Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1863, p. 2

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nadad the ~ ,bonr to elhgd8! e.8f, iged and obedintgervraat, THOS. D'hUOXNMcQE. serley corresoin*dOe. - fro oeMpondeit of the ldo at t Aherly, o.ks. e Ckroide reported, the <air ,ÂdvocaýtelJ vil! Ife lie Bo good port this léer alo6r', ouuld 'ha vary glad to oblige Vr. ~ut canflot oawhy we ohould ?ith hti requlest fW r tha reasoti éluë e O/ride' riethe âserdthe Advoco-tes report te these colorons, believing it t'rate. But on tha very day of ationi ve recvired adirect ae- E~n a corre4pondeui, wlàh upon ton, in n uctltoi outaa te fthe prize lit, which ticat takea Aduoae did flot : contiquetll Jshiuugthe latter, vo gave h s a ýk4îh.t the former, reproduced fem 'Ùox4le. i ir icompete ud ini. lis v;uuld- be a suffl.uie.ut reason for ti i u insert M r. tlyr ns o letter to ~1Oaein theme coluainm. But eveuu exisi he> cunteflhi of thtt are ;altugether sou fureigux ute the ~et of ýtlue-Mare A4rieultural Show ,fe sljUA viclude ih froui theuue 4 >Xî ihat gruasid inere there aw.ue va reaivlz ie qfil. ' ke .i, 'le'. " s4 tyi oc ' ru yi' £.uU a u wt.t L i rc .'t ~r r git Ili'Jt C,uis 'y d'if" t lir', ni-0t steth~nae wit oi,lt ('usatic 'int Id isu t ur ..Ld t.e u a.ld iillut r'. 'g le w.reda ,. th COait' ciuiic I.. alunt'.,Csr wou e'd lilo t" f.pj Vewu. rc tti tuua i,mî,ironq Aigltt, Ât tb'C t'î ' " , l~e T tn'J.e l uet $lu .5. 5B.4.tillc "'10 'r îelnp riteid r'auwe1atscew ' ' 1 1"__.- _ -- v-,'-- ' titsber ie ri Il ba aliheru" #ci vora, or out 0'. repair,aSt the iulielw iasedtt4ô naclgct it Tcer ves tcctahaufpltcla~ u taiea no tu Copau>'." tepau o". Cv' t t he constant relteratlucu cf clu once vricitât gdr:at.nerr Ctàeni>'.as thetiucQ Pe. ev < unav 011111 (ai e sgç t h ,usod some e o ha& Tien&b wetuu e'peoftheciput.f ue il 4 eh.deuit>y ae tatai1' ld;gobliae bc ists, h. ae of htus.i idsttS e .in dvr i. Abuter 5ii le0i7 ,j gl* cua1 i:*Rdpampeur sle t oi'ouchersmett esuufit w esnc i. t ,s E Cout. ubte W peeil' a sta not vtr i thn tnsde er Pss'ni bterten a ut ls atrativ eins f, ue o cuitie o lih i vo lit. ' h i uk uhu heam in 4e l es-y c <rae n'4ttccasio tuse re * ot cih ai irnc i hemdtssi." on1 vcer uanes a u4cs5i ie g " p màithat thaeulitchiait injuni bvisea cacaa must attractive iaf neneu au ôàr Îatigr- atenet esu n~utl' eplst.- i o r oindjtediu r s, ÇeesdusuI i Oovtevary- -dcathe mcd a teBd tintis re ulfa wastle ut ne t td n de tasttedu ofa wa 1mi, n , td ansid 1 tau1ninee *lU acef ofC om nI >ay bQeteest ct hî pixpemcut'nus cersexpadai V li reair lént. tie' d i ntgrt Iovsî c. bé' of ueameetW 'Làjgt icuTic.Am ,tincuhot al he pnnueani ptinr;men~4~eqd*o-e cat pcvi ern a a ica scdnI l,* le brn vrtn" ic ti r e tut oin, a ta en putteti to eutfe . c .C t isn -,teuW twih5 a . s .~ 1 h ' B i li l s su le e u e nItt'a t me'~n c stan'sciu her oadeîgi, ".k " a "tubeif avh dc' met4> e, Cs W catO - ' p'ia, cp iodb,Wevgoe,a Mt but jeais k -anac the ia u tto'ut of 'iî' Atli 'i'.aVi !Y!, 'î.i..< tuii i s TePrvme pes a fund *rng ethithé autiU bmonain>' Âtu ie m it it s 'bi ef,*1t"tým7 r etsuali boltrou, s p'amm l ue gisveh nutei'-'- r imeres m M t d n .aor d an, l op- .enstecc. oi sri:> ttibuti> nahSt h ou cietutlà Loo cpte - hi*ýý4ifat' açu"lS> ,ui OYI of tW tb,« F'tat O g.ure 'ei ' -a'd day l INI 4Ith«th#la > tuunm'mtiinthcure. htv eecîhtift ve.<émet <U Wiis*I anLorsag. o mos. dehu' Qent u ,' iand swdt ic iodt a s evn wr~spsçi' ' ab cd an netti aid e tic - exus$eei 16iiilât goo- m tueif 34l'800 >'i4 wur I Cauuin>'icd d peoplerai' onIhnv '- ndap ithe ea, rthr - anlA»? i I 'bu la t M p in a t.i<C M , igC uclp e .éý haed itoa w m-ýeif biorgtettu- ' Y fOrlet ,w Offl ~e <p h ln b.6e0ry ' - . . - la proesant Mn. Per*b abad tt e tutt oud h aheteal otos io there.wi'.f ac '~s, thae s aethtts c4'y tA > -i'. ucimunt hâiti i' beibn îe - ' ~ t'.t ' 'su tetidunn,,I~ aI umti ', h' orWerlblen4ed'L.i , s_ e tee mut id~iua1liy ~fr ivfariner l trhe preset Whhlin eng..g5 i>nansl 'ee a vd*rusé! v ~ i P air constitution biet'.Jaitdut%àétibw"a <aetiemntýi hajer.bt idsO#sthet~ d1~ ' C ompany r'pané he t a,*ýaDw pidh. éeiru.ie lýt tics s tL. ut se Gc~ O mde bu'4uiJ icovpl naur uGsts>'SriZ**1%ii atg, ~cj tv L îac IYiO c tcthe î.rt 4i0n r for Oc cuobvi' l e o f the 'ablitt and at itereâiing nuinheruof, thm torey ale1 Jodical thmt <e buv rtais ~d <oia heag à. The articles are: Thut Frsthb nqci.uL of Mexico"tî'.wvich the ravie. iit .,iêforce, endesroru 'W hen is R@iohÇ' .George Eioe d1.u rans' ýnovai. iriacle*" -.-an article of R t-interaLOt.ervinus Obtc èàapare", I Th e re uil c9f v ienne, i t spe ial va. sC*ee o PO'lrittd 1 t i â lt' ýf iu sot", *Tc. citical 'charaoier' --il Victor Meiys Tubuigen sç3oOV'* ot c w V t q - o f 1 4 ' M s t-lè 1 r y s ud cocndiion e0 mO4h uso x opbhy, Patts goology, Tavels, i&16-' , B io g r ep it>, * c c & B oles l tte ri aO um -, u'tc cubo. ' wcÂuaLVATats iciÂo'-Th ADDRE~S OP TIIE ST. epXitcts SOOTETY. M9, l4GEZ WO1-. ni DJMNS THË FINIAN BIL0- se THEaaOOD. lq The eutliasiastic recapt;ion 'ýginen Mr. a fcleein Pecerboro', there hp lectured on Thursda> leut on1 "The Futur~et fCalna. d', 'ca perféct Ovation. Tbertincwa neyer befocoin e'n, so large an atteund. i nCe' , t a lecture delivereul in that tccvi. t During ici dlien>' the lecturrurepeat- la edl>' cli.ored, ta thea echo, andast ils con. j clusien a vote tcf thank@, moved b>' Hoa. ni Sidney Smaith1, secocuded hl Captaun Ft"ser, tf wau unaniuousy passed it. eut day, it va lera frein the Pterbene' -Reviss, iub'et 1 . St. Pâtuck's Society' of chat tova Prissenut.si ad Bin. ?cGes withb-aver>' cciapliuientany' p address ; in the course cf bis rapît' to wbich, Mr. !dcQeaedte!the folloi ig, laaguage, la cocideeafms c f secret Apart. bovieven' froua ail penson ai fu'.l' ing, let me suit,, us. yuuuhave tom'ue te me in tl the characcer ef cUluncrYlne., bouad hy a q double bond, (botb by aomi.in ,arud b>' eur1 adoption cf the sae aiomintry.) I teed ti ougbutetacake this occasion te speak te t yon, on e meut important pub~iac uhj.iut.' q Scieicm like yours, moral, legal, and é aboeebard -wbich che luti autherize% sud meligia blesses;,are a aucessar>', andi ahi-n neil cciîsi'ued, a powerfal expression, c of Sour ioucidl nigbto anduldulies, te each 1 ethcn, and te -Canada. 1 sincerel>' hope t -that 9 nch laintul siîcie»ties me>' sueceed lanîdà s;pread amî'.agst ua, amui that curer>' man uin I>ecerboro" 'Townu or CoDuat>, eligible as t.1 meuaber, cuit> become une tithout duls>'y.j But gentlemen, 1 liane beard, of talc, thuti there il; auuctbnr description cf isol iey,, secret, &,udih il eleedJ, sediliinla $ u nuturu,-atucnjuued to e aiitrs-ducmd ameni .our cotutryctnn bhis-th seutled in cetain u uOt ur fuonltier te vs Aut.i citles. Agi;at sucb a soer su>'oscht, 1 taes this occasion te tarie1 (net peut--tonrIkucot yen veauld abbon Il, sdu)dc-.but taCernt. those mue. et an>' puiilt or platice. mnhhlin tbis Proviunce, are euiuîed Ie their edacuior.s. lus epeci- eus ubject, 1 sue told, ilu 'to prnmnite nion ameng Inrishaiten." Butt hei cias sucb a secret usecittl>'proinoce ouch an uluiciuu, ahen il iâ stesIohave moeuof lis ighiaeqt il, thatu fer il, let it eciligt euer sn maay dopes ? It can n cl>'dinide. uiîd teasken uî, acddtivî'-uioven, an eas, prel, taur socia.lndulpu.litica. opp"(.uuau, fer,t suipposeu, like aaiiliter laa, ne muiui have such oppeiltu4. Sututa a a< trutuîuy lu,, tharefone, self, auiu'mvi, bhl Its ut dfel&ration ; but ii la unenenver expresl> conde.nned by.the veineeofthiat church, which ahi Cathelec trisaivur betieve te bé, in "matuers of tailhsb i raantI " IktE 1 repruit I sue qaice sure that the secret accisu>' te wliicb f rater huas Malule cie yet no progreswhi.teneir,,amonut cur <îustry- aiea in Canada. But unisssniser nd; the tiunes un this centinent, are fuill f' Pl oie aud cinspinaCies, aç well as tare ýandi intentions utofvan. A wrailig voice lus already îisnùed' on titis suibjpet frein the bigbest eecliuiaatical' authi rit>' in the dioes la 4hich 1 resiàe ;ud a ctgn A N 'Centlsuenas aymo.drui ta. - - tu ail - I ~ b thé ~ditor i~J Lite- ~V~utby ~ regitt aras obs~ruotioa $. auy, perJon, lion. Mr. 3~cGea lu situations tain do uay thentuazia denctinn a t thte hast intiesati cf, a gecalt dea ch. Triuhc ici Caa'îda. No'meus sahl lns uof"yan>' u ti evn,'r ca>'. chot a'an the ii1easuc etunauuuucr tuî cfa es d'anger mausd'ca hsus. u.uit D*Arcy Mt0e suesi>'eld S~is p5ace, tonfu iuoiatcou aay p»enoeiîpl uosdr ie, hxee. eteniiter.m !4Y opî'nion as to a qchtctits is uhis ; an. guveut to ti qpQnaiýe Caùr law1, tul, piutie, aît I.pubtici Wtîls nse t6o'eèie, riehbothbhieba6inâ- 4 lhedu. -he frat'i vina liw enactioln. tut anoaitious, u.vld! thtimt t 4ey kI 'thce jaitu ot heil,'1 tihe cmtbote d cat'idcatùsl st whese threshold yocc must'Iydla ve> as *t1ieu aly h preneguttive, aud eeëîY uban .i>'rps. paliers subi ponsibility, ti>oh.>' atribunal. ititiug Iluthbe boared -danknoaïs, tse deCeads are 'depâ of- dark tnubîfde o tiau ; aMd .t w io sa îid tu âit lue Ul il*ps o" e, t h q ffcl gin, reptignant ulike te the laVs ' uiaii wi h'O -tui 'You wil ,mrdflh, ue for chie tone of. sthit ai1 axhulrtatloni; if 'I r1 ip',Ilfti f man 'chatquetîcotti; yoticuty,Jl could'6no ~4!the the' litand, clrcten.tuoeginssd in the faceu< hithe cleauly'l statemeatu vhicb bave -latel>'ap1.ared ,in p'licuuclne CaWeian, and qther jC"Wnefas. n'her que.t 0 - acquîreýrIeu AXuvz.1t'tu4SPeIazvow07.s 791C u t>'of O (>tài W. clip the tolîewing niBihp~ gr.,i the-, ~PW edn ;- _j '. lu , ýsQrcwul' nvt. ma - ,idran e o r "MIi EDrTds.-TOir c-orrespondent Ve- acore psrteud ta.u feiwt hia eif&s~rdinîr the a n' d<tieri uuo lien îhil1i gines to oneocf hie Ow fi inihe B. P. cariai.. Ëoià onder-a U ha thlinkas e 7l. , are not pbroff 3nWed sud' unprejutliced person woqld are usafaît 11tf. É asathat the count>' Board of . I pâlie Instruction "blge6 1e 'y id4 'it ttthey lhave tamfel IoètIbm ohébc ýurried along at a rate ,"1udA as manlf heae? before, urfed t1&roug l lutafler ,P. 8.-t ist of que8tiôw ,an~d'entirde foy ngndat et fo 'C; t tiiose uitl& wtiM1& Ie s.U d adua aoe p o iteil as .-h.. courseW' mNo [ould'1- dO read ca uiit ask. Ventas to. tate Pver bis own Caution Pdbl aine bow-t te>' are irnied'? «Ttils true Journal ofl t that the tliaàiifor esàc6' set ùt qesetions5 is -tares 1U. C.1 pecëifled, uànd %hat towards- thae expiry et that time they ara sonéiernnutified of iii Mipsq, sud, thon the timo his ezpired, ' Asu sone exortion lu made to sop those vWhO perslot aftu'r the others hâve cecued - but tbey are navet barried -they ucaytlle thé M1L'EDIoi1o rhoietioee to oaa quvtlon, Or wo0 or an>' nutucer -tbose wbo are uncittoiS of.the branc b can finish the lost; fo lé op :,th uir thein.tg p e ro m s ue d ti tle th e n ith ia th é tt 9le . j d i3 c a s M Beoides Raing rW riting and SpelLinjr,, vdid, MaC n lier, are in the !arigqs' .papS >1 ubbut 120 1nnot'a questions for the tio days. 1<0v I ish -vulisi V 't r ites s to p o iu t o u t o o a e t i! e s e ,,q u e e - SU y o n k 0 83ti tion., 66 tirely forei'.çuto %:b"e wiuh îîore bot i eh h b e sh ou d "b e r lq uire d . 10 b . a - a l îo ,â' b u tg il qusiiiitd't as' a teacher of et.> comnion Tho poor 'ls-1 hl1 quest ionse 'are not ail individually th s a t uil lalca', frciun the auihorized teat bocks, oehetb rnany'of thei are, and .111 refer té h uh ai the sub jf'cts cherein tiught. Venta bsing ',e-wekd a ted fftlit tlhe smaleet atomnl-c counuoil erua o 8essl' cnight tak.e la monctts sober ro thai o laio"and conuider that although -ha ,oll touch were qualified and kaev, ail chai wouul " 'ns odu requied e!Ami nmdudiing IFUàipar- un>he ttcudcur dasgAof'--sc/wtare over ulwe~ ~ siît dseired te previde' that itltes vr'dtle-té aes Sl iuucug te condut a crion scih'tohé oenuosa, w here ail claues' are tc e îidi.ht, à.ud iîl,~ 70l lt lieuOniniun- nuiucheo. if Verues wouldvîile S'eia the aèiui,-'tfPî,niaunelli, and -h 1 e"'>De lîag fort tru une1thU,4h"d hy the 0eiltral B. p..te il h sua lIt a euietscocsideration, îetua i olurchi e4'mpare'tbt quesitions with Iîlînuciion or enien and polit out oele wa i huavti oîa;ed bo e r iasunigr ini djing tîcus cui, lue cnay fiuud defct, il ngh aud poî.t eout buw ubey nt-ia>'à il ctdd terthe instile and tlias ait ituvâ at b.seeoue ta> stu. se gra1'tui i->ed an.d rju-dited uudalih Persuous-tbe Couily board, How dos e e r o Vcritas' kIuno# h q uas t>st ite are?1bts gàor eola fhî b.g g t ui -a cf rtlen? rbas gane in_ Sir-re e, v rbad written la an. 'Carin"s. iltrer- Y)a1 lour nlrresPl)utdnt'-Veritaistue'ti, t- - -U~,t:uthon gt ih ardI>U' (eti e yu igui ituiay ù .,'Al aisecound icticle on-euut yu iun.y the àsremas tlbWet, t>novw send hi aAréual un.e il Laast xlit uMstrly'lI'uat 'fequtres nagsnt habi exilanatlon in boilth tl lZcn iunui cat ioct5 watof du lu d -iufet te iiiisuriderstand thctA egrat p Ljover of kVair e['l" iuauus ysifas cuie%,ne3d beiuîg che greait off,, &e uin ttxrtitlfml, the ru e".- -tt, lauI.uage-auseti by h1t4 vasnot iIICISinide O'Gonoell uite ut by une, 'uer sa fur au I arn a jud e lailztr Of u«>' dwuc nner, the fiction euther M 0 h1 mal> ha uirtortunate' in nY ' gas1ue andti tut 4cn._ It Sthe tcne cf ta>'voie- tII thuît us persoal Tbax vend buaweneri leaure muairely tü tdee >ud"anIut hland, lihe ut utiee, an>' di,,passionuite reidtr cf tViihnebil >'uý l olr*Lovera$*" arcicie, iihi ,p icou~nat Shite D~ow Swh*& lu evideut>'oae sided., *saggdrtin'ue îfor oui i ar obtuto 0 opwo b. Peroris', u ours4 '. I. é'noi 'p1êUBft:-=twe Établi :L-may vi hopq EBENB. BIRRBLL, êopl14-raowmend that Candi. I. . -ewtifiestegbefore :bal lie' rsuimatîop o the B. arefal ly the. Rule-Adrileand blioaied la the lât, vol. G h i. Buard of Arts ail anûac. page18 &o. or LeUaç êo One tÈdng lu certain, tbat rtal wee1c, of vain; alterna. maoy bu rricanes, and storm o o'ul1d rn'$Ike< là mach nieludy ra Elarpi,had ibhey nov existed, i8fy th~e mu- oeifélt. 014 18, Il 8hiýs-are but timber- non," s;d 'the lEof, loueset so fer to prove î!19q çorrect. iPrince Llonort5,Jibd a rare. loubîleu osyu hai,nreare Ir dear Qusea, (bleub.er s the nie of tue goolfô1 into K~ingstown" P*c'te froin od heart, - à fliw pretillits o~ îheii0 exer<lois. «Tes,, Hig., 1of nature, rnakeit us ail skia." goeg mi. The chiéf use of uba ,and ite large àabxld/', #*us Çuriuh 'furthér.,f'aoilitiWs4for Tbe.7îqe sa, .ith iUs usuel abitter, sud ,abiting bit there. ut week, aîi4 tino iubcbe"4 o( Apropois' ut -th ~e s; is lh Weostuifiaciour nuoruele sucent àurcb. 'The. wrêdgeWiJi ha pu& Nuflbiung ower. l T1hIder. good that the Coeltti bo[ld bat. ve-dîii u the. voici with Scotch * Muon inqiy ps o causesq. tr eaders showv thaf the aèrou' btrb'deep. The Wofiufi -I 4-I * tqbe to km 34 1 . i.

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