mer vitlo ffts41 a Anotion sais. ea.e aiatta S.B Plbas Tb@h.Livapeel and London. Th, e niral Fit-s Tnsnvmnee Company. The IProvlnnliAssrance Co. Insrnce-P. xl~Iisr. Ram,,,al -Rankt Mentremi. Provincial Insurance Company cf Canada1 Gond and chaeuTee soe.,, Sagaru,g Spanimb Sole L'.atht for aie -Jas. Bain.i O'qLY vq-E 1Y)LLAU A EAA WhthyvTliiîrsia November 19. Lt6. The Provincial Finatncep. -.Noticing the new arranîgceets of the gnv*rnment with the Banik of NMntre4si the Menrtremi (Guette bas the foiiowing :- The fnige.rmil nrglttl-;ire ver! nuà 1 ôver.pilffinz Uts Miniter of Finance for bis new r scgament 'l.îth the Bmnk et Mentreal. W4 hive neîhiug te revise cf wbat we have atcadi .aoid respecting the arvn«emcnt p" et-. frnm se mtch as the. pliblic have been pernwtted tn kncw cf It. But wbcn it is tqted tti-it it ia the unfid- ing cf a longnet etcdpnllev. ua1qln ls ub- stance tated liv the iending mniestarlai et-gn the thing iii vevv mucl ircerrione. We bave rsqmn te believe that the irnpor- tant tepwhich ban been annnunced is j net tihe unfaiding cf a poiicy. but an eevecth heur nrrangceft which 111. Baollon hppened ilipon. He did not in terme anneunce in hig Lbudget speech that ho woid ge te England te borrew. But bealoettthe lmnte5siefon is hast-ors j that sncb wng hig intentieii. He gave Il tb i n<ietoed thaà t ha was&beut six nilliiens sth*rt, andi that a part of tihe sent wax seqired to meet the mnneY Mr. 11ew- lanad bad bcrrnwcd, at xhert dite, int tus egOuntry. lie tateri fîrtlîer thit it wua bis intention te sak Parilment tepeas aa ort nf guflsntee et ne nre.esed taxation VeuiTltînn. onen be atrencth cf which ho propoed te barroso. Thifteîild eniy bava bacc cf n'e fer offert in Ecgland. But that remat-katie prnpeail cau wiscy drept.And 1Mr. Hlen's financiai reput&- tien weîid bava toed biglier if it had net bain tntp& Tt wils further wcil under. sttore!, cIv a itrief asiea age. thfIt 1r. «ffltn ng as scuîlly tring toenRglad- titt he had in, fart taken ainmie relmin.- ke1 tept. We bave Muse reaten tu 1w- lievm that haooait. Iter. lns ,;ejrociation wlth 1Mr Cnsxeia te ehain frent flicBank of Upffr C4n&dn the ceedtilnan,-MVi. Cassçeis te Ce te Englitndr e cput-pne df ohtaining the usecey te tend te the 1ronnce'. net as ager it;cfrthe Prevince, bu)It As rreaaenticir the Bnk. And tha neiîttihg, ce believe. frorntInformation ,winich bas reach.rd u%. cet-e broken sharp off. within n week of cir writing thesa ,ne#. The al ui îniti,,n% ciii cet. and rà nnet-wtli prnprietvý ho piaceti hefore the public ,înfii Parliament mieets ; and ail lnfnrmitlnn cint directiy sulthecth-, on suci a sulject tmuaI bereielvcd witb se Onr beilef la that M. HeIton dld not Anidit cenvonient te un te Engiacd, andi that this t;o 'lie fart whic buhasverv gretly lnemenred flic unfeiding cf bis poliÃcy. Bia Xlnigtrv bnve ver y obamefuiiy heeken falth wth l'ho siter provinces, aiso wih tlho flie0.,tvu~o in the mattar cf the ntaemnnll iRAlies,, mnd th. Loger un the part of, the fermer, At lemt. in v.rY gregt. %pnn bere us thst ,ufrtunate @irrspnndence a-li fir. Watlie. Mr. U#Ifeiteitbas snçiennizîh tln urceive that :disppsalntt ni1 hard.headed mon inl London n crii ehi, iltvtetaise sà dffect vlew c.f tii mter (rom thut' of the miIs tarfl a sPain ~sai.Then there la tha nnfrtticste sfliîr f di.tirai of Juce; omdte Ofit Triani R iiwav peitai qises. ".ti&n,_ &., A Attecther, it ins $uic. that M. icitannis certher noti ce te Lo"élon et pritent. T t infritî,sle for hum, that à %.e tet ehous passeti. tha prof it of lte Bai. And tisera10 nb doubt fiattii. Ban k of motttal ciliinavet ,Wammt tbe erecor the Batik oetUpper clanada. uner t l.oid uuanagasunt, bî ressoin of Ils itving thb. rvemmnt tlse- We. ntiêcefiat ose of Oer0Censervu- 'J. _____ £L ,2L,5 de I _______________________________ UEmeagnuataeCauumdlai *Uu1O» The culture sud préaration:etOf£" for lnnfc nu- utiI. locaity, is llkaly te deriveafigreaom poI, aufreinli tabib unt of a Mne empeil a l bty, vbl.ii bas jost hein vganied. The.itiv cote- puny cer the. gi-at Vaut, imaotoforae «. perlshieid, -a iminet for léé sai! ut! a place ef prepavaton for the ny un.e BIht thé 1n»«Organisation geas @titi frttr ; tbay propose te snppiy seat! 'te grocr- nUcopting ln. ratura the produc-bti fbre sud soedat!nmd paying iii. ditterenea ia eas,-valîing for ihaîr rturné te tii end eftht e "son. This it encourage- melt of tii rigiit Slnd. Eltierto mmcc- facturéesbava bien @se oegeeted lunWIV itby tiii Our tecu b'bu beau aurpasot, in thi rapc-yminer municipaýiltias t-sud aIl titreugh theii cnt ef direction, and proper effocrt epan env oea part. Tisa efforts and enti-rprise cf tiie prèsent Comtpany viii, ce' trust remadju Ibis. A uav "ctcbing*' miii hu bueo aiready pro. cm-ad, ani cil te put in opératien st onca. Tii. undcrtsiig must prove a dacidet! edesulage te the incaity in pro.- uneoting ha extensiein cf its manufactures, andi muet beaides aid iargcly lu beiefiting mnicultutnlutm lutea in tii. groti et )n additonu ote above, mutiter mine- faqlory ba 'es abhiaet! m retee weiks m o sea ictenent iPort Whlt-1 by, by W. Jaunes Soya. Thes tannery ba- ine..eil tua establshmnt, la, va ut!ar- stand, te be carnet! ouupon aus cularget! mcsle; thea proprictor bum ample ueans, cashis ispait!for ail kin!s cf ibides, ansudiah indt!uaty fora-at-dit!ou îbrougb ism muisa Sst resuit la i favorable dagreé iu adumo. cing, chat bus becu se maci negiectet! or ovloot-the manuifactures cf thaeisen of Wbitby. RixovaL-Btauu- Moyiatma. -The 0 f- fia@ ofet iBramucit BanSuofMoatram, li Ibis tecn, bas licoureuseatfrein tha former premisés tu BrocS street, te tie baudioeanec builtiufg nazit gr. -Gron'm hardware store. Tise uev preumishave beau ubstatlly, mut! iandsmeey lit. Aet opmut! art vert' esutrillt' ttet!d. Durlug lise ment'years i wlisthse Branct, 'bas beau carrnet!on, st the olti Banking boise, greast sucesm must ceraili'haa cc rue tte inlstitution fron tiselar-ge aore"m ad extensiboniet tisa busiqeu; mut! neyer, tiietvaue av are et, bas pot'lisabeau metainat fa cose-' queuces ut ey vaut et proer secarity in the prem isasthere pueviiiied -ehicis caee vert ampe, &bd conmpote. If thei prebot vonthy Manager cf tie Whiisy Branci cf Me BanS ot Ment"-ni isaut! neur cause for coougmsaiatei cficieot performan. ce of bisu dut, ,in ttu sespemt conid, cit-tainly be a goot! ont. But éthers, far grealer, and more reeemmecdatory ail bis favor 1 Ili$mai, amutaeagrity Ilaforcît-- ding the Baitotar m t hétiegreat pope- bar voica.of tbis cotarntuty se uurasarvedbly axpreamet! muait c f bisurbenit' cf' mt- . dvuinlg thse iqtQseMtai dicstihiVasi entiueed,-bceis'onlisew tise sympétbie and goed viii li o Bank, ts ueouseviMr. Doywa as' N[ans l hie I tidfu*bms tethe -trust rapamat!lusn Mm, ce are gratificd te . uev, bua beauisiqushit fortomle te 1hfntuebt, mut! tenficimh w theins titui- ;tien. la tisa nov Baning bou, 'v caly trustthulith, and tise,'mat' Se ! qualby fortmateanantuncemrfef.Tb* civ premises anraett4ilit'vert' convecieat, 1(bcing ituateithétiicentrailiusiess part et tae te s,) laid!-ts aItappatmue- 'raudireti meet secure ; -as meraesbrie, iren, mat, ne, d human i icnity coult! Iposibit'maSs tIi..The. contractez- Mvlf. Cormack e d.principal econteracofor .tic ceet! cork. &c, -and! 1r. Deverlitfor1 ue stoe n d'brick verS, dasorca ocar,' ieredit for tue cmpner in chici tut' "ex. 1ecutadt! im contracta andi, if' ce.ara te ampt iii opinion et gond, jut!gas, îlot rhase doue lur r S t lafm tiY, anditi a maune bighi,' creditable to them,s tradiMumi. Ineocuxim eo nlycutdeesie t to pat lie clà iititat the ituiiin : mmpbiasprmp.rmslm 1118ev loation, 1 lstintie fsWlul' aithât the, c1tien ma botâtfern lu ammprnest a Ca ait Eamtnatîca cf Tîahars. wibout lu the lightet Vo4chlng for thw-i. orsdlity -or'cevrecb olns fi.amate-, ments in the aormepoudea u pon tbla s;b- jeolw cepublitt ou the. soilaltaton Of thte ci-han cho m eau anb.ebtaiuad upon enquis-y. We knoeliait the Board of Publie instructlnvu for tiis ceunty bave ne sigit diffiquitin moteanceutet lu tise per. formance cf their duties ;-ad that lu disciiarging tient adaqatehy îiey muet cf neceasity enceunler lie hoatility cf soet teachars vient they ntay bae blbgad te rS- ja,41 ias, uaoa examltlon'. . For«Ili the gentlemen cemposing tii. Board, cre cuterlain tha higiteat respect, and we. meuid be gremîly diappinted indecd, if snythitng like -tii.treatint of the tentais tesciser compiSiued eft tek place. As ca have samed, te cerrespontleuce lm, given at t.e solicitation of the. enter, and on tise auticntîcity cf bie signature, witii- ont, upon env ove part, undavtainig in the siigittesi mny responmibility for bis [statsntents. To Me i Liitor of te iVhitby Chranîie. Mi. Etireut. Wouti you oblige ne by giving publicity tlurotsgh tisa inediosis ef your vahuabie piper, to tih eiholowvie ob- servations concerning tise lai Cousntv Exsminatinc cf Tesehers, elditii X- bridge mcd Whitby. on theis a anti 2ad cf Octoher. 1 ig hmerelt' Mr., ote mrkca tee reatake relative te tise mannet ini chicli tbe said exasiatien cas condisci- cd. On theislt 1, together uith seille othiera, procecedt thie btuiding lu Ux- brilge, ahercenthe exuiminstion cate lie iîeid ce entering ce found that a tomber et candidate t for perligogicai honora b.d sIrcadyt'assemisict, mnd gono hraugis thc usuah pieliminartos anti taken their seita,i mhia donc e, h dseseuiseil teliecihier antongat dia examIner a aiose, anti cithi as burly and mce-nspîriug a veice as possi- ble, caiicd out '- Gentlemen anti Ladies' tic heur fer commencement ha arriveti. take -rom tus es every mais and aoman et yen, anti tin't<ara etf-t me sec m'ccent- misoicati pa.aing bcta-eetauîy of von-" Thbis aise dona, n e iaor-ter of the 11 wûuId ba menai-ch cf al be surveycd' tise exansi- ntioun papersa-weeetiaIt oui Tise Irt- tise Artitimetsc pper, contiineti 12 or 13 queutions, not digeitlt but r-qà rincg @;orne ceusierition anti a gonid ilal of a-ork; tic iookîng at tic top.visaI cws My esiîprlsa te fint tiserme aiietted for thec Solution et thieuprebieno us cao oluur, a tilitI &bout oee Iaif tee short, becrever ce set to cerk anti iasi succeededinlusoiving about ccc hait or tco.ddirds cf tise pro- bletis, vien i et havis tiese ame grufi, 11 n g r a i u s v ie . * * T i n u il; ip -c lo s e l p a pape-rs. a ne cof thes canditistes ne. motistriad il itii hm. uaing that li leiart not bati sufflbient tinte. whierets;oti this enugnanimouta pihetfcistiux cectrateid roareti ouft"Ic ecandidates for the 1bst Cîmas certificates May have 30 longer; but thosa fer 2ud, close your ps- par," as if tisosa applylîîg for s 2cti Cîas certificate, sltiti liebmore expert in Aritismatie, than thoze sppiyicg fer a ist, anti therafore raquiriiig las tinte. lit 1ke maineur Mr.. Edior, vere va hurried mbrcugh aIl tise ualler piliers xhichi, jamcocnfidenit Sir, thtît there a-et-c mmot' candidates tht-t-s hue isoii, liat thet' bat!drne, haveanaswercd uc usajo-ý rity, If nef %Ii of the questions propn"dc. Nec It. Editir. jrsaît alice yctlr lisagi- natioen ttohl'it safor a nioluent, mmco titis Tempie cf kaowledge anti bulying. Tir t'u ae ceated tir te lîad of tise rocma pempeus elitgeutlcman citha avia foided,an'b chue gszes vitis a moat m ~ijq iotp tise por woud-te pedgogpi> the intosud sca that yeuag J"s stuvting froin ber seat cit a pMpfi her band, sac isov timitiy sac alka scroas te tise cit gentiunaru (the knovs hlm etfcîti,)he doetn't igo te turcbils heti. Slitedrâw%:cettoas- silm anme question concrnicg tise insaner in cisicit the a uste glusthe acalsver te a certain pro- ilesla, -ie0ienmcler isears her voiee, titan ho teints &roundct i taxse ierce andi ma. rage a teile as heo ould comman i bittalber ie off te ber eau,, tiaiha ciiitll ber ,netiting about if. The pçsor girl caus off t er oeusetunlit te answer amo ere que& tiens tisat day, and tics biecs ber ceftifi- 1este. Noc Mt. Eitor, sucit contiict uised tocards ant' orse by an examiner, and! li thaprcsaiecir ofaarootoful la eneugil té unua umd iecapacitmtuts tentotego qon. Tba.ere ise aorcr.ul cter appicanto a-who mciedsmlr9rebffis, andt ron thtis 1a"me ganfieman. Beaidasý, -1r. EOditot-, tie standard cf thei questions îvas se abruptit' raisei inelthe .iaaî axauinioà . tiat It appetri Ilie a k amp tromthe ticrdicuiiss thue stublime.- JusI mloso me tote iveoye Oixample ef ' bheabruptneoess e assnt., ,hie*first L as-ooadquoetcrl a ite mgranmrpa- vofthe ust15f cxuiatiec cere-isI. i 'Wat ii gmmaf? nd. hecirsre Icttpt't lf Nsmms tithis eximicato, y rdon't thuIn liera vira an et tht. questionu , ould b anmsceed lit reterlag toLnelae yG&manr-otsr commen echool taxI haseS l , a-, *ýMr. Etdt,chwt mteZs nlmi pabl$ie. of a taeer to teseli a comono a opi. -If so, vhy noet ther kno Tii. felloiong lbs I env lumt, frein env ce ebe cul ha e tà ic- MONs C Ç2 tbe law-tihl iii's bie- tilenver cao be proved te b. eithav rigbt or reasonibla. - Let ne cveug ha doua. FTe Catholboé doas net daei . Let thei in s lacu-- teii joiiy reecors, and tbe reaiiy splen- did and hard-working cuates aildiae ut, lu th. enjeytnant cf chat they bave. Thay bave ne vemwed rigbuithe l eu pots, Qubinalv, tiiff ; han ail are gene, <deubtiest onubilo iy, m nd, À alsaim'ebesoin,) pply thea n' nuaV disposition. Tisae ameunt eltuter te reducticu cof peer rates,a end toc «"gen yelymy or i uctonal parose, or fiait réarlug, additional nice t10til0gdt'Or aithIng uiifui-Pretestmnt seuls, if ciaint te ths fom-entmr aPO'-tfora, -*i psy fer Protestant pavons.- tition wci a y- dig It *ii lut thatsuany vay, eud as a c'mot, loto ths plilticelandmt!rl* îbay ara fmv icier tian tisosa o tise îberN lng tvethfully. Thetatbatidi. Than, tiers vouId be ne intareat t &Ili tireugi tle n ugi et secta te haentanagedunoder tic dloak ofj iiappily titis busj'roi, a i gaiubong promselytes, ner strengtbening cf t svery ort cf pret a) ibea b pretance-cf rcclamiig i-ouis.- quiua Ireaut!,uniery Siepierd wcoud be cutes:it vitis bis neas. ut ilxeet aiseson ce goceS; tbsy ceuit! ail svamtogetier Yet Bd' If ila-and vers. 1t joy like à hive cf bees, vithont oe sting ofn cbicb thesa sel expatpiems&Y devctien te oburt ee acotber; and ilbey even on tise very itb couid neyer jostia lu tise cay teotise life fierce ant i cati on ber te coe, tecausse tbey bmppeised te, take Eýng!anti, are i5diférent roade. Hig., 1'til a -drm11 thinge ssci, and it cane ae ult tisat people can't agree tise vîtole week, vise the deucaea-- im i tbecause they go differeut waya oest iuuday ? the firet cry I harond , ct g r îe'uît i 1eiithsn, Tenaut-rigbt, Churcît.f my arrivai, vas-" SRag rigbî, re tise beat cals EUngimnd can try, anti tise iiarable criera cf chie- se iu sise, den't (tise Micistry 1 mean,) by ail were in figure, featurea, u S ge te ainta liitishe mentiar, tis>e'll ho a cairbuncle cf ce, muid iqua ~ct- 1 roc, viscrever a chance offere, anti yen tiis poverty cenufinedtti e us ca- knoc, friend Ifig., thsxt a nation lu' o turea chose carthit' lot samq 80 iecomn- jgovcrncd, tisat requirea te bo perpetually forticas; bt the eye il sbocke n evcry conquered. aide eiti i od mcd youug, mbeJ< ltock- Oh i jeu7 mcnd happy Canada -socialily, ingle"assd- d. alt icîothi: hdail civiliy, aud rcHlgiouily 1 -etecis me 1 bave this tiespite cf ibe poor h a nd tise traeeet, sud during a pretty extended cs- marvlios tct t tt-t da1b~'Ãu tie' reer, 1 bave uravelled fart-nd tigle-; i tiev- me ai bean-îlful anti fertile ce4 in0 tue tPr saourned i l a fluer country, or dwect1 ved _What thie deuce cà im the nat- amoogit a mtore mcali, iberetiseer'.ed, meci Iig. ? Tht-me muet be saqe or tOtî bappier people. Every man estaetftise vert' lacs. eintiet-tisemduebav, Beides. fruit cf is alabor, entier bis cen vineyarti. visat an acfni contrait pras enta' Itzeît, but-.Pivery, manuWhcis ctoses ccm get a fair twcen tua piteetis«pnecrty, 'dWi' èenf0 tuidys vork. for a fair days cages. Ail, CrYt te beavett aainst setkitig or minse- (or mc tee are the exceptions, tisai the bodty, anti tise 0letmuns"e, beautifnl raie may, te sid st, bo gecermi, bave desmena., fine équipages arut! comnforti abundauca Witb, a une filial plat', citis crovned villas, that spresd tietamies lîke a poincisaity, as dear old Burke imys, baryle, topazes "sd jacinti,qii eit'er aide sha supplies tae breast et ber yeutbfui ex tisa cbaruning river ,bst flows aieaj, anti uberance uc the mentis et ber parent Ecg. belby the terrible array cf Imsaltu, vce are lansd, vienaver aise demanda it. Long tercedtoIute o', anti pity trous our seuls- Uas siebl .be, long ntay aise be wilinig. Hecw tisea creaturésa mut ttufor tise But eneugii. Mj lest isas deuisuiea reacb- isour chenc61mil tears abail lte elpeti front cd von. 1 pennedt iis, anti yct tee more. ail cys,andt iera shaih be ne moesdeatis, I r'$rat 1I dis en miuggimbsas net to bave neiîber meroe, cor erying, uer paiu.'- conunmenccd earlie-r ; 'iipSe Per- Aia i ftar feitia ilook zt-ee. Why don't bapa tisere are tco tJmany. Huti-ms for ibot' go te the, po"rboue 1it tat' e laidi. Canada i Eut-rab fer dear olt Witby 1-- Wall, tisa truthil, tissY haie il. In lise Kinti regardste aIl. sommer, anti otil cuiter arriva&, uisey "k brave it oui, and have tiseir fvýadm, titan ' \ uit.-N s. in tisey mut go or perlis,. Rasades tis a - ferierc iseaof poerty st-lekern ee, 1 'Tue New York Warld sades thit Ir. numbors cf be-hediad, sWaiart xnon, faime un tihe Xnîuy cf tue Potîoac rctnain uireug the Qeay-, tihe eppreuichtot bridges; unsrhpiiged. Corsiticatte flring wax board yesterday tnoralng on cuir extremeti eft, thi Sbaiteret! cilla. iookinic, for, but net pra'cedicg from euir cavairy acd mise rit- obebtig vork. These ast lbe. 02nY bais, but mco far as ascertaicedthi irg se- nid, cary oit! men and cerna, aad halIplasi riens eccurreti. Ceriiticerahsie vsriety cf cisildi-eti itg. Wby ilu al htiis f i arn opinion axists as ta, tse future oveiuen ta onot coing te, mase a mekiem&M oujstifi- o e t rnît, iicgih ionght on tisa oue "li raid ouantbec upper elussâ ftbit bants:tthAe icteuitictu le tego iboe iii- eit'. On sail sida. are 'bupisil, infirma. ter qulartera at an tus iy Icumà enitamd on rie, ayluus. On cci ceesiu ciartheii other, that an atirance culli b matie Mui is s ifia clii Ivrue Cbristiatî profus.It t knardG eynvil\eubt tc1ithekîb el. 1t100-50 i) wlii tint lihai ori- elai O> army, cifb tise exception ot detachmccts aru a cemmonnity, lu thesna t uines on. cf cavai-y, -have môntoteIs former Neveruhalea. f repeat, hb e lu , tiaeva. 'sîtr.stsglmisioiien uih cf tteRnupiai.- t-y <«e vhocaM, cs cof te Amerlos, mcd Ceneral IMeade wcliprouiÂibly flrd if difil- desphi liaicuitItinet isupoes.tu< force a tlfgit on gxoda. he is us mesy ~ the ncetil sida of tise river, as the vebeis mis ttM canuot unstar thc £? I15 for evidcntly ic flot like tise io.tiîe, a tact ,bât figit <-mcii tbis, ais I bave afready ccea OItabititd by thir là b.itdeuiiig thteir malt, la a am"uu ef#ktîlla »d ïAfmlv? cetWu<tabla vicier quartama upen cur md- 'TbI-4Poule, a very pspm4inlg pýuie valîe;, Geneetl Ifeade cmi isle Wnshing- mcd "ya-Pm" ae sNiuilasM t'in um,.ton $.ifuîiîv, andi belt a long cýsifereice - e. . ~ ~ A.'m 'rUvrtjit thea Pr.sidect. Hucretarv 'cf ,Wà r. cedd 4 'OU- u auksy-sesuuuon s-mi. bane iscad tits is i nMy cars, et il$s tnitinam ti,.ra eau ha no mistale. Ner doihomo mie remmîn, <lit thlais r oquais e t',> menthis ifleus viekedit'. veir»mut!Prose ara mUSa chargeci itu thaelaeat ,h&t! Enghant!. Ail 1hi1 b ave bhaadover-ta ovîr again ; Mut, thousai cf nftsmmit' con- dcmncd te a prudentiai silence, 1 deepît' tait tise injustice et iit, as rejwà s icest John Bell, tan choni a faime, mqcar fellov doms oct breatha. If te " uae ieft die arrangenste, f tel pou,' frisait Bfig., h oul onoacusquare uieéyards, ant! maS. falruîimg for Ireludt-isba lai threvu criblis tlnctlviabits otjestieebt' the fut tisaiTIreant! bai itsMenthons1çihat tiet', et couvs, slaotldka, ougit tode v bat's igbu,(feu'tbat country, hà ., sud'b. is qitssp te theafaet, aif iii.,'chou te pLIl tegetiier, hher about upal,ait! coutd eompi saj .*niitrp t e uat tat yul cas juste ' man! rigist, and i fîtng for lIribhinteresto, sieuld hobendoue. - aie quiets bis mincmti aie iug s,. If l iiiheplague of Irelandt te eboMtbeuaû witb à pavcei of mambers vIso, cbhatever duer talent, are iaieneed nearit' a4uiy, mut! se baosue It oi,' e peut, boa praciecaslsit bate4,li cou ibeuit! ha lft te sint! thair lasi, md Ibir. Lodt affalars, tita neutralise lie, ramiseent beca itsbeen - acice tWaabifigt'ol the effect lhiia courier ces veceotit Csp- tivedsc iar Cbattuoebaau-icg an crier îrmcm (lunersi Bragg te (lacerai Longitu-et. -orderieg tie latter te evacupie 1Lookout usountaïs. Thtis, Ibsiver, swastiscugt isymuy to lie a ruiecon thte psutcf the encint, as the, fired averal shots 4bm thmt place on tise foilec'tng moroing, anti tisa pesitonus aconsideme t teeimpeortant te ha -given up citheut a struggle. Our car- raspeastot h tise Arnty cf tisa Cumber. landt!e atatsdatail danger aýri*lng net ci ute difficulty oft citaitlig 'muusistaile le nè e nnveti, but tise absGnet if forage ca» sevpmeral at, tise barge transportatice net beiusg s le as yret te, aflord suhâiau suppica. Great. umbrs ci t hrsas moe .mules- batd iet! le conequence, and large "sodfeoet ut-cavas-y badilibecosent bact ta, hasremountet!. ,iethinofetn offeosivi nature eau i e tiidrtken,,isy eut-ar1eij st pt-aient, - as ltivil-take coaidmaliu tinte te coilect suppie s lu sufficient quan tites at osu Dowv bas t Chattanooga. vili proccet forceasi, (c«e deit .1%> met mt go ite visutem quartara, Largiereinf(ýee.iuts bve becn sent th 'ubpèsb lu4pq i tbe ;a gosisp -u l' 4 CItyliUW Reeeky UOurntalmg., p 01 ci Jlorrible, Outragea Hmngiog cl b. far tee gced .foi'thei pemptritosfth et .foilociug horrible eut' rage, narvated by tba Omît flhperter. A meot diagraceful outrage-sucll oue ai ce dld nut îtdnk ceeul have bains comtted eunt of a New Yenks imu-tocis place in Omit ont Smtrday night lest. It appav that on tha day pravions, -tee contan, uaoed Mary Wilson and Auo lichols, cama doen front Guelph teomiat, and cent te the Queeo'. Armq. hotel, wlhere thaey rem-tined nttil Saturdmy. By ssem maos tbcy attrmcted tii. attention of s in woring thea, cho, vison tiey laft, doggad thin, ad folloed tii.. 10 1r. W-E. Benu's bo-tel, ehere tiiey had gene te enquira for lodging and wovk. A Mr. Pickard, wheosme te Mr. Ben's beard thant asking for ledging, said be tbougbt bis wlfe Pouid giraisent' ledging for a short tinta if tiieywanted it. Tbay agread te accompany Mfr. Picisard te bis bouse, near hunterts tavero, -saddatarted mlong euth hlm with thai intention. As acon û5 tise mac ehe foilowed fonnd ciiere they were going be ieft thentand îbey procced. eri cisent furtiier sonoyance te Mv. Pick- ard's where they made a bmrgain for iodg. ing until Monday. Mfr. pickard, baving- forgaita aomEinatg, liad ratura le toco. Tbis was about cigit oc'clock ln tise even- ing. Sbertly mftev 1fr. Pickard bcd left, frr. Piccmnd, happening»t hear a noise, iookedeut cf the wlndoe, and saw soine pereons iooking li. Soon a rap -came t0 th,ý door, andi chen site went and openeri it, site eav.- about tvcnty or tbiu-ty men andi beys standing on tise road and avcnnd the deor. Sise asked tiiose vit e e stand- ing neareat chat vas wanted, when tise persen vise had before folhoeed tise' Wb- meut said "We vaut tises.- omen yen have In the bouse, ari b y G-_d vel have thent.' Thty ptthed by ber, and ths-ee et thent entered the bouse, siZing tute Yeung voumn, Mary Wilson, by ber am andi legs, begme teu-ss,9 ber' out cf tise bouse. Sise of ccurw resistcd, and screumed ioudiy for heip, but tisere heini ne one but the womn in the houste, of, course ber efforts to free hersait fÉre r assahiants cerecof ne aval. HYY thie limée tise parîy vere angazed In haeiing thse Young corn aaosg the road, prevçnticv ber fromnt akiog i noise by stutull< thefr lists doco ber mouts, and after baulfii ber a long a distance of hait a tuile 10 a grocts cf teeensin that.quarler, tbey titrer ber dowr, and whiie moine cf ttc Party beid ber, othera, to tise number cf dcc eto tan, snccessively violmted ber pormon, b.ý sides orherwise bruitaily il.tremtin,&iser.- I"earing itla supposeri, bai censeoqupeet to tise vomme if they proceeded auy fur. ther in tbeirbot-ribla vork. semae of the Party helperi ber bacl toa1Mr. Picisard'. Tbey wee net satisf cd, hovever, and be. gan seercbing tise bouse, dtnanding the other corn. Mr. Pickard bad isy thit time conte brick -fron t di, and thinkisi te intmmidata thent, went te tha dccv citi a pisteaimuid tisreatei'ed teashoot anme of lb.., but they ianghcd st hlmmcd continu cd titeir crics fer the otiser coutan. Mrs. Piekard saeing bow ipattere cave goiig, told thse conmu te go dn'.vn &aira, andi gsîing eut te thse ct-ccd îoid tient the 'cerun c as gone. fise scoundrels were oct smîis. fiad, isowever, and tcld ber îiay ueut bare ber or tbey wouid kncck ber brama oct This wus, hovever, the end cf the revî and sisertiy after the ntost efthtie croc, c ent avay, sorne cf tisent, bo*verr,'tra rmaiuiej 4 unîl seven o1ciock on tihe folies ii1g ntroiug. About cice oeoci on Bab bath mrning the tee girls laft Mfr. Piçtc ard'a witb lb. intention cf valking It 1Preston, ahoheistise oeavas suft'arin% t m u e h s e v e ve iy t -oua i a o ne0> t ,- m e s c o mItt cd tipon ber. Arr'ivlng it' Prestonisej put up at Ilsey's taveru, and retired te reMOUS, chen about tan o eloik, in tisa morn iug the poor creature had a unisArlage abee dis les utit' bld, se b.eng, .it .mi tpearge,' aimarvied vomsn, mcad tehein 0ber titird chiîd., Iu the mornIng, feelinl better. -she detemluad enlklug le o-al j- j 't AndrdWis Society 0f Wtdtbr and Theasndfai XMeethlw Oftdis Society WUs beid st Créee'u Ectel, Wliuby, ontheia aflerneon Ofesattirâby last.1 W-. WiIiis0 o odot the retirlog Preut-1 det Obalrman. Mfr. Lawdor 5e&@ry- 1 Th,) Treans ~Rseport wsoi binitted4 and adoptad, sbow]uig 'à alance Ofcf osil on hand, availabie for the. bmnetroient pue 9 poses cf ithe, Society cf 1.2 The foiiowlng gentleen v ere eiecied1 Office.Beairbrs for dia eaUitg l'est', Mr. George BKaegilvray, F'resident. 1 Mr. Robert Maciaen, 'Vice lreadlent R-V. X., 4;aLanan, ObapISlti. 1 Dr. Gnon, Phymiceian. Mr. Lawdar, Secretavy. Mfr. Roberts, Treaunret'. lite Cointittee for thel3enêtoleno t 1UI poses cf tha $oietytare, Bir. 'William I Gordon, Mfr. AleLï Alaitandero Dr. U[duc,1 Mfr. liaider, Bir, Donald &fackay.1 lit was 1h53a resolved that tiae(Ihaplal in shouid bha invited te pveach the sannai sermon te the meuibero and <riende cf the Society, at the St. Andrew's Cburch, Whi t- by, on Sunday 29tb inst. at 3 o'ciock p.rn. and that after the service, a coileciion be taken op on behlf of' the fundi-of the Society. SIt le lioped that Scotchmen and their descendante, and ail fricndly to the ob 1jeciq cf the Society w.iii attend ini large 1numbers and contribute iiberaily In aid c f the fonds apprprialed for benevoient ptlrpcsee.t t 1 St, A,ýndrew's Day *ill bc ceiebrated by a Publie Dinner at Crocker's Hotel, on . ionday, .30tinsmt. ýwleu Iwo hope te wit nae a social gmtbering «wprtby cf the. .tumrbers and position of the Scotcbmen 1in thit tQwn, and neighbourhood. 1 twas aise resoived, that in order te- 1afford a wider range cf memberehip and use fulnesa, the constitution mhould be Iamended hyr the adoption cf a ncw î,ame, 'for the Society, and that it shall bereatter 1be- desîgniated-"'The St. !,.ndrew's Society of WIithy. mnd Pickeriug nd adjacent FTiwnsbi1js." r Objections haviug been. taken te the sectional position, and usefulneasscf ts eSaciety as torineriy coensituted and named,- K t is huped ilmat tbis alieration wiil reiuove every grotind et jeaiouay or cotupiaint, Kand titat it will rpisuit in sucb an increase cfo the inenbership maddeteans cf the Socie. wty, as whIll coble th office bearere te meet Yevery urgent and prepér dam-and whicb the drcaims of a common nationality and breth. ,erhood inîq bring upoii thent in-their new r'extended ephere CIf tcîon. [t'ederstl1 Etped ttmon lat Irexam. Tii. vas dent population ofViagiià k Nevada Territery, on the drit. er Jul, Wà i eetimatod at fiftaso thoasand, dis daily ici. thie qurisa et amile lu lengtii, fmeroc&. cd 41th pOple cf-every grade -ad desoeip tien>;a largb propertioli beicug.ahugaçti drsd, mies and femalei. The b uildings on Mà ain'streel ire Mo.u brick, tb-a ut torey -irdit1open la front. This gtves a iig-ht CheevfiaPPaart4ice to the strel, especlalhy in tdia nigiit ilc. when- briliiantiy ligisted witit gas. Ma ef the Vuildings u intis ave provided cjs> volhts amdsamatidavs; 6ailthe four a&M fie stovey brick mnd !ron front ffisproof buildings nec going âp hale one or bedi ut thesa-inilspensible- faitnves. Soe,. f tise stracta are se, blocked np eith humber, brIdtaid mdmortar, thatt kWapsart atiMu unabla e 1iget aiong;couoii>mu s front $3 te, $5 a ay. withount.bard Tç city eupports,'fur daily ewsppers, theatre, opera heuse, sevi chnrd3Ãife, sud mnty numnber of nicidoni- udimogeo min' strei 1t Bay> nothing f, tiac institutions enunerted abve. -No one whie ba beu erafcunforai au ida f the amotit ot reure te be sen pseng trogh Main trea.,,At Welisbh Earg's banking. bouse and apreas office it le net Unnotdilc fo ses tes o f(!Billet' bricke'" wheled lu and eut <la e corse ef an heur. Vbcee 1 brcks"in ebhape réembla tise ordinmry fire-bricks, but mret.uich largar, mnd front ni ne bundred sud- eighty'-é w nime hundrcd audninctyl paetmnt.fii$eRss1 wchi.eut.fif,.c'u per cent 1 'ban -pure, shher-a'eragIag sete eigittee theu. dsied dollars emois. Tha . igbt drafts oid frequeifly umount te a hundred tbousand dollars at day. Sumi cf twenty dollars snd upwstrdâ are tisnmhiy pidtin tweuty dollar places. No! paper curîeay thare,- or in ,any of thie tmîinng teens West of the- Rocky' Mouniasin-SaIt LuIse Ciy being thaeaiuy -Place where paper circulates for mney. Se nuch for a city liia thai% jesi Tu1 ec utssuteeO' ucoc hv mmtn va&; th rnut!au l omumand, leutrafty semblais be pnta la1r.. . 1i *amn daýole là eu" Anixirr 6as been ri fite a floc Deindico IfLil lm"o thaew Tise e Yerk- Jhrad bhas mdvicea p. m., cf m" 4th. Tise expedition imnded sanfelt' ounreNas s'bore cf the frie Grande, afte r iosing'eue or ta' eisça but ne- lives- A beau crac ' antisavait soidiers vere. isecever, tireenel wiie disernisarit- ung. Thie rebscaaoacnitcd i'ort Browrn, seîîing fis-e te tisa sverk9 thare. Brouvos, ville cas alec set gre te by a f'ee robob cavairy, bei Union me n tureiedt! onte t- tinguisis, eben theo'robot cavai-t' cere joiieti by secsaionist un tise iogfa'nsd a terrils tréet fight cas goiîîg on, muid tise bouses burufng arounti theut. -Tisa i4îh' Maine cas insunedimit' erderedteomar, on tiic place. là Mains Regi, swes tisei fitsto tlandt!on the Tegu shorteran Iowlea ammei imedatet' tt~the, teir regi.ý mestilt4g eing hiltet! mîmoust aintul *Prom tiê Hra4i crsspondene cr itt,,attia'bad qua t fgen. Banks, Texaé, tisefu>llowivsi« Oga.pedtiPai are icnli1à ÃL#à etitree timys afttr ieaviii Sônthosi asatiie speditieut bat! pléa-_ sat. vesîter. 6n -die meruiug - of theq 36111 n se,îvy cntisr; was ftpericnced, ragiug 12 heurs, during cibcistise -à swam ar Uuion adti iescooners suent docht. Tise stemer Zepiju ,r bissi-bea t aciievy Itroken and.vas taken latocbt tise gun. boat Uvoso.::Tisa viole fleet ciii the exceptîbo e01thtie Union andth is e W.scioon ond, arrivet u thec retîdescous on tise S TieiadngvSfremade on Braies Ia. land on the. 2nt!, andt! haeiitit Maitiei Coi. Dssyev, saoiianled but'Major Von, Letun, f Goa. IBanks' taff, tarted fr Sois Chics,, teck possession et.-tise Fman and ancapedt! here ounths Srd. Afier a recouicismoca et tha inoutii of tise Rio Grande, i a heii' ug aseffectet ce tise Tezà Ã'saoe. À higit surf cas.,-vunlçg, and 4 isee capsitet!, aevea 'sciaiers and lv.> sailets wera, droeua, One et tise boatmeftaer rotcruiuug froun landiaÉjtma been feunti se great l' ia tSe-ffeulsbire patencibat tise principal infactnsrs1 M esure. Cop elanti, ioton, tn d t! e s, bmve frbiint eue of c.iu,,lie on heir prmises turing tiche burs et work. Tno susmhep aione, the losses-by- breiiager cf articles evept docut bi,-tisent, ainounte! te £200 a year. Tisa cor6aisops became tee esuanmdltae vork cas impedail. Te cet-kLeîeave suismittet the s chasngé eutb almtetcti re nmit,'anti gooi cul, andti unetr upon tieir coiS lus gammnte like tse of Grock mtaines.- -t;c Ciras 'e vzrnonîBA.-Iydtepioi bia; it appears, frein a communication ad,' dreget t the Abeffle Eedeak, uai oce he curet! by a single vmpenr ,ebic.i itediateiy ehiminates di hes, 1t baya tisai expérience bas'ascen thst the cure is certain oni the firai day qot tieout- Wrak. But ne eue miould calitite appa! mccc efthie pareils., but slmïeiateit l. -f ter h bile cf tae' og bave teceerse te tié uaia vperbath. As the. disaus cvrs aiowes itacif betore saven dà t's-have elapse ti the e idi ut, titerea las ample dine tir p'reveuf the accesà ot th1w blîh#ento Icmr-etMe tualatit. It ose vbd4 bave stuidies IK a gc~tibis annonncemenîý maueincredîbief mcd tise Acadeint of Ma- dicina i 18Ã26 dià uttgive a lavonrabîf tropovi cf Ibià pecubiar troamnct. . A} ses rom uaars's&uot-b Lostdeir 'Obncrmsr cf thtq 24mb 1it, smss Ne ar eîeimbled to smate, (PM£é'ýua autlîoriy, tisst Uer BRoyal Uightesa ithé .l'î-giitcnlitWales wdli proimbhty be cou>. aie n ou- .#hut taelutest ck ýisKrsi seaxt. Theiteal th of tha Pu-iucetrie ail iliat eau lie'de6irc4 under the -eiscliffiau' ces; andth ue *uation bls rasc o' taejoie at i h prospect of a perptuaticlr,-iq. a direct lina, cf the soiereigeity cf bar GOA sud Gracionls Mmjesty, Queca Victoria. Hot.:ýcÀv's PuLS smo- OzîvI*fr Facts for th isa niin-By a recaetel meut outhtei.French govet-ament, tier auedieinem are adunitiet! varet ofdutt','iD &U1 corts cf France., Fiiel ara axteslilOIY fempt foe to tilm p himsaifin threiiuni eda"t B 1