Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1864, p. 1

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NMatthow Teafy- RIcHXccO ILUUL 111E WITRY ORRONICLE, t 2là UHI>ON Trit MOfli4IGo o At blit Pritisg Lstahllihmsnt, BrecQk StrootWAVhitwy. Neri Door b lthe, RegtstrY Offce. j TERMS $1 50 PER À NUM, ADVERTISEMENTB! A mb Agivertigconrpntý4 ,,îlimired in ?napar- l e] l ad ahnrget itt1le ratae i n ar 'at r "U"IfiiInertion, cd 2 tulltf4 per Hle, etI teqUanIIngertion. 1paIaIeotraote iade ith i ,îivertaers by OrdOlru te dilscontlnuoe d vertls1etneitx insig b. in writ1ng- - 5 tI SnC~~ tratot7g BANiK 0P MONTREAL, * W. R. 1DEAN, NMileg'. l!TAI&E-D G(L4M-99W<RKSI W. BU,1.z "q E nri &m A cODN4EIL , B 1ZR1ItSTERsif & ATTOR~NEYS AT L.AW, ufo to teBitino ,k (if M-luire-., ad floem ty ('cunacii (l nar1yn, wililkv. V. A i fOfl.O*te i lb.( rtlone -~th ln nr. --Ba. Lr &o., &o. OilIci narIv'h I J. V. 11MW, - itbt, E'ti.% W'. W I R $ ' 1 N i . I n fA N V A - L Streut, W II itl i c4unrcli $trçtet, 'l'rnalnn, c '. W ANGITS NI1011-1inN. 1. . AAUP8<)M. i - _____ Wlh am Prlued Wo r, gte t lotM -oid tn tii Idu ty e t-c tc p VO. viii.R __ _ _ _ _ _W HITBY-, .W .,T U S ,£ý:A TN îinflrminn 11250f>to- $20(), for 3, 4, or .yettis. onit Pirinnniunr iroiîertyý. W sînîn-4ionM i icnns m innnl ViId Latîda, int well sattlad iitritîtn4. Aicpty, (if b> bitter lr-pctiil,) tai MlR. WEBIIER, Uppoen gnnandnn Rngimttrn'nnnnd I'ani a (>lic Cornier <'nlia A llf5ui .î:î i,frniS*tncotmt Tornt, VCA.W. STORE FOR SALE. O N E Acre ail ici 'iltlnre nitwnfill mni ir wo litik liniîe,, i the V'11inae iI llili, iîîwn4 lip n'or ri tkCer n inn1,ty <nr %RIICHiARDT)YOI(NG, O r, il bliter, to Iolin tmniflrir, Un nIFlT 1)nit)l, No. 14, (>o-gooife SIre 1t, Trcnii. GÂLBE IIOTEL. T IIE '. nt ifi eifin l I. iiwnn, un141 tl'Inlnnil Ic ilvO i Ic 914,ibetr cwi- tcciilicl i esalul It IIZIA c'v' Col cf i'c it Wf ii if i i.,l ni ny i i..almn ct i t cl*l.c Iuoî,niîi'in Icicl t 1 t ii inic. Notice *tu Farmors and Others lîiîrnccîînliîtln.c niin tr Rr tnnnltii' ItIIc l(bf.; Lest on. Stiînr , mAn IiicifiiiCictl i'l' tir unic nkwi:lc.o ha o i.lc nir mml('ijmn~of tic' I nul r nnnlm. A tenlilire n Entltinr,anc iIoini'. Innlirui. A. ALEXANDER. 1>001ln,11 in. 2701, iAs. 4 GEORGE i IXAGK. .L Joliner. liment St. Wîltby. AIureqtni U ND E R T A <N G. FUNERIIALS inllv tpl-Iicd andattéaded at ,Fhilnt ilinna. <Cofflin. kept aonntntly on lianni. W~A iastInr on liberal ternîtA... Wlàiiby, Fnb. Stim, 1862. 4-ly ]RICHARD SNOW. Ta nimlofr i BIitî i lnck'a Ilcatul. TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, RD 1CIng Streeti East. J IJ~ tPc5ttifilc me Tcxnr.,et tue C nnave Cn'cttnunc na ge.inti cci iiio SIIELL -ANTD CAN OYSTERS, latlisic m, dii.'n alcf l(, i inni U mil, 1UJSSELI;s hOT Q IT E 13E C'. dina winnnen. wtiesirtc nititii iniin njIr Wt'i rifinr T(n lIn,- Tune rs iii uIf Ii erhiunim, osinît héTri.- vnlliroffPuliee nunîrennnr leonnina o,.ai acduln n fttein i r.t,ccnnbî ( l id lai (wtn. ter, IFl out'inve nnw 1 lrtarmfn d tic lnrninnnn l#lii l (stranc0Cmanllu n wiiitlie Ill prapared t> é c n p r i s La f I uc , f u i 0 a n d m at r i n , - TheýEdlnburg1 LifeMAsurasae Oomp'nsy Tne Livcerpool and Londoun. 7%e Monireal Fire Inaraece Ccmpany. neé Provincial dusurausce Company. F. KELLERI, ftr- CALL AND SFE SANDYI 1 . to ten n1l im i, riendl. 'i'he preaiei gare mai1 Atietd nu in Cl nivm'niont, undl tue acto-iinnodin. 'itinnn riic, varIc cnd, 1n1 i, to.orIanu.yi thé eiiif, ni'îi af n Oiasnii ornnclilinunf,linavllln At l6endîl'4take eni rnm, tuiîyid>'4tmbinilatIno best, ilcnicdm o -ic -innmodition, a('ii e vînt P i i lle fnationn. TIna ltimot-mi f'ienclsof si-l, A r e a în o i tu g iv e h i , Io ns ei e mn u n. ALEX. l'EERIR. lirmuinti1a1, lic 23,18ils. 50 PH.là B. RAIL WAY. [NTIL'otiter îiiîn Tiii ilrtnunas Mnl niu ii lesa lindsqlnt i9 40 anp, rivoa mnPonrt liape 1. lé r.tn. t Mail 'Iniitwitll cne Port Iiopo At 3.00 p. an., arrive at lii..ilo6 .4o1p. aI. ile . rf T ue-uivf ,annnnnnn, a "'.acn "t' a. 14. f, CCIIANII L. ,. . c aîl"nitoanele, sope mîîn cun~ n im iv. r ran renik IIav. - ' IJIL, hti¶'i'N Al'Tn>It'NEV Fnabt O<N S T A G E- H 0OU S Et, -M ISEL.& NTHOMA8 RIDOUT, tcicie i irri-ter tilt 1 AntcrMcc i-cnn-Lcv.L.mi. - T. .4.* W'iLLI A MS, ltt it lii (ttintime i Ni'nrv niîîk.&-cI.n.-- QnishneJ, Man li. 1851. 8 lmnnliianbeail'nb. <tlla'li EznlNw ir lmiiiiig, t llmiminnua SAACPFENTON. - ---- - Pt 14~1)", iNo.,l. 48 .Sret » 'auitt>.Northern Hel 1Cannington. c -- *--___ G-cionut ILiann -VI. u eucun lniuuaa ittiinniu vor -TA'VERN STAN1D FOR 8A E <~. Il.DA ILTN LL. t~:-ci- n reiru.Nceonan ahIbkînaimna1 t"tel, huIt nnle iIt nni nai v fon Eh'UirfY E..Tî m ifiEXTRIA- iiil'ciicifc .nrîrnnlorsizou C iicc tnlni.iginnid 1!' tiin.innbnnrinnroanlarce ticue l li umtINtitifs OVRI5iiImat In iuitr iienîntcrlm, f r lisictWltnce.r1y -intironrnalmomi t pnmivi- n ni sntit' lL 4.E of CA. lietii111tyM Oitali, Bý)Ct-t.,WlitlVIL47Lon NNNGTON. - . A IL B3101qM iO T EL sutfnntlnlie 4'nni'it a acc.nncno i IIOBERT AA. inn.. ani. Tlcp tat)le je 5ta,lnmront-ii i %,i, B R J.WILSON. aiT' - II&oinunn, wnirisyeh. ilm Ii ns) l ,i-c,.caiid Inonf,.t'int the fhatlliranîcîs 10,e onanidinun Taveru ocetpie<t liv Mr- B ttAUITIit & ~UNVAT 1AW, rM bL'h i' iîîe sticd Liqnm'rx keltit otbaruie T (Il mt&~t4'nri. cits.nigaiaatre %nd flSoîieiunnnctmaneirv, &C. liîîîn~,lu. W. ~ i-t'e'n'keepéna nicppliemînlnisiie, Give utntf'lnt, W MeId. Suient, srnit ~hoosess Otl'ui Vilmrialîahdink BrntiSt.W'iltn:.-11" OR v01Pûas. fier wtimig, nînokinng, &c. A neuitllcuag " EAST - ~~~ ~ ~' miot ic. ii-renunwiietO îr.dn, i atnd nilit«atser, vhnntmaernisaimeaurly the vînenle J. K. GORD>ON, ESTWt îIN oî OR 11111E, W 'Flune, iastn iv»nk etat eUnenib an id a italfii' . xitillun 1 y84, %alin 60 bn TAW, î CO~'îyImNVEVANCIN(; vu. anai.ea rnru-nni. JOHN WASIi) 401, %liedl71) i'noilar 60bv 4L A " leni anf- L o&e mccvliv,,. & 1'weli's $torae. î,, Il Enibiure lIcitai m.i itnnued %inna I>Iaatmancî i Piro.pi,or. ZniUinslwyln., hnnab t toye Taveru - . ~ .I~ retied mirt<if liu Tovn, uc zia font enaui. umn iinna01. nuit. 2lnd, 1861. il S7inigte i ta. io ci n le 1crî,er cf tii.Village, rett-idpat f lit T wn o, il frntrouîli e 'mm I l mnit i n- 1 = I odl eBfavea-on, Mantiia CIIALEt C.KISLER <ld ni"nuo cciiO traaraiians. Glfi Ponl san Albri'. CHARnEtnC.nKELLER, Snabiinj linI22 To; the Travelling.. .Publi. -irn1%a. mincît inAT er,.. SOL AUT« IN rine misuoni the liremoot puinpnnrvi inénu 10 TTOINEV T LAW, SLIC"I-o 174i- -b~.-ld.imr4-iri'file at-a-ve ilneatne prmnpert>-, ialic- :1>. (lameut-,C,îieyîuen tc )lte,-n VICTORIA JIOTEL. ili EllnvnLsel tinohn-ni* &c %viS Ifl mis r t ennn..lne fntenditent-rine ln, on enaatinga i7'otoîta luiilliif r. fe le (cmnnide 'ifitea, (oca'l. nT En;iî. n u rgian 'iii. Brnc sr5l iaIltv ii, vllg c' iaen -nn'mîliit i ar. e fll'telilire l tin-onm Ianeuujnia o a munirtnnareinnreil by Alitna a t)rinieli ofi ittevll" o oue-co l t iub, i i% pan<ufit 'i-n neýnin. î fle Ïinnnclnsae. Tnt le i tndla.1neîahe. Térnu totur Voqil i liorsin, Analnd iimy of Ois- 1.1i 1AM ,,(,I)Tli ' PlEu T(). L A ]tuin ailtluouuun Wl it" & M iIfelitsmilb upiltest thi ici e.. UéO 'AN TIOTFIL. TflII 11111T 0r LIQt/ORs àk i.AR PltPÃŽ,ttot wlro t1 rmoe. ANGLO.A %,EIM. lit IOTEL. IOINWARD. .1. ItAlWER 'fECNWOOD, , -- Aci* miribln, wlm lie fnîriintisnd vitiî tii flu-<'altîingiai.Noir. 10, . 41 4-. A TTlt(EYnAT.0Aw SO,1tcTOR IN rKviNCE sanze. ofîaon ieita<icu fft" ,uau. A lue .tmnaiva <1iti - mA (ittaivtury flt a tokLn i. 5ci eoa nIist tn e tna-ciic hle1lmnvis o haié(1LnIflOl WlI5t4e i*ô YAoIA.5n&50 - - -c-.~ ~ ÃŽ-ive tîtnasaic-al. Guinil .nahini citii t iera 14 JOISI l 'uM'tl, -' l'anmin.RatYIl, IJrilh Astet-ic,lAd lAvit IOIN IlLI<~JnOHIN!1111u>I. Enuo i- 60 pool sud Lendon L AW%, 11I[A N I', t nIN 'V ANCIlç 051-,,Pnin-Albertnti o oni eirCa iUNION IKTE.L. W OO N15S }11OT E L. Assurance (otnp'nies T. 01. Fimýrisn, aa'u.tinna. 12 -, n- ca- an..' i j 'i âln 1'.4-namniuly shatelil md ;xno'uec fiticil up'ànniitre.invied. Itean vinan, 1I41mior. amI auI,5 CANTON IIOTEL, W. CUTltTiERT, IgANILLA IJOUSE, Tfni<nnds. andcitlie Irm'elinuptinleo, liant lie laa< Isiini lime abiais veil kîionva ltai. snd tts lev t i lot iattention bobuansas, and« b> ifettonn.nurngtondu aeh Int is paver fuir lthecan- l-nrtâ14 -nunvéauenienten.or ' géaI, tunann-t a Ishare Cointontable nocinnuioduîon foûr maninandIl Iinae. Aua -(tennti'e ani<droitumOstier elvaya lu ai. J. W. CALDWW.,LL BRLOWN, &Ci, (tti$çloNgut FOR <-c lantini Aiisvita Aon-nenaaitianiAnt, v uiifi-dre»Omfein-1iîniStreet, nearty oppoRite tiihe (ilal lî. N. 1.-Al itns nîisudt nsaevi ho lîromîtly attiaiined le. 82 Il,, & . DBl L 01,-e Oth1140 'E Vi)iLll(ýt(Ai'ClI6,u fCl(maalslnnliQ 1laebiip.0, 1861. 8 m oti'cuStore, lrnnk Streel, Wiîliy. 44 P lYS10IAN, 8 iiRGO N AN!;) ACVOUI. PCH EUI, DÏfilnscrack, lInknriiR. 5'AiI uni aon.,simnvn..,nn i ..e.. n. m 1 uni ij & miLiumaiy ainilotnu. rd n aSi.5CONWAY, cc R. J. GUNN, 1M. D. 1'ropriettr. 'q171(1 EON TOTC)IVI COUNTY GAIuL 7alaniltni, (e. 29, 1861. 4 Briymn Street, Wlilîby. ï ---«O-L. - THIOMAS DEVERELL, TO4tJ MOON, LATE OP' TIIE NON-.n Sqnon flat. jnantfornnenlv of Wiiîlivmn- nPi U 1IL 1) EiM, &Cl. ut., GREEN STR<EET, n " uut ai n i iqtîs and thé publie, Ê tîntlipeéd, B W]ItaIyC. W. -bIas.reatam i lnaabuve welî-ckmnevu lotèl. vîniel li no naIn flnýt rte atcrde lorîuth enelntiotn of JoliN MEBTCALF, eientam ttnea»,Liqanors oud <igars Good i LETL QI TuU k'FTI DlVIi3QN OUR, tailngm n I tatentiva-<Omtter. -15-c Pli) %J oin rlimtg tlInsTovasip Brook. Ad- -G(rn'd~Trqnk Ril sIonu. ai drosi t canuiuigbenî, . 14 -ltel - __________- (&Qutk#;do.ZqfJ1iltu Depti, Part WUi4.) ROBRERT IPEÂRa. 1tltEsnbgeruier hax fitednop the bovéwall T uiîowii preunisenain iItalicew évof sumtmnng b_ 1lERi AND!) t&IAthEIIt OF THlE thée oavcniien îcnoflînmtravetîinupJle in ___ j Tnvusnipci' 7sbinbgu. ddrennIhubaile s and velu 1 o lofti e ln hrne t tia Ilote! viii 1fi lie îrnperly çared for, saatiag thno amnvals ai' A-J HLENRY IANNADI, lhe amnennu iy binéCote* &AtIor ivet onul. ( ,cou (1 IîKi QI Q~NY AN btfiETlOItStabnliugandt carcful atteritiou. 5sJCÃ"nn rts,nteuuuage 0tlfullyCnt.I J AMESI PETNGLE. - çi l.Asopia1nm and un'n.nutal poiuter, Wht. Wiitliy, .Apnjil 2 ,183. el by. -21 1<W 1<THE TIME. - A. PIGE FTVOELKNS T gin ZHK(C'IQcNT TAlLeR, BROOKTi STRIEET j. A. Ciarkte lot, Prise PlcSufo Gallery sun-n M I.WhiLby. -sdTf1k b sm - LUI DUJOS'tyM Camotge, Atrgp. or Lesthmé, îake EST U X8 DU.J3019 mnfetorU nesain a-I.éék.î Jiresor, Ex Bnifer J.ÀAC.<aundo iL len te latsylé,ý FïTUltNT.-Cujwrof 1 crkansd Ex d atstorî netleo. Rbplauade Streets Toronto. Refresintunts xW L 'L c -THOMAS HIUSTON, R 110115OUE, wl T % $CLRKt eRBAilUItEltWIITBY JOSEPH I DCKgr, acnminitaty, thuai b. masopeaied thé siove ex- (LERLiOP FOIURTI IIuT 0$COURT, oacmeoabu ad evory attention isdt C !b~#e ovytoedtUlrde 11tt cp~p'at.Excellent SabIFngànd attentive OQllsaThéetSar supîlied itll it ci ~ *PÂLDINGsSWinnefan imi las. MITRUÉ BOU!, 121 King st, West, ~y - '.' à 1lY JOR~NM. wÂkxtc. <asE5fl, lbfltaElii'ralaé-sv - tan - & PZ~'~sotr, I WOON k BIROTHER. WILLIAM KAIJFYMAANN t>' 144, ]Ba y EtreetToronto. MIALT VIN'EeAI. ~~tV rl;?AU I bcî me léhuii llarge Wliitbv Brewerv. Nfrth Baritish end Mrat Pire & Lîfe Insurance Com'y. THIOMAS lDOW , W ub.p4 , 186%. xI. E. L. 7'WKotralnC I -1 tOLi.I',107iS ;niefor pabi smer. ioaauaO Ié5T jclinnitnuphysten an ed thena, in Mneil Etî eayiueh'nîl cO ttnce, O ansd -Toronto, ando"thé feni oAtAte. enbleér, t an,, oa liu Casd. Ail eehictou.u cnj renom, fitenut 4.ya, t& s0uld prcecaiia ptly paid £oVer. TIfomoïc"nb m tdraaeMgntratl, auts eoaelsa uo ilé . iHmu linjlmers Mnal nw#; .Jln ovR frei -try sud Treamaurar CÃŽ, CaaalIreôy oclon' aiilaud l8aving t5eetyj s! R& ..NîlrW,hinsIennits l1er f eb~nn~a~n 'g->ato. yte b. nei i SOLICITOR, u&c., uMc(, RE [AR IMVI)bsLvfisl <Eanturiu a, Cînanalios, ~ néDOîr soutli of timé wti itby1 Jan. 28, -1862.Trn 0f Iuké tlieto, sea- Iuié-Ni rrowit'bridguo,. Ut a eoltnu inasudiog a splendid visw of the x4 a'Ithe b. lnalr ti rouliditlipia(bn e3qe sernarv. Rx&tléln-uptoeoihrw ttaalirueiangn coptta e --0 imiona c alos $20,OOo# 9 Thno Coaspnl s' AnéaaWtIlby MONEY! MONF'yt! Tina ntein<neu ialiit flentnvauatlyu duntioi n 'tistt onv titîn. A. Maar Land WAgoae ué%a.,i -%npIÃŽeauUOn te b. ntidélo To-o 42 ~ ~ ra if Valunster, liy utsà aprant * ipn laGN otSi Jiâor ÀGlWif m ,A L a BirhW 4, , rncne . (ret eicgreAt nea M Dme lu lo-,nigtI T w i u ti k é a l . E u l n d ,m n b é r t g o i g lt Whéaa raad Io'morrow moralîg ir ThoeéÏ.boni lo-Illglt inn Windisor towa Anotwen- Eir to UanlatnncI'sCrove- WiliOuî a Word of varning h Parhe o. top'pu sonn a ilt-ltonriesauce A WlOcWod< meen nd v4dded Princm Anarnowvtllel«ctrnleuipbj Th 01ud4i phrase our nurses el- "Moe, tinér an4 chillare doing wli- I>eruabitou aiu Gui bîqas ont Prluîesss, fuir and good 1 (iti ga1rd' her nlw itilmîe nitrneil! YO U n nr l o$ t :r - an si y n l éap y o u r b o y " in rncv*lg Iîétîh 0;dgrovingjuny, As ODMè Inay ha; Prylegten, n uic i snearben-stand, an, r!n re.echnotnnroî>h tb'j auni,- Frînlaymaigliut.Jan.vi. .Lnnej0 2nmneck. Lolse .-A Story ul a Revolebon. The lire vhlit i. wortiy cf sncb e Plua frow su1ait a noutl must la precieus, aerelY. But, pardon~ one. vIoe devoticns, for the Citoyenne la enly equalied by is dévOtion ta bis contry, vhoae is tbelifa titalý Citizen feberg eae ?' ait it tle Comte Marie Patrick Talbot forcviom ns k ii.favour. Ho bus net aetêdla acoaI vith tseRepebîli. But diai ho oomprebend it be vomnli be île truest sud thte ooblèst, son cf our country lu bis devotion and hercism.n 1 Yoat ask, tfsfor lthe most open and dalng sueay of te Republia, fer a man vito lias renchéd bi sword lu the blond of là *a bm f irs.jolîdren-lor a man viho has bie plotting aud intriguing against its existence, sud vbo ayoed sud gleriad lu bis mWedes Citoyenne, -I yl net lift my finger te: save sncb a man. Ycu. the daegbtor cf Citizen Desanit mut ak %bis beon lu ignorance! 4,.No, no l' replied iaise, i1J1ask it t4reoughly coguisattof lthe vortht cf Iim for *ho= 1I ak un- Yen dan save bim- 1 hniov joeu n. You bave professila deep regard fur mly faîbar and myseLf WII you give me.au evidence of it nov ? Pmservrforný the guillotine thé neck of T&1bot,ý anid caim «ay roinru froua me, couin etut itit our onour.'1 c tClîeyean,f said iii. member oflthe <7nie du s kalut Psbiro, sauaniug the sp' pe rAame cf a msami itose, virtue hm been ofoiumdo 1"yen Ask me te do jeu*faveur sud yon agre to psy me fot lu. Titatia «bât yoar proposai cous ta. 4Dot entrtn i I. I couu not mntertsin It. T» leum pure et the noble spiritsf tse yo, and who busdared to love yei, but hi doisneDtt msksbargains for bipitpilan. Cwuiao entceastd. Ré bwd aller- od * 60a stntimsnu, aMA ilàbiwevuchar,' saler >etice - 11m trombling girl before lui. almired eiliser. She Sooered ber lace ith hor baod, sud ben&di e r khs thé tears triced d tbrçg h l; usîv sa lt '14do ot appgove'of c "ius~ aid« Citilft Emberi, ruemig. 4ls epie . ,bîsalfdoüeai.îbutthis ina fiucdue to the mun of ted&,,To. ,re itoa a$ E îendklioe ulisu voeu u. îtroug remsua 1, 1 aw Iy , if T alboî t wre a n$sb , ex l - adj seatto.pC.ye u., tte opiiblio. weld I ptiwi s 1.lood, nor would ils fortreu i be st en onitmgreid.-Ol dCttizmm,,say oi eài y eei ngt fuste hat irs honor, and coeiaecy, and cour. t âge' syra'A man l ineut aIlOlt 0 tbsu vhirees are atifi living and breatb. tg.4 ut 111 Wttat bisou bave 1 t, urge te;b- V Sirue, tben I ahould do titis tbineTWbit si Ik-atout ? I 10'w j'ÃŽi 1 Itell îheinn my i m u s-s l a n di a b o y é ai, h1 e V v in r d r a o l ik thai ioait r a m ust a4t*cii th the ýo ýO ongh ofofe ' i Ëekt m'oîrifng Cýitisoa R'elbert received a billet. H Re jj rimh b4ut, it mUnsîho tO-uteriovy, udTaibot dies 'Convention, neyer spoké botter ,titan on tbat day, vben he proved h viîoc republican fislttlons "d 0- vita o éd titeir very supaor blnit n vaswumOrcng again. The prison bâti at' thé Temple vas swieging Viîb slow sud aclemu toîli asit te prisonérs vwere aSsem. bled le Ileir breakfatt. In. the irgrýeatyhal of te eal tbOY Ilgatitered, neand wc. tie deýgage, 'eitsoaicani air cf refinement iicl perveded, it mightt bavé given itp figçures taeuoe cf Waîîenn's paiuîings. Thé vife of the gauler vus giving out the oufll te ducheases and dukei, comtés and comtesses, vitî an air that migît have graced soute cf thdir quondam servitarst in the task cf miulstaring te thnt vauts of their kentnnuis. A laughiug girl of sixteén vias comun- freintheia itresse de cuisina witi bar aîlcwaaoa., a6leaI Mademoiselle do Cus'higny' said a tait seldaerly-lookingý mail, <yeur cava. lier is net et bis peut tîls meruing. AI. lev me te paerribie daty for bis ne. Tank yeu, M. le Duc,' site ansvered, viii a tous of ber imead, 'my cup.beaters have heeit se mèrcurialof late lIai I vil! never appoint anotier. T41 *bot bas jusi doue ast is predeces.or before hlm. i iseg precise as te bis appearauco at the Pl 'ace. de Grove to-day ho bas fergetten bis dut'y. Nov on suai ah occasion yon venud re- quire a veék te practise attitudes, whiset Talbot ouly, requiras a morning.' Claverp, cbimcd le a gray.beai aId, gentlemen. 'Mademoiselle siouldcite; tle must davoted of ber slaves froin-,a more staid, andl net las ardent, clas" cf lovera. Youtb la ovér evanoscent and changeable.' 1 Yen Il rétorted île Dette, '%iecoutl, finit a vetary lu M '. the Xiister ut, War,, for instance. Monsieur weuld givé the armour of Glaucu for lImat-cf Deomedé,' A'It la Hcmer's t ory retoldi' aaid1 Mademeiselle, 16razèn for golden,, .1rr vords endai lita huat of laugîter from the liatners, vhicit vas not; stilledi ,ven, by thét entrnce cf a ccmmissilry andsoàmei gen. d'armes làtemailthe,,liai c.f tbosé te b. s nt < eut w axoc tion. A T lb o !The t'oadiug of là begmnà eTub - n. lered, 1W pmSd do"u ute roo!tW Su-oive bis morninz méal like tae rest' iaisudvith bis JoIe of food jined -the lsubiug groep. baduinç*Uieemueat - pardo e $ ,a<d ~sbving 1 but 1 sWallnet ofbnd --lie again. 'Prîy. wbo t sueccesacr in 'Denotlei -hmKadsmeselle, aidc dme Duc de Tremorillo., vite bail spokea. before. 'é oi otderv........ 'ýMuleoPalrick Talbot, ex-nobis,' about, éd the voicé 'ef ithe çommiMway., 4"WiséqMarie trick Talbot ý icât bis sunp ib &Ï, ors- g ' 'eë c The repartes dharbed;ttW e"iàni*a, sund ýho ordered-tls. gm as darate arrest Just ln tiae' aléh1c proseting ltet eispty boy! beoss of teom. 6Good more' ifs,,~~~~ ~ , -o ieg*op '>~o tuai aiik .uii..i.,, . o u' c. Oi, xdemci (4' Wants ên, .Wtre. The folloWing appear in, a St. LoUl paper:_-i.- enoug. I. 1:van: fiome- 'n e bu ta& tic î quarre! witb, thien kip&scanuke upilçgfin.if cations, fr om young_. ladies.and,~oi vidows of more titan ;a;ae respectabîli. e ty, tolerlably tàmq i'i d s~ion, ii* h Of any çolor. * A nerlsa '~au jedge of mtaeL a neflt over 80, i4or under 2~ 'years or ége.I are either âve feet eigitor ,eihi feet five, I forget whieh. , Weiîgh 3,2 loi 5,31 pounds, -oneéor thithree,'recoléot' mab iure perfeCýWllý,- but as eil" Itrue arrangement I arn fomewbat. puzzle&. Èave a vle o sit, cf bair dyed by tu1ýq6! ~and free fromd~~~Eetlueml. bribà1e, anD gewith pea7gre6n. No'se, blunt, according te Ionie ordêr cf aré4hftec. ture, viti a touch cf the ccru'oslle',. and, * moLtit belween a catfih'9' and -allgaiqr,* "f -madée.especially,,for orawory- aud aysters.Ear.s palrnatd, long, an ýogiu Iy sltaped. My whisl<ers 'are"a a-cornbia- tien of' dog's haâir,' mous>. and' briar brrLtb -weII behaved, fearfully luxuriant.' I amn douendinlu imb, and on'th ifnogro.1 question., -Wear.boaN.9 hrcr, are troublesome,- anid canwrtepD* wise, or diagonally. Can play thte Jw barp-annd*bras.drum, 'and vhisîle Yý àà1f £,oodle iu SpaniÉsi. Ami very correct in, umor'als,. and fztrtatenlisu$n? al great regard for théeS"bath, addI~ ouly wlicn invited. Arn a-domeàtie animal, andi Perfactîr dOcile wliéntoWaIsare.,>leau, and ishkrt buttons ail right. Iffr possess a prodomi. natine virt-ue, it is tint cf forg n~every, nmy whom I deem il hzardou ý Ï0 hundIs. 'I1 ay my prayers every;ngt inosquitoes permiuting - as te .ý-Wieîher P, suoréin my, aleep,> I vant somei0dy t.oý t.11. >Monéy, is no-objt, na 1 névtnr wtw troubléd .wiîh iî, and never axpeà toi p 1 1 shonld'like scme lady who fa pcrtdtïIy able te support 'a iosbanid, 'or it'she cônif.' introduce me toa faauily wbaro roli:riôfél exemple would bé- considinre4q ui(loje.01 compensation for board, ,it ouddojunt, -as welI. ît Address, X 22, Si. L6uié P.) À Touchoi Natare. A~ ~~ e le vuns~ne Wewr t.fli' cor usuel rôunds and admiring , ther bêaOty" cf Nature, as sha lay vrwàppediA-n!the 1 ; very mantleof thée on~~~î,ltSi4f enraptured heart, >ve-h e l dsaà nt on the'ballfy air. 'Twg wmidntgbÏfou.. faï-upon 'tiepéssing wind,'i i bhard he>ý fron lte datjtedral dlock> that - keP3 e-, cord of decîining tme, 'viti slowand meauréd strokes, upbil iti'ch0aiiing ~ta et. Wo onWàrdbent cdr sfs stmtwaf,thiÏ! coure viteuco camoe this ldit±su) an4 as awenebrer drçunWthat 9 Pli4 îti we titougbt vo covJd di.ieera beneath. , tho sbadodqa tbatfwero sred rààâa, y many a Yrdant lbvancb h lo~i the 'valk, tbemaùld ore' f ' % omw d6"tf etattding îh*re. A aonientýdide,p<aseo- in »jabég~sI~é o edi,,L r u asct-cof lm 1 1 Up to h, - < eset addressed ýthé oUeIt va11-selDebly 'Sf thé Bon, reu wabouylesrar d« lois, Jun sts t ôf tlii Temple wu à gathering c Iepr ,est lood1 of the. Preénîbnobiîîîy. pur midut, -aSuiséd Hebert na e Desiaulii- whilst ber nev made bubandz-dl lthe bon. ours cf the hpst,,. cêmedee Hébert Wus jusiSt aI t moment .ittojicateî with pride- 1and suicces,. Hé bail gained a vife- vhd r ailebiroma cfzitunouériches, and, lInad., wii u, aswondrotssly bauiul ghe vas wuenveloped la a Cloud cF white dr pery, b4r face palet, but a wild light gleam., -10 in ber OY 1es, tol1dttthé pallor wu more the offpring of tbougbhft ban cf iti health. Clearly <ho made a trqàge te ueem gay, ani l.olasedo but no* sud titan a sigh, _4eeP and involnàtary, nov and thon & con., vuluive trembling of Ithe 1 p, toli vwhat ,a varfar e sie %ranaj hiti er haart. It va.lr'the - f thwssco»thie t t ti viii s1holng cf Ïhe ýmobvaswu'be ,ard',à lthe7 turnad down fLom lthe Parisisanarena of sacrifice. 'Thé oxecutions are 01er, 1 saida, uttle iman with a pale face, and green specta clos. Il wnw flobaspierre, ('and the peo. pIe show uhnir attachment to, the law.' 1 No 1 No l' eaid 8t. Jus, a- heavy, îhickut paniionage, cit ia.nme popular movemerî Ihit is takîng Place. -I sitould net vondnr if it vere to honcur the good Citizen DnAqeult, or my friand Robert- hère tiay naine this way.' iWheî a crovi IP said Santorre,, ito stcod ai; thé windov which was open, The comî,ninh rose lo e c a nearer,.view cf tbe scetia. Her, father urged Lèni8Oe to accompariy them . towards tite vindows.- 'Sie vent, and vatcbed lts' ecrowd, the rnigitty 1>arisian crovd, ÉIat floved' amid noise, aud jeers,, and. lauglitér,. upder- the vindovu, aý i tovepî dcvn lthe qtreet. â t hast, as iii files went by, îhey grev denser, and lthe low anurmur grev mure store and boauge. Froni lime 10 lime th y looked back as if semée bjeat attractédl their re. gard4s and* fram lime te lime lhey s'houteif andk ýlauoged viit b'Orrid lauglter, assem movmert ~nchniSainedIteir, applause or ovoked théir niiti t. lAinf th Ï,at cb. lect came Wi viev. Il was a huan béad, ntounted on nspolo. It v as the ' béai' cf Marte Patricc Talbot I1héface v-was turný éd to the -Y« ilvs cf Citixan ,Dessaule~ home. Thé o e oes as ,ey stared i deatit, lccked fî tlt groupe that.ton! Ibere. The clusiernu orla tare. lifted frein the fair and in lectua1 brow by ltée vind -that éwe 1Pt' abcVe thé, gibbering crev thaI bore the ghastly emblem. TIh. lips vers rétractei iniaa <utl, hic o *Ild cf défiant agouy, sad lthe wbitoifeeîh .'leain., ed throu gh lthe flgitcovoring cf :the 1P.44 ding moustache of'lie reoklesi buîýalàwi Talbot., Que oye osegit the cruel sight, before al[ ora. T %dn saudclamnour ,of thprowd vasaI. stic 'ii ,botas.i bùt îof woe. 1t',vMh' lid thni hean! vas borne ailo'ng, 't çrow " afér it aid bécae asuoisiy asabrr' but wiýbin îhe 'boise 'ofc1c(iýen Dèïsu1 îbete vas i rtson î1,hý ,diîfl.tý det vWià htb4 aves of th b', ' a ik 'te eiUié lo a . >- ,~ w e st oir ( ié ali lite turusi vayfro o ii wvu.' <

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