titan St. Audlra',titeu Mnr. Abbirur illittu'petiuggeanrai tii-ia dwillîîu.lý'oeu ti t luu îl meoi'uopeToil. R ltnuodvrauuWill be Il4euic lon i. Iu ieply' b Mn. Ahbîti, ïpltrolo Attorntey Central Dorlou saild that n.WILLIAM ROBINSON, rangementse would lie Mado tii saaon ru w îltN , uîeJrui. paylng ta coutties inlu aer Canadas, ' ii h- b i oirl -10 401 r e ived thtem , tir F r i e s i:mquulle teu vhicir îhey are outittealhy 201,ilt yie. Caup. 44,ina aid of thre ereeriiamao ..courtbouses-1 , Contita ng 15 aere for ernt f Mn frFoIe7 ,unved an icdreas for copiesl of, etilcorrespondence, Orderina..outuil, 'contnactu, aitd airetpaporseticiSed wiîht ::: ine Years! 'ti r niivy service trot yot preaoîtod te F ,yGen. Durion uîaîed Ctat theo(;ov- u>r S,.,> iiiit tla oi. il'eaiu. IeOVrîtlnlt lad no abjeeuiou ta blinng dota îii lia t l o,!,ijîrville,14 tmiles frai-i Wiiiîii .ahl palyeru relating to tiere (natITrunkIlt a idui1fl-trorm lte Ctyvcil'T iiuîtîa CGe 1 lru i<iitul t'u AlAiKIN, c-, -mli sei'uce, but otirer rail#«* aya mamde' uai.rs .e a hiuî,t.' nct 'va i .applicàtiiue frîlinneeied subsiafies, andi r,,f-i iiý,n tuuîý,,atliin a ftv.tl, te.ta atUr lreso tireG overnment ual moi <col prepareal ia 11,.u thea.<li cl i i,'t'ueara tu brnîg dea util actin hâe4 icu ten -TW'O DWELLING HOUSES, ou Ilim. ai )q a [t i itv fInani. t'eu fiatinie l t. iArt:. Mfter uom., diueaei ntiie motiion, u. lvii, Il iam , L I .crii 'nit sitt.ai .difled tuMet H. Doeîon'â elew, was Car i it%îIl-ie.îittuii tlaiicd a riiui. triel. ula l n vil ~t. ' eou ie a ta r. Mr. Walshr maced foran arelurr caumrileaun u ii " enn e~item a trou> it!iial euruas ati'lînigode Majorm id. ahewinrg an avrezae miercdauace at dzilî l 1 ltlalïtiT IIIENNiN Ibte nibera ot vanieoui outer compt Eta'xeiritt. P, riat-rîi nies lutrne 1'ruîviiîaee for 4 mtîadue euti 'z.a1 ilik ' ,ii<~ lîtl~r at~Cr-e.M~ i~ t 1-1iair), 1444. lot 1 Mnr. Cîrtîer--lu abaaiu,îof M r. (LUt,- moved i]miiadairasltfr al correepîiuadetice T T D TT ý reittve tothte trera#fer Qttlire Pnov'iitlIi. B m U> iS mieluinîfront tire iAuulc(4f uppue Caoraail teu the liank or Monreti, htior ehr h alà---- 'f smlemew th tir juon wire a loas, i' Il $1,500,t00 bas reet lateilyeffeted ft F O RUIl S E L E ' tire Bank of Montreal.-..Cu&rried. V Y C E P Mnr. Congen maô'od the appôiincnt of sa'R sperial - comsiitte t enquire lete the À F[RSWT-(CLA8S OMNIBUS, practiceailîîy of eoîusructing azsip oshuflOR 1E$ i!Kweti Qeargiýt-iln By sud tire Baîy cf (Or viii be eclu neotîor eain t ORS 4ý,iê, telirogitire vallcuy af Trent. ta Fau' fnutor lItiilaruiî.iv, thte lu imruizno*t, cnit it-Kears. Waiirnige,Boss, <R) U. F_ uAM'BlEI.L, Býiggan, Cocleiteru, tttuefovtl, sud thte tro- Emur.e.i Agent. M. Perrault, mred au adalcets i"ur cpi. -es oi' M. 1Biaklcci's reports dnutesunr vey fram Laval ta Lake Kiriegam n u 1852 te eurtey fram Laîune ta-Laike St. John,- ~ '- l in 1856, anrd ire anrvey of te* tribntsuieu gr tire Sagurenay il)t tR57. Carriu'd. Mr. J. A. Mfacdoitd-In absenuce of Mr. (haIt, mnoved an addrces for vari OURfus1 relurn s a t ntiae ai' tire Welland anti Mr. Perranlt, mnoved uhe appintment ai'-f a seleicamuiruitieé ta trike into coneutivna' UJILU ,'NO l'in earebs, gir'autiuat thie deen the mons of pru>mtiug sgéicultural p ('<cërpIiîu'i uuuîaouihe *Tovulupti' ýcfÏ_kering p'vil i»itta iteitim.g tobc lieti u inte Town instructions lu Lover C-nîada;- Raid ecn>. . l1i, ou t R ~ ~~ ~~u (Uh'lQu l'ctti, ual- ut MitieraI R ,iîýuiliciuvt.l 'v tIi,.E' Inaathae li,veir <iruaucjtru.l lit i -l J. iath fle ii u tâa -irl tl rjue i iturore- tirai tour iur'jured act. 2, Tiuîetii'uluui (),iftutte tract@#lin t;n- viurvtu'd tu-vitutrV livfirty ciaiýi fin triant hl, m Tauu ie liai, , id i ii d;itu , id inaiuuîutlhi - t- iiauî. d iaitN,,rth ...il Siut0jl ii, , l F'iu. i. îit, epuitila 'tii nr Jil iou rvtIeui tacn qiv nc, iiil lu .11îail tt'ifi-Vcn,eiuu 4. 'file arimc 1ul ua- i alu Ilariacrec, lily >.Tuit mstaxr v r itiiuf owiv dottllriser tuu t'ecavr" it -, remll teîe te 1 ifrenath--tract, pdu ui,he iii reîîaîvîhfruuuuî tir le. Tfiw ica-iuhitu-au a. llem te ualL Miai iau' liardet scult i clot icett.tinay of Alonil ta>2,id &ut lut lieu of lthe Uialty 'tu tvIaut tutti ilr euil -;n un Maae.ule or"e frouai eee leuudî. s. rint ilu'iu t, tituaiaîrlouei. se ouguvîîtu i, isinîTeralut. piv raId eo) tue îitc1.v ?uaui liuiu,,t ut itleua lt.îiil ie t1o ul hum eravi-ac0e li iay l.ui4t>uiip. airai at th at' u priesaiftv ellier Ihundeiualt htî oviulsip alueit Il t- More ttmaunie0 cuI!ti pv; lucre. é - 'uit #luot ire th ituri t .t-ac ouitaltout'u hured acres ut, ..old te.ue pev.o. Sa. Tige auAIIVP domijuas io nI plly lu, uîîhîîeu ait Gui> ualaSilver. 9. Ahil preotin teautitaeujiahouuitut Viti) ige aiove ar taclal WM. Mei)îUI*ALL. ~WAh L-oeln'r utMinera i Lttis i lt, >ut?îSthore% oft ikiutron snd tislerr, mît uta1lte Adjîtceleleaicd, laieti, ou theIa.15h àtareui. 1961. acrelie te forfaiture teo' nuua - î,iectiuieaof ut nahutilet i sh mî1adinoe'tiau, aiti 1 alîjhâvae reiautud liatîlu hou furfeiltute te ltae prefutuit hiatu art foit-flireai. Tte ktaevmîîîatir oir scrîutiin, provideal tha ameigaiiliu vxere ouade bloeatir eillAcitreot, ar'e udlowdt luaeiuu P t1 i l uelt ley iaaay litve, malle ou i auy lcatiuti. uner msanéJýve lthe îl-4pumit, or fgîr: îtemraea.trwcrds tlteJpur- chuli" uele saie, or ay other Ituln i lica .1ial l ouvit tornmele unI lire, date of tuic aup plioeii to e metire ,aUtitCgoanP'uIed; bot »cht jaipliauelout Chililibe rteaaraIecine a tîov pur beis, 411tijedtoAiexiuUn1g negiulatîurru, attit be bied itlthe Doparîtueuent ffron en udo4n ir !-vt:>nethe fana: daiy aNvut De, 1 ., I164.à 9.5v. WM. MD. COURT 0F ASSI ZE. Loeuî~oftlutuIo JS herb gitfn thul mdNi#! rus, liycr amd' TîMiller, and43eue- rÙ ai*oi £eliveryý wil bc iiuldeu iiinitisudfr tihe Oounty ofutro,s lt e tounrt iae, iti lte TOwor' etV hlîy, on Weduosday, Xarch 23, 1664, At the bouitvel 'ereknn, ortWh" aiii Coroners, "Juiialeioflthe Fece, Contustansd ail olhers ooncerneê, viiil ai. S$herifru (ace, W htby, Mreb , 1864. -8 E yeon lite Wood reuseuls for aIugý wTaua eases's Wons VoMJq$Mai 1 1--CJildren u est tiret»as reudily u £huy do cindy. 8-Drive out Worms tberougbiy wiUroul 'àp eu h #oaloonltey tIIIEAPER IMAN EV. T I1 I hAiRlTiT>KADIET vanieuty in tfii We ae 'Furnuî,re, lin' cre, q alc.oa * ous aIths Stüre nI lie. Staeg iTtri .ry styleommd qum¶i snai 04 t.i G*AND l'AUNEr, WiLizAK EBitTAN. Uceok-et., whithy. %Vhitby, maoit 2, 1'ut. -8.1y Valideme8 Worm (Otifft ~ VandtiscuBrotire"t, a supply of Sut, ~ ~ Weeri eliles o Rilxaeon itait. Ft>, a muy Dm#ug titt, iry PARM TO,- RENT.. in the 2elea Cut.LoIiNo. modl'ttély. Appiy lt.oW 1R. hy. PERRT, Aea.laBrick, Dvellhngt nlursBO 13yrran Stenuiet.T BOYNTONsa moiEL. W tt IIOVt«TOboc*. 10 'norulte lu. ý wsitatmnts Ortheb Couuty of Vicerla anad aurnoundin& (!nantis*m, tiraI t hoi-»opensd the Ht-el on ihlistm 8lret i9,61Y oceuploal b J ewett, sr.d sire hbdiS irettoleIMsudturnii. uieee Wtta Llutreandi Cigareoet it money tii Advanoe on 'Yamn Security. jUHiiwteirlqu us etructiteo nyeat Ioint8dr*bIe sira in oee 'Mdtilu ne- 2Itapi*jioqofolila,,ahwe G*12e>H. DARTN,13L Wiiiy, Fat,. 10, 1884. 5-4w Oht~nciysale, IN CEARUE1ly OtarIe. Artue, A1XD Moeitard Wells, Alexander Home," Wiliîbrop Jounton, sud Carle- tonMoore., Defeuduitu. IrOblie 801d lu puiuue 0e t e Doreean sd kLiis Orner fer sile, mmdc hy thrs Couirt of Oluinoly, for U ee <anada lu this c auehir- ln< datiteroup4ive1lYtit urhdmayuofl b- rir5ry, 1U, aud ltw-tweully.5ovelith daly of Jinrciry' fest, sud *iîh lte epprobstiî of GeorX6e IIcuury Di)rtuuell, Lquine. Muer of hale ilouorawîe Courtia ure. aIthue <mOfl liutthe Mai Muter, Brnck sîreet, lJ i)te TOWN 0F WIIITBY9 '4t ltheur of Eleven oft ice Clock lu tire fore' noon of tue Fourteonth March, A. D. 1864, ist Levi Fairbanks, Junior, Esquire, IN ONE LOT, Thst viumlie freholi peperey1 bolmil îtd ,siugula, thît certain paroël or Itel of hîsd atud pi'emiueu, ,talte, lylug suîd being lu 'thc UT OWNSHLP OF REACH,1 ix The COUNTV OieONTARIO, Anda Province of Cuidai, contiuiiug by id- mneuueureneut _FIFTY ACR14,S,, Be ltae sauetne oneolutta. . ieeiug compeoreiu tie Sontia Fifty Acre,, ut LOI WU'M1ER EýtGffTEENl tu-the Farirtearit erneetuen ni the %nid 'Town- 81uip ni' itATatht 4avlttg til v xcetiiiiat4ureoute, tiare. ncria, du4moniel a i n .mi -i'i meucgng utfront nI teo idt ltîn,-tucàtiu Ciuic'ii- clou et tire «Id lTovnmiet I htali, imc mie sottlu Westti»othle îuuiiiLot; thoîutn nt iax- eut, degneoevot clelgiltt l'iry-igrle liuîkî telme lt aunrtsvvntr four legTeen, ccii l'outn degreet ~ emtte tire illownuace furcrouaitiuu fronit et calA tiottomivn ; hiîeîî sotihaevceîy.l'auun degroos wott u t i taplace or heganitig <th iis uraijenty I mi.1b4i lu vnnhiog order, a go4, DWELLING 110(1E. and a n.uiî~tm td ibo.it tweaat% 'lltu mente T ltvii luofl tele lut qe hu-,atuillacioffice wteisueo h. Mutottu-pgliisudlh ltfi T he- poiamui Iii tl, upritstici.. tt,.pa Tinspartu'th edr a, rt 111elicti, u<slc, pay ni vhé liot iVndoron od ortel Silhuen. uuioni ut lite1 1Pi'iotf the poulude fu>'ovryAd houtre-i g t, "le$ ai'te recitue mneya auel sae h u l iateuce wlauaat mni tit allTe r ttianlii til. tile t e foTIla paouvtcerutionul e nY ÃŽt Iiloeoie* u for tile ielotonai tuy n aiteaeds on copleA ttiret $kgae inthe poIl ia n urt ed u cre àlitroft a. ae at bi epeiunulhec odur a lic of vit e sugl adoic u iepu clda lte dý uee 'thetnîin o r oth e ani 'seludistettuiliîio etsaleie lie r stt I"tt teitioncd a! t ions-' etiusn- m &dh oîsuiruathe Antloneer, anal st tie UVw Offiee*s ai'J. Ifimer tireonv.iuul, Ontario $,Iunm, bersock iltreet, Wliîbty, Velà,lor'o 8uiicilnn;ar oMe**mm lllmtue.Kerr iad Weille lir*n. Tar*nte;- or ofriK. J. %Vilsou, Es'- qein.. IlsreluhêrLem, Wtitity, muuilfIronthLie uîuderlgîtd Mater otirlam hlianorabte Court. ilst.ed ttis liusit duy et Fdbiinery, A. D. lui4. ÀN» No. 29, Lom3&b4ud Strue, Lonsdon. TWO UILLIONS 8s EELIN AN 1) LARGE JiIIMEUVY. FUNDB. F IRE D EPAIR"-TMt N Tl Tiiscoapmny >Imwwuieu Rlin"~andtI li *nh.ei eme of l et ep*rly reigains Lassor DAs. Iy f2;e,eon meut Lit"r Te,.. mu 1 10M6priutnyt mWottsî, vithita e lTe lageCaiIil mud jealileerutian ciln etth i eentylirearmthecnwm ex*im %fe8. L IF E' E PA RTM ENTg I&Wt nuatminn o afi .te-t..... LING 1 lit 8 Oh!1 what a Chance G fIIM? MAT! MACDJONALD & BOX At,ý I IrtdL hyI n'Ilie lltrilug bnci%- . LI1 ok lu largo qantlllo. SA IPOX .îhep la vait %Mupon lae Wwluo huutelapuQty&ûhte un. The hlgliest ýrlce wiii lie poil for iîî1yF.S AND RPIIEMiPS M, muid inuCASIL. cPlea*a tek, a note nfthie staend, one, door loututMn. Robluucou'a I ir-diesing.mooris, Broek Street, Whiîby M& DO>(NALD &BOX. Wluilby, Dec. 8, 16.13. 48 CéO fiTB1RPEIT1e-8oinuo vile uwiuitleria htave been paiuntiung off tupon lte lu-hliltantu or lte Canadas, counterfeituç of iny uutiverauul tom edlosa-Hoiiowiy'$Pilla fini Ointmet. iteora- fore waru ail ÃŽ;eugglut%, Apothemnls, "lo, that 1 hafleliuacecd s utahtnp pn My romodles, sud have a anugoît tho wrsppots, &c., Lmo ltait nonteesufai ta e lte cileretee bulWoeu lte olci style andthue uew. TIiretorc dualerp 1Oili cuingultheir ovut uaufeîv l'y Iuiuing uit more Mi style l'll&u sud <irttunent, tue I eftliut war- rant for Ihlcr beinig, entuine. To Iluose wiîo luire the nid style oihndi, If tIuey are lu un- br. keq pachugo,! yuiliexehunWt thon> for new style, st myna c"D ene in .to uvb5a. i ai ps, loite rltt b uy le-)t and btuck, if returrieK té me bitture lta> lost div of N-vemhsi' 83m 8 lai MiliULne, New York. tanrte et IisT(wîaturouslu o*V thut ho yl b.happy t0e ittdieuuu l of ,l ' teri entrusted thilte cre. Teet h inuerteid on Uoflc, Slifer tir Vitlmsntted LuImhr fiee. Teetit filou oggr extracted hi tie boul pmnaUd mariner. Pâtluir st.entlon plditth# ronlutlimol 41 W. 11, AIiD. FOR TUE B£917 A C1UAPZST t> ERZ~ Dl? LG 871?ZE Ciiàeys>t globes, <badeiq BDequbes* ýWhilbýyi in. lai lui.: SpernatorrhSoea aub. Cu by IL t ' JlIIAMN, 43Oheuinut Stert, phila. d ldisi, P& . Cir u irig seul free. 22S i nl '.Who gWauts a TOP-1RUG4'Y, M AIDNALD-Meonaid lbe 1titbr- nind 1flaot a T oggluuy, *114 uune o allver-mouumted tirisu or 4"le. Both are nurly îiéw, sugd are.lit for suy geutiewsa's Twlveuionthn crudit. orlonger. If reqire.d, 119lU i gven, ou gfeliuggpoil paper. LUMER! T EiDEIS wAI ire eceiud antlta offieof tire T,>ut Clri up ho 12 o1lek, ltecuu,on Saturd iy, baroh lBth, 1864# Pol.î, Ofl PEET OF 12 lee ilui16erg; 'i. 7aîclr..atd-sitrif t1itek iilttnet heuts tluctl',- 1ioit>, rain 12 inCitaiilineidthi. Aise For 11,me t> eetp rufuufâig xni. ,%e CE1)x R CANTLING,. -4 X 5,- Lumber auamial iite I loblvêeold nt tle Towiq.HALL, WIMTY, Nutltifter Iiltra thé et orcf nn,. Cltuinuuiai (iuti'ahwdon Streetu and lin- Ton X - ~iieytaroît 2, 1964. -11'110 CELEORATED rrli ii'iute deuires th a !lte 'att 'ittîn cf 1. the' piutaliete ibo ve lmnpuanrtu:i inven- to, tht" r? 'tnt cfvhrioiit e olfui rr- Icil citi for Tovu'uu<lpaa unr Conutiee ludéiua alent ut k i d i o r f t b e r - - e i n < a t h , e Okr ,lec, eauo qIreua in (lue naun' ettu'atche-, uaey optititibl tmtcnmdl» uu'>tuIv) recoin- utueladuuloit. - Auul iltl usetoiegr .Mt'e ireoii'uury heu, A " Cooe au actrImm u rotr t e (i lrni, pen day more titan vfl ite hondleiu.m n-plt..hatep 0NE -TIIOUiSANL) I-1<0PS, illrirbtormiç ',Il hlidubjrrelu it u uTtiabot. u*nidPl flme, il; ha iei i lkt 0::COMPLE7 'E SATISP.JaIIeONI Tho ptroprietoi atltupîbe nMau'hi -, charges RUutlicugfer hie lmo. InC- Undeu':. tiauaInoney until thotos ililut enipo vurkuuîon, ie. Ytu'nily, tito Siemu(JcIifed l1oop -uae cf lt* w'ouders et tir'a<e, "* ai l nupCClit î s-i dtti- fisu mipracticai inu -Andeav Galgo, Weiiingtou Sqiatrtu* Win. Gaedri b. )ae9';$~teneuSktatutctn, Lllfton, ê»F Vge; . d&J. iliae 511 ong. Street.J Apply.to tirepropnIoten udalpeteîveýe, OotAKTNhIii.,îl)N IL Saves Timo, L bor, (il thes & mone 1 Ir ITio;tflue eiaiil jcidciit' neiaa$ifc' Wffgef .itetoro tira- ptpl. îuîd enuirill no cod etretagteli of fritureý, cauaity for îuneasiine suait paver of iuctiona, titoai utu ahcr aummeineumuuadJef Il u'ili Ment for yonrs Wlultnmit repaird No Sortant eaubraIl A chlld efgltt estr; ld cou oPeSneia aO o Ncîtltion et *kilt «quitelIn le uscec or tletfementia È;ery rîlogr ttit Cg.1*lrfej Id #airraenîed lunoery partsoultr. 'rite iumveneui Wningen toak'tlie FIiI8'1 PiIIoIiUM, r ilvrnMufIn sud i p lounas,li. lte-New York 'mete taulei. 1862. aaims axpra.e, uteintceal upenir la l mu .liacoJrte Won1l' Fair llt Londen. 1862. Ctunvasserid Wafltedim eIerY'To*g i 1 Canada. ippàùîaaieui V ox ntfing the, pniCît fi>(lx citait réeeee toW i)LroT ly Exproa,, jutpuWe d W.H HI1DS k Co., gsmui*( .5L On maIe, i.citmu Fabrusey lOc 1684. P FIRE AS LQKBAR1'u 8 fIt w-I 00,, dent. I Ne,], I ::'. 1 m ornzoHÃ"TEL~ 111OCýK STJtEET, WUITAY. rrite, tndeeslgnedhbe"S te infeýrri hig fInonds JL thaIlie hmbastken lie siove hôtel, lIntel y kopt by Mr., Daweos, sud, crntn .%titat hy mtîriot atteuttinii e businîess sudro lte wantÀ of hl gâeia-,bkoopiug s lirut-olinatable, rird nutre ~uthebcuO, m f ilqUnre lthe liur, tuonreri ligéof bli paronnre.Tihe t"ngnd c carefiluiiittoee trwili awys fousautfil Pnt JOSEIîI EUBQTTOM.. Witby, Maroir2, 1804. 8-iy FARMTO LIETS l n AChEM, Couiilr.iitr file Ilortialut U of Lot Nu. 24, litue ird coneeuumiosi cf th& Township of Wlitily ExcÊllt 1111d, Weil watered,tiud ail (ylLh ti«exelilof eta fow acres of berateci briiti?î,) cleurirt. -Alon, to'Lot part of Lot No. 24. in lte 4thi ooncaslot af thû, Towuiultip ni Wliîlîy, 'cmti bricruig une field,, aud cornprinlng ". n74(, wehl drainéKi erel oeitivited,--anti woli. eniteullfor th" tîeAt ai pastaure, A 'reference will ho git;eua tu 01 eil hie tentant tltuk wiil run~t both firmes. Appl.Y te TIIOMAS ~DOW. WI.Ithy, Maret 0. 18M 8 T EN PEIta A LARGE STOCK - JAMES JOHfrNSTàeN l3rooli treel, W hlîhyiîý octolcr 601, I85«. - Tailorsi, Shdéxtiakers, Caft1aý Buildfers, DreBs Nakeri, and'Headd ofFaili' Generally, Cali et WANZAR £, Cols. Sowft* Mliébfi ",,,loe, VlIitby, uil 'Ve lae rge netortureil Of llmtuIYALy I M.t!itraetflrnug SIEWINt1MAIINS ,With latost improvewouîn io"d at low prite*. JAMES IL OERRTÉi Agent for Cduuuty Qlintm M r b 26, 1862. i THIE UNIVERSAL [CLOTRE8 WRINIEI, Tuhe only Wringerwfih dia OOGeW!tEEL iReGULA.TOIL NEW ADVXRTISFMENTS.

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