çew ~dveUspwe ay 0141Y ONE DOLLAR A TEAR lVitby. Tlînrs4ay October 212, M6. A-Partisnontsry Se*s'¶on wutb a ttrong -Wéak Mlmtiry. The firit sesion of a new Parlianuent lu over,,otad we e-a a coiîtemporarl wellobuuv batht i will long "bave au *gvit naie behind t" But Vit . botter -coo1d b. nxpeed fronu the dpuoýtiou pratilus d by msteni in carrying îtlw lee~ -tions, and the itiine andjobhary opeuoly mosoted to, by tem in buling support dsring tihe sesion to keep thenuselvei in oca. Their .riclcory comutaeuced yul, tise cntion of oeeof theiselve --îleiv, Sclcto (oera-as Spealcr-a tnMn unpreodented prooeedioîg. They ex spu~î Logive IMs. .ltantîi-a thîtklc4nd- thîn upprte,-a seat 1inthse 4H'nuwe, lgeoring tihe fact tisai he vasnot iegalli sttern.d for thie ccttueey whic'h 11 sbughl ta reprosent. and thà t anher gentismen,> wh a botter sie ta it claimed tis e st. tbey uighîta Iopverrldo ail parliaeentar i ugo, mu s et »t 'nauglnt te lg'tes of lte eleetors, in ci-dem a c- miuistei'ial majorit>' lu obtain a supporter ols u on tisefloor cf-the Haoue. Biiut tise, a ve7 wag encraachnueant upon t.e iglais O e Itlui1 thels- evu Speaker, sales! ,- aeilut ttm,lius kuti by bis cuiug note 'save t ttc, (om- tiecllscà 't ir' c f thisdi$Xrtfl b et. îss ' - Ms-. ioqts-¶s umation cf *anl of eonfideta e lu m"nStara ounteCoustttlial que .- »lh' tien, anuthluwhuýft t'purtiuerett i -t P gentlematn by a ou'ethébýciI bribeto Mr Fole, ta osece'sded y;Mm. over>'9c ttho lisat feot ing tise port etfGaspè iht and 15ch ordes- te gel d et Mr. IueBo6istillet, a and iuntucoesft battempts uc buhly ja !i"d b - .s~4 tts-ixuupea e ut6p . qpon, e'<>"" eQýrptote mmbrso te' gt tise oil --thise inc o 1ft* pemierss, aW4.bis gras ths pll Igneeates cf ttnsît.Isvior 'of agetl~eman..- -nepîto s>' tte dtle; ot à snteqmti,-. 'Il e tad teuo' né ouspetenco 4haplayed by ou 'te whoie, trbesof shoffleri..w!ea- t ptsentj; gpaetbLseaà à -f. Baia. Te t-ér Hoei' exterwim ivOe dit 000- thai*.4a ûyem. Novw iiuery Goeà s--HisMilton & Co. flesutbtry -W. Ãœ~. Card. ~ons-e4 '-W. CoiVan, 1v- Gaudi-Do. Vsoa Amrsstce Côtay -0Oot4les AIUCTIONSALES- At î12 0 çlleclc, gluon, ci-s lridal, oct, tà , 186,â oht Lot No b7, tiugtou Rend *kelg he prupesuy tuf M. Johncoaa- te., Ttoma* Myeru,' Atuucîoueer. On Lot Na. 12, 8ît Cen. of Titat, ou Tuestuay, Oct. 20, 1863, te propent>' et Mr. Raonbertethne. Aut1Il o'eclt, a. 0u, on Lat. Na. 1, t Otit. of Pickeoring, ont Tttrodsy, 'ect. tâ, iS6*, ilie psoperty et Mr. 'ftc<ay Bue. tûis, Tisoseas !yersý,A-tctloneer. UOn Tce-sday, 'Oct, 27, 'est Lot 30 _Otis Coin. Whitbyistck aidfarm implemeuts prapeet>' af Solaosi nSolitt.-Tiios. TMy>- on, Weraaiuesdamy, Oct. SSîh at te ne-- «d¶ci cfr1H. W. Aunes E-ei*, wtity, Stock, aud farnt, impomet.-Thas. My- os-s Anctioneer. Asaigneus Sieouiù Thaureiuy 22m rtbDl., i iu thme ovu ef! hiiby aif Dry Gondis le., lvi Fairbaéks jr Aucirteèr. f CredilSl fFra-taltîelants, ast Lot No.,16 lot c'on. Ils-ne, Itle pi'perty efTt ueais Vfýon, A. Sps-itug, t .ucetnoeer.r CredtSithA ot Stock.,[ptroit bunletnenie. &c., un Lot Ne. 18 tt. sCori. lMa.g the, cropsrty oft Mark W. 'vswfos-4, 0(il Weebtisd-iy. Octobes-, 2st,-J. M. Patter. suAtctioneer. 'On Lit 35, trokaen tri, Whihy. ttc J <properî>' cf the ltale Mr. aurgen Gamnclc *ou Fnitia>, Oct. 30t 1863.-Thom'ais Mycnu i -Auctîauee-.. On Lot 6, inite Iltlcou. Rnch, lte pros-> f Ms. johne\Vnrnpr, eut Tees. day, Ner. 3t-d, 1863.-Alts prhutg, Auscioee.-c On Lai 15, lu the belt con, of Blii, tc proporty of Mr. Ttomgls a Wîos -Aberst Sapriug Auctioune . _ I~ous isotgoed govosestt, 'tapon viia vo réiied, vei téerJspa outersibBlaod by ti odbteoio-t oft teir pas-iy utuaube. Thois-bptSilov pot yearus utlia, Mds tue 404s1itîlasoà nt of esssy it ýpetfeet*i figisoa cirsilarin.And thm-ou'it tis tueans, -aideti t fpectiamal cries, sud ouit ocru-putaus paýj.an vs-are i ta*heiv Party' houa bqiiî jsp-plsooê4ain vitr, adti edaî tin psosuiday,-iMo4 wth tie r le. Wv(e au' t <sa- pui nreuugubýeued sud tuhî ii u it and iais C&W' Ouly be dcne by teoroegi osgamimaticl.. D3y orgaislzaihn aloo irl va ho asatlo& fullytoiei car opponott at te itutu-re oatestsi To .go a n'u vo une, e~p evyi er>4iu;tae dano.. stilt la~n iÃŽeaseeýà and poer uecs tltona a=iattb4e ipsmon'iven yi eg jppeoantimtut, us tare. vakig sociatiocunsb th Mode, s-t>', a'the -NortSt sus!'Booth isH., t-Ontario,#À t1ire ou b lIle' l -onstita.scy tbroughpjt te tagth-. - V " , .,- 39 bukrispt cy bI -h-lIto ei tr 4n of tâtles bilI-criminai jsi -attsgiul t'tre-ibuancial ref ýn*-repreWAtittYO * forai-ailtrowtýÀ $hefonr wiads: isietor auecà to keep teir places, aùà btèoiltgt ,seming sand latrlgnltg ~ à .) hot o showdînie ta thhek of Suyttlug éhle, SD .ne ïi of. t hose M noanr es - is ' maccliuns ttempted. Andi tt session thtt wus to havre been an adjourned 4sçfiot, sud occopy only a moutit? toi nop siste 1weektsj and- indefiano Âï teir promîtes, and cf thehe alleged "retr.uclhmeouu"poliq wu s reated by, John Sandfteld & Co. sau extra session, Parliamment boing proyagued -iustend Orfan adjottrument 'unil Jauuny îs¶Iitg place i The Srig.Weak Miuistry, vth tva cf a majaiy,ýoaual taefrà 10ta1lae ssupport- er-And, ýthey "ttreuched" by -Rivln-! theinsolves sust lheir fricuds pay. for three lest*>rrs f Parliament vidhihutwelve moisîhs, attgoo a session for eaehà meu.' bert,with. oxtras i Thoir "nreuctmcul" cousiâted in upendiug Hfla million of dollurs cf tte peple's môuey lu ths way, wviilbt:t for ilteir "stroug-weakucaa"1 might wel-and in the proseut state cf tIse majarity off nwcos«nbe country., Dwlnig; the vitale hrtea sessionis cf 'ils weak in. econpaeent Adrmsusratiau ireu actes1 tai nam bas been date. fe ettactof Parlis. meut passed, fewer measuru ef pabslic stilîty trouwghtt fm-"rd-than itas been tmnusncted lu uuyoeue session ot auy pro- nvous Parlhapint under any alter.Admilu- ist'ià tI in Cu. anada. And duriug tteir teuure'of oflice more dlsgraeefnl1 scenes ha"e been enated--sncorsmutiprscîic s s.rîdeand mremdhsredit brongpht upon anuadnits legisbation by the presentt Mi thss ian by itl otter goverumenss wit,'ruled Cal"d, put togeuhen. siuco te dasèub te Familv Oemicat. Mecassty for Partir Orgaisulzalos Thte desirabhliîy cf anu nsied argaujia lion cf thea Moderato Party lu tis coutî tas long beau felt; but lftde in a pranni- cal way bas jet beeau doue tavards con. suidaiug it s etrcugthoffectvely, sud efllcieutly. At evesy election vé bava allowed osuselves te b. takcu at a disad- vautage ty aur oppntus.'- Wo vers caeb nouenet wvus peiling 'car evi vae- ievery maq as Isis cvi: hock," sathsfied ihl te gaonofoet eau ",iate .ud lte umrits- ef aur cabdidates tu do tise sest. Our aposeitîttounteceoutrary"vae drtill. 4-e~ marsabled, ani disciplined, aud came, tu the polls lu su' argaised phaiana. Wu voire thse single roda;-,tltey were lte 4na. dl', of sticks. Tiseir cohitlnsd united it.lau madeiecp fo eIcin of trAsAigutî n ,eetdor sesttereti dwçaumcted, mumý bçra. -Tbcîr ,#eçpnq:iet'of pitrlotusa, Ioyaity, Wsud s& t etta llrisaiti Idollam anid fic>' cen ts ; tuent Stat ceeuS do [boo1bî'r t e Ivelve ecs$# pet pendt le nov weyt.ay'* vniy'tvo 'Ëaeu;-,kOur' aluat vus sol st aI ive doflâla Dowri>vailit I belau ouba-ri1nul uhesapsopa.. tieuA** inca-nasebsldrosgooti frevenv arti- 'cle ef>ticoîiing, toatasd1fuel, pureluasot sud coneuisd. Ta, tain utfpresperity adi' go& liass es vss wavtien pt-mesile' tesam are t ae iâtu it nomse.o. The truat ir,-e, hê Ml tisya smoupon n flîancial- 'ly us' veil as-poliucali>', sud ttey are gel. riag '00 betler -y ftst. -Seos-eta->'CuAtis uwmes ii l i tt' tho -lime Mas>'Ceeti Wbea a -breakfà at yWittnost s .tteaasvdici lais mi .itunhlel.lai7if vo gbirtuoOIu lart «- t ,14, pfé*w:-rate. Bat tts, Witt the (Wobe cosse <o tesièÎd bu rend- ers 4ud le tie. at treibY? 0e"ûetvts, 4paaasnî Govegcsmeat ha sseageaneo 1'ley 1bave. -buuaed bî v têoisu cpon tâse Welliand (%sd, andti ueir' .p#Ltriotiýensdeavoms havée teon cro vuet ,Wll,u-tc" in 4 riz 'vqlisriade tllsough tà ise nl o -fr. UuProvîuosa.-iu Âcoet«r>'O tins SL 0aihanlâeà t' Ooig&u- ' a u. ssunt eofs-etenue 'ç6lecedl marial.' - 1'tds aaenk Lau ' 55cm I Ge1.i4"erac sus iteWn reteavldah,'ai' - - - - 9t, "Gho r t rsseiVc t oIt«its, fer Shettordb 'Ta thase wto bail W4tÃWûdl -. Noihtert Ulles, linIgentlernan's 11111e offert, uatbust4 'p. m- - ' 6te anti pcared more apropos, thon lhe sty ê et ýte -toronto'-Crk?&insu mmentiugaispon otiU teà oaoa ~ lbOratt'~ light banter wit*t wbic'li b.pu~t, ul l hé ~be ~1let I~'1d.iî isoin er isr e itýi - il nian, 4sÃeà ue~d le culti %ooden smord of the çJv<6- ý el îd~H t~ud~4îte~ad atar moute afdt - --5à 4 ' Westecn counpared him t ôthe, street' serpbat- tùde huatt -mrebemuon taoi. ' s e-,as ti d hrcing up bis dîtîle balla sand bab'as-sing cdtt t6tiid s tan ea-Ia i tihe polo-forthe' a'mtuement f afit u1ni. t.e Nort luthe folloviog language.. g em-vei4e formtdA audiençeî,, sil< scc!ned the insubt "Dotent itself tas served as a meausinet hbrl parlYl'are Ille mosi "illiberal par. implied by thoseWbWo hll dselected sucli un eà rtilîstg the ý-iïnse Ù4mlyontyor0ô0&a bita the gsuie arene. "tmou tb-thig oùpporr t ttO hAdmlasitt.'ti*esson hs"' ueibfeh' oe-gt 'tsetocî'Iateà 'HeuiwbaîeV oftpsieslne "thion. Th tcuwive colis for arthioal Mailly vas-m friengds cf Hs, Mcee, have, the Hanse sudd was 1 istened lo wuth brenîlu. "have licou repoudetite witli atýs1*riîy , ose anti ver agaVq-,eà d niered;ia impt'es ls atntoirkei auy oc u lo a "inover polapsofil,îeluà Ûâ qtè[tSbiu. tb1ysouInlo "lotItc ailis'evuit, xudwtsvlà , Wojetios.eoteuS t is ou.1hrinows tn Ji lii, herbioty ##May b. sabren to, il froi ast econousical bottan udtOoiattt ta bà lti be folllwv .rt1 urss llend WIewlug démocratie ilînint of view, tas furnlshed tte sineva of, etl sud repsid in kinti. Having< foitîst out btis priswsples,, tîseir Anuerican symupthieus, "rnsLI hoprc~ c mnynoefire- h' . _ "rne,matduly laktes Ibo eirlisî opptorte rnsie t l liao ln'people in tho'malter cf "a grëattr ratio tbià i ln wALÉes 'cf late t uta sèt hib aei rightf,. s#iyday vii tgomi Separate Sio'-aî, above ahi, thoir -lt 1asquu tos: i mre ud 1 a to'euin. ttc. honorable ocf putîioîitmmilu b.tructing cvery the cn'seqeînt ardshps Zr born 4l. n tean' 1loin 0 tocýpuefforthete jilaac3* niite countnyte co ntr a i loteteoo "moqt vittont *. ununr, Cnrs:tsgentleman tfaint b 1may aswel set½'ct for adfesce,-reuindeuioe of Mirabeatu ad- '<respunded t%i'epoîsubar Vii; iltastise piiîsopiser' la oafin- Gi ltr-dressintg tisa revolitionany alemessl insthec "voles! WhtIa4-oi supplias havebseen %uat, States QGetw-s-ab: Yost, snsd ha ciîl yôtir. 'anti bas givon lo tho e pîv vhaver iy. ITt'dô«noi :exiat. Tta"yocr genisuse selves thc liburni po*rIy,, yoti etencisst '<acr atteneîemd s'esryt buh.paced GrIt, abWioto sîhon4 cf illiberal parly tisaI cier pulitiés gave "0escenn roauhno t wa r 'iitarall-o i s li t, Ç Is na or btirtît u. Anîd, coming to speak cof hum- R4emsaeiug ttosc lution fthti ai inefaatc u , oeself, ha anit iélue ast ut soapansy,-otwd nu. ltemexberlng he bu- Ig bmonoo ,gsi-n gecesfatad sec - is"ta tIsic edes fil atiy purrtylie te valuntrens ; thc ternihbees-jotuin uOPpOsh icuslat; 'ne greae io, eiiu o ve titlis position ln thie cuosnry ant is.i tinate tc dafttIs "uktidchlig" t pbisis. la:itg rone to itm septUthionswitih ltacounrymnanliEurope, tio tethedrat; he ,âkddalin" o poitis. it-ll' orngr fo thir n lu ncnica, lu Anstralia-to te gift of se masY loyal citizen.; the oue haudredto .yla-ly, thte Grisa have coqs tod with shem, speech wlshich -Gadi hati givan à itisi, tIsaI -ttoasnd' dAsertars tramuite **ortbonn sd uaed'lîom tu put dlawsa4lee Ottîslim e s. w.au iley liant Opaucîlthe lisauts. of ý Pt- - tIsosliv whn.qa ehosce lhe stood oanlte ,Âmies ý the es& adeof -ulioan Ileartiîy lisg dathe lhesty ilaYati flIoror utha ou le. Fronà te irst catI b.ayoeuste 'carr7,slctiotis la fana: etthat 1tisa sanie gagn. vitt,tem, IQ detîoutcad ut tis epe alie at] ssmrketl eut bis pauul poiiapariy, rpeene ytise Ad. Oraneeon. They vaeeteitse whn s-ait.bi ityta h50 ui'nstrny, aad bail sldiy poiiin~V neprsentti b ~r1 n t'lioted lt, and wout ll iw u tatIs ensd. inhsitist IWauhngton, and te,. al andtheot No I'perll" es-y tia iS57 ;-4t vas Ou bis firi eraate niîto Partiainct eh but universatlscauteist it thetcconducl an ignorant bigaîottd GOnt ý denualssc-d i liti axas-mb h1issîlu nvain te inxpire tho cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n ub aes aat utmonn uure go-cali cilLibes-aI Party wiîh broruden and mut indood b. eeadiug passug cmoats Mr. Mc('lee'soivn it t bdha nýw qtl moront 5ln . it ofh epWtie n rnat tacinvardu, an muaâtolelieete rentiers cf that thitantedis-t1 puok. Whoi- bemndsaitsrmnc-i outhttcfrietids iwio ad anelanteu bis. hu e td united isluhuaf wiîlu th en- ttc Globe capable ef swaiiaving a cou. hmhm itspîtà is(, viesa Is cuin tirhili bt-n fis-S.italt Oxford, buat the rietiourtalis:tt iderahIe simounit cf garmnian ta plane te- talents voro .tha unI7 place o! honei e s -ojutthat ges'.tleiss al d tumtrasat, iai ue, fare thora sncberas-nul stuif. spetatuility of whij< ul bott- foi tiiHlia aîjus-ed tié,sescilled LiteraIs :bayiould fus- cier. and voulti dr.in lte soosi eut.sdd. th iMpoe -'-Trade luegOd; vWho slow se' tu ltuii ise duv:, anti again.st thai' andti hsow uay tiese.cab. buiaus jourigheie,! More hnisiug. deery lita guoilsante. ra are va itîd,,d bard. near te ua rthtul commentaorafthe New-. tant le lins conu outi l ronmthe f-t t a ude uiia t J froa~ anangm t uità ftis etianasa oppuiiît-, bttheîsy York Worîl : ucéleau bil Ie aae piu~d sandipleaseti vasa open, iuly anti gareru.a t euie- "Thare ias beau a. goddeai cf iralh Iwjuhbhis iuuuly de-Clarasiun: sin th ot>1-es tisy uniocver detýivn-,t hit --tiaay acre, circulaîtignthei uapapors recently s-spect- 1ihat te tas -1 abîjurser! lb.' -UIALibet ten' o pi.ntg lento ntele,, ntia ing the, pps-serîty nuthttcNorth notvith- &asfos- v4ur," uihtu h'tt Ineilbl utr comîpréentsive '.iew4, anti ho sîoulti tin standing tho heavy isurtiers cf tho van. lu 'îdrav iÙsM Oiti ogalissi -tCU Itt îrt>Q rin-esn u i i:suiî lcnai isbs-na tuaI mouel is easythaltte opera iij' ilene'v- na al a in 11ltehé anse »wuo sasy lte cîii.cltuiti gaiiay the genfus iss alaesit oftheb anti theats-es are cnovdatl uightiy andti ItIn leltter 'fooi tiî aned',<4oshuaî conrnes- lui. .1. A. Mfacritîrrald, tis abailisy, cansis- higit.priced goilasecnre a iready saie; but poruot(I..u rf rite Montreal 'GLîýtter, a-c indtîNr. Gant ctrugei n Jmueor oati;u tItane is an.theutansd lit le" fIMInt side of the fatttcaiug .aczý)klei titi'i31r. M'--Nt's n- Vý% as lu ipitrt --llyje-ri su oa M.atyr." the intueawhiat it voultiho Allie> veit te Mr b o sîitot iriatcttsly an- boe*r lu mid. The pices oethtie noces- Tiueaîîny ,rvrîrril ivhici lsat'lie: nlr(iee itrcton. sanies of lite haire adiraneeti unmously. itSieusuauiaîd Uptin, utu li la giti t of o-n e icott. .)Itl. 'itri ieh sud peorsonis wiit csîtl, fixeti incomes anti broluýIat h44-. qnnam frienti, Ille Gilsa tuowel aotiriesyI ta .. $irtte. The Premicr salariesos e noilver su taieodfrmenus se mý it-.saii - And iow dl-iyou rs-t-uy ifis ? ilid sîatneifr ahgie.'yuasrt prumnire 'rtita vvote aganstlfils op- asnov. Ctrstnrs, starelceers, mon- IL~sotsuati t- >-uhsgsi-- tiuius ~S-enpit n c~a e>' etavugpru, ltek peraturs, ait wvb ssol iti t IourmnttrSeii Isîli ut tiadts boîseving a' s-ligi- gondst <r, sali, hava di,ua axceesdinglY vaîl fsek s4eaccnlis utofteps-'.tssg j "i gltitasues- fl iii t htt elbale, Ilicugît f4r tii. lut Ivo yaars; but not sacees, ant ivtitliconsitierabîte idtiuir, t'-u-Ithai gesilcutnan tnîl, a ltir tours before sia.il proerty tolders mecisanica, ait in rititian alb ilîicti ho tat vioas-eae.il"rthi-, appulntmerit,met Illue fantimy collea- tat nè sêliose ueoeare fiftcs.n ftinds-ad del- Mr--U t in ate t ree Os- f tlisc.-iui. giasSisud adjuiretlus î<i stand firu, andto ut hanis a year e r Ilest-a eliiflaon. by tise ()ata uirt occasn te objeot va.i t'o lieru 'eiprumime tIhe strengi of Ouir position." t aiuiiî,tlu ire utf'Mr. MeUtefroan tilte Tbi4ak n.urSneet vras rcain'd witht va>'. wtie imaatma "ilv-hatofutOur vitele tecîaesPremier. On tlils oc a tî,agre il petenuisa )s. [t spçearaîî aise flint population. The peaner clisesbaveretalsîiils mnie.-vican dticîil sseaussary b>Y.Mn. MizCil uindbacas tetupti l y an op- tas je experisuue-fttteai sufeinug,saitiseora tise pnly nboitait of tisa lieutand lis-bp- pQitmeit la an ouilet for ableisodetd'men lu tilembasanuc Minista, whte- flo:itininjî army; hu tihe ruggla for lite, or rather ubreugh (liie lciars ne for te Esuuuraaîao. ~ trNi -food, and fuel, v-as neyer an hard.asilu bau With Uis vbew Ms-. iboitasaeat culOut' terni for thse pttyesr.Coah. ta r instance, tins way net-y ga'tOîti»lt>isseby' ta theLi ' N wiith via litlndant a year lunce at ovie ientteiernt e t o-(IL th~e arIri4iof e aner dallais sot fifty Cents peon s v italsel' eaMA .i ~ a~etarbt~e. bcstie tLea -1 --. ,-1 -- lu r'viL_ .ifulmr:ie' lt t $ar-eMadç. or hatare Chattnoogna s e Ie, Vu' urlO 40<5 5" IrJdoaiat itthea'army'-o the 'misa ?utos s btan,1er à ýd<, 'W t ilr, Jr. ti-asuaitilouïsa lrulaed het tIteauoilou, 1 t üinuto tth d t tlofrif Be 1Lýineu, J<saepli,IjclI gnitJohn an brthe ofu.i uithe riusesraa ,'tr buuî ta lstrI u 3rd,JaueWl(oî.- anti tho, c tin Wnstaiutpasty, by cri.-, JLie'i;stre t i s ;.itiutm s-orenOt k'ssowsu. ~ misiiu !nc of M sti--' Mr, 11ilsce ihercn.P4"1rîas-e- iTinhe ot r uobcis Impoats slCu isuJspuWsou uCo et' the- pîiore ntliie uisi gnn ran>â f linely pligtograpi t htý,inanc' il- J posap é iit-éa tuthhn',re iuiaMine"ýntader't-Wisop. Thue hon. gcnlaa, iu rM, MGsf'~Wxu Ws CC1 ces-e>'é-r iscs v"ltitt breski-ug . aviii et t W ilo0rep>'l t thé arlgliis'oép Vetu ste rutes cerfber1 le censtarutî>'iniaurupt- 1vu, igar abute anil 1 -Shaarîiaig 14am, (Jasper s- iuhn. atue, ktw vas nover yet en Ilati l tar nu&-aîr ftsien-s~~~ nJpehWzc syýhe chiairs-;as lua t MaI1r. a aGe jafvi 5uv-paes-tlpW stby, orgau oftte sauve ,auibs, doe 'du Dni' i& e represoiuptuqg*, itC'iuiiiduusing t1tw oeîme.Illn>"tcoidtit'4a<iBv' WlhV/4ii; Lt, )na ailtWnîhtjqrp thali the ha» gei le1nnTir ýn-rTom eb S9carce £ i .hne4Wssde4 mte" Aýgt Soi, Wm. Muiler, Jr.; Sud, Jus. 4v;poe'h"I obo i, ho.îi- clurson. -- rr~*uuêleofesv 'ai iooln rToa ib rndedwhýn tt. gentleman s-uses to nninaesan"t tiî pretons. c f defout. i. Wts.u; 3ral. Alei ýDits-sar., anti exps tign e, s*al pu r oft. -"sif-t ,Mg'ýr., Itesor, is mat a ncloakfor asvile Bs'e 81; .S ian u,-Js' lu n~r~ tbla t ra-disoead t 'mieecenti atuelt os Ma. Perrvy. r The S-tv-.qf JSU, Yreçerick ei Us-n; Snd, whiteo &d&eirlg thes Ilofflé ettqpended rr, Fusils, "tue y;lr; Sud, ii l (airer, natituat Wme 4b. 4tlli< >oman unucei ihIitv ha . e la 1 .neîds opek î4ip. Ti. fo. guuiuaa, htentered tise lisansd vit Iinuwe are ps-e. Tcrkrtt'a; Llvld tatbn8ws' 2i; Siil, ýJe,Um;t lit on Iltn...-y, in qpared o istus hit55 conuaucýitheWtb St -Gervill)te; Tid, nsen Sui, redcic tbe tMbt.orShtiklg hîs he ea v nuuha. Grend nDanil Thà rît, ar vi lb. eri- roa mttriyihor wtbat gloves. And Graia; 3rd. JpltuiýM B3el. falieo teit ; ut ô Co I O :ntb wen:te rar inthé tava laru ti adu.- ,ýDutekg, JOseph lBell ; 2sd, Ulriaka Young; tW tiLp&eý c I fmkn mttolth reIt ede. i bcinnglagag I ndfrdlrt;.41a' zli- out1t o t&,UOHe i.4iéu&tithiikthtIiL tii ' t1Ã"risétisbitut rcet ~ ~ . a;Sd be!a,,l u4 v %Ç.Wtaimpermit niin-for sisuperaiitort it can take ai'atid ii , d ît.~~sffa- ~~Iril 4esgoeea, tofit a~uîa vsbbMe b a a -%te osainuits ~2n& ;tt'eu.uic -8ril,i-Ar.-J. $i iltv -to .." upsç-r 1 r .- 10 ~lOls, Heney, %mu'.Bes.Dixeli- Bs, -Slpk fr m o~etreo-ing' g.-' saoi~~Mti uIi' t2lE isIa , Or;-"' aMs. S.*nna»t;n2a< Se- -- 'a 'ish aik wif a-St' iOmitln6 iobls-- ue tuter ~ î~have 4en rmqueesed îo-brina0rbatoM Johniti YtIaal.t rd Sllinuel W ~Sanervuie mes «.e 1-r- rdlt e t'h W 21)d G ê An o ame?4. tfnigtigprt he nts ce O (Urtoqiut > Burke. 'i - Pickering Fait ShoW> -The Falshow cf the Airietrlu de cey f the, ownsttp et Piciteriug vasuht'ld à t Bro-ugham on Iedueetiay, Qotober l4ît. The a4leldance nuantere s seétitred t tfd. sauti pesýaus undi as cemputedti eth ec largast wicthsbas yet takou place aI an>' Othue - Society!% Exhibitions, lu evory- 4jss heoeunieswene wvolfilleti, andtihtt dispia>' of lino stock vas arue etflita finesl tat coul ibe uitue8seti. The gs-ran a ouf very anperies- qualiîy. Thoe s-coc were,,abundant, suad Som@ excellent speci. mruetis'veewov 'witilute Dairy ps-adn- cca, and tiamcstic manufactures vindicrilet te ciaiu' oftte vealîty township cf Pick- ering la te fiplace lunltse classes aniengst te townuship Exhibitions oethtIe Provnce. Talion, al lu nAll, tbc Picker. hng Failishow of Ito presetut year Wis eau- tireiyaccassfuls- anti exiaitedtinluveny tieparimensutsilgrenier andsslfardier ancre- asinii progress. Ttc Officersa alte Sucie' ty-;one atdutisl-deserne cesey-- redtiufor- ttc paplMig nesuli vitici tas alîcteti thaiu e ffo r là , 'l lho fllowiug is tite iIST on PIuuZES: Dettught IIoî-se*. 2 ydî-ar oti Fiiby, Etimunti Anthony ,O.td5lî Via. tViiddll. t yern îltîCuit, Oin. Mîiler, Jr. ; 2nut, -Johnu Milles-. Sjri, ttglr', Drld titrugh ; Sud, Cliairleg Pilkey ; 1-d, Fidmunt saliny. tALUM16 oar Carritîge. 2 yarr cti 'illy, R. S. Wilsotî ; 2nd, Johln iettergili; Srti, Josepht Joies. 1 yc-ar olal Fiuiy, Josephi Je.; Sutîl, 0. Piley;lt, James 0 ci. 1 yeur tîlîl Colt, -Johan Wilsont ; 2s1ffl %. Ferrier; 3MU, Josephs Jouet. Spnin- Foal, Tiisnaslietzisti, Jr. ; Suit,' 'rhosurra <iouiiey ; i31d, O. %W. Mlieshov8. .Gencrrsl îrneu 'S ytir aid iullIy, Peton Niobet; 2nd, James L'uvsc.a Ard"Oecrge Sntri-lis, i yaar alti Ftiily. Etiitrts lAtlthy 2ud, John Pasmer, Surir. 1 year olti Colt. Peter Nhiîet. Sprhu it PaI. Jaln Olsualt; SurId, Petar Ttyttir'; 3rtt, JohnîtR..Jîu-. .Srutdîc Ionre, bra Browtu ; -2ti, C<ricas Ttaybr; 3rti. Dauîiel Docker.f Cois-giving millu. JoltniM. 1k-l ; Su-J, Wnt. Stiller; 3id, Juitilt tUiler. Girade Co-n, film. NfillrJr. ; Sîil, Win. Waddrstl; frd, Jas. %Wttitnun ; 4th, Jori tuile1r. 2 yean oi lilciter, Jtri MilleAs-tt, iV) YN iv.rti, Jr. ; mît, Wni. tulles 411h ' i. 111(j cirtlier,%V/rns.tMiller, .Jr. 21Wu ,Win. NVlkie; 3rd, ,John lilter;_-lii, J ii. Ileifcr Cati, Jophnu.1. hlk1; 2nd, Wii likîc , -rd. Tlues. C. Ilhibas-ti; 4tWa'Johr Miller-. Bull Jahtf John NM. BrI 1 2usd, J. Miller; -3rd), %au. Miller-; 40)i, (inonge Mitîtleturu. Fai cow or liees, Jas. tViitâon; 2tild, J-u ltuhlies-; 3sil, Win, Scout i, CasOpar Fa't Dx on Sdens-, Win, tiller, dr. 2 year <miii Steer, lYns. Nillr, Ir, ; Sud, Juls:, M. hell.; as-ii u. Scat 4ti, ca.- par- Wilson, 1 yetîr 'if1 Sierr, Johtntiler; Sot. W.- IVilk: ic;I-a, (0. fWilson; 4th, iru Scott Agti lUian, Wada Uriltoîs.; 21d, George Mîtdîîtut;litd..'%rhetE. Cooper. Sbcanb, fira anin tilitItarow m Sutt, t Fri[Ituon*; 3:Js- JohnliusMer. fi n F,îwei, J4jln Mtielr; SudWn Stiller; 3s-d, Vin. Cewie. 2Sl)arlutF ?tÃi' e«,Jh ifislr sud, J. W-Iiin"; BraI, týr5 .aWiu.- .-taituisjiab, Wep. [leitt;2sn,John Iit.I gereuli., tbarie>'0c cminoas Cent uit tinnt, cori ftcar seasou. bema. tut wvts iseclud-t milî beli titilecr nt yoa np -In. dairyj tIiMçtlejy statod bts thse buteuu QuI, isFertiée -,Sud, 4â.Je.lii Brir;.1 rd ' ?ro Bersj. ixon., maien Socks, Mlog lernier; Sud,' Mf5s, Ales'. Morgan, ieltet Socine, Mro. Aloi. tiargasi.- :,ul7Oeu Mta, IMrs. Alex. Mergan; 200, Mes. David Brcrlay. %VWctau Gloireu, %fo. Charles Drel!tt 2ud, Ms-s. D. Barciay. - - G0 nulesnW's, Stuirt, Muas Obire. .ýssIi 2nît, tira3. SiSu el soiuaetviiie. " lu yards fuctury-maîte Fullil cii,T.P White; Omnd Juhît tiaiylul. 3l Lorunes "a? fte.ud, Ms-uirà ,Jinn Sleigli': 2ud, Mrsu. Jas. Wixâon; a Ms . W. lauiervggôn, Samposa Weab ; Sud, itJiggy, $rtupo Vcbb; 2sud, Win- Cattur, Nn.Wiu et5 , Saisti usu ul ct4 J asosîr Wvix.,uis l teMlail; Jols. Wl k Cari, itisty liiitttig~ i .r:nele 2suIis. 4tli, tirsA. tJ'hanlaa tinusiri. 5-3uslroidenv, i!-s hu ler; aisi, !,fie-. Sauner ville; tird, Mss. 4Vnîausi 'dsnor; 4tlf, Ms-s. 1). l'imssy NtitiM -surtuaeribu; Sit, Niis-î 4t5u att~ s îîrruu dUc, M.ndsîi'-a RlhetI;iliasliii Wooi, lire. liVin.i. rsylun; ii Mlei.tnilS;r,,MNiîA EIietbets iiItng. laflrilenlir, Itool, nuise Jan 10,merciglit I ininiruitijtgll N-a u-ntrDrîailDck- an; Sud, gMis. liaien cirlînt r-l, Mies Elizu- IethlisJincîrs;4tli, Mies ;ri rsuJ. Restirs. tiiiilFlua-are, iMina Jitdy C Gon ild, i'aireil DrawiuF, ii, ism il.rsittli Baîrry. (.'tel-l tswitust, Iise Irvirsur'. Wnateie olur Paiuntintgar.ttg Ou .lrnî 'sitiitrrg, Itisuiril)ase; u, Fac tsk l '51 l-teSfi'eth liirry; iîî tIi'., ~ 3rd IilnN'r;t1.MiËs targsîs-t (Jnats I!,, is tarv le( hi hrnMat, 'Mes. 'Aie-. tiargian t20, aIMA. 1('it 1'r lr lir, M r. Jithi1Slii. : J -'Ç rl-t i.". iras-ira tûtssuSpeit:)61u f y t .lri ,;. P-te ur Nitieui. 'r rti ne.-IlLin l,'Itaars, 55-te Ilrlit i t-itirsI t Wrt-rcI -r l'aristitrti r.Il Mi ir t.' u ' ,'C lny ; 1lr' sy_ ut, TIt i- FunSlur -e(if Ille Wilitty atur ut ro tVhitbv rsUnin Ariculuurab Society', taok pîticcri t )utua-r:, ou Thursday, tdia1iJ)uit uit. Tht cttrtnutsrsc of peanus pneoont us-uenirit lure. Wiuh he la xcesîtia cf sitCjr ttri-en tf vtili hthora wern a .1, tGe fa finE ». p - ud T.:1 tuple ( of Ran 'il the f t, geai thea - v ix !pi=oailiPîy itt tac inlag epbo&eh t#, set il-ttOpepi Jr - i 1- - I r- iursa And RUamfli ÀÂriulmtnrgîi O the-foiloiug uketol OF'the late' A3rieuý. Agrlobtl 8 ocie'ty of Ibose tsbp tad for which -we were wiabie ta fsd arrivai. IV. aiso add a corrected ligt or raucoule and, incompcle. gara Oct. ijîli 1863, . Si: Thtesecond fair aml>how orfIb MaranuitRamaI3rach gricelÃnral Seel. 57 wus heldaune r notice li Cudahj's 1a Ntara on Thuday 11w lot of Octoer lut,.. the dal wau ail that'ýcoo1d ho uesired In ro rerence ta thee weather, andi nô. doubs con. tribated-to lte ejylrf tl numeaoîm exhibitors and Visitors- 03@eraiIed. There .;ra e'deuîalIy ý a' keon ompeeigà u aannst the exhibi tors, (whicis let 't la wijl praduce ils fi'it ýat sncceding îsi4 titIs was partcularly, observa~ble amougst thé gentler sox and it us Most tgeltîly li pojitely itîed that thes' snecessulicamp,. tiltirs autti!-showMot mnd their Ps ud Qif shey iutend la sustainti teiý'hadl W4~ t.,nnrs at.uext.- The ihorses shov.4 wére good- for these towusbip't ta prodace, oit May I sndd, t'r ,any township'in tise ýlountry for thir cns a., Mahonyimand.ilGetk. il)(,' saddle horses wére pretty -specinjept 0r die eqalini gnus, ,Johùtrsae .iplondid mare in tis clans, but oWiug te deicient training losihischiattcof prize Col t igot hY McPormotî's sou3er horse,, wau a fine one ; by the by Ibis horse has5 proved- hlmself a splendid itse,, Strathern showed a fille brood 'mare and foal buth Xelley's aud'Sinclairi -lesag wero good ini -4heir clu. 'As fer thse harnegs ehowu it wusth.' intention of lthe exhibitor ta show ii in lte waY of a joker but happened to ho thte onIy -ana- shows, 0'~ ""ne ec l)!m" eative pft us Di er io pposd tii item,, forta prin bth anis1. The society's De, vn' Btll had his admirers and W9. Verse, ho is a preîty- specimen cf the nonS' Devon itroed and was réeommended by, the judres, - eil MeDonald sitowedta good' grade bull and took tite second pizie, alitsougrh,, mnny were of 'opinion ibat' Arthur, cnlnsoo a better one, (1DcItà r. diff'er.) fin cowst, P. Murphy showed ný good- grâde cow, McUullea's more breeding- but old. The -oxeii which took theu firat 'prize sfme-Fertaiily net the, f.uvouriîes before ihebh6 io-cil McDonald siowed a'good îoam 4 Cudahy's o xen y mauy nbtpposed d-ethesLt lun4t»ownsbiip- were low ini SaAb théy ;have wôn!lheir prize- in mnuy lgigfieleit :ey bave receutly ba',sr through., McDoaad's heifor cal( vu .a &00 1 grade, alid .Kelly'& Mtersvor realiy (fine. 1 caunot say rnnlâr tiw siteep, Strathoru takes tdia id as5fre., oer but. shows rio îlhrotugli bredqV$m1lh aoesttroe.d.s an hiâ beel. lIn swing Ibert' wero ouly dire. aunres .î thtier. was any- deflie'ncy nither inuthe quantity oi- qual4y of the grenters' tao arn uehaà pnuicify of dsly But Mr. editor yen will hardly credit the irne roason, it vu forn, saidiwing fear i.tbiug olse. Tata ihýuiht- XJ'ck WJnuld'test 'ýhim, snd vice- vrenss. The 'same May te èah7 c0f I C wýea:, thore îaa nones alo'sutlgi townshnips ver: vint lu fine ssampies, l O'De nitel snd Edwsird Bell shawed geel sisusple of 'fail ',What sncht samples as w.ould convinco the ssost sceptiq- (if the» arc an f e n ra c t ad biit Hectos-L Pair James Si -IMaulI I51. Dam Edvam PIs Xtoyle 2p In. JamesNe TItre. Two_ - §beep- Osn alt; Par o Grain- O'Donnel Two bi Tvo b Twoai Hait bu wisippo,1 Dairy'1 lkenuy il Slratere, Cheas. Field 1 riatuSm! Turuip ip 4 a g.od u vion s, lîs.-dliîp! nmarinlutho vsîn -,ehiut'sue scely asn ancrage Une. TlIse fullwirig a liaiâtfte -ls bico ueutl, fer Lcootr) i .'t frey, bt; Suas ifnoit, Susi; Wn. 1MoirtI, liait Stlearlhng Ramn, (f.eice.i;tcs-in .Jefhrev, bei ; ,J.auncs Sturcy, !S il anul uni. la-t yprlinug Ram-RicuartiPowan,, lIst; WVr. f[brou, Sud, Bast Ran Lâinb, 1863-, (Loidee,)- IVu. Jctl'ray,lai t i ittbi.' ý- Beal Leicester Eenas, MM .:Ws.Jet-, trc., lrtasti2nti. te-st Slmeas-tllig vaso%,186..(Leiceser)- «bm. Jet %ey. lst; S. Beal. ant. - Ew ,r Bc, 186, (Llni.str-m cOs-. -I.10 3îtue Slipnil' 9ud.' Sheanlrirts- 'Rnm. flua woolcd-0. Spcn-. ter, h4nUha-îePagissu. 9lt- It; Chut-les P.a.toil 'Inn Agalest-sluse wooelW pcuar .ShMOring ltwere, Aiinawtld-IttSpen- usevic. ttislsta wopld-c. Spencer, Bs-st y5;trling tarse (%lt. (draufghl5t)- 'Ftos. (Jsty, li s tVua. Sett, 211d, - Hast.yerling mare Colti (dauogit)-I. Po4r iv,e 1à t; AW.i ,fléron, 2ncI.' Ileolyearling mColtsattlýà eacrfare- .rirs. -lceny ie lt ,Jms tfj BesL lu9rqq Colt,.Ã8sT.3, sidle or -arri- nIge-Wmt. Krm lai' Wm ' Atkimaun, anti. BestLtmara CebI, 1863,wide or cas-n-- etgeJaaasa,çuitb. st; Citas. Lynde1ýnd. oben, lst. , '- '--%t lrapght mare Colt -James Nesbltt Ist aInti ud. Beal Dus-bame BulCnbI f f1888-John- ,ihnoaan,,Is and 2f)(1. Best Dus-tam Calf er 1861-Jnn. Thomp- son. Jr.- -Beslr 2 ycav Dus-tam Hajifer. John 1. -l