Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1863, p. 4

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~o~ynWll a -e4pt t À âôer.> bo ~'Marrled t1bim Ynf1.ai4y 1k m tJ eflent; grant you an. but.$ t y ave no nonef refletini, for 1 love yin.,Tons *lihe are ni? Ordr;: to obey yen Is. my only deuire. 1 accupt thse 'Nover mind I' id se, rt'bling .wiih joiid blogbing deePtY. ' PAU ino the, roc., wburuin YOD were jut trOw vitinir. [mne ôOnsplete My toitl, ced i shall tebu etiyour serices. I 1 W mmmon Thse bMaeonées banded oyat tue Baron iythée dght.hand dccv, as ùh@ had banded out thée Marquis by thé lert > and thon mid ta buroif 4 1 shallhobupretly ,m'orraased if Mon.- si de 1uimgene! irbouÎà content te end bit dqys a% Ccurlae l",' Thereupon the> inz removed the acreen »A dreprPered. îy mîeppa quietly Io the round -jiron hau % 1lseed the oranges, AAh r sxclsimnd th,- Marebienesu,' lx*euive. Sire, Sat you foresee the diffiuhy tuat la aboutta ti pnr w, and cgoLedit xçeordiagilyt'O the mange a, in order te sel. As hibit oe Pp1y!, LouiXV'. tonu a erili T'OClet. made an incision into Oiue rind cf Ïbe arangt- peele>3 it off very neesly, divid. @d tise fruit lnto wn pterq, sud cffered cite ta tise utonished Mareh*gonesa. 9 But. Rire, shatIate )oc doing ?, #u ler sacer eqquiry. 4.TYt ope thîs 1 amn eatiîîc the orange, 'But' T t wso cfr no mantier of use to us., 'YOD h ie eLîtee hpit?, I nue v, Nemîs4eur d& M'.n- nova lIove-q lIer iîhen Msneur dt- 'Thyï s t i té e crtauin yet ; >let 0' îLnool," id the irzpniritinzIto cliii' 'Vêt , vis.o Peemlw4hý«note fracsMur.- p~l.9 td'Ilttt semo.$ Thé wwldow.opened tise note, snd read j 'Iodaue, 1 love yen.. iV" M ty Vltneem; and t0 cigeyou ssp Uthet iMost orcel o! saetilices But 1 arn e gentlenman A gentleman is'lonzs tao'the Ki'ç 'My l ba u lond are bis. 1 cann( withouî igdflt of my loyaly, abandon hie service 'Et cetera,'. ciimpd in the King, ' as hl. oeevedb% te Abbe tFleurv, mv 'nr.Marchioîîèe, Ccidi in Mondieur 4f 5voa0nieur de TVensevai entered, andi vas' t4.5<i, iroubflo1 6 ee thse ling le the vi - 68'&oor.laî i any '* ýIc 'de Beengency esas deeply ine ý'wtb th'. * Marolspot; 'but W de And yà"i týôre a ne 'buter- bwlyu love ue, mnce YOD W"0 oiilY, enter Mey SerViC4' for ber suide. Th xs qtu e ta belle e tht yoo weuld he but ià,lnkewerm public s r an>, ond that Moen. teur de Beaugency will malte an excellent nobiMador. fle wiIl tirt for Berlin to.evenisîg ;yeu shail m4rry the Mrchio- nemi. 1wiII bu ip,"ent et the cere. 'Mrclint is4,rssered Louis XV. in theer cf li god.dau2hiAr, ,(rain love il thut whisidîdori flot shrinlk tram a sacrifi. And the KinTg peeleu le th scond Crengie mand ste ht. es he îlacutd ihebond of tht' ',idow in tiit tof tlie Bak'ou. Thon ho addrd , 4 1 h1ove lee Cve ln'x- tibrêe PrMosan x 'Imppy i-të Mokî(hlni'is.whTîse ilidpeiglitf 1 have relleved ;the' lîrun. os hahmr q ry acd lîtlsieuur de hBeaugrency, wolT Art-m- Ilttmiot t4i N'%o. T Feler Sîitentu"s Tht' Africrîs tn bu Our Brother. Slovi-il hily toup. Ctutlult t> gentlemen uend se tt tuitî rd kscolus II < $0 50c'n<d for arettyoiîuit etti.- Ir i Al bu' m injee~edta gume tlTu-~I ul.' l>'uifi upqlÇ -Butthe' Atiicasi ii i.rimt-t', and wlifo and uuti- I. o onir broltons (Sti futeti vft- e il'f, i B lm't air guiti Fpe.îtîeî sidi, L ýNrit g fathor, aed our nuvt inutise ctuusi i S(i iii -oSly, asmd ypit uines.- psi . e ' tut ua u *inksot. ' lis uti'.lis 'a,*' C.l1tis Msmeu lil ut bi 5-liTl u-Wlit ut .svrylssîdç,lhui s'u't i'îAhicai I gaintr tau do i' < i>55I I ?7 l'--e ausiil'i.l uiooim once- __P*rgîspsbe sit o ls bli'te uler ic F'esIe vas crt'atu' rt'mie, t.f- spur' p,r 4liii. tht-e '&sa.Is ssfd Nsw'se Ei..u.ud ruîn. ýýbutu >g tfsei.ii'1rl iin sct i Ai 5b17 rafIeh-sutif' iuI I 'eitsb iii Mý l. soqewbe ueily hy hnseJsliere e it out anid erat'ufyhi4 ) i tI1iuuîl ;,ý î vii'tsteîu-s-.t ing Wy'iilitthvt!uStl'tilfûts sup,'boutt inw- P~eie1M 4t"l )down tol0 bard oni Cufty. ilu sow Cburc-byusd, 'Newptnt, Moe tnouthehine, Maly be sesuuî he >(cil uwing: 4-S>sevd in 1tht-"'mory o!-Sarah ulao, -wbo died 2Ot utuua 121 og'Fd 4 434 yeaix1 s a e.nd, ' .m sntlts 6 <esy a,,w .4eed vife; Ana thm 1 het oMy life."3 Titi LàT&g!T oi." The latest 1mode cft sblopllh#nz io.Rsid to bu for an elejrcntly- 6ý o*pbtioboet, and ssskfo~r @,parler. Blushing sbopw$sim offer 'Mdà~iling thet thaiiks. 5as~f11s v!~s4~fteiew VILLAGPE fVnO0Â) TOA hi eilhthe %oran âceacitLand, nlt4} aegeOu Good Roiýnj Stables & Skhede, ýïà sve.fali r fator. A OFd builteau au eil iedonn, tic Vrossruaotn tmitnois 1505v teceuntra, of tdie fliii 1iiiîTç)4î4fwnohli c Brock. Terme Eeemv. VorftrllutNr paTl0tuia's i atelaîr.1j> l1M, Vromo,îc. Ot.WILLIAM OIaTVg NEW LEATIIER and w,311lis, ecqsith Leal ber Mfachii4 Slk Mleli It *l!111 t s tr All l Ci be w Toerontis. o, e r. I1J40. TE XIGHTY Ri WORLD >RNOÇT.>; WOl (BRYA.N, AUnNiý, -OSHAWA 11F.Pubav Firm ors e L(cevine a loi-enlot tif vrerce t,, tlsiii Nerîlîcrls elinssitr lun ise ec tTe>, >îîîsl l ecaise biset A.&(VoTc. Rtove iseeed lin i pui.p, as i'ptitui'îi i ilsîrer (>ntli. Inutesd ing pusr. préerseuri, gît e >jlied t >pc'r SliTu uir>- 'ter Isoiir' ainthse Cccaty, ~Mr. Brown'a Old Stand, 5sVill' e T5TT t ierStissi l)iliîrtisuolit ;n iklv,)r. 'l'le T;l, acu i lisst-i ul. iie 11>5.13e e4 . Sela 1ý1d CeTs' ui. "TiftiTf'si i'iîv iTivirae ci ae-lse' 55 i5 h ii i t i t . rT 1' lisi'T'- DI]l;è . v] sîj~ .*~. iitsT 4'*rc ( tTifui T 's te J i"irui'ctc e' i q'T ts st le 'mtT', 1 D. sica r-e-bris 1lelri.e'i .'s.It T'.1eir %il 'efete v "sessar" sI I Ilr ~ I ~ I >1' ii ITIsT t n 4 Tsi I t'siti> Tiw'r-a il forthoibr lîçiisa geiiiice. T" tlsîîee ,wusTs ve'Tt ' h i 5T.1 bu>iqr l ' if ive 'c i i us tse lo ' s Ii ol 1 . 5' L. 'if . eT TT"i'~ i T Lit'A N s-i'" s îlleete rusci4eT ii lrrsi'l1 sieecial P,; 'I ~ -~ I~h T 'I W1u~ rUTIL Bmnl Thoir collection af îMuloloîisý erIed.an oxcento d;beltest1 8num sfqmJîJoùah1u MANUFACTURER'0F; AL'J àibS 0' ' ÈO '7 ~ ~ JOHN 1). MoTREE, Augntt31 1888. Thkô (1Cébiated Ge*ffMai Oi TIRES ent%, brinies, frasi biteit, runicng Tle reqidy4m"'nfkllibWe.or relle.vinahese Oflers foi sale a very large and excellçnnas sertment cf inialesnffé ieg1-nsan SOFAS. BUllEAIJS, LOUNG ES, BEDSTE-ADS' 0pw oôfthumnnd.o im*0 ff~ i < h aoottÀsvh1nýtslermVoirdy. the iellOw. Tables, W'ardrobos, Chostsocf-Drawers, Looking Olaseses, Bock Casesq, Mattraffles, PArý «,îIbare usod pruc ilt thpt ~7és'3ud 1cr and 1)rawing Rceem Chairs, Rocking hisOfceChairs, Càne-àeetO ; arnstimeflodibut I ' u~ ~ rheaSun1t Chairs, Toile> Tables, Tcwel Starsdc, &c.,&..i.gea a iet, nUe iî, n l'uied fasbto mail Or eIL omoyh -greatly roduced priees. Wcarranîdd te beo made. of the beit oelygienappild aras rbm t materiai and workrnan-hip. IToci.espnectiully invites ... . .. - 'I - Svery article is martufacttsred under isis owi suprintendence,anjl can be dependcd tuppp UPHOLSTERY IN AiLITSBRA NCIES' Col]aand compare, anii be satisficd beicre you go eleheeo? FUNERAILS FULLY SUPPLIED.' And everything in tise Undertftking line tb bu iuci)o tIe shorteet notide. Coffine kept îroîseînlv cri band. %VARE ROOMS, No. .1, Brock Street, and No. 2. Coiborne Street, %Whitby, C. W. Wlitby, JTly 8, 189.3. \Vill find excellent anid convénie nt acé Witilun a Few Y,,<ards of the Pubim Hall. 20 Privat.i'Parlors fl1OUSE ù t ET. ti,-fimliai: - iii- Si" - t's - i dn S' ,l tir W il'si . e ILOWAYIS OINTZt,«!t 'Vs esiI" lt .isstt Ëii iths00 iscouiJme ir. 's"' 'Ne" s-tTi' .s"rriilee i as, t.uue Ile'lsti.trîa tL¶, st. sil Ci i 44eatris- e caNl'iis 1'1u0 fo in eseîe.l' o pt ii lerr îîed ,iti i vrti' tts I! TJ>sg ' E .RY M1 V CL % 4 & S %L' HRE1U M Al ee t ttc ,mr<t eîeseoiu 110 I. i'Tclsdiatodqris reltbi ion thit> r"n'iet. telta eth le (biumenut tM a) eradticalls tîr Tusni mIiilthlei I>ullelur s Bsd L"sg, 010 Nàroes <ted UeerS (Citsee i "rareis silit - ýthti' bais. perulnisouu>f rin4-d ,in vid i nii isu>Cs'isem,Sde ssuîirî.rnl tae, taivorfut oati.l e - BRItPtiOtNg ON TIRE II Arl,#mcfeîeste id 5tl- itih e oii-iitr iretu ,l d fp ersd an¶.mdPt, risrn'bd IrIuetisefln. et gsiTu.d (C ii sithe T 'ni, ,Tj 'I ileiiill(iq it 'uten ouuryte*.een ais'f iîe tu tt isd ouirstalai ongiist il- 'Twrlso iiîpel rat uit s'il1 îhr iA oeyilgitecf uhe n44 - frtudd rrtlbmfth *e lisale>e se hdat iecis> evrnetl 1irateiandie lienue rtiinu lient wiu'eCfi i>ets' itijoitu aie . is Le ttsed in thefolile fnCà, Bonnuu, tlnousn sore flautdý ali 5s1mtîsn. l'ra * Sin, lkDi seecie >1dilts'14i, sfti' o 0 h li1 'f A hi riirr 'teiissCsii emtictis irTss"sitlbe àosîis a t he' M ai ller l i> Be nttis>,'e tge-, ise,' Nîin5 uid l'e' ai;t eeelitu1211 restes63 reit* sie g$1 esel ~'uessl st5>sstilt .uCT'ITCg Te ta.ig uCthesw * .il.-ir'tiels enfu it' Citi is lida cf or luleitir. rvis5digmf reeiss itit>dts tet'1 >'. ZYIO0ALSAMUM, R.antorinc, Invlgoratinc. Desif7- lug, md Dromaing thle Hais, Reederbagtg hfou aasi el dittyund aie iapestug tremmiin lt ay iesiuediTuition *. qutieily ein; Wb i<'5I, mrestng t athN4ani >uparting a bsaitblr tut mur celer te tc ib. - t NEYVER FAILS te reçtere GRAYT 1111R te ftia rigiaYouithful Color. IT 18 NOT A DYn . But meta dtrectty upon Ii Ilso n fth et ts 1.; <(rAm -hr hthe ,. mlural norigesîtnt t rwp=ee prodTieTig t i mee itolity aied<uz- o1rititsaqllty a- in youusi. 11mw. M TRAO ., tuf Ilew inI. <oa leuÀbriyol My age la a>asy. Cao yeae ao iy iiy ustas eVary >Par. and rattute. t1etst I Mm S. A. Ailen'i!Wortut" liait ltstottrer acordIelg te uiluSctlont asoienov rMy îîstr Iu nessuirte l teDamtermi celer, milandbucoud 'lime ZylIluwm s l'btavepsfiieti ste-bit Md Maost gesmtls tilr.cretelcg ilubaee>er etu&* POU LADZIS ANI> CIIILDRR9N Whoum Nair umquires' *ent ' duma5(e, thes Zyolo n hu la nu quai.. I No lady,& toflet lu complets e t Ifs lis 'p Y q "s i.- Ci" 'e. TiVi.i~~se CUÀGESNO IIGIE THIAN THfl OTHIER'IIOT.-S-LS IN WHITBY. îcOLLAR&TRUV I JACO-B B.RYAN-.,, PuîoEH Ou 'ro, T ejj,j ij5(< UluIvA'îlci A4srseo- - ~ IBI AS RLEMOVED TO FORD'S OLI) STAND, ~ -10 îsstht4vull Iioi s> eiu [AS lssîiand ut contantly îîs îîîii. uttre lizî1Hîzge~ ~ .>ai.'lijijssrt.~uus. Il & ., o ft el ' Iatest îsy le, vmiii0eu ý 1 pae.I us.trn , fi-om uithebes i i suatem - CAPITAL £loo,000. as aîd loha wtknn at îieet, iyic is ît-ltn e buinittto iswrft- lt'esraesonetodcesB>elshstg ~ ~l!a short> of public Patroîtage. 9cb il eltfcf)d secheau11,114rs*atesu Olt.Il'an J.pluriniieik> l'or the S$ap-rv ?re.- - -~t-~i" ___________ Labour-Savtng '4nvention, It lites& 1 ýtes fnlbwcwu'si'at'gsa- ki isSu tif T'tt.er-g'lti il-a. ,sîl.Beî. 'e., c4il bcu T5Nel T bi 'iifintîti".ut Itis ý!)lis. I p-;ici îi, fi eu ie i circitie ut thîe aou' car-y uelit-'isop tistersl. i l.) m5aSlI rcoin- THE HOOP IS, STRONGER, A idsîssisa<is tîlk ruorIrtifv>tr jw.rlo îles t tha wvtît<lptsîn'rm 4itayp ltl--Op ONE-N tes s da' Ir p Ci Ut. Il ho Isr;ctuscs",ulite # 0F eeter. es'ieid e. îîtth-'sers. CMAsit 3tu n viii mtis- fv siiy prace riiMans. Atl.,tee lr>lri(,tnr utuil petten ea, A Hoe )NI L FIB5I~ À J 'i GJLLE8PW., I J'~ih[i~ w- amt ftrlt, hélt etaun lihtie f lic hlgte 'f thtu Tcvîe s atid<,ertmu4uixs eoîuîre, lu lîteertedOnlci(Jl5 Ïl~r Vnleiiiiuues ,11 fillecor ssttrtateti i tuhe hemî pceiqt')ie r.RD ()NEY '11-0LEN 1)- dise réisa $2.11) ho 20<«,fo ,,ori nm oi F.itsiTiC tvortyrç . nisi-tlisl FisrunA oî>îl Wild tLTslide h ettîild Dîcîrit-taý. Allirehiie ' î isd (iulbrne i tteete> 3iojtoý '31,%V.88 IJOCTOR DAVIS. coutinntie tc trett Syphilis nend other Ds- ea8es of a privaus Nature, Mihî flu é~e, cerner fBy aa'l Adetit.fdsStse, fep 5~r ,Pniirsu,saon .-délaiCli- . Ifohut kVulJ Yonrs I(<t 1 tise trentlmehFr f (ho rrifti i fonrme of ilueVetreai dittenseo, aed fr' iipe- etloa res of heeliIîur. t'W'tort st tuu.are eîlsudl eoiiiîusrativîalvehicrt tiTt(I"a . Iy ered Iby hie iifdibl sîehet yoit>zlitaIsn VhhasefihleTs V'lillig file 4dresndell affecte otif Quucchm or Sl -A rîeÇ ci ieetveliueucîite relief'. hy uletvîe< tn Dr. meiee mtt'O 11s%, ptuse;t r'the l hbitrle on cèipt uofit roseoltîte fée. I>ermsuVMi1Iztn tis45c<saslt tlise foctoî stusti u1oýs so itis tlue aeti 5s3utsam iite s taceir '%0 afrslîged tisa it aie sîcpeussIblofor P'ttieettv "e401 osul tiser. ouuîcse hi-'conseint, Advico fro *lîen a>tstied at tlse'ofHlese Ill. DavIisM. 1). o~o<JW -ficd Cetutauts a posi ttipi sseiwreeeîei Picering,-Feb.'11861.' "In jtî 1sttièe ta ;ro, onctgeue dety 1t0o'We tise publie, , I d!.ilc;l ih.t rcr~mnyn c0elehrotod; Goriu i 1., My bille RlIgot me- vertly seeldod so mtue go te,tutber uetibverv wahOe ohftelM b't b ietIsnc 'application e YO Ur 011 she b 7nov eompb>tslyoered. - 1MATTIIPW SWÂLLO'v%;Jrs DEAIt sin.-In .lumtic tovott, anctitise publ, yoîtr oetratecd Germau Cul, four tise cure al ses rece romtbItos, s&e., l iqeuly elci- cluewlether usppliouito nien or boeoLw T cisc to the puli e, 1 tluik ih rizcisi ýo ecom- itsiîîil vnt colebratàd GCrnn 011O, l'or the erô Pickering, Fobrnaly, 1862. - "1 suffci'ed trous a had ràtinng sure for twt, yeure wit1'ôtt intoinfiosion. 1 wnii ndneod tw try your aolobrïed ofi,.atud arn no*v doniplot> 1>' ered." JAMirS yJ'TËGig3t3)i Onie cf iliets rsiidal m3tn in the Conîît3y ho knowuî. It i nst prove a Wbielhg i9 man-' 4414î. ,T1have ti;cd it ln the ciire of dtttâ,'brüî: ifefrcttbitte., anid alec on soretbtMtorxg st4'llnz .itl l>'nover fiiJd tfeffedt a cuie."1 liodt. aTi Pee ancd at thse prInz cip-d pie. t n huutshi t' proviv'e. , N >~Vclnceof these renowrt! Per'indi4 Tnix EOuo Revîiw (Whig) Tt 'ý\cwRTn'RM BRZHRVîaW (ÈrëdfitfCh) TuF IVeSTËtiçmit E Rvizwttts' ;i lB.ÀVXWOOos EDITI4BURGU AAZN1I~ Prices ,sot tIoM il ýreaeedI Postage ta, be r4seucd i The prce t' 4 bis s retofore, vi1 : PER A]NU M. For ucfy Omie oftliefourjR .iewA . ..... 8à0(1 [o'ra Yuivtwo ofieofor 00e .. c ,tFr clv. te oftun f'ouîr Rtvje*,m-. .. o7 Vol- filick-%ood'i 8tigiziiie. .. .48(ld Fer li'n',livmocd 'uni two lRo.e v»2.7 For lhboksVcd d n hrhê Revlows..., geO yT fi,> lU> I;Wo cd athtie four U iw.. O- ,i'oestaiCefer1htlwhoteile five Periodiiele oni *flsty-six eantm a ys>ar> -. TI FIIE S E W 1 N( *AIN, BROWN ~griuult i i BJUItK, dGRIiftJL?'vi ~ifr~vg~ Cambisaed. i i TvÃ"'-I*4rpgv s' J - o j' - - -om-Ir M M. JUS APLXS & Co.ý

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