Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1863, p. 3

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-~ .- - I -. Houe. Maid Wauted. ia the KOOhiV mauatm meil deluf poptulation or Viaais -~ en-iîo-y-ontheflntof Ju Iy waiï- El inm>ie 1)! tranalÉient viai tors bain# #à niir~ lmiatreet, witC j. t. ci ndWilI of that citynku îluatteria ai' a mnile lulengtb, ls trowd. hb peuple ol' overy grade and lIuoerip. ia arira, proportion being elog&8tiX Sd mialea anid femaleg. bllilicîý-! on Main- si-e are mosil y jthc si't trey iront open la firlot. (ic ai 'ht cben-!u applearance ta 'riinaii this an-e provideti wîsh acc iaicnîccia;ail the faur ant c i! brick tn m il-an front fitaPro0f (14î cil1,w golîng up have one or houh rîcc ic iqcckedcl ulp with lumbet-) aitllti tnitI, tilcct teaat -trCa timuB ii e Licii iitioin laicirs gmt tl i $ icuy, witliotbtl Td lhe cuii)im uit- daily icc'w$paiti5, uiiiiccir ~ au ,ii ?i&ccenc -liegro min. uîj iîcccic Xli ircc'l At Wells al 11)tir 1) i j' si' tita Or >19 silvea' f ~lùcîiî~-~ crr-l'îliiti r(, uue I angem, ccciiclii' iîc 1îî 110c i ti gl ilfiir tu lcîcccc i ill et Perî'I p1-cit c iii, ci c ifu'otr c!,Int, bm Ibau il clciiii ci-h. 'in c,î lcl-ui'td sold 11: - '11Mi n i tri Î, Liiil'l tli)ouaanà Yiv Imîciitc iliwc-iy d it! ic iic'i ici c-r',v tece, or lu. cifi îcîît jciwî4 WîaSt Of thec l'ocky ciîmîc 1,4cl Lo. Ck'(iiy li.hi. the ouly% -t- i - - -icc. iiccic;uafoir Monley. chOu f r ~u t -îiy --cci â:- î x yeare f hi i, 1 F'c 'ih-'-i Cili' 1 c, lncc hav" r i1ccicîi . h iiccic ylceiakage ci y'îi. Uii' Liliiccipi became iv~~~ ~~ ' '-î i-' ciihfiîiitîcl tii the cliîii,~Lc c;r cicc i ictiîi-ir wark 'c i q ilc i-icc la c ici ii 'lc itilad ~~~cîcl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h livhlcielei"cl na c, i'iiilitc~cl li -c horicc that the 1!1 '. t--cii' Liici ci c id' ty ofi the out. cula I-tict c w ii ccccc ait thei appear. .3 i '1>q:., c ei-ii, but icliîme-chîau ly af. i ci ti " the, u cii diseme yii c~t i-Ii~" ci ca.chLm i-ccitiiiin ,l'th iiiî ii'-' lii i c i~i, 'i 'ihn on . i~~~~~~cc ~ i ciiai ii'c v ihl pi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'( ciciii p icc icici3Cit 1-1 t of lier- 00C , i ;cît'iiuc'itcAtu..TU on t N.w Yorlil of $te aici-c 01 iarge lav. ancif 'acç'c or freight ai-d " aeli a.re. Th-ec new aticarner ' have been~ pro. ialaly- plirchauet ati contracta on- 00lers o! 3,5000 tousa emeb. Mi.Tnoi' tatue o etb. Iate ýonnpOrt, w)ili7haâ bîcen . p!>edI principal corridor of Balmoral- ~i~ nveileci oi the. 17th lu tbe preeomoce of hs.e laje y sud meven-al nembere o! tue Eoyld plily. Tii. statue, wh1ih lu mavruI4 Lput utshIe Prince lu th inflghhatdý dnos, with -a rife ln the. 164f ba, titi rit tig u cn the IWead jotam <acoeut ,uorton oft he Confer&ie officers held bin alîmI, inorder 10 'rentove the. Mis. çer5IacCortstIof a Canadin plot to bm 1 ln-wilcithe publie 's 'terestid, wbiola »ay w.e assnrmd be imýllcîIy n-oed on. The Wssblngton Goverumelti haviug r"fbeed toontinne the exebsuge of pri. boumr of wsr under the -cartel, set tho Sonthern officeru eccastonneil 10a tropical clinate to Johnson,&'sland, wberm 2000 of uheni worm conêned in wretched quar. tor s botntoly unit to bouse catI.e. There la8Done roon te doubi that the. officers se- loctod for tii prison wore thome on ahom the cOld damp clinnaeand exposure woold "el mcii proJudioqil. IÎ wus in (act an atempI tO0 commn murder, witbout pub- llo17iylnrrlng. thiodiain of langbter. Inutheoocim stances tbm Confederate Governient date local to maine an at- fempt t1 recuq thidoomad officers, sand tom ibis papsa xedtinwas ftted Out cousistiug of tiiirtv-six officers under the commiand or ane wbho bat! distinguisbed bimselfin l sinilar dashing enterprises, sud tbrem bundrail men. The oficers enibark- ed ai Wîilningtoi, in the Co,îfederste steamer, Robri E. Lee, and landed et Raïlifax. The Cotion and abacco braugbt hY that steamer as freigbt were sold tu furnisb the fundaq requireil, awoutihing te bnt $1 10,000. The men came overiand througb the States. lu amaîl parties, ta ithe Iirneal renîdeavous. e The Intention awu ta urpriso thé Fede. la garrisan on Johnon'& Islandl, libersie the prisoners, convey thcim ta Cansda in vessels provided for that purpose, aud for. ward theth bv Hlalifax to Nasan or Ber. muda; the ~itter part of the funds beiug specially devottd te psyîng their passage te one of these points. AM frthet opetatlons on the Lakes were left to M edîstretion o! tbe officer in comnmand, whose on-ters were stringent sud peremptory toa vocd st brtacb ni British tîeutrality and to laItee mn-t at even the hembiance o! lntertnatiOial Wrong shobuld - h preytfited. Had JohnsdWla Island been liapn, ii migbt have formad à buis or athar operatins againat Fedetal commer. ce ou the lias ; but the meot aject of the expedition wac.ta escue îwcs tbiud vatuable lives fromn the cruelty whth bail d1tevotedt 4enn p slow but certain destb in a climate aud situation in the lut degrem inimicai 10 îhem.-MbWtre&tL 1Iept . An extraon-dinary caue of sbeep-steallng bas been reported in the Con-k papers. No les& than, 202 aheep were àtolea,-t once, from a dock belonging 10 Lion-dlStuart de Decies. Not a vestige o! tiientbas since been diacovereil. 10 D*a ays - Wedeclare oursel- J ves of those who beiieve this wa- cannot mucb longer bc prosecuteti on eitiier aide, withont prodocing convulsions. comparod te'wbicb, in bon-nons, the fearfut langhters, niultiiations, bttrniîns and destroyingm of lbe.war, se far, s outil aînk mbintoiignii. tance." BARtctxa- ns-A girl o! seventeen î,assed tbrougb Bctin a day or twn ince -trom the batkwool¶a of Maie, via thbe 'Fmatpon-t boat, oni ber was, 1 New York, wbere abe bas been engrageil Ia exhibit by Barnumn ai $5 a &Iy, and expeuses paîl. Tlhe. girl je 7 f.-et andîl 3iinceeshigb. weigba 200 pounds, and the length of ber bondl from ét .îip et t'be nger le tbe an-ut 13 Iucn". A usas un- o TRE hoaixc'-Dr. Ibrapen-, cf New V'an-k, cqleatal pintogr phen, bas coan-nnted a relectiug telescope %bat magnifies thé mS no M O Imes ifs ise as seen aitb the ns*eti eye. Pboto. grapits have been takeu,î repîesentiag ltai body on a seule o! -wlesi%0 theii Incha, en ani bowhng aitb great dtatlectuess moult' raà ranges, vocauie-cratet'5s d streom miferoine' lan perbapa as pecunlan--a <on- «a ay lu aur language. The finst tau letten-s o! il semute, lte firet tbree are --feinale, the O§ni fowt a beav# muaund the 'aboie a brava woan. À n-hmba oeeday asied a tas e! vit 'abat sot of a thiug oplence *as. 1 Ilis s îhlng,' replIai1thne philosopher, & wbun tan give a n-m Itho. a4vuag osr&n noneimain.' -WIIITI$y lfKT Tino haavy state ut i.tuada hkeips Our snarkets but t sprlagly stipplias, &il that effers mes ren unciiers at PrailWheat W Sto bct&s. prlng t0 tae¶'Mcl..Peus 45 te Sbts. Oas 30 teo Sid a lmey 10 te.7bt. -ef $3 te $4,50 per IOilWc Pork6A$3,60 tuo 4,fcta. Chiokeo 2 3 hoi âl0ots pr. Declip251t0 4écts pr. Geese ,Bo te45cts. 11Baje$ 1015pe tout Rides $5 per I100bs. DIED . FAEqWRsox.-On floy theb Mth linu., >Aile@ cnet ibm boevet i altof jJohn Fet4ehms Séa, magi 28 yoa woissnt-ays. FARQUEIAMSt-06 1"y ibe lstà las.,GeogoLen, onof loba Fsrqma ho., Eq.,igoiSdayos DUNLL.-0un a uit. 14th ,wat., ibm o.gs .eho<M.W Fuit LOST!1 s ot sitrJeUJ1LEOfie. 4m;ýaipr Sab etANK 0F] kt0NTd b lILptL. 0 iE 40 a. INSUTRANCEs Insnrance Compgnles, lu whl h h. ipreasned t.) sccapt rlsk>-de, 11f. and marin,- nec Edùsborgk Lsfe Assura«se.Comrisy Tic Lierpolandi Lmdoa. T7ce Monreal ire hsanac hpuy lie Pw'evncialAsawance Company. Y. ICELLEIL, Pctmsster, Oshaa. Oshawa, NQv. 18, 1868. t REAL ESTATE IN O~ÂWÂ,& FOR SALE BT AUECTION! WILL, he Salut by Public Auctlon on the 1roiiieaatt >iia, on Monday, November 309 1863, -The t'cch)lccvug lropercv, via c-a comf!crtahlc' DWELLIN G 1IOIJSE1 sitiite oci Kin Str-cet,,iu the Village ut licha was ai-d well a dfa-itlor the neaideiice ici a i rivate tail vuil'-. T fiera ho Lttmcnhed itutce junale sîiî i 4mîcaof clii acre c-cl i-mu, ai-h tJreiarcl, iimt-liii andîh icnn-ildiigo. innoifi ai-e pciiemiouuugîivnifilrequin-ed Alaci tiie-building lcmraan-y used 4asa Wl-h abotcn sea-ne ai anda atached. Thenmi wihi alai.bu <chen-d ior- sale, ailli or withil the buiilinig siuadlanîd, 1 iîuericn STEAI ENGUE fcîlian cr nîîil R1liii the Nitcchiiie-v ;an i m- pI -cit ci . -lqcusri'cc n a Mil and Dlatilan-y. t.eTrrtim lci4rgil, wilibal h se knouiiet the. linie of.di F.r icnticn-n- pumticulars spply W l)DAVID FiccIIE ..Lquirejeug.hier- Ont-an-lo Ilak, ,tciiuvchstr ta J..1a. WIRREtI. t-qahe, ManasgrIliiti- cHaînk, l)ahawa; or to S. B. FÂIRBANI<S, solicitor, Ilhain. Oahanwa, Ns 7 îa.46 Sp&inish Sole I1i'j 1TUP t Slôomtker'I 'Wautecd. AeTE, 'wo oodJounMen OUBoat ppyWM. BURNgi Brook Street, Whltbv. Whltby, doetobet 14. 1808. 40 ONTAIRIO BANKé DIMIDND No. 13. 'TT la bohe-ey given that a Dividend of ,' or i-cntn p ou the psu n Cpia stock ai' thia Instltutioîî for the curwrentLal! yeaar, bas <hJ* day beau declared, sud that Ibo same wlli ho psyi. fle at tie Banki anu t i Branchies, on and aller Tuemsday, the,- lit of December' next. The Tratiafer hlooka ailhi te ciIoi-lfnrn the h5th tae fhe 20th Novem-burn. boifi dayé inclu. By oeier nf the Board. Casher. Bacwinansiie, Oct. 20 1968. Chancery Sale flm CEANCEUY. The Baik of Manttreal, Plain. tiffs.1 James lRogera Ai istrong, andl otuera, delendanits. - P UIlidtJAN'< ictuan -ci! iri- eCoictt ol 'ici intii tact incctuf iît aiep, .heuai-nt d ace t ,Ciu tia-,cii c diLcN. i f Isi cii .r vA. 1). 11, und au 'in-i, r c i tLdcIilî-t i ieue rii;g idatcethue El'ecclih I ' d (i c'cin-A. D. c d ie c hu thie i liprccidmi iic tii-'-IL ri. i eln-cch, iCsc1cire, Iastef ai nhe -ILd t- nci ci" ittiy, ceill bc ,cold "' ic,h Tenth day of Deoember noitt, iAttliellonr ici'Elevc'ii u'elv.ek, i-c tlcn fnetacicu, WAKMELD, COATE & Go-j Aucliotftîr,ii t thi- IX TIIII ilTY 0F 'lT0OINO, 4I ii£À j j / Tite fallowlngprmoprtytci-lu 'ihtcîtr 1h )usail thn-et lindrdti nu eii -i iarefe ',i- b)etug cmpoeuft- f puti-id" ~ (~ 'l fmi 1ua 8o, le LetanheriNo."ce, fon le male wnaît c il c1(Ied Store,, 55.00 par ]?'mK ]LOT NUIMfER SOL, iuuii.Terni. Cash. JAMES BAIN. ito-i e Ci-y of ?ormnciacidI1"ccirhn aiecl umaa Wiithv.Nvu iclic-4,I. l. plani4or cîry aofithe sc mn-,lalk tmadel fc -- - ~ - - - Jolit, 0. Il cl,I,'. L S., a" - 0 T 1 (C E. LOT NUMBER NINETEEN, A .mpanti'e inlêIfPAI lt cAna rn Lice-un wilone'îi-s it asida cof Jiutvigi Si-n-telcoin- eipceaN if I ad satitile cim~atin i:ncl' n,-nene (>aiîthe lim erl-mnm'-iulimîat f.lanri, Si-n-et, tacuue, taci dîic* <nr-ti ffit'yy Fm.ncdn-y ai- lice Uiinie euiîtiuetîv iof 17'i (ec fi-' ihe icmefl' "the Ns' ý AIl ac, tt 4 uii- ffîim 0.4t ,iipicii- -eli-cii ' .of t-' i clfl 4-'rrn-n itneeîa cii.eiic tlit- il lie aiidttuiover forinoilln-ihtci-i'tcil 4 Iejei-, m-sit cciii ett' licorgre 44 zi t cir-ci ctîcell>ucic 1 cuc iir l-rec"' oaci-, ainng i-he1 - - - '-" w,-,t sc ci Q eicn-gcra- 'fn-a 2 eci ttencea - ,î'ni-îc 74 ifere-ta, weÀti'27 tet,tc-n 10004sa.tl N OTIC(JE . Jimnvi, -tn-cnt ; ltn" ýt-e ,Ifiî Irigrn- ewai alun&i i-fe eatat nIt tcf' JarnvlK Si-reei- 72 (et, i-O P RIiKMES cnlucifimn tiiiiA "i'mft'ctht Li ma~ m of cuiiiuuiccl Fouin- sen-railotes oî iin-imn5 nf th'. !it,'clliafite-' lnmc.cin e. et-l 86 féet frnctt tn-h au licici'ccn-e ici n-ciisici- IéA a icce aitliltlice P". >fli.)lf ui .)iai a cc citiiter îinulert aui Jarvis Street & George Street, .c1iîittiity MIcfii-s'til< tefi . 'II W &taiE, i-anic st, ieNornthi We-.t Qilt, rt'ihe 44 9c.eetAny. Soui- thVeit'QUIXrter, the Naruh &ltmsitQuiarteur, -- -_________ - ~ -an-I ticciSciuth icaAiQuarter, ai' the aticiva dc'- 1'1 * ariatut loi-. 1 1 F T Ticege Leti. an- eianiuaieîi for hofiIling ri- oc-.htitg.1 c ven-c icecuthv juant c4i'tiec A V O~1 U flIEK fIu~1~, Itv, sicnci nae prôxlnln tu tfct.<. W AI W ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~S11 hih$cit t- Iies lcnel atfJ ,'uplesitint grouicicle. Thuci lot aili ho sole (4iîWiti-mun e f- sciai tsicn-,io Taft slen-c- a 1in nfor se'i-faapar-ca. abciove. I'..auici'e 11 on lice BreCfDi-eibei-. Ai- Thtepunelfu aco hah psy t-an a duipotai-iun lrein-tt-ci ,eupceil by Wi Wileix, Rsq. pndpdulttîQni'r£Io0 fir aven-yV £100 or plic nea mnciY P15in es'en-v Alù liA.wimainie micli ~'l'l i) ~flmitl ntetfr t n7d _ ci'ast ud-thdianue L FAIItRÂ!tlS4 raluron efual at-ual in.talrntaits wî tf cen-ca Wbii-hy, Nuyv. .1868. 44-tf. nt 7iuSn-emuflit-.hnafaci uc-nd icy monrage aonnthe pfitnl{tc nth fntng*e tu ha aitithie expeus. DISSLUTIN 0FFAU NERSIIP6 O! fila purtiismef-. DISOLTIN O P 1bAPX MA.&èý 'rlmlltule fail it- alloatut <Ibm f-aen-ed biu on.ech «i-c to-efuiÀn. The a larini-cip wlclch bertocicciastsc tccien Mnili.sld sud Iimntn-tVas 'tanne-a, &. fias beau thîs day discnlved hy mutaI con sent. Liai-d iv) Novumber i18ea. Thsora-s-.Pcod- WM. MACIt)il!4ALD. NOTICE! V A Lt.Sciuta ewing i-o the aflove Vin-m <ili A fiaie ta fao paid ta Mn. Macdonad, wfhc ha clouce aathoi'fZd i-a caecti-he smeasud aflo aflliitian- an ysico-onta-iai- t my ho due fly MsmiAaadaa an i-n-y. WU .MACDONALD. ]FOR ME COU NTY OI4TARIO. I sa10.......... ",>.. O Whthy, OcL t tI, '8U. R E- M O V A L sn4 tpabite, i sonubes hat ho bu scoase#d ' BROOXSTREET, 14i0M warda t.. doors Sottit of 9»"r The purchà$ers ai'fltae iraipan-ion cold on paelt treet, shali basic tha optioci o! taking the aiijolni.g lportiaon fi e saine street, at the <cime prmre. Seond.-'tl' e ilhowiuag calirahe property alitoata ln the TlOWN 0OF WHFITBYt 1 seentembth ddy Of Deccbef nelt, 11At the haun- ai Eleven o'cluiek inm the farnmiou, by the yaeidilt , ai lime Oflie ai' thé tludet'slguad MVaster oI thus lHonorable (Caurt Itack tteel. lu the salut iiain oai'ltty, tiàtt pa-taf'Lot in. lithea fuitconcession <ulfleto'cwonfip af Wfily, kneccii andldeacrIbêci On a la9 thereof made. by John Siler. gsAIdfe, P.l. A. as Vu lsge Lots Jnos. 141, 163, 154, 159 ald 160j lest of Bfock9tn-eei, ch sid Pbin Thies losfae lelb l eteti for bliiîdlig pur- poses, and -ihtn Ébiort distandeatoinn te centre of ube To*n. . Thlnd.-Tvtetly acrmsof ltnumber 2U, iu te 2ud conteao sforessd, communclur on a inbtu bolsuiLIte 'atmami vet btInes of sait lot bhmbor 25,enou csnOM "aliacf Mis' Street. sud at thé. dtstanem tof 10 684ItIOniS 2131>asfront ,the South biihu t c It-dciuitbiho ls; then non-t 16 demo,gi 5tP81 iGoos fI bsns la the nom l eu itte souý4hall!hf0ofsaidac #Umir 2; thoan uoittlj74 cokes, es 5 ebsins ; * lionne. mola 3 h le 4«" p ou, t Mary O trehientantii 4 degrama imloaIPt sonlhaideo0f Mary OBtt-.11#0 oi lisino8îietli Thia ltIla aabouiit allWl <,r.U91lefi mi tb. Confrs of the Town of Wt=it,-on Ih NtW ADVE]Bl Provincial, ms' HON. J. H. (CÂMERIO#i, P.P.J, Pr u V4e.Pregid t,4 T HÊ substibet having been ap~%~e abovne Company, now one of th'I'est risks for it, on their usual favorable':terms. ,MEKTS.I IOWIS MOFFÀTT, Esq., Agent hefè for the in Canada, will receive -Whitby. No. ,LIoi*uIig A choice asscrrtmeniti prtstintly in stoek, of atid Engisb k nT~EAS, Winës of'il yin randies, &c. C. ROBERTS. DUNDAs mAl<Ë, i tbs. of good Sugar STILL FOR ONIM DIOLLAR. IRT &0OSIE9 *LSTEIES Boots, zind Shoos, Çrockeryi and ail kind!s of Grocerieg desperattely Cheap for' CAsh Only & One prlee. J. BROONIi ,Schofleld's OId Stand. HAMILTON &. CO., Beg to intinais tai they are now shewing a larg o sofmenti ofNew Dres Qoodo, B oad Clotho, 3haWls, B1aclt & Panoy Catsieres, Xaiitleê, TWeeds & Fauoy Coati.ugs rlannels; Beaver anad PMots, Bl1anketdi Rateand Caps, Hoiser7 & Gloves, u, £lexanaes Kid Glo'IeIL A large Stock of Readyarnade Clothing! CLOTrIING MADIÈ " OOEBEK Of the biatesi Styles, Bats Bonnets, Ribbohnu, Fewers, FostbeMs o A LARGE STOCKC 0F ÇAMLLY GRtOCERtEÊS. - A choice lot O! ORBEN AÀ<D BLACX ThIASm l'we-Réectifted Whiskey, Odýye WhIskeY,ý Ipure Malt WIhiskoyi No. 1 alfId, 1!l1'sBilullugo, Wbuby, Ott., isuS,àd.y -The Subsc p4 b o fecl dW~ FA«LL IMPORtTA1TION S MMILLAN'! 1 THE guhscriber takes pleasnx-e in announicing to h1à cflstomnrs, Tan4 thë public generally, that -hiisPal stock is nolw replete ii ail its branches, congJstiùg of~ DUTy tGOOD8,0 RflAD"MADECLOTHh1XfG. GIIOCERIES, LIQUORS -& WLINESI CrtOCKtRY AND GLAS8WARÈ1 Ëi4r al ehoie selection ofDRESS GOOiDS,"in Winceyà, Cobourgs, Lustres, Gala Plaids, eine,&C.~got - MeMILLAN'S. For a wel1 dssoited âtock of TVWEEDS, 1iOÈSKINS, CLOTHS, Fora asupericiSr 1fIT 0FPCLOTHESt go t. For the Latest Styles -of ý4EW ITlATS, go to For thé lùtgdst Ctid best assorted stocki go to a perfect fiti or no Sale, McMILLAI'8. McMILLAN'S. off FRJESH. GROCERIES, McMILLAN'S. F'dr àl nlsinioth ÉtdC5k Cil'LWUORS and WINS. cheaper aùd bettér thari dani be fcfttnd i the Ctn1nty, go tô MeMILtAeJS. For à well dâsdttà stddk df dkOCÉER'Y ând GL;ASSWARti go ~MeMI LLAN'S. TO OUIR CtTTONERS &TuE PeUBLI WFe £alàéplea8Ure in iûtforntiitg you, thdàlie aý in i'eceipt of dur Ntëw éSibclkof 'Whiàktb haiw ~odozib~ i lllbe well doeerving pou~r eartlj ailàUit J aâ from our un8urpas8eZ facilitie8 for buying1 combined wilh &-Oùrnoùgh knowledge of the requ#nfntent8 o/ dur ddetonwrs, tle are prepared Io seil you CJoodM front à kzg& anid well assorted etork, at pr ce8 utôkýdh cannot fail Mto zid84tüWadii4on. iV6 tiottd iitffle our sâpëdtl altenlidfltIdati daaoitnW of giris, mad and téomený8 Feit Hats, VIo<erg, r.aherd, lyjntes nttloi We Olothe, Dress Géooa, &dïl In WooLens tue hav)e 8Upýp2airad -C1loik, 1OcUié meeFanecj rtoe", 8ilk..mtx4r4 catingY,,eWtna1 READYSMADE CLOTHINGe BOOTS, SEQES' AID FIYILS, Olothiftg made to order on the premi8i8 by firetý claeeworkmenm A-9 uaour8tock of, gA'EÂMLLY (ilROCEIR I1ES. will befournd large, and of te be8t dacrpticmn4 i Ibua and (70OYeu eVehavea large .4tockt- fresh cand fragrant, di moderdte-priem - 0/lteba. hn, rcer,. n la(àre h largeét4 beat and cheapui - eto<9c in 54e countel, i proof ofwhwl& ave-t'nvite an inspection5- rfs,BrPoeA.eWAwàtj Smiart, tidy girl cao obtaint empjoymnt fi. J.,MAOD0IÇELL, 048 g8sewer will be-Prelurrod 4 00W ]L0ST.n-REWÂRDii A amali durk ' brinâlu Mici Cow, aitrght orna ghypereon Ieavingiifnfrmation as to lé iî9a lnis, à., hrisiging lier 10 the POST OFFICE, Whitby,wiil be rewardeil. Rotstlifritsb aAffietica, and Ltver- pool nnd Imnidoi Ein6racing a capital ai' 20 millions 0fdoilau., $20000O,000.î Bloisto ibtmnof $a' 20,000 wiilb. talion lui aniy onaenik, u applicatim'îî 10 JOEIN ÂGNEW,- à2 hc î0 dàiPnI ài ' Agent at Whitby. Lamýps, Lamps' nhe treat REFLEOTOR LANKI GiVlg olit a I it2 aq ual te the moist brilliant «as rbn-sale aetfrnt82 to 88 e 1GFÉORGE YULE'8, lainîgsBuildings. Brook et., Wliitby., Tlia Lathp lA thée hast invented yt a -atreet liglît, ad ahîoohd ba' ven-y hotel door. The cot oi aopplying the ail lionstfrned la only about one ;cent petr Inr. Lampa aof evory kj inl great varhaty, ad at ail pricc. Wholesalo and Rtail at cheapeat rates.- ,Beflectaré,.Cimncys. aud ail other lamp, daings. For Stationefy ol auinlai's Cheap as Toronto prcc go t t Rnp.49YÎLE , Tehegraph iflide, Lafuig'a'Biidings. PAPEI(S.-Fnlio, ldf$1scap, Bvo., and note, bIna anrd crani jaid,;--oe, &.; ILIs, pans .;ýSCIOOL -BOOKSi Wrap'p1ng Papers,.Card, Photogn-aph Albums, Portmdnt.slie, carl caae, &. Also Draught. -sad Chése Board, MuAla, .o VIýOLINS 1Ê0R dOÉIW00Di. A Éne lot of Violins, Chafo Cash or- Cor&- w o o d . A W, B o * , S trin g g, ! s Fitulby lltatlouary lis gruat Vitti -GEORGE YlULE'S, Télagrai0i Office Laiiîg'a Buildings 48 in-ock Stréet, Witly. P-ERSONAÀL PROPERTN>J i'hich. haro hoan lat t thn ROYAL HOTEli, F o r p ay re lt n o la r g , w il l fiesld in , i sd * tBfý-roosn, on lýhurwàay EvçWg, Nov. 19, 1863j At  thedorof à o'elock.- I Wrting lY n9 udCamei 'centMifng ~paprsj vh1 cf ring sud rIng-nases, 1 g e n t h a m i î e a t 4 Valis. ontpannipair ai' Pautaloons, S >Çlct.hea Brushbi <4lzar Case& Igcnthell,'aCape, Ipairbdek ekin GItc 1- ullk U'nbrella, 'The whîolawill be sld td psy he dsbt.ndà cats ndnlrned l6 av itîlnk and s efilni the. pnoperty, &0. W hitb, ov. 8Q ., 1~84. *8 Sperma.ttfrhoeadon be Cuied. )R.,,Itsend5s Upecil n~s4.a tso.SEuJ1I 7aâ u.Ia4f, n Iby Sm T E t0 travel i libanut ce Ccuffees, Silgars 4"w. 1 &c.j go to MeMILLAN'S. 1'l L e id LOM 37 eo. 1 and 9, 1 1

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