fcllowat o '- . *oeleAa' li a B eicr di»'bora,' a fev uilise- 60M titel ooveing about w bunslred acres, vîlih frose ôversaeasud. denly, thiat the 5seli bat! ot 'urne ta dive below, but wvo i u la theile., anid-the e0ad people cr tii. oroagh are feasting aqýtrefroila. 3umteii of them havir.g been out roui thic jvc, l.ay -This story Maay souni a littlsjlAy, tûtt a.rertbelcsa $8l5t l w FKr tLondou n rons are wsaIoi a le rssady te swear that Ilicous» as chboro. formeâ durlng thi ement 0fight. Nearly thirty tbausawl ton& ai guâano were tûaitnfrat the. Cbincha Ilanads 81dm year. Th.. O.Pie bau recelved frein Mata-ý morts " a Prise maunt ain ofif apotata., big enougla for the dinner of a parly of ~miho4soliur," eigîngelet'en sud three.quartur poundi. It il satets4 t in luNew Orleaus crme .14 fesifuly ln theasacendant snd four ciî-n Inal trbunals ram scely -able taeleep pace vilth theonsttniflow oaCIranagreas. ,AUAherêpr'ise figlât in England Iaited onc Mà r and tvrenty Minutes. Jo» Gaess as -ice vinner by aiterrilc right lcand crou caunter whlclasent lie autagaciat ta grsa antd lept bim tîue.. L The fanions Roman grave munuds, iteavu as the Batlla Huis, after having- lace» spared by the pow aitd 'the harrow for more than s la tbpand yetrs lbave at *'Iength been o<ndemue d te destruction, iu -aider ta accommatt a minai-feedai- of the Great Eastern Railmay.______ - MARIUED, On -thes StIalest., by the- liv. John Osyley, M. julins -A. MayerWafen, Io Musa Anna Mari& Pollard, both aof the Town gf Wbitby. aqoshav aon th. 20th. alt. by the Reverend G. Dîchitan. Mn. Aloi. Strattnn, ta btilasAnna Grant bath of thae'Foen of *Wbitby. Dil. AÂt Pickeing, o» the th iust Thonia, son, af Mý. WM.Býelîchambens agis 24 *RITJJY MARKETIt. Whitbye Januari 13, 1864. Since the leihing camoeenced tuera Ilatsbe» Mor" setlvity in the rnurlet, and Prims.M ewlI mumaineil; cclhough the general impressioniM, îtlhe tfisres are <ar' too -hlgh, andi with large deliveries 'Prieeg voulfib. oniderable lower. 6tC(Iy, 'No. 1$ Fi, lcommande $1.05, Simutty, or Inierlor amples range froni 8 -te,1 Oe les -,SprnÃ-g1o'$O c 0; Poe s48 -t6 il; Oto SU; Park $4 te $475o .-jlal eté10pert on. NWA»VERTISEMENTS. frSBBuRI\T FAHL T. .&nbru, ilI lOiC 1I idt tteViI)tiguaif AImur. tili the ~Ohd*y of Jauuary, 1864, Béiuîq thé thicc Wadnsalny of t1w #11,11101. Tihis Fair, froi» th ic a'îîîrct .)iiiî f il. seller. 141tnibor% of Ibioycrcfrîce e îa. ciie and Fnrugerx ii i Ide well tii ttrlnoiccltwir cmur- - SM TRÂY£p 0.r TOLEN. lng hMnta ttis ndîîriigiculwi lie'o uitacbly rcvarded,--tcd anyr oin bwhtoeme. fi1im the amre mat ha fuanîi aitcr.-i- ilcicitucO Jll btusprofCettul av" iitg tu lav. JAMES itMITIL Lot No. 9, OVit cnii'L-iiiet. 10o ffice eit %mý1 Picker~ing Il Jan. 1564.u ul'Albita te promm% tesIbotht is»brilcerj h-it No. 9. lit tiuhetocimicin cfît lkter-, lrilgtcumnt,mg u> al tan, pr vecctr bri) lTce awner scttas ¶ el-ic u pcuerty, puy cianges. antitak li uaas-iyv u ic-- visa ha s 11 bq l idIi due coursntce -îaw te d.fray oxpunes. JAMEPS SU TIîJ. (Jcuaovaod 1'. . piaccnflctg Jan. I.15M4. LOST SHEzP! STRA Y KD or Ptclo» froiu Lot No. SI acu l 3 , Ol lte f4h Outtcç1miol of Wkitby, iicocîL t'ar.c vauago, tiv ageti ei, ceit ld r: 0ilièck pattcliurod theu oye. Atny pîsicit te- tcuing thenita thie ldroignic lît ttc litcc-nil- I rsvsrdetl iinaay ports ltitl wl,%eIru- pi-- n iauUcyvIillbprowa»Wtot aOrdili1to las'. SOLOMOX 80L11'T. '5-451. - Irtuklin &ttoa. AppreutTe Wanted w INTPiD-Au oauprautleo ta the Sadcllc andi i;arnema mnitilcg hudchiex. AppI! ta W. TIt>bW$UJN, i * Brook streut, W hteby. WFant»smuent fer thi-ce -tt-cî. Pinci. rmjspals nt =roti th. 8. il. (COCHRANE 14w. Bariitur, &L. r oucor o ntarjo, he<btteiui, nt h. Court oaU.l NOTICE.- T IIE Annueil Mctlng of tii» itorltlolderg of. cf Ui ludcor Rom-cioistipuiny, viti e licadat Xonday, lot of February next At 10 a'alock a. um., for té cectuet,<f WDirc- tors, &o. - RJT .PRY Whity, 2th sîîROB, 86. B. 1.8WT OhanerySale IN CHANCERY. BETWEEN Richmuoud Hylaud, AND ,- Plaittilfr -Robert Webb, Samutel Auihton, John Ashton, and Thoncag Sitaw, [by Billi anti John Ogilvie. Jatntcc Og.ýiie. honttis Ogilvîe, Tint Bank cof Mottreal, The City Banck, John Glati.1 stone, Thomnas «lltd-ett>iec Clé- tuant George ]lemmning., Vil., John Fitkiun, antdTh O1 ai Batik, [tride parties in tha Dafendaufis. T 0lieSol, l lýir.tiaim t tWDocrue ancd ]?FicitOtrd'ar 1r itacti, id lî) v ue Cout cclt[,'liiciceni-y fr Upir itiii iii li i lîisote, btriitdateiii-ice(.~Ialcclwicloi diuy lot Mucili, 1843, auîi tuth' -luîiu iiv of l)ocmber itttc ciii with h l ip11rcub uii cA tigt1-e- Di-tiue-l, EcI:Mtii, Mtst-ciill louit Iutuiilt C t i-lierac, cil MANARI)'S HOTEL, liq tue TO B1W OF BO W.I'MA1YVILLE, Lu the tiuoitf Duacinc, ly ID A V1D BI1S HO0Pi-Âucti'neer1 Thursday, Eleventh day of Febrary,- A. Il 1864, nt Twel'i ocec itoon, al ihlat viii(table pjrerty . t de b-TOWNSHIP 0F éARTWRiGHIT, lx Tac iCOux1Y tOF 1IRllAMf t'itiîighy adtiiwwenîîriit TWO IIUNDRED ACItFSl Moe or le"cc, banig ecmpoited ef lot stîtiber Eilit, ini lce Foutilh ccoiot-kci i thfci- at of îilîî cit'crtwrigtît. tin thceabou rcioliuiiy there !it a goîti cturiy. atîd-a liait Prame ilu ue, a gossd Frame fiar»a and ta'lter autlbuil dingo. Titereticre EbrIiv Aer-c, or tiîeru-vîutu, nirarly ûllcred anid ttî i i crv is i&!-o mer"in vtitiabit- icdt amîtîi in i tîart "i t4o i id t4ite l»-nr a Mill, nid inte i det cd aa excevllenct %tili-ii ntiir t.tuility. The c îidîtt 'îic ci t lei wii titithe eticn(ljccg g,itîi,tiouîecf suile cttîtitÀ iriciv itueticcr..îi te dmcof ut iecert oi f Ctcitrwiiili t fllo>- itt cepl. idvancaotini.... ci nteiy, teti l'Ur nt tire lti îfiii u t the 'tiur crcciitic i.' ariK the cci wtiili iî ieuiiaj tà t ctcllà er - tiittcwilit iucerc-t. Fitititr ntictutaat- i iiiiicrni.ttuon cati bc linic vuit ijplicctîiiut tticiLaow t)illc>nutiJ. limcitic'r tawccwc..ta icrio Bîîcucrcc twocl Street, Wiitby, Vcticlur'ac ic.-iciUc r tcc Rîtuci Ariitr, l:Iqccrc, 1krrcc, Bccwnitcu. %ille ofrcciîi èth u trcnhcttecornt hie i. euce tn 0ic iii ucst f1>ciltigtçtîi, aundi froatn teua dermigtîcid Master cetUcthCir. lDuteri tisTtiteentt day ut J atiacy, A. D. 186.1 GE.H.J)RTNELL, - Moter ti: Vlittit. J. 11AKEIIt G1tEFNWOODI, Vticifor',fici'tcr FOR THE DESI' & CHEAPEST GO TO - t: GERMIES DRUG S7ORE.- OAL Olt ANI? o0i ldtiarpthoui. Chlouneit, Globes, Shadas, Drushea!, JÂME2 H. (IERIUE. Wlîittîy, Jiî. Ui, 1864. 1 FARM TO RENT. CONTAININQ 10i) Are% 65 undev cultiva tien. Lot No. 35,t, 7:ic on. ofi W iiîy.- Ternisîîîcdercte. Pos.siou <icouli t Marci, 1 86t. For furthcr particlatrx a pI-ta the pro'prio- ter, (il by ltturpit periZi)on tice pretileas. THOS. HODGSON, 62. 4v. LutîsI. 7th Coi. af whitby STORE FOR SALE.- 9 E Acre ai Land, with Store anti lwlliug. aud tva JJwelinit Houxas, in the Villa c lbal,am, Towuulcip of Pickerîi<, iouty tiO"f Ontario, For particalara apph ta IRICHidOD YOUJNG, Or, Sifby ltter, ta thes pro rhto itimiDOD .S, * No. 8, OgaadL(Qtrett, Toronto. Dacambar, 10.8 PUL-TIiCNOTICE* klapEltomy ecelosure oncthe 15th liot, 'JA RED4BPEJTED B0381 ôe ,Saycar oit potM. The ovaur LaqqTed0"tu rep ro- 1Prty ltyechar, nd t&ke ber1%Z; atuer, wIn a u ods uleAcint NE1WA T W O OVER-COAT'S have lic - folirld2 t» rent o f thec otr.ty Giol 134u14ne by fChu uniermtgned, whioli, 0,0 ie wno4T% ei ?O b>c dentf ILsad Payl 'i~OltrW WISTA'R's >B AM 17 IALP A CENTURY, 4 ',V1th Ui theant astonii4t itiicassoem it iIng M-Coughn, Voldt, Roarsene.qs, 8ore, Throat, Influenza, Woopiug cough, Croup, tiver Cnmplilnot, Eroi clat1s, Dfinlty or Bïeath. ingi Athma, end aveny A1Irctlon of The Throat.Lungi and. Chat, Theoa i ,tnriw1 iiy ino lttfviii. ual in the aomntiitv wtt»whol- ly eccape, clîring a tangton, froin t omeoane. lîowever îlihtly dé- Valopei, or the aslivePmuptoma --wi»aaleet of whieli nigbt leati ot h* lîit i nilc, and Meut fît be crecled clteiiitnte iiota catalogue. The power of-fi 4"net4leiltiîîl pni" ôt the Witd OhefrtvTri-ocver tlcîlx el&îi cf eoniptcintcc lot velknown; cme grett i-c the gend it huit pertor)m-- cd, and i, gri-ct thîe popnlarlty it has nequic'od. III,-c)hi qcadclwt4#ia tf» ciitua i olte *Guy ie ate omnimec1 cijk wh it cîûcr fi-ire- di -utac<flik valve, 0.10i îcréirlil it.ecalue text .foki, and form4îc y krnwdy ichccu poto#r to orce, La ctai, te rdieacndt tic ui»rAdi*"e, t iitt in o OtcEPlmdicinfld tdisompaod. Vertificate rom L. J. flaclhe1 Èm.i oiflice Marva. MOaNTRIJAL, L.(1.,Oi.Cl5 S.. Fowle & Co., Iaco ~~~fitwreucit iroo tc îî' f Dr. Wîi-nrt ltnorwfid UCherrvr, aii ucc cuoecte cx prume th ri-ut confidl'iîc wtliîIihave iii Its eflcat. oPr ucuti oitiic 1 wpcc uocît crnlliy ûMidita. a u n srn irc aitili.ttoif, r1II, tie eofthpatiled w1tlisteePoliinthtie' siti Witilii cUdýti 1-mbue m, nuitnmrarndtWîitr. lit tiatoler thc stmptoým@ incretatcîalrmingiy, alla tic recjnocd WAs Idtiît I1euid wilktint a fe,ç cmte swltlti restinir tacreculer frocntitii e P4alDU tfadi., hiei seigtilirtt ie0rti'i tc ittijtiotI. At iffis t uneutrtu eni-i idt't t t ini th lkean, feinwt kit1 ýI'fccd inIccciiue reletieBsn t, hîw n tX141cr Icittitci I wacc 4i>Mycetly 1tmiil ta Iîeiciti. I iare a-;ià ,uc(l the M nacil My fimitly An 1titîl~ii isgti-iuiit tamy chldto i'n-th the lialîpicomt rexulti. 1 tan #urc tthi acbCauadicncs tutimetb ic itccn caSOt tii ielu lui <ave?. I81lm1a pepirat:oi w1liîeh hî et .tii tec icbc eoicltct5ed TeUr ohetileait ertritt sCono enCoue Uciicia igîeed 1. Buri, i Ui teWrxpper.rr .Préparait by Seth W. Pcwic d& Co, BoetoriJ tcnd f6r mnie by211ci rit gigl. Stîlà ii îtby b>' 1 I. IL. (eirie antd G. A. ltonic.tr. i52 INSIRANCE T HE utiîdercitteiilias been -iiiîtecIAgenit, in tis loealty for ttie feliîowliit fimct-eticasi IJuraetnaire(enpotiie,4. iii whiiu lie is prttparP4cc Z) ameii t rik-ftcelilfe acdtirinte- 77ue EdinbUrgh Life Auurasce Comp *y 17WIe Liverpool anid L«mdos. :77te Monreai Fire Ilswraace Compay. 171îe Pro,,indal 1Assurance Compansy. iO-ciitwra.Noîv. 18, 1863. ilO0US E 1TO0L1.4. H1OUSE, a gtervand,Usl Ing half an Ora f tifn.d, un - yrosi Street, uîarly opposite St. Andrews (;hurch. 1 . & J. CAIMELL. Whitby, De*. 0, l8u&.48 UA3.aMLN No. 4, Laiog' -il ilAi IT 4)E --O - - N --o E c& COS' F011 WINES Â - ND LIQITORS i Fîi OIdPo<wi:&S,-he r ry, Wilnes- at il J )the Iest brands, ini wood and bottie, and , the Laotst Pritues, eo to No. 4, Laing's Buildings. Wine and Spirit Merchant. 3110011 is sellirng the Chea pest Groceries iun Whitby. BIIOOM US selliu!g the Cheajrniqt Crockery in W---0-- B R 0()2 Whithy. A superior article of pure MalIt and OLD- RYIB W IJ*ISKEY." À Rèegarsupply_ of JIcEwai's e1hbrated, UlIAI IJAHIEN. RATS, BONNEtS AND ýMANTLES.' A large Stock of Readyà riiaý,Ie (-;otliiiig! Alat very LowYPrices foi' Caâli ti1y.. is selling the 4Cheapest fluuts l i InSlA I A ' is sdlling the Cheapest Clothing -a--o- "ýRO»l -is selling the cheapes t Dry Goods Brloorn sella for CJSH an(]i ore Price only. (Ilioîee assortinoflisk Furs&, Fresh ÇCaudipe AT Avîtcicliî4ý i a illyftte3tbîla icAls sud are ip d trc1s ta lbitdià Q a.-u ,~ The',m Piowl AND u4j)N VA PORi fIe. lýe, ýNlig MI hum$lAi bacc ecivedthi Fail & Winter Boots~ Jiiii', geil-iitcc4 ut- d 'r etriarilChcânp, F ORl largetock ofIIlarftat 1 s Ahip 1b tictut g'ieutl - rod*icecl r1* iacllfhel§Ubsarlihur. AifawguotLItio TÉUNKS ANI)h-AL Oftriflitw fer Catch. Âtcarutcst Lciv for Ca.-h.- ..K. GORDON§ REtP tv-Ely JBE ST GOt cm, C 'LeR'IST MASl t, TRY FJVNY ILAR, Âompete and amj BROOK STEZET,9 atlrepriceB than a.11 ton LD1 ES' log% w'.**i Tlrt diors No 0. FELI' ovisi the f )get th*. n )vx that WC uwth of secteld's aid stand,i 1T Z,1 Proprietor, - w Stcitiui:ciryS SUPI iuj Oh! i h -' i ~1. - '-w Juýt, vpcpived, the first ýsupply lof th-e seqsai, of the farofamed, Finoan Iladd'ies nt